The Waterline
October 17, 2013
Vol. XXX No.41
Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Education Key to Prevention By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer
U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Cmdr. Jim Remington
A staff member at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling CDC helps a young girl put the finishing touches on a banner dedicated to Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
During the month of October NDW is committed to educating its personnel on domestic violence and its effects during Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). Through this effort, prevention is being promoted to not only raise awareness of domestic violence, but also help to stop it. During DVAM, personnel should educate themselves on how to stop domestic violence should it occur. This year the Navy has adopted, “Silence Hides Violence,” as its DVAM theme to encourage every member of every community to use their voice against domestic violence. The theme will also center on the impact of getting help for a victim of abuse, as well as the consequences of a victim and the community remaining silent in the face of abuse. “Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a time for the community to come together
and build awareness and a movement towards safe and healthy relationships for all individuals and families,” said Lolita Allen, program analyst, Family Advocacy Program at Commander, Navy Installation Command (CNIC) headquarters. “DVAM is observed to bring to light an issue that affects our community in a staggering way. It’s an opportunity for domestic violence organizations to connect with the community through meaningful outreach and awareness events.” Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. It can affect anyone of any gender at any stage of a relationship. If an individual is the victim of domestic violence - but not in immediate danger of harm, in which case they should call 911 - Allen suggests they take action and call their local Family Advocacy Program (FAP) to get help. “Call Family Advocacy; that is a surefire way that both the victim and the offender
will receive help,” said Allen. “We are connecting families to resources, treatment and services that will help them to be safe and build healthy relationships. We want victims who experience abuse to have the support systems at their fingertips when needed. There is safety in having friends and family who you trust to provide details related to abuse. However, we also understand that these systems are not always readily available to military families who are geographically separated from their extended family support. Additionally, we understand that victims of abuse need support - like the FAP - that can help them to navigate military and civilian community support systems and connect them to the appropriate services.” FAP representatives offer a number of services to victims of domestic abuse, including connecting victims to emergency services and counseling, shelter, legal ser-
See Prevention, Page 10
NDW Brings Energy Initiatives to Forefront during Energy Awareness Month By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer Naval District Washington (NDW) is celebrating Energy Awareness Month in October. Designed to inform and educate personnel about energy consumption and conservation, the campaign also hopes to encourage energy conservation and responsible usage by bringing awareness to the forefront. “Energy Awareness Month is so important because everyone has a role and responsibility to increase energy efficiency for the Navy,” said Jody Davenport, NDW N6 (Technology) program manager. “The 2013 NAVFAC/Naval District Washington energy awareness campaign will broaden our regional energy focus towards a new, comprehensive regional energy strategy consisting of five energy pillars - energy culture, energy information, energy efficiency, renewable energy/alternate fuels, and energy security.” The region’s energy conservation initiatives are not just confined to the month of October, however. NDW has long been developing and instituting energy saving programs, such as the Smart Grid Pilot program started in 2012. “In fiscal year 2012, OPNAV funded the NDW smart grid pilot activity with the goal
of establishing foundational capabilities to enable the energy mandates in a cyber-secure fashion,” said Rear Adm. David Boone, director, Shore Readiness (OPNAV N46). “They have accomplished the development of the smart grid industrial control architecture that has been tested, validated and certified by fleet cyber command for Department of the Navy use. I’m excited about the progress that the NDW Pilot has made in achieving their goals.” The Navy’s Smart Grid Pilot is comprised of interconnected technologies that collectively monitor, predict, control, and respond to building and utility management systems. Using Smart Grid technologies, the Navy can adjust energy distribution and controls to lower cost and divert energy to power critical assets during an emergency. In recent months, NDW has been implementing new energy initiatives to continue its commitment to energy conservation in a secure manner. Davenport said that within the NDW N6 Technology department, personnel strive to show an impact through the use of technology to support awareness, accountability and effective planning. The smart grid provides the “technology backbone” that provides data, and the people
See Awareness, Page 8
Around the Yard, page 2 Link directly to www.dcmilitary. com /waterline on your Smart phone
U.S. Navy photo by Patrick Gordon
Jody Davenport, NDW Smart Grid Pilot program manager, explains the smart grid with a demo unit during a tour of the Washington Navy Yard’s smart grid capabilities. NDW’s Smart Energy concept of operations identifies appropriate energy management actions based on information gained from the grid.
Webster Outlaying Field, The Early Years, page 7
Thursday, October 17, 2013
NAMDC Brings Focus To Integrated Air and Missile Defense
Special to the South Potomac Pilot
Commander’s Course and the Weapons Tactics Instructor Course for advanced training. The Air and Missile Defense Commander’s Course teaches operational IAMD concepts derived from joint, strike group and unit missions. The curriculum - taught to prospective commanding officers and executive officers by NAMDC instructors - is continually updated with the latest Fleet observations. The Weapons Tactics Instructors Course - similar to the Navy Strike and Air Warfare Center’s Top Gun Course - addresses the need for tactically proficient Integrated Air and Missile Defense Surface Warfare Officers. WTI curriculum starts with a core competency course on the Aegis weapon system and branches into networks, electronic warfare, mission planning and space warfare modules. Course graduates become trainers and instructors at key training commands throughout the Navy and then return to operational fleet commands. Another globally significant program NAMDC supports is Aegis Ashore. In 2009, the president approved a request for a phased, adaptive approach for missile defense of Europe. The Navy’s charge is to deploy the heretofore seabased Aegis weapon system on two land-based sites - one in Deveselu, Romania, in 2015 and a counterpart system for Redzikowo, Poland, in 2018.
Navy Air and Missile Defense Command, located in Building 1700 on Dahlgren, is the installation’s newest command and one of three Navy Warfare Centers of Excellence. NAMDC is the Navy’s lead organization for Integrated Air and Missile Defense programs. The command supports the Fleet directly by conducting readiness assessments and providing doctrine, exercise, operations, planning and training support to enhance naval warfighting capabilities. Founded in April 2009, NAMDC continues to sharpen its focus on the Fleet. As recognized technical and operational experts - with a talented, highly-educated uniform and civilian workforce - the command supports myriad Integrated Air Missile Defense programs. IAMD, which includes Ballistic Missile Defense and Air Defense, is a Navy core mission within the U.S. Maritime Strategy. This strategy calls for combat power continuously postured to protect America’s vital interests and to defend against established and emergent threats. NAMDC provides vital products to counter these threats. Mission packages provide planners and operators the ability to make informed decisions on ship posturing and positioning. Waterfront assessments ensure the deploying warfighter is versed on the latest tactics, techniques and procedures. NAMDC also offers the Air and Missile Defense
Courtesy photo
In this 2009 photo, Rear Adm. Alan B. Hicks, NAMDC commander, Adm. Robert F. Willard, U.S. Pacific Fleet commander and Vice Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III, U.S. 3rd Fleet, commander participated in the NAMDC establishment ceremony.
In its role with Aegis Ashore, the command serves as executive secretary for the Navy Ballistic Missile Defense Enterprise which oversees eight Cross Functional Teams tasked to provide the resources and equipment to meet operational deadlines. The work accomplished in these broad ranging and far reaching programs is accomplished by a remarkable small and capable staff. With some 75 members assigned - a workforce comprised of a nearly even number of contractors, civilians and Sailors - it is one of the Navy’s smallest commands supporting some of its largest programs.
Around the Yard How do you practice energy conservation?
