The Waterline
November 7 , 2013
Vol. XXX No.45
Warrior Care Month Raises Awareness of Wounded Warrior Program By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer
DOD photo by Donna Miles
Marine Cpl. Miroslav “Mike” Kazimir and his wife Marcela at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., after Kazimir was severely wounded in Afghanistan in 2011. November marks Warrior Care Month, a joint-service event that recognizes wounded warriors, as well as those who care for them, for their service, sacrifices and achievements.
As the region looks forward to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, another event is happening throughout Naval District Washington (NDW) during the month of November, Warrior Care Month. “November marks Warrior Care Month, a joint-service event that recognizes wounded warriors, as well as those who care for them, for their service, sacrifices and achievements,” said Cmdr. Dante Terronez, regional director of the Navy Wounded Warrior (NWW) Safe Harbor Program. “It also is an opportunity to raise awareness of the resources available to service members should illness or injury strike unexpectedly.” In 2008, then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates designated November as Warrior Care Month in order to inform members of the military and their families and communities about the programs and initiatives currently being provided through the Warrior Care system and the forthcoming improvements. Throughout the month of November, The Office of Warrior Care and all of the services’ wounded warrior regiments will be highlighting various wounded warrior programs, activities, stories of recovery, and personal triumphs. Warrior Care Month is not only about what is being done for our Nation’s
wounded, ill and injured service members, but also about what they do for us, how they continually give back to our communities, their families, and this great nation that they have sacrificed so much to protect. Terronez added that every month is Warrior Care Month, and that November is simply an opportunity to for all branches of service to publicly recognize wounded warrior heroes. For Navy and Coast Guard personnel and their families, NWW is an important as the Navy’s support program for seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen. NWW provides world-class assistance to wounded warriors and their families throughout the country. The program - a department within Fleet and Family Readiness at Commander, Navy Installations Command - has assisted nearly 2,500 service members and their families since its inception. Terronez said that NWW offers many essential services, including connecting families to respite care resources; addressing pay and personnel issues; assisting with housing and transportation adaptation; providing transition assistance; offering adaptive athletics opportunities; and more. He explained that during Warrior Care Month, personnel can take the opportunity to recognize everything that wounded warriors, recovering service members, and transitioning service members and their families do.
“The theme of Warrior Care Month 2013 is ‘Warrior Care - Building a Ready and Resilient Force,’” said Terronez. “Promoting readiness and resiliency ensures that wounded warriors can cope with adversity on the front lines or at home. NWW, as well as a host of other Navy resources, provide wounded warriors the highest level of support throughout their recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration.” Part of Warrior Care Month, said Terronez, is letting personnel know how all of the services’ wounded warrior programs benefit them and others. “Everyone in the Navy family can make a difference in the lives of wounded warriors,” said Terronez. “They can refer to NWW a service member who has experienced serious illness or injury by calling 855-NAVY WWP [628-9997]. They also can help spread the word about NWW - online, in conversations with neighbors, at community meetings, and around the dinner table.” For more information about Warrior Care Month activities or wounded warrior resources visit http://safeharbor. or www.facebook. com/navysafeharbor. For assistance in the NDW region for NWW, contact Terronez at For more information on events happening in NDW, visit NavDistWash.
Personal Accounts Lend Gravity to Pax River Safety Stand Down By Patrick Gordon NDW Waterline writer
Naval Air Station Patuxent River (NAS PAX River) Held its holiday safety stand down Nov. 5 in preparation of the upcoming holiday season. What set this stand down apart from others were the personal stories that enriched the common themes of suicide prevention/stress reduction and impaired driving prevention. “People tend to get complacent about safety because they hear about it every day,” said Bev Jeffas, safety specialist for Naval District Washington. “But safety is so important, particularly this time of year with the increased number of people traveling, and the added stressors of the holidays, and possible separation from loved ones some personnel might face. That’s why we’re so fortunate to have the individuals we have presenting today sharing their experiences on their respective topics; if we just did a canned presentation, anyone could do it.”
Though the stand down only included two topics their serious nature was underscored by the personal stories that the speakers shared. Speaking about stress reduction and suicide prevention was Capt. Todd Kruder, military director of the air vehicle engineering department at the Naval Air Systems Command. Kruder, a 25-year Navy veteran, shared personal accounts of suicide in his family, including that of his sister-in-law, as well as stories about his own battle with depression and suicidal thoughts. He also regularly engaged with members of the audience, asking them questions directly and walking up and down the aisles of the auditorium. “So I ask all of you, how well do you know yourself? How well do you me? How well do you know eachother,” asked Kruder, before telling the audience of specific instances in which he had planned to kill himself, only to be stopped by others intervening when they saw something was wrong.
Around the Yard page 2 Link directly to www.dcmilitary. com /waterline on your Smart phone
Kruder, who was joined by his wife Sharon, said that while he has worked with professionals to deal with his issues with depression, it was not something he did alone. “That enemy is inside all of us, but look around you. Each of us is a shipmate ready to reach out and help.” Kruder ended his presentation reminding everyone of the difficulty many face in sharing their issues with stress or depression, but by putting a face to the issue, he hopes to help. “I don’t like to get up and talk to crowds,” said Kruder. “But if sharing the story of my battle with depression and suicide resonates with just one person in the audience, then I’m good.” The stand down continued to the second and final presenter for the day, Miguel Vela. Vela, a volunteer with Mothers Against Drunk Driving, told of how because of his
See Safety, Page 10
U.S. Navy photo by Patrick Gordon
Capt. Todd Kruder speaks with an audience member at the NAS Pax River safety stand down Nov. 5. Kruder and other speakers shared their personal experiences with topics addressed at the stand down.
St. Nicholas Cemetery: A Window to the Past page 6
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Ground Broken on Cruiser/Destroyer Training Facility
By Andrew Revelos Pilot Staff Reporter
Aegis Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) broke ground on the Cruiser/Destroyer Upgrade Training Facility on Oct. 18 during a ceremony outside the schoolhouse located onboard Naval Support Facility Dahlgren. The ceremony marked the official beginning of construction for Military Construction Project P-290, a new 27,051-square-foot expansion to ATRC that will provide critical infrastructure to train the future Surface Force. The construction contract was awarded for $12.495 million to John C. Grimberg Company, Inc. on Aug. 19. The project is scheduled to be completed by March 2015 and will contain laboratories, classrooms, offices, meeting spaces and an auditorium. The two-story addition will be a LEED Silver certified facility. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is an internationally recognized building certification that verifies buildings and communities constructed for environmental benefit. It judges buildings based on energy efficiency, water usage and materials used. “The last addition to our training facility was in 1999, Huchting Hall,” said Capt. Ian Hall, ATRC’s commanding officer. “Aegis ships continue to be built and with the estab-
U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos
From left to right, Skip Wichert, construction manager for Naval Facilities and Engineering Command Washington, Lt. Cmdr. Jake Segalla, director of facility engineering and acquisition division for NAVFACWASH, Cmdr. Elvis Mikel, executive officer of Naval Support Activity South Potomac, Pete Grimberg, president of John C. Grimberg Company, Inc., Capt. Ian Hall, commanding officer of the Aegis Training and Readiness Center, Capt. Tony Edmunds, commanding officer of NAVFACWASH, and Capt. Donald Schmieley, commanding officer of the Center for Surface Combat Systems, break ground on Military Construction Project P-290 at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren on Oct. 18.
lishment of the Cruiser/Destroyer Modernization Program, the average number of classes held at ATRC will continue to increase. “This wing will provide the additional space required for the upgraded baseline equipment sets and classrooms needed to train our Sailors for the life of the Aegis program,” Hall said. At ATRC, nearly 650 enlisted Fire Controlmen and 550 officers graduate annually. Electronic classrooms, electronic technical manuals, and long-range connectivity allow for continued expansion of the quantity and quality of training to meet growing training requirements. ATRC’s ongoing efforts include examining new technologies and training methods for innovative, less costly ways to train to meet new challenges and needs of the U.S. Navy. Those needs continue to grow as the Navy modernizes its destroyer and cruiser fleet. There are currently more than 100 Aegis-equipped ships in service with the U.S. and allied navies. “We need greater space as we maintain the ships we’ve got and the ships we bring into the fleet,” said Hall. “We need more space to train our young enlisted personnel and our officers here and effectively execute the nation’s missions. That’s what we’re here to celebrate. That’s why
See Facility, Page 7
Around the Yard Thanksgiving is right around the corner. What safety tips can you offer travelers this season?
