The Waterline
August 29, 2013
Vol. XXX No. 34
Naval District Washington Implementing New Initiatives to Navy SAPR Program By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Kiona Miller
Jim Thrift, self-defense instructor for Calvert Mixed Martial Arts, performs a self-defense move for participants during a self-defense class as part of several events that took place in Naval District Washington (NDW) during last year’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April 2012. NDW is beginning to implement new initiatives to help combat sexual assault in the Navy as announced by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus.
Naval District Washington (NDW) is beginning to implement new initiatives to help combat sexual assault in the Navy. Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus announced the change in July, approving nearly $10 million for additional resources for investigators and a new initiative designed to enhance accountability and transparency across the Department of the Navy. The additional funds will be used to hire more than 50 additional Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Family and Sexual Violence Program personnel Navywide to shorten investigation times. Additionally, Mabus directed the Navy and Marine Corps to regularly publish online the results of each service’s courts-martial. NDW is preparing its personnel in light of Mabus’ announcement. “The goal of the program is to eliminate sexual assault in the Navy; all of the existing and new initiatives are geared toward that
end,” said Kim Reese, NDW Regional Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). “The Navy has had a sexual assault prevention and response program in place since 1994 with Navy Sexual Assault Victim Intervention [SAVI] and now Sexual Assault Prevention and Response [SAPR]. There is a powerful commitment to victim centered services and support and to the criminal justice process that holds offenders accountable for crimes they are found guilty of. Additionally, Department of Defense civilian and active duty military are being taught at an unprecedented level how to intervene safely when they believe there may be someone at risk of being assaulted. In order to achieve our goal of elimination of sexual assault from the Navy we really do all need to engage in ‘One Team, One Fight.’” Reese said that while it is not certain yet what kind of increase the region can expect, SAPR training has continued to run prior to and since the SECNAV’s announcement
See SAPR, Page 5
NDW Chief Selects Hold Burger Burn as they Work toward Their Anchors By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer Chief Petty Officer (CPO) selects from commands throughout Naval District Washington (NDW) have been working hard through their CPO 365 training since Navy chief selection board results were announced in early August. As part of their training, the region’s selectees held a “burger burn” at the Washington Navy Yard Aug. 21 to raise funds for the Chief’s Mess they will soon join. The event itself was more than just a fund raiser, though. As with every part of their training as CPO selects, a lesson was at the root of the evolution. The more than 20 selectees participated under the supervision of their chief, senior chief and master chief mentors, as a means of learning to work with and depend on one another. “Events like the burger burn and everything else have really been an eye opener and a team effort,” said CPO selectee Chief Cryptologic Technician (Collection) (Select) Jamar Salters. “Not only have they been a way to meet the community, but they’re a way to really get involved with the other chiefs. It’s
taught us to rely on our fellow chiefs and lets us know that we’ve got the support of the [Chief’s] Mess, like they have the support of us. I’ve definitely learned a lot.” Support for the event was noticeable, with a line of customers stretching half of a block for the majority of the two-hour cookout. “It feels great to see everyone out here supporting our chief selects,” said Chief Information Systems Technician (Select) Dedric Richardson. “Civilians, military, and especially the ‘geniuses’ - the chiefs, senior chiefs, and master chiefs - have really come out in good numbers to let us know that it’s one team, one fight.” Even those in charge of training these newest deck plate leaders of the Navy were impressed with the amount of effort and cooperation the selectees showed during the event. “The cookout was great,” said Chief Yeoman Rick Riley, one of the mentors and CPO 365 instructors for the region’s CPO selectees. “It has been well organized, the food was good, the service was fast, and it’s really great to see [the selectees] working together
See Burger Burn, Page 6
Around the Yard page 2 Link directly to www.dcmilitary. com /waterline on your Smart phone
U.S. Navy photo by Patrick Gordon
Chief Petty Officer (CPO) selectees from various commands in Naval District Washington participate in a “burger burn” to raise funds for the Chief’s Mess during their CPO-365 training. The training prepares the CPO selectees for their new positions as deckplate leaders of tomorrow’s U.S. Navy.
Observances Highlight the Importance of Eye Care page 7
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Naval Museums, History and Heritage Headquarters Return to Normal Hours From Naval History and Heritage Command Public Affairs The Navy museums, which adjusted their hours as a result of the federal furlough, have returned to their normal operating hours. Additionally, the Navy’s archives and Navy Department Library, located on the Washington Navy Yard, will reopen starting Aug. 26, Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) officials announced. The following Navy museums were affected by closing Mondays and have resumed normal hours: - National Museum of the U.S. Navy (Washington, D.C.) - National Naval Aviation Museum (Pensacola, Fla.) - Great Lakes Naval Museum (Great Lakes, Ill.) - Hampton Roads Naval Museum (Norfolk, Va.)