I turn of all the lights when I leave a room. Operations Specialist 2nd Class Brittany Carter International Programs Office Washington Navy Yard
The Waterline
Commandant, Naval District Washington Rear Adm. Markham Rich NDW Public Affairs Officer Edward Zeigler Waterline Staff Writer Pat Gordon Copy Editor/Page Designer The Gazette/Comprint Military Publications Lorraine Walker All stories must be submitted by 4 p.m. the Thursday prior to publication. E-mail stories to: or bring/mail to: The Waterline, 1411 Parsons Ave. SE, Suite 205, Washing-
I turn my lights off when I’m not in the room and shut off equipment when it’s not in use. Master Chief Yeoman Shawn Newcoste Naval History and Heritage Command Washington Navy Yard
ton Navy Yard, 20374. Submissions should be free of military times and should contain the first and last names with ranks/rates, warfare qualifications, job titles and duty station/command of all persons quoted or referred to. All submissions must also include the author’s name and office or telephone number where they can be reached. If you have further questions, call or contact the editor at (202) 433-9714, fax (202) 433-2158. This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DOD civilians and their family members. Contents of The Waterline do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute
I turn off the lights whenever I leave the room and drive a fuel efficient vehicle. Michael Beasley Contractor Washington Navy Yard
endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Naval District Washington or Comprint, Inc., of the products or services advertised. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 9481520, a private firm in no way connected with DOD or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. To place display advertising, please call (240) 4737538. To place classified advertising, call (301) 6702505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The editorial content of The Waterline is edited and approved by the public affairs office of Naval District Washington.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
This Week in Navy History October 21
October 17
1922 – Lt. Cmdr. Virgil C. Griffin in Vought VE-7SF makes first takeoff from U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, USS Langley (CV-1) anchored in York River, Va. 1941 - U-568 torpedoes and damages USS Kearny (DD-432) near Iceland, resulting in 11 killed and 22 injured. 1944 - Naval Forces land Army rangers on islands at the entrance to Leyte Gulf in preparation for landings. 1989 - Following San Francisco earthquake, 24 Navy and Military Sealift Command ships render assistance.
1797 - Launching of USS Constitution at the Hartts Boston shipyard, Boston. The ship is now the oldest commissioned ship in the U.S. Navy. 1942 - British submarine HMS Seraph (P219) lands Navy Capt. Jerauld Wright and four Army officers at Cherchel, French North Africa, to meet with a French military delegation to learn the French attitude toward future Allied landings. 1944 - Leyte Landings continue.
October 22
October 18
1812 - U.S. sloop of war Wasp captures HM brig Frolic. 1859 - U.S. Marines reach Harper’s Ferry, Va., and assault the arsenal seized by John Brown and his followers. 1867 - USS Ossippee and USS Resaca participate in formal transfer of Alaska to U.S. authority at Sitka and remain to enforce law and order in new territory. 1944 - 3rd Fleet Carrier aircraft attack Japanese ships in harbor and land forces around Manila. 1968 - In Operation Sea Lords, the Navy’s three major operating forces in Vietnam (TF 115, 116, and 117) are brought together for the first time to stop Vietcong infiltration deep into South Vietnam’s Mekong Delta.
October 19
1843 – Capt. Robert Stockton in Princeton, the first screw propelled naval steamer, challenges British merchant ship Great
Photo courtesy of the Naval History and Heritage Command
President John F. Kennedy meets with Soviet Ambassador Anatoli Dobrynin and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, center, at the White House Oct. 18, 1962. One month later Kennedy would lift the U.S. Naval blockade of Cuba. Western to a race off New York, which Princeton won easily. 1915 - Establishment of Submarine Base at New London, Conn. 1944 - Secretary of Navy orders African American women accepted into Naval Reserve. 1987 - Destruction of an Iranian oil-drilling platform used for military purposes.
October 20
1824 - U.S. Schooner Porpoise captures four pirate ships off Cuba.
1944 - Seventh Fleet lands over 60,000 Army troops on Leyte, Philippines, while Japanese aircraft attack. 1952 - Task Force 77 establishes ECM Hunter/Killer Teams of two ECM equipped aircraft and an armed escort of four Skyraiders and four Corsairs. 1967 - Operation Coronado VII began in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. 1983 - Due to political strife, USS Independence (CV-59) ordered to Grenada.
Secretary of the Navy Announces SAPR Survey
From Ray Mabus Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced in a message to the fleet the 2013 Department of the Navy Sexual Assault Survey Oct. 13. The message is as follows: This ALNAV announces the 2013 department of the Navy (DON) Sexual Assault Survey. This ALNAV applies to all military personnel DON-wide. There is no place for any form of sexual assault in the DON. Working in partnership, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Commandant of the Marine Corps and I are mutually committed to confronting the challenge of sexual assault across the department. Our simultaneous goals are to prevent, if not eliminate, sexual assaults involving sailors and marines; to ensure effective support for sexual assault victims; and to hold offenders appropriately accountable. Unfortunately, there is no proven road map for achieving success. We will invariably break new ground in doing so, and we may need to make course adjustments along the way. We have taken important steps already, and we will do more. Our core values demand no less of us all. In order to assess the effectiveness of our efforts, it is important for us to understand trends in the true number of sexual assaults, whether reported or not. There is no simple way to do so. In this regard, we believe that recent increases in sexual assault reporting by sailors and marines reflect increasing trust in our sexual assault prevention and response programs and recent training
Official photo
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus about exactly what constitutes sexual assault. While no tool is perfect, confidential and anonymous surveys provide a valuable different mechanism to learn about the perspectives and experiences of individual sailors and marines. I have directed the Department of the Navy Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (DON SAPRO) to conduct a voluntary, anonymous, department-wide sexual assault survey to explore the true frequency of sexual assaults involving sailors and marines, the circumstances surrounding those assaults, and factors affecting their reporting. We will use this information
See Survey, Page 9
1846 - Miss Lavinia Fanning Watson of Philadelphia christens the sloop-of-war Germantown, the first U.S. Navy ship sponsored by a woman. 1951 - First of seven detonations, Operation Buster-Jangle nuclear test. 1962 - President John F. Kennedy orders surface blockade (quarantine) of Cuba to prevent Soviet offensive weapons from reaching Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
October 23
1944 - Battle of Leyte Gulf, a series of separate battles, begins with attacks on Japanese ships. 1983 - A suicide truck bomber attacks the Marine barracks at Beirut airport, Lebanon killing 241 (220 Marines, 18 Sailors, and three soldiers) 1983 - Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, West Indies, begins.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
NSA Washington-JBAB Fleet Family and Fun Centralized Scheduling
Military and Family Support Center (MFSC) located on Joint Base Anacostia Bolling introduces a comprehensive centralized scheduling service for your individual appointment needs. One call to our screeners gets you an appointment for pre-separation briefs, employment services, clinical counseling, personal financial management, relocation, deployment and a host of other programs and services. MFSC is here to support you and stands ready to assist with every career and life change. Contact our Centralized Scheduling Center for individual, marriage and family counseling, individual resume assistance, financial counseling, relocation assistance or deployment/reintegration support. Please call 202-685-6019 to schedule an appointment.
The Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP)
Offers an array of services and benefits to transitioning service members, including computers setup for individuals to go online to different job banks, college and scholarship resources and career assessment tools. Resume Writing Workshops are offered which includes Federal Resume Writing Interview Skills, information on veterans’ benefits and a professional resource library; Two TAP Seminars and one Executive TAP Seminar - five-day programs - are offered monthly sponsored by the departments of Labor and Veteran Affairs, and include information that will benefit the transitioning military member.
Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Offers seven basic services, which include job search strategies, job readiness, resource information, job referral service, individual counseling assistance, career planning and links to education and volunteer opportunities.
Improve your speaking skills with Helmsmen Toastmasters
Join us Thursdays, 7:30-8:45 a.m., at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center. Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. For more info, contact Carl Sabath at carl.sabath@osd. mil, 703-695-2804, or Elizabeth Femrite at, 571256-8674. Remember, great Helmsmen say, “Yes!” To learn more about Helmsmen Toastmasters, visit
Pre-Separation Briefings
Service members preparing to transition from military to civilian life are required by law to attend a pre-separation counseling briefing. The pre-separation brief is designed to make transitioning military members aware of all the services and benefits available to them and their family members under Transition GPS. These briefings will provide the information necessary to make
more informed decisions. For your convenience the pre-separation counseling briefing is available through one-on-one appointments at Military and Family Support Center and can be made through Centralized Scheduling at 202-685-6019.
DEPLOYMENT READINESS/ FAMILY SERVICES Personal Financial Management (PFM) Program offers individual and family financial counseling, financial classes, and is responsible for the Command Financial specialist training in the Region (NDW).
Life Skills Education Provides presentations to help commands meet requirements, as well as enhance operational and personal readiness including parenting skills training, couples communication, anger and stress management, conflict resolution, Child Abuse Awareness, Spouse Abuse Awareness and suicide prevention. Trainings can be customized to fit needs of the command.