For motorcyclists, make a full inspection of bikes prior to travel, wear proper safety gear, and be aware of road of and weather conditions. Yeoman 2nd Class (SS) Kalvin Dufrene Naval Reactors Washington Navy Yard
The Waterline
Commandant, Naval District Washington Rear Adm. Markham Rich NDW Public Affairs Officer Edward Zeigler Waterline Staff Writer Pat Gordon Copy Editor/Page Designer The Gazette/Comprint Military Publications Lorraine Walker All stories must be submitted by 4 p.m. the Thursday prior to publication. E-mail stories to: or bring/mail to: The Waterline, 1411 Parsons Ave. SE, Suite 205, Washing-
Don’t drink and drive. If you do drink, call a friend for a ride or a cab; it’s cheaper to pay for a cab than a DUI charge. Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (FMF/SW) Victory Amunga Branch Medical Clinic Washington Navy Yard
ton Navy Yard, 20374. Submissions should be free of military times and should contain the first and last names with ranks/rates, warfare qualifications, job titles and duty station/command of all persons quoted or referred to. All submissions must also include the author’s name and office or telephone number where they can be reached. If you have further questions, call or contact the editor at (202) 433-9714, fax (202) 433-2158. This commercial enterprise Navy newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services, retirees, DOD civilians and their family members. Contents of The Waterline do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute
It’s important to get plenty of rest before you travel, hydrate properly, and take breaks to stretch periodically to prevent fatigue. Master Chief Master-at-Arms (AW) Douglas Garner NSF Annapolis Annapolis, Md.
endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Naval District Washington or Comprint, Inc., of the products or services advertised. This paper is published by Comprint, Inc., 9030 Comprint Ct., Gaithersburg, Md. 20877, (301) 9481520, a private firm in no way connected with DOD or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive contract with Naval District Washington. To place display advertising, please call (240) 4737538. To place classified advertising, call (301) 6702505. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The editorial content of The Waterline is edited and approved by the public affairs office of Naval District Washington.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
This Week in Navy History November 7
James A. Lovell, Jr., as the command Pilot. The mission lasted 3 days, 22 hours and 34 minutes and included 59 orbits at an altitude of 162.7 nautical miles. Recovery was performed by HS-11 helicopter from USS Wasp (CVS-18). 1981 - Commissioning of first Tridentclass Nuclear Powered Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine, USS Ohio (SSBN-726).
1861 - Naval forces under Rear Adm. Samuel F. DuPont capture Port Royal Sound, S.C. 1881 - Naval Advisory Board submits report recommending the new ships in U.S. Navy be constructed of steel instead of iron. 1973 - War Powers Resolution becomes law.
November 8
1861 - Capt. Charles Wilkes seizes two Confederate diplomats from the British steamer Trent, causing an international controversy with Great Britain known as the Trent Affair. 1942 - Operation Torch, the Allied landings in French Northwest Africa, begins. American forces land at Casablanca. French naval forces attack U.S. Navy ships and 13 French ships are sunk without a loss to the U.S. 1956 - Navy Stratolab balloon, piloted Photo courtesy of the U.S. Marine Corps Art Collection. by Lt. Cmdrs. Malcolm D. Ross and M. Lee Capt. Samuel Nicholas, 1st Lt. Matthew Parke, and a scowling sergeant with Lewis better world height record by soar- prospective Leathernecks on the Philadelphia waterfront in December, 1775. ing to 76,000 feet over Black Hills, S.D., on a flight to gather meteorological, cosmic ray, down a jet aircraft. enters the Coatzacoalcos River to begin and other scientific data. 1956 - Secretary of the Navy proposes the a survey for possible inter-oceanic canal. 1975 - Over 100 Sailors and Marines from Polaris missile program to the Secretary of Support provided by USS Kansas and USS USS Inchon (LPH-12) and USS Bagley (DE- Defense. Mayflower. 1069) fight a fire aboard a Spanish merchant 1918 - Armistice ends World War I. vessel at Palma. 1920 - Lenah S. Higbee becomes the first November 10 woman to be awarded the Navy Cross. It 1775 - Congress votes to raise two batNovember 9 was awarded for her World War I service. talions of Continental Marines, establishing 1921 - Washington Naval Conference 1921 - USS Olympia (C-6) arrives at the the Marine Corps. begins. Washington Navy Yard from France carry1941 - U.S. escort convoy WS 12, carry1943 - Two Carrier Task Forces strike ing the body of the Unknown Soldier for ing 20,000 British troops to Singapore, sails Japanese shipping at Rabaul, sinking one internment at Arlington National Cemetery. from Halifax carrier and damaging other ships. The raid 1950 - Task Force 77 makes its first atsaw the first use of SB2C Curtiss Helldivers tack on the Yalu River bridges. In the first in combat. engagement between MIG-15 and F9F jets November 11 1870 - Navy expedition to explore the 1954 - November 11 is designated as Vetfrom USS Philippine Sea (CV-47), Lt. Cmdr. William T. Amen of VF-111 shoots down a Isthmus of Tehuantepec, southern Mexico, erans Day to honor veterans of all U.S. wars MIG and becomes first Navy pilot to shoot commanded by Capt. Robert W. Shufeldt, 1966 - Launch of Gemini 12, with Cmdr.
November 12
1912 - Lt. Theodore Ellyson makes first successful launching of an airplane (A-3) by catapult at the Washington Navy Yard. 1940 - CNO Adm. Harold Stark submits memorandum to the Secretary of the Navy on four plans if U.S. enters war. He favors the fourth one, Plan Dog, calling for strong offensive in the Atlantic and defense in the Pacific. 1942 - First day of the three days of fighting in the naval Battle of Guadalcanal. 1943 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt embarks on USS Iowa (BB-61) to go to the Allied conferences at Teheran, Iran, and Cairo, Egypt.
November 13
1776 - Capt. John Paul Jones aboard Alfred with brig Providence captures British transport Mellish, carrying winter uniforms later used by Washington’s troops. 1942 - Loss of USS Juneau (CL-52) during Battle of Guadalcanal results in loss of Five Sullivan Brothers. 1943 - Fifth Fleet carriers begin long range night bombing attacks on Japanese positions in Gilberts and Marshalls in preparation for landings. 1957 - First firing of Regulus II bombardment missile.
Midshipman Graduates First Military Community and Public in Class at Annapolis Outreach Resumes
Story by Lt. Teng K. Ooi, PhD U.S. Naval Academy, and Capt. Linda J. Beltra, MD Medical Corps
The U.S. Naval Academy’s Mechanical Engineering Department has honored Midshipman First Class Christopher Dean Galvin, who received the 2013 Adm. Frank B. Kelso II, Class of 1956 Award for standing first in the Order of Merit at graduation. This award recognizes and honors Galvin’s superior scholastic academic achievements, his demonstrated accomplishments in athletics and extracurricular activities, and his commitment to serve in the military. As a Trident Scholar at the Naval Academy, Galvin completed a project titled, “The Effect of Unsteady Wakes on Turbine Tip Gap Leakage” with advisors Dr. Ralph Volino and Dr. Cody Brownell, Naval Academy Mechanical Engineering Department. “Chris has an incredible work ethic,” noted Dr. Brownell. “He spent many long nights working in the lab and continually surprised me with how much he accomplished.” “Chris Galvin was a great student. He did well in all his courses and worked very hard on his research project all year. He obtained results that should be of great interest to NASA (the sponsor of the research) and to others in the gas turbine field. We expect to publish them in the coming year,” said Dr. Volino.
