Natural Awakenings Washington DC Natural Living Directory

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feel good • live simply • laugh more


2016 N atural L Washin gton, D iving .C. Edition

— Natu

Directo ralAwa r y kening sD

natural awakenings

January 2016


Your Path to Healing Starts Here a n i n t e g r at i v e a p p r o a c h t o yo u r h e a lt h GeorGe WashinGton Center for inteGrative MediCine offers you a unique health care program principled in science and tradition where the patient is treated as a whole person and respected as an individual. With your visit to the Center, a highly-trained practitioner—licensed, certified and credentialed in his or her specialty—will develop with you a care plan tailored to fit your needs and honors your personal healing process. natural & inteGrative health ChoiCes W e prov i de C a r e f o r …

diabetes Holistic geriatric care with minimal use of medications Health coaching to overcome chronic difficulties

Cancer parkinson’s disease Thyroid problems High blood pressure and high cholesterol Women’s medical issues Chronic pain syndromes Holistic psychiatry

Medicine-free cholesterol management detoxification Healthy aging and healthy weight loss plus many other innovative therapies

this Month’s featured providers ilana seidel, Md – integrative Medicine physician

GraCe oGden – Mindfulness for Stress reduction

Julie Wendt –health and nutritional coaching

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TOGETHER WE CARE, HEAL, EDUCATE 908 New Hampshire Avenue Suite 200 Washington DC 20037 202-833-5055

What others are sayinG about GeorGe WashinGton Center for inteGrative MediCine: “People who work here are compassionate. I feel like I am part of a big family. Very different from other doctors’ offices. Here you have a chance to spend time and talk through the issues.” – S.A. “Extremely impressed with the conversation that I had during my initial consultation. It is the holistic approach I have been searching for some time.” – B.L. 2

Washington, D.C.

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natural awakenings

January 2016


MARCH 15-26, 2016

Join us in Washington, DC for two weeks of compelling and engaging environmental film!

130+ FILMS

“Parks: Protecting Wild,” exploring the vital role of parks and protected areas on our planet, will be the focus of a selection of Festival films.


The complete 2016 Festival schedule will be posted on our website in February Lead 2016 Sponsors to date:

Lead 2016 Media Sponsors:


Washington, D.C.

natural awakenings

January 2016


letterfrompublisher Happy New Year dear friends, contact us Publisher, Editor in Chief Robin Fillmore Contributing Editors Jessica Bradshaw Randy Kambic Grace Ogden Design & Production Irene Sankey Marketing Director Beverly Nickerson Sales Director Malika Hook Muhammad Outreach Director Samantha Hudgins Natural Awakenings of Washington, D.C. Phone: 202-505-4835 Fax: 202-827-7955 4938 Hampden Lane, #214 Bethesda, MD 20814 ©2016 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

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Washington, D.C.

Now that the holidays are over and 2016 has launched, it is the perfect time to cast our gaze in a different direction. With the start of a new year comes the opportunity to start fresh, to look at areas of growth and change and to consider new ways of thinking. Since launching Natural Awakenings Washington, D.C. in 2103, I have come to understand that there is great wisdom emerging in all realms of human existence. Every day I am astounded to learn of advances being made in medicine, personal growth and our understanding of the world and that which is beyond us, in the universe. With this in mind, we have dual purposes for our January edition. First, we have designated this issue to serve as a Natural Living Directory, which, we hope, will be kept and treasured throughout the year as a resource for the growing community who seek natural and healthy ways to live. To help educate you, dear friends, we have included a comprehensive glossary of many terms that are commonly used by practitioners of natural health methods. We hope that this will be a helpful guide to those who seek to gain knowledge about their own health. This edition will be distributed at many of the events we attend throughout the year. Second, our general theme this month is a broad look at both the future of medical care and the potential that precision medicine holds for all humanity. The White House launched the Precision Medicine Initiative last January, with the stated purpose to “pioneer a new model of patient-powered research that promises to accelerate biomedical discoveries and provide clinicians with new tools, knowledge and therapies to select which treatments will work best for which patients.” Local practitioners are already leading the community in providing a fresh look at working with their patients through the lens of precision medicine. In fact, Dr. Charles Gant will be offering a free, live-seminar and webinar on using Precision Medicine as a way to overcome nicotine addiction. You can read an interview with him on this topic this month and then join us on January 24 for a live event. January is also a great time to expand your own learning at our upcoming event, HealthFest 2016 (, which is a celebration of International Integrative Health Day. The world over, Integrative Health Day is celebrated with health screenings events, talks, gatherings and helpful demonstrations. Our event, which is free to the community, will offer all of these things, plus events for children. Partnering with FitDC, the Maryland University for Integrative Health, AIM and local medical students from Georgetown, Howard and George Washington universities, this event will be a full day of opportunities to learn from community practitioners and business leaders about your health. There is plenty more information about the event in this month’s Event Spotlight. If you sign up and attend, you have the chance to win some fabulous raffle prizes. To health in the year ahead! Peace-

Robin Fillmore, Publisher

contents 10

8 newsbriefs 1 2 healthbriefs 16 globalbriefs 21 wisewords 26 conscious eating

27 actionalert

33 eventspotlight 34 spotlights 12 38 naturalliving glossary


45 inspiration 46 calendar 51 naturalliving directory

advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 202-505-4835 or email Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial, news briefs and health briefs are due by the 10th. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Submit Calendar Events online: within the advertising section. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.



FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE New Paradigm Gets to the Root Cause of Disease by Lisa Marshall

21 BRUCE LIPTON ON THE EPIGENETICS REVOLUTION Our Beliefs Reprogram Our Genetic Destiny by Linda Sechrist


Plus Strategies for Prevention by Meredith Montgomery


and the End of Nicotine Addiction by


by Dr. Sushma Hirani




Animals Thrive with Gentle, Safe and Natural Approaches by Shawn Messonnier



Why You Can’t Stick to Them by Isabel Sharkar



Your Guide to All Things Natural natural awakenings

January 2016


Overcome Bone Loss & Regain Your Health


Susan Brady, MPT

Physical Therapist Doctor of Integrative Medicine Nutritional Consultant

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Washington, D.C.

Experience Sacred Energies at a Local Retreat


ather than going to Peru to experience sacred energies, there is now a closer opportunity, offered in the serene sacred ground in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, at The Land Celebration in Gore, Virginia, not far from Winchester. Calling in the SunLight, a Spiritual and Healing Retreat will be held the weekend of April 23 and 24. All are invited to attend. Since the success of her first retreat and the public demand for more, Diane Black, a Crystal Reiki Therapist, has developed a weekend retreat series, in the fall and spring. With a gathering of healers and spiritual people on sacred ground, this weekend will certainly be a powerful experience for everyone involved. The weekend will allow attendees to experience a reawakening of themselves, their life path and their joy. This powerful weekend retreat features Kundalini yoga, guided and group meditation, chanting, sound healing, “Connecting to your Higher Self”, “Your Path Illuminated by the Angels”, a medicine wheel ceremony and shamanic fire drumming. Also, there will be opportunities for private healing sessions, vendors and group walks through sacred spaces, such as a labyrinth, a prayer pagoda, the copper pyramid and many more spaces throughout the 40-acre retreat center. A high-vibrational, vegetarian menu will be prepared by world-acclaimed chef, Bonita Woods. Cost: Retreat tickets are $275 (camp)/$350 (dorm) if purchased before April 7. After that date, prices increase to $285 (camp)/$395(dorm). All workshops, activities, meals and accommodations are included in the price. For schedule and tickets, visit For more information, contact Diane Black at 703-787-5714 or Diane@ or

Barre Tone Studio: A Fitness Boutique For All Ages and Fitness Levels


n this new year, it is important to make time for what matters—not only in January as many tackle resolutions, but it is a good time to make changes that will last the whole year long. Because there is always a reason to be healthy, balanced or fit, it is a great time to explore the new offerings at Barre Tone, in the heart of Vienna. The staff at Barre Tone is there to welcome all ages, all fitness levels and interests. Barre Tone is not just a barre studio but a community with friends who support and motivate each other toward better, healthier selves. They offer a wide variety of barre and Pilates classes for lengthening, strengthening and toning; yoga for alignment, flexibility and balance; Zumbarre and urban dance to get your groove on and well-being-related workshops and retreats. And it’s all in the neighborhood, in the lovely town of Vienna. Barre Tone, which opened in the spring of 2014, was created by the owner of Lofty Boutique, Salon and Spa, Mona Harb and her partner Dorota Szczepaniak. These are two women who strive to inspire and help others to improve their lives not only by exercise, but by choosing the positive and healthy path. Barre Tone is ideal for those who want to sculpt, strengthen and increase flexibility, while enjoying the infusion of dance, aerobics with the benefits of the ballet barre at its core. Leave with renewed energy, a calmer spirit and a new passion for life. Location: 370 West Maple Ave., Unit 1, Vienna. For more information and a listing of classes and events, visit See ad, page 10.

GreenFare Café Opens With Delicious and Healthy Food Options in Herndon


ith current scientific research showing that a whole-plant diet is optimal for human health and minimizes our environmental impact, GreenFare salon café was launched on November 1 to provide delicious organic, whole-plant food. GreenFare is located at 408 Elden Street in Herndon and is open daily between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. Working in concert with noted medical professionals that recognize that a transformation from the standard American diet can regenerate our health and our planet, GreenFare is providing a local, sustainable and seasonal menu that is awesome, fresh and locally prepared oil-free with low sodium. In addition to the delicious and healthy food, they are offering catering as well as events such as cooking classes, book signings and other programs to stimulate thinking about the impact of food choices on ourselves, our families, the environment and animals. Join founder and CEO Gwyn Whittaker and her team for some tasty and good-for-you food. For more information, call 703-689-0506 or visit GreenFare. com. See ad, page 30.

DO N’ T JUST COV ER UP T H E S YMPTOMS Take a holistic approach to better health We utilize passive neurofeedback which has shown significant clinical results with • ADD/ADHD • PTSD • Stress • Anxiety/Depression • Post-Concussion Syndrome

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CALL FOR YOUR CONSULTATION 703-821-1013 1485 Chain Bridge Rd, Ste. 100, McLean, VA

NOVA Center for Alternative Medicine natural awakenings

January 2016


newsbriefs Online Meditation Teacher Training


he Mindfulness Center online Meditation Teacher Training is a 160-hour immersion program that informs participants through both informational content and experiential practices using podcasts of guided meditations, journaling, scripting and recording your own meditations, along with a library of content rich in information on the science, practice and application of mindfulness in health care and education. This certification program is appropriate for educators, health care providers, social workers, mental health professionals and adults working with adolescents and interested in incorporating mindfulness meditation into a professional setting. Learning materials provide an overview of the role of mindfulness in education, health care and other community building roles, drawing on both the modern scientific evidencebasis and ancient wisdom. Experiential practice cultivates a deeper selfpractice, and builds the foundation for teaching group and one-on-one sessions. The Mindfulness Center Meditation Teacher Training program is co-sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), and offers up to 16 hours of CEUs to therapists and social workers. CEUs are also offered through Yoga Alliance. The goal of this training is to prepare students of meditation to become teachers of meditation, help to deepen and strengthen the participant’s personal practice and to prepare teachers to be able to relay the experiential qualities of the practice to others. Whereas the meditation student may sit quietly with the struggles of the mind, the teacher knows how to guide the struggling student (and themselves). Resistance is a common encounter in the meditation practice. The teacher knows how to use resistance to create forward momentum. For more information, visit MTTOnline.html.


Washington, D.C.

Environmental Film Festival to Present Over 130 Films


he 24th annual Environmental Film Festival in the nation’s capital, the largest and longest-running environmental film festival in the country, will present more than 130 films selected to provide fresh perspectives on a wide variety of environmental issues facing Earth, from March 15 to 26. Parks: Protecting Wild, exploring the vital role of parks and protected areas in conserving the natural world, will be the focus of a selection of 2016 festival films. Screenings will include discussion with filmmakers, scientists and policy makers, and many are free. A salute to the U.S. National Park Service’s 100th anniversary, a new MacGillivray Freeman IMAX film, National Parks Adventure, explores our spectacular national parks, from Yosemite and Yellowstone to the Everglades, while An American Ascent documents the first African-American expedition to tackle North America’s highest peak, Denali, in Alaska’s Denali National Park. Local subjects will be covered in several films. Beautiful Swimmers Revisited advances the story of the Chesapeake Bay blue crab. City of Trees explores a community’s fight for equal access to safe parks and good jobs in our nation’s capital. Defeating Disney recounts the successful efforts to block the construction of a Disney history theme park in Virginia more than 20 years ago. Other films will explore the emerging clean energy economy, food and agriculture topics, including biodynamic farming in Denmark and fair trade chocolate, and built and created environments, from land art in the American desert to the stunning nature photography of Sebastião Selgado. Locations: films will be shown at a venues throughout the District. The complete festival schedule, with locations, will be posted in February at See ad, page 4.

Reduce Your Stress with Mindfulness This Winter


inter classes start on January 24 for the GW Center for Integrative Medicine’s eight-week course Reducing Stress with Mindfulness. Based on the widely renowned program developed by Jon KabatZinn at the UMass Medical Center, this experiential course teaches new skills for reducing stress and managing pain, emphasizing mindfulness meditation and body-centered practices that awaken present moment awareness. Starter sessions and private mindfulness teaching and coaching are also available from the course instructor, Grace Ogden, who has practiced and trained in mindfulness for more than 25 years, including with Kabat-Zinn and Thich Nhat Hanh. Group and individual learning occurs through guided activities and participant interaction, supported by the teacher. Participants learn a nonjudgmental approach to recognizing sensations, feelings and thoughts in times of difficulty, which is the first step to healing and stress reduction. They try out and practice a range of mindfulness skills and identify how and where to apply the skills in their daily lives. Homework practice is a key dimension of the learning process. Past participants report these benefits: A decrease in chronic physical and psychological symptoms; an improved ability to manage stress; feeling more calm; and coping with change better. They also let go of behavioral habit patterns that previously caused distress and developed more compassion and patience with themselves and others. Eight classes and an all-day retreat form the structure of the GWCIM course. The Sunday course session is 1:30 to 4 p.m. on the GWU campus, beginning January 24. The Tuesday course session begins January 26 and runs 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Takoma Park (locations provided at registration). For details and registration, call 202-833-5055 or visit Classes. To reach the teacher, call 301-445-6771 or email Grace. See ad, page 2.

February 12 - 14, 2016 For one weekend, free yourself from the over-dependency of your electronic devices that pull you away from what is really important in your life. Enjoy a fun and revitalizing weekend retreat customized just for you. Experience activities such as meditation, hiking, painting, drumming, dance class, chi-gong, group discussions and more. Join an experienced mindfulness team at Sevenoaks Retreat Center nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, just 90 minutes south of Washington DC, in scenic Madison VA.

Hit the REBOOT button of your life! Register today: call 540-948-6544 Price is $395 for the weekend. Space is limited. natural awakenings

January 2016


News to Share? Do you have a special event in the community? Are you opening a new office or moving? Recently become certified in a new modality?

Let us know about it!


Feel Young, Live Long


esearch published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found people that feel younger than their years have a lower incidence of earlier mortality. Conducted by scientists from the UK’s University College London, the research analyzed data from 6,489 people and measured their self-perceived age with the question, “How old do you feel you are?” Then, over more than eight years, the scientists tracked the number of deaths from all causes. Almost 70 percent of those that averaged a little over 65 reported feeling at least three years younger than their chronological age. Only a quarter said they felt close to their age and about 5 percent said they felt more than a year older. The research found that deaths among those that felt younger were 14 percent, while more than 18 percent of those who felt their own age and more than 24 percent of people that felt older died during the follow-up period. The research further found that individuals that felt at least three years younger were less likely to die later from heart disease or cancer. These relationships prevailed even when other health and lifestyle factors were eliminated. Co-author Andrew Steptoe, Ph.D., says, “We expected to find an association between self-perceived age and mortality. We didn’t expect that the relationship would still be present even when wealth, other socio-demographic indicators, health, depression, mobility and other factors were taken into account.”

Vitamin E and D Supplements Hinder Alzheimer’s and Falls Among Elderly


News Briefs We welcome news items relevant to the subject matter of our magazine. We also welcome any suggestions you may have for a news item. Call 202-505-4835 for additional information, or visit 12

Washington, D.C.

wo common vitamins are making headlines in medical research. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that supplementation with vitamin E may reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The five-year study followed 561 Alzheimer’s patients and included a placebo and the pharmaceutical drug memantine. Those that took vitamin E had a reduced progression of the disease compared to both a placebo group and the memantine group. Also, researchers from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of falling for elderly folks. The study had a vitamin D supplement or a placebo delivered through a Meals-on-Wheels program to 68 people. The subjects were given blood tests and their history of falls was measured. Diaries revealed that the individuals taking vitamin D supplements fell less than half the number of times than the placebo group.

Autism Spurs Creative Thinking


he UK’s University of East Anglia and the University of Stirling conducted a study of individuals with autistic traits among 312 people recruited through social media, including 75 diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder. Each of the subjects completed a series of creativity tests in which they determined uses of mundane objects. Published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, the study found that while the autistic people chose fewer uses for each object, their choices were significantly more original and creative. The subjects developed a greater range of “divergent thinking”. Martin Doherty, Ph.D., co-author of the study, confirms, “People with high autistic traits can have less quantity, but greater quality of creative ideas. They are typically considered to be more rigid in their thinking, so the fact that the ideas they have are more unusual or rare is surprising. This difference may have positive implications for creative problem solving.” The researchers found that while the average person will utilize simple mental strategies to produce more obvious answers first, autistic people tend to first utilize more demanding strategies during their processing, thus producing the more creative result.

Integrative Energy Healing for Your Health by Sherry Dmytrewycz There are a variety of energy healing approaches that practitioners can study—and practice— to effectively offer Integrative Energy Healing. A relatively new approach incorporates several modalities in one session, or in a series of sessions for the client’s highest good. An Integrative Energy Healing Approach incorporates many complementary and alternative medical approaches (CAM) into a session. CAM consists of healing philosophies, approaches and therapies that conventional medicine does not usually make available for healing body, mind and spirit. Some energy healing approaches that may be integrated into a session involve the use of tuning forks, stones, sacred flame essences, sound, flower essences and essential oils. One can also integrate structural energy alignment, cranial sacral, sacred flame hologram protocols, access consciousness or the more traditional “laying of hands” on an area to bring in healing energies. All of these modalities are offered without the need for physically invasive procedures or medications. The benefit of having many energy healing approaches provides the client with “what works best” for their particular issue. For example, clients are often amazed at the increased mobility and pain relief in the knee with the use of structural energy alignment and tuning forks. An integrative energy healing approach makes available many more options for improving and maintaining health and well-being. Consider integrative energy healing for treating the whole you. Sherry Dmytrewycz of Healing Gateway is an Intuitive Energy Healer providing hands-on or distance Integrative Energy Healing sessions. Contact her at 877-5345534 or See ad, page 23.