New Parent Support Program (NPS)
Assists new parents in coping with the demands of parenting and military life through parenting education and training and home visits to new parents prior to delivery and after delivery; information and referral for military and community resources; child development screenings and monitoring. All active duty members and their families who are pregnant and or have children in the home from infancy to three years old are eligible for these home visitation services.
Assisting Sailors and family members prepare for deployment, manage separations and reunite and reintegrate with families and community through services including the Family Accountability and Assessment System, Individual augmentee (IA) Indoc Course and Deployed Family Fun Days.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Provides assistance to service members with special needs children and family members with medical needs including resource referral to medical, counseling and educational services, support groups and care providers. Assists in finding duty stations where needs are met. Mandatory enrollment per OPNAVINST 1754.2D.
Fitness Center - Phase 3
The Washington Navy Yard Fitness Center, located in W-22, is undergoing a major renovation project that began February 27, 2013 and is expected to continue to November 4, 2013. Each phase will have customer impacts; possible closures, alternative workout sites and relocation of fitness equipment. Phase Two is nearing completion and below you will find details regarding the transition from Phase Two to Phase Three. Phase 3 renovations of the 1st Floor Gym Area began Aug. 19. The 1st Floor Gym Area and 2nd Floor Cardio Area will be closed during this phase of the renovation project. The fitness equipment will be relocated to the Tennis Court Area in Building 73.
FFR/MWR Phone numbers Fitness Centers Washington Navy Yard, bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2282/2829
Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) Ticket Office, WNY Bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2484 Travel Office, WNY Bldg. 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 685-8299
Food & Beverage Catering & Conference Center, WNY Bldg. 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3041/4312 Mordecai Booth’s Public House, WNY Bldg. 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 678-0514
Military and Family Support Center MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-6151 MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-0450
Other Important Numbers FFR Administrative Office, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FFRP Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MWR Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MWR Marketing Department, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regional Child Placement Office, JBAB Bldg. 414. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Family Housing Office, JBAB Bldg. 414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberty Program/Center, JBAB Bldg. 72. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outdoor Recreation/Equipment Rental, JBAB, Bldg. 928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navy Gateway Inns & Suites, JBAB, Bldg. 602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Racquetball Court #2 will also be closed during this phase. Please coordinate your court reservations at the front desk for use of racquetball court #1. During all phases of this renovation that towel service will be suspended due to limited access to laundry facilities. Building 73 will serve as an alternative fitness facility throughout the renovations. Please be aware that Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Fitness Centers are also available for use during renovations. For further information and updates throughout this major renovation project, please do not hesitate to ask the staff members at the Washington Navy Yard Fitness Center. You can also sign-up at the front desk for renovation email alerts or by emailing the NSAW MWR Marketing Department at Please provide your full name and email address.
Military and Family Support Offers Resume Review
Call for appointment | 202-685-6019 Military and Family Support Center offers a one-on-one resume review session for those that are job seeking. Knowledgeable staff will sit down with you and review your resume and assist you in developing a results-oriented resume. Having a solid and effective resume can greatly improve your chances of landing an interview. According to a recent study from TheLadders, recruiters spend just six seconds scanning your resume for certain information. Will your resume make it in those six seconds? Your resume should portray your skills, talents, career highlights and make you stand out from the crowd. Focusing on your accomplishments vs. simple job experience and using key words can open the door for an interview.
Download the Free “ABSalute” App
The JBAB Warfighter & Family Readiness Marketing Department developed a
(202) 433-3659 (202) 433-4052 (202) 433-4662 (202) 433-5912 (202) 433-3055 (202) 433-0346 (202) 685-1802 (202) 767-9136 (202) 404-7050
free smartphone application, bringing its resources to customers and employees on a mobile platform. Perfect for iPhone and Andriod devices. “ABSalute” is a fast and easy-to-use application designed to allow quick access to events and programs. Download the app and receive the latest information about MWR, as well as Warfighter and Family Readiness programs. The app features: - Facility finder including hours of operation, phone listings, and GPS capabilities - Upcoming special events and programs that can be added directly to your calendar - Outdoor Recreation and Capital Cove Marina equipment and boat rentals - Full dining facility menus - Quick links to the Navy-Air Force Half Marathon and Navy 5 Miler website, CNIC JBAB website, Naval District Washington (NDW) Facebook page and the current edition of the 411 magazine - Facility and Event Photos - Push notifications to alert users with the most current information.
Mordecai Booth’s Hours Change
Mordecai Booth’s, located on the ground floor of Building 101 on the Washington Navy Yard, has changed its hours. The new hours of operation are Tuesday-Friday, 2:30-8:30 p.m. Come on in and enjoy the same great service at a new time!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
NDW News Follow NDW on Facebook and Twitter NDW has a Facebook fan page in order to provide updated information to all NDW residents, tenants, employees (military, civilian, and contractors), and the American public. Show your support, “Like Us,” and become a fan to see exciting news relating to the Naval District Washington. Follow us on Twitter @navaldistwash - NSAW has a Twitter page for the Washington Navy Yard to provide the public with up-to-date operating hours of the Navy Yard portion of DC’s Riverwalk. Follow us on Twitter @WNYRiverwalk -
DSO Changes Walk-in Hours Defense Service Office North has changed walk-in hours to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. DSO North is the local office for legal defense services. Attorneys are available to provide advice to service members regarding nonjudicial punishments, summary courts-martial, Article 138 and 1150 complaints, administrative separation processing, hardship discharges and suspect’s rights. Consultations are confidential. DSO is located onboard WNY in Building 200, Suite 1200. Service members should present in uniform.
Wearing of Portable headphones, earphones, and Bluetooth devices: The wearing of portable headphones, earphones, cellular hands-free devices, radios, recording devices or other portable listening devices while running, jogging, walking, bicycling, skating, or skate boarding in roadways and streets interferes with and impairs recognition of emergency signals, alarms, announcements, and the approach of EVs. NSAW personnel are advised use of these devices while performing the noted activities aboard NSAW fence line installations is prohibited. (TRAFFIC OPNAVINST 5100.12J)
Helmsmen Toastmasters Want to improve your speaking and leadership skills? Come to Helmsmen Toastmasters! Join us Thursdays,7:30-8:45 a.m., at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center (PLCC). Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. For more info, contact Annika L’Ecuyer (annika. or 703-614-7160) or Elizabeth Femrite (elizabeth.m.femrite. or 571-256-8674). More information can be found at the Helmsmen Toastmasters website,
Influenza Shot Exercise (Shot-Ex) Branch Health Clinic Washington Navy Yard is offering Shot Exercises to individual commands for active duty personnel on the Navy Yard. The Influenza vaccination is an annual requirement for all Active Duty members and will be conducted from Sept. 2 to Nov. 1. The benefit of using Shot Exercises is to allow medical personnel to administer a mass number of influenza vaccines at designated location provided by commands, reducing wait times for patients and loss of work hours. Shot Exercise requirements are only available to Active Duty members. A command must have a minimum of 25 personnel and a completed command executive approval form. For scheduling, please contact HM2 Hansen via email at mil or by telephone at: 202-433-3730/0880 no later than Oct. 16.
2013 Hiring Our Heroes Veterans Hiring Fair Join us at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in the Bolling Club, Building 50, Nov. 1 for the 2013 Hiring Our Heroes Veterans Hiring Fair from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes event is sponsored by Lockheed Martin and co-sponsored locally by Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) Military Family Support Center, the Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR), the U. S. Department of Labor Veterans Employment and Training Service (DOL VETS), U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the American Legion, NBC News, and other local partners. A workshop for veterans and other military job seekers that focuses on resume writing, tips for successfully navigating hiring fairs, military skill translation, and interviewing will start at 9 a.m. To register for the Hiring Our Heroes Employment Workshop, visit Employers can register for free at; job seekers can register for free at to guarantee admission. Walk-ins are welcome but space is not guaranteed. For registration questions, please contact us at hiringourheroes@ or call 202-463-5807. For more information about Hiring Our Heroes, visit
Navy Cancels, Postpones Zumwalt Christening From Defense Media Activity-Navy
The Navy announced today that the christening of the future USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) originally scheduled for Oct. 19 has been cancelled and postponed until a future date. “It is incredibly unfortunate that we are being forced to cancel the christening ceremony for this great warship,” said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, “but the ongoing government shutdown prevents us from being able to honor Admiral Zumwalt’s memory with a ceremony befitting his and his family’s legacy of service to our Nation and our Navy.” The future USS Zumwalt is a first of class ship for the Navy’s next generation destroyer. Zumwalt class ships are tailored for sustained operations in the littorals and land attack, and will provide independent forward presence and deterrence, support special operations forces, and operate as an integral part of joint and combined expeditionary forces. The Zumwalt honors Navy Adm. Elmo R. “Bud” Zumwalt Jr., who became the 19th Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) in 1970, and passed away in Durham, N.C., Jan. 2, 2000.