- U.S. Submarine Force Museum and Historic Ship Nautilus (Groton, Conn.) - U.S. Navy Seabee Museum (Port Hueneme, Calif.) - Naval Museum Northwest (Naval Undersea Museum, Keyport, Wash.) - U.S. Naval War College Museum (Newport, R.I.) - U.S. Naval Academy Museum (Annapolis, Md.) The Naval Museum Northwest (Puget Sound Naval Museum, Bremerton, Wash.) was closed on Fridays and is back to its normal hours. Before planning to visit, please visit the museums’ respective websites to check hours of operation. NHHC, which operates the Navy’s museums, the Department of the Navy Library, and Navy Archives, has also returned to normal public access hours, although access to many of its holdings remain
limited due to ongoing remediation efforts. In 2012, NHHC and Washington Navy Yard Public Works collaborated on a major archival storage facility renovation project for buildings 108 and 44 which is targeted for completion as early as 2014. The ongoing project will result in accommodating 12,000 cubic feet paper, microform and digital media storage space with new environmental controls. Additionally, refurbishment of the archives spaces and mold decontamination started earlier this year, and the work will continue into next year. For more information and to access the Navy museum web sites, please see html . For the latest news on naval history, please see http://www.
U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Patrick Gordon
Force Master Chief of the Navy Reserve Christopher Wheeler stands with Reserve Sailor of the Year candidates at the National Museum of the United States Navy. Naval History and Heritage Command Navy Museums across the United States have returned to their normal hours with the announcement of the end of furloughs.
Around the Yard What do you notice most about Chief Petty Officer Selectee season?
The burger burns! Legalman 2nd Class Victor Rolling Defense Service Office North Washington Navy Yard
The Waterline
Commandant, Naval District Washington Rear Adm. Markham Rich NDW Public Affairs Officer Edward Zeigler Waterline Staff Writer Pat Gordon Copy Editor/Page Designer The Gazette/Comprint Military Publications Lorraine Walker All stories must be submitted by 4 p.m. the Thursday prior to publication. E-mail stories to: or bring/mail to: The Waterline, 1411 Parsons Ave. SE, Suite 205, Washing-
Just all the fund raisers and stuff. Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Olds Military Sealift Command Washington Navy Yard
ton Navy Yard, 20374. Submissions should be free of military times and should contain the first and last names with ranks/rates, warfare qualifications, job titles and duty station/command of all persons quoted or referred to. All submissions must also include the author’s name and office or telephone number where they can be reached. If you have further questions, call or contact the editor at (202) 433-9714, fax (202) 433-2158. This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DOD civilians and their family members. Contents of The Waterline do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute
I pretty much stay away; just try to stay out of their way while the selctees are doing their CPO 365 stuff. Information Systems Technician 2nd Class Don Honeywell Display Ship Barry Washington Navy Yard
endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Naval District Washington or Comprint, Inc., of the products or services advertised. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 9481520, a private firm in no way connected with DOD or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. To place display advertising, please call (240) 4737538. To place classified advertising, call (301) 6702505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The editorial content of The Waterline is edited and approved by the public affairs office of Naval District Washington.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
August 29
This Week in Navy History
1861 - U.S. squadron captures forts at Hatteras Inlet, N.C. 1862 - Union gunboat Pittsburgh support Army troops in landing at Eunice, Ark. 1915 - Navy salvage divers raise F-4, first U.S. submarine sunk in accident. 1916 - Congress passes act for expansion of Navy but most ships not completed until after World War I. 1964 - USS Boxer (CV-21) and two LSDs arrive off coast of Hispaniola to give medical aid to Haiti and the Dominican Republic which were badly damaged by Hurricane Cleo.
August 30
1913 - Navy tests Sperry gyroscopic stabilizer (automatic pilot). 1929 - Near New London, Conn., 26 officers and men test Momsen lung to exit submerged USS S-4. 1961 - Two Cuban frigates fire on a Naval Reserve aircraft on a training mission over international waters.
August 31
1842 - Congress replaces the Board of Navy Commissioners, a group of senior officer who oversaw naval technical affairs, with the five technical Bureaus, ancestors of the Systems Commands. One of the 1842 Bureau, the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, continues to serve under its original name.
1943 - Commissioning of USS Harmon (DE-678), first Navy ship named for an African American Sailor. 1944 - Carrier task group begins three-day attack on Iwo Jima and Bonin Islands. 1962 - Last flight of Navy airship made at NAS Lakehurst, N.J.
1943 - American landings on Lae and Salamaua. 1944 - First combat employment of a missile guided by radio and television takes place when Navy drone Liberator, controlled by Ensign James M. Simpson in a PV, flew to attack German submarine pens on Helgoland Island, Germany. 1945 - Japanese surrender Wake Island in ceremony on board USS Levy (DE-162).
September 1
1781 - French fleet traps British fleet at Yorktown, Va. 1814 - USS Wasp captures HMS Avon. 1925 - Cmdr. John Rodgers and crew of four in PN-9 run out of fuel on first San Francisco to Hawaii flight. Landing at sea, they rigged a sail and set sail for Hawaii. 1941 - U.S. assumes responsibility for trans-Atlantic convoys from Argentia, Canada, to the meridian of Iceland. 1942 - Establishment of Air Force, Pacific Fleet, headed by Vice Adm. Aubrey W. Fitch. 1942 - First Seabee unit to serve in a combat area, 6th Naval Construction Battalion, arrives on Guadalcanal. 1945 - USS Benevolence (AH-13) evacuates civilian internees from two internment camps near Tokyo, Japan.
September 2
1918 - Navy ships and crews assist earthquake victims of Yokohama and Tokyo, Japan.
