Tester 110713

Page 1

Money Talks Page 3

Around Town This Weekend Page 7

Get to Know AIR 4.10 & 4.12 Page 8


NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, MARYLAND Celebrating 70 years of community partnership

November 7, 2013

ID card scans on horizon for commissaries

By Defense Commissary Agency Public Affairs

Commissaries will soon begin scanning customers’ Department of Defense ID cards at checkouts as the Defense Commissary Agency continues its pursuit to deliver a 21st-century benefit. The commissary at Fort Lee, Va., became the first store to scan ID cards, Oct. 22, as the first part of an agency-wide rollout to all stores that begins Nov. 10 and will be completed by mid-January. Naval Air Station Patuxent River shoppers can expect to see notices posted in the store one to two weeks prior to implementation here, according to DeCA officials. Shoppers are used to showing their ID cards to establish their eligibility to use the commissary. Scanning IDs at checkout, DeCA no longer needs to maintain any personal information on customers in its computer systems, such as the system used for customers who write checks. Scanning also helps to improve the commissary benefit for all patrons, according to Joseph Jeu, Defense Commissary Agency director and CEO. “In addition to verifying customers as authorized commissary patrons, we’ll gain information that will give us a better understanding of our patrons, allowing the agency to provide the commissary benefit more effectively and efficiently,” Jeu said. Cross-referenced with other DOD data, the scan data gives DeCA useful information about patron usage, by military service, along with customer demographics that does not identify specific personal data of an individual. This will eventually help the agency identify shopping needs and preferences — information that is essential in today’s retail business environment. It will also allow more accurate reporting to the military services on commissary usage. The demographic information DeCA will use is strictly limited to: card ID number, rank, military status, branch of service, age, household size and ZIP codes of residence and duty station. DeCA will not be using any personal information, such as names, addresses or phone numbers. “The methods, processes and information we’ll use will not compromise our customers’ privacy — they can be sure of that,” Jeu said. “We’re putting technology to work to better understand our customers and ensure the commissary benefit continues to remain relevant to them now and in the future.” For more information on ID card scanning, visit the commissary website at www.commissaries.com, click on Customer Service, DeCA FAQ’s and scroll to ID Card Scanning.

Courtesy photos/photo illustration by Connie Hempel

Surviving a different lifestyle, offering extraordinary support By Pamela Valliere Naval Air Station Patuxent River Work and Family Life Consultant November is the Month of the Military Family and it gives us the chance to celebrate the military families for all they do for our country. Regardless of which branch of service or the family’s dynamics, military families live a

lifestyle that is unique, challenging and full of opportunities. What makes up a military family? The obvious answer is a service member, spouse and children, but it’s far more than that. Military families are made up of male and female service members, married, traditional or same sex, and there are many single Sailors who have girlfriends and boyfriends, engaged couples, parents, grandparents and close friends as their support sys-

tem. Although these people may not be listed as a “dependent” in the service member’s record, they are instrumental to the well-being of the military member, they are family. What makes a military family tick? Pride of their service member and love of country come to mind, but a closer look reveals that a military family’s success is due to the way they cope with the challenges they face. They pick up and move to new places. They support each

other when their military spouse deploys and returns. At times military families find themselves dealing with their service member not being there for important events, having limited contact and making adjustments when they return; especially if they return with posttraumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. Couple these

See Family, Page 5

New coordinator takes helm at Pax Liberty Center By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer

U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

Michelle Maynard, the new Liberty coordinator at Naval Air Station Patuxent River.

The recent onset of a new fiscal year brings more hours to Naval Air Station Patuxent River’s Liberty Center. Now open seven days a week, the Liberty Center has added 15 hours to its hours of operation, giving E-1 to E-6 single and unaccompanied Sailors more recreation time at its facility where they have access to computers, big-screen TVs, fax service, pool tables, foosball tables, table tennis, video consoles and more, said Pax River’s new Liberty Coordinator, Michelle Maynard.

