The Waterline
June 20, 2013
Vol. XXX No.24
Water Safety Keeps Fun Afloat for All By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer Fun in the sun usually means cooling down by the water. Whether visiting the ocean, a lake, or even a pool, knowing the ins and outs of water safety can mean the difference between a refreshing swim and potential danger. “The time period between Memorial Day and Labor Day has long been called ‘The Critical Days of Summer’ by the Navy and Marine Corps because during that time period we see a sharp increase in the number of off duty deaths and injuries,” said Barbara VanDenBerg, regional safety program director. “Sailors and Marines take vacations and engage in more high risk recreational activities than during other periods during the year. Water safety is particularly important - last year half of the non-motor vehicle offduty fatalities were in the water.” Common sense precautions can often prevent hazards while near the water. George Revoir Jr., Naval Support Activity Washington (NSAW) safety installation pro-
gram director, explained that one of the basics of water safety is swimming. Knowing not only how to swim, but you’re physical limits and the conditions of the water you’re swimming in can prevent injury or death. “Never swim alone - especially if you’re not familiar with the swimming location,” said Revoir. “This means water depth, type of currents involved, possibly of submerged water hazards, and rip tides. Regarding fresh water swimming locations, personnel are wise to question the water quality before, and make positive it is safe for swimming. Furthermore, unless you’re a fully competent ‘open water’ swimmer you should not swim anywhere where life guards are not posted to help you if you go into distress.” Revoir added that anyone not sure of their swimming abilities should utilize Coast Guard-approved life jackets, regardless of age and especially when boating. According to the U.S. Coast Guard’s “2012 Recreational Boating Statistics,” in 459 in-
See Safety, Page 9
U.S. Navy file photo
Familes on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) enjoy the base pool located by the Bolling Club. Common sense precautions can often prevent hazards while near the water. When swimming, always swim with a buddy and know the conditions of the water you’re swimming in.
SHARE Program Brings Volunteering Full Circle By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer
Photo courtesy of Erik Salmi
Volunteers at the Self Help and Resource Exchange (SHARE) program sort through boxes of groceries to make food boxes at a collection site in Washington, D.C. SHARE DC is a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to moving healthy groceries at roughly a 50 percent discount into all homes in the Washington, D.C. area.
Around the Yard page 2 Link directly to www.dcmilitary. com /waterline on your Smart phone
Volunteerism is alive and well in Naval District Washington (NDW). Many service members and personnel offer their time and energy to friends, family and the community as a whole during their off hours, whether they realize it or not. But what many don’t realize is that by giving time, they can also help their budget, too. This is accomplished through the Self Help and Resource Exchange (SHARE) program. SHARE DC is a non-profit, communitybased organization dedicated to moving healthy groceries at roughly a 50 percent discount into all homes in the Washington, D.C. area. SHARE operates a unique, but simple model. Anyone can order monthly food package - containing meats, vegetables, staples and even some desserts. Monthly food packages cost $20, but typically offer nearly double that value in food, and customers may order as many packages as they like. “We work across the region with many families and individuals,” said Erik Salmi, director of communications for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washing-
ton. “For low-income families, we see a lot of people facing eviction or overdue utility bills or serious debt from health bills. The very first thing we can always do is connect that family with SHARE. It saves them money, but also provides the dignity of providing for yourself or your family. That goes a long way to helping a person find the hope that they can overcome a tough situation, as well as meeting the immediate need of putting food on the table.” SHARE accomplishes its level of customer savings through high-volume purchasing and thousands of volunteer hours. The program moves more than two million pounds of food each year into kitchens, often replacing inexpensive and unhealthy choices. Each month, once the food is delivered from the same wholesale providers who sell to major grocery stores, thousands of volunteers help assemble each package and then deliver them into the community at a “host site.” “SHARE works because of economy of scale - the more food we can order in bulk each month, the cheaper it is,” said Salmi. “The end result is monthly food packages of meats, fresh and frozen veggies, staples like
Program Analyst Receives Navy Civilian Award page 7
See Volunteer, Page 10
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Understanding Reenlistment Opportunity in Career Navigator From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs
their year group. A Sailor’s year group is based in the fiscal year they attend Recruit Training (i.e., entered boot camp December 2009 makes them YG 2010). Command approved Sailors in undermanned year groups will receive approval on their first application. - Sailors E-5 and below in skill sets that are competitive or overmanned year groups in the balanced category will be compared to their peers and any special reenlistment requirements when they apply in Career Navigator and the available in-rate re-enlistment quotas will be awarded to the top performers. Sailors can only request an in-rate quota four times, 13 to 10 months prior to the end of their contracts. That way, all Sailors will know at least 10 months out from the end of their contracts if they will be able to reenlist in their current rating. Even though there are fewer times a Sailor can request an in-rate quota, the number of quotas hasn’t been reduced. Instead, more quotas will be granted each month so Sailors don’t have to wait as long for a result. Non-nuclear Sailors who are not approved to reenlist in rate may apply for rating conversion or apply for transition to the Selected Reserve in Career Navigator. These Sailors will have up to four more looks for conversion nine to six months from their end of service. Command approval to reenlist is a major part of the new process; your chain of command will have a big say in
With the introduction of Career Navigator, Sailors have improved opportunities to stay Navy, officials said June 13. “This new program is a change to how we do business for enlisted Sailors,” said Navy Personnel Command Force Master Chief (SW/AW/EXW) Leland E. Moore. “We dismantled PTS and created a reenlistment process more advantageous for Sailors.” Under Career Navigator, Sailors who desire to reenlist can now request approval 13 months prior to the end of their enlistment, or operative extension if they extended service. Knowing Sailors’ desires to reenlist or separate is critical to accurately predict the number of Sailors the Navy will have in each skill set, rate and pay grade in order to manage manning needs of the Fleet. In return, most Sailors will receive a reenlistment quota on the first look. The new policy is as follows: - All non-nuclear E-6 Sailors with command approval will receive reenlistment approval on their first application. - Sailors E-5 and below who desire to reenlist and have command approval and are in the open category for reenlistment will receive a reenlistment approval on their first application. - Reenlistment for Sailors E-5 and below in skill sets included the balanced category will be based on manning in
U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Raul Moreno Jr.
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert reenlists 31 Sailors during an allhands call at Naval Air Station North Island’s Lowry Movie Theater. The ceremony and allhands call was broadcasted live for audiences worldwide to see online. whether or not you are approved to reenlist. Sailors may improve their conversion opportunity by taking the Armed Forces Classification Test to improve their initial ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) score. This may expand the number of ratings they qualify for.
See Reenlistment, Page 5
Around the Yard What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “water safety?”