U.S. Navy graphic by MC1 Arif Patani
An informational graphic depicting USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000). The Navy is in coordination with the Zumwalt family and General Dynamics Bath Iron Works to reschedule the christening ceremony. Additional information about the Zumwalt-class destroyer is available online at
Washington Navy Yard Recovery Task Force Established From Secretary of the Navy Public Affairs
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced Oct. 10 the establishment of the Washington Navy Yard Recovery Task Force. Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment (EI&E) Dennis McGinn will lead the task force. Vice Adm. William D. French, commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), is designated the Task Force deputy commander. “We will continue to care for our Navy family impacted by this tragedy, and ensure those commands are able to continue doing their job,” Mabus said. “This task force will serve as the single point of contact for all departmental actions and activities focused on their recovery.” Specifically, the task force will develop a comprehensive infrastructure restoration plan while ensuring the proper coordination of
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Stuart Phillips
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus delivers remarks during a memorial service at the Marine Barracks for the victims of the Washington Navy Yard shooting. physical and behavioral health care needs of all individuals affected by the tragedy, the recovery of personal effects from the crime scene, and temporary spaces for displaced commands. Washington Navy Yard Recovery Task Force assumes the responsibility of actions assigned to the Emergency Family Support Task Force established, Sept. 16.
Legal Corner From The Staff Judge Advocate For Naval District Washington In an effort to keep you informed of military discipline and administrative matters that have occurred in Naval District Washington, the Waterline will periodically publish Court-Martial and Administrative Separation results. Administrative Processing Administrative Separation Boards: - A Hospitalman was separated under MILPERSMAN 1910-142 (commission of a serious offense). - An Administrative Separation Board was held for an Operations Specialist 2nd Class under MILPERSMAN 1910-170 (PFA failure). The Operations Specialist 2nd Class was retained. - An Information Systems Technician Seaman was separated under MILPERSMAN 1910-170 (PFA failure). - A Culinary Specialist 1st Class was separated under MILPERSMAN 1910-170 (PFA failure) via Notification Procedure. - An Information Systems Technician 3rd Class was separated under MILPERSMAN 1910-170 (PFA failure).
Red Star Over the Pacific: China’s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy
Reviewed by Cmdr. Youssef Aboul-Enein
Red Star Over the Pacific: China’s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy by Toshi Yoshihara and James R. Holmes. Published by Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland. 312 pages, 2010. Toshi Yoshihara and James Holmes, associate professors at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I., have published a book that is an interesting and thought provoking discussion of the rise of China’s naval capabilities. It is however a holistic approach looking at capabilities, strategic thinking, cultural influences and other regional powers to assess potential options that China may consider in asserting dominance its hemisphere. The book opens with the Chinese rehabilitation of the works of American naval strategic theorist Adm. Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840-1914) and Chinese application of his theories of control of maritime communications. The authors quote American national security journalist Robert Kaplan’s criticism that the U.S. Navy pays homage to Mahan by naming buildings after him, the Chinese avidly read him. It is however, according to the authors, an amalgamation of Mao “active defense” concept; with Mahan’s theories of sea power that synthesizes a truly 21st century Chinese naval strategy. The stability of China rests on raising the stan-
Book review
dard of living for its people and fueling the appetite of Chinese industries with raw materials. What is important to note is that the Chinese military is debating the importance of sea power versus land power as it relates to China’s security and dominance in Asia. In a chapter entitled, “Fleet Tactics with Naval Characteristics,” the book games out potential scenarios for a U.S.-China naval engagement. The authors use the method and language of Wayne Hughes to dissect Chinese tactics in the 21st century in the near shore and on the high seas. The book discusses China’s naval undersea element, its anti-ship missile component, and Chinese naval concern for America’s AEGIS systems that are discussed. What is clear is that China has only begun to project naval power, deploying a naval contingent in 2008 to fight Somali piracy along with other nations, including the United States. India, Japan, and other Asian powers are
expressing concern regarding the building of Chinese naval basing in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. India is sensitive that the British successfully occupied India from the sea, and is taking measures to assert its dominance in the Indian Ocean. The book is thought provoking, and discusses the People’s Republic Army (Navy), its maritime strategic view of island chains that encircle China, and the view of Taiwan in allowing it access to an outer chain of islands. It also does not postulate necessarily an aggressive China, but one in which its interest and influence are taken into consideration by the United States. The book’s final chapter discusses the incorporation of regional navies along with the United States in assuming the burden of guaranteeing free access to the seas and how China may fit within this American naval strategy known popularly as the 1,000-ship navy. This volume is an excellent read for those interested in Asia, maritime strategy, and geostrategic questions. Editor’s Note: Cmdr. Aboul-Enein is author of “Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat,” published in 2010 by Naval Institute Press. He teaches part-time at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and maintains a regular book review column in the Naval District Washington newspaper, Waterline.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Case Management Week To Celebrate Coordinators Of Care By Bernard S. Little WRNMMC Journal Staff Writer Military medical facilities in the National Capital Region (NCR) will salute the efforts of the behind-thescene individuals responsible for guiding the seamless transition of worldclass care for patients, during Case Management Week Oct. 13-19. This year’s theme focuses on innovation, collaboration and advocacy, according to event planners. This is the 15th year for National Case Management Week, started by the Case Management Society of America. The week-long celebration serves to recognize case managers, educate the public about the profession, and increase knowledge of the contribution of case managers to quality health care for patients, according to officials with the Case Management Society of America. Activities planned for Case Management Week at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) include an opening ceremony and breakfast on Oct. 15 at 9 a.m. in the Warrior Café in Building 62; a luncheon on Oct. 16 at 11 a.m. in the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE); a symposium on Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. in Building 10’s Laurel B. Clark Auditorium; a health awareness
fair on Oct. 18 at 10 a.m. in Building 17’s atrium and gymnasium; and a dinner cruise on Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. For more information about events during Case Management Week, call Rhonda D. Leonard at 301-295-4224. What does a case manager do? “A case manager works behind the scenes to facilitate access to care for those patients unable to do so for themselves,” explained Anne Cobb, a nurse case manager at WRNMMC. “We coordinate appointments and procedures and link the providers and facilities to ensure we keep the patient at the center of our efforts,” she added. April Gibson, a nurse case manager for the Warrior Transition Unit at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, Fort Meade, Md., added, “case managers are vital participants of a coordinating team who empower people to understand and access quality health care.” “Case management is where advocacy and collaboration come together,” noted Elaine D’Aprile, nurse case manager at the DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic at the Pentagon. “The case manager is an advocate, a collaborator and an important facilitator among the client, family, caregiver, health team, payer and community.” She explained wounded warriors require “a comprehensive care plan with short
and long-term measurable goals according to evidencebased outcomes.” Case managers assist wounded, injured and ill service members and their families with this by helping them “navigate the recuperation and rehabilitation process. The case manager must identify the resources they require to respond to their life-changing events both physically and emotionally.” “If I had to sum it up in one sentence it would be this: a case manager does whatever has to be done, within our scope of practice, to make sure the patient has the best medical outcome possible,” said Jasmine Little, a nurse case manager at WRNMMC. Case managers said they find helping patients to be the most rewarding part of their job. “I feel rewarded by knowing that as part of the multidisciplinary team, we affect change or help to impact the member’s quality of life for the better,” explained Khalilah Hill-Best, nurse case manager at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Gibson agreed, adding what she finds rewarding about case management includes, “helping people with complex situations, working with a team of competent professionals in caring for [those complex cases], and helping facilitate communi-
See Celebrate, Page 9
CSCS: Where Surface Combat Systems Training Begins By Kimberly M. Lansdale Center For Surface Combat Systems
U.S. Navy photo by FC1 Eduardo Bustamante
Center for Surface Combat Systems Detachment San Diego’s Fire Controlman 2nd Class Scott Bentz (standing) and Fire Controlman 1st Class Steven Magee (left) are instructing Fire Controlman 3rd Class Anderson (right) from the USS Higgins during their Advanced Warfare Training Phase III.
The Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS) falls under the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC). The goal of NETC is to enable the Fleet to successfully execute the Maritime Strategy by providing quality training and education to our Maritime Forces. To support the Maritime Strategy and achieve operational excellence, CSCS provides the backbone of the surface force’s warfare capability. In 2000, the U.S. Navy recognized that it needed to reform the way it trained. To lay the groundwork for this reformation, the Navy per-
formed a top-level review of its training programs. The Executive Review of Navy Training (ERNT) interviewed Sailors, reviewed policies and procedures and compared its training against effective, corporate training programs. Among the most important findings and recommendations of the study were for the creation of centers of excellence or learning centers. As a result, a major reorganization of Navy education and training, including the establishment of centers such as CSCS, had begun. One of the learning centers that would become part of CSCS was located in Dahlgren, Va. The Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) opened its doors in October
1985 with the first class of 14 students graduating Dec. 18, 1985, from the Aegis Computer Fundamentals course. In October 2002, CSCS was provisionally established and the Navy decided that its headquarters would be co-located on the historical Dahlgren Navy base with ATRC. In May 2004, ATRC and its seven detachments were realigned from Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) to the NETC organization and CSCS was officially established in September 2004. “Being part of the Dahlgren community is being part of Navy history,” explained Capt. Don Schmieley, fourth commanding officer of CSCS. “Dahlgren excelled in developing new technology for our Navy ships, and it is where
the Navy’s first weapons research and development program emerged. What better place is there to train our future Navy in surface combat systems?” Today, the CSCS headquarters’ staff oversees 14 learning sites and provides almost 70,000 hours of curriculum for close to 700 courses a year to more than 40,000 Sailors. CSCS uses a mix of blended learning comprised of instructor led classes, hands on labs, simulation and computerbased training. Domainwide, CSCS has over 1,980 staff members comprised of military, government civilians, and industry partners.
See Training, Page 9
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Webster Outlying Field, The Early Years By Pat Woodburn Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Dec. 7, 1941 — the bombing of Pearl Harbor — was a moment of awakening for all Americans, and it was no different for the residents of Priest’s Point in St. Inigoes, Md. A quiet, beautiful parcel of farmland lying gracefully along the western shore of St. Mary’s River, Priest’s Point was the property of the Jesuit fathers of the Catholic Church. The Jesuits had held ownership of the land dating back to 1634 and the very origin of the Maryland colony. Most of the Priest’s Point residents, if not Jesuits, were tenant farmers who, like their ancestors, had plied the lands and local waters of the St. Mary’s and the Potomac Rivers to support their households for three centuries. Whatever small profit they made they shared with the Jesuits, as that was their tenant arrangement. Some of the surnames of people who lived there in 1941 include Trossbach, Norris, Taylor and Raley. Descendants of these families are still very much a part of the community today. In a 1996 interview with former residents of Priests Point, George Trossbach stated: “My dad [Lynwood Trossbach] farmed Dominic Raley’s farm. The Raleys lived on Villa farm next to ours.” The local residents referred to the property as the “Villa farm,” hence the name Villa Road, which leads from Maryland Route 5 into the entrance of Webster Outlying Field.
After the Pearl Harbor attack, the defense department went into action to build an infrastructure that would allow the nation to develop the types of products needed to achieve victory in the theater of war, which was suddenly worldwide. The Department of the Navy had selected Cedar Point for the construction of a testing center, and the Navy’s long reach would quickly affect the Priest Point property also. Here comes the Navy In need of an outlying field to send its aircraft during busy test days at Pax, the property at Priest’s Point was quickly identified as sufficient to satisfy the Navy’s need. With over-the-water approaches from two sides, the property was purchased and developed. It was designated as Webster Field in June 1943 after a deceased naval aviator named Walter W. Webster, and the airfield was operational by October 1943. Documentation indicates that the final compensation awarded to the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen was $96,000, yet payment was not finalized until March 1944. The country’s war machine was moving fast. Bertille Norris Cooper, in that same 1996 interview said, “I remember when [the Navy] started working on the property; my mother rented rooms to two engineers before we moved away.” Coming down, going up With construction beginning at Webster Field, the focus was on creating an operational airfield, not on building testing facili-
TSP’s Golden Egg
ties; hence, every structure on the property was torn down except for the Jesuit fathers’ residence on Priest’s Point, and a tobacco barn near Fort Point which was to be used for material storage. The priest’s residence became building 1 and was modified to include indoor plumbing — a distinctively modern convenience in 1943 rural Maryland. A coal fired boiler was also installed in the basement. Building 1 was to be used as quarters for
the military. Three new structures were built initially: a barracks for enlisted men; an administrative structure; and a building that combined a control tower, a mess hall and a fire house. Troublesome runway The runway system at Webster Field consisted of three runways laid out in accor-
See Field, Page 10
One Purpose, 95 Years Strong
By Elliott Fabrizio Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Public Affairs
By Jim Walsh Naval Air Station Fleet And Family Support Center Personal Financial Manager Investing for your retirement is one of the most important actions you can make for your long-term financial and mental health. Even if you receive a military pension, it still may not be enough to retire with the standard of living you desire. The Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) is one of those tools available to the military and civilian government workforce that can help you support the lifestyle you wish. Here are some of the highlights of the program: - Simplicity - Five core investment options. - Diversification - Four of those five options give exposure to the entire U.S. stock market, most of the international stock market, and the U.S. aggregate bond market. - A special government fund (G) that yields longer term bond returns without any loss of principal. - Lifecycle funds that own all five core investments, rebalance automatically, and become more conservative over time - all for no additional costs. - Ultra low costs - Less than 0.027 percent annual administration costs. I want to expand on this last bullet point. You may contribute to retirement savings for another 20-30 years and then draw on those funds another 20 plus years once retired. It’s feasible that you won’t use the last dollars from retirement savings for another 30-50 years. Fees charged for managing your savings, especially over a long period, have a significant impact that is important for you to consider. Illustrated below are the fee amounts accumulated by a TSP plan participant paying 0.027 percent a year, versus a company
Courtesy photo
Priest’s Point looking west. The priest’s residence, which became building 1, is to the left of the photo. The four-story building in the center was referred to as the Villa. It was constructed circa 1870s as a summer house for young men in training to become Jesuit Priests. The Villa house and all the other buildings shown were torn down by the Navy, leaving only the Jesuit residence, building 1.
Courtesy photo Jim Walsh
managing my retirement savings and charging 1 percent a year — assuming 7 percent annualized return on $5,000 annual contribution over 30 years. Fee Comparison: TSP vs. Private Plan Cost (in %) - 0.027 vs. 1.0 Account Value (GT)30 years - $470,016 vs. $395,291 The TSP plan participant ends up with a nest egg worth nearly $75,000 more, thanks to the low fees. Imagine the disparity in savings if we considered more, expensive management fees than the modest 1 percent used in this example. The administrative fees charged by TPS are often half, or less, of what most private sector funds charge to maintain your accounts. There are many retirement and investing options for members of the military and Federal Government civilian employees. Careful consideration must be taken when choosing the right options for each individual based on their own circumstances. Have a financial question? Submit financial questions to and include “Money Talk Question” in the subject line.