The Liberty Center, located in building 467 on Buse Road, is somewhat of a home away from home. “I consider it a ‘lounge,’” Maynard said. “It’s a place to gather and relax socially and it provides a means of inexpensive entertainment. There are TVs, video games, computers, Skype access; and we also hold weekly activities. Tuesday is Texas Hold ‘em night, Wednesday there are board games, and Thursday is a movie and munchies [night].” In addition to the usual events, Maynard is busy planning excursions to take Sailors off base and allow them to enjoy local area offerings as well as introduce them to

new leisure activities and skills. In the past, trips have included whitewater rafting, skiing and paintball. Since coming here Oct. 16, Maynard has hit the ground running. “I work closely with the [Information, Tickets and Tours] office as far as getting tickets for certain excursions like Busch Gardens,” she said. “Otherwise, I research different types of trips to figure out the costs, coordinate our departure and arrival, hire buses if necessary, etc.” Outings currently being planned include a jaunt to see

See Liberty, Page 14



Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sounding off

Area residents use base hotline to voice support, concerns By Elizabeth Jenny Atlantic Test Ranges Sustainability Office With airspace encompassing 12 counties between Virginia, Maryland and Delaware, Naval Air Station Patuxent River’s flight operations can be heard by a lot of neighbors. Since 1999, the Naval Air Systems Command Sustainability Office has been providing its neighbors an avenue to express their concerns and to request information with the noise disturbance hotline. “We are fortunate to be located in a community that is very supportive of most of our operations,” said Chris Jarboe, Sustainability Office team lead. “We don’t take that support for granted and do what we can to minimize the impacts our operations have on the community.” St. Mary’s County resident Nancy Virts called the hotline and said, “I love the sound of freedom,” after she read an article in the local newspaper, The Enterprise about noise complaints. “I want everyone at Pax River to know I appreciate the work being done on the naval air station and wanted to share a big thank you for keeping my wonderful country safe,” she said. Sandra Allaum, a resident of Virginia’s Northern Neck, recently called to say she and her family “love seeing the military aircraft flying over the area,” adding, “it’s like having our own private air show.”

Conversely, over the past few months, some residents living closest to the installation have called to express concerns after several weeks of Field Carrier Landing Practices (FCLPs) followed by runway closures for maintenance, both of which led to additional noise on and near the installation. While this noise can be frustrating for local residents, FCLPs are only conducted when necessary to meet Navy mission requirements, base officials said. Runway 6-24 — currently closed for isolated repairs — is due to reopen in December, which will bring return-to-normal flight patterns at Pax. “We make every effort to reduce our impact on the community, but noise is sometimes a necessary side effect of the test flying done at the NAS,” said Capt. Ben Shevchuk, NAS Pax River commanding officer. “I’m grateful for the community’s understanding and for the chance to work with a dedicated team who preserves our mission capabilities.” Operators at the naval air station take many precautions to remain sensitive to the surrounding community and work to minimize noise impacts. Noise awareness discussions are regular occurrences, and the Sustainability Office provides noise briefings to aircrews to raise awareness. The Sustainability Office also distributes advisories to local media and posts on NAS Pax website when scheduled operations may have a significant noise impact on the community.

Photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin

An F-35C Joint Strike Fighter test aircraft (CF-1) landing at Naval Air Station Patuxent River after flying faster than the speed of sound for the first time, reaching Mach 1.02 at 30,000 feet, March 2011. When a noise complaint is lodged, a concentrated effort is made to gather information, identify the source and respond to the original complainant. In 2012, NAS Pax River received 35 complaints, eight information requests and one positive call. Five years ago, NAS Pax re-

ceived more than twice as many complaints. Even with the recent spike in noise producing operations, noise abatement efforts appear to be having a positive impact within our neighboring communities. To reach the noise disturbance hotline, call 866-819-9028 or email paxnoise@navy.mil.


Thursday, November 7, 2013


Keeping your credit in check Commentary by Jim Walsh NAS Patuxent River Fleet and Family Support Center Counselor

Anyone who has had a financial conversation with me knows that having an accurate spending plan in place is the No. 1 goal. A question that follows closely is: have you looked at your credit report within the last year? One’s standard of living could cost more than the neighbor’s because of wrong information on his or her credit report.