Leave Them at the Door: Shoe Soles Harbor Risky Bacteria


esearch from the University of Houston has determined that a species of bacteria that has become resistant to many antibiotics might be tracking into homes on the soles of shoes. More than a third of randomly tested homes were contaminated with Clostridium difficile bacteria, and 40 percent of doorsteps were also infected with the bacteria. Depending upon the strain, C. difficile can cause intestinal infections, inflammation and severe diarrhea. Study author M. Jahangir Alam, Ph.D., comments, “Shoes are contaminated from diverse sources, and we are regularly contaminating our doorsteps by shoes.” The researchers tested three to five household items within 30 houses in Houston, Texas. They collected 127 environmental samples— from 63 shoe bottoms, 15 bathroom surface samples, 12 house floor dusts and 37 other household surfaces They found that 41 of them harbored C. difficile and nearly 40 percent of the shoes were positive for the bacteria. They also found that a third of the bathroom surfaces harbored the bacteria, a third of house dust and 19 percent of other surfaces maintained the bacteria. The cause of many intestinal disorders, this bacteria species has become increasingly resistant to antibiotics and many household cleaning products.

natural awakenings

January 2016



Playing Outside Before Lunch Spurs Kids to Eat Healthier

Integrated training, coaching and branding for visionary professionals and organizations

Grace Ogden has decades of experience in Washington, DC, and a diverse international network in mindfulness meditation, wellness, spirituality and social change. Her team offers: n

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esearchers from Brigham Young University and Cornell University have determined that simply moving recess to precede lunch significantly increases students’ consumption of fruits and vegetables at lunch. The researchers tested first- through sixth-graders from seven schools in Utah for 14 school days. In three schools, recess was switched from after to just before lunch. In the other four schools, recess still followed lunch. Published in the journal Preventative Medicine, research found that when recess was just prior to lunch, students ate 54 percent more fruits and vegetables. Moving recess also resulted in 45 percent more kids eating at least one serving of fruits and vegetables during school-provided lunches. The researchers concluded that results show the benefits of holding recess before lunch and suggest that if more schools did this, there would be significant increases in fruit and vegetable consumption, particularly among students that eat school lunch as part of the National School Lunch Program.

Scientists Urge Ban on Non-Stick Pan Coatings


new paper published in the Environmental Health Perspectives journal warns of the continued health risks of chemicals used for non-stick pan coatings and water repellents on clothing. The chemical is being found in some municipalities’ drinking water. More than 200 scientists signed the statement, which presents the dangers of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These chemicals are persistently used as pan coatings, despite more than a decade of research showing associations with liver toxicity, neurological disorders, cancers of different organs and types, and heart conditions. The paper noted that many manufacturers have discontinued long-chain PFAS production and substituted shorter-chain PFAS. The scientists caution that these shorter-chain PFAS may not effectively reduce PFAS exposure because more has to be used to achieve the same effectiveness, maintaining PFAS in the environment with exposure levels relatively unchanged. It calls for scientists, governments, chemical manufacturers and consumer product manufacturers to participate in halting all PFAS production. (301) 445-6771


Washington, D.C.

All great achievements require time. ~Maya Angelou

Just in—Thyme by Laina Poulakos


oat of us are familiar with the herb thyme and its ability to make Thanksgiving stuffing taste delicious, but it has many other benefits too. Thyme is a small, attractive herb with tiny leaves and purple flowers. It is easy to grow, thriving in rock gardens. This herb releases an aromatic fragrance in the afternoon sun. The essential oil is obtained from the flowering tops of the plant. Thyme essential oil has so many health uses. The ancient Greeks would burn thyme to control germs in the air. The use of thyme can be traced back to the Egyptians using it in embalming. We still find many reasons to use thyme, other than in our cooking. It is a wonderful decongestant. It treats respiratory ailments, such as a tight chest and cough. When made into a tea, it can help with hangovers. Its strong germicidal properties make it useful in fighting colds and flu. It can also be used for bladder and digestive aliments. Thyme is useful in wound cleaning and helping to fight infection. This amazing herb is also a great antiseptic mouthwash. A cough syrup can be made with a half-ounce of thyme, simmered down with one cup water. Simply strain out the herb and add the infused water to three tablespoons of honey, a pinch of cinnamon and a of pinch ginger. Yum—a tasty cough syrup. Caution should be taken when using thyme if you are pregnant as large amounts of thyme are not recommended in pregnancy. Next time you feel under the weather, reach in the spice cabinet for the versatile herb—thyme. Laina Poulakos is the founder of Mother’s Nature Store and is available for private consultations about herbal medicine by calling 703-851-0087 or visiting See ad, page 44.

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January 2016


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Fish Folly

Marine Life Drops by Half since 1970 The nonprofit World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Zoological Society of London have jointly determined that industrial-scale overfishing, pollution and climate change have killed half of all marine life over the last 40 years. The Living Blue Planet Report cites that species essential to the global food supply are among the hardest hit, partially due to humans catching them faster than they can reproduce. Large swaths of coral reefs, mangroves and sea grasses have also died, further decimating fish populations. Statistics show that the family of fish that includes tuna and mackerel has declined by 75 percent since 1970. The number of species is also declining; a quarter of all shark and ray species face extinction. Half of all coral has already disappeared, and the rest will vanish by 2050 if temperatures continue to rise at current rates. “Coral reefs occupy less than 1 percent of the ocean surface, but they harbor a third of ocean species,” says French biologist Gilles Boeuf. The WWF report argues that protected global ocean area should be tripled by 2020 and fish retailers should source from companies that follow certified best practice standards. Source:

Drive-Thru Vegan

Amy’s Opens Organic Fast Food Restaurant California now hosts the nation’s first Amy’s Organic Drive-Thru restaurant, in Rohnert Park, with a vegetarian menu sporting veggie burgers, salads and dishes served in both regular and vegan varieties. Ingredients are sustainably grown and GMO-free (no genetically modified ingredients). The company’s signature frozen pizzas have been popular for years in health food and grocery stores nationwide, and now Amy’s first restaurant is serving them hot, with toppings ranging from spinach and diced tomatoes to a choice of mozzarella cheese or vegan “cheeze”. While some other fast food restaurants import almost all of their products from factory farming operations and give nothing back to the community, Amy’s Drive-Thru grows produce sustainably on its own roof. Amy’s Kitchen, a familyowned, privately held organic frozen food company, reportedly pays workers a living wage with health benefits. On the inaugural restaurant’s popularity, Manager Paul Schiefer remarks, “It’s given us a lot of hope that this is a concept that works.” 16

Washington, D.C.


Eastern Practices Penetrate U.S. Corporate Culture Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini has introduced free yoga and meditation classes for employees of the health insurance giant, and more than 13,000 are participating. On average, they experienced a 28 percent reduction in their stress levels, 20 percent improvement in sleep quality, 19 percent reduction in pain and 62 minutes per week of extra productivity. “We have this groundswell inside the company of people wanting to take the classes,” says Bertolini. “It’s been pretty magical.” He sells the same classes to businesses that contract with Aetna. Google now offers emotional intelligence courses for employees and General Mills has a meditation room in every building on its Minneapolis corporate campus. Even conservative Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs are teaching meditation on the job. Some programs, from yoga sessions for factory workers to guided meditations for executives, are intended to improve overall well-being; others to increase focus and productivity. Most aim to make employees more present-minded, less prone to make rash decisions and generally nicer people to work with. More than 21 million individuals now practice yoga nationwide, double the number from a decade ago, and nearly as many meditate, according to the National Institutes of Health. Source:

Puppy Cuddles

Doctor’s Orders

Students De-Stress by Petting Dogs At least three universities in England have offered puppy rooms to stressed students. More than 600 students signed up last year in Bristol alone. Gordon Trevett, from the University’s Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health, says, “Every year I see students fretting about their exams, and I thought this would be a great way to ease the stress and take their minds off it. People with dogs have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without a dog, and we know that playing with a dog can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax.” Jo Woods, from the Bristol Students Union, says, “It’s important to do fun and different things to de-stress during exams, and cuddling a puppy is a perfect way to release some endorphins.” Source: BBC

Sci-Fi Solution

Beaming Solar Power to Earth from Space A great deal of solar power falls on our planet, but a lot more misses us and goes off into space. Scientists at JAXA, Japan’s space administration, have made a major breakthrough in accurate wireless power transmission on Earth that bodes well for solar space technology. The team beamed 1.8 kilowatts of power, enough to power an electric tea kettle, more than 50 meters to a small receiver without any wires whatsoever. The researchers were able to accomplish this task by first converting the electrical energy to microwaves, and then beaming them to a remote receiver before converting them back into electrons. The program’s goal is to harness a constant supply of solar energy directly from space using orbital solar farms, and then beam that energy for use on Earth. Solar power generation in space has many advantages over current technology, including the constant availability of energy regardless of the weather or time of day. Source:

GMO Labeling Endorsed by Physicians Even as the federal government pursues H.R. 1599, aka the “Deny Americans the Right to Know” (DARK) act, mainstream medicine is urging the government to abandon its resistance to GMO (genetically modified organism) labeling. They are bolstered by a recent announcement by the World Health Organization that glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer) is probably carcinogenic in humans. The genetic engineering ends up making crops resistant to the herbicide so more must be applied. According to contributing doctors from Harvard, Mt. Sinai Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin reporting in the New England Journal of Medicine, “GM crops are now the agricultural products most heavily treated with herbicides, and two of these herbicides may pose risks of cancer.” A recent notice in the same journal, “GMOs, Herbicides and Public Health,” reports: “The application of biotechnology to agriculture has been rapid and aggressive. The vast majority of the soy and [feed] corn grown in the United States are now genetically engineered. Foods produced from GM crops have become ubiquitous.” Sixty-four countries, including Russia and China, have already adopted transparency in labeling laws, but U.S. Big Food and Big Ag lobbyists have stonewalled efforts domestically. For more information and petitions, visit

Unique Character

Sesame Street Addresses Autism After working with organizations such as Autism Speaks and the Autism Self Advocacy Network, Sesame Street has been aiming to help reduce the stigma associated with autism spectrum disorder. A new autistic character, Julia, already has her own digital storybook, We’re Amazing, 1,2,3 as part of the campaign See Amazing in All Children. According to Dr. Jeanette Betancourt, senior vice president of U.S. social impact at Sesame Workshop, Sesame Street producers are waiting to hear back from the autism community before introducing Julia to the TV show. For more information, visit and

natural awakenings

January 2016


medical system and got nothing,” says Mills. With functional medicine, “In a very short time, they had me feeling nearly 100 percent.”

Distinctive Characteristics

The Rise of Functional Medicine New Paradigm Gets to the Root Cause of Disease by Lisa Marshall


y the end of 2014, Trina Mills, of Parker, Arizona, had given up on conventional medicine. She’d been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder 17 years earlier and taken medication ever since without feeling her symptoms of fatigue, muscle aches and stomach problems ever fully subside. She’d visited endocrinologists, gastroenterologists and a half-dozen other specialists, each of which offered a different diagnosis and prescribed a different drug. At one point, she had her gallbladder removed. At another, her doctor suspected she had bleeding in her brain and sent her for a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan. Some thought she was a hypochondriac; others said she was depressed. “I would tell them, ‘I’m just depressed that you can’t figure out why I’m so sick,’” she says.


Washington, D.C.

Weighing a skeletal 82 pounds, the 54-year-old mother of three finally wrote out a living will and braced for the inevitable. Then she heard of a new Center for Functional Medicine opening at the prestigious, century-old Cleveland Clinic. As the first clinic of its kind to open at an academic medical center, it promised to look at the underlying causes of disease, while focusing on the whole person, rather than isolated symptoms. Intrigued, Mills caught a flight to Ohio and soon was offering up 30 tubes of blood, stool and saliva samples, as well as an exhaustive life history. One year later, thanks to a series of personalized diet and lifestyle changes, she’s 10 pounds heavier and feels better than she has in decades. “I spent a lot of years and money in the traditional

In the 25 years since nutritional biochemist Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., of Gig Harbor, Washington, coined the term, this science-based, whole-body approach to addressing chronic disease has gained widespread traction. More than 100,000 physicians—60 percent of them medical doctors—have trained with the Institute for Functional Medicine he founded in Washington and New Mexico, and numerous medical schools have added its tenets to their curricula. More naturopaths and chiropractors are also distinguishing themselves with a functional medicine emphasis. “It is not alternative medicine at all,” stresses Bland, whose latest book, The Disease Delusion, details how functional medicine can curb chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes, dementia, and heart disease, which constitute 78 percent of U.S. health care costs. “It’s the basis of 21st-century health care,” he says. For most of the 20th century, conventional medicine centered on a singular objective: Arrive at a diagnosis and treat it with drugs or surgery. Then, the alternative medicine movement proffered a toolbox of more natural therapies, including acupuncture, herbs and massage to address these same diagnoses. The 1990s brought integrative medicine, a best-of-both-worlds approach. “While all of the above have merit, they lack the necessary guidance to help practitioners determine which tools work best for which patient,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, director of the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine. “Alternative therapies and conventional treatments are tools. We need a new map that can teach us how to skillfully use those tools,” maintains Hyman. “That map is functional medicine.” Because one chronic disease such as diabetes can have dozens of underlying causes, or one culprit such as a genetic predisposition or exposure to toxins can lead to multiple chronic conditions, functional medicine focuses on systems, rather than organs, and origins, rather than diseases. “It’s about listening

to the patient’s story in a different way, where the objective is not simply about arriving at a diagnosis,” explains Bland.

Ferreting Out Key Clues

Key to discovering the underlying origins of a health issue are a host of new gene, blood and gut health tests. “They allow us to look under the patient’s ‘metabolic hood’ at the genetic and biochemical factors influencing health,” says Naturopathic Doctor Kara Fitzgerald, who heads up a functional medicine clinic in Newtown, Connecticut. For instance, certain genes influence how a person burns and stores fat. Depending on which variant a patient has, based on a genetic test, they might be guided toward a higheror lower-fat diet. Those genetically prone to difficulty in metabolizing the amino acid homocysteine (an excess of which can raise the risk of heart disease) might be advised to take folic acid supplements. If a patient displays intractable gut problems, rather than simply look for blood or pathogens in the stool, Fitzgerald also looks at the DNA of their gut microbiome, mapping out which strains of good bacteria are present or absent and prescribing prebiotics, probiotics or whole foods to promote a healthful balance. For another patient with thinning hair and aching joints, she might use specialized blood tests to look for micronutrient deficiencies, signs of allergies or certain autoantibodies—proteins produced by the immune system that mistakenly attack one’s own tissues—

that might herald a brewing autoimmune disorder. “Research shows that predictive autoantibodies can show up in the blood 10 or even 20 years before an autoimmune disease such as Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis makes itself known,” says Fitzgerald, pointing to a seminal review published in 2007 in Scientific American: “If a patient with mild, early-stage symptoms is proactive with diet and lifestyle changes, they may be able to fend it off.” High-tech tests aside, Bland stresses that what’s most important is “a tool that has been largely lost in medicine today: Knowing how to listen to the patient.” In a typical exam, Fitzgerald thoroughly inspects often neglected body parts, including the tongue and fingernails, which can hold important clues to underlying health. She asks about past emotional trauma which might trigger chronic disease, and inquires about what environmental toxins and harmful chemicals both the patient and their birth parents may have been exposed to. One example might be a patient exposed to cigarette smoking in utero having a bias toward an allergic disease. If their parents grew up in a period of famine, they might have inherited a genetic disposition for rapid weight gain. “She spent two-and-a-half hours with me,” in her initial consultation, recalls 52-year-old Lauren Zambrelli, of Long Island, New York, who credits Fitzgerald for helping her tame her multiple sclerosis into remission. “It was like having a sister for a doctor.”

Lobby for Change To lobby for consistent insurance coverage of more complementary therapies, check out these resources. CoverMyCare ( This national grassroots advocacy campaign, a project of the Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium, aims to support the proper full implementation of Section 2706 of the Affordable Care Act, which states that insurers cannot leave licensed practitioners like naturopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists or Oriental medicine practitioners out of their provider networks. It still lacks enforcement at the state level, although Oregon and Rhode Island recently passed legislation to fix the existing loophole; California, Hawaii, Minnesota and New Mexico are working to do the same. American Sustainable Business Council ( Reimbursement). The organization recently launched a campaign to urge insurers to cover integrative practices.

DIY Testing W

hile most practitioners recommend that patients consult with a physician to interpret their test results, several companies offer gene, blood and microbiome lab testing directly to consumers. Here are a few options to consider. uBiome, Inc. ( Send in swab samples from gut, mouth, nose, genitals and/or skin and the company will genetically sequence the DNA of resident bacteria and send findings back within six weeks, identifying good and bad varieties present, deficiencies, and how that personal microbiome compares to others with similar lifestyles, such as smokers, vegans, meat-eaters, etc. It’s also possible to test a client’s microbiome over time to see if dietary changes implemented to change gut health are working. WellnessFX ( Visit an affiliated diagnostic lab to submit blood samples with results posted within a week on a secure website. Different packages targeting weight loss, sports performance, heart health or women’s health issues look at different biomarkers in the blood, such as levels of certain micronutrients, hormones or signs of inflammation. Clients can request an online consultation with a doctor or dietitian to interpret the results. Pathway Genomics (Pathway. com): The company’s DNA Insight Genetic Health and Wellness Tests use genetic material taken from saliva to analyze genetic markers. Ordered via a licensed practitioner, online or through a smartphone app, clients receive a kit, send in a sample and get results within three weeks. The Pathway Fit tests snapshot 75 genetic markers related to metabolism and sports performance. Others look for genes that influence nutrient absorption, heart health or hormonal function.

natural awakenings

January 2016


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Who Pays

Functional medicine doctors don’t shy away from prescription drugs when necessary, but they do lean decidedly toward the lower-tech modalities, using dietary supplements, allergen-free diets, exercise, mind-body practices and toxin avoidance as their primary tools. “We basically take out the bad stuff from the body and put in the good stuff,” says Hyman. Maintaining good health is priceless, but without conventional insurance coverage, it can be expensive. While Mills’ doctor visits were covered by insurance (which is rare), she spends roughly $1,000 a month on supplements to address her diagnosed leaky gut syndrome, nutrient deficiencies and mercury poisoning. Zambrelli has paid thousands out of her own pocket, too. Some people worry that, like most conventional physicians, some functional medicine practitioners place too much emphasis on expensive tests and too little on the most crucial and affordable remedy—self-care. “Functional medicine as a concept is an important step forward,” says integrative medicine pioneer Dr. James Gordon, founder of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, in Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. “However, some practitioners do a lot of tests and prescribe a lot of supplements and work on cleaning out the gut, but neglect the psychological, spiritual and social issues. That concerns me.” Bland and Hyman concede that some practitioners over-test, but say that will fade over time as they learn to better discriminate which ones are useful for specific patients. Several efforts also are underway to get more functional medicine providers and the acupuncturists,

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Washington, D.C.