By Karen Parrish American Forces Press Service
Photo courtesy of Gin Kai.
From left, Midshipman First Class Galvin discusses problems encountered with particle image velocimetry due to complex geometries inside the wind tunnel with Dr. Brownell and Dr. Volino. Galvin graduated 1st in his class with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and will attend the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) as part of the Navy’s Immediate Scholarships for Graduate Education Program. He will pursue a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Galvin received a Cockrell Engineering Fellowship, which will cover the full cost of his tuition. His research at UT Austin will be related to fluid dynamics and energy technolo-
See Graduate, Page 7
Pentagon officials have announced a plan that will enable military services to resume conducting community and public outreach activities in the new fiscal year, but at a significantly reduced capacity. This cost-cutting measure will yield a savings of $104 million in fiscal year 2014. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel outlined the Pentagon’s new strategic approach to community outreach in an internal memorandum to service chiefs and other military leaders. Many activities, including the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds air demonstration teams, will resume, but at a more limited frequency than in previous years. “Even given the austere fiscal climate, Secretary Hagel believes the Defense Department must preserve vital links between service members and communities across the country,” said Pentagon Press Secretary George Little. Little said that the new guidelines are part of a careful balancing act and demonstrate the Department’s determination to make the most efficient use of resources. Community outreach brings Americans together in communities across the nation and helps inspire some to serve, builds support at home for those deployed in harm’s way, and helps to ensure education, em-
ployment and wellness initiatives evolve to serve veterans, Hagel noted in the memo directing these changes. Community engagements have tangible value in that they “showcase our superior combat power, demonstrate readiness to defend the nation, and help to preserve the all-volunteer force,” Hagel wrote. “It is unfortunate that sequestration restrictions have kept us from connecting with nearly a half-billion people worldwide over the last six months, and required us to withdraw support from more than 2,800 events throughout the country,” the secretary wrote. A senior defense official noted that this plan reinstates at a 45% reduced capacity: the jet and parachute demonstration teams, band and ceremonial unit appearances, port visits, service weeks, and nonprofit and corporate leader outreach.” The connections between U.S. service members and the civilians they defend are important to active and reserve service members, their families, and veterans, the secretary said in his memo. “Community and public outreach is a crucial Departmental activity that reinforces trust and confidence in the United States Military and in its most important assetpeople,” Hagel asserted. “It is our obligation to sustain that trust well into the future.”
Thursday, November 7, 2013
NSA Washington-JBAB Fleet Family and Fun Centralized Scheduling
Military and Family Support Center (MFSC) located on Joint Base Anacostia Bolling introduces a comprehensive centralized scheduling service for your individual appointment needs. One call to our screeners gets you an appointment for pre-separation briefs, employment services, clinical counseling, personal financial management, relocation, deployment and a host of other programs and services. MFSC is here to support you and stands ready to assist with every career and life change. Contact our Centralized Scheduling Center for individual, marriage and family counseling, individual resume assistance, financial counseling, relocation assistance or deployment/reintegration support. Please call 202-685-6019 to schedule an appointment.
The Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP)
Offers an array of services and benefits to transitioning service members, including computers setup for individuals to go online to different job banks, college and scholarship resources and career assessment tools. Resume Writing Workshops are offered which includes Federal Resume Writing Interview Skills, information on veterans’ benefits and a professional resource library; Two TAP Seminars and one Executive TAP Seminar - five-day programs - are offered monthly sponsored by the departments of Labor and Veteran Affairs, and include information that will benefit the transitioning military member.
Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) Offers seven basic services, which include job search strategies, job readiness, resource information, job referral service, individual counseling assistance, career planning and links to education and volunteer opportunities.
Improve your speaking skills with Helmsmen Toastmasters
Join us Thursdays, 7:30-8:45 a.m., at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center. Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. For more info, contact Carl Sabath at carl.sabath@osd. mil, 703-695-2804, or Elizabeth Femrite at, 571256-8674. Remember, great Helmsmen say, “Yes!” To learn more about Helmsmen Toastmasters, visit
Pre-Separation Briefings
Service members preparing to transition from military to civilian life are required by law to attend a pre-separation counseling briefing. The pre-separation brief is designed to make transitioning military members aware of all the services and benefits available to them and their family members under Transition GPS. These briefings will provide the information necessary to make
more informed decisions. For your convenience the pre-separation counseling briefing is available through one-on-one appointments at Military and Family Support Center and can be made through Centralized Scheduling at 202-685-6019.
FFR/MWR Phone numbers Fitness Centers Washington Navy Yard, bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2282/2829
Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) Ticket Office, WNY Bldg. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-2484 Travel Office, WNY Bldg. 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 685-8299
Program offers individual and family financial counseling, financial classes, and is responsible for the Command Financial specialist training in the Region (NDW).
Catering & Conference Center, WNY Bldg. 211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-3041/4312 Mordecai Booth’s Public House, WNY Bldg. 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 678-0514
Life Skills Education
Military and Family Support Center
Provides presentations to help commands meet requirements, as well as enhance operational and personal readiness including parenting skills training, couples communication, anger and stress management, conflict resolution, Child Abuse Awareness, Spouse Abuse Awareness and suicide prevention. Trainings can be customized to fit needs of the command.
New Parent Support Program (NPS)
Assists new parents in coping with the demands of parenting and military life through parenting education and training and home visits to new parents prior to delivery and after delivery; information and referral for military and community resources; child development screenings and monitoring. All active duty members and their families who are pregnant and or have children in the home from infancy to three years old are eligible for these home visitation services.
Assisting Sailors and family members prepare for deployment, manage separations and reunite and reintegrate with families and community through services including the Family Accountability and Assessment System, Individual augmentee (IA) Indoc Course and Deployed Family Fun Days.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Provides assistance to service members with special needs children and family members with medical needs including resource referral to medical, counseling and educational services, support groups and care providers. Assists in finding duty stations where needs are met. Mandatory enrollment per OPNAVINST 1754.2D.
Fitness Center - Phase 3
The Washington Navy Yard Fitness Center, located in W-22, is undergoing a major renovation project that began February 27, 2013 and is expected to continue to November 4, 2013. Each phase will have customer impacts; possible closures, alternative workout sites and relocation of fitness equipment. Phase Two is nearing completion and below you will find details regarding the transition from Phase Two to Phase Three. Phase 3 renovations of the 1st Floor Gym Area began Aug. 19. The 1st Floor Gym Area and 2nd Floor Cardio Area will be closed during this phase of the renovation project. The fitness equipment will be relocated to the Tennis Court Area in Building 73. Racquetball Court #2 will also be closed
Food & Beverage
MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 433-6151 MFSC, JBAB Bldg. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 767-0450
Other Important Numbers FFR Administrative Office, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FFRP Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MWR Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MWR Marketing Department, WNY Bldg. 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regional Child Placement Office, JBAB Bldg. 414. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Family Housing Office, JBAB Bldg. 414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liberty Program/Center, JBAB Bldg. 72. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outdoor Recreation/Equipment Rental, JBAB, Bldg. 928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Navy Gateway Inns & Suites, JBAB, Bldg. 602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
during this phase. Please coordinate your court reservations at the front desk for use of racquetball court #1. During all phases of this renovation that towel service will be suspended due to limited access to laundry facilities. Building 73 will serve as an alternative fitness facility throughout the renovations. Please be aware that Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Fitness Centers are also available for use during renovations. For further information and updates throughout this major renovation project, please do not hesitate to ask the staff members at the Washington Navy Yard Fitness Center. You can also sign-up at the front desk for renovation email alerts or by emailing the NSAW MWR Marketing Department at Please provide your full name and email address.