Erroneous Credit Reports

Courtesy Graphic from the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute

From Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute November honors Native Americans and Alaska Natives during the annual National American Indian Heritage Month. In accordance with Public Law 101-343, National American Indian Heritage Month honors the many contributions and accomplishments

News Briefs

of American Indians and Alaska Natives. During November, we remember the legacy of the first Americans and celebrate their vibrant culture and heritage. Since the Revolutionary War, Native Americans and Alaska Natives have played a vital role in the U.S.’s freedom and security. They proudly serve in all departments of the United States government today.

On base:

Naval Inspector General Focus Groups

Nov. 12-26 A team from the Office of the Naval Inspector General is visiting Naval Air Station Patuxent River and part of their visit includes gaining more insight, from a personnel viewpoint, into the readiness and quality of life in Naval District Washington. This is done through focus group meetings and discussions with Sailors and Navy civilian employees. Each focus group is comprised of a cross-section of personnel consisting of 25 people in a specific military rank/rate or government civilian employee pay band in the Department of the Navy. Selection of participants is random and participants are notified of their selection by their chain of command. Personnel who feel they have a significant issue that warrants the attention of the Navy IG, but are not included in a focus group, should first attempt to resolve the issue using the chain of command. Typically, most matters can be resolved at the local level. However, personnel with specific issues they are unable to resolve through their chain or personnel who need help in determining the right avenue of redress, should visit the IG website at www.ig.navy.mil for information on the Four-Step Hotline Complaint process. If after reviewing the information on the IG website you believe the matter is appropriate for the IG, submit a complaint using the NAVIGHotlines@navy.mil email address or call toll free, 800-522-3451. An investigator will evaluate the complaint and acknowledge receipt to inform the employee if the matter warrants further investigation or falls outside Navy IG purview. If an investigation is initiated, the employee is informed whether or not the allegations were substantiated.

NMCI Unsolicited Telephone Calls

Navy NMCI users are receiving unsolicited telephone calls from agents reporting to be members of an HP/NMCI Windows 7 support team. The agents typically state that problems such as event viewer errors have been detected on the user’s NMCI workstation that will cause it to crash. The caller then directs the user to a website asking him or her to allow remote access to his or her computer in order to fix the problems. Us-

A 2012 Federal Trade Commission report found more than a quarter of participants in the study had at least one error on their credit reports, and 80 percent of consumers who filed disputes with the credit bureaus had some modification to their credit report. Some experienced a credit score change of more than 100 points after corrections — a big deal if you’re looking for a loan.

Credit History

The importance of credit history is not overrated. Your credit history record is a lot like a fingerprint. It’s unique to you, follows wherever you go, and if it’s damaged, the discomfort lingers for a long time. How one handles his or her debt is of interest to a lot of organizations. A bad credit history increases risk to the

lender which can increase monthly mortgage payments, drive up insurance premiums, and make it harder to obtain phone or even cable service. Credit history information always lags behind real-time credit decisions. However, bad credit decisions tend to yield negative effects faster, and those effects linger for years. A credit report check shows a record of not only payments being made on time and current balances, but bankruptcy, collection liens, missed payments, and other financial missteps. These could impact one’s ability to get an affordable mortgage, rent an apartment, or even get — or lose — a good job because of security clearance issues it may cause.

Security Clearance Impact

Most service members and government employees know that criminal conduct, foreign influence and preference can result in losing a security clearance, but what about credit card debt? Recent decisions by the Department of Defense’s Office of Hearings and Appeals reflect that excessive and delinquent indebtedness is overwhelmingly the No. 1 cause for denying or revoking a security clearance. Get a report from all three credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, at least once a year at www.annualcreditreport.com. This

ers who receive any unsolicited calls similar this should not go to the website or allow remote access to their NMCI seat. Users should hang up the phone and report the incident to his or her Information Assurance Manager.