September 4 Photo courtesy of the Naval History and Heritage Command
Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, Sept. 2, 1945. Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz signs the Instrument of Surrender as United States Representative, aboard USS Missouri (BB-63), Sept. 2, 1945. Standing directly behind him are, from left-toright, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Adm. William F. Halsey, and Rear Adm. Forrest Sherman. 1940 - Destroyer-for-Bases agreement between U.S. and United Kingdom established. 1944 - USS Finback (SS-230) rescues Lt. j.g. George H. W. Bush of VT-51, shot down while attacking Chichi Jima. 1945 - Japan signs surrender documents on board USS Missouri (BB-63) at anchor in Tokyo Bay. Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz signs for the U.S. In different ceremonies, Japanese forces on Palau Islands, Truk, and on Pagan Island and Rota in the Marianas surrender.
September 3
1782 - As a token of gratitude for French aid during American Revolution, the U.S. gives America (first ship-of-the-line built by U.S.) to France to replace a French ship lost in Boston. 1783 - Signing of Treaty of Paris ends American Revolution. 1885 - First classes at U.S. Naval War College begin. 1925 - Crash of rigid airship USS Shenandoah (ZR-1) near Byesville, Ohio.
1804 - USS Intrepid, under Lt. Richard Somers, blew up in failed attack on Tripoli. 1941 - In what becomes known as “The Greer Incident,” a German submarine, U-652, attacks USS Greer (DD-145), which was tracking the submarine southeast of Iceland. Greer is not damaged, but drops depth charges, damaging U-652. The incident occurred before the U.S. was formally at war with Germany. 1954 - Icebreakers, USS Burton Island (AGB-1) and USCG Northwind (WAGB-282), complete first transit of Northwest passage through McClure Strait. 1954 - P2V Neptune aircraft from VP-19 shot down by Soviet aircraft near Swatow, China. 1960 - USS Bushnell (AS-15) and USS Penguin (ASR-12) begin relief operations in Marathon, Fla., after Hurricane Donna.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
NSA Washington-JBAB Fleet Family and Fun Pre-Separation Briefings Centralized Scheduling
Military and Family Support Center (MFSC) located on Joint Base Anacostia Bolling introduces a comprehensive centralized scheduling service for your individual appointment needs. One call to our screeners gets you an appointment for pre-separation briefs, employment services, clinical counseling, personal financial management, relocation, deployment and a host of other programs and services. MFSC is here to support you and stands ready to assist with every career and life change. Contact our Centralized Scheduling Center for individual, marriage and family counseling, individual resume assistance, financial counseling, relocation assistance or deployment/reintegration support. Please call 202-685-6019 to schedule an appointment.
The Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP)
Offers an array of services and benefits to transitioning service members, including computers setup for individuals to go online to different job banks, college and scholarship resources and career assessment tools. Resume Writing Workshops are offered which includes Federal Resume Writing Interview Skills, information on veterans’ benefits and a professional resource library; Two TAP Seminars and one Executive TAP Seminar - five-day programs - are offered monthly sponsored by the departments of Labor and Veteran Affairs, and include information that will benefit the transitioning military member.
Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Offers seven basic services, which include job search strategies, job readiness, resource information, job referral service, individual counseling assistance, career planning and links to education and volunteer opportunities.
Improve your speaking skills with Helmsmen Toastmasters
Join us Thursdays, 7:30-8:45 a.m., at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center. Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. For more info, contact Carl Sabath at carl.sabath@osd. mil, 703-695-2804, or Elizabeth Femrite at, 571256-8674. Remember, great Helmsmen say, “Yes!” To learn more about Helmsmen Toastmasters, visit
Service members preparing to transition from military to civilian life are required by law to attend a pre-separation counseling briefing. The pre-separation brief is designed to make transitioning military members aware of all the services and benefits available to them and their family members under Transition GPS. These briefings will provide the information necessary to make more informed decisions. For your convenience the pre-separation counseling briefing is available through one-on-one appointments at Military and Family Support Center and can be made through Centralized Scheduling at 202-685-6019.
FFR/MWR Phone numbers Fitness Centers Washington Navy Yard, bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2282/2829
Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) Ticket Office, WNY Bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2484 Travel Office, WNY Bldg. 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 685-8299
Food & Beverage Catering & Conference Center, WNY Bldg. 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3041/4312 Mordecai Booth’s Public House, WNY Bldg. 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 678-0514
Military and Family Support Center MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-6151
Program offers individual and family financial counseling, financial classes, and is responsible for the Command Financial specialist training in the Region (NDW).
MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-0450
Life Skills Education
FFRP Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-4052
Provides presentations to help commands meet requirements, as well as enhance operational and personal readiness including parenting skills training, couples communication, anger and stress management, conflict resolution, Child Abuse Awareness, Spouse Abuse Awareness and suicide prevention. Trainings can be customized to fit needs of the command.