Wearing a kapok life jacket. Timothy Stoessel NDW Training and Readiness Washington Navy Yard
The Waterline
Commandant, Naval District Washington Rear Adm. Patrick J. Lorge NDW Public Affairs Officer Edward Zeigler Waterline Staff Photojournalist MC2 Kiona Miller Writer Pat Gordon Copy Editor/Page Designer The Gazette/Comprint Military Publications Lorraine Walker All stories must be submitted by 4 p.m. the Thursday prior to publication. E-mail stories to: or bring/mail to: The
The Coast Guard patrol that runs along the Potomac around Bolling. Aviation Support Equipment Technician Clancy Slichter U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard Washington, D.C.
Waterline, 1411 Parsons Ave. SE, Suite 205, Washington Navy Yard, 20374. Submissions should be free of military times and should contain the first and last names with ranks/rates, warfare qualifications, job titles and duty station/command of all persons quoted or referred to. All submissions must also include the author’s name and office or telephone number where they can be reached. If you have further questions, call or contact the editor at (202) 433-9714, fax (202) 433-2158. This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DOD civilians and their family members. Contents of The Waterline do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute
We have the display ship here on base that kids visit, so I guess keeping kids safe when they’re touring the Display Ship Barry. Bob Diehl PMS 501 Washington Navy Yrad
endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Naval District Washington or Comprint, Inc., of the products or services advertised. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 9481520, a private firm in no way connected with DOD or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. To place display advertising, please call (240) 4737538. To place classified advertising, call (301) 6702505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The editorial content of The Waterline is edited and approved by the public affairs office of Naval District Washington.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
This Week in Navy History June 20
at Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston, Mass., for overhaul. The ship was saved from scrapping after public support rallied to save the ship following publication of Oliver Wendell Holmes’ poem, “Old Ironsides.” 1926 - Office of Assistant Secretary of the Navy set up to foster naval aeronautics; aircraft building increased. 1948 - Berlin airlift initiated to offset the Soviet Union’s blockade access of U.S., France, and Great Britain to their sectors of Berlin.
1813 - Fifteen U.S. Gunboats engage three British ships in Hampton Roads, Va. 1815 - Trials of Fulton I, built by Robert Fulton, are completed in New York. This ship would become the Navy’s first steamdriven warship. 1898 - U.S. forces occupy Guam, which became first U.S. colony in the Pacific. 1913 - First fatal accident in Naval Aviation. Ensign W. D. Billingsley is killed at Annapolis, Md. 1934 - Commander in Chief, Asiatic Fleet Adm. Frank Upham reports to CNO that based on analyses of Japanese radio traffic, “any attack by [Japan] would be made without previous declaration of war or intentional warning.” 1944 - Battle of Philippine Sea ends with Japanese losing two aircraft carriers and hundreds of aircraft.
June 21
1898 - USS Charleston captures island of Guam from Spain. 1945 - Okinawa declared secure after most costly naval campaign in history. U.S. had 30 ships sunk and 223 damaged, mostly from kamikaze attacks, with 5000 dead and 5000 wounded, while the Japanese lost 100,000 dead.
June 22
1807-HMSLeopardattacksUSSChesapeake. 1865 - Confederate raider Shenandoah fires last shot of Civil War in Bering Strait. 1884 - Navy relief expedition under Cmdr. Winfield S. Schley rescues Army Lt.
June 25 1917 - Navy convoy of troopships carrying American Expeditionary Forces arrives in France. 1950 - North Korea invades South Korea beginning Korean Conflict. U.S. Air Force photo
Navy and Air Force flight crews were briefed together for missions in RheinMain Air Base, Germany, during the Berlin airlift. The Berlin airlift was initiated June 24, 1948, to offset the Soviet Union’s blockade access of U.S., France, and Great Britain to their sectors of Berlin. The U.S. Navy provided two squadrons, VR-6 and VR-8, from stations in the Pacific to augment the U.S. Air Force efforts in the airlift. A.W. Greely and six others from Ellesmere Island, where they were marooned for three years on the Arctic island. 1898 - Adm. William Sampson begins amphibious landing near Santiago, Cuba.
1961 - Navy’s first major low frequency radio station commissioned at Cutler, Maine. 1972 - Navy helicopter squadron aids flood-stricken residents in Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, and Pittstown area of Pennsylvania.
1933 - Commissioning of USS Macon, Navy’s last dirigible.
June 24
June 23
1833 - USS Constitution enters drydock
June 26 1884 - Congress authorizes commissioning of Naval Academy graduates as ensigns. 1918 - Marine brigade captures Belleau Wood in France. 1959 - Twenty-eight naval vessels sail from the Atlantic to the Great Lakes, marking the formal opening of Saint Lawrence Seaway to seagoing ships. 1962 - NAVFAC Cape Hatteras makes first Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) detection of a Soviet diesel submarine. 1973 - Navy Task Force 78 completes minesweeping of North Vietnamese ports.
Navy Secretary Describes Progress Hard Work Pays Off for Uniformed College Grads at NSAB in Combating Sexual Assaults By Jeremy K. Johnson NSAB Public Affairs staff writer
Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus is not concerned about sexual assault in the service. He’s angry. The Navy has been taking steps for years to combat the scourge of sexual assault in the ranks, Mabus told the Defense Writers Group here this morning, and has two cultural barriers to break down. The first culture that has to change is the “one that says this is OK, or that it is not really serious,” he said. “The other is the mindset of a victim who says, ‘I’m not going to report this, because nothing will happen. I won’t be taken seriously, it won’t be investigated, and it will hurt my career.’” The Navy is aiming resources at where it has a problem, the secretary said. The Air Force has had a problem of sexual assault at basic training, he noted, and the Navy has had a problem at its follow-on schools. “We’ve have put a lot of attention at our ‘A’ schools,” he said. As the service finds programs that work, Mabus said, officials export them to other commands. The “A” school initiatives started at Great Lakes, Ill., and have moved on to Navy schools in San Diego and Pensacola, Fla. The Navy has been aggressive, the service’s top civilian official said. “We’re sending shore patrols out -- the first time in a long time we’ve done that,” he added. “We’re stressing bystander intervention.” The service also is continuing efforts to cut alcohol abuse, because a large number of sexual assaults have had an alcohol component, the secretary said.