Military and Family Support Offers Resume Review
Call for appointment | 202-685-6019 Military and Family Support Center offers a one-on-one resume review session for those that are job seeking. Knowledgeable staff will sit down with you and review your resume and assist you in developing a results-oriented resume. Having a solid and effective resume can greatly improve your chances of landing an interview. According to a recent study from TheLadders, recruiters spend just six seconds scanning your resume for certain information. Will your resume make it in those six seconds? Your resume should portray your skills, talents, career highlights and make you stand out from the crowd. Focusing on your accomplishments vs. simple job experience and using key words can open the door for an interview.
Download the Free “ABSalute” App
The JBAB Warfighter & Family Readiness Marketing Department developed a free smartphone application, bringing its
(202) 433-3659 (202) 433-4052 (202) 433-4662 (202) 433-5912 (202) 433-3055 (202) 433-0346 (202) 685-1802 (202) 767-9136 (202) 404-7050
resources to customers and employees on a mobile platform. Perfect for iPhone and Andriod devices. “ABSalute” is a fast and easy-to-use application designed to allow quick access to events and programs. Download the app and receive the latest information about MWR, as well as Warfighter and Family Readiness programs. The app features: - Facility finder including hours of operation, phone listings, and GPS capabilities - Upcoming special events and programs that can be added directly to your calendar - Outdoor Recreation and Capital Cove Marina equipment and boat rentals - Full dining facility menus - Quick links to the Navy-Air Force Half Marathon and Navy 5 Miler website, CNIC JBAB website, Naval District Washington (NDW) Facebook page and the current edition of the 411 magazine - Facility and Event Photos - Push notifications to alert users with the most current information.
Mordecai Booth’s Hours Change
Mordecai Booth’s, located on the ground floor of Building 101 on the Washington Navy Yard, has changed its hours. The new hours of operation are Tuesday-Friday, 2:30-8:30 p.m. Come on in and enjoy the same great service at a new time!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
NDW News Follow NDW on Facebook and Twitter NDW has a Facebook fan page in order to provide updated information to all NDW residents, tenants, employees (military, civilian, and contractors), and the American public. Show your support, “Like Us,” and become a fan to see exciting news relating to the Naval District Washington. Follow us on Twitter @navaldistwash - NSAW has a Twitter page for the Washington Navy Yard to provide the public with up-to-date operating hours of the Navy Yard portion of DC’s Riverwalk. Follow us on Twitter @WNYRiverwalk -
Street Smart Self-Defense: Combat Shooting, Evasion and Combatives
DSO Changes Walk-in Hours Defense Service Office North has changed walk-in hours to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. DSO North is the local office for legal defense services. Attorneys are available to provide advice to service members regarding nonjudicial punishments, summary courts-martial, Article 138 and 1150 complaints, administrative separation processing, hardship discharges and suspect’s rights. Consultations are confidential. DSO is located onboard WNY in Building 200, Suite 1200. Service members should present in uniform.
Wearing of Portable headphones, earphones, and Bluetooth devices: The wearing of portable headphones, earphones, cellular hands-free devices, radios, recording devices or other portable listening devices while running, jogging, walking, bicycling, skating, or skate boarding in roadways and streets interferes with and impairs recognition of emergency signals, alarms, announcements, and the approach of EVs. NSAW personnel are advised use of these devices while performing the noted activities aboard NSAW fence line installations is prohibited. (TRAFFIC OPNAVINST 5100.12J)
Helmsmen Toastmasters Want to improve your speaking and leadership skills? Come to Helmsmen Toastmasters! Join us Thursdays,7:30-8:45 a.m., at the Pentagon Library and Conference Center (PLCC). Toastmasters is an international organization that helps everyone speak, think, lead and listen better. For more info, contact Annika L’Ecuyer (annika. or 703-614-7160) or Elizabeth Femrite (elizabeth.m.femrite. or 571-256-8674). More information can be found at the Helmsmen Toastmasters website,
NSAW Pre-Holiday Safety Presentation Join us Nov. 14, from 9-10:30 a.m. or 1-2:30 p.m. On the Washington Navy Yard at the Navy Audit Service, Building 220, in the 3rd floor auditorium for the NSAW Pre-Holiday Safety Presentation. Topics covered include Suicide Prevention with Amanda Woodyard, of Fleet and Family Support Center, as well as Decorating Safety, Holiday Entertaining, Winter Driving, Winter Vehicle Preparartion, Holiday Leave and Travel, Alcohol Consumption Awareness, Fireplace Heating Safety, and Shopping Safety with George Revoir Jr., of the NSAW Safety Office. For more information, contact Bert Nash, Washington Navy Yard, NSAW Safety Office, Building 166, 2nd floor, room 216, at 202-433-3928 or
MWR Thanksgiving Buffet Meal Come and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal at the Washington Navy Yard Catering and Conference Center Nov. 14 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost is $10 per person, and tickets are available at the ITT office, Washington Navy Yard Town Center, Building 22. Call 202-433-2484 for more information.
NAVY 311 “NAVY 311” is the place to go for all types of information to help support Navy military, civilian, and retiree personnel and their families. Access NAVY 311 at 1-855NAVY-311 or (DSN) 510-NAVY-311. You can also email or visit
Navy Wives Clubs of America The D.C. Metro chapter of Navy Wives Clubs of America, Eleanor Roosevelt #37, hosts meetings every second Thursday of the month to discuss and plan volunteer activities in the local military and civilian communities. Military spouses of all branches are welcome to attend. For more information, email angeladowns@ or visit
Photo courtesy of Lt. Cmdr. James Crowe
AFPAK Hand Lt. Cmdr. Josh Frey conducts combat point shooting during recently implemented AFPAK Hands training. AFPAK Hands undergo a diverse training regimen of combat, language and cultural training prior to deploying to Afghanistan. The AFPAK Hands Program was launched by the DoD in 2009 to develop a cadre of experts specializing in the complexities of Afghanistan and Pakistan including the language, culture, processes and challenges. By Lt. Cmdr. Joshua A. Frey Special to The Waterline In many ways today’s environment in Afghanistan is not unlike Shanghai’s International Settlement in China between World Wars I and II. It was an environment in which a combination of the 4th Marine Regiment, known as China Marines, a U.S. Navy Yangtze Riverine Force, the U.S. Army’s 15th and 31st Infantry Regiment, as well as U.S. State Department Foreign Service Officers, collectively known as “Old China Hands,” protected American nationals in a volatile environment with threats that ranged from Chinese Nationalist forces, Communists, and numerous warlords and criminal elements, in addition to the Imperial Army of Japan. “This policing mission,” author Max Boot points out, “today it would be called peacekeeping.” U.S. as well as British peacekeepers learned the hard way that heavy use of force could touch off widespread violent riots as they did during May of 1925. The need for selective and even non-lethal use of force became necessary. Members of the Shanghai Municipal Police developed experience in peacekeeping through the efforts of men like W.E. Fairbairn, who developed his own system of hand-to-hand combat, knife fighting and what is known as point shooting. Point shooting is a method of engaging the enemy by quickly pointing the weapon toward the threat, rather than the time consuming process of acquiring precision aim in target shooting. In a life or death situation, the time required for target shooting is often not realistic. Point shooting is similar to what today’s Afghanistan Pakistan (AFPAK) Hands are taught in their small arms training that has recently been implemented. “The combat pistol shooting instruction focused on using the M9 pistol to defend yourself in combat situations compared to shooting paper targets at the range,” said Lt. Cmdr. James Crowe, AFPAK Hand. “We trained in rapid engagement drills to simu-
late real life situations where you might be required to defend yourself in Afghanistan.” Fairbairn’s point shooting advocated threat based, rather than target shooting in emergency situations where there was little or no time to aim. “The tactical pistol instruction we received dramatically elevated my self-defense skills with the pistol,” said Crowe. “I was able to take the basic pistol shooting skills that I learned on standard shooting range build upon them to improve my personal self-defense gun-fighting ability.” In China, Fairbairn also taught hand-tohand combat known as Defendu, a combination of Judo, Japanese Jiu Jitsu and street fighting, to the China Marines.Once World War II broke out, Fairbairn taught British and American commandoes from British MI6 and the American Office of Strategic Services. He is considered to be the father of modern military hand-to-hand combat. While the AFPAK Hands Escape and Evasion training does include instruction that addresses the philosophy and basic principles of hand-to-hand combat, as well as some practical exercises utilizing appropriate attack and defense movements, there is currently no formal combative system taught. “The different U.S. military services are responsible for providing theater specific combat skills training. Currently, there is not a requirement from theater for this type of training for AFPAK Hands,” said Capt. James Muir, AFPAK Hands management element director. “Although there is not a requirement, it would be prudent for a service interested in protecting their personnel to provide such training.” If the AFPAK Hands Program were to adopt a hand-to-hand combat system like Fairbairn taught to the China Marines, today’s Hands would further develop into the light infantry force of tomorrow, complete with multiple layers of defense through unconventional means. This article is part two of three of an ongoing AFPAK Hands series.
Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 Book review
Reviewed by Cmdr. Youssef Aboul-Enein
Operation Typhoon: Hitler’s March on Moscow, October 1941 by David Stahel. Published by Cambridge University Press, 2013. The Eastern Front of World War II was where Hitler’s armies met its demise and the numbers are staggering. Numerous battles, field commanders, and armed formations can take years to grasp, however no study of warfare is complete without an immersion in World War II battles generally and Russia’s Eastern Front specifically. To give you an idea, the June 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union, known as Operation Barbarossa, would involve three army groups and 3 million men. This book is about the reinforcement of Army Group Center, which formed the blitzkrieg fist and was supposed to take Moscow. This reinforcement by Hitler in October 1941 would be code-named Operation Typhoon and would see 1.9 million men under the command of Field Marshal Feodor von Bock, making him commander of one of the largest German tactical formations of the war. The author, David Stahel, is well versed on the book’s subject and has authored three previous books on various aspects of the eastern campaigns of World War II. “Operation Typhoon” is supposed to be part of a multi-volume collection he has published and plans to continue pub-
lishing. What makes his particular account interesting is the multi-disciplinary way he analyzes the operation, from intelligence and logistic to military, technology, and medical. You will appreciate how the Germans blinded themselves by believing their own propaganda, and what is incredible is how the Wehrmacht had such faith in technology that some ignored the writings of Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz, who observed how the Russian terrain and weather would impact forces in previous battles leading up to Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow. Facing Field Marshal von Bock, was Soviet Field Marshal Georgi Zhukov, a hard commander, and one of the few who could say “no” to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Stahel reveals that Zhukov’s preparation of the defense of Moscow required him not to destroy the German army but rather to deny them their objective long enough for the Russian winter to work
its violence on ill-prepared German troops. The book contains such details as when the Germans organized teams to change the rail gauges to fit German trains, they did not appreciate the wider Russian gauges which allowed trains to travel longer distances and hence had to create depots for Germans trains to make frequent stops. Other details include the impact of diseases, such as typhus, on the troops. Pages detail the slowing of German Panzers and the failure of German military planners to properly supply such a massive army formation. The author breaks down the key battles of Operation Typhoon, such as the battles of Vyazma and Bryansk as well as the quarter million Russian women and teens set to work digging the Mozhaisk Defensive Line in front of Moscow; the number of mines planted and distances dug defies imagination. There are discussions of the performance of the Soviet T-34 and KV-1 tanks versus the Panzer Mark III and IV tanks and as you read, you will gain an appreciation for industrial output. In three months during 1941-1942, the United States produced the same amount of tanks and trucks as the Germans did in a year. Hitler was shown this report and German planners were informed of this attritional war but were now committed to their course. My only criticism is that I needed
See Book Review, Page 10
Thursday, November 7, 2013
St. Nicholas Cemetery: A Window to the Past by Donna Cipolloni Tester staff writer
In 1942, when the Navy acquired the land to build Naval Air Station Patuxent River, the town of Pearson and the farms at Cedar Point vanished; however, a tangible link to their past still exists in the cemetery surrounding St. Nicholas Chapel. But it wasn’t always that way. Unearthing St. Nicholas Perhaps to dissuade visitors or avoid maintenance - the exact reason remains unknown - the Navy laid down all the headstones in the cemetery and covered them with sod. For decades, they also “vanished.” Enter Scott Lawrence, a St. Mary’s County resident with roots in the area that date back 300 years. Interested in his family history, Lawrence talked with his grandfather about his ancestors and learned many of them were buried at St. Nicholas. “I drove by there every day, but never saw any headstones,” said Lawrence, a contractor now working with the Special Communications Requirements Division at Webster Field in St. Inigoes. “That’s when my grandfather told me they’d been covered years ago.” In 2001, Lawrence naively thought he would simply ask permission from the Navy to dig up the old tombstones, but quickly learned it would not be that easy. Besides being on federal land, the cemetery was also an archaeological site. Lawrence needed not only
U.S. Navy photo by Donna Cipolloni
During his St. Nicholas Cemetery restoration project, Scott Lawrence apprenticed with a company in Manassas, Va., and learned how to properly repair cracked headstones himself, saving an estimated $100,000. He is now certified through the National Park Service to do historic cemetery repair. In the above photo, repairs can be seen on the backside of the headstones. the Navy’s permission, but an Archaeological Resources Protection Act permit from the state of Maryland as well - and, at first, he was denied. But he persevered, kept petitioning and even changed his approach. “The Navy had documented and mapped the headstones they buried and I knew there were veterans in there from the Revolutionary War through World War I,” he said, “so I requested permission to re-erect those 13 headstones only.” Eventually, that strategy worked and he received his initial permit to begin recovery. After that first phase was completed, Lawrence applied for another permit and had to go through the approval chain all over again to uncover 20 more
graves. After that, came another permit, another round of approvals and another 20 graves. “At that rate, I knew I would never live to see the project completed,” he said. “Finally, the fourth permit gave me access to the entire cemetery.” While the Navy had mapped 320 burials, Lawrence was able to reset only 230 headstones because some graves were never marked or the original marker had been lost over time, he said. Partnering with the St. Mary’s County Genealogical Society, donations were received from the public and from some family members
See Cemetary, Page 8
Walter Reed Bethesda Celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month By Bernard S. Little WRNMMC Public Affairs staff writer
Photo by Katrina Skinner
Col. Donna Rojas, service chief for the Discharge Planning Nursing Service, and Hospitalman Joel Smith of Pediatrics Primary Care cut a cake during a ceremony celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month recently.