Other Important Numbers FFR Administrative Office, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3659 MWR Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-4662 MWR Marketing Department, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-5912 Regional Child Placement Office, JBAB Bldg. 414. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3055 Family Housing Office, JBAB Bldg. 414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-0346 Liberty Program/Center, JBAB Bldg. 72. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 685-1802 Outdoor Recreation/Equipment Rental, JBAB, Bldg. 928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-9136 Navy Gateway Inns & Suites, JBAB, Bldg. 602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 404-7050
New Parent Support Program (NPS)
Assists new parents in coping with the demands of parenting and military life through parenting education and training and home visits to new parents prior to delivery and after delivery; information and referral for military and community resources; child development screenings and monitoring. All active duty members and their families who are pregnant and or have children in the home from infancy to three years old are eligible for these home visitation services.
Assisting Sailors and family members prepare for deployment, manage separations and reunite and reintegrate with families and community through services including the Family Accountability and Assessment System, Individual augmentee (IA) Indoc Course and Deployed Family Fun Days.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Provides assistance to service members with special needs children and family members with medical needs including resource referral to medical, counseling and educational services, support groups and care providers. Assists in finding duty stations where needs are met. Mandatory enrollment per OPNAVINST 1754.2D.
In an advertisement for services at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (Comprint Military Newspapers, August 22, 2013), the wrong advertisement was posted. The new Chief of Staff at Walter Reed Bethesda is Capt. Sarah Martin, not Col. Ramona Fiorey as reported. Martin joined Walter Reed Bethesda as second in Command in July of this year. We regret the error and any confusion it may have caused. For more about Walter Reed National Military Medical Center go to:
bers at the Washington Navy Yard Fitness Center. You can also sign-up at the front desk for renovation email alerts or by emailing the NSAW MWR Marketing Department at Please provide your full name and email address.
CMWR Ice Cream Socials Fitness Center - Phase 3
The Washington Navy Yard Fitness Center, located in W-22, is undergoing a major renovation project that began February 27, 2013 and is expected to continue through mid-October, 2013. Each phase will have customer impacts; possible closures, alternative workout sites and relocation of fitness equipment. Phase Two is nearing completion and below you will find details regarding the transition from Phase Two to Phase Three. Phase 3 renovations of the 1st Floor Gym Area began Aug. 19. The 1st Floor Gym Area and 2nd Floor Cardio Area will be closed during this phase of the renovation project. The fitness equipment will be relocated to the Tennis Court Area in Building 73. Racquetball Court #2 will also be closed during this phase. Please coordinate your court reservations at the front desk for use of racquetball court #1. During all phases of this renovation that towel service will be suspended due to limited access to laundry facilities. Building 73 will serve as an alternative fitness facility throughout the renovations. Please be aware that Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Fitness Centers are also available for use during renovations. For further information and updates throughout this major renovation project, please do not hesitate to ask the staff mem-
WNY, Bldg. 22 Town Center/Fitness Center - Sept. 5 & 19
NEX Barbershop Rate Increase
NEXCOM is dedicated to provide our service members with the best services possible. In this continuous effort to enhance these services the NEX Barbershop located at WNY Bldg 22 will need to increase the cost of haircut services from $9 to $9.25. Thank you for your service and patronage in support of NEXCOM’s
Mordecai Booth’s Hours Change
Mordecai Booth’s, located on the ground floor of Building 101 on the Washington Navy Yard, has changed its hours. The new hours of operation are Tuesday-Friday, 2:30-8:30 p.m. Come on in and enjoy the same great service at a new time!
2013 Ombudsman & Key Spouse Appreciation Luncheon
Sept. 18 | 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.| Bolling ClubTuskegee Room, Joint Base Anacostia Bolling This appreciation luncheon is to honor the Ombudsman and Key Spouses who devote their volunteer hours to serve the families in their command/squadron. For reservations please call 202-404-1640. Tickets are $20 for club members, and $22 for non-members. Please purchase tickets by Sept. 16.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
NDW News Follow NDW on Facebook and Twitter NDW has a Facebook fan page in order to provide updated information to all NDW residents, tenants, employees (military, civilian, and contractors), and the American public. Show your support, “Like Us,” and become a fan to see exciting news relating to the Naval District Washington. Follow us on Twitter @navaldistwash - NSAW has a Twitter page for the Washington Navy Yard to provide the public with up-to-date operating hours of the Navy Yard portion of DC’s Riverwalk. Follow us on Twitter @WNYRiverwalk -
DSO Changes Walk-in Hours Defense Service Office North has changed walk-in hours to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. DSO North is the local office for legal defense services. Attorneys are available to provide advice to service members regarding nonjudicial punishments, summary courts-martial, Article 138 and 1150 complaints, administrative separation processing, hardship discharges and suspect’s rights. Consultations are confidential. DSO is located onboard WNY in Building 200, Suite 1200. Service members should present in uniform.