Naval Support Facility Dahlgren hits the 95-year mark this October, and is distinctive among military bases in that is continues the same mission focus that began with its namesake in the Civil War. That mission, then and now, is primarily testing and developing weapon systems for the current and future Navy. Today, the role of the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) consists of a diverse capabilities spectrum, including chemical, biological and radiological defense, lasers and electromagnetic the railgun; however, the focus on weapon system research and development, that began with Rear Adm. John Dahlgren, has remained constant. “Admiral Dahlgren is known as the father of modern Naval Ordnance,” said the Dahlgren History Project’s Wayne Harman. “He had some ideas about how to use scientific criteria to design a cannon that wouldn’t explode.” Early cannons used a straight tube design and frequently exploded when fired, killing their crew. Rear Adm. Dahlgren designed the soda bottle-shaped Dahlgren Gun that was structurally stronger where explosive pressure was greatest. “Dahlgren’s guns never exploded, and that was a big deal,” said Harman. “This base was put together to shoot guns, so they named it Dahlgren.” At the beginning of World War I, Navy guns were getting bigger, and with corresponding increases in range, they required a larger proving ground for test fires. Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation taking land to establish the Lower Station, Dahlgren Naval Proving Ground, and on October 16, 1918 they fired the first big gun, a 7-inch, .45-caliber, Caterpillar tractormounted gun.
“One month later World War I ended, so these guns remained here,” said Harman. “There was a lot of congressional action looking at this base, wondering if we still need this base, since there’s no war anymore.” As Dahlgren’s long-term role in the Navy took shape, proofing ammunition and barrels took a back seat to studying the science of ordnance and ballistics. Dr. Louis Thompson became Dahlgren’s first chief physicist in 1923. “He was focused on trying to figure out why these bullets did what they did and how we can aim them better using advancements in interior and exterior ballistics,” said Harman. “The ordnance testing and the testing of armor plates all led to a concentration on material science issues like metallurgy, hardness and alloys,” said Robin Staton, a team member on the Dahlgren History Project. “There was a deeper and deeper concentration on technical issues associated with guns and armor.” The advent of early computers fueled the development of Dahlgren’s weapons system research capability. “One of the first things they did was a simulation with six-degrees of freedom on a projectile,” said Harman. “They found an instability problem in the shell trajectory. That was a big step when they learned they could simulate something they didn’t understand to solve a problem.” There were few people with computer science degrees during this period and to operate these new computers Dahlgren hired mathematicians and trained them to program computers. “Having those capabilities led to later program acquisitions like the AEGIS program, the tomahawk program, the HERO [Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance] program and a number of major
See 95 Years, Page 10
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Newly-Minted Captain Makes History By Tara N. Strickland Tactical Airlift, Adversary And Support Aircraft Communications Support (PMA 207) When Cmdr. Eric Washington joined the U.S. Navy 20 years ago, he dreamt of making a difference through honor, courage and commitment. Now, two decades later, his dream is realized as he becomes the first African-American to attain the rank of captain in the Reserve Full Time Support (FTS) Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer (AMDO) community. At an Oct. 1 ceremony in the atrium of the William A. Moffett Building, Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Rear Adm. C.J. Jaynes, the program executive officer for the Air ASW, Assault and Special Missions Programs (PEO (A)), and Washington’s wife, Jossie, attached captain shoulder boards to Washington’s uniform. “Throughout his career, Eric’s met every challenge head on and has proven himself to be an innovative and inspiring leader,” Jaynes said. “This is an incredibly proud moment for Eric. To be able to punctuate your advancement in a stellar career as a first within your peer group makes this momentous occasion even more special.” Active-duty and retired members of the AMDO community,
Washington’s co-workers as well as family and friends were witness to the historical event. Initiated in 1990, Reserve AMDOs serve as experts in Navy Reserve personnel management systems and aircraft systems acquisition and sustainment. This blend of skills brings an added strategic depth to naval aviation engineering, acquisition, logistics and maintenance at affordable cost. Additionally, this group of officers maintains knowledge of contracted logistics, naval aviation airworthiness and maintenance, and 14 Code of Federal Regulations (Aeronautics and Space) practices and policies. Since inception, the FTS AMDO community has promoted fewer than 30 officers to the rank of captain. “When you set standards, the odds don’t matter,” Washington said. “The pursuit of excellence transcends a person’s race, religion or gender. “Regardless who has come before me, what they look like or where they’ve come from, the Navy Sailor’s Creed recognizes that we are bound by things much more important like core values, a fighting spirit, and a commitment to excellence,” Washington said. “Among countless other factors, the Sailor’s Creed aids in creating an environment in which we all can succeed.” Originally from the Bronx, N.Y.,
Washington earned his commission through Aviation Officer Candidate School in 1993. He completed Aviation Maintenance Officer School in 1994 after attending South Carolina State University for mechanical engineering. “My plan was to gain experience in the Navy for four years and then transfer to the commercial sector,” Washington said. “My wife would like to say she made me stay in the service, but the truth is, I felt like I was contributing to something bigger than myself and truly enjoyed naval aviation maintenance.” His diversified experience stems from assignments at the organizational, intermediate, typecommander and systems command levels. Washington’s naval career includes tours with Patrol Squadron 10 and Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Six, both in Jacksonville, Fla.; Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department, New Orleans; Commander, Naval Air Forces Reserve, San Diego; Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers and Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), both housed at NAS Pax River. Washington currently serves as deputy program manager for Tactical Airlift, Adversary and Support Aircraft Program (PMA 207)’s Fixed Wing and Operational Support Aircraft program, which includes seven of the 10 type-model aircraft managed by the program. “Eric is an exemplary naval officer,” said Capt. Michelle Guidry,
Courtesy photo by Valerie Doster
Program Executive Officer for Air ASW, Assault and Special Missions Programs, Rear Adm. C.J. Jaynes, right, and Jossie Washington attach boards to Capt. Eric Washington’s uniform during his promotion ceremony Oct. 1 at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Washington is the first African-American in the Reserve Full Time Support Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer community to achieve the rank of captain. PMA 207 program manager. “Our program office has benefitted greatly from his leadership. I know he will continue to strive for excellence as a new senior officer in the U. S. Navy.” Washington’s decorations include the Meritorious Serve Medal, five Navy and Marine Commendation medals, and three Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medals. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of New Orleans, a Certificate in Legislative Studies from
Volunteers Help Wounded Warriors Look And Feel Good AWARENESS By Ryan Hunter NSAB Public Affairs Staff Writer “It’s easy to donate items for a cause, but it’s hard to give someone a feeling,” said volunteer Jodi Warshel. Warshel heads a program, formed by an all volunteer nonprofit organization in partnership with a nationwide barbershop chain that provides free haircuts for inpatient wounded warriors. Once a month, she and a small crew of professional volunteer stylists and barbers transform a conference room, sandwiched between hospital suites, into a fully staffed, patient-friendly barbershop. Rock and roll music plays next to a table depicting music icons from Frank Sinatra to 50 Cent. Vertical barber mirrors with black painted bottom halves are propped against the walls to allow service members to inspect themselves without being distracted by their wounds. Large rubber mats are available to allow wheelchair access for patients who can’t climb into a typical barber chair. “We want to try to make it feel like a real barbershop,” said Anne O’Brien, barbershop owner and marketing events coordinator. Many patients in Building 10 are restricted or physically incapable of leaving the ward, making the program their only opportunity to maintain their appearance. “My fiancé was in the hospital for two and
Photo by Ryan Hunter
Barber Cassandra Tirado styles Spc. Casserly Shealynn’s hair in the makeshift conference room barbershop in Building 10 on Sept. 24. a half months before [becoming an] outpatient,” said caregiver Emely Ramlo. “He was on IV’s and wound vacs [and] couldn’t leave the hospital, so going down the hall [to get a haircut] was awesome.” The success of the program can be measured in more than the wounded warrior’s outward appearance. As members of the military, “most patients have never gone more than a week without a haircut,” said Ramlo. She continued to say being well-groomed, “brings a bit of normalcy back into their lives.” Warshel recalled one wounded warrior during her first visit to the hospital who, “touched his [newly] shaved head and said,