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and Walter Reed Bethesda celebrated with an informational event in Building 62. This year’s theme for the observance is “Because We Are EQUAL to the Task.” “The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy theme reflects the reality that people with disabilities have the education, training, experience, and desire to be successful in the workplace,” said Sgt. 1st Class Jason Zielske, Equal Opportunity
advisor and command advisor for the Bethesda Multicultural Committee at Walter Reed Bethesda. “Some people are born with a disability, others acquire theirs as a result of an illness or injury, and some people develop their disability as they age,” Zielske continued. “Around the world, 650 million people live with a disability. Today, one in five people in the United States has a disability. Their triumphs over adversity serve as an example to all of us, and affirm that they were, indeed, EQUAL to the Task.” The Bethesda Multicultural Committee hosted last week’s observance for National Disability Employ-
ment Awareness Month, which included informational tables set up in Building 62 to inform wounded warriors, their families and staff of the services available here to assist those with disabilities and their family members while here or who may be transitioning. Those services are available through Fleet and Family Support Center, Army Career and Alumni Program, Assistive Technology Department, Recreational Therapy and Adaptive Sports Program, and other activities. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (AD) into law. The law guaranteed equal opportunities for people with disabilities
in public accommodations, commercial facilities, employment, transportation, state and local government services and telecommunications. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was the first major legislative effort to secure an equal playing field for individuals with disabilities, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. This legislation provided a wide range of services for people with physical and cognitive disabilities. In noting the accomplishments of those with disabilities, the U.S. Department of Labor trumpeted
See Awareness, Page 10
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Combined Federal Campaign Takes Off at Pax River
By Connie Hempel Naval Air Station Patuxent River Public Affairs
As the waters begin to calm across the Defense Department, many of the programs and activities put on hiatus due to budgetary constraints are getting the green light to carry on. One of these is the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which marks its 52nd year. While Naval Air Station Patuxent River normally starts the campaign in early October, the government shutdown caused an indefinite suspension of the charity drive across the federal government. It wasn’t until Oct. 24 when dozens of CFC key workers and points of contact from around the installation were able to launch the campaign. After learning the ins and outs of this year’s drive, the volunteers - nearly 200 in all - collected their CFC pledge forms and booklets and hit the streets, striving to make 100 percent contact with people in their workplaces.
Recognizing the financial limitations some personnel face due to the furloughs and government shutdown, Capt. Heidi Fleming, NAS Pax River executive officer, emphasized the importance of letting people know about the campaign, so they have the option to donate. “CFC is a great way to give back. Your goal is 100 percent contact, making sure people have the opportunity to give to whatever organizations they’re passionate about,” she told the key workers during a CFC kickoff event. “We may see lower [donations] this year, but people will give as much as they can and what they’re comfortable giving.” Master Chief Air Traffic Controller Leon Thompson, installation CFC coordinator, said the need is as great, if not greater, this year because of those same events that may have caused adverse financial impacts to personnel who normally contribute to CFC. “Those kinds of events may distract personnel who might have given in the past,” he said. “However, all of the needs, con-
cerns, financial requirements that charitable organizations face on a regular or annual basis still apply to them.” Those interested in contributing can do so through monthly allotments or with a one-time donation. New this year is an electronic pledge option; the paper pledge forms are still available. The online pledge option allows people to access it any time, from any computer; it eliminates paper forms passing from hand to hand; and it’s less prone to error cause by hard-to-read handwriting. From research and healthcare, to animals and feeding the hungry, there are hundreds of thousands of international, national and local organizations people can donate to; in fact, there are more than 1,100 Southern Maryland tri-county charities listed in the campaign booklet to which people can contribute. For more information on CFC, contact a key worker or visit
U.S. Navy photo by Connie Hempel
Lt. Joon Kim, Naval Air Systems Command’s Precision Strike Weapons Program Office (PMA-201), picks up his Combined Federal Campaign key worker packet during the CFC kickoff Oct. 24 at Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
Adaptive Sports Tournament Premieres at NSAB By Ryan Hunter NSAB Public Affairs staff writer
Picture courtesy of Roger Wollenberg
Army Spc. John Harmon prepares to make a shot while practicing wheelchair basketball in the Fitness Center. Harmon will be participating in the Six a Side Round Robin Wheelchair Basketball Tournament during the Warrior Care Games.
The Warrior Games may have passed, but for those looking to compete against or cheer on the best athletes at Naval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB), the sports season hasn’t ended just yet. Next week, NSAB will host the first Warrior Care Month Competition. This series of events will pit recovering service members, their chain of command and cadre against one another in friendly competitions on even ground. Each of the five events; swimming, running, cycling, sit volleyball and wheelchair basketball; will be specially formatted to place athletes, disabled or not, on a level playing field. “The competition is [designed to] build a spirited core and unit camaraderie through adaptive sports,” said Military Adaptive Sports Program Site Coordinator Amanda Kelly. “It gives our staff a better understanding of what sports are on base, as well as encourages participation from our service members.”
Continued from 2 we’re expanding ATRC; it will give us additional capacity to handle our fleet’s needs.” Hall praised the effort that moved the project forward at a time when the Navy and the nation are operating on tight budgets. “I want to thank everyone who was working behind the scenes,” he said. Capt. Tony Edmunds, commanding officer of Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington, said his command would work to ensure ATRC has the facility is needs despite ongoing budgets uncertainty. “There is no doubt that only the most important requirements have survived,” he said. “This project would not be going forward if it were not as important and as critical as it clearly is.” Though many military construction proj-
Squad Leader of the Warrior Transition Brigade Sgt. Kevin Carter believes sit volleyball will be the “best event to watch.” The sport is organized similarly to standing volleyball, however all participants must remain seated during the active phases of the game. The dividing net is lowered from its typical 32 feet height to approximately 3.5 feet and players must keep at least one buttock on the floor when contact is made with the ball. “You can hit the ball with anything, so if the ball goes out of reach you can kick it to keep it in bounds,” said Kelly. “It’s really hard for me to play sitting volleyball,” said Carter, who plans to participate. “I have legs, so it’s hard for me to stay strictly on my bottom. It’s just as challenging as real volleyball, if not more difficult.” One of the more popular team sports played during the week is wheelchair basketball. The rules are the same as the game’s original counterpart with one exception; every player’s actions must be performed while sitting inside of a wheelchair.
ects involve outside architects, the Cruiser/ Destroyer Upgrade Training Facility was designed by the Navy. “We actually did this design in-house with our own engineers at NAVFAC Atlantic down in Norfolk,” said Edmunds. “This is an in-house, tried and true Navy design for this facility.” Edmunds emphasized the importance of safety, quality, timeliness and cost control as the construction phase begins and said the Navy had a “great partner” in John C. Grimberg Company, Inc. Pete Grimberg, president of John C. Grimberg Company Inc., said his company would focus on safety, schedule and satisfaction. Though unforeseen complications are a part of every major construction project, he continued, Grimberg would “react and lead the way in solving issues.” “We want to be proud of a high-quality finished product,” said Grimberg. “We want to build a facility that meets and exceeds expectations.”
“It’s more fierce and competitive than regular basketball,” said Carter. “There is a lot of contact as you move the wheelchair, going full speed, while trying to get a shot or pass the ball. We played at the end of the summer and at least three people [were knocked] out of their chair. It’s very physical.” While the other three events are designed more for individual participants, they will be just as “competitive and entertaining for our guys with disabilities,” said Carter. The swimming event will take place in the fitness center pool, whose 50 meter length removes the potential for flip turns, a maneuver which favors swimmers who can push off the back wall for a mid-swim boost of speed. Participating cyclists will utilize a variety of cycling equipment including upright, recumbent and hand cycle bikes. According to Carter, runners with and without prosthetics should expect steep competition. “We’ve got a guy, an amputee, competing in the race that just ran two miles in 15 minutes during a physical training test,” said Carter.
GRADUATE Continued from 3
gy. After completing his degree he will enter the Navy’s nuclear submarine community. “I am honored and humbled to be the recipient of this prestigious award,” said Galvin. “As a plebe, I never thought that I would be able to graduate first in my class, especially considering the caliber of the students in the brigade. I look forward to joining the submarine force and serving my country.”