U.S. Navy photo
Another area of focus zeroes in on what happens if an incident happens. “Is it reported? How quickly and how well do we respond?” Mabus said. “Is the command climate right for people to report?” Tied to this is victim assistance, he added. How local officials help the victims in these cases is important to him, Mabus said. Finally, investigation and prosecution is important to the Navy. Mabus has authorized more money to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service for more investigators and more resources. “It was taking up to 180 days to investigate an incident,” he said. “Initially, we think we can get this down to 80 days.” The Navy also is spending more to train its lawyers in these cases, the secretary said. Measuring what works and what doesn’t also is part of this effort, Mabus said. “Can we figure out what the best practices are?” he asked. “We’re beginning to make some headway there.” Mabus said he thinks taking away a com-
See Assault, Page 8
Thirteen military and civilian students were awarded bachelor degrees at a ceremony held Friday in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center’s (WRNMMC) Memorial Auditorium. The graduates, most of whom work at WRNMMC, all received Bachelor of Science degrees from Southern Illinois University. According to Cindy LeFebvre, the 12 students who walked across the stage to receive a degree in health care management truly have something to be proud of. To graduate, they had to sacrifice a large amount of personal time. “The program requires the students to attend classes every other weekend, Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.,” she explained. Armed Forces Blood Bank Center lab technician Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Joelle Meyindjou is an active duty Sailor and one of those students. She’s married with two children, one of whom is autistic. “It was difficult. It was a lot of juggling my time,” she said, “but my husband and mother were also there to help.” LeFebvre said the course takes up to two years to complete and involves intense coursework that has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. “That accreditation is important,” said LeFebvre, “because it affects the programs students will apply for next, including commissioning programs.” The program is a hybrid program, meaning students of the health care management program attend classes in person and online. Despite the dedication it requires, Meyindjou says it was worth it and that, “If
Photo by Jeremy K. Johnson
Southern Illinois University (SIU) Professor Dr. Beth Freeburg (left) confers a medal signifying “Cum Laude” graduate status upon Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Joelle Meyindjou. Thirteen SIU graduates including active duty and veteran military personnel received bachelor of science degrees at a ceremony held Friday in Memorial Auditorium at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. I can do this with all the challenges I had, anybody can. It’s just the commitment that needs to be there.” As the graduates sat in the audience waiting for their scrolls, several speakers voiced their support and congratulations. Naval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB) Commanding Officer Fritz Kass encouraged the group to dream big. “Today’s goal has been met,” he observed, “but it’s one more piece of the puzzle to help you all meet your dreams.
See Grads, Page 8
Thursday, June 20, 2013
NSA Washington-JBAB Fleet Family and Fun Centralized Scheduling Military and Family Support Center (MFSC) located on Joint Base Anacostia Bolling introduces a comprehensive centralized scheduling service for your individual appointment needs. One call to our screeners gets you an appointment for pre-separation briefs, employment services, clinical counseling, personal financial management, relocation, deployment and a host of other programs and services. MFSC is here to support you and stands ready to assist with every career and life change. Contact our Centralized Scheduling Center for individual, marriage and family counseling, individual resume assistance, financial counseling, relocation assistance or deployment/reintegration support. Please call 202-685-6019 to schedule an appointment.
CAREER SUPPORT AND RETENTION The Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP) Offers an array of services and benefits to transitioning service members, including computers setup for individuals to go online to different job banks, college and scholarship resources and career assessment tools. Resume Writing Workshops are offered which includes Federal Resume Writing Interview Skills, information on veterans’ benefits and a professional resource library; Two TAP Seminars and one Executive TAP Seminar - five-day programs - are offered monthly sponsored by the departments of Labor and Veteran Affairs, and include information that will benefit the transitioning military member.
Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Offers seven basic services, which include job search strategies, job readiness, resource information, job referral service, individual counseling assistance, career planning and links to education and volunteer opportunities.
Improve your speaking skills with Helmsmen Toastmasters Join us Thursdays, 7:30-8:45 a.m., at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center. Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. For more info, contact Carl Sabath at carl.sabath@osd. mil, 703-695-2804, or Elizabeth Femrite at, 571256-8674. Remember, great Helmsmen say, “Yes!” To learn more about Helmsmen Toastmasters, visit
Pre-Separation Briefings Service members preparing to transition from military to civilian life are required by law to attend a pre-separation counseling briefing. The pre-separation brief is designed to make transitioning military members aware of all the services and benefits available to them and their family members under Transition GPS. These briefings will provide the information necessary to make more informed decisions. For your convenience the pre-separation counseling briefing is available through one-on-one appointments at Military and Family Support Center and can be made through Centralized Scheduling at 202-685-6019.
DEPLOYMENT READINESS/ FAMILY SERVICES Personal Financial Management (PFM) Program offers individual and family financial counseling, financial classes, and is responsible for the Command Financial specialist training in the Region (NDW).
Life Skills Education Provides presentations to help commands meet requirements, as well as enhance operational and personal readiness including parenting skills training, couples communication, anger and stress management, conflict resolution, Child Abuse Awareness, Spouse Abuse Awareness and suicide prevention. Trainings can be customized to fit needs of the command.
New Parent Support Program (NPS) Assists new parents in coping with the demands of parenting and military life through parenting education and training and home visits to new parents prior to delivery and after delivery; information and referral for military and community resources; child development screenings and monitoring. All active duty members and their families who are pregnant and or have children in the home from infancy to three years old are eligible for these home visitation services.
Deployment/mobilization/readiness Assisting Sailors and family members prepare for deployment, manage separations and reunite and reintegrate with families and community through services including the Family Accountability and Assessment System, Individual augmentee (IA) Indoc Course and Deployed Family Fun Days.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Provides assistance to service members with special needs children and family members with medical needs including resource referral to medical, counseling and educational services, support groups and
FFR/MWR Phone numbers Fitness Centers Washington Navy Yard, bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2282/2829
Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) Ticket Office, WNY Bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2484 Travel Office, WNY Bldg. 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 685-8299
Food & Beverage Catering & Conference Center, WNY Bldg. 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3041/4312 Mordecai Booth’s Public House, WNY Bldg. 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 678-0514
Military and Family Support Center MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-6151 MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-0450
Other Important Numbers FFR Administrative Office, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3659 FFRP Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-4052 MWR Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-4662 MWR Marketing Department, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-5912 Regional Child Placement Office, JBAB Bldg. 414. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3055 Family Housing Office, JBAB Bldg. 414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-0346 Liberty Program/Center, JBAB Bldg. 72. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 685-1802 Outdoor Recreation/Equipment Rental, JBAB, Bldg. 928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-9136 Navy Gateway Inns & Suites, JBAB, Bldg. 602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 404-7050
care providers. Assists in finding duty stations where needs are met. Mandatory enrollment per OPNAVINST 1754.2D.
MFSC HAPPENINGS Dads Basic Training - Dads and Moms Partners in Parenting
June 27 | 3 to 5 p.m. | JBAB, Bldg. 72 - Military & Family Support Center For dads and moms with children age 0 to 1 year. All ranks and branches are welcome! Using a combination of group discussion and a dads breakout group and a moms breakout group, we will explore the joy and wonderment as well as the trials of parenthood. The dads breakout group is led by a dad and will include the topics of soothing a crying infant, infant care, preparing for a baby and what to do now that they are here, and how to enjoy being an active Dad as well as open group discussion. The moms group will include the topics of breast and formula feeding, preparing for your baby and what to do now that they are here, safe sleep, and maternal instincts as well as open group discussion. Learn about the first few months of your baby’s life and how positive parenting is important for infant growth and development. Prepare your home and relationship for the changes that are needed when a baby arrives so that you can enjoy being a parent and experience the fulfillment of being partners in parenting. To register please call 202-433-6151or 202-767-0450.