Wearing of Portable headphones, earphones, and Bluetooth devices: The wearing of portable headphones, earphones, cellular hands-free devices, radios, recording devices or other portable listening devices while running, jogging, walking, bicycling, skating, or skate boarding in roadways and streets interferes with and impairs recognition of emergency signals, alarms, announcements, and the approach of EVs. NSAW personnel are advised use of these devices while performing the noted activities aboard NSAW fence line installations is prohibited. (TRAFFIC OPNAVINST 5100.12J)
Helmsmen Toastmasters Want to improve your speaking and leadership skills? Come to Helmsmen Toastmasters! Join us Thursdays,7:30-8:45 a.m., at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center (PLCC). Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. For more info, contact Annika L’Ecuyer (annika. or 703-614-7160) or Elizabeth Femrite (elizabeth.m.femrite. or 571-256-8674). More information can be found at the Helmsmen Toastmasters website,
Influenza Shot Exercise (Shot-Ex) Branch Health Clinic Washington Navy Yard is offering Shot Exercises to individual commands for active duty personnel on the Navy Yard. The Influenza vaccination is an annual requirement for all Active Duty members and will be conducted from Sept. 2 to Nov. 1. The benefit of using Shot Exercises is to allow medical personnel to administer a mass number of influenza vaccines at designated location provided by commands, reducing wait times for patients and loss of work hours. Shot Exercise requirements are only available to Active Duty members. A command must have a minimum of 25 personnel and a completed command executive approval form. For scheduling, please contact HM2 Hansen via email at mil or by telephone at: 202-433-3730/0880 no later than Oct. 16.
2013 National Day of Remembrance Americans across the country will honor the victims and heroes of the 9/11 tragedy by serving their neighbors and communities as part of the second federally recognized “National Day of Remembrance.” This year’s Joint Services “National Day of Remembrance” project will take place Sept. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Historic Congressional Cemetery, 1801 E Street South East, Washington, D.C. Military personnel and their family members as well as DoD civilians will restore grave markers, remove weeds, do some tree planting and engage in minor landscaping around the cemetery roadways and path to the 9/11 Memorial. Volunteers will receive T-shirts, water and lunch. In the event there are questions regarding the weather, call 202543-0539. This is a great venue for students of American history and an opportunity to earn community service hours. For on-line registration go to ndw, click on the category “About”, scroll to community service. Air Force - 202-404-3196 Army - 202-685-0493 Coast Guard - 202-372-4087 Navy - 202-433-6854 Marines - 202-433-0016
All Laws But One: Civil Liberties in Wartime Book review
Reviewed by Cmdr. Youssef Aboul-Enein
All Laws But One: Civil Liberties in Wartime by the late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States William J. Rehnquist. First published by Knopf and reissued in 2000 in paperback by Vantage. Our business within the intelligence community is a privilege and a sacred trust, as such the education of our future leaders include seminars on civil liberties. Among the books assigned at the National Intelligence University to students is a slim but potent volume by the late Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court William Rehnquist in which he eloquently discusses the complexities of balancing civil liberties and national security. Rehnquist cites cases from the American Civil War to World War II, as they form a foundation to the serious discourse on balancing civil liberty and national security demands. Even in the 21st century, cases from the American Civil War like Merryman, Milligan, and Vallandingham, and the Korematsu case in the Second World War are still debated in light of the transnational war on terrorism. Chief Justice Rehnquist takes his title from President Abraham Lincoln’s July 4, 1861 message to a special session of Congress. Lincoln discussed the danger in upholding an unjust law at the expense of the collapse of the Union. Maintaining America’s cherished ideals are vital and such debates should not be caught up in hysteria or overinflated sound bites. The American Civil War takes center stage in the book and opens with
Lincoln’s decision to suspend Habeas Corpus. A constitutional right derived from English common law, it directs officials to show cause for the detention of a prisoner. Rehnquist lays out the events, persons, and tortuous route Lincoln took to make this decision. Language is important, and Secretary of State William H. Seward, Gen. Winfield Scott, and Lincoln characterized secession as an insurrection tied to a breakdown of public order. Lincoln issued his order April 27, 1861, designating the armed forces to suspend Habeas Corpus between the cities of Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., for the reason of public safety. These were men well versed in the 1786 Shays Rebellion, the 1791 Whiskey Rebellion, and President Andrew Jackson’s threat to send forces to South Carolina which threatened to secede over federal tariffs. An entire chapter is dedicated to infamous Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney’s rebuke of Lincoln’s decision to suspend Habeas Corpus. Taney issued the infamous Dred Scott decision denying citizenship rights to Americans of African descent.
Continued from 1 with positive results. “I am encouraged by the honest and sometimes difficult conversations people are having as a result of SAPR training,” said Reese. “And I am hopeful that it has brought a new level of awareness to all of us, and that it is helpful in the fight to prevent this crime. Currently SARCs are providing sexual assault awareness and bystander type of training to the resident advisors in barracks, and commands are working right now on completing the training of all of our civilian staff. We expect this will all be done by the end of September.” The mission of the Navy’s SAPR program is to prevent and respond to sexual assault, eliminating it from the ranks through a balance of focused education, comprehensive response, compassionate advocacy, and just adjudication in order to promote professionalism, respect, and trust, while preserving Navy mission readiness. It aims to promote and foster a culturally aware and
Other cases include Oliver Wendell Holmes’ unanimous decision to punish those who counseled other persons to evade the draft during World War I, and Justice Learned Hand’s ruling that those inciting by word to evade the draft is not a violation of the Espionage Act. Then there are the cases of challenging the detention of 100,000 Japanese-Americans during World War II. These instances beg the question of how the Supreme Court can uphold such injustices, though America has the institutions and courts to remedy injustice and offer a mechanism to challenge violations of civil liberties. Rehnquist reminds us of the importance of assessing the government’s claims of necessity as a basis for curtailing civil liberties. He ends the book with, “The laws will thus not be silent in time of war, but they will speak with a somewhat different voice.” These cases and this book remain relevant as the United States maintains its values while countering terrorism on such topics as surveillance, detentions, and profiling. Pick up Chief Justice Rehnquist’s book at your local community or base library. Editor’s Note: Cmdr. Aboul-Enein’s latest book, “The Secret War for the Middle East,” which discusses World War II intelligence operations in the Middle East, will be published this October by Naval Institute Press. His first book “Militant Islamist Ideology,” also published by Naval Institute, went paperback this September. He maintains a regular book review column in the Naval District Washington, Waterline.