“That’s just the level that these guys can get to.” Warrior Care Month events bare similarities to those found in the Warrior Games, an annual nationwide athletic competition for wounded warriors and disabled veterans from all five branches of the military. Since the Warrior Games won’t be held again until next September, the Care Month Competition was designed partially to promote and excite participation from NSAB service members until then. “We strive for these types of games, because we know service members haven’t lost that competitive edge. That’s not something they will ever lose,” said Carter. “It gets our guys out of their rooms. It lights that fire that makes them want to succeed. It lets them know that even though they’re injured, they can still do all the things they want.” To find out more about Warrior Care Month and other on-going adaptive sports on base, contact Kelly at Amanda.K.Kelly.ctr@ or 301-919-4340.
Galvin received the Admiral Frank B. Kelso II Award during the 2013 USNA Presentation of Prizes and Awards Ceremony on May 23, 2013 at Alumni Hall. Additionally, Galvin received the Gardner L. Casket Memorial Prize, Veterans of Foreign Wars Prize, Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Patrick K. Inglis, USN, Memorial Award, Peruvian Naval Medal of Honor to Merit, Captain Frederick A. Edwards Sr., Class of 1923 Prize, Willie McCool “Willie’s Mission” Cross Country MVP Award, and the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association Award.
For more news from other bases around the Washington, D.C. area,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Annual Hiring Fair Expected to Draw Stellar Crowd By Paul Bello Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Public Affairs
The Hiring Our Heroes and Military Spouse Employment Partnership Event, a one-of-a-kind hiring fair aimed at helping veterans, active-duty service members and military spouses, is returning to Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB). The event will take place Friday, Nov. 1 at the Bolling Club from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Numerous organizations from around the National Capital Region (NCR) will be on hand. Guests will have the opportunity to participate in several career-building workshops, such as dressing for success and strategies for attending future job fairs. Resume reviews will also be available throughout the event. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spearheading the event. It’s co-sponsored locally by JBAB’s Military Family Support Center, the Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR), the U. S. Department of Labor Veterans
Employment and Training Service (DOL VETS), U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the American Legion and U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard. To date, 100 employers and another 375 job seekers have registered for the event, said Patricia Botkins, a coordinator with JBAB’s Military Family Support Center. Botkins got interested in the Hiring Our Heroes campaign after reading a story about first lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden’s initiative to help honor military families. After learning more about the Chamber of Commerce event, she said it’s a perfect way to help kick off November, which happens to be National Military Family Appreciation Month. “It’s not just a hiring event, but an opportunity to reach out to military families. We want to make them aware of the many organizations that are here to help them,” Botkins said. “I’ve received a lot of help with coordinating this event from a great team of spouses here on JBAB. We’re all looking forward to the event.”
Different from typical job fairs, Hiring Our Heroes allows employers to conduct on-the-spot interviews with potential employees. This is the second such event at JBAB, according to Botkins. Last year, she said Hurricane Sandy had hit just before last year’s hiring fair. That contributed to some employers and job seekers not being able to attend. This year she’s expecting a crowd nearly double in size. “Employers find this to be quite a tool in today’s job market,” Botkins said. “They want to find individuals that have the skills and leadership to do the job. There’s an abundance of talent in the military.” To register for the Hiring Our Heroes fair or any of the workshops, visit and scroll down to Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. For registration questions, please email hiringourheroesuschamber. com or call 202-463-5807. For additional information on the event, call the JBAB Warfighter and Family Services at 202767-0450 or email
CEMETARY Continued from 6
of the deceased to carry out the effort. Working only on weekends, the project took seven years to complete. What the Cemetery Tells Us More than just a memorial to loved ones, St. Nicholas is a window to the past offering evidence of its community’s culture and beliefs; differences in economic class and status; and catastrophic events. From simple wood plaques and rocks to grandiose 8-foot tall obelisks, grave markers are an indication of financial means, Lawrence explained. “Marble is dominant and was often used until 1880 or later when technology allowed the efficient cutting and polishing of granite, which is stronger and more durable than marble. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, you’ll also see homemade headstones using concrete.” Marker shapes and epitaphs also evolved through the years. “Fluted, curvilinear-shaped headstones were popular but abruptly stop around 1850,” he said. “And early epitaphs are gloomy - such as, ‘here lies Sally cold in the ground.’” Around the 1830s, epitaphs changed to more spiritual themes that emphasized eternity and rebirth, Lawrence said. The cemetery also reflects the societal issues of the day, with Negro burials - including some former slaves - segregated on the hill; and markers noting both Union and Confederate soldiers. “They were all Catholics and [St. Nicholas] was their church,” Lawrence said. “After the Civil War, people just wanted to get over it, so it wasn’t an issue. All of the Union soldiers known to be buried there are black. There are no white Union soldiers.” There are also stark reminders of the hardship of life before adequate medical advances. “Infant mortality rate was huge in the 19th century and there are many children’s graves,” Lawrence said. “You can also see how the flu pandemic of 1918 affected the county with lots of burials that year. In the 1880s, there was a diphtheria epidemic and headstones show that entire families were wiped out, dying within days of each other.” More Than Meets the Eye While the project was ongoing, Lawrence unexpectedly discovered St. Nicholas’s burial records at both Holy Face and St. Michael’s Catholic churches and has been able to document over 700 graves, with names and dates attached; but no headstones. “They’re just not there, for whatever reason,” he said. “We’ve restored every headstone there is to find.” The original St. Nicholas Church, replaced in 1916 by the current structure, was built in 1795 and the earliest grave Lawrence has documented dates to 1800. “You know there were deaths within those five years,” he said. “I have no doubt there could be 1,000 graves out there.” Unwittingly, when the Navy plowed under the cemetery back in the 40s, they helped preserve the headstones and markers that now tell its tale; while the man who so painstakingly restored it is actually aiding its demise. “Acid rain is a huge problem to marble headstones,” Lawrence said. “While they were buried, acid rain effects were minimal. Ironically, by restoring the cemetery and exposing it again, I’m actually destroying it; and I do think about that.” To see the list of names at St. Nicholas cemetery or other cemeteries in St. Mary’s County, search for the Maryland Tombstone Transcription Project.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Region Medical Director Focuses on Recapturing Beneficiaries, Quality Care, Cost By Bernard S. Little WRNMMC Public Affairs staff writer “Readiness remains our core,” said Rear Adm. (Dr.) Raquel Bono during town halls at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) last week. Director of the Defense Health Agency’s (DHA) National Capital Region Medical Directorate (NCR-MD), Bono discussed the changing Military Health System, and the role of WRNMMC in that transformation, during the two meetings she held with Walter Reed Bethesda staff members. During the hour-long forums on Oct. 15 and 21, Bono stressed the need for WRNMMC staff to continue to provide world-class care while being fiscally responsible as the MHS transforms and face a number of challenges. She explained the DHA, NCR-MD was stood up on Oct. 1, replacing the Joint Task Force National Capital Region Medical Command, and armed with new authorities to control health costs by cutting waste and duplication across the region. “The intent behind the transition is to achieve greater integration of our direct and purchased health care delivery systems so that we can accomplish the MHS quadruple aim: increased readiness; better care; better health; and lower cost,” Bono explained. As a subordinate command of the DHA and one of its six enhanced multi-service markets (eMSMs), NCR-MD has authority, direction and control over WRNMMC, Fort Belvoir and the Joint Pathology Center. The NCR-MD also has enhanced multi-service market authorities over Naval Health Clinic Quantico and its subordinate Washington Navy Yard Branch Health Clinic; Naval Health Clinic Annapolis; Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center and its subordinate Andrew Rader Army Health Clinic; Fort McNair Army Health Clinic; and Malcolm Grow Medical Clinic and Surgery Center (779th Medical Group) and its subordinate Pentagon Flight Clinic; and Bolling Clinic (579th Medical Group). In addition to the NCR-MD, other enhance markets of DHA include San Antonio, Texas; Colorado Springs, Colo.; the Puget Sound region of Washington State; the Tidewater area of Virginia, and Oahu Island in Hawaii. Bono explained “enhanced” authorities allow the eMSM managers to “implement a market approach to advance population health; execute a five-year business performance plan to improve care; allocate market funding where the need is greatest; and disseminate clinic and business best practices across facilities to improve effectiveness.” The rear admiral said despite challenges with the budget, as reflected across the government with furloughs and the government shutdown, her intent for the NCR-MD is to “create value through excellence in health-care services that is responsive to the needs and convenience of all patients and their families.” In addition, she said the NCR-MD will “expand the best practices in wounded warrior care to provide all beneficiary populations with comprehensive, multidisciplinary family-centered health services that is respectful to the choices of beneficiaries. “We will also lead the way in patient safety and quality management and design the NCR market so that each patient has access to care in the market, regardless of enrollment site,” Bono explained. With approximately 500,000 beneficiaries, the rear admiral said the NCR-MD is