Fitness Center Renovations - Phase 2 will begin June 10 The first floor locker rooms will be closed during this phase of the renovation project. The fitness equipment on the first floor, the second floor locker rooms, and third floor group exercise area will be available for use. All group exercise classes will resume in the 3rd floor group exercise area at the beginning of Phase 2. The front desk and first floor laundry area will also be closed during this phase. Staff will be located on the first and second floor of building W-22 for assistance. For more information please contact the Fitness Center at 202-433-2829/2882 or visit their website site at mil/nsawfitness.
NEX Barbershop Rate Increase NEXCOM is dedicated to provide our service members with the best services possible. In this continuous effort to enhance these services the NEX Barbershop located at WNY Bldg. 22 will need to increase the cost of haircut services from $9 to $9.25. Thank you for your service and patronage in support of NEXCOM.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
NDW News Follow NDW on Facebook and Twitter
NDW has a Facebook fan page in order to provide updated information to all NDW residents, tenants, employees (military, civilian, and contractors), and the American public. Show your support, “Like Us,” and become a fan to see exciting news relating to the Naval District Washington. Follow us on Twitter @navaldistwash NSAW has a Twitter page for the Washington Navy Yard to provide the public with up-to-date operating hours of the Navy Yard portion of DC’s Riverwalk. Follow us on Twitter @WNYRiverwalk
DSO Changes Walk-in Hours
Defense Service Office North has changed walk-in hours to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. DSO North is the local office for legal defense services. Attorneys are available to provide advice to service members regarding nonjudicial punishments, summary courts-martial, Article 138 and 1150 complaints, administrative separation processing, hardship discharges and suspect’s rights. Consultations are confidential. DSO is located onboard WNY in Building 200, Suite 1200. Service members should present in uniform.
NDW Drinking Water Reports Available
The 2012 Annual Water Quality reports for the Washington Navy Yard will be distributed in print and electronically prior to July 1. These reports have been prepared in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency Region III, the D.C. Water and Sewer Authority, and Naval Facility Engineering Command Washington. These routine reports are required by law, and are being provided to inform you about the quality of your drinking water. These reports are not being issued in response to a health threat. The water being served at the Washington Navy Yard met federal Safe Drinking Water Act requirements in 2012. Copies of the reports will be available upon request. If you have any questions please contact Tawana Spencer, Public Works Department Washington Drinking Water Media Manager, at (202) 685-8007.
REENLISTMENT Continued from 2
Sailors not granted an in-rate or conversion opportunity will still have additional time to request to join the Navy Reserve, all the way up to three months from the end of their active service. In-rate or conversion applications are not authorized at this stage 5 to 3 months from the end of their contract. Currently there are only nine overmanned ratings, accounting for approximately 800 Sailors. Sailors in overmanned year groups applying for a reenlistment in overmanned ratings have limited opportunity and should consider a rating conversion to remain in the Navy. “Approximately 75 percent of Sailors requesting reenlistment will receive approval on their first application and all Sailors will know at least 10 months from the end of their contract whether they will be able to reenlist in their current rate,” said Moore. “For most Sailors E5 and below who are command-approved to reenlist, you will
have approval on your first request, within approximately 30 days.” Sailors can check manning levels in their rating by viewing community health slides published monthly in the Enlisted Community Management section of the Navy Personnel Command Web site. This information can help a Sailor determine the career opportunity within their community. The slides feature a snapshot of community health by year group. Sailors can also see if their skill set is in the open, balanced, or competitive reenlistment groups by reviewing this information, also posted on the NPC website. To review a community health slide visit the enlisted community management section of the NPC website at http://www. , then select the community followed by specific rating in the left column. Complete details and guidance for nuclear and Reserve communities can be found in NAVADMIN 150/13. For more news from Navy Personnel Command, visit
EOD Techs, First Responders Test Skills
By Andrew Revelos Tester Staff Writer
Members of Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division, Technical Support Detachment (NSWC IHEODTD TSD) conducted a two-part diving exercise June 6 at Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Stump Neck Annex, that tested their evidence collection and medical response skills. The EOD technicians were supported by Naval District Washington (NDW) firefighters and EMTs, and Maryland first responders The training scenario began with a simulated attack by a boat loaded with explosives and suicide bombers. The boat was destroyed by security personnel near a pier before it could hurt friendly forces, but the battle did not end with the elimination of the threat. As in a real-world event, there was invaluable intelligence to be collected around the scene of the detonation. “They’re going to go down [underwater] and recover and process evidence,” said Senior Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician David Prasek, NSWC IHEODTD TSD Readiness and Training Leading Chief Petty Officer. “However, the thing we’re going to [add to the exercise] is a diving casualty and a base-wide response drill. One of the divers will come up stricken; the dive supervisor of the team will run the casualty through our emergency action plan all the way to a helicopter medivac.” The divers were in the dark about the full extent of the exercise. They worked in pairs to recover simulated enemy bodies, boat and bomb parts and samples of water around the blast site. As one team exited the water it briefed the next team about the site using hand-drawn diagrams. Evidence was gathered into bags and buckets. “It builds into the intelligence picture,” said Prasek. “They can identify explosives and tactics, techniques and procedures and put it in a report and get that information out to the Fleet.” “Every piece of evidence has its own value and certainly some have more value than others,” added Ronald Kelly, a forensic technical representative for Wyle Laboratories with 34 years of experience working for the FBI. “For example, from a boat scenario, there valuable information you can immediately get from the boat such as boat registration, VIN number. Likewise, anything related to the explosive device-the detonator, parts of the device, type of explosive-are all important elements of the puzzle that go into the overall intel picture. So we try to recover everything we can on a post-blast scene.” Gathering those pieces was no small task for the divers. “It’s a very challenging environment, particularly in a situation like we have today with a moving current and no visibility whatsoever, we’ve eliminating the primary way of collecting evidence, seeing,” said Kelly. “So as they’re processing the scene they have to move toward their second-best sense, which is tactile, to actually recover evidence. That’s the biggest challenge when you get into a water environment. It makes the job of recovering items necessary to piece the puzzle back together that much tougher.” Time and security become factors of evidence collection in a combat environment. “Instead of going for everything, you’re going to go for major pieces, important pieces, and then you’re going to move out,” said Kelly.”Our post-blast [investigation] in those types of conditions may only be an hour or two versus days, weeks or even months in other places.” Kelly was impressed by the skills demonstrated by the EOD techs. “Most evidence collection is based on experience and recognition,” he said. “The fact that we have
U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos
EOD technicians assigned to NAVEODTECHDIV pull shipmates to shore after they dove in search of evidence during exercises June 6 at Naval Annex Stump Neck. experienced EOD technicians who are divers makes this scenario ideal. They are EOD experts so they know what they’re looking for versus a typical evidence recovery team on the law enforcement side that are not as familiar with bomb components.” The EOD techs were not the only Sailors testing their evidence-collection skills. Construction Mechanic 1st Class Stephen Ross and Intelligence Specialist Joe Triolisilvagnoli supported the EOD techs from the shoreline, performing tasks that took them out of their typical job duties. “It’s pretty rewarding to get out and see the actual evidence and the collection process, seeing how we go about cataloging the evidence and bringing it back to the lab to complete the mission,” said Ross. “It’s definitely interesting from an intel guy’s perspective to come out here and see all this stuff before I read the reports,” added Triolisilvagnoli. “Seeing exactly what these guys collect and how they collect it makes it easier for me to interpret the reports I’m getting.” By gaining a greater understanding of all the different elements of evidence collection, the process of interpreting that information and communicating it can be accomplished with greater efficiency. “I think that’s one of the most important parts of the job,” said Triolisilvagnoli. “If nobody gets the information, what did we really do?” “Ensuring we get the evidence properly, get it through our chain, get it through our avenues to get it out to the guys who really need it on the battlefield where it can save lives. it makes a difference,” said Ross. As Ross and Triolisilvagnoli expanded their professional skill sets, EOD techs continued the investigation off shore. One of them, Lt. Cmdr. John McCarthy, had special instructions. At a pre-determined time, he surprised his shipmates by floating to the surface as though he were an unconsciousness diver. Such medical emergencies could happen during dive training or a real-life dive mission. “The second part is going to exercise the dive supervisor to make sure he knows his procedures as far as dealing with a stricken diver,” said Prasek. “It also exercises federal fire-fighters and police, as well as the statewide responders and their procedures, so in case there is an actual incident, we’re comfortable knowing everything will fall in place like it should.” The EOD techs at the scene of the simulated blast sprang into action, pulling McCarthy into the boat and rendering aid. In a reallife situation, a diver can face any number of medical issues. “Depending on the depth, there could be decompression sickness,” said Prasek.”You can have mechanical injuries. they can cut themselves or hit something underwater. They can knock themselves unconscious. They can have gas embolisms.”