Learn More Online Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine FunctionalMedicine Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s blog Functional Forum Dr. Mark Hyman’s blog Institute for Functional Medicine massage therapists and nutritionists they work with covered under the Affordable Care Act, which expressly emphasizes a need for more preventive medicine. Viewing the big picture, Bland believes that functional medicine is just what the country needs to save on exploding healthcare costs. Rather than spending dollars on extraordinary measures to save heart attack victims or diabetics in emergencies, we can prevent such dire situations by identifying underlying problems sooner and halting their progression. In the meantime, some patients are finding priceless relief. “Am I poorer right now? Yes,” says Mills. “Am I healthier? Way. It’s been so worth it.” Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer in Boulder, CO, who specializes in health care. Connect at LisaAnn

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Bruce Lipton on the Epigenetics Revolution Our Beliefs Reprogram Our Genetic Destiny by Linda Sechrist


ruce Lipton, Ph.D., author of The Biology of Belief and The Honeymoon Effect, is a stem cell biologist and internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He is a visiting fellow lecturer on immunology at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic and participated in the Foundation for Conscious Evolution’s seventh Worldwide Meeting on Human Values, in Mexico. His research explains the interplay between individual consciousness and body biology.

Why do you start with epigenetics as a foundation for health? Many people, programmed with the concept of genetic determinism, believe that genes in the fertilized egg at conception determine character and fate. Unable to pick our DNA genes, we are powerless to control our life, so that the only option is seeking help from someone in the biomedical community to fix our genes. I introduced a new vision about the understanding of genes a half-century ago that is now the new science of epigenetics. Epi- means “above”. Here, we can realize control by regulating the environment in which we live and our perception of it, making us the master of our own genetics rather than a victim of heredity.

Do you believe epigenetics is the future of medicine? Epigenetics is a revolution in our knowledge and awareness of heredity. This new concept of biology is so big that

it promises radical change capable of revolutionizing civilization. Its dynamics are equivalent to the leap from Newtonian physics to quantum physics, which led to everything from computers and cell phones to Martian rovers. We are freed to abandon the belief that genes cause cancer, for instance. In changing our lifestyle, beliefs and perceptions, we also change our genetic expression. Remember, this works because how we individually interpret our world is translated by the brain into chemical information that adjusts the behavior and genetics of cells to complement our perception. We could live in the healthiest environment, but if our mind perceives it as threatening and non-supportive, our biology will become less healthy and can generate disease. The cells’ response is based on the brain’s information, which actually is only an interpretation. Personal perceptions and the way we live, including our spiritual nature, adjust genes to manifest either a functional state of health or one of dysfunction.

Where is the “self” that makes people different? No two people are the same biologically. If I inject my cells into another human, their immune system will recognize it as “not-self” and begin to eliminate them. On the surface of virtually all our cells are thousands of protein receptors that function like miniature antennae. They read and respond to environmental signals similar to the larger receptors on the skin’s surface, such as the eyes, ears and nose.

Each human also possesses a unique set of “identity” receptors, a subset of which are called “self-receptors” by the biomedical community, found on nearly all of our cells, with the primary exception of red blood cells. Self-receptors are unrelated to the cell’s function contributing to muscle, bone, brain or heart. Conventional medicine studies the physical aspect of self-receptors as being the source of “self” but overlook the environmental signals they receive. In other words, individual identity is linked to the signals received by the antennae. When I reached this point in my research, I realized that we can’t die, because our real identity is represented by the invisible environment-derived “broadcast”, which might legitimately be referred to as spirit. My personal identity signal is received by each of my 50 trillion cells endowed with the unique set of “Bruce” self-receptors. While my physical body is like a TV, the “spiritual broadcast” representing the Bruce Show is an eternal, energetic element of the environment.

What is entrainment and why is it important today? A group of heart cells in a Petri dish will each beat to its own vibrational frequency. After a couple of days, they start beating in synchrony, because the stronger heart cells control the tempo. The other cells organize their behavior to entrain with the more powerful one. This happens in women’s college dormitories when residents start the school year with different menstrual cycles, but later experience entrainment, with their cycles beginning and ending about the same time. They link to a pulse and a beat, just like the heart cells. Humans become entrained to a higher force that’s an invisible broadcast of energy in harmony or in discordance. As more of us hold the intention for living a life of love and peace, the broadcast of that harmonic energy amplifies and those not yet there will eventually entrain to the stronger signal. This is the shift we need to make for conscious evolution to occur. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at

natural awakenings

January 2016



Treating Autism

NATURALLY Plus Strategies for Prevention by Meredith Montgomery


n The Autism Revolution, Pediatric Technology and Massachusetts General Neurologist and Neuroscientist Hospital Medical Imaging facility. Martha Herbert approaches autism “While autism is often thought of as as a whole-body condition that can a genetic disorder, it’s the result of a geneimprove, rather than be a static, lifelong environment interaction where genes are genetic brain disorder. corrupted,” explains Psychiatrist Robert “It’s the way the brain is shifted Hendren, who is currently partnering in into acting when faced developing the Center with a combination of Experts agree that a for Autism Spectrum stressors—some, but Disorder and Neurodenatural foundation velopmental Disorders not all of which are genetic—at a vulnerable for health begins with at the University of Calipoint in development,” fornia, San Francisco. breastfeeding infants says Herbert. NonAccording to the genetic challenges can U.S. Centers for Disease to support natural come from the immune Control and Prevention, immunity, and then autism is the fastestsystem, nutrition, the environment and ensuring children’s growing developmental stress. “Addressing disability, now affecting diets are rich in them can make a one in 68 children and profound difference in nutrients at all ages. one in 42 boys. Autism the condition; maybe Speaks (AutismSpeaks. even turning it around.” org) defines autism spectrum disorder Herbert directs the Treatment Re(ASD) as a group of complex brain search and Neuroscience Evaluation of development disorders characterized by Neurodevelopmental Disorders (TRAN- difficulties in social interaction, verbal SCEND) program at a joint Harvard and nonverbal communication and University, Massachusetts Institute of repetitive behaviors. 22

Washington, D.C.


Many experts agree that in some cases, autism can be prevented. “Prevention needs to start early—preconception is ideal,” says Dr. Kenneth A. Bock, of Bock Integrative Medicine, in New York, and author of Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma and Allergies. Emphasizing omega-3 essential fatty acids, folic acid and probiotics during pregnancy can be beneficial, and it’s important to avoid iron deficiency, which has been tied to higher rates of autism, Hendren counsels. Results from a recent University of California, Davis study published in Environmental Health Perspectives reveals increased rates of autism among children of women that live close to pesticide-treated fields during pregnancy, particularly during the second and third trimesters. Hendren says, “Living near heavily sprayed fields can be very detrimental. Living close to freeways or downwind of coal-fired power plants is also associated with autism.” If heavy metal toxicity in blood is confirmed, chelation therapy is often used to remove metals, although Hendren advises against using it for the general treatment of ASD. “Chelators pull out mercury, along with other metals, a process that can be harmful. Instead, think about diet and nutritional supplements that can help detoxify the body more safely,” he explains. Bock says, “It’s not enough to detoxify, we have to remove and prevent exposure to neurodevelopmental toxins.” Herbert suggests avoiding toxic household products, electromagnetic exposure from devices such as cell phones and baby monitors, which can lead to stress, sleep disruption and cell health problems, as well as antibiotic overuse, which can disrupt the gut microbiome, increasing vulnerability to exposure to other harmful chemicals. Herbert notes some parents observe that their child became autistic after a vaccination but there are also autistic children that are vaccine-free; still others become so after facing other stresses such as illness or trauma. “We need to focus on the underlying vulnerabilities and keep children strong and resilient so they can handle life’s

Relax your attachment to expectations and realize that your child sees, hears and feels the world differently than you. Broaden your perspective and make every choice a healthy choice. ~Martha Herbert challenges to their health and immune systems,” she says.

Safeguard Resilience

Currently, the only treatment that has been proven to consistently improve the core symptoms of ASD is behavioral therapy designed to foster language, socialization and academic skills. While effective, this approach is time- and staff-intensive. With the rise and prevalence of autism in the past decade, more parents are turning to complementary and alternative treatments (CAM). Hendren reports that the best researched and safest CAM therapies for treating autism include melatonin to improve sleep, omega-3 fatty acids to ease hyperactivity and possibly improve socialization, multivitamins to supplement a limited diet or poor appetite and methyl B12

injections to protect against oxidative stress. Massage therapy has also proven effective in increasing connectivity with others and reducing over-arousal, while reducing ASD symptoms. Research remains in its infancy, but other CAMs deemed acceptable for a professionally monitored trial include B6 and magnesium supplements to correct metabolic aberration, folic acid for improvements in core symptoms, probiotics to ease gastrointestinal distress and iron supplementation for a deficiency. Although clear benefits have yet to be backed by scientific evidence, many parents of children with ASD report that behavior improves with a diet free of the proteins gluten (found in wheat, barley and rye) and casein (found in dairy). Other parent-endorsed diets include anti-yeast, anti-hyperglycemia, specific carbohydrate, low-oxalate and specific food reaction regimens. A review article in the journal Autism Research and Treatment notes that acupuncture, exercise, and musicand animal-assisted therapy have all been reported as helping to reduce a variety of ASD functional and behavioral symptoms. From sound-dampening headphones that offset loud noises to structuring the environment to anticipate transitions, removing stressors can help reduce the debilitating characteristics of ASD. “This improves abilities to learn and interact with others, but we also don’t want to

Easy-on-Kids Cooking Beyond Gluten-Free, Casein-Free by Melody Handley The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook by Pamela Compart and Dana Laake The SCD for Autism and ADHD: A Reference and Dairy-Free Cookbook for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Pamela Ferro and Raman Prasad Special Diets for Special Kids by Lisa Lewis shelter them from having a chance to learn the rules of social interaction in real-world situations,” advises Hendren. Because autism is a heterogeneous disorder with numerous subtypes, the best individualized combination of treatments can be challenging to identify and can often change throughout one’s life. Bock reminds families that even with a successful treatment plan, “A parent’s love is the final element that brings these recovering children out of darkness into light.” Meredith Montgomery publishes Natural Awakenings of Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi (HealthyLiving

natural awakenings

January 2016



Precision Medicine

and the End of Nicotine Addiction


ublisher Robin Fillmore recently interviewed Charles Gant, M.D., Ph.D., in his new office and practice, International Precision Medicine Associates. Discussed was Dr. Gant’s ground-breaking work in the field of addictions and how it relates to Precision Medicine (PM). With the advent of President Obama’s January 2015 Precision Medicine Initiative, there is a growing interest in the promise that PM holds for all individuals. Gant, as an integrative and functional medicine doctor, has been using genetic testing to diagnose and treat his patients for many years—including those that struggle with nicotine (and other addictions). This conversation serves as a prelude to a live event and webinar that Natural Awakenings is hosting with Dr. Gant as the main speaker on January 24 in Fairfax.

RF: You’ve stated that nicotine addiction is one of the leading causes of death in the world. To give us some context, can you state how you arrived at that? CG: In the U.S. alone, there are about 450,000 deaths per year and 5 million worldwide that are related to smoking. It is the unspoken cause underlying much of cardiovascular disease, cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema. The method by which we categorize disease, set up in the Middle Ages, is based on specific 24

Washington, D.C.

parts of the body. Medical specialties are still based on that system. We break down disease statistics by anatomy, but tobacco is behind many of the statistics, landing it as a leading cause of death.

RF: When a smoker comes to you with a desire to quit, what do you do? CG: The first thing we do is to let people know that this isn’t their fault. The compulsion to smoke is simply an adaptation to the stressful, unnatural environment that we live in. People will gravitate to that adaptation based on a genetic predisposition and/or a nutritional inability to synthesize certain neurotransmitters in their brain. Not knowing these basic facts of life compels an individual to medicate themself with what makes them feel better, including cigarettes, but once we know what it is all about­—such as one’s genetic makeup, many other rational and healthy options become available.

RF: What do we know about the science of those who are nicotine addicted? CG: The brain is made up of approximately 200 billion individual cells called neurons and each can have up to 10,000 connections with other cells called synapses. In order for one cell to communicate across the synapse with its neighbor, it must release a chemical mes-

senger called a neurotransmitter. Many neurotransmitters are actually “feel-good” natural stress hormones in the brain. They are the chemical messengers that allow one brain cell to communicate with another brain cell when a stress is happening. They are made from the good stuff in our diet, the nutrients. Drugs, like nicotine, take the place of certain natural neurotransmitters, and in this way, they cause an artificial psychotropic effect that mimics the effects of certain natural neurotransmitters—thus tricking the nicotine-user into believing that by consuming or smoking nicotine, they have done something beneficial. Acetylcholine, the brain’s natural nicotine, is a neurotransmitter made from dietary lecithin and choline, which is especially high in eggs, soy and liver. It is one of the “feel-good” natural stress hormones that governs various aspects of memory, mood, behavior and thinking. For a smoker, nicotine also stimulates acetylcholine receptors and competes with the acetylcholine for that receptor site. This nicotine-induced, overstimulation of acetylcholine receptors causes many of the pleasant symptoms associated with nicotine use, especially that first cigarette in the morning that smokers often crave. Over time, it takes larger quantities of nicotine to accomplish the positive change in mood, because the brain is synthesizing and releasing less acetylcholine in order to adapt to the presence of nicotine. This is called increasing drug tolerance and an addiction is born. In the mid-1980’s, research was published suggesting that nicotine also affects catecholamines, such as dopamine, the “natural cocaine” on the brain, a completely different neurotransmitter system. This information helped me refine my treatments to curb the cravings in my patients. Providing specific amino acids, available in any health food store, plus B vitamins along with iron and copper can assist in the synthesis of these neurotransmitters.

RF: How do you work with patients who wish to end their addiction to nicotine? CG: Our first step is to have testing done to look at the patient’s neurotransmitters and suggest dietary changes, like eating more organic eggs which contain lecithin, the natural food ingredient that is synthesized into acetylcholine. We also give a

package of nutritional supplements that will help the body generate other needed neurotransmitters. This tends to turn off the cravings so fast that many rapidly loose the urge to smoke. Genetic testing, especially of methylation defects and alpha-1 antitrypsin problems, is done to determine those most vulnerable to nicotine. We also provide laser treatments on five acupuncture points on the ear to help with the detox, which is a very effective way to assist the endorphin system or the brain’s natural heroin. It is also important to make some lifestyle adjustments and we give the patient information to teach them some “tricks” to make the process easier. Then we do a motivational segment to empower them to live this new lifestyle. This is a 15-to-20 minute session that really gets the patient motivated. To complete the whole process, we recommend three separate visits.

What promise does PM hold for those addicted and others? CG: PM is the future of medicine for disease prevention and treatment. Since all disease is caused by an interplay between genes and environmental exposure/diet/ lifestyle, nicotine addiction is an easy to understand, and modify, problem. Precision Medicine, the medicine of the future will discover more gene-environmental interaction that will allow clinicians to make ever more powerful interventions. But we don’t need to wait for the supercomputers (or the data collected under the Precision Medicine Initiative) to figure this out. Functional medicine doctors are using genomic data today to make a difference in people’s lives.

RF: How many people have you helped to stop smoking over your 40 years of practicing medicine? CG: Many thousands. For more information about Dr. Gant and his practice, call 888-727-6910 or visit InternationalPrecisionMedicineAssociates. com. See ad, this page. Dr. Gant will be offering a free class and webinar on the End of Nicotine Addiction and the Future of Precision Medicine at 2:30pm on Sunday, January 24 at Life Line Counseling Center, Fairfax, VA. See ad, page 44.

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I am passionate about giving my patients the level of personalized care offered by Precision Medicine, which defines the “precise” toxicological, immune, metabolic, nutritional and especially genetic causes of medical and Dr. Charles Gant, MD, PhD psychiatric disorders. From that immense body of data, a I look forward to seeing treatment is provided which addresses the root causes. you at my Integrative Medical Office dedicated exclusively to the practice of Precision Medicine.

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January 2016


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Washington, D.C.

Detoxification Can It Help?


by Dr. Sushma Hirani

he World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that almost a quarter of all global diseases are caused by environmental exposures. Nowadays we ingest new chemicals, use more drugs of all kinds and eat more sugar and refined foods. There are a number of toxins in our body including – Heavy metal toxins such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel and aluminum. These tend to accumulate in the brain, kidneys and immune system. Heavy metal toxins are linked to several diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease and neurological disorders. Liver toxins – The liver is the main detoxification center for the body. Toxins cleared by the liver include alcohol, solvents, formaldehyde, pesticides, herbicides and food additives. Microbial toxins – These include toxics produced by unwanted bacteria and yeast in the gut which can be absorbed and cause a significant disruption of bodily function.

Symptoms of Toxicity

Our bodies are designed to handle a certain level of toxicity. Toxicity occurs in our body when there is an excess intake or production of toxins or there is a reduction in the processes of elimination of toxins. The effect of toxins is cumulative and builds over time, thus interfering with normal metabolic processes and leading to numerous allergies and addictions. Some of the symptoms of toxicity include headaches, fatigue, mucus problems, aches and pains, digestive problems, “allergy” symptoms, skin rashes, hormone imbalances, and sensitivity to environmental agents such as chemicals, perfumes and synthetics.

What is Detoxification? Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body or neutralizing the toxins. Internal detoxification is one of our body’s most basic automatic functions. Our bodies try to protect us from

dangerous materials by setting it aside, surrounding it with mucous or fat so it won’t cause imbalance or trigger an immune reaction.

Why Detoxify?

We detoxify for many reasons, mainly to do with health, vitality and rejuvenation. Detoxification helps to clear symptoms, treat disease and prevent further problems. We also detoxify to rest our overloaded digestive organs as well as the liver, gallbladder and kidneys and allow them to catch up on past work. Most people can benefit from some degree of detoxification. When we eat a congesting diet—higher in fats, meats, dairy products, refined foods and chemicals—detoxification becomes more necessary.

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Benefits of Detoxification

Some of the benefits of detoxification include improved health, weight loss, cleaner skin, increased energy, reduced allergies, potentially fewer aches and pains, stronger immune system, healthier skin and hair, improved concentration and memory and improved hormonal system. Sushma Hirani, MD practices functional and integrative medicine to treat chronic diseases, such as Adrenal Fatigue, at Rose Wellness Center in Oakton, VA. She specializes in women’s health care, natural hormone balancing and digestive disorders. See ad, page 8. Join her for a free, live webinar, sponsored by Natural Awakenings on Tuesday, January 26 from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. to learn more about detoxification and how it can help you. Reserve your spot at See ad, page 43.

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January 2016


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The Right Vet for Your Pet

Animals Thrive with Gentle, Safe and Natural Approaches


by Shawn Messonnier

et parents have many criteria to consider when choosing a healthcare provider for their prized pet, and among the most vital is trying to find a doctor that uses holistic therapies, because the advantages are many. Wellness care is more than vaccines. While many conventional vets consider giving vaccines and flea medications to all of their patients to be their best form of wellness care, holistic vets know these aren’t always necessary and can potentially be harmful. Instead, true wellness care involves careful consideration of proper diet, blood titer testing instead of vaccines, natural parasite control when appropriate and a heavy dose of diagnostic testing (blood, urine, fecal) to monitor organ function, check for parasites, screen for disorders of the urogenital system, liver and pancreas and early screening for cancer and other inflammatory conditions. There’s also a full physical check for common diseases like dental and heart disease and tumors. Individualized prescriptions for a proper diet and supplements to maintain health are big reasons many owners prefer a holistic vet. Natural treatments include disease prevention. Many pets treated via a more natural approach have an easier experience with occasional illness than those that don’t enjoy this specialized care. Natural therapies can quickly restore an ill pet to his homeostatic balance without the side effects often associated with multiple drug doses. A team approach is expected. A holistic practice is a


Washington, D.C.

team effort, and the family doctor will suggest options for care, helping an owner decide on the best therapies for each pet. A fuller range of options is available. While holistic vets prefer a more natural approach, they know that if necessary, conventional therapies can sometimes be an appropriate complement if they follow holistic principles, which means infrequent use of low-dose medications and only when absolutely needed. In general, most conditions can be treated successfully without drug therapy, extending the health and life of the patient and reducing medical costs. Gentler anesthesia means quicker recovery. A naturally balanced and gentler approach means less drugging if anesthesia becomes necessary, close monitoring of an anesthetized pet, a smooth and quick recovery for prompt discharge from the hospital and natural forms of follow-up treatment to control post-operative pain and inflammation. New hope rises for the hopeless. Many pets are brought to holistic doctors after conventional care has failed to help them. Some have been turned away by practitioners of conventional medicine because their cases are diagnosed as “hopeless”. Holistic vets and pet parents alike experience considerable satisfaction in helping to give a joyful pet a whole new lease on life. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit


: I am missing a few teeth and would like to replace them with implants, however, I do not want metals in my mouth. Is there a natural and healthy option available to replace my teeth?