informed Navy respectful of all, intolerant of sexual assault, and supported by a synergistic program of prevention, advocacy, and accountability. The SAPR program maintains that sexual assault affects Navy readiness, and that the Navy is committed to preventing sexual assault. “Our Navy and Marine Corps is the greatest maritime force the world has ever known. To uphold our core values of honor, courage, and commitment, we must do all we can to protect our people from those who would wish to do them harm, especially if they reside within our own ranks,” said Mabus. “This department is fully committed to using all available resources to prevent this crime, aggressively investigate allegations and prosecute as appropriate. We will not hide from this challenge - we will be active, open and transparent.” For more information on available SAPR training contact your installation SAPR representative. For more information on the Department of the Navy’s SAPR program, visit For more information on NDW, visit
Thursday, August 29, 2013
BURGER BURN Continued from 1
to accomplish their goals. Riley added that community involvement is as much a part of the CPO selectee training process as other traditions such as the “charge book,” a book of recommendations, encouragement, and words of wisdom from the selectees’ prospective CPO colleagues. Other events planned for the region’s CPO selectees include car washes, community service projects, and a 5k run at Henderson Hall in Arlington, Va. CPO 365, a year-long development and training process for first class petty officers, was first introduced in 2010 under former Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Rick West. It includes two phases, the first of which begins in September each year. Phase two of training begins when CPO selectees are announced and concludes with the anchor-pinning ceremony making the selectees full-fledged Navy chiefs. For more information and photos about CPO selectee events in NDW, visit NavDistWash.
Chief Petty Officer (CPO) selectees from various commands in Naval District Washington pose for a group shot during their CPO-365 training.
One of the flags of the Naval District Washington FY-14 CPO selectee cycle displays the rating patches of all the selectees from the region.
CPO selectees from various commands in Naval District Washington prepare burgers and hot dogs at a “burger burn” to raise funds for the Chief’s Mess during their CPO-365 training. U.S. Navy photos by Patrick Gordon
CPO selectee wears his National Capital Region CPO selectee PT shirt while grilling burgers. CPO selectees from various commands in Naval District Washington participate in a “burger burn” to raise funds for the Chief’s Mess during their CPO-365 training. The training prepares the CPO selectees for their new positions as deck plate leaders of tomorrow’s U.S. Navy. Master Chief Yeoman (SW/AW) Shawn Newcoste gives instruction to CPO selectees from various commands in Naval District Washington during their CPO-365 training.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Case Closed:
Observances Highlight Lead Attorney Retires After the Importance Of Eye Care Three Decades Of Service
By Shannon Slaughter Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Public Affairs Intern 1-800-ASK-A-LAWYER? Not at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD). For the past 10 years until he retired in July, James Carr was the NAWCAD lead counsel solving legal issues at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Carr didn’t have requirements to take a case, and, unlike some billboard lawyers, he didn’t ask anyone to open their wallets. “I like working for the government because you aren’t motivated by fees or money,” he said just before his retirement. “You are simply there as a resource, and the challenge is to make yourself accessible.” For more than 30 years, Carr represented the Department of Defense, a career that began in the Army as a member of the Judge Advocate General Corps with duty stations spanning two continents. The NAWCAD lawyers like to say if someone really likes their support or they win a case, their “fee” is a tour of what that person does, which helps them to connect to the work they are doing, Carr said.
May the Record Reflect
Carr’s legal career started at Fort Belvoir in 1983, where his duty assignments took him to Germany and back to the U.S. after four years of active duty in the Army. He returned to the U.S. for good in January 2004 when his experience and qualifications made him a perfect fit to take over as head counsel here at Patuxent River. So, how did an “Army lawyer” find himself at a Navy base? Carr said it was the quality of the people. “Over the years, I had the pleasure of working with a lot of Navy attorneys,” Carr said. “Everyone I’d worked with I was really impressed by and I thought ‘You know, that’s a first class organization, somewhere I’d want to work.’” Carr led a team of 23 attorneys and paralegals here and at Naval Air Engineering Station, Lakehurst, N.J. “Every single one of them was top notch,” he said. NAWCAD Executive Director Gary Kessler said Carr
U.S. Navy photo
With a career that began 30 years ago on active duty as a member of the Army’s Judge Advocate General Corps, James Carr represented the Department of Defense, with duty stations spanning two continents. He retired in July after serving as the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s lead counsel at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. “was one of those lawyers that anyone would want to have on their team. He always provided wise counsel and was truly interested in the things we are doing. He understood what our needs are and he developed solutions, which is something I valued from day one.” NAWCAD is primarily focused on research and engineering and Carr said he saw the legal department as more on the business and corporate operations side. “Most people here are engineers, scientists, test pilots. People on the operating end are the smartest group of people I’ve ever worked with,” Carr said. “Our job was to assist and facilitate them getting what they want and what they need.”
a man claimed to be the long-lost illegitimate son of Howard Hughes harboring secrets about the Glomar Explorer, to a favorite one where he ensured the Point No Point Lighthouse located in the Atlantic Test Ranges territory wasn’t sold to a buyer intending to set up a bed and breakfast. “Things stayed interesting,” Carr said. UPDATE: Carr has spent his first days of retirement enjoying every sunrise with his wife, Judy, and Australian shepherd, Scout, as he explores opportunities for the next adventure.