Tester needs your input

The Tester is looking for your help for its Thanksgiving issue, Nov. 21. Do you have a special Thanksgiving tradition you’d like to share? Maybe you eat a special food, bake a special dessert, take an annual vacation, play games, snap a yearly family photo, write out holiday cards, decorate for Christmas, do charity work, etc. Let us know the tradition by emailing us no later than Nov. 12 at tester@dcmilitary.com. Don’t forget to include your name.

When Preparedness Meets Opportunity

Nov. 12, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. River’s Edge Conference Center in Patuxent River Join Naval Air Systems Command’s African-American Pipelines Advisory Team and Equal Employment Opportunity Office during their upcoming panel discussion, “When Preparedness Meets Opportunity: Will You Be Ready?” Designed to serve as an informational and motivational workshop, the panel discussion gives participants an opportunity to engage with leaders, leveraging the knowledge and experience they have attained along their career paths. Open to NAVAIR employees, civilians and military. See “Trailblazer ...” story on page 2.

Defend Life

Nov. 14, 12:10 p.m. Religious Education Center, building 401 Brown bag lunch and lecture on a contemporary application of the Good Samaritan Parable and the miracle of life, presented by Mark Harrington, founder of CreatedEqual.net. Contact Ashley Morgan at 904-412-9990.

Pax River Blood Drive

Nov. 20, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Moffett Building Atrium, building 2272

Jim Walsh helps to ensure errors are spotted and corrected that could otherwise handicap getting the best loan or that next job promotion.

Check the Facts

Individuals should also check their report before making a major purchase that would involve a loan, such as a house or a car, and certainly ahead of applying for a job so you have time to correct wrong information. Your credit report is the sole source of information for your credit score, a number that lenders sometimes use instead of, or in addition to, your credit report. See next month’s article on Credit Scores. Have a financial question? Submit financial questions to james.walsh1. ctr@navy.mil and include “Money Talk Question” in the subject line.

Schedule an appointment online at www.militaryblood. dod.mil or www.militarylifeforce.com. Walk-in donors are also welcome. All blood goes to military personnel.

Influenza vaccinations

Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River is offering the flu vaccine based on the following schedule: active duty from 8-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Preventive Medicine Department; all other eligible beneficiaries from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays in the Immunization Department. Call 301-342-4062.

Where’s Gnorman?

Somewhere in this issue we’ve hidden Gnorman the gnome. Anyone spotting Gnorman can either email tester@dcmilitary. com or phone 301-342-4163 now through 4:30 p.m. Friday. Be sure to include a brief description of where he’s located. All correct answers will be entered into a drawing and one name will be chosen to win a Center Stage Theater movie ticket. The same person cannot win more than once per month. Last week’s winner, Marcia Olson, found Gnorman on page 10, in the target shooting photo.

St. Nicholas Chapel Service Schedule Catholic Services

Mass: Sundays at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Weekdays at 11:35 a.m. Continuing Catholic Development (CCD): Sundays from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Protestant Services

Worship: Sundays at 11 a.m. Men’s Discipleship: Sunday, 6-7:30 p.m. at the Religious Programming Center Women’s Study: Tuesday, 6:30-8 p.m. and Thursday, 10-11:30 a.m. at the Religious Programming Center



Thursday, November 7, 2013

November-December The Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Holiday Weight Maintenance Program is an eight-week challenge for participants to lose or maintain body weight during those glutton-prone holidays. Participants are given information packets to get started. Preregistration required and can be done at the Fitness and Sports Office in Drill Hall. Weigh-ins are every Monday with the last on Jan. 6, 2014.

High School Swim Clinic

Scan to see more MWR events on Facebook. For all MWR news, visit www.cnic. navy.mil/Patuxent and click on the Fleet and Family Readiness tab.

Phone directory Drill Hall (recreation, fitness and sports) Energy Zone Liberty Information, Travel and Tours Office River’s Edge Catering and Conference Center

301-757-3943 301-995-3869 301-342-3565 301-342-3648 301-342-3656

Drill Hall

Nov. 11 and 13, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost per person: $20 The high school swim season is quickly approaching. MWR Aquatics is offering a week swim clinic at the Drill Hall Indoor Pool for students ages 13-18. This is a chance for swimmers to get in the pool with coaches on hand to offer advice on stroke technique and create workouts to get ready for winter competition.