: Yes there is, and the material of choice is zirconia which is an excellent and safe alternative to titanium. Dental implant materials have evolved considerably and we at Miles of Smiles have, since 2009, opted to work exclusively with metal-free, ceramic implants made of zirconia. Here are a few advantages, among many, of using zirconia ceramic dental implants: • Metal-free—no metallic taste in the mouth • Corrosion-free—no metal ions released in your body • Natural—Bioceramics are truly biocompatible and are much more similar to natural teeth than titanium. • Highly Aesthetic—compared to metal implants zirconia’s white color allows for far superior aesthetics compared to regular titanium implants.

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January 2016




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Washington, D.C.

New Year’s Resolutions Why You Can’t Stick To Them by Dr. Isabel Sharkar


hat is it that causes many people to disregard the New Year’s resolutions they just put into action? Hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose (sugar) levels, is one of the least-recognized disorders of modern times and one of the most common. Blood sugar does not have to fall below the clinical defining line for the effects of hypoglycemia to be felt—like mood swings, lack of thirst and the tendency to overindulge in substances that ultimately make the body more toxic. The vast majority of sufferers will fall between the baseline and the normal level. Glucose is the body’s preferred source of fuel. According to Gudrun Jonsson, author of Gut Reaction, addictions like drinking, smoking and sweets also come from low blood sugar levels. When blood glucose levels drop, you may begin to crave sugar, cakes, chocolate, toast, coffee and nicotine. These stimulants cause the levels of blood glucose to shoot up. As a result, the pancreas has to work harder than it normally would to produce insulin to prevent this rapid spike in blood sugar. Blood glucose levels begin to significantly drop between 3 and 4 p.m. This dip in blood sugar may cause tiredness, hunger, muscular palpitations, depression, shaky hands, anxiety, bad temper, dizziness and headaches. Over time, swings between blood sugar spikes and crashes may put you in serious danger of developing high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes. Avoid sugar spikes and crashes by eating regularly and not skipping meals. Breakfast should include a hearty source of protein, high quality unprocessed fat and a source of carbohydrate, like fruit or half a sweet potato. By choosing foods lower on the glycemic index, your meals will provide controlled blood sugar and insulin release throughout the day. Try adding cinnamon as it helps make insulin more effective while stimulating production of enzymes that use up glucose. Eating quality carbohydrate foods in balance with protein and fat promotes blood sugar balance. This way, glucose from

your meals enters your blood slowly and your pancreas responds by secreting a measured amount of insulin, which shuttles the right amount of glucose in your cells using it for energy. Fats, like raw, unpasteurized butter and coconut oil, slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, prevent sugar spikes and crashes and help you feel full longer, while promoting hormone balance, weight management and blood sugar balance. Protein helps pull sugar into the body’s cells so it can use it for energy. Carbohydrates provide the fuel-glucose. Instead of grains, choose healthy carbs from fresh whole fruits and root vegetables like sweet potatoes, celeriac, carrots and beets. The right amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat avoids excess insulin in the bloodstream that would otherwise contribute to inflammation. Having balanced blood sugar helps balance hormones, reduces sugar and carb cravings, and allows stubborn weight to melt away. The body temperature in a hypoglycemic person is one to two degrees lower than it is in someone with balanced blood sugar, indicating the immune system is not functioning properly. Hence, this is why you may feel cold all the time. As odd as this sounds, starting your day off with a cold shower will help balance your blood sugar levels and improves circulation. Less than six hours of sleep interferes with your blood sugar levels and increases insulin resistance, so get good quality sleep. However, fluctuating blood sugar levels can cause inability to sleep. Take the time to include relaxation exercises in your daily routine like deep breathing or a 10-minute meditation. Stress and worry both cause glucose to be released into the bloodstream, causing the body to become more acidic.

Follow these tips to help you achieve this year’s resolutions and consult with your holistic practitioner for an individualized treatment plan.

If you have the following symptoms, you could be suffering from hypoglycemia: n Have an irresistible desire to nibble in between meals and find it difficult to stop once you start n Are ravenous by dinnertime and tend to overeat n Don’t feel energized in the morning n Eat quickly n Are constipated n Have a tendency to skip meals and then find yourself feeling weak and dizzy with hunger n Feel emotionally low and are hypercritical of yourself n Tend to procrastinate until the last minute n Worry about how you measure up and what others are thinking of you Dr. Isabel Sharkar, ND, is a licensed naturopathic physician and co-owner of Indigo Integrative Health Clinic, in Georgetown. For more information, call 202-298-9131. See ad, page 3.

natural awakenings

January 2016



Pamper Your Skin With Natural The Awakenings Best Nature Has To Offer Advanced Healing Skin Cream

Therapeutic Qualities

Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream combines botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy. It soothes and relieves dry, itchy or cracked skin quickly while restoring moisture and provides ultra-hydration protection and soothing comfort to wounds, sores, cuts and burns. Manuka Honey also relieves the pain and itch of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Besides its potent antibacterial properties, honey is also naturally extremely acidic, and that will eliminate organisms that decides to grow there.

Our Skin Cream Contains: Essential Oil of Rosehip Peppermint Nutmeg, Clove Black Pepper Lavender

Manuka Honey

Oat Flour Aloe Vera Flower Essence of Self-Heal Oak Sunflower Pine Vervain There are no parabens, dyes or fragrances, and no animal products or testing.

Hydration is a Must

The skin has a water content of 10 percent to 30 percent, which gives it a soft, smooth and flexible texture. The water comes from the atmosphere, the underlying layers of skin and perspiration. Oil produced by skin glands and fatty substances produced by skin cells act as natural moisturizers, allowing the surface to seal in water. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, applied after a shower or bath as daily maintenance, will improve the appearance of skin and heal unwanted conditions. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream also combines pure botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy.


Satisfied Customer


Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream is a wonderful product. The skin cream goes on smooth and absorbs into the skin quickly - it is not “greasy”. I have been plagued with dry skin around my ears, belly button and scalp for over 20 years and this product

has healed those areas in just 3 days of use. The Manuka Honey that is in this product, I was told repairs damaged skin - now I am a believer!!! I continue to use this skin cream to keep my skin soft. I have to mention the product has a wonderful aroma, like peppermint, and when applying the cream one can feel a slight warming sensation and I know it is working into the pores to do it’s work! Glad I tried this product! ~ Jim

The cold, damp winter days are upon us. Don’t let chapped or dry, flaky skin get in the way of your daily life. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, a soothing therapeutic balm made with exclusive Manuka Honey from New Zealand, is the ultimate skin moisturizer for everyone in your family. Order one for the office, too!

Restore Your Skin to Natural Youthful Beauty You’ll love Natural Awakenings’ therapeutic cream’s clean, fresh botanical fragrance. Discover what our amazing skin cream can do: • Provides ultra-hydration of Skin • enhances anti-aging and Skin Renewal • Soothes Dry, Itchy, Cracked Skin • Relieves Most Burns Including Sunburn • Comforts Wounds and Sores Manuka honey is produced by bees that pollinate new Zealand’s Manuka bush. advocates tout its antibacterial properties.

What Is Manuka Honey?

Manuka Honey is gathered in the wild back country of New Zealand from the native Manuka tree 4-oz jar $21.99 • 8-oz jar $39.99 + ONLY $5 for shipping (Leptospermum scoparium). The bees don’t use the pollen from a variety of other flowers or plants, so Order today, available only at the content of the honey is very consistent. A 2013 study in the European Journal of Medical Research used Active Manuka Honey under dressings on postor call: 888-822-0246 operative wounds for an 85 percent success rate in clearing up infections, compared with 50 percent for Like us on Facebook at Natural Awakenings Webstore normal creams. D.C. Washington, 32 antibiotic


Join us for HealthFest 2016—a Free Community Event


ringing together the strength of several area medical groups and practices, integrative medical students, health coaches as well as Natural Awakenings, a fun-filled day of health and wellness is being planned for the community. HealthFest 2016 will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on January 23. The event is free for all to attend and will take place at Unity of Washington, D.C. The impetus behind this event reaches beyond our local area. For the past few years, area medical students have been working with a team of local integrative doctors to present Integrative Health Day on January 23. This year, the event has been renamed International Integrative Health Day to reflect the growing participation of integrative medicine throughout the world and will be celebrated in Washington, D.C. in a big way. Integrative Medicine is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing. The purpose of this event is to inspire dialog, education, collaboration, research initiatives and programming about medicine and health that is patient-centered, holistic, economically and environmentally sustainable and conscious of integrating different global medical systems. There’ll be a wide range of activities for all ages. The day will begin at

10 a.m. with some physical opportunities, with free Zumba and high-intensity dance classes to be offered by coaches from FitDC, Mayor Muriel Bowser’s forward-reaching plan to bring health and wellness to the citizens of the District. Exhibitors and practitioners from the local area, many with national recognition, will be a part of our exhibit hall, which opens with comments from local dignitaries at noon. There will be free health screenings provided by students from Howard Medical School as well as children’s activities, hosted by the Happy Yogi. A special kid’s yoga class will be offered in the afternoon as well, although parents (and others) are welcome to join, too. There will also be an opportunity to log your steps by visiting different booths and to add your step count to FitDC’s tally to get D.C. residents and workers to walk 1 billion steps. There is a great selection of free workshops throughout the afternoon,

including hands-on cooking demos for kids and seniors with nutritionist Julie Wendt; a talk on the importance and benefits of holistic dentistry with “The DC Dentist”, Dr. Terry Victor; workshops on ways to incorporate art and journaling into a busy life; a talk by noted naturopathic physician, Deidre Orceyre on discovering home remedies that really work; a workshop on stress reduction by the effervescent, Dr. Ilana Seidel; and an opportunity to learn the basics in Massage 101. In a keynote address by Jesse Torrence, the executive director of Minds, Incorporated, the latest information will be shared about the work being done by this amazing local organization. They work with students, teachers and parents to incorporate simple, daily mindfulness practices that help to build awareness and concentration, compassion and creativity in young people. Torrence’s talk will be followed by a raffle for amazing prizes for gifts and services from community businesses and medical practices. This annual event, sponsored this year by FitDC, AIM Health Institute, Maryland University of Integrative Health and Natural Awakenings, promises to help all the residents of Washington, D.C. find health and wellness in the new year. Join the fun on January 23. Location: 1225 R St., NW. For more information and to register for the event (and for great prizes from local businesses), visit HealthFest.Info. See ad, page 39.

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January 2016



Chaan Thai Massage


East Meets West Yoga Center


ast Meets West Yoga Center is a premier studio located in the Tysons Corner/ Vienna, Virginia area. Under the thoughtful and skillful leadership of owner, Dawn Curtis, East Meets West Yoga Center has been bringing the practice of yoga as well as education about yoga to the community for more than a decade. They provide a safe, tranquil and supportive environment to practice, allowing individuals to open to the possibilities of what could be. Their website is full of information for those looking to begin a practice with practical information about the things a new yoga enthusiast might need to feel comfortable with this new lifestyle. It is important to Curtis and her teachers that yoga be made accessible to everyone. This has been an important component of their work since opening a one-room studio in 2006. In the preceding years, they have grown in to their current location that holds four different studio spaces and work with 25 teachers. East Meets West Yoga Center’s staff of teachers and educators is a community of knowledgeable, dedicated yoga practitioners with years of experience. These teachers are open to offering a variety of yoga styles, to allow each student to flourish. A full listing of their classes and events are available on their website. Location: 8227 Old Courthouse Rd., #310, Vienna. For more information, visit See ad, page 26. 34

Washington, D.C.

NOVA Natural Birth Center


he NOVA Natural Birth and Midwife Birth Center provide alternatives for families (and growing families) in our area. The birth process is one of the most amazing moments in a woman’s life and at NOVA Natural Birth Center, they are committed to giving the birthing mother the care that helps her get what she wants from the experience. Their team of midwives love to help families bring babies into the world, walking side-by-side, every step of the way. Like the original meaning of midwife, “with woman”, NOVA Natural Birth midwives are experienced birth professionals who will walk mothers through the process naturally and with loving support. They will spend time with the birthing mother, answer all their questions while helping the mother and her partner understand and navigate confusing medical jargon—so they can make informed decisions about their birth. After the baby is born, they continue to guide and support the mother and the family through the first six weeks of the baby’s life. Since 2005, hundreds of Northern Virginia families have brought their babies into the world, outside of the hospital, thanks to the care and support offered by NOVA Natural Birth Center’s team of midwives. They also provides special prenatal services through the Strong Start project, which is free for those who qualify. Location: 4200 Technology Ct., Chantilly, VA. For more information, visit See ad, page 20.

haan Thai Massage offers a unique massage experiences grounded in traditional Thai-style massage principles at two different locations in Northern Virginia. Recognizing the importance of connecting the mind, body and spirit when seeking ultimate relaxation, Chaan combines physical stimulation with mindful meditation. Each experience is customized to the personal preference of our guests. Thai yoga therapy has been described as “taking a vacation to Thailand without leaving the metropolitan area,” according to president and general manager Nid Tositrakul. In “typical Thai salon settings” of dark woods and warm tones, guests enjoy Thai yoga therapy techniques that were developed more than 2,500 years ago in India by the physician to the Buddha. Early in its evolution, the practice found its way to Southeast Asia, where monks began using the techniques. Chaan Thai massage isn’t simply a luxurious experience, it is also a means to stay healthy. By helping the patient to relax, realign and rejuvenate, Chaan massage sessions are powerful tools in reducing stress and can become a key piece in an effective health and wellness plan. Regularly scheduled self-care, much like other preventative care, plays an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The highly skilled, professional therapists at Chaan Thai Massage provide exceptional care and will design a customized treatment plan to address your individual needs. The Fairfax location has been open for eight years while the Herndon location just celebrated its grand opening last month. They are offering a special Introduction rate for one-hour Thai Yoga Massage as well as have memberships for reduced rates for a variety of massage therapies at both locations. Locations: 414 Elden St., Herndon, and 8300 Arlington Blvd., #C3, Fairfax. For more information, visit See ad, page 26.

Julianne O’Dwyer


Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine


eresa Boardwine, founder of the Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine, is on a mission to educate and empower individuals to heal themselves by using herbal medicine. For many years, Boardwine has been recognized as one of the most dynamic teachers on health and wellness in our area. Since opening Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine, she has been able to share her wisdom and 20plus years of clinical practice, including technical medicinal information, in a way that helps her students achieve new levels of well-being by integrating herbs, foods and supplements. Green Comfort School of Herbal Medicine offers a variety of classes and foundational training programs for those that seek to develop their own home medicine chest and learn how to utilize the natural bounty around them for their own healing. Another vital component of the work happening at Green Comfort is the support that Boardwine provides to individuals, offering them consultations. She meets with her clients to learn of their medical history, noting and reviewing the health of each organ system with the purpose of determining which teas, tinctures, diets and supplements best suit the individual’s health goals. On-site, the Green Comfort Herbal Apothecary stocks more than 300 herbs in dry and tinctured form and formulas are prepared at the farm. Classes and workshops will be starting up again in the new year with a full listing available on the website.

ulianne O’Dwyer is a health and wellness coach who serves as a valuable member of the team at National Integrative Health Associates (NIHA). Working alongside the doctors, she assists patients at NIHA with lifestyle tips to prevent illness, maintain health and heal from chronic pain or autoimmune illness. NIHA’s Health Essentials Coaching & Wellness Program offers cutting-edge information learned from leading health practitioners including Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Dr. Hal Huggins. O’Dwyer helps people identify particular areas where they can enhance their individual lifestyle through education, identification of obstacles and steps to implement change. The program she develops provides step-by-step guidelines that can be customized to fit the individual’s needs and wants and can also accommodate the needs of the family. Her unique approach to healing and detoxifying the body from the inside out, at the core or cellular level, allows the body to heal itself by enhancing antioxidant efficiency, nutrient absorption, immune support and toxic release. This results in significant improvements for athletes who want to improve performance and recovery, those dealing with chronic pain, heavy

metals and mold toxicity, candida/yeast, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme disease, hormonal issues, electromagnetic radiation from cell phones/computers or mold and chemicals in the home by incorporating nutrition, hydration with alkaline water and overall detoxification. O’Dwyer notes, “I am an advocate for the power of nutrition and detoxification. My goal is to empower clients to regain control of their health by teaching them to support their bodies with proper nutrition and lifestyle changes that have a positive impact. My unique approach to cellular healing and detoxification at the core is an essential component of prevention, maintenance and recovery from chronic pain and autoimmune illness.” By focusing on lifestyle changes in food, hydration with alkaline water, digestion and detoxification without relying on pharmaceuticals, O’Dwyer helps people find health and wellness. Location: 5225 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. Coaching program is conducted remotely by phone or Skype after initial visit. To learn more, visit Health-Essentials-Coaching-Program. html. See ad, page 30.

Whatever you are, be a good one. ~Abraham Lincoln

For more information, visit See ad, page 28. natural awakenings

January 2016


Neal’s Yard Remedies, Transcendental NYR Organic Meditation Program

The Land Celebration


he Land Celebration is a majestic 40-acre “Re-Creational” facility that is ready to host gatherings of all types. It is known for providing participants with the feeling of rejuvenation as they are being embraced by the serene environment at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in a true nature preserve. Many who visit here note that as they walk the property, they feel a strong connection to Mother Earth. Guests have access to three ponds, wandering nature trails, various spiritual grottoes and meditation areas. The land also features a sweat lodge, medicine wheel, fire circle and three stonelined walking labyrinths to deepen the experience of those who visit the Land. In the Lodge, there is a large meeting room with a beautiful fireplace, with full view of the natural surroundings. This space can be used for a variety of offerings, including workshops, seminar and movement classes. Built on ground level, the Lodge is completely accessible to those with special requirements. Those utilizing the Land will enjoy the spacious kitchen that is equipped for large groups, including restaurant-sized stove, ovens and refrigerator, and there is also a dining hall, with seating for 30 or more, overlooking the grounds. As well as accommodations in the rustic lodge or the main house, there are cabins, bungalows and camping, with outdoor showers, overlooking a pond for those who want to experience the land more fully. The mission of The Land Celebration is to provide a “Re-Creational” facility that offers an environment conducive to restoring and improving well-being, with the perfect setting for meetings, workshops, seminars and other group events. Location: 411 Three Oaks Dr., Gore, VA. For more information or to book an event, visit See ad, page 27.