See EOD, Page 8
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and America’s Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941
Reviewed by Cmdr. Youssef Aboul-Enein
Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and America’s Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941 by Lynne Olson. New York: Random House, 2013. 576 pages. Lynne Olson reminds Americans that raucous and passionate political debates over international affairs is inherent in the founding of our republic and highlights the vicious debate over America’s intervention in World War II. Olson has written a book on the men who brought British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to power as well as a volume on the women who were integral to America’s civil rights movement. This latest book takes you into the political arguments found in books, plays, articles, Congress, the courts, and President Franklin Roosevelt’s administration over whether America should intervene or become isolationist as Europe is wrought by Hitler’s invasions of Czechoslovakia, Poland, and France, with England now bearing the full weight of a Nazi aerial bombardment. The book takes us into the mindset of famous aviator Charles Lindbergh, who became a worldwide hero after his after his 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean, and would suffer a series of setbacks leading him to be the face of antiwar interventionists and a regrettable tool for Nazi propaganda in the United States. Olson reveals how the clouds of war in Europe tore apart the Lindbergh family, with Lindbergh speaking publicly against intervention and his brother-in-law, Aubrey Morgan, becoming Britain’s chief propagandist in America. To understand Lindbergh’s pro-German leanings, it is important to understand his hatred for the media and his inability to escape fame, which led to the tragic kidnapping and murder of his first son in March 1932. Lindbergh and his wife would escape America and live in Europe mainly in an isolated island retreat in Britain and then in France to gain a measure of privacy. Charles and Anne Lindbergh’s view of Europe would be shaped by interactions with Europeans who were in the upper echelons of society and were immune from the day-to-day tyrannies of increasingly radicalized policies. He would find himself comfortable
Book review
in Hitler’s Germany, which as a dictatorship would silence the press’ freedom much to the gratification of Lindbergh. In essence, Lindbergh’s personal privacy would come at the expense of a basic democratic value of freedom of speech. While privacy is cherished, the story is more complex with the book discussing how Lindbergh accepted a medal from Nazi leader Herman Goering, shortly after Kristallnacht, when Nazi thugs carried out a mass pogrom of Jews in Germany and Austria in November 1938. Lindbergh’s dominant relationship with his wife did not allow him to seek her wisdom, when she questioned the acceptance, timing and morality of accepting the Nazi award. The book contains a great narrative on how the Germans attempted, and failed, to manipulate American public opinion before 1941. The British at this time were not idle either, marshaling many resources to shape American opinion as well. It is a little explored aspect of World War II, how both the Germans and British competed for American attitudes and opinions. The book also details the extraordinary actions of Army Col. Truman Smith, a protégé of Gen. George Marshall. Smith ran afoul of civilian authorities by submitting politicized intelligence to civil and military leaders that advocated his personal view that the United States should seek to reconcile with Germany and fight Soviet Communism together. Smith’s activities included providing information to anti-war interventionists and even helping Lindbergh in his speeches against the Roosevelt administration’s foreign policy. Pages cover the German defense attaché in Washington, D.C.,
Frederiche von Boetticher, whose reputation as a military historian with expertise in the American Civil War allowed him to have access to many prominent Americans, to include the famous biographer of Robert E. Lee, Douglas Southall Freeman and then Col. George S. Patton. There is even an extraordinary photo in the book showing the German and Japanese attaches with Army Gen. Walter Short observing U.S. Army maneuvers; Short was later relieved after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The book details Franklin Roosevelt’s campaign against Republican challenger Wendell Wilkie for the presidency; but what is refreshing is that even after their vicious political fight, Wilkie would put partisan politics aside and go on to assist Roosevelt in the passage of the Lend-Lease Act. Another prominent American who would play an important yet unknown role was Grenville Clark; a man obsessed with peace, but would be instrumental in helping pass the 1940 Conscription Bill. You will read about mothers burning effigies of senators on the Capitol lawn, and hate mail being sent to those advocating intervention on the side of Britain. There was the formidable Dorothy Thompson, whose syndicated column and NBC radio show would reach 8-10 million listeners in America, and who was among the earliest critics of Hitler and Nazi tyranny. Lindbergh and many of his allies that formed the America First Committee to advocate isolationism would be marginalized overnight when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941, and Hitler declared war on the United States four days later. Olson has written an excellent book about a little explored aspect of World War II history. Editor’s Note: Cmdr. Aboul-Enein teaches parttime at the National Defense University. His third book, “Secret War for the Middle East,” looks at World War II influence operations in the Middle East that have had a profound impact on the region to this day. It is scheduled for publication this fall by Naval Institute Press. Aboul-Enein thanks the National Defense University Library for providing a quiet place to write this review.
Why the Change?
Why is the pilot RECP buffer of 20 percent changing to 10 percent?