Energy Zone Turkey Burn

Nov. 29, 11:30 a.m. Free class to help burn off that Thanksgiving Dinner.

River’s Edge

Holiday Weight Maintenance

Thanksgiving Dinner Prepared To Go

Register by Nov. 18

Orders can be placed until Nov. 21 by calling 301-342-

to enroll in the EFMP so the Navy can do its part in caring for EFM needs. Email James Lettner at james.lettner@navy.mil.

Financial Counseling Services

The Personal Financial Educator can help you and your family in managing your finances, resolving financial problems and to reach long-term goals, such as getting an education, buying a home and planning for retirement. With the help of the FFSC Financial Educator, you can take control of your finances. Make an appointment with a counselor by calling 301-342-5442.

See more FFSC classes on Facebook. For information on any class or program, call 301-342-4911.

Clinical Counseling Services

Clinical Counseling services can directly improve the quality of life of service members and their family by addressing the stressors facing today’s military: family hardships, marital conflicts, parent/child issues, money concerns, frequent moves, health and environmental factors, and many other difficulties. Make an appointment with a counselor by calling 301-342-4911 or 202-685-6019.

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

EFMP is a DOD program that addresses the special needs of military families. It’s important for Sailors with an exceptional family member, a family member with special needs such as a medical or educational disability, are encouraged


All classes are held at the Fleet and Family Support Center in building 2090 off Bundy Road unless otherwise noted. Classes are open to active duty, retired and reserve military. Reservations are necessary and can be made at FFSC or by calling 301-342-4911.

Playgroup at Glenn Forrest

Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. Moms, dads and caregivers are invited to bring their children for playtime at the Glenn Forrest Community Center.

Personal Communication

Nov. 12, 2-3:30 p.m. Learn the different communication styles and ways to develop more effective speaking and listening skills. Participants practice insightful, productive and rewarding ways to interact with others.

1-2-3-4 Parents

Nov. 12 and 19, 4-6 p.m. This program helps parents to meet the special challenges

3656. Orders are ready for pick-up Nov. 25-27. Payment is due at the time that the order is placed; no refunds. Heating instructions are included.


Liberty Thanksgiving Dinner

Register by Nov. 25 Nov. 28, 2 p.m. Register by calling or stopping by the Liberty Center.

Bald Eagle Pub

Wine Tasting Wednesdays Wednesdays, 4-6 p.m.

Information, Tickets and Travel Nutcracker Ballet at Huntingtown High School. Special Promo Code available. Presented by COSMIC Symphony with Vladimir Lande at music director, The Donetsk Ballet of Ukraine, Alexander Kerchentsev, president and executive producer, and Ballet Caliente, Sheryl-Marie Dunaway, the director. Bus trip to New York City, Nov. 3. Cost per person: $65, includes roundtrip bus transportation and snacks. MWR’s Annual New York City Shopping Trip, Dec. 7. Cost per person: $65. Great Wolf Lodge Adventure, Dec. 7. Cost is $220. Suite sleeps six and includes six passes to the water park along with $8 worth of arcade tokens. Register by Nov. 26. of parenting children ages 1-4 years. The program focuses on: developmental stages, disciplining strategies, encouragement skills, building self-esteem and bonding methods.

Ten Steps to a Federal Job

Nov. 13, 1-4 p.m. Learn how to navigate the federal job system. A 137-page training guide is provided.

Return and Reunion

Nov. 14, 1-4 p.m. Designed to facilitate a smooth transition for military personnel from the combat environment to family, community and workplace. Spouses are encouraged to attend.

Sponsor Training

Nov. 18, 9-10 a.m. For the active-duty service members who have been assigned to “sponsor” another active-duty service member scheduled to arrive at NAS Pax River. Registration required.

Stress Management

Nov. 19, 1-2:30 p.m. This class helps participants understand how beliefs and thought processes have an impact on dealing with stress. Participants walk away with specific actions to manage stress that they can incorporate into their life immediately.