Washington, D.C.



For more information on upcoming events, including HealthFest on January 23, visit or email at See ad, page 10.

Locations: 11300 Rockville Pike, Ste. 408, North Bethesda and 1616 H St., NW. For more information, contact Roger and Katie Grose, in North Bethesda, at 301-7705690 or Dave Streid and Kathy in D.C. at 202-803-8720. Or visit for more information. See ad, page 27.

YR Organic is well-known as an authentic, ethical, organic health and beauty company. International in scope, fair trade and sustainably sourced, NYR Organic is known for what is not in their products: no synthetic fragrances, silicones, mineral oils or phthalates. The mission of NYR Organic is that beauty comes from within, and is for the entire family. Through their products— essential oils, vitamin supplements and more—they can help anyone achieve optimal beauty and help the planet. For more than 30 years with a start in London’s Covet Garden, Neal’s Yard launched its brick and mortar stores, which now can be found throughout Europe, Dubai and Japan. In the U.S., it can only be found via independent consultants. Randi Cohen serves as a NYR representative in Northern Virginia, but services the entire D.C. metro area. She is one of small group of consultants in the metro D.C. area, although the company is a great growth opportunity for many. Anyone who emails her directly at will get an email back with a recipe from NYR Organic’s Healthy Foods Cookbook. The products are helpful for everyone, including men. Their nonaluminum deodorant is especially popular with breast cancer survivors and their skin care products are so helpful for those with sensitive skin. Many holistic practitioners are using NYR Organics in their spas and for their practices and is recognized globally with awards, for their sustainability programs and ethical treatment for animals. Cohen notes that NYR products are highly suitabke as both corporate and Realtor house warming gifts and she is always available for individual consultations.

ranscendental Mediation Program, with offices in Bethesda and now downtown D.C., is an evidence-based technique for inner peace and wellness. Their mission is to create enlightened individuals and peaceful countries through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program. More than 380 peer-reviewed published articles show the evidence that TM practice is great for health and develops higher functioning of the mind. According to Forbes magazine, “Perhaps its greatest benefit is that it’s relatively quick to learn and easy to master. No waiting weeks or months of practice before you see results.” It takes 90 minutes, four days in a row to learn the TM program. Classes start every Saturday, by appointment and continue Sunday afternoon and Monday and Tuesday evenings. In addition, they have classes beginning on Mondays with follow-up Tuesday through Thursday during the day. The local centers serve federal employees, that can use their HSA to cover the cost of instruction, and professionals who need more creativity, focus and stamina as well as work/ life balance. They also teach service personnel and veterans who need relief from combat symptoms and to recover from the wounds of war. Likewise, students that are swamped by stress and face a 10.9 percent suicide rate benefit from this program by controlling stress while their brains are still developing. The TM Program has been available in the D.C. area for more than 30 years. The current Bethesda office has been open for over 10 years and the downtown office has been open in its current location for about a year.

Hambrock Holistic Healing Center


ambrock Holistic Healing Center, an oasis in Herndon, helps people find healthy balance in their lives by providing transformative treatments and products in a relaxing, healing environment. The Center, a full-service alternative/complimentary wellness center, is known for their ability to work with patients who have tried (and failed) with other treatments. When they come to Hambrock Holistic Healing Center, they find healing and transformation. Dr. Connie Hambrock, Ph.D, CCHt, CI, owns and manages the center, along with eight practitioners as part of her team. The other practitioners service the community in the modalities of massage therapy, craniosacral, hypnosis of all kinds, life and relationship coaching, acupuncture, energy work, nutritional counseling, physical therapy as well as skincare. There is an ebb and flow between the practitioners as several are trained in more than one field, which enables a broader view of a patient’s concern. With so many modalities represented within the walls of Hambrock Holistic Healing Center, it is an added benefit that different treatments can be offered without leaving the building. In addition to patient visits, Hambrock is interested in patient education and offers a variety of classes each month. Coming up in February and March are classes in Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 3, as well as Diamond Immersion Therapy. Hambrock has a bold vision for the future and is working toward fulfilling a dream of building a LEED Platinumcertified building in Virgina to house 150 alternative healthcare providers, doing the healing arts that they do best. Location: 297 Herndon Pkwy., Ste. #105, Herndon. For more information, visit See ad, page 27.

The DC Dentist


r. Terry Victor, also known as The DC Dentist, has long been recognized as a national leader in the field of holistic and biological dentistry. In fact, his practice is credited as being the first holistic, biological and eco-friendly dental office on the East Coast. Victor and his team strive to give each patient the best possible care utilizing advances in medical technology to provide a customized experience that is less invasive, more effective and a healthier approach to oral care. Victor is dedicated to the improvement of the overall health of each of his patients. On a daily basis, the office is creating a safe and healthy environment for their patients, their staff and the planet. From the equipment they use, including their X-ray machines that have been carefully selected to operate using the least amount of radiation possible to sporting a green roof which helps reduce pollution and adds to the air quality. The office has over 25 green features and is looking to add more, including solar panels. Victor began his practice 17 years ago and continues to grow and develop along the way. Due to the increased awareness and demand for holistic and biological dentistry, the office will be expanding in 2016. With a strong commitment to education, Victor will continue to advance his dental knowledge in the use of modern medical technologies through various continuing educational courses and his team will be taking new classes as well. For patients, there will be continuing opportunities throughout the year, with The DC Dentist’s Healthy Living classes. The DC Dentist wants everyone to have healthy teeth and gums for life. Location: 509 11th St., SE, Washington, D.C. For more information, visit See ad, page 31.

Nurtured Bones


urtured Bones, with Susan Brady, MPT, offers a new concept to help those who are at risk for bone loss or who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia. For many women who watched their mothers and grandmothers struggle with these conditions, having the right tools for prevention and treatment is essential. It is estimated that more than 25 million Americans suffer from bone last every year. Fortunately, there are comprehensive and holistic approaches to help build strong, health bones for life. Dr. Brady is a physical therapist, doctor of Integrative Medicine and a nutritional consultant, and offers a free 15-minute phone consultation, with no risk and no obligation, to those who are wondering if they may benefit from her services. Her office is located in Northern Virginia but she is available for consultations via Skype as well. Brady works with her patients to build a path to health with balanced nutrition while optimizing digestion that maximizes nutrient absorption. She also helps them to reduce stress and promote sleep (a key component to decrease hormones which cause bone loss). Her treatment supports and sustains an exercise program as well as a personalized plan for supplements, if needed. Along with her dietary advice, she provides bone-healthy recipes and suggestions making good food choices. For more information or to schedule a free 15-minute consultation, visit or call 703-738-4230. See ad, page 8.

In a universe made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one. ~Bruce Lipton natural awakenings

January 2016


naturallivingglossary Acupressure: Based on the same system as acupuncture, but fingers and hands are used, instead of stimulation with needles, in order to restore the balanced flow of the body’s life energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”). This force moves through the body along 12 energy pathways, or meridians, which practitioners unblock and strengthen. Common styles of acupressure include Jin Shin, which gently holds at least two points at once for a minute or more, and Shiatsu, which applies firm pressure to each point for three to five seconds. Acupuncture: An ancient Oriental technique that stimulates the body’s ability to sustain and balance itself, based on the theory that an electromagnetic life-force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) is channeled in a continuous flow throughout the body via a network of ‘meridians.’ Disease is understood as an imbalance in the meridian system. Diagnosis of an imbalance is made by “reading” the pulse, face, tongue and body energy. To correct it, a practitioner inserts acupuncture needles at specific points along the meridians to stimulate or disperse the flow of life-force. Acupuncture principles include the yin and yang polarities and the associations of the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood with bodily organs. Alexander Technique: A system of re-educating the body and mind to support and facilitate proper posture and ease of movement. Through gentle manual guidance, accompanied by verbal directions, the Alexander teacher coaches the student to become aware of unnecessary tension and to unlearn longstanding patterns of movement. The Alexander Technique is an established method for helping to improve chronic conditions such as back, shoulder or neck pain, nervous tension, poor coordination, breathing problems and vocal strain. It is frequently used by athletes and performing artists to improve performance level. Aromatherapy: An ancient healing art that uses the essential oils of herbs and 38

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flowers to treat emotional disorders such as stress and anxiety and a wide range of other ailments. Oils are massaged into the skin, inhaled or added to a water bath. Often used in conjunction with massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, herbology and chiropractic or other holistic treatments. Art Therapy: Uses the creative process of making art to improve and enhance physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and to deepen self-awareness. The therapist makes a diagnosis and determines treatment plans by encouraging a client to express his or her feelings and unconscious thoughts through the nonverbal creative process and by observing the forms and content created. Ayurveda: The oldest medical system known to man and a comprehensive spiritual teaching practiced in India for 4,000 years. It focuses on achieving and maintaining perfect health via the balance of the elements air, fire and water (illness is considered an excess of any element). A patient’s body type, determined according to ayurvedic principles, is the basis for individualized dietary regimens and other preventive therapeutic interventions. Ayurvedic prescriptions might include purification procedures for the restoration of biological rhythms; experience of expanded consciousness through meditation; nutritional counseling; stress reduction; enhancing neuromuscular conditions; and behavioral modification. Bee venom therapy (BVT): The therapeutic application of honeybee venom, through live bee stings, to bring relief and healing for various spinal, neural, joint or musculoskeletal ailments. Bioenergetics: A psychotherapy that works through the body to engage the emotions. Performing specified postures and exercises causes the release of layers of chronic muscular tension and defensiveness, termed “body armor.” The unlocking of feelings creates the opportunity for understanding and integrating them.

Biofeedback: A relaxation technique that monitors internal body states and is used especially for stress-related conditions such as asthma, migraines, insomnia and high blood pressure. During biofeedback, patients monitor minute metabolic changes (e.g., temperature, heart rate and muscle tension), with the aid of sensitive machines. By consciously thinking, visualizing, moving, relaxing, etc., they learn which activities produce desirable changes in the internal processes being monitored. BodyTalk: Developed by chiropractor/ acupuncturist Dr. John Veltheim, BodyTalk is based upon bio-energetic psychology, dynamic systems theory, Chinese medicine and applied kinesiology. By integrating a series of tapping, breathing and focusing techniques, BodyTalk helps the body synchronize and balance its systems and strengthens the body’s innate knowledge of self-repair. BodyTalk is used to address a range of health challenges, including fibromyalgia, infections, parasites, chronic fatigue, allergies, addictions and cellular damage. Practitioners are usually licensed massage therapists (LMT) or bodyworkers. Bodywork: Massage and the physical practices of yoga are perhaps the bestknown types of body-work; both have proven successful in relieving tension and stress, promoting blood flow, loosening stiff muscles and stimulating the organs. Massage therapies encompass countless techniques, including Swedish massage, shiatsu and Rolfing. The same is true for yoga. Other types of bodywork include martial arts practices like aikido, ki aikido and Tai chi chuan. Some others are the Alexander technique, Aston patterning, Bowen, Breema bodywork, Feldenkrais method, Hellerwork, polarity therapy, Rosen method, Rubenfeld synergy and Trager. Finding bodywork that improves mental and physical health is a highly individual process. Several types may be combined for the greatest benefit. Chelation therapy: A safe, painless, nonsurgical medical procedure that improves metabolic and circulatory function by removing undesirable heavy

metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and copper from the body. A series of intravenous injections of the synthetic amino acid EDTA are administered, usually in an osteopathic or medical doctor’s office. The EDTA blocks excess free radical production, protecting tissues and organs from further damage. Over time, injections may halt the progress of the underlying condition that triggers the development of various degenerative conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases and cancer. More recently, chelation therapy also has been used to reverse symptoms of atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) by removing obstructive plaque built up in the circulatory system.

Saturday, January 23 from 10 am to 6 pm Unity of Washington, D.C. 1225 R St NW, DC * * *



* *


Visit for the full schedule

Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the world’s oldest and most complete systems of holistic health care. It combines the use of medicinal herbs, acupuncture, food therapy, massage and therapeutic exercise, along with the recognition that wellness in mind, body and emotions depends on the harmonious flow of life-force energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”). Chiropractic: Based on the premise that proper structural alignment permits free flow of nerve activity in the body. When spinal vertebrae are out of alignment, they put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves radiating from it, potentially leading to diminished function and illness. Misalignment can be caused by physical trauma, poor posture and stress. The chiropractor seeks to analyze and correct these misalignments through spinal manipulation or adjustment. (Also see Network Chiropractic.) Colon therapy: An internal bath that washes away old toxic waste accumulated along the walls of the colon. It is administered with pressurized water by a professional using special equipment. One colonic irrigation is the equivalent of approximately four to six enemas and cleans out matter that collects in the pockets and kinks of the colon. The treatment is used as both a corrective process and for prevention of disease. Colonics are used for ailments such as

All great achievements require time. ~Maya Angelou natural awakenings

January 2016


constipation, psoriasis, acne, allergies, headaches and the common cold.

(and often recommending the removal of) silver-mercury fillings.

Craniosacral therapy (CST): A manual therapeutic procedure to remedy distortions in the structure and function of the craniosacral mechanism—the brain and spinal cord, the bones of the skull, the sacrum and interconnected membranes. Craniosacral work is based upon two major premises: that the bones of the skull can be manipulated, because they never completely fuse; and that the pulse of the cerebrospinal fluid can be balanced by a practitioner trained to detect variations in that pulse. CST is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), ear and eye problems, balance problems, learning difficulties, dyslexia and hyperactivity.

Detoxification: The practice of resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. According to some holistic practitioners, accumulated toxins can drain the body of energy and make it more susceptible to disease. Detoxification techniques may include fasts, special diets, sauna sweats and colon cleansing.

Dance/movement therapy: A method of expressing thoughts and feelings through movement, developed during the 1940s. Participants, guided by trained therapists, are encouraged to move freely, sometimes to music. Dance/ movement therapy can be practiced by people of all ages to promote selfesteem and gain insight into their own emotional problems, but is also used to help those with serious mental and physical disabilities. In wide use in the United States, this modality is becoming established around the world. Decluttering: Based on the theory that clutter drains both physical and mental energy. Decluttering involves two components. The first focuses on releasing things (clothing, papers, furniture, objects and ideas) that no longer serve a good purpose in one’s life. The second focuses on creating a simple system of personal organization that is easy to maintain and guards against accumulating things that are neither necessary or nourishing. Dentistry (Holistic): Regards the mouth as a microcosm of the entire body. The oral structures and the whole body are seen as a unit. Holistic dentistry often incorporates such methods as homeopathy, biocompatibility testing and nutritional counseling. Most holistic dentists emphasize wellness and preventive care, while avoiding 40

Washington, D.C.

Doula: A woman who supports an expectant mother through pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum period. Studies indicate that support in labor has profound benefits, including shorter labor, less desire for pain medication, lower rate of Caesarian delivery and more ease in initiation of breastfeeding. Fathers have reported that they were more relaxed with a doula present because they felt reassured, and therefore freer to support their mates. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A self-help procedure founded by Gary Craig that combines fingertip tapping of key acupuncture meridian points while focusing on an emotional issue or health challenge. Unresolved, or ‘stuck,’ negative emotions, caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system, are seen as major contributors to most physical pains and diseases. These can remain stagnant and trapped until released by the tapping. EFT is easy to memorize and portable, so it can be done anywhere. Energy field work: The art and practice of realigning and re-attuning the body between the physical and the etheric and auric fields to assist in natural healing processes. Working directly with the energy field in and around the body, the practitioner channels and directs energy into the cells, tissues and organs of the patient’s body to effect healing on physical and nonphysical levels simultaneously. Sessions may or may not involve the physical laying on of hands. Environmental medicine: Explores the role of dietary and environmental allergens in health and illness. Factors such as dust, mold, chemicals and certain foods may cause allergic reactions that can dramatically influence diseases, ranging from asthma and hay fever to headaches and depression.

Enzyme therapy: Can be an important first step in restoring health and wellbeing by helping to remedy digestive problems. Plant and pancreatic enzymes are used in complementary ways to improve digestion and absorption of essential nutrients. Treatment includes enzyme supplements, coupled with a healthy diet that features whole foods. Feldenkrais method: Helps students straighten out what founder Moshe Feldenkrais calls, “kinks in the brain.” Kinks are learned movement patterns that no longer serve a constructive purpose. They may have been adopted to compensate for a physical injury or to accommodate individuality in the social world. Students unlearn unworkable movements and discover better, personalized ways to move, using mind-body principles of slowed action, breathing, awareness and thinking about their feelings. Feng shui: The ancient Chinese system of arranging man-made spaces and elements to create or facilitate harmonious qi or chi (pronounced “chee”), or energy flow, by tempering or enhancing the energy where necessary. Feng shui consultants can be an asset to both personal and business spaces, either before or after the spaces are created. Flower remedies: Flower essences are recognized for their ability to improve well-being by eliminating negative emotions. In the 1930s, English physician Edward Bach concluded that negative emotions could lead to physical illness. His research also convinced him that flowers possessed healing properties that could be used to treat emotional problems. In the 1970s, Richard Katz completed Bach’s work and established the Flower Essence Society, which has registered some 100 essences from flowers in more than 50 countries. Functional medicine: A personalized medicine that focuses on primary prevention and deals with underlying causes, instead of symptoms, for serious chronic diseases. Treatments are grounded in nutrition and improved lifestyle habits and may make use of medications. The discipline uses a holistic approach to analyze and treat interdependent systems of the body and to create the dynamic

balance integral to good health. Guided imagery and creative visualization: Uses positive thoughts, images and symbols to focus the mind on the workings of the body to accomplish a particular goal, desired outcome or physiological change, such as pain relief or healing of disease. This flow of thought can take many forms and involve, through the imagination, all the physical senses. Imagination is an important element of the visualization process; it helps create a mental picture of what is desired in order to transform life circumstances. Herbal medicine: This oldest form of medicine uses natural plants in a wide variety of forms for their therapeutic value. Herbs produce and contain various chemical substances that act upon the body to strengthen its natural functions without the negative side effects of synthetic drugs. They may be taken internally or applied externally via teas, tinctures, extracts, oils, ointments, compresses and poultices. Homeopathy: A therapy that uses small doses of specially prepared plants and minerals to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and healing processes in order to cure illness. Homeopathy, taken from the Greek words homeos, meaning “similar,” and pathos, meaning “suffering,” employs the concept that “like cures like.” A remedy is individually chosen for a person based on its capacity to cause, if given in an overdose, physical and psychological symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing. Hydrotherapy: The use of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full-body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used at home as part of a self-care program. Hypnotherapy: A range of hypnosis techniques that allow practitioners to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious. The altered state that occurs under hypnosis has been compared to a state of deep meditation or transcendence,

in which the innate recuperative abilities of the psyche are allowed to flow more freely. The subject can achieve greater clarity regarding his or her own wants and needs, explore other events or periods of life that require resolution, or generally develop a more positive attitude. Often used to help people lose weight or stop smoking, it is also used in the treatment of phobias, stress and as an adjunct to the treatment of illnesses. Integrative medicine: This holistic approach combines conventional Western medicine with complementary alternative treatments, in order to simultaneously treat mind, body and spirit. Geared to the promotion of health and the prevention of illness, it neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies, without serious evaluation. Iridology: Analysis of the delicate structure of the iris, the colored portion of the eye, to reveal information about conditions within the body. More than 90 specific zones on each iris, for a combined total of 180-plus zones, correspond to specific areas of the body. Because body weaknesses are often noticeable in the iris long before they are discernible through blood work or other laboratory analysis, iridology can be a useful tool for preventive self-care.