A 20 percent buffer was initially used to minimize RECP financial impacts to residents during the pilot program. Using RECP pilot data it was determined that a 10 percent buffer should result in increased conservation without significantly increasing the financial burden on residents. In fact, it is easier to earn a rebate under the 10 percent program, and simple conservation measures such as monitoring thermostat settings and turning off appliances and lighting can result in frequent rebates. NDW’s weekly RECP column will be providing you with tools and information on how to get smart with the Navy’s Resident Energy Conservation Program. RECP for electricity only is scheduled to start for NDW in October 2013. If you have specific questions regarding RECP, please email them to and your question might just be featured on our column.
U.S. Navy photo by Patrick Gordon
Lt. Cmdr. Armando Marron-Fernandez, Naval District Washington Afghanistan-Pakistan (AFPAK) Hand, was presented the Bronze Star Medal for his meritorious achievements while serving in Afghanistan from April 2, 2012 to Feb. 24, 2013 from Rear Adm. Patrick Lorge in a ceremony at the Washington Navy Yard May 31. Marron-Fernandez served in RC Southwest as the Principal Advisor to the Delaram District Governor in Nimroz province. While conducting operations in the city of Zaranj with the Provincial Governor of Nimroz, serving along with the United States Marine Corps, his convoy was hit by an improvised explosive device, killing one marine and wounding several others. During the following exchange of gunfire, Marron-Fernandez responded immediately to support the evacuation of the wounded. As an AFPAK Hand, Marron-Fernandez became a focal point in the coalition structure in coordination with the Afghanistan Government within the district and province to establish governance and stability throughout the region. The AFPAK Hands program was stood up in 2009 by then Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, to establish a cohort of experts that specialize in the complexities of Afghanistan and Pakistan language and culture. These members provide persistent engagement on regional issues while advising leaders and commanders throughout the levels of governance and command. An AFPAK Hand is committed to more than 40 months with the program. During those months, a service member engages in 10 months of training, nearly two years of deployment in-theater in Afghanistan or Pakistan, and one year out of theater in the U.S. For more information on AFPAK Hands visit REER/LANGUAGE_CULTURE/Pages/AFPAKHands.aspx.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
NSASP Firefighters Complete Annual Training Exercises By Andrew Revelos Tester Staff Writer Firefighters assigned to Naval Support Facilities (NSFs) Dahlgren and Indian Head conducted annual training recently designed to keep up their proficiencies and instill the teamwork they depend on to do the job. The first series of exercises were confined space drills that allowed the first responders a chance to practice their craft in close quarters; the second series of drills were live-fire exercises that approximated an aircraft fire. “All members of the department are required to perform Confined Space training - including entering a permit required space - as well as enter a live fire scenario once a year,” said Jerry Schenemann, battalion chief at Dahlgren. “The main purpose is staying proficient with the equipment and techniques.” For the confined-space drills, the firefighters took turns raising and lowering rescuers and “victims,” role-played by other firefighters, down a rather claustrophobic utility access hole. Firefighters used a mixture of time-proven methods and improvisation to accomplish the mission. Ropes, harnesses, rescue baskets, a tripod and a fire truck were all incorporated in the drills. The centerpiece of the live-fire training was the Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device (MAFTD), operated by firefighters from Naval Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River. The large device mimicked many features found on real aircraft-a cockpit, hatches, engines-along with a series of large
burners that produced fireballs on the interior and exterior of the trainer. NAS Patuxent River firefighters observed the training from a specially-outfitted truck, from which they could increase or decrease the flames based on the actions of the firefighters participating in the drills. The firefighters addressed the training scenario in teams. “Two of the most important things we look for during training and real-life situations are teamwork and communication,” said Schenemann. “Each riding position on the fire engine or truck company has a specific job once on-scene. Each person knows what’s expected of that position.” The MAFTD did an impressive job simulating a real fire emergency. The tremendous heat produced by the burners radiated from the trainer’s aluminum fuselage. At several points during the exercises, the MAFTD operators paused the training to allow the device to cool. Drew Lockhart, a firefighter assigned to Dahlgren, offered some colorful descriptions of both training events. “The MAFTD is kind of like climbing in your BBQ grill that you have on your back porch,” he said. “The confined space [training] is like going in the drainage pipe that your parents told you not to ever go into, with one way in and one way out.” Downtime in between drills allowed leaders and peers alike to critique each other’s performances during the drills, which took the form of helpful advice and goodnatured teasing. “If you’ve been around us any length of time, you know that we have fun and rib each other regularly,” said Schenemann.
U.S. Navy photos by Andrew Revelos
Firefighters put out a fire on the Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device (MAFTD), part of their annual live-fire training at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. “There’s also a lot of respect under that layer of kidding. There’s a great mix of experience and enthusiasm between the young and older members.” The training was not only enjoyable for the firefighters, but also helps them better serve the community they protect. “The training we do every year keeps us up on our skills to provide a better service,” said Lockhart. “The training is fun and helps keep
spirits high in a demanding job.” Fire department leaders from Dahlgren and Indian Head offered a “big thanks” to Capt. Jonathan Scully, Capt. Luke Hagensick, Capt. John Trossbach, Capt. Michael Miedzinski, Firefighter Aaron Fenwick and Firefighter Stephen Long, from the NAS Patuxent River Fire Department, for helping facilitate the training.
Program Analyst Receives Navy Highlights from Pax Policy on Meritorious Civilian Award Curfew, Unsupervised Youth From NAS Patuxent River Public By Andrea Hein Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Affairs Office Division Communications Support
Courtesy photo
Capt. Chris “C.J.” Junge, right, presents Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) employee Kenneth “Kee” Abell with the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award at the Higher Education Center May 21. As part of NAWCAD’s test and evaluation group, Abell designed and built the NAWCAD Mechanical Engineering Laboratory for students and faculty in the Southern Maryland Mechanical Engineering Program. The program is part of NAWCAD’s commitment to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics educational resources in Southern Maryland to help retain and recruit engineers in the region.
A Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) program analyst at Naval Air Station Patuxent River recently received the Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award for his efforts with the Southern Maryland Mechanical Engineering Program. As part of NAWCAD’s test and evaluation group, Kenneth “Kee” Abell designed and built the NAWCAD Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, located at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center. Abell prepared the room, acquired the equipment, performed the bench testing and taught Southern Maryland Mechanical Engineering Program (SMD-ME) students and faculty how to use the laboratory and its support processes. “To quote C.S. Lewis, ‘The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts,’” said NAWCAD Vice Commander Capt. Chris “CJ” Junge. Junge presented the award to Abell at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center in California, Md., May 21. “Kee was watering the deserts. He provided the opportunity for this garden - the labs and facilities - to grow,” Junge said. He was there to help the students finish the research to finish their degrees, and he was available after hours.” NAWCAD and the University of Maryland jointly established the SMD-ME in 2009. The program is part of NAWCAD’s commit-
See Award, Page 10
Schools are out; do you know what your kids are doing? With summer knocking on our door and kids finding themselves free from school rules, it’s important to remember there are still rules youths must follow year round outside of the classroom. While all youths ages 17 and younger, must be supervised, there are different degrees of supervision required based on the child’s age and his or her maturity level. Here are some highlights from the Naval Air Station Patuxent River Child Supervision guidance, NASPAXRIVINST 1754.2B, regarding the policy on curfew and unsupervised children in government housing. Unattended Youths - Children ages 8 and younger should never be left unsupervised or unattended. - Children ages 9-13 and older require varying degrees of super vision depending upon their demonstrated maturity and levels of self-discipline and personal responsibility. - Children younger than age 17 must have adult supervision overnight. - Dependent children and youths ages 17 and older can stay home alone overnight without supervision for one night only, and may not have guests. Babysitters - Babysitters must be at least 13 years of age and mature enough to provide for the children in their care. - To care for children overnight, the babysitter must be at least age 18. - The number of children a babysitter younger than age 18 can care for should be based on the ages of the children, the babysitter’s functioning level, and the children’s developmental levels. - Successful completion of a certified
Courtesy photo
As the kids celebrate the end of the school year, parents should keep in mind guidance regarding unattended youths, babysitters and curfew.