‘I feel like a Marine again.’” The national chain that provides barbers and stylists for the event doesn’t just use the program as an opportunity to give back; it’s a reward for their employees. “Barbers interested in volunteering must be in good standing and they have to be good employees,” said O’Brien. “Then, if they [perform their job] well and have time off on Tuesdays we will give them the opportunity to volunteer. We have a lot of people that want to help. We’re not begging employees to come here.” The selected employees wash, style and cut hair for up to a dozen disabled service members without pay. Joseph Hardy, a volunteer hair stylist, said, “I take the day off, I come down here, give up my tips, give up my hourly wage and all my regular clients wait for me. This is all volunteer work and I love it.” Volunteer barber Cassandra Tirado added, “It feels good to help them.” The next free barbershop program will be held Tuesday, Oct. 22 and will continue on the last Tuesday of every following month. To sign up for the program, contact Warshel at Eligible patients in the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Building 10 on the fourth floor are encouraged, but not required to sign up in advance. To find more information about the program, visit
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and processes of Smart Shore allow N6 to effectively use that technology to make smart decisions. “The Smart Shore Report was initiated through a business process re-engineering study and allowed us to look at our program portfolio,” said Davenport. “Through leveraging enterprise investments and infrastructure of ATFP [Antiterrorism/Force Protection] and AMI [Advanced Metering Infrastructure], NDW N6 optimized our portfolio of support efforts and embarked on an integrated smart grid. Our report analyzed this approach and found significant cost avoidance in allowing NDW to break even on enterprise investments that did not anticipate savings. By identifying the key energy consumers and performance trends, the smart grid foundation enables active facility management and provides the data that can support targeting key energy projects or process adjustments leading to improved energy conservation that can be monitored and maintained.” Davenport explained that energy-saving initiatives are constantly moving forward, and NDW currently has plans that are already taking shape. Among them is the transition to an integrated operations center. She said the initial staff is supporting a yearlong prototype to vet the most effective
Georgetown University, and is a Defense Acquisition Corps member, level III certified in program management, production quality and manufacturing and logistics. Washington’s next assignment is with NAVAIR’s Operational Support Office where he’ll serve as an operational support officer — the command’s prime advocate to accessing the entrepreneur and business experts that serve as selected reserve members in the Navy Reserve and NAVAIR Reserve program. processes and begin actively operating a select group of buildings that are connected to the smart grid. According to Davenport, approximately 26 percent of the total regional buildings were identified as beneficial to connect and actively operate. “Through the use of a programmer and operator, the building systems and alarms can be analyzed and adjusted to support optimal operations,” said Davenport. “For example, if an air handler is pulling too much outside air resulting in excessive run time, the programmer and operator could make remote adjustments. Additionally, as trouble calls come in, a programmer and operator can review the building system and perform initial diagnostics to target the root cause, thus minimizing multiple service calls.” With NDW constantly moving forward, Davenport said that the region is always looking to the future of energy conservation. “Our main focus is to increase our presence in active facility management and work with our stakeholders, such as the NAVFAC Washington Energy Team and Recommissioning Team, to provide the data and analysis they require to measure and reduce cost of building and utility operations, continue to identify energy efficiency opportunities and maintain awareness of existing energy investments,” said Davenport. To learn more about energy awareness month in NDW, visit
Thursday, October 17, 2013
ATRC Provides Critical Combat Systems Training For Sailors, Officers
By Kimberly M. Lansdale Center For Surface Combat Systems
The Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) falls under the Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS) command. ATRC’s mission is to provide enlisted personnel with the knowledge, ability, and skill to operate and maintain the Aegis Combat System through timely, effective, and integrated training delivered across the Sailors’ careers. ATRC also provides officers the knowledge, ability, and skill to operate, employ, and assess the readiness of the Aegis and Ship Self Defense System (SSDS) combat systems aboard surface warships. In 1983, the Aegis Training Center Ground Breaking ceremony took place and it was formally established as a training command in November 1984. The facility opened for training in October 1985 with the first class of 14 students graduating Dec. 18, 1985, from the Aegis Computer Fundamentals course. “In the beginning, the Aegis program had its critics,” explained Capt. Ian Hall, commanding officer, ATRC. “But I think retired Navy Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer, known as the ‘Father of Aegis,’ said it best, ‘Give Aegis your best shot. After all, you’re building the means to defend your country, your children, and your grandchildren, well into the 21st century.’” In the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, various changes took place at ATRC. In 1988, Baseline 3/4 Building was added and in 1990, a new addition was built, the Arleigh Burke Hall. In 1991, the Aegis Training Center Complex was renamed the ‘’Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer Aegis Education Center,” but in 1997, it was renamed to what it is known as today, the Aegis Training and Readiness Center. In 1999, an additional wing was added, Huchting Hall. Today, the Aegis Combat System is a well-designed grouping of the Aegis Weapons Systems with Anti-Air, Ballistic Missile Defense, Anti-Submarine, Anti-Surface and Strike Warfare, and associated weapons and communications equipment. Aegis elements of these overall systems are taught at ATRC. “ATRC offers technical training courses specifically designed to prepare individuals for serving in a combat system role,” Hall
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cation among everyone involved with the end result of a service member transitioning successfully as a civilian or returning to duty.” In the NCR, there are approximately 230 case managers, according to Rhonda Leonard, a nurse case manager at WRNMMC. Case loads for managers vary depending on referrals from providers, self-referrals or discharges. “The case manager is involved prior to the patient’s arrival,” Cobb explained. “We receive the medical evacuation roster and have an embedded nurse case manager track the patient’s hospitalization until it is clear where they will be sent for further care.”
Retired Navy Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer speaks at the dedication ceremony at the Aegis Training Center Complex that was being renamed the ‘’Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer Aegis Education Center,” in 1991. The Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) falls under the Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS) command. explained. “Specifically, Aegis Fire Controlmen and surface warfare officers learn the Aegis Combat/Weapons System equipped on all U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers. Likewise, Fire Controlmen and officers destined for certain aircraft carriers and large deck amphibious ships receive training on the SSDS.” ATRC’s traditional school house instruction is delivered 24 hours a day, five days a week. ATRC has over 350 staff members comprised of military, government civilians, and industry partners. “Our Aegis fleet needs trained technicians as they deploy to the four corners of the globe,” Hall said. “Today, in an ever-advancing world, we utilize a blended learning solution that includes standard classrooms, hands-on labs, simulations, as well as computer-based and interactive courseware training while still maintaining our training mission for the legacy Aegis fleet.” For information on the Aegis Training and Readiness Center, visit https://www.
“The relationship begins immediately and evolves throughout the care and recovery of the member,” Hill-Best added. “The nurse case manager is involved with the patient until he or she is transitioned to a civilian nurse case manager, federal recovery care coordinator, or transitions to Veterans Affairs for ongoing care.” “A lot of times we work in the background, and a lot of what we do goes unnoticed although it often has a huge impact,” Little added. “[We] are involved in the continuum of health care, client-centered and patientcentered case management,” D’Aprile added. “[We] wear many hats – care coordinators, facilitators, clinical utilization review coordinators and educators. [Our] day, at times, does not end until the standard of care is met and collaboration with the team and/or family has taken place. For me, it is similar to caring for my own family.”