Connect with your Inner Glow! Celebrate physical & emotional balance at

Sumona Yoga Company Sumona Apsara Parii is a dedicated yoga and dance teacher & Indian classical dancer. She incorporates her passion of dance & meditation into her Hatha Yoga teachings, while encouraging her students to engage in a loving, compassionate, patient and centered relationship with their minds, bodies and spirits.

Offering private YOGA instruction for women in Falls Church, VA 310-809-0418

Jin Shin (or Jin Shin Jyutsu): A gentle, noninvasive energy-balancing art and philosophy that embodies a life of simplicity, calmness, patience and self-containment. Practitioners employ simple acupressure techniques, using their fingers and hands on a fully-clothed client to help eliminate stress, create emotional equilibrium, relieve pain and alleviate acute or chronic conditions. Kinesiology/applied kinesiology: The study of muscles and their movement. Applied kinesiology tests the relative strength and weakness of selected muscles to identify decreased function in body organs and systems, as well as imbalances and restrictions in the body’s energy flow. Some tests use acupuncture meridians and others analyze interrelationships among muscles, organs, the brain natural awakenings

January 2016


and the body’s energy field. Applied kinesiology is also used to check the body’s response to treatments that are being considered.

Compassionate Care for your Pet We view your animal as a whole and focus on the root of the disease for projected long term healing.

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Washington, D.C.

Macrobiotics: An Eastern philosophy best known in the West for its dietary principles. Macrobiotic theory posits that there is a natural order to all things. By synchronizing our eating habits with the cycles of nature, we can achieve a fuller sense of balance within ourselves and with the world around us. Although not a specific diet, it emphasizes low- fat and high-fiber foods, whole grains, vegetables, sea vegetables and seeds, all cooked in accordance with macrobiotic principles. Magnetic field therapy: Electromagnetic energy and the human body have a vital and valid inter-relationship, making it possible to use magnetic field therapy as an aid in diagnosing and treating physical and emotional disorders. This process is reported to relieve symptoms and may, in some cases, retard the cycle of new diseases. Magnets and electromagnetic therapy devices are now being used to eliminate pain, facilitate the healing of broken bones and counter the effects of stress. Massage therapy: A general term for the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes. Massage therapy incorporates various disciplines and involves kneading, rubbing, brushing and tapping the muscles and connective tissues by hand or using mechanical devices. Its goal is to increase circulation and detoxification, in order to reduce physical and emotional stress and increase overall wellness. Meditation: The intentional directing of attention to one’s inner self. Methods and practices to achieve a meditative state are based upon various principles using the body or mind and may employ control or letting-go mechanisms. Techniques include the use of imagery, mantras and observation, and the control of breathing. Research has shown that regular meditation can contribute to psychological and physiological wellbeing. As a spiritual practice, meditation is used to facilitate a mystical sense of oneness with a higher power or the

Universe. It can also help reduce stress and alleviate stress-related ailments, such as anxiety and high blood pressure. Midwife: A birth attendant who assists a woman through the prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum stages of pregnancy. The mother is encouraged to be involved and to feel in control of her birthing experience. Midwives are knowledgeable about normal pregnancy, labor, birth and pain relief options. They respect the process of birth as an innate and familiar process. Certified nurse-midwives are registered nurses who have received advanced training and passed a national certification exam. Nurse-midwives collaborate with physicians as needed, especially when problems arise during pregnancy. (Also see Doula.) Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET): A noninvasive, drugfree, natural modality that tests for and eliminate allergies. NAET uses a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, kinesiology and nutritional medicine. One allergen is treated at a time. Naturopathy: A comprehensive and eclectic system whose philosophy is based upon working in harmony with the body’s natural healing abilities. Naturopathy incorporates a broad range of natural methods and substances aimed to promote health. Training may include the study of specific approaches, including massage, manipulation, acupuncture, acupressure, counseling, applied nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy and minor surgery plus basic obstetrics for assistance with natural childbirth. Network chiropractic: Uses Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), a system of assessing and contributing to spinal and neural integrity, as well as health and wellness. Founded and developed by Donald Epstein. Practitioners employ gentle force to the spine to help the body eliminate mechanical tension in the neurological system. The body naturally develops strategies to dissipate stored tension/ energy, thus enhancing self-regulation of tension and spinal interference. (Also see Chiropractic.)

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP): A systematic approach to changing the limiting patterns of thought, behavior and language. Through conversation, practitioners observe the client’s language, eye movements, posture, breathing and gestures, in order to detect and help change unconscious patterns linked to the client’s emotional state. Nutritional counseling: Embracing a wide range of approaches, nutritionbased, complementary therapies and counseling seek to alleviate physical and psychological disorders through special diets and food supplements. These will be either macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber) or micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements that cannot be manufactured in the body). Nutritional therapy/counseling often uses dietary or food supplements, which can include tablets, capsules, powders or liquids. Orthomolecular medicine: Employs vitamins, minerals and amino acids to create nutritional content and balance in the body. Orthomolecular medicine targets a wide range of conditions, including depression, high blood pressure, cancer, schizophrenia and other mental and physiological disorders. Osteopathy/osteopathic physicians: Osteopathy uses generally accepted physical, pharmacological and surgical methods of diagnosis and therapy, with a strong emphasis on body mechanics and manipulative methods to detect and correct faulty structure and function, in order to restore the body’s natural healing capacities. Doctors of Osteopathy are fully trained and licensed according to the same standards as medical doctors and receive additional extensive training in the body’s structure and functions. Oxygen therapies: Alters the body’s chemistry to help overcome disease, promote repair and improve overall function. Properly applied, oxygen may be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including infections, circulatory problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, allergies, cancer and multiple sclerosis. The major types of oxygen therapy used to treat illness

are hyperbaric oxygen and ozone. Hydrogen peroxide therapy (oral or intravenous) can be dangerous and should be avoided. Pilates: A structured system of small isolated movements that demands powerful focus on feeling every nuance of muscle action while working out on floor mats or machines. Emphasizes development of the torso’s abdominal power center, or core. More gentle than conventional exercises, Pilates, like yoga, yields long, lean, flexible muscles whose gracefully balanced movements readily translate into everyday activities like walking, sitting and bending. Can help in overcoming injuries. Prolotherapy: A rejuvenating therapy that uses injections of natural substances to stimulate collagen growth, in order to strengthen weak or damaged joints, tendons, ligaments or muscles. Often used as a natural alternative to drugs and/or surgery to treat pain syndromes, including degenerative arthritis, lower back, neck and joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine headaches, and torn ligaments and cartilage. Qigong and Tai chi: Qigong and Tai chi combine movement, meditation and breath regulation to enhance the flow of vital energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) in the body, improve circulation and enhance immune function. Qigong traces its roots to traditional Chinese medicine. Tai chi was originally a self-defense martial art descended from qigong and employed to promote inner peace and calm. Real Time EEG Neurofeedback: Involves direct training of brain function. Using computer processing to capture electrical activity in the brain, an individual can reward the brain with positive feedback, changing its activity to desired, more appropriate patterns. Gradually, the brain learns and remembers how to exhibit only the good patterns. Reflexology: A natural healing art based upon the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and hands that correspond to every part of the body. Correctly stimulating and applying pressure to the feet or hands increases circulation and promotes specifically designated bodily and muscular functions.

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Sushma Hirani, MD practices functional and integrative medicine to treat chronic diseases at Rose Wellness Center in Oakton, VA. She specializes in women’s & and digestive disorders .

natural awakenings

January 2016


Reiki: Means “universal life-force energy.” A method of activating and balancing the life-force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”). Practitioners use light hand placements to channel healing energies to organs and glands or to align the body’s chakras (energy centers). Various techniques can ease emotional and mental distress, heal chronic and acute physical problems and achieve spiritual focus and clarity. Reiki can be a valuable addition to the work of chiropractors, massage therapists, nurses and others for whom the use of touch is essential and appropriate. Rolfing structural integration (Rolfing): A hands-on technique for deep tissue manipulation of the myofascial system, which is composed of the muscles and the connective tissue, or fascia, in order to restore the body’s natural alignment and sense of integration. As the body is released from old patterns and postures, the range and freedom of physical and emotional expression increases. Rolfing can help ease pain and chronic stress, enhance neurological functioning, improve posture and restore flexibility.

You Can Stop Smoking Using Precision Medicine With Dr. Charles Gant

Join us for this free seminar/ webinar on Sunday, January 24 2:30 pm Life Line Counseling Center Fairfax, VA Or via Webinar Free testing to those who attend in person SAVE YOUR SPOT


Washington, D.C.

Shiatsu: The most widely known form of acupressure, Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning finger pressure. The technique applies varying degrees of pressure to balance the life energy that flows through specific pathways, or meridians, in the body. Used to release tension and strengthen weak areas in order to facilitate even circulation, cleanse cells and improve the function of vital organs. Sound healing: Employs vocal and instrumental tones, generated internally or externally. When sounds are produced with healing intent, they can create sympathetic resonance in the physical and energy bodies. Sound healing also is used to bring discordant energy into balance and harmony. Tantra: Has emerged as a modern spiritual path of embodied consciousness, with roots in ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Tantra views the ‘spiritual’ as being directly present within the ‘physical’ and respects sensory experience as a vehicle for accessing higher states of awareness. Tantric practices balance the chakras (energy centers) and can contribute

to a sense of presence, intimacy and fulfillment in all aspects of living. Thermography (thermal imaging): A diagnostic technique that uses an infrared camera to measure temperature variations on the surface of the body, producing images that reveal sites of inflammation and abnormal tissue growth. Inflammation is recognized as the earliest stage of nearly all major health challenges. Vegetarianism: The voluntary abstinence from eating meat and/or other animal products for religious, health and/or ethical reasons. Lacto-ovo vegetarians supplement their plant-based diet with dairy (lactose) products and eggs (ovo). Lacto vegetarians eat dairy products, but not eggs; ovo vegetarians include eggs, but no dairy; and vegans do not eat any animal-derived products. Yoga: Practical application of the ancient Indian Vedic teachings. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj which means “union” or “to join,” and refers to the joining of man’s physical, mental and spiritual elements. The goal of good techniques, including physical exercises called asanas (or postures), controlled breathing, relaxation, meditation and diet and nutrition. Yoga therapy: The application of yoga principles, methods and techniques to empower individuals to progress toward greater health and freedom from disease. Yoga therapy aims at the holistic treatment of various kinds of psychological or somatic dysfunctions, ranging from emotional distress to back problems. Please note: The contents of this Health & Wellness Glossary are for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be used in place of a visit or consultation with a healthcare professional. Always seek out a practitioner who is licensed, certified or otherwise professionally qualified to conduct a selected treatment, as appropriate.

When deeds speak, words are nothing. ~Pierre-Joseph Proudhon


Key Signs We’re Approaching a Defining Moment

where healthy food comes naturally

by Dennis Merritt Jones


ur authentic self is constantly trying to get our attention so it may be more fully expressed. When we set our intention to genuinely evolve, we naturally begin to pay attention and see how redefining moments appear as needed. They are drawn to us sequentially to support us in the process of staying the course on our pilgrimage, each one a perfectly aligned portal in space and time, opening and closing, creating whatever experience is required to guide us to heightened awareness of our authentic self. While the possible circumstances that preclude such a moment are limitless, there are key signals to watch for. When they pop up, it helps immensely to stay engaged in the moment, rather than zipping past them on to another distraction. Rather, consider ways in which this might prove to be a pivotal point forward in our life journey. n Moments that challenge our ego and moments that our ego challenges us n Unexpected events n Times of significant loss n First-time experiences n Discontentment n Disappointment n Experiencing someone or something that instantly inspires us to grow n Birth of a loved one n Death of a loved one Personal growth and evolution can be motivated by either inspiration

or desperation. Both may prompt us to ask big questions of ourselves and the universe that cause us to dig deep. The deeper we dig, the closer we come to merging with our truest self. We know the answers to such questions are correct because they will lead to actions that honor life—like harming no one, including ourself— and affirm the presence of a prevailing power for good that lies within; a power that guides, protects and sustains us. Satisfying answers seek only the highest and best of us and bless all. They connect our mind, heart and soul, moving us forward on the path of wholeness as a fulfilled and joyfully self-expressed person. When we are impelled to ask an important question of our self and the universe, don’t rush the process and are willing to embrace the answer we receive, it pushes a reset button as to what defines us. It brings us an enhanced sense of authentic wholeness. The lesson is that when redefining moments appear, we must be open and prepared to go where we had no plans of going—because that’s where our bliss awaits us. Dennis Merritt Jones, D.D., is the author of Your (Re)Defining Moments, the source of this essay. He has contributed to the human potential movement and field of spirituality as a minister, teacher, coach and lecturer for 30 years. Learn more at

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natural awakenings

January 2016


calendarofevents NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 Setting Intentions for 2016! New Year’s Day Yoga Retreat – 10am-8pm. Join us for a day-long yoga retreat at our 14th Street studio to welcome 2016 with holistic practices and communitybuilding. We’ll begin with setting an intention for our day and year ahead around the theme of welcoming new beginnings with awareness. $216. Yoga District 14th St, 1910 14th St, NW. Register: ws?Studioid=2070&stype=-8&sTG=11&sVT=60 &sView=day&sTrn=100000200&date=01/01/16. Info: New Year Detox and Rejuvenation Workshop – 11am-12:30pm. Reset your intentions for the New Year with an invigorating flow of asanas and pranayama to detoxify your body, mind and soul. Then relax deeply into meditative yin and restorative poses to re-energize your being and recommit to your true self, creating space in your heart and mind for the new possibilities in 2016. This class is open to yogis of all levels (prenatal welcome). $30/person or $50/pair. Lil Omm Yoga, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Register:

SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Level I – 10am-4pm. Learn simple tapping method that stimulates the natural acupressure points to eliminate blockages in the energy field. $150. Rising Phoenix Holistic Center, 9028 D Prince William St, Manassas, VA. Register: 703-3929200. Info: From Chaos to Harmony: Max Strom’s New Year Renewal Workshop – 1-3pm. This special workshop with Max Strom is focused on re-igniting the inner fire and transforming stress into inspiration. The workshop will include a talk, breath-initiated movement, postures and dynamic meditation. All levels welcome. $60. Lil Omm Yoga, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Register:

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation – 5:45-

7:15pm. The objective of this 8-week meditation course is simple and practical: to support your natural state of well-being by reducing the stress that so often obscures it. $295. The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, 6829 Elm St, Ste 300, McLean, VA. Register: 703-532-4892. Info: RSVP@KaplanClinic. com or Lecture: Integrative Indoor Health, Solutions for A Healthy Home – 7-8pm. David Young, MPH, will review the relationship of your home to your physical and mental health. Topics include mold, odors, dust, electrosmog and water quality. Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, Dolley Madison Library, 1244 Oak Ridge Ave, McLean, VA. Register: 703-532-4892 or RSVP@KaplanClinic. com. Info:

FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 Integrative Yoga Therapy for Chronic Pain – 10:30am-12pm. Through March 11. Participants will learn therapeutic yoga techniques specifically designed to effectively manage chronic pain. All levels welcome. $495. The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, 6829 Elm St, Ste 300, McLean, VA. Register: 703-532-4892. Info: or Event/Integrative-Yoga-Therapy-for-Chronic-Pain. Deepening Practice – An Intensive Meditation Course – 12:30-2pm. Through March 11. Participants will have the opportunity to more deeply explore their own self-development with personalized guidance from an experienced facilitator. $375. The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, 6829 Elm St, Ste 300, McLean, VA. Register: 703-532-4892. Info: RSVP@ or Deepening-Practice-Intensive-Meditation. Integrative Yoga Therapy for Anxiety – 2:304pm. Through March 11. Participants will learn therapeutic yoga techniques specifically designed to effectively manage anxiety. All levels are welcome. $495. The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, 6829 Elm St, Ste 300, McLean, VA. Register: 703-532-4892. Info: RSVP@ or Integrative-Yoga-Therapy-for-Anxiety. Living Blame-Free Intensive Retreat – 7pm. Through Jan 10. This 2-day Intensive is designed to offer: a clear understanding of the cost of blame on our health and overall well-being; a comprehensive map of how to transform blame toward others, ourselves, or situations; a roadmap to decode the blame and more. $230-270. Capital NVC, Dupont Circle, DC. Address Provided Upon Registration. Register: Living-in-the-Blame-Free-State-with-FrancoisBeausoleil-a-Two-Day-Intensive-on-Finding-Joyand-Tickets-15453869941. Info: Singles Sangha – 7–10pm. A welcoming community of people who gather to experience a shared connection with others who are, by choice


Washington, D.C.

or by circumstance, single at this time in their lives. All varieties and ages of single people are encouraged to join. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info:

SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 3 Secrets to Getting It Done Without Hitting the Wall – 8:30-9:30am. Success without [di] stress is impossible for many. Learn how Ayurveda helps us live and achieve without being overwhelmed or filled with anxiety and worry. M3 Wellness LLC, online. Register: 3-Secrets-Webinar.EventBrite. com. Info: Becoming a Minimalist: A Meaningful Life with Less Stuff – 9:30-11:30am. It would be nice to be surrounded with items you absolutely love and find joy in owning and get rid of all the rest. Learn how to overcome the stuff and let go of the distractions so it’s easy to focus on the essentials in your life. $30. Rising Phoenix Holistic Center, 9028 D Prince William St, Manassas, VA. Register: 703392-9200. Info: Discover Your Joy: The Power of the Flower – 1-3pm. Come and learn the power of the flower to gently restore the balance between mind and body by eliminating negative emotions, such as fear, worry, frustration, anxiety, tension, anger and indecision. $60. Rising Phoenix Holistic Center, 9028 D Prince William St, Manassas, VA. Register: 703-392-9200. Info: Family Yoga and PJ Party – 5:30-6:30pm. Calling all Lil Omm families. Break out your best PJs, robes and furry slippers to join us for a very special family yoga class and PJ Party. All ages welcome. No yoga experience necessary. Please register by January 4. $25/family. Lil Omm Yoga, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Register:

SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 All Levels Flow Yoga to Support Common Good City Farm – 2:30-4:30pm. Start your new year with inspirational giving through yoga and community. Join us in a benefit all levels flow yoga class to support Common Good City Farm. By donation. Yoga District, 1830 1st St, NW. Info: Clients. =2070&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn=100000198 &date=01/10/16. Children’s Sangha – 4:15-5:30pm. For 5-12-yearolds, accompanied by parents. The class provides young children with a Buddhist framework to

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explore their inner life, understand the causes of emotional stress and develop peace, wisdom and kindness. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Moms Up!: Balance – 6:30-8:30pm. Balance is a state that you achieve when all of the aspects of your life and self are in harmony and only you can determine what balance means to you. Come and learn what balance means to you, and how to achieve equilibrium in your heart and mind. $40. Lil Omm Yoga, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Register:

MONDAY, JANUARY 11 REFUEL: A 7-Day Sugar Detox – Through Jan 17. A detox program to help you kick your sugar addiction into high gear. Finally experience sweet freedom. $97. M3 Wellness LLC, online. Register: Info: Free Demo Week – Lil Omm Yoga will be hosting sessions at CityDance Pop. These 6, weekly sessions will feature our signature prenatal, postnatal, baby and me and family yoga classes. Registration for sessions is now open on our website. This is a great opportunity for you to try out a class and check out our new space. Lil Omm Yoga at CityDance Pop, 4435 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Info:

TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 Young Adult Survivors Workshop: How Vision Boards Can Help You After Cancer – 6:30-8:30pm. Explore the life you want to live after cancer and how a vision board can help you get there. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or Back School – 7-9pm. This class will teach you a proven system to care for your back and neck, recover from injuries and develop core strength and flexibility. $25. Neck, Back and Beyond, 10560 Main St, Ste 204, Fairfax, VA. RSVP: 703865-5690 or Mindful Self-Compassion Class Series and Daylong – 7-9:30pm. Meets weekly until March 1 with half-day retreat Feb 13. With teachers Jeff Rosenberg and Jennifer Stanley. Self-compassion provides emotional strength and resilience allowing us to really see ourselves, acknowledge unmet needs, motivate ourselves with kindness, to be fully human. Self-compassion can be learned by anyone, even those who didn’t receive enough affection in childhood or feel uncomfortable when they are

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good to themselves. Meditation experience is not required. IMCW Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Info: Psychic Social Media 101 – 7-8:30pm. Start your new year off right. Stop making excuses for why you don’t have time to expand your online presence for your holistic business and start learning how to make the internet work for you. $50. Rising Phoenix Holistic Center, 9028 D Prince William St, Manassas, VA. Register: 703-392-9200. Info:

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 Introduction to Mindfulness – 7:30-9pm. Meets weekly until February 10 (5 Wednesdays). Info:

THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 200-Hour Iyengar Yoga Teacher Training – 8am-5pm. Through Jan 17. Also meets March 17-20, May 12-15 and June 16-19. 200-Hour Iyengar Yoga teacher training that meets the core requirements for both the IYNAUS Introductory level certification assessment exam and Yoga Alliance 200-Hour RYT certification. See website for pricing. Casey Health Institute, 800 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD. Register: 301-355-2030 or 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training – 6pm. Through Jan 17. This program is perfect for the avid yoga student who wants to become a yoga teacher or anyone that wants to deepen their personal practice. Scholarships available. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Info: 301986-1090 or Mind-Body Therapies: Clinical Applications – 6:30pm. Through Jan 16. Learn how Mind-Body practices are reducing pain, improving quality of life, rates of survival for patients with cancer, heart disease and other conditions. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Info: 301-986-1090 or

FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 Charity Social Hour – 6-9pm. A local Meet-Up group is hosting a charity social hour in honor of The Nature Conservancy in Washington, D.C. $10 (suggested donation). The Nature Conservancy, Location TBD. Info:

SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 How to Start a Vegetable Garden – 9am-12pm. Be ready to start your veg garden this spring

The Many Benefits of Essential Oils Lecture Series

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with this fun and informative how-to class and workshop. $55. Prior Unity Garden, a short walk to the Vienna Metro on James St, Fairfax, VA. Register: Info: 703-2817743 or MLK Day Volunteer Clean-Up – 9am-12pm. Join The Nature Conservancy and Potomac Conservancy for a volunteer clean-up event in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Potomac Conservancy, Fletcher’s Cove, 4940 Canal Rd, NW. Register: Info: Potomac. org/pc-Events/2016/1/16/Save-the-Date-MartinLuther-King-Jr-Day-of-Service. Intuitive Remote Viewing – 6-8:30pm. With Mary Phelan. Intuitive Remote Viewing is a wonderful method which allows a person to access his or her own intuition. $60. Rising Phoenix Holistic Center, 9028 D Prince William St, Manassas, VA. Register: 703-392-9200. Info: 200-Hour Teacher Training Winter Extended Session – 7-9pm. Through Feb 28. Join Yoga District for our transformative 200-hour teacher training through an extended weekend training this winter. $2,500. Yoga District, 1910 14th St, NW. Info: ws?studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn= 100000000&date=01/16/16.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 Exploring and Building a Headstand Practice 101 – 2:30-4:30pm.This class is for practitioners looking to break down headstand and its variations. We will explore the different muscle groups that support this inversion and walk through the key physical components of headstand. $22.69. Yoga District, 1830 1st St, NW. Info: ws?studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn= 100000226&date=01/17/16. Women’s Winter Retreat and Vision Board Party – 7-9pm. Join Pleasance for yoga, meditation, reflection, crafting and visioning where you will focus on what you really want in order to live your best 2016. RSVP by January 10th. $40/person. Lil Omm Yoga, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Register:

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 Childbirth Education Class – 7-9pm. Through Feb 10. Classes to empower and prepare women for their births. Subjects include the physiology and progression of labor, stages of labor, relaxation, breathing, massage and comfort techniques.

natural awakenings

January 2016


Partners are invited. $180. Affiliated with Lamaze, ICEC, NCT, NE, DC. Register: NatureBirthDC@ Info: 202-375-0402.

donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or


Winter Warmer Workshop: Yoga, Qigong and Meditation – 4-7pm. This workshop will balance the Yin nature of gentle cleansing stretches and breath work with complementary Yang practices to support the sustaining of our energetic field through the colder months. $40 (plus tax). Buddha B Yoga Center, 1115 U St, Ste 202, NW. Info:

Beating the Winter Blues Panel: Holistic Moms Arlington/Alexandria meeting – 7-9pm. Panel includes Jan Watkins on Emotional Freedom Technique and representatives from Neck, Back & Beyond addressing how bodywork, acupuncture, food and light can influence mood. Holistic Moms Network Arlington/Alexandria chapter, Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, 4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, VA. Info: or or

SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 BE yoga Classical 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training – 8am-7pm. Through Oct 23. Spiritually based yoga teacher training that will be a deep exploration within yourself. No need to become a yoga teacher to join us. $2,550 ($600 down payment). BE yoga, 45406 Lakeside Dr, Sterling, VA. Register: Info: Health Benefits of Common Kitchen Herbs – 9am-12pm. Learn how to use some common kitchen herbs for your health and wellbeing. Recipes included. $55. Prior Unity Garden, a short walk to the Vienna Metro on James St, Fairfax, VA. Register: Info: 703-2817743 or Mindfulness for Stress Management – 122pm. Learn simple Mindfulness practices to improve your health and wellbeing. Mindfulness can play a significant role in coping with stress, improving health, even in treating chronic diseases. $35. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Info: 301-986-1090 or Mapping Joy: A Journaling Workshop – 1-5pm. This workshop provides a unique method of tracking your days by journaling and practicing guided imagery to identify meaningful priorities and create non-linear calendars. $20 (suggested

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 Yoga Philosophy: Practice and Non-attachment – 2-4pm. Join us for a casual, welcoming, inclusive discussion of yoga philosophy that can help inform your yoga practice on a deep, personal level. Free. Yoga District, 1910 14th St, NW. Info: ws?studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn= 100000000&date=01/24/16. Inversions Playshop Workshop – 2:30-4:45pm. We’ll have discussion, Q and A, partner work and plenty of time to play with headstand (sirshasana), handstand (adho mukha vrikasana) and forearm stand (pincha mayurasana), plus time to rest in the gentlest of inversions, viparita karani (legs up the wall). $22.69. Yoga District, 1830 1st St, NW. Info: Clients. pe=8&sView=day&sTrn=100001030&date=01/24/16. Sound Healing – 4-6pm. Unlock energy held within the physical, emotional, etheric bodies and the unconscious mind with sound healing. Relax, enjoy and bathe in a shower of soothing tones. $35. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Info: 301-986-1090 or

Pilates Teacher Training.

Love your job—Learn the foundational skills and techniques to become a qualified Pilates teacher and movement artist.

Starting January 28 through May 14 Pengu Studio, 6809 Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA Rates listed on website. (Save $250 by registering before Dec 31.) Register: 571-723-6200 or 200-Hour Teacher Training Winter Extended Session – 7am-9pm. Through Feb 9. Join Yoga District for our transformative 200-hour teacher training through an extended weekend training this winter. $2,500. Yoga District, 1910 14th St, NW. ws?Studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn= 100000000&date=01/28/16. Advances in Breast Cancer – 6:30-8:30pm. Join us for an intimate discussion with Dr. Anne Favret on the latest developments in breast cancer research, treatment and quality of life issues from the prestigious AACR-San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Bring your questions and concerns for the Q-and-A session following Dr. Favret’s presentation. Free. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or

Young Adult Cancer Meet Up and Support Group – 5-6:30pm. Enjoy a light dinner and facilitated group session. Free. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202483-8600 or



RETHINK: The 10-Day Stress Less Revolution – Through Feb 3. Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and disconnected. Join me in this revolt against the daily [di]stress that saps your energy and brainpower. $97. M3 Wellness LLC, online. Register: Info:

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 Generation Conservation Annual New Year’s Social Hour – 6-9pm. Join The Nature Conservancy’s local young professionals group, Generation Conservation, for their third annual New Year’s Social Hour. Learn about impacting investing related to conservation. $10 (suggested donation). Equinox, 818 Connecticut Ave, NW. Info: o n s e r v a i o n - N e w - Ye a r s - S o c i a l - H o u r Tickets-19729130360

Washington, D.C.


Movie Night – 7-9pm. We will be screening Alive Inside, a joyous cinematic exploration of music’s capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity. $5. Neck, Back and Beyond, 10560 Main St, Ste 204, Fairfax, VA. Register: 703-965-5690 or

Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info:



Mindfulness for Cancer Care – 12-2pm. Lifestyle changes can make a difference in the well-being of people with cancer. Learn Mind-Body practices

immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info:

MONDAY, MARCH 28 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info:

SATURDAY, APRIL 9 to improve health and wellness in cancer patients. $59. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Info: 301-986-1090 or Eating for a Lifetime: Cooking for People with Cancer – 12:30-3:30pm. Fun and informative class to start learning about the role of nutrition in cancer care. Learn the basic principles of healthy and delicious food selection and preparation. $30 (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 Crafting Your Home Practice Workshop – 2:304:30pm. Come and learn how to craft your own home practice that you can do when you wake up, while traveling or when you don’t have time to make it to the studio. $22.69. Yoga District, 1830 1st St, NW. Info: Classic/ws?studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=day &sTrn=100000086&date=01/31/16.

plan ahead MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the

Calendar A wonderful resource for filling your workshops, seminars and other events.

Yoga for Children with Special Needs – 9am4:30pm. No need to be a yoga teacher. OT, PT, Teacher or Mom. Learn to work with children with Special needs through Yoga. $995 ($300 down payment). BE yoga, 45406 Lakeside Dr, Sterling, VA. Register:

MONDAY, APRIL 25 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info:


SAVE THE DATE Greater Richmond Holistic Expo Plans are underway for this great new event. The 30,000-sq.-ft. hall will showcase more than 165 exhibitors. Saturday, May 14

Two styles available:

Henrico Hall Richmond Raceway Complex 602 E Laburnum Ave Richmond, VA.

n Calendar of Dated Events: Designed for events on a specific date of the month.

Info: Steve at 804-503-7939

n Calendar of Ongoing Events: Designed for recurring events that fall on the same day each week.

MONDAY, MAY 23 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info:

Contact us for guidelines so we can assist you through the process. We’re here to help!

MONDAY, JUNE 27 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info:


natural awakenings

January 2016




NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

sunday Sunday Morning Meditation Class – 10:30am12:30pm. With Hugh Byrne. An oasis in a busy week, including 30-minute guided meditations, a 10-minute walking meditation and 30-minute discussion. A mini-retreat. Drop-ins welcome. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Av e , S t e 2 0 0 , N W, Te n l e y t o w n . I n f o : Mindfulness in Recovery – 6:30-8pm. This group is open to new meditators and seasoned practitioners alike with a common interest in the intersection of Buddhist teachings and 12 Step recovery. All 12 Steppers are welcome and we ask that participants have at least 90 days of continuous recovery and a working relationship with a home 12 Step recovery group be established before attending your first meeting. This group is not a replacement for our individual 12 Step programs. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info:

monday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. A beautiful way to start your day, with a 30-minute meditation and optional 15-minute discussion following. Drop-ins welcome. A project of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW). The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: GYROTONIC Open Level class – 7:45-8:45am. This class takes place on the GYROTONIC pulley tower and aims to increase joint flexibility and muscular strength. $35/class or $250/pack of 10. Elements Center, 2233 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 217, NW. Register: Info: GYROKINESIS Class – 9:30-10:30am. GYROKINESIS class incorporates seated, standing and floor work to gently stretch and strengthen the body while supporting the joints. Suitable for all ages and experience levels. $18/class or $150/pack of 10. Elements Center, 2233 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 217, NW. Register: FrontDesk@ElementsCenter. com. Info: Therapeutic Yoga – 10:30-11:45am. (No class Jan 18.) Enjoy a greater sense of well-being and enhanced energy in our gentle yoga classes. Learn various yoga postures and techniques in progressive relaxation, breathing practices and mediation. $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202-483-8600. Info:


Washington, D.C.

Awareness Through Movement – 12:15-1:15pm. This Feldenkrais Method is a unique approach to fitness for those who are injured or in chronic pain. Simple floor exercises have profound effects on your posture, breathing and movement capabilities. $10/session or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or Food for Life: New Year, New You Cooking Course – 6-8pm. The Barnard Medical Center is offering a five-class cooking series designed to help Washington residents lose weight, boost metabolism, curb cravings and reach optimal health with a plant-based vegan diet. Barnard Medical Center, 5100 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Register: Info: .

Outside the Lines: A Creative Art Studio – 10:30am-12:20pm. 1st and 3rd Wed. Facilitators will help reclaim art-making as a healing tool through guided creative projects. $10/session (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202-483-8600. Info: Therapeutic Yoga – 6-7:15pm. See Mon $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202-483-8600. Info:

thursday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Therapeutic Yoga – 10:30-11:45am. See Mon for details. $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202-483-8600. Info:


Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Chair Yoga – 12-1pm. You are invited to relax deeply as we move through a series of gentle seated and supported poses that promote self-care. $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or Women’s Community Mindfulness Class – 7:30pm. The aspiration of the Women’s Community Mindfulness Classes (WCMC) is to create a safe space where women can practice mindfulness for the development of wisdom and compassion. We provide both guided meditation and independent practice time followed by a talk, with time for questions and comments. Beginning and experienced meditators are welcome. Chairs and cushions are provided. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Practicing Ahimsa: Nonviolence in Our Words and Hearts – 7:45-9:30pm. Beginning Jan 19. An intro and/or foundation series to discover the benefits of Nonviolent Communication in your words and relationships. Facilitated in circle with experiential exercises and coaching guidance and peer-to-peer support in between sessions. $35300. The Studio DC, 1710 Connecticut Ave, NW. Register: htm. Info:

wednesday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown.

friday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Yoga for Women – 9:30-10:40am. Starting January 8. An 8-week course with Pleasance Silicki. This course will cover simple postures and practices specifically for women. We will focus on meditation and breathing practices that support and nourish our busy day to day lives. As women, we tend to overextend ourselves and this class will be a gift to your soul, to your connection and a way to establish awareness of your energy level. Space is limited to 10 students. Possible sub on Feb 12. $160. IMCW, 3rd floor studio, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Registration: Move, Learn, Create – 11am-12:15pm. Stretch your creative capacity, feel good and connect with fellow participants. Featuring a variety of dance styles, the class is a well-paced and refreshing experience for all. $10/session or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or Tai Chi and Qigong – 5pm. Aligning breath, movement and awareness to affect energy flow, Qigong is rooted in Chinese medicine, martial arts and philosophy. $20. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Info: 301986-1090 or .


Pilates Mat Class – 9:30-10:30am. Classical Pilates mat class, open to all levels. $19. Elements Center, 2233 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 217, NW. Register: Info: .



Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email to request our media kit. ACUPUNCTURE HEALEN ARTS & ACUPUNCTURE WELLNESS STUDIO

Akmal Muwwakkil, PhD, LA.c. LMT 4203-A Forbes Blvd, Lanham, MD • 301-249-2445


Individualized treatments for optimal health and well-being. Located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of D.C.


1010 Rockville Pike, Ste 305, Rockville, MD 301-337-7115 • By combining acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, moxabustion and nutrition, João develops a comprehensive, individualized treatment strategy to promote optimal health. Major insurance accepted. See ad, page 11.


808 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd, Sandy Spring, MD Acupuncture and Sports Medicine Acupuncture.

NECK BACK & BEYOND WELLNESS CENTER 10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 Neck Back & Beyond offers chiropractic and naturopathic care, acupuncture, massage, colon hydrotherapy (colonics), reflexology, lymphatic drainage and more. lasting change to heal the mind, body and soul. Fitness, educational consultant and hypnotist. See ad, page 41.

SHAWNA SNYDER Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA • 571-529-6699 Shawna Snyder is a licensed acupuncturist specializing in pain management. She effectively relieves pain by custom tailoring a comprehensive treatment plan to achieve optimal results. See ad, page 8.


Certified aromatherapist and herbalist offering lifestyle consultations and handmade products, including soaps, balms, and beard oils. Reach a better state of body and mind. See ad, page 44.


11700 Bowman Green Dr. Reston, VA 571-375-2630

Premier holistic chiropractic, massage and aromatherapy.




Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • DeBritt Ealey specializes in the treatment of all forms of symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities with the Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) therapy. See ad, page 8.


Improving Lives in Natural Ways 4635 Chain Bridge Rd, Ste 100, McLean, VA 703-229-3106

Our holistic approach gets to the nexus of your pain and treats your pain’s cause, not just your symptoms. Dr. Sanford’s approach and treatment will greatly improve your quality of life. Specializing i n p e r i p h e r a l n e u r o p a t h y, chiropractic care, acupuncture, nutrition, physical therapy and functional medicine. See ad, page 9.


Serving MD, DC and Northern VA Aromatherapy products and gentle hand treatment with essential oils. See ad, page 47.

Autism consultation and holistic wellness coaching from a veteran autism mom. Provides support for parents of children with autism, including those who have been newly diagnosed.


370 Maple Ave West, Unit 1, Vienna, VA 703-242-TONE (8663) Jazz up your routine and experience the latest trend in full-body workout. Barre Tone is ideal for those who want to sculpt, strengthen and increase flexibility, while enjoying the infusion of dance, aerobics with the benefits of the ballet barre at its core. Leave with renewed energy, a calmer spirit and a new passion for life. See ad, page 10.


258 Maple Ave East, Vienna and 12242 Rockville Pike, Rockville, 703-255-7040 (VA) or 301-770-7040 (MD) •

Savvy Rest Natural Bedroom is the premier retailer of Savvy Rest organic mattresses and bedding, a Virginia manufacturer, and retailer of fine bedroom furniture. See ad, page 3.

natural awakenings

January 2016



Classes to prepare for natural childbirth. Classes given in D.C.