program, such as a Red Cross babysitter class or a “Safe Sitter” workshop, is mandatory for all babysitters. - Babysitters age 18 and older are treated as adults and can supervise overnight. Base Curfew - Unless accompanied by an adult, the maximum curfew for all youths ages 9-12 is 8 p.m., consistent with all other provisions of NASPAXRIVINST 1754.2B. - Unless accompanied by an adult, the maximum curfew for all youths ages 13-16 is 10 p.m., consistent with all other provisions of NASPAXRIVINST 1754.2B. - Unless accompanied by an adult, the maximum curfew for all youths age 17 is midnight, consistent with all other provisions of NASPAXRIVINST 1754.2B. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in chain of command involvement or termination of family housing assignment. For issues with noise disturbances in onbase housing, call the Regional Dispatch Center at 202-433-7625, and off-base housing, call the county’s non-emergency number at 301-475-8008.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Air Traffic Control: Eyes in the Skies
By Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer
Forget the corner office. When you work in the Air Traffic Control Tower, you’ve got the best seat in the house. Standing 12 stories above Naval Air Station Patuxent River, the installation’s tower is the tallest building in the tri-county area and offers unobstructed views in every direction. Tower chief, Air Traffic Controller 1st Class Clint Pollock explained that when the new presidential helicopter hangar was being built, it wasn’t possible to see that runway from the former 70-year-old tower, which stood only six stories tall. “So plans were started to build this one,” he said. “It was finished in 2006.” Pax River’s airfield operates from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., with a required minimum of four controllers working eight-hour shifts when flights are moving. “There’s someone up there 24 hours,” Pollock said. “On weekends we’ll go down to two controllers and overnight we’ll have two people come as security watch and safety observer. If there was an emergency and someone needed an airfield to land, they could turn on our runway lights and notify emergency services.” The tower oversees as many as 7,000 flight operations per month and is responsible for airspace up to 2,500 feet and within a 4.5 mile radius. “We’re managing guys doing tests and guys learning to do tests,” Pollock said. “We can have several helos working, with aircraft
departing off one runway while others are coming in. Everything is a crisscross pattern. We talk with Super Hornets, T-38s, supersonic jets, Cessnas, gliders-and they all have their own characteristics. It can get chaotic at times.” There is a progression of responsibility in air traffic control that begins with the Data Position. Known as the “secretary” of the tower, this position tracks all inbound and outbound aircraft, updates weather, tallies the number of daily operations and notifies fire and medical services if there’s an emergency. This position does not talk to airplanes, Pollock said. Next is Ground Control, which operates all vehicles and aircraft moving on the ground. “Strike, Force or [test pilot school] flights will call and say they’re ready to taxi out for departure and Ground will taxi them to the runway we’re using,” Pollock said. “The position manages four radiostwo for aircraft and two for maintenance vehicles or vehicles supporting a test-but one of those is a special crash frequency not used as often.” Local Control position, or what the pilots simply call “tower,” is a complex and busy job responsible for anything flying toward or departing from Pax River, and any flights that transition through its airspace. “Our air space is open for private planes to transition through, but they must maintain communication with us,” Pollock said. “Most people out flying for fun try to avoid it because it’s busy and can be dangerous.
U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni
Looking in from the outside ledge of the Air Traffic Control Tower at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, air traffic controllers are silhouetted against a reflection of the installation in the tower window. We’re working here with a complexity of traffic, and there are lots of fast movers.” Once certified in the first three air traffic control positions, ATCs can train as Tower Supervisor, which Pollock said involves learning to calmly and efficiently handle all types of emergencies, from a crash to a Sailor who may show up for work unable to perform the job. Controllers receive a mixture of compre-
Continued from 3
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mander’s right to overturn a conviction is long overdue. “Right now, if you are convicted of sexual assault, you are referred to a board of inquiry to see if you’ll be allowed to stay [in
Continued from 3 Those dreams are important, and you need to keep them alive, you need to keep them breathing, and dream big. Most of us will never exceed whatever expectations we set in our dreams. If you’re never going to go any bigger than that, then you might as well set them pretty high - do not put a ceiling on yourselves.” NSAB’s Command
Continued from 5 By the time the boat made it to the shoreline, the EOD techs had contacted emergency services and placed an oxygen mask on McCarthy.When it comes to diving, the Navy has a checklist for everything and EODC Daniel Hatfield, dive supervisor, documented McCarthy’s condition using a Neurological Examination Checklist. When Naval District Washington (NDW) firefighters and EMTs arrived on-scene, the EOD techs briefed them on the victim’s condition. To best treat the casualty, medical airlift would be required. Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP) police closed the road and the ambulance moved McCarthy to Stump Neck’s helicopter landing zone.
hensive classroom and hands-on training, beginning with 16 weeks at Naval Air Station Pensacola Air Traffic Control school in Florida, which includes tower and radar simulation. “Then they’ll come to the fleet, either a ship or shore facility,” Pollock said. While working the job, the controllers continue classroom and bookwork training, fine-tuning what they learned at school. the service],” he said. The notion that “if you’re convicted, you’re out” is the way to go, he added. The secretary said he looks at sexual assault as an internal attack that must be dealt with. “We’re finding pretty dramatic results in places like Great Lakes, where we’ve rolled out these programs,” he said. “Our job is to get them fleetwide.” Career Counselor Master-At-Arms 1st Class Stacy Leverett says now that their degrees are done, they should consider submitting their transcripts to their respective services to ensure the degree is reflected in their official military record. “They can also submit their degrees through the Joint Service Transcript program,” she said. The program allows Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Army personnel to track their education and degrees - with the Navy adding the update to a Sailor’s OMPF (official military personnel file). After circling the LZ, a Maryland State Trooper rescue helicopter touched down and McCarthy was loaded onboard. The exercise itself ended, but the EOD techs and first responders spent much time discussing what happened and how such an emergency response could be improved during an informal after-action debriefing. Though each element of the rescue-the EOD techs, firefighters and EMTs, and the Maryland State Trooper pilot and flight medic-had expertise in different areas, they all shared a common goal: saving lives. With that goal in mind, good is never good enough and the men identified what went well, as well as areas for improvement. The groups parted ways with a greater understanding of each others’ capabilities and needs, as well as plans for future exercises.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Boat Sinks in Capital Cove Marina
Continued from 1
By Paul Bello Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling Public Affairs Heavy rains June 7 had severe repercussions for one boat owner on Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB), as a 35-foot boat sank while docked in a slip at the Capital Cove Marina. JBAB-based firefighters with Naval District Washington Fire and Emergency Services responded to the scene approximately 9:30 a.m. and were met by a member of JBAB’s Public Works Department, as well as personnel from the base Morale, Welfare and Recreation Division, to help mitigate the effects to the environment. Peter Samuelson, marina manager, said the owner of the boat was notified right away of the incident and that he was travelling to the base from the Richmond area. Capt. Steven Ellis, of Fire Engine Co. 41, said the boat may have had a leak. Due to the presence of oil, Lt. Celina Ladyga, commanding officer of U.S. Coast Guard Station Washington on JBAB, said the Coast Guard deployed its pollution control team from Baltimore to assist in cleaning up the site. The boat has since been removed by the owner and was taken to a local salvage yard.