Thousands Helped By Joint Base Emergency Center After Navy Yard Shootings By Lea Johnson Special To Joint Base Journal Almost immediately after getting the report of an active shooter at the Washington Navy Yard (WNY) on Sept. 16, Navy civilian personnel at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) sprang into action. JBAB’s DOD Police and its Naval District Washington Fire and Emergency Services Central Battalion responded to assist their Naval Support Activity Washington (NSAW) counterparts based at WNY to handle the tragic incident. Less than 25 minutes after the shootings at the Washington Navy Yard ended, JBAB’s Military and Family Support Center (MFSC) staff established an Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) to provide support and assistance to the thousands of military, civilian and contract workers at WNY and their families. According to Virginia J. Figgins, JBAB’s Director of the MFSC, “The MFSC staff had the EFAC up and running by 11 a.m., despite being in a shelter in place situation themselves for a time.” The EFAC was initially staffed by JBAB MFSC personnel, including clinical, counseling and support staff. That afternoon and well into the evening, staff members answered 513 phone calls from individuals seeking information or assistance. Since then, nearly 10,000 calls have been received. The EFAC was opened 24-hours per day for 10 days, when the number of personnel seeking assistance had been greatly reduced. EFAC services remain available. Personnel seeking services may obtain more information by calling 1-855-677-1755. The morning after the tragic shootings, the MFSC staff was augmented at the EFAC by members of the Navy Medicine Special Psychiatric Rapid Intervention Team (SPRINT); the Walter Reed- National Military Medical Center and Ft. Belvoir, who assisted with counseling resources and debriefings. Additional personnel from multiple agencies also arrived and integrated into
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“CSCS’s mission is to develop and deliver surface ship combat systems training to achieve surface warfare superiority,” Schmieley said. “Meaning, we train Sailors to conduct prompt and sustained combat operations at sea and prevail.” CSCS conducts training for nine enlisted ratings: Fire Controlman, Electronic Technician, Interior Communication, Sonar Technician (Surface), Gunner’s Mate, Mineman, Operations Specialist, Boatswain’s Mate, and Quartermaster. CSCS also trains
Continued from 3 to help build and assess our sexual assault prevention and victim support activities. The 2013 DON-wide sexual assault survey is short and completely anonymous. It can be accessed from any web-enabled computer, tablet or smartphone at www.donsapro. beginning 15 October 2013. The password for all military participants is 2013survey and the survey will be available through 6 January 2014. The success of this survey, just like our
the EFAC. MFSC personnel met each person and family arriving at the EFAC to greet them; access their needs and escort them to the appropriate agencies and services they needed. “The EFAC developed quickly into a multi-agency emergency response effort,” Figgins remarked. Personnel came from the Federal Occupational Health; JBAB and Naval District Washington Chaplains; the FBI Office for Victim Assistance; U.S. Public Health Service; the William Wendt Center for Loss and Healing; the Social Security Administration; the JBAB Regional Legal Services Office; the Federal Employees Workers’ Compensation Program; National Capital Region Chapter of the American Red Cross and the District of Columbia governmental agencies. Additional counseling staff members came from Naval installations at Patuxent River, Dahlgren, Annapolis, and Bethesda, Md; Ft. Meade, Md.; and Norfolk, Oceana and Yorktown, Va. In addition to assisting the many telephone callers with counseling, referrals and information, the EFAC team personally assisted 229 people, providing in-person clinical counseling and debriefings. JBAB Commander, Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra and Commander, Navy Installations Command Commander, Vice Adm. William D. French, were among the many people who visited the EFAC and gave praise to the EFAC staffers. “While I continue to express my deepest sorrow to the families of our Navy family who lost loved ones and to those employees and their families who were among the injured, I’m very proud of the great work that all of the hard-working, dedicated and compassionate people have done at the EFAC to help them cope. I saw firsthand how busy they were and how demanding the work they were doing was,” Calandra stated. (JBAB Public Affairs Officer, Joseph P. Cirone contributed to this story) surface warfare officers in skills required to tactically operate and employ Aegis, Ship Self Defense System (SSDS), and Tomahawk weapon system-equipped ships. By building maritime partnerships, the command also provides training to many international students. CSCS International Programs provides quality allied forces training to enable them to develop ready teams capable of operations that maintain and expertly employ surface combatants. “CSCS plays a large role in enhancing today’s Navy, but will play an even larger role in tomorrow’s Navy,” Schmieley said. For information on the Center for Surface Combat System, visit https://www. larger efforts to combat sexual assault, depends on the support and contribution of Sailors and Marines world-wide. I encourage every Sailor and Marine to participate. Commanders and leaders at every level shall encourage and facilitate participation as well. Just as important, I also ask every participant to provide their most honest inputs on this vital subject. I am inspired every day by the energy and commitment of Sailors and Marines. Together, we can show the nation what it takes to confront and overcome the intolerable scourge of sexual assault. I am directing you to provide DON SAPRO assistance as they require. ReleasedbyRayMabus,SecretaryoftheNavy.
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vices and other resources on and off base. They can also explain reporting options, provide information about military and civilian response to domestic violence, and explain transition compensation available to family members of service members who are separated from the military due to a dependent-abuse offense. Allen advises that personnel who suspect someone they know is a victim of domestic violence should act, but avoid getting in to a dangerous position themselves. “Don’t ignore it, but don’t get physically involved; you could get hurt,” said Allen. “Call 911, let the police handle it safely. If someone you care about - a friend, co-worker or neighbor - is a victim of domestic violence don’t give advice. Instead, tell them that you care about them and are concerned about their safety. Refer the victim to the Family Advocacy Program. They may or may not want to use them right away, but knowing what resources are available gives them options to respond.” Military One Source (http://www.militaryonesource. mil) offers a number tips for reaching out to a suspected victim. The website advises personnel to show their concern, and offer information on support services, as well as remind the victim of the impact that abuse has on those around the violence, especially children. For more information on DVAM and domestic violence, or to learn more on how to help, visit the CNIC Family Advocacy Program website at readiness/fleet_and_family_support_program/family_advocacy.html. This article is part two of a series on Domestic Violence Awareness Month. For more information on events in Naval
District Washington, visit Naval District Washington Fleet and Family Support Directory - Naval Support Activity - Washington Washington, D.C. 20373 DSN: 288-6151 Phone: 202-433-6151 - Naval Support Activity - Annapolis Annapolis, Md. 21402-5073 DSN: 281-2641 Phone: 410-293-2641 - National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, Md. Phone: 301-319-4088/4086 DSN: 319-4088/4086 - Naval Support Activity - South Potomac Dahlgren, Va. 22448-5150 DSN: 249-1839 Phone: 800-500-4947/540-653-1839 - NAS Patuxent River, Md. Patuxent River, Md. 20670-1132 DSN: 342-4911 Phone: 301-342-4911 - NIOC Ft. Meade Fort Meade, Md. 20755 DSN: 622-9014 Phone: 301-677-9014/9017/9018 The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-7997233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) is available 24 hours a day for safety planning and referrals for local resources, visit http://
For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Continued from 7 dance with the prevailing wind directions. Two of the runways were 5,000 feet in length, but the third runway — built in a north-south orientation — was only 4,300 feet long. It was this north-south runway that was to prove troublesome. While the flight patterns for the two 5,000-foot runways were mostly over water or woodland, the flight pattern for the operations of the north-south runway directed turning aircraft over the property of a small farm today bordered by St. Inigoes Road and Lawrence Street. With heavy touch-and-go air traffic occurring at Webster Field into the 1950s, the farm’s owner, who predominantly raised chickens, quickly complained to the Navy that the resulting noise had disrupted his chickens from laying eggs. This meant economic disaster for the farmer, who petitioned for relief. The Navy eventually negotiated and purchased an air navigation easement from the farmer for $10,000, which allowed unrestricted flight over the property but, almost immediately, the decision was made to permanently close the 4,300-foot long runway deeming it too short to accommodate modern high performance aircraft. When the war ended, flight activities at Webster declined. It wasn’t until 1960 that a project assigned to the former Electronics Test Division at Pax River was moved to Webster Field. Known as the Naval Air Navigation Electronics Project, or NANEP, the project became eminent in the developmental phases of several air navigation systems. The transfer of the NANEP project to Webster Field was made to obtain isolation from the main air station’s operational navigational aid, communication, and radar equipment. Operations and testing didn’t mix well and there were many instances of interference. The decision to move NANEP to Webster Field was a prudent one and, though unknown at the time, would have long lasting effects on the future growth possibilities of Webster Outlying Field.
Continued from 7 programs that came as a result of having the scientific capabilities,” said Staton. This technical depth snowballed, making Dahlgren the premier Navy research laboratory it is today. “For nearly a century, we have maintained a workforce that is well versed in these areas, and who have used their skills and ingenuity to find amazing, innovative solutions to the challenges facing our warfighters and our fleet,” said Capt. Michael Smith, NSWCDD Commander. Dahlgren’s commitment to Science and Technology, Research and Development, and Test and Evaluation promises to deliver the future of naval weaponry. “Since its inception in 1918, the Dahlgren naval laboratory has been a leader in naval weapons technology” said Smith. “This technology has seen many changes and diversifications. From 16-inch guns to the electromagnetic rail gun - Dahlgren maintains a reputation as a leading naval research and development facility and a center of excellence for systems engineering integration.”
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013