Dr. Craig Sanford, DC 12801 Darby Brooke Ct, Ste 120, Woodbridge, VA 703-583-1222 • Ashdale Chiropractic and Physical Therapy offers chiropractic care, acupuncture, peripheral neuropathy and physical medicine. See ad, page 9.


Northern Virginia Midwife and Wellness Care. Offering birth center and home birth. See ad, page 20.


Birth and postpartum labor support services. Personal and group childbirth education classes as well as vaginal steaming in our office or your home.


10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 Neck Back & Beyond offers chiropractic and naturopathic care, acupuncture, massage, colon hydrotherapy (colonics), reflexology, lymphatic drainage and more. lasting change to heal the mind, body and soul. Fitness, educational consultant and hypnotist. See ad, page 41.

RESTON HEALING CENTER 11700 Bowman Green Dr. Reston, VA 571-375-2630

Premier holistic chiropractic, massage and aromatherapy.

All natural chemical free therapeutic body care. Simple, healthy, natural- handcrafted from nature’s bounty.


NUTURED BONES 703-738-4230

Corrective care and chiropractic biophysics.

Serving Northern Virginia The holistic approach to strong, healthy bones. See ad, page 8.

MEADOWLARK BOTANICAL GARDENS 9750 Meadowlark Gardens Ct, Vienna, VA 703-255-3631 •

Wolf Trap in Vienna.


Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, a public garden for all the senses, a place of peace and reflection. Near

Washington, D.C.

4813-A Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA 800-515-6243

We are Green Clean Certified so you can have peace of mind that your home will be healthier for you, your pets and the environment. See ad, page 15.


InterNutritionals@gmail. com








We offer patients suffering with chronic pain and illness an effective model of medical care, incorporating elements of conventional and alternative medicine. Our team provides an integrative approach that addresses root causes of an individual’s pain and illness, including problems of the mind and spirit that may be contributing to the disease process. See ad, page 5.

46950 Community Plaza, Ste 112, Sterling, VA 703-430-8883 ElsaLam@GoldenHealthPharmacy Prescriptions with personal attention (We accept all insurance). Compounding pharmacy for special medications and your pet’s special need. Integrating pharmacy services with nutritional support. Juice Bar, holistic health and wellness workshops, cooking classes for disease management and an infrared sauna with acoustic sound therapy. See ad, page 28.


Grace Ogden, Principal 301-445-6771 • Grace Ogden leads this consulting and event production firm that supports progressive social change with an awareness of why spiritual principles and practices matter. See ad, page 14.

COUNSELING FOUR CORNERS COUNSELING, LLC Hetty Irmer, LCSW-C, The Thinking Woman’s Counselor 10000 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD 301-960-8960

Tap into your deeper wisdom and sense of purpose. Understand your moods and manage them better. Hetty works with women, couples and offers groups to learn and practice skills of self-understanding and leadership. See ad, page 33.


Individual and Couples Therapy GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055 • Evaluation, treatment, counseling, and education for all sexual health concerns. See ad, page 2.


Individual & Couples Therapy GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055 • With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Natalie Korytnyk is a psychologist with an expertise in relationship difficulties, anxiety, depression, work stress, eating disorders and selfesteem. See ad, page 2.





202-630-HOOK (4665) •



8120 Woodmont Ave, Ste 150, Bethesda, MD 301-654-5919 Empowered Learning Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Centers (ELTC) help people of all ages and ability achieve peak performance levels in the areas of learning, focus and attention.

Bioceramic Dental Implants are here replacing missing teeth. Now safer than ever. Our integrative approach addresses your body’s readiness for dental implants. We systematically test and optimize your immune system prior to implant placement. With 18 years’ experience in implant dentistry, Dr. Noumbissi developed the Natural & Keramik Koncept, a safe protocol for teeth replacement with metal-free ceramic implants coupled with naturally optimized and accelerated bone and gum healing to enhance your smile and improve your quality of life. See ad, page 29.

Washington Waldorf offers a holistic education that blends arts, movement, and practical skills with academics at every step. Pre-K-12. Imagine a better way to learn.

THE DC DENTIST 509 11th St, SE 202-544-3626

Holistic, biological and ecofriendly dentistry. See ad, page 31.

Green juices and food for health and longevity Serving northern VA See ad, page 15.






Picture Plan for your future. Birth and postpartum doula offering a variety of women’s wellness services. We support birth with great confidence and help you welcome your new baby. See ad, page 42.


801 Wayne Ave, Ste G200, Silver Spring • 301-588-0768



Independent in your health care using natural solutions. Serving the D.C. metro area and beyond.

NATIONAL INTEGRATED HEALTH ASSOCIATES 5225 Wisconsin Ave, NW Julianne O’Dwyer Health Essentials Coaching Program. See ad, page 30.

4800 Sangamore Rd, Bethesda, MD 301-229-6107


With over 25 years experience event planning, our concentration is in the area of Health and Wellness. Whether you are interested in a high-energy full-scale conference or a small meeting/workshop, let us help plan your next health and wellness event.

ENERGY HEALING LIZETTE AYALA Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • Lizette Ayala, Energy Health Coach, specializes in teaching the art of self-healing and mind-body health, breaking energy draining patterns and reducing unproductive stress. See ad, page 8.


HEALING GATEWAY 877-534-5534

Sherry Lynn Dmytrewycz invites you to enter into a healthier, unlimited life with an energy clearing for you, your space or your animals. Handson or distance sessions. See ad, page 23.

KHEPRA’S RAW FOOD & JUICE BAR 402 H St, NE 202-803-2063 KheprasRawFoodJuicebar. com

Bright take-out spot featuring organic, raw-vegan foods.

natural awakenings

January 2016



RAW LIVING D’LIGHT 571-471-2891

Green juices and food for health and longevity Serving northern VA See ad, page 15.

RELAY FOODS 202-618-6048


Certified aromatherapist and herbalist offering lifestyle consultations and handmade products, including soaps, balms, and beard oils. Reach a better state of body and mind. See ad, page 44.


An online farmers market and grocery store. Home delivery and local pick-up sites in the D.C. metro area.


6349 A Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 703-750-6675 • Chico’s Pet Depot Holistic Pet Care is your neighborhood store for all natural, organic and holistic pet food, supplements and alternative remedies for all your pet needs. Unique and customized supplies catering to your “special needs” companion. Pet adoption, grooming, pet events and more.

WHOLE PET CENTRAL We are your one-stop destination for all things natural regarding your pet’s nutritional and grooming needs. Shop online or visit one of our stores locations in Rockville, MD, Herndon, VA or Ashburn, VA. See ad, page 45.


Herb School for beginners and advanced students. West of the D.C. Metro area, in the beautiful Blue Ridge. See ad, page 28.

Chinese tonic herbs and free consultations. Serving the greater D.C. area.


Take health into your hands. O ff e r i n g w e l l n e s s t h r o u g h elemental living.

HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING ANDREA BEAMAN, HHC, AADP Holistic Health Counselor and Thyroid Expert

Tap into your deeper wisdom and sense of purpose. Understand your moods and manage them better. Hetty works with women, couples and offers groups to learn and practice skills of selfunderstanding and leadership.See ad, page 11.


A nonprofit resource for parents seeking support in their natural lifestyle choices. All chapters hold monthly meetings and most offer supplemental activities.


Individualized treatments for optimal health and well-being. Located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of D.C.


Washington, D.C.


Organizing and promoting holistic health conferences. Marketing for holistic health practitioners. Facilitating local U.S. and abroad retreats to reconnect with nature, indigenous ancient wisdom and natural medicine. Non-GMO sustainably harvested super green food detoxification health coach. Green ecofriendly living health advocate. See ad, page 20.


InSitu EcoTesting LLC GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055 • Consulting company inspecting indoor environment for biological agents negatively affecting human health. Mainly focused on mold, also includes sewage contamination and pet and pest allergens. See ad, page 2.


Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • Dr. Sultana Afrooz specializes in diagnosing and treating patients who have been chronically ill from effects of tick borne infection, mold toxicity, and environmental toxicity. See ad, page 8.


800 South Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg 301-664-6464

Casey Health offers primary care, acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, yoga therapy, massage, behavioral health, wellness classes and health coaching all aimed at getting people healthy.

ANGELA GABRIEL, MSOM, LAC, CH GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055, 202-300-4981

Classical Chinese medicine, Japanese-style acupuncture, pain and stress management, chronic issues, family care, women’s health, pregnancy, children, Kiiko Matsumoto-style acupuncture, moxibustion, integrative medicine. See ad, page 2.


International Precision Medicine Associates 2200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 4th Fl E., Washington, DC 20037 888-727-6910 With over 30 years of integrative clinical experience, Dr. Gant is passionate about providing the level of personalized care offered by Precision Medicine. He offers advanced diagnostic, genetic, and functional laboratory testing targeted to reverse chronic disorders and diseases, optimize physical wellness and brain health, as well as overcome addictions. He brings together the best of holistic and conventional medicine options. See ad, page 25.

GW CENTER FOR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 908 New Hampshire Ave, NW, DC 202-833-5055 •

A clinic that effectively combines use of traditional and conventional evidence-based medical practices through a variety of complementary and alternative therapies and has many years of close collaboration with George Washington University Medical Center and a variety of physicians in most subspecialties. See ad, page 2.


Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 Sushma Hirani, MD, specializes in functional and integrative medicine to treat chronic diseases. She has a special interest in women’s health care, natural hormone balancing, and detoxification. See ad, page 8.

INDIGO INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CLINIC 1010 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 660, DC 202-298-9131

The body has an innate ability to heal itself and achieve balance from everyday stressors through non-toxic, non-aggressive and highly effective modalities. See ad, page 3.


Serving Northern VA Handcrafted designer jewelrycustom pieces, classes.



6829 Elm St, Ste 300, McLean, VA 703-532-4892


We offer patients suffering with chronic pain and illness an effective model of medical care, incorporating elements of conventional and alternative medicine. Our team provides an integrative approach that addresses root causes of an individual’s pain and illness, including problems of the mind and spirit that may be contributing to the disease process. See ad, page 5.

7124 Lineweaver Rd, Warrenton, VA and beyond 540-364-2639

World’s only made-toorder kombucha. .


AT EASE: TRAGER AND MASSAGE Lisa Bregman 202-686-7202


GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055 •

Dr. Kogan is Medical Director of GW Center for Integrative Medicine where he provides integrative consultations and primary care. In addition, he does geriatric consultations at GW University Hospital and makes home visits to frail patients. See ad, page 2.


2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • At Rose Wellness Center, we practice an integrative approach to medicine by combining the best of conventional and alternative medicine. Services include hormone balancing, acupuncture, allergy management (AAT), energy healing, specialty testing, and detoxification. See ad, page 8.


GW Center for Integrative Medicine 908 New Hampshire Ave, Ste 200 202-833-5055

Deep bodywork that uses rhythmic, wavelike movement to ease pain, joint and muscle tension, and release long-held uncomfortable movement and postural patterns. See ad, page 2.

CHAAN THAI MASSAGE 703-870-7688 and 703-8468228 Locations in Herndon and Fairfax, VA

Chaan combines physical stimulation with mindful meditation. See ad, page 26.

RESTON HEALING CENTER 11700 Bowman Green Dr, Reston, VA 571-375-2630

Premier holistic chiropractic, massage and aromatherapy.

WONDER WOMAN WELLNESS 301-246-2569 Info@Wonder

Dr. Ilana Seidel’s approach with her patients focuses on their whole health while incorporating her background in functional medicine, Heartmath, osteopathy, Reiki and integrative medicine. See ad, page 2.

Expert therapeutic massage in the comfort of your home. Serving the D.C. area.

natural awakenings

January 2016




2200 Pennsylvania Ave, 4th Floor East, NW 888-727-6910 Offering the most advanced fully integrative personalized healthcare. Leaders in precisely addressing root causes of chronic disorders unique to the individual. Extensive experience with all physical disorders, mood disorders, childhood spectrum, addictions, as well as improving personal performance. See ad, page 25.


301-986-1090 Empowering people to heal. Embracing optimal wellness. Mindfulness classes and services offered: yoga, meditation, tai chi, Nia, acupuncture, massage, Reiki, qigong, craniosacral, hypnosis and more.



Classes to prepare for natural childbirth. Classes given in D.C.

BETHESDA TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION CENTER 11300 Rockville Pike, Ste 408, North Bethesda, MD 301-770-5690 •

The evidence-based technique for inner peace and wellness. See ad, page 27.


Northern Virginia Midwife and Wellness Care. Offering birth center and home birth. See ad, page 20.


Mindfulness-based counseling and meditation instruction. Dr. Byrne teaches classes, retreats, and workshops on Buddhism and meditation in the Washington, D.C. area and nationwide and provides individual counseling.


Adult & Pediatric Naturopathic Medicine GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055 •


Dr. Ledenac is a Naturopathic Physician in family medicine caring for adults and children. She has a special focus in weight management (body composition improvement), nutritional assessments, pediatrics and women’s health including fertility care. See ad, page 2.

4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD 301-986-1090

Nonprofit offering: meditation, yoga, qigong, acupuncture


1616 H St, NW

The evidence-based technique for inner peace and wellness. See ad, page 27.


Holistic nutritionist sampling Purium superfoods. Serving the D.C. metro area. See ad, page 47.


Washington, D.C.


571-471-2891 • Luzy@RawLivingDLight Alkaline foods to restore your health and nourish your body. Microgreens and sprouts, foods for superior health. Classes, workshops and private consultation. Available for lectures and home growing consultations. See ad, page 15.


My work as a Nutrition Educator is focused on working in partnership with individuals who want or need to implement changes to their diet and lifestyle in order to achieve optimal health See ad, page 2.


10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-862-4612 • Babette Lamarre, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, offers individualized recommendations for what to eat/how to live for maximum health and happiness given your particular life situation. See ad, page 41.

ORGANIC FOOD DELIVERY WINTERGREEN ORGANICS We are your gateway to local, organic and natural farmers. We are your online grocery store. Sign up, click on your food to add to your cart, get delivered. It’s that easy. Life is good and healthy.


Stephen Trauger 540-550-2355 • We help you design, build and maintain sustainable systems that integrate the following concepts: Swales, natural soil building strategies, ponds, grey water systems, food production, roof water catchment, gardens, composting and much more.


46950 Community Plaza, Ste 112, Sterling, VA 703-430-8883 ElsaLam@GoldenHealthPharmacy Prescriptions with personal attention (We accept all insurance). Compounding pharmacy for special medications and your pet’s special need. Integrating pharmacy services with nutritional support. Juice Bar, holistic health and wellness workshops, cooking classes for disease management and an infrared sauna with acoustic sound therapy. See ad, page 28.



Reiki-Biofeedback Practitioner GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055 • Luann provides treatments and trainings in the use of Reiki hands-on and biofeedback for self-care, and Reiki care of others. See ad, page 2.

Promoting healing and teaching in Northern VA. Calling in the Sunlight, A Spring Retreat on April 23 and 24.

HOLISTIC REFLEXOLOGY AND BEYOND 703-849-8422 Certified holistic reflexologist custom tailor to your needs. Office in Vienna, VA and home visits and nursing homes.


Healthy People, Healthy Planet. See ad, page 30.

KHEPRA’S RAW FOOD & JUICE BAR 402 H St, NE 202-803-2063 KheprasRawFoodJuicebar. com

Bright take-out spot featuring organic, raw-vegan foods.

Courage to be happier by eliminating negative stress. Serving the greater D.C. metro area.



403 Pathwork Way, Madison, VA

HABANERA FARM, LLC 2916 Whitehaven Rd, Tyaskin, MD 410-873-2953

A spiritual retreat center in the Blue Ridge Mountains. See ad, page 35.

Teas for health and enjoyment.

THE LAND CELEBRATION 411 Three Oaks Dr, Gore, VA Come experience this sacred land to enrich your next gathering. See ad, page 27.


Take health into your hands. O ff e r i n g w e l l n e s s t h r o u g h elemental living



Juneous@ Calmfidence Calmfidence




Serving Northern VA, Metro DC


Certified organic skincare, aromatherapy and Wellness products. See ad, page 10. MD



2854 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton, VA 703-281-1767 • Unity of Fairfax offers a welcoming, environment to explore one’s own relationship with God in a community of like-minded individuals.

A highly experienced practitioner, certified in the medical, therapeutic arena of Cardiac Yoga. Specializing in chronic conditions and degenerative disease. Therapeutic yoga for special conditions and m e d i t a t i o n a r e o ff e r e d b y appointment with GW Center for Integrative Medicine. See ad, page 2.


10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 •


GW Center for Integrative Medicine 202-833-5055 •

A church center for spiritual growth and dynamic transformation

Neck Back & Beyond in Fairfax, VA, offers chiropractic and naturopathic care, acupuncture, massage, colon hydrotherapy (colonics), reflexology, lymphatic drainage, and thermography clinics. See ad, page 41.

natural awakenings

January 2016



WELLNESS CENTER HAMBROCK HOLISTIC HEALING CENTER 297 Herndon Pkwy, Ste 105, Herndon, VA 571-331-9208

Wellness treatments and products. Bringing balance to your life. See ad, page 27.


Pema Choepel Mallu, DVM, CVA, M.Ac, L.Ac Kitty Raichura DVM, CVA 12627 Wisteria Dr, Ste C & D, Germantown 240-715-6570 We offer integrative compassionate veterinary c a r e . We v i e w y o u r animal as a whole focusing on the root cause of dis-harmony for long-term healing. See ad, page 42.

VETERINARY HOLISTIC CARE 4820 Moorland Ln, Bethesda, MD 301-656-2882 •

We’ll introduce you to thousands of our friends when you advertise in the

February Friendship and Dental Health Issue

A  holisticveterinary clinic focused on keeping your pet healthy by promoting quality of life while providing excellent integrative medical care in an exceptional environment. See ad, page 39.


370 Maple Avenue West Unit 1, Vienna, VA 703-242-TONE (8663) Jazz up your routine and experience the latest trend in full-body workout. Barre Tone is ideal for those who want to sculpt, strengthen and increase flexibility, while enjoying the infusion of dance, aerobics with the benefits of the ballet barre at its core. Leave with renewed energy, a calmer spirit and a new passion for life. See ad, page 10.

SKY HOUSE YOGA 911 Silver Spring Ave, Ste 201, Silver Spring, MD A donation-based wellness collective.


Falls Church, VA 310-809-0418 Sumona Apsara Parii is a dedicated yoga teacher and Indian classical dancer. At present, Sumona is offering private instruction of yoga for women. See ad, page 41.

THE MINDFULNESS CENTER 4963 Elm St, Ste 100 Bethesda, MD 301-986-1090

Nonprofit offering: meditation, yoga, qigong, acupuncture,

YOGA WITH NYA Nya Alemayhu is a yoga instructor in Washington, D.C., dedicated to building community through sharing the practice of yoga. Nya offers private instruction and workplace yoga. See ad, page 20.


202-246-9592 • Experienced yoga therapist/coach available for group and individual sessions drawing from a deep well of creative, somatic and reflective methods to help you flourish. See ad, page 2.


To advertise or participate in our next issue, call

202-505-4835 58

Washington, D.C.

8227 Old Courthouse Rd, Ste 310, Vienna, VA 703-356-9642 An oasis of peace in the Tysons/Vienna area. See ad, page 26.

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