Budgeting for Baby at Bldg. 401

Nov. 20, 10 a.m. to noon The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society illustrates the hidden costs associated with a growing family. All Navy and Marine Corps service members who attend receive a new layette worth more than $100.

Naval Air Station Patuxent River • tester@dcmilitary.com • www.facebook.com/NASPaxRiver The name Tester is a registered mark in the state of Maryland. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 948-1520, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with Naval District Washington. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the Tester are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorse-

Capt. Ben Shevchuk

Commanding Officer

Capt. Heidi Fleming Executive Officer

Cmd. Master Chief William Lloyd-Owen

Command Master Chief

ment by the Department of Defense or Southern Maryland Newspapers and Printing of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office. News copy should be submitted by Friday to be

Connie Hempel

Public Affairs Officer

Donna Cipolloni Staff Writer

Breton Helsel and Deirdre Parry

considered for the following week’s edition. All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and conformity to regulations. To inquire about news copy, call 301-342-4163 or fax the Tester at 301-8639296.

Commercial advertising may be placed with the publisher by calling 301-862-2111.

Frederick C. Fair Volunteer

Copy/layout editors Stay up to date with us on Facebook


Thursday, November 7, 2013


Continued from 1 with the everyday stress of raising a family and working. What is unique to military families? They have unique opportunities. Moving to different parts of the country and the around world opens up opportunities for family members to learn about different cultures. They don’t just visit, they actually live in these communities. Military families are able to meet and interact with different types of people and with the technology available to them, they are able to stay in touch with these friends once they move. With the challenges and opportunities military families face, they have resources available to assist them with their lives. Every branch has an organization dedicated to supporting military families. At Naval Air Station Patuxent River, the Fleet and Family Support Center stands by to assist families. FFSC is a one-stop shop for family assistance. Whether it’s help with finding employment, finding the best education for their children, classes on stress management, parenting or improving your finances, they can find it at FFSC.

When they leave the area, either to transition into the civilian sector or a new duty station, the FFSC can help make the transition smoother too. In addition, there is the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response and Domestic Violence Victim Advocate, along with counselors who are proficient with couples, individuals, adolescents and children. Another resource is the Command Ombudsman. An Ombudsman provides support and information to assist families with military life. Each command has its Ombudsman’s contact information. What is unique about the military and their families? Also unique is the support military families give each other. Whenever they meet another military family member, it doesn’t matter if they are Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force or Coast Guard. They have much in common. By banding together they are able to share experiences, resources and friendships that make surviving military life not only bearable but extraordinary. Take this month and stop to acknowledge the uniqueness of the military family and the extraordinary support they give.

Thursday, Nov. 7 6:30 p.m., Parkland Recounting the chaotic events that occurred in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, the film weaves together the perspectives of a handful of ordinary individuals suddenly thrust into extraordinary circumstances: the young doctors and nurses at Parkland Hospital; Dallas’ chief of the Secret Service; an unwitting cameraman who captured what became the most watched and examined film in history; the FBI agents who nearly had the gunman within their grasp; the brother of Lee Harvey Oswald, left to deal with his shattered family; and JFK’s security team, witnesses to both the president’s death and Vice President Lyndon Johnson’s rise to power. Rated: PG-13 (1 hr, 32 min). Friday, Nov. 8 6:30 p.m., Gravity (3D) Dr. Ryan Stone is a brilliant medical engineer on

her first shuttle mission with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky. While they’re on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone, tethered to nothing but each other and spiraling out into the blackness. The deafening silence tells them they have lost any link to Earth, and any chance for rescue. As fear turns to panic, every gulp of air eats away at what little oxygen is left. Rated: PG-13 (1 hr, 31 min). 9 p.m., Baggage Claim Determined to get engaged before her youngest sister’s wedding, flight attendant Montana Moore finds herself with only 30 days to find “Mr. Right.” Using her airline connections to “accidentally” meet up with eligible ex-boyfriends and scour for potential


candidates, she racks up more than 30,000 miles and countless comedic encounters, all the while searching for the perfect guy. Rated: PG-13 (1 hr, 36 min).

diles, shrimpanzees, hippotatomuses, cheespiders and other food creatures to save the world — again. Rated: PG (1 hr, 35 min).