No Objections
One of the biggest challenges Carr said he faced was getting that message across. He said he impressed upon people that legal counsel wasn’t like getting your teeth pulled. Lawyers are not the enemy, he said. They are a resource, and will find a legal way for clients to do what they want, if it is possible. “Getting to the point where clients trust you and include you as part of the team was important for us,” he said. “I tried to convey that feeling as the boss, so people aren’t adverse to coming and talking to us.” The only thing typical about his workday, Carr said, was that it was always atypical. Cases ranged from the normal to the quirky, including his last case dealing with protecting radar programs from a new wind energy project on the Eastern Shore, to a crazy one where
By Cat DeBinder WRNMMC Journal Staff Writer Protecting the eyes is important, and the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are playing a leading role in promoting research and efforts to prevent, diagnose and treat eye injuries and diseases. The Department of Defense (DOD)/Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Vision Center of Excellence (VCE) opened at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) last year with a mission of leading and advocating programs and initiatives to improve vision health, optimize readiness and enhance quality of life for service members and veterans, according to VCE officials. In 2012, improvised explosive device (IED) blasts in Afghanistan caused 78 percent of all battlefield injuries. In Iraq, the same blasts caused 84 percent of all eye injuries, the VCE reports. They add, “Serious eye trauma from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom is the second most common combat injury and follows only hearing loss, with 16 percent of all casualties suffering eye damage ranging from distorted vision to blindness,” according to the DOD’s Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center. July was Eye Injury Prevention Month, and service
U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Natalie Loucks
Army Pfc. Douglas K. Phillips a member of the 3rd Infantry Division’s Company A, 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, deployed to Durai-ya, Iraq, in May 2007, shows the damage to his face and his eye protection from a small-arms attack. Phillips credits eye protection with saving his eye. members aren’t the only individuals who need to protect their eyes, which is why August is observed as Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month and Cataract Awareness Month and September is Sports and Home Eye Safety Month. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that in the United States, more than 2,000 eye injuries occur every day. One hundred of these result in one or more days of lost work, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, adds that more than 90 percent of eye injuries are preventable with
proper precautions and effective eye protection. Army Maj. (Dr.) Marcus Colyer, a staff ophthalmologist at WRNMMC, said protection is the best way to prevent eye injuries, in addition to avoiding risky activities.“Wear eye protection and avoid high risk activities that predispose you to eye injury, [such as] playing with fireworks, hammering metal on metal, etc.,” he said. He also said exposure to the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) rays can cause damage to the eyes. “The cornea and lens of the eye have natural UV
See Eye, Page 10
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Dahlgren to Celebrate 95 Years Special to the South Potomac Pilot The Navy base that began in 1918 as the Lower Station, Dahlgren Naval Proving Ground is turning 95 years old this year. On Oct. 16, the 95th anniversary of the first gunfiring at what is now Naval Support Facility Dahlgren will occur and a number of events are planned. Base employees will be able to celebrate with a Parade Field event Oct. 16 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The event will combine the yearly Diversity Day Celebration with historical exhibits, a live performance from the Electric Brigade Band from the U.S. Naval Academy, and a performance from the Ceremony Guard from the Washington Navy Yard. Historic tours of the base will also be available for employees, who must reserve a seat in advance to participate. The celebration will begin with three Brown Bag Lunch/Speaker Series events. All will feature former Dahlgren residents and employees reflecting on their lives at Dahlgren - growing up here, working here, and their memories of Dahlgren. On Sept. 11 at the Community House, former employees and current area residents Jack Meyers and Leon Lysher will join Ed Jones, retired editor of the Free Lance-Star newspaper on stage. On Sept. 18 at the Bldg. 1470 Conference Room, Elizabeth Lyddane Agnew and her husband, Chris Agnew, who both grew up at Dahlgren, will be joined by Jones for a round table discussion on growing up here with Elizabeth’s father Russell Lyddane, a physicist and former technical director in the 1950’s who helped shape the base into a research and development facility. Lyddane-
Agnew is a current employee of Naval Surface Warfare Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD). The final event will occur Oct. 9 as Mrs. Helen Gray, the mother of Douglas Gray, after whom Gray’s Landing on the Potomac is named, will join Margie Stevens, former Dahlgren resident and current contractor for NSWCDD, at Gray’s Landing. Ed Jones will serve as moderator of this event as well. Gray and Stevens, who grew up with Douglas Gray, will remember Dahlgren as it was when the Gray family found out they’d lost their son in the Vietnam War. All Speaker Series events are free and open to all with base access. Each will be held from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Former students of Dahlgren School are invited to participate in a reunion on Saturday, Oct. 19. The reunion, coordinated by Stevens and a team of former students, will include a program by current Dahlgren School students. Times are to be determined. The public may also participate in historic base tours on Sat., Oct. 19. The tours will originate at the future home of the Dahlgren History Museum at 3540 James Madison Highway in King George, the site of the old Potomac Gateway Welcome Center near the Nice Bridge. Tours will be available between 1 - 4 p.m. and will require a $10 donation to the Dahlgren Museum. Participants may begin registering for the tours the first week of September by visiting For more information on Dahlgren 95th Anniversary events, contact the Naval Support Activity South Potomac Public Affairs Office at (540) 653-8153.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Dahlgren Base Housing Open to Civilians