Official Navy photo
Rear Adm. (Dr.) Raquel Bono the most expensive market in the DHA, so “there’s intense interest in how we perform because we have the biggest budget.” In total, there are approximately 9.7 million beneficiaries in the military health care system, according to MHS officials. Recapturing patients for the direct care system from purchased care contractors, as well as standardizing health care business practices, are other goals of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Dr. Jonathan Woodson in the transformation of the military health care system. Woodson is also director of the TRICARE Management Authority. In a recent interview, Woodson explained there have been numerous studies of the military health system exploring the benefits of greater integration of services to increase access to care and cut cost. More than $16 million of the Defense Health Program budget is paid annually for care of beneficiaries in the private sector, while approximately $8 million is allocated to direct care, according to Bono and the DHA. She explained usage of base medical facilities by beneficiaries has dropped in recent years, but not because of the quality of military health care, which remains worldclass, said Bono, a general surgeon. The use of base medical facilities by beneficiaries declined recently for a number of factors, including the impact of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), and the war, which have resulted in the move and deployment of many military medical personnel to provide care in Iraq and Afghanistan, DHA officials explained. Many of those beneficiaries who stopped using base medical facilities for their care sought services within the TRICARE network of civilian providers or from private sector doctors who accepted patients using TRICARE fee-for-service option, Bono added. DHA’s goal is to recapture those beneficiaries as the war winds down and BRAC changes gain clarity, even if it means “moving resources and patients within markets to meet the needs of patients,” Bono said. Woodson explained care in the military system costs the defense department about a third less than TRICARE-purchased care. He added the intent is to “optimize dollars invested into the direct care system.” Emphasizing the quality of military
See Focus, Page 10
BOOK REVIEW Continued from 6
to consult U.S. Military Academy at West Point maps on-line to follow the individual battles. Having published books myself, I understand how maps drive up costs and will therefore excuse the author. I also recommend that you read books on the Soviet Front, like “Ostkrieg: Hitler’s War of Extermination in the East” by Stephen Fritz, and Hitler’s Panzers: The Lightening Attacks that Revolutionized Warfare by Denis Showalter, and maybe a biography of Soviet Field Marshal Zhukov before tackling this book. You also may wish to watch a few documen-
Continued from 9 health care is top priority, Bono said, “[Our] patients go elsewhere with our fingerprints on them, [but] we need to look at what’s valuable to our patients [to bring them back],” she added. “I don’t think there’s anybody who can give the quality of care we do to our military members. Through enhanced service markets, we can directly impact how dollars are spent.
AWARENESS Continued from 6
the tenacity of the late Sailor, Carl Maxie Brashear, the first African American to become a U.S. Navy master diver. In 1966, Brashear lost his left leg as a result of an accident while supporting the retrieval of atomic bombs from two submerged U.S. Air Force planes. After grueling physical rehabilitation, he became the first Navy diver to be restored to full active duty as an amputee in 1968. In 1970, he became the first AfricanAmerican U.S. Navy master diver and served nearly 10 more years beyond that on active duty. He then served as a civilian employee for the Navy until retiring in 1993. “It is not a sin to get knocked down; it’s
Continued from 1 decision to drive drunk, he caused an accident that took a life, and how that decision follows him every day. “I don’t do this so people will sorry for me or to get applause,” said Vela. “I do this so I can tell people, ‘don’t end up like me.’” Vela explained that after a night of drinking with a friend he was driving home and swerved off the road. Overcompensating, he veered into oncoming traffic, striking a vehicle driven by 18-year-old Rashonda Tangle. As a result of the collision, Tangle’s vehicle struck a telephone pole, causing her massive head trauma. She died hours later in shock trauma as a result of her wounds. “At the hospital, I was still out of it, and the doctors were trying to get my information to call someone, and I kept asking them to tell me what I did,” said Vela. “They kept trying to tell me not to worry about that right now and that I may die and that they need to call someone for me, but I wouldn’t tell them anything until they told me what I did. Finally, out of frustration the doctor told me, “you killed a young girl tonight!’ I was done. I lied back and told the doctor to just let me die.”
Thursday, November 7, 2013
taries, like “Soviet Storm, from Content Media Corporation, a multi-part series on the Russian Front in World War II available on YouTube and Hulu. Editor’s Note: Cmdr. Aboul-Enein has just published a co-authored book with Naval Institute Press entitled, “The Secret War for the Middle East: The Influence of Intelligence Operations during World War II,” this fall. He is working on his fourth book, “Reconstructing a Shattered Egyptian Army: War Minister General Mohamed Fawzi’s Memoirs, 1967-1971,” which will be published this coming summer. Aboul-Enein teaches part time at the National Defense University, and wishes to thank his Teaching Assistant, Ms. Tamara D’Amico, for her edits that enhanced this book review.
“We have an opportunity to make a really big difference,” the rear admiral continued. “Our legacy is going to be defined by how we move forward from the integration,” she said. DHA’s first director, Air Force Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Douglas J. Robb, said in a recent interview, “In the future, we will build our hospitals and clinics using the same analytics. We’ll buy supplies, equipment and services from common contracts. We’ll train in even more common ways. Army, Navy and Air Force personnel will be able to work in any medical facility in the world without needing to learn a whole new way of doing business.”
a sin to stay down,” and “I ain’t going to let nobody steal my dream,” Brashear said. The movie “Men of Honor,” made in 2000, was inspired by his life. He died in 2006. WRNMMC Director, Brig. Gen. (Dr.) Jeffrey B. Clark, has said, “It’s very important we recognize and pay tribute to our diversity because there’s a tremendous amount of strength in diversity. We need to understand each other and revel in the goodness that each of us brings [to the workforce].” For information about Assistive Technology services, call Amanda Reinsfelder at 202-257-5756 or Mark Lindholm at 301295-1518. For information about WRNMMC Adaptive Sports Program, call 301-319-8663. To reach the Fleet and Family Support Center, call 301-319-4087. For information about the Army Career and Alumni Program at WRNMMC, call 301-400-1992. Vela told of losing his own arm as a result of the accident, learning details of the life he took from Tangle - a Forestville Military Academy graduate with a full scholarship to Morgan State who had planned on becoming an army officer and lawyer - of the years of depression and anger he felt at himself, and how he begged the State Attorney to incarcerated him. He also told of why he feels compelled to speak to crowds like those at Pax River’s safety stand down. “I never thought of a car as being a deadly weapon but in fact they are, especially when you are intoxicated or distracted,” said Vela. “Is that text so important, that song so good, the spilt soda so bad, the teasing of calling a friend or family member to pick you up so bad that it is worth the pain you could cause to a family; be it someone else’s or your own.” The two speakers reminded everyone of their responsibilities throughout the year to themselves and others, with the added weight of experience. “Having personal speakers telling their stories is really important,” said Capt. Heidi Fleming, NAS Pax River executive officer. “It really brings a great impact to the message.” For more information on events happening in NDW, visit NavDistWash.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
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Thursday, November 7, 2013