Saturday, Nov. 9 4 p.m., Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (not in 3D) Inventor Flint Lockwood’s genius is finally being recognized as he’s invited to join The Live Corp Company where the best and brightest inventors in the world create technologies for the betterment of mankind. It’s always been Flints’ dream to be recognized as a great inventor, but everything changes when he discovers that his most infamous machine, which turns water into food, is still operating and is now creating food-animal hybrids foodimals. Flint and his friends are soon sent on a dangerously delicious mission to battle hungry taco-

6:30 p.m., Baggage Claim 9 p.m., Gravity (3D) Free Showing: Sunday, Nov. 10 2 p.m., Planes (not in 3D) Monday and Tuesday No Movies Wednesday, Nov. 13 6:30 p.m., Gravity (not in 3D) Coming Soon: Captain Phillips, Machete Kills, Escape Plan, Carrie Free Sneak Preview: Nov. 17, 2 p.m., Homefront







Thursday, November 7, 2013


Thursday, November 7, 2013


Around Town St. Mary’s County:

Southern Maryland JobSource Mobile Career Center

Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Charlotte Hall library Stop by for job counseling and résumé help, search for jobs and get connected with Southern Maryland JobSource. The coordinator also helps job seekers with registration in the Maryland Workforce Exchange.

Try Before You Buy: eReaders and Tablets

Friday, 2-4 p.m. Charlotte Hall library Adults explore various e-Readers and tablets by comparing and contrasting different models and features. Devices available to try. Free, but registration is required and can be made by calling 301-884-2211 or online at www.stmalib.org.

Parade begins at St. Mary’s Ryken High, proceeds through the Leonardtown Town Square and is immediately followed by a memorial ceremony. Spectators are encouraged to park at the St. Mary’s County Fairgrounds and the Governmental Center. The College of Southern Maryland Leonardtown Campus is open for classes on Veterans Day and its parking lot must remain available to students. A complimentary, round-trip, handicap-accessible shuttle into town can be boarded at the shuttle stop near the flagpoles between the Carter Building and the Potomac Building. Call 301-4759791 or visit www.leonardtown.somd.com.

Calvert County: First Friday Tours

Friday, 1 p.m. Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, St. Leonard Enjoy a free behind-the-scenes tour of the Maryland

Legends and Lore Tour at Sotterley

Friday, 6-8 p.m. Sotterley Plantation, Hollywood Storytelling at its finest. With three centuries of people living on site, many exciting and entertaining stories have been passed on throughout the years. Ghosts and spirits? Well of course! Cost per person: $15; tours limited to 20 people. Advanced reservations required. Visit www. sotterley.org.

Veterans Day Parade in Leonardtown Monday, 10 a.m.

Fair Winds and Following Seas

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Pharaoh McMillian

Diets retires after 21 years

From left, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Brian Buckalew presents Senior Chief Petty Officer Diets, an aviation electronics technician with Naval Air Systems Command’s Unmanned Combat Air Systems program office (PMA-268), with a piece of memorabilia representing the U.S. Navy’s unmanned carrier air system program. Diets retired from the Navy after 21 years of service, the last of which were at PMA-268, during a ceremony at the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum, Oct. 11. Buckalew is with Naval Air Systems Command Logistics Management Integration Department (AIR 6.6).


Archaeological Conservation Laboratory, a state-of-the-art facility that houses more than 8 million artifacts, including collections from every county in Maryland. Visitors can get up close and personal with conservators and collections. Group tours are offered year round for a small fee. Email jppm@mdp.state.md.us. Reservations are not required.

Charles County: Free Rabies Clinic

Sunday, 1-3 p.m. Ironsides Volunteer Rescue Squad, Ironsides Maryland law requires all dogs, cats and ferrets receive rabies vaccination. Dog and cat licenses also available for purchase. The fee for a pet license is $5 if animal is altered; $25 if animal is not altered. All dogs must be leashed; all cats and ferrets must be contained in a carrier. Call the Charles County Department of Emergency Services at 301-609-3425 or email Debbie Yost at YostD@CharlesCounty.org.



Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013





Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pax Pros of the Week

Courtesy photos

Petty Officer 3rd Class Jarred Deusa, right, an aviation boatswain’s mate (handling) with the NAS aircraft facilities division; presented Oct. 29 by NAS Command Master Chief William Lloyd Owen.

Sheila Tucker, a Navy Exchange employee; presented Oct. 29 by NAS Command Master Chief William Lloyd Owen.

Celebrating service, continued commitment

U.S. Navy photo by Gary Younger

From left, Matt Ichniowski receives a 10-year certificate from Todd Balazs, the deputy assistant commander for NAVAIR’s Logistics and Industrial Operations (AIR 6.0), Oct. 30. Ichniowski is an environmental logistician with AIR



U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni

From left, Petty Officer 1st Class (AW/ SW) Joshua Thorn, receives his honorable discharge certificate from Lt. Earl Drey, the Naval Air Station Patuxent River Air Traffic Control facility officer, prior to his reenlistment Nov. 1. Thorn, an air traffic controller for the NAS assigned to air operations, committed six more years to the Navy.

Thursday, November 7, 2013







Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013






Thursday, November 7, 2013


Energy tip:

As of Nov. 1 Fall Volleyball League

Final Standings Brew Crew Grateful Digs Servin’ It Up STK SRR Need for Speed Great Balls of Fire Warlocks Notorious D.I.G.

You have the power to turn off the power You can make a difference. Turn off your lights Turn off your computer & monitor Turn off common area lights and equipment

19-5 19-5 19-5 17-7 11-13 12-12 5-19 4-20 3-21

Flag Football League

Monday/Wednesday Division All Stars 10-2

Grenades Tigers Twerk Team FRC (withdrawn)

Tuesday/Thursday Division A/O 12-0 VX-1 7-4 Lost Puppies 6-6 Shaun’s Dynasty 5-6 Aviators 4-8 Furloughed Plays 1-11

Bowling League

Big 10 Hang ‘em High WSI Gutter Trash


Continued from 1

9-3 7-5 4-8 0-12

16-12 15-13 13-15 13-15 13-15 10-18 10-18

Fall Softball League Dirty Dogs Sons of Pitches Boozin’ Ballers Softballs of Steel NASFD Chiefs Booze on First Your Mom

11-1 9-3 8-4 7-5 7-5 4-8 3-9 0-12

tor is well versed in the area of recreation and has that can-do spirit of ‘let’s have fun!’” Maynard encourages participation. “The Liberty Center is a social environment and we want people to be involved,” she said. “Especially our new arrivals; we want them to meet new friends and not be sitting in a room by themselves.” All Liberty Center facilities and events are alcohol and tobacco free. For Liberty Center hours and to learn more about upcoming activities, events and excursions, Sailors can check out the weekly MWR inputs in the Tester or visit the Liberty page online at www.cnic.navy.mil/Patuxent, click on the Fleet and Family Readiness tab, Things to Do and then Liberty Programs. Sailors can also register for the weekly eNews from Fleet and Family Readiness by emailing Connie Howard at connie.howard@navy.mil. Also, be sure to “Like” the NAS Pax River Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NASPaxRiver.


the Washington Capitals play hockey and a few visits to the outlet malls as the holidays approach. Maynard is no stranger to the demands of the position, having majored in recreation in college. She has also worked in the Liberty area at both Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Fla., and U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. Outdoor Recreation Director Frank Pace, who supervises the Liberty position, is proud of the Pax River facility and believes Maynard is the right person to care for it. “Our center is one of the finest in the Navy,” he said. “The state-of-the-art equipment is second to none, and our Sailors and Marines have all the electronic media and technology available. Our Liberty coordina-

24-4 18-10 17-11 17-11

Gutter Clutter Goat Locker Warlocks Rollin’ Thunder Ten Pin Mafia High-n-Low Spare Time


Expires 11/14/13.

Thursday, November 7, 2013





Thursday, November 7, 2013


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