2014 JJeep eep G Grand rand Ch Cherok erokee ee LLare aredo do Cherokee Laredo
Special to the South Potomac Pilot For only the third time in the past five years, civilians are eligible to lease two-bedroom townhomes on Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. Lincoln Military Housing (LMH), the management company for family housing units on the base, announced last month that it is now offering a 6 month lease on the Townhomes to (in priority order) single Sailors and Sailors in geobachelor status and a 12 month lease to military retirees, Federal Civil Service employees and Federal Civil Service retirees. LMH was selected by the Navy to assume management of all military family housing on Navy installations throughout the midAtlantic region in a publicprivate partnership in 2005. Whereas LMH-managed housing is normally reserved for military members and their families, the company has the option to open onbase housing to non-activeduty military renters when housing units are vacant.
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U.S. Navy photo by Gary Wagner
Townhomes on Naval Support Facility Dahlgren are now open to civilians for occupancy. Living on base offers a number of benefits. All utilities are included in monthly rent. Lawn care and landscaping are provided by LMH. Quality of life facilities, such as the base aquatics center, fitness center, Craftech and base theater are just a short walk from the housing area. LMH also sponsors a number of free programs each month for housing residents and their families to include trips, tickets, contests and other events. As an added bonus, children in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade may
attend the DoD-run Dahlgren School on base. This benefit would not be extended to military retirees living in base housing unless they are DoD employees. Several units are available for occupancy immediately. Interested parties are required to undergo a credit check and pay a security deposit. Once a resident’s initial six-month or 12-month lease expires, the lease automatically becomes monthto-month. Interested parties should contact the Lincoln Military Housing office at (540) 6632190 for more information.
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Continued from 7 protection, but chronic UV exposure can increase the risk of cancers of the ocular surface, such as squamous cell carcinoma, as well as skin growths, called pterygium,” Colyer explained. “Macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in Americans over the age of 65, is probably due in part to UV higher wavelength as well as genetics,” he added. For the outdoors, doctors recommend using eyewear that provides as close to 100 percent eye protection from UV exposure as possible. The tint of the lens has nothing to do with the UV protection of the lenses, they add. A clear lens with 100 percent protection is better for your eyes than a dark, tinted pair without UV protection. In fact, dark lenses without UV protection can be even worse for your eyes because they allow more UV light to get into your eyes due to your pupils being larger. There are many safety glasses on the market that protect eyes from UV exposure, and all Military Combat Eye Protection, even with the clear lenses in place, block 99.9 percent of all UVA and UVB light, according to Michael D. Pattison, Occupational Vision Optometrist at the U.S. Army Public Health Command. Cataract formation is another condition due in part to UV exposure. According to Colyer, cataracts are a normal aging process in the eye. The average age a patient might require cataract surgery, the most commonly performed surgery in the United States, is 75. There are approximately 50 cases performed at WRNMMC each month, added Coyler. “Factors that increase the rate of cataract formation include genetics, environmental conditions and trauma,” he said. In addition to proper safety eyewear, early detection and treatment of eye disease and
Thursday, August 29, 2013
other eye conditions is essential to maintaining good vision throughout life, Coyler explained. He said some of the signs and symptoms of eye damage and disease include diminished vision, blurriness or distorted vision. “Blurriness of vision is usually a sign of changing eyeglasses prescription, but lost vision (areas of splotchy or missing vision), distorted vision (a doorway looks crooked in a spot), or darkened vision are all signs of potentially serious eye disease and require evaluation,” the doctor explained. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology‘s website, staring at your computer screen, smart phone, video game or other digital devices for long periods won’t cause permanent eye damage, but can cause eyestrain. “Normally, humans blink about 18 times a minute, but studies show we blink half that often while using computers and other digital screen devices, whether for work or play,” according to American Academy of Ophthalmology officials. They recommend sitting about 25 inches from the screen, reducing the monitor’s glare, and periodically shifting your eyes to look at an object 20 feet away, for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. They call it the “20-20-20 Rule.” In regards to children’s eye health, the American Optometric Association recommends eye examinations for infants and children at six months and 3 years of age. For school age children, eye examination is recommended before first grade and every two years thereafter. Infants at higher risks, for example from family history, should have an examination as soon as medically practicable. Similarly, children with symptoms or higher risks should also be examined more frequently. For more information about the DOD/VA Vision Center of Excellence, visit http://vce.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013