stances of drowning as a result of boating accidents last year, 379 were cases where the victim was not wearing a life jacket. Revoir said that precaution and preparedness are what will keep recreational swimmers and boaters safe during the summer months. He recommends setting guidelines for friends and family on where to swim and when, never allowing children to swim unattended, and taking CPR certification classes prior to vacation. An important but often overlooked skill is being able to identify a drowning victim in the water. “A lot of people think that a person who is drowning
U.S. Navy photo
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will splash around and yell for help. More often than not, this isn’t the case,” said Edward Lewis, NSAW safety & occupational health specialist. “Chances are they’re going to be very quiet, and struggling to breathe with their head low in the water. They may have their eyes closed, or their hair blocking their eyes. They typically won’t be thrashing, but appear to be climbing a ladder or trying to get on their back, often without kicking their legs. If you see this happening, call for help and render assistance immediately.” By knowing how to stay safe, said Lewis, half the work is done by the time you get to the water. “Being prepared is often the best prevention, and I think it will keep a lot of people safe this summer.” For more information on summer safety, visit http:// For more news on events in NDW, visit
For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,
Heavy rains June 7 resulted in the sinking of a 35foot boat at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling’s Capital Cove Marina. No one was injured and the boat has since been removed by the owner.
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Thursday, June 20, 2013
Walter Reed Bethesda Pediatricians Earn National Research Awards By Bernard S. Little WRNMMC Journal staff writer
Photo by Bernard S. Little
Navy Lt. (Dr.) Jack McDonnell recently earned the Resident Research Award of the Academic Pediatrics Association for his work entitled “Family Income and Outcomes of Pediatric Renal Transplant Recipients from 1997-2006.”
Two pediatrics residents at Walter Reed Bethesda recently earned national awards for their research work in pediatric patient care. Navy Lt. (Dr.) Jack McDonnell and Army Capt. (Dr.) Luis Lozada received the awards during the Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. in May. McDonnell earned the Resident Research Award of the Academic Pediatrics Association, and Lozada, the Housestaff Research Award of the Society for Pediatric Research. McDonnell researched “Family Income and Outcomes of Pediatric Renal Transplant Recipients from 1997-2006,” while Lozada’s work involved “Hyperbilirubinemia as a Risk Factor for Autism.” The son of Sailors, McDonnell explained his project concerns the different factors affecting outcomes of pediatric kidney transplant recipients. “We found [recipients] with lower incomes did worse in terms of long-term outcome, including kidney graft failure and death. We hope [this research] will enhance the delivery of care to renal transplant patients, both kids and adults, and by extension the delivery of care to lower income families with other chronic diseases,” he said. The Navy lieutenant, who’s been on active duty for three years, said he followed his parents into the Navy because “he grew up hearing great stories about Navy life.” “[My parents] met in the Navy,” said the
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potatoes and beans and frozen dessert for anyone. So even if you can afford all the food you want, this is a great way to save some money and lower the cost of groceries for those who are a little tighter in their budget.” Salmi explained that each customer is asked to perform at least two hours of service to their community each month as part of the price of a food package. He said that just as volunteers donate time to make SHARE work, the program relies on customers donating time to make their community work. For those in NDW, well known for its community involvement, it serves as a way for personnel to benefit from working in the community. “What’s great about the SHARE-DC pro-
Continued from 7 ment to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics educational resources in Southern Maryland, with an overarching goal to bolster NAWCAD’s retention and recruitment and serve the area’s economic and cultural development. “I don’t think the SMD-ME program would be alive if it weren’t for Kee,” said David Barrett, director of engineering education and research partnerships. “He has been the most exceptional worker I have
Cleveland native. “[They] spoke highly of their experiences.” McDonnell added he was drawn to medicine because “[it] is a great way to help other people, especially in their moments of need.” In regards to pediatrics, he explains, “I found that I enjoy working with kids.” He also said practicing medicine in the military fulfills a desire “to do something for my country.” Lozada, a native of Cuba, explained his research work revealed, “Autism is very common. Every year, the number of kids diagnosed increases, [and] the causes of it are not known. I was intrigued to find out if jaundice, right after birth, is associated with increased risk of autism, as some studies suggest, [and it appears so]. Providers aware of the possible association may increase screening and early referral of children at risk.” The Army captain, who has been in the military 14 years, said other than medicine, he was “never interested in anything else,” growing up in Cuba, where he attended medical school. “Since moving to the United States, I have continued to work in obtaining the medical certifications needed to practice medicine here. “Working as a pediatrician is the most rewarding job there is,” Lozada added. “I did pediatrics/neonatology in Cuba, now I am finishing pediatric residency again, and will start neonatology fellowship in July. You can say I have to love it in order to do both twice. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to do the training again.”
gram is that anyone can use it,” said Olivia Hunter, NDW regional community service program manager. “It has nothing to do with how much you earn, but how much you can do. It really is a volunteer-incentive program, and a great way to save on groceries. The Navy is so community-oriented, so the SHARE program really is such a great fit for this area.” For those looking for volunteer opportunities, Salmi offers the SHARE program as a unique and local option. “It’s a great volunteer day to show up at the warehouse and help assemble thousands of the food packages each month,” said Salmi. To find out more about the SHARE program, visit For questions concerning volunteering in NDW contact Olivia Hunter at
ever had the pleasure of dealing with.” In the four years since its initiation, the number of students in the program has more than tripled in size, and all the graduates associated with the Navy are current NAWCAD employees. Abell said he hopes the program continues to grow its student population and expand to include other science and engineering disciplines. “It’s important to me to see the students and the program succeed,” he said. “Student and program success will help [Naval Air Systems Command] ensure warfighter success.”
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013