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Functional Dentistry
How Our Oral Health Offers Clues to Whole-Body Health
February 2016 | Washington, D.C. Edition | NaturalAwakeningsDC.com 1
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夀漀甀ᤠ氀氀 猀氀攀攀瀀 椀渀 挀漀洀昀漀爀琀 漀渀 愀 匀愀瘀瘀礀 刀攀猀琀ᐠ眀椀琀栀漀甀琀 眀漀爀爀礀 愀戀漀甀琀 戀爀攀愀琀栀椀渀最 椀渀 眀栀愀琀攀瘀攀爀 礀漀甀爀 洀愀琀琀爀攀猀猀 椀猀 戀爀攀愀琀栀椀渀最 漀甀琀⸀ 圀栀攀琀栀攀爀 圀栀攀琀栀攀爀 礀漀甀 渀攀攀搀 愀 猀甀瀀攀爀ⴀ猀漀昀琀 琀漀瀀 漀爀 攀砀琀爀愀ⴀⴀ爀洀 猀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀Ⰰ 礀漀甀爀 匀愀瘀瘀礀 刀攀猀琀 漀爀最愀渀椀挀 洀愀琀琀爀攀猀猀 眀椀氀氀 戀攀 洀愀搀攀 樀甀猀琀 昀漀爀 礀漀甀⸀
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letterfrompublisher My dear readers, contact us Publisher, Editor in Chief Robin Fillmore Contributing Editors Jessica Bradshaw Randy Kambic Grace Ogden Design & Production Irene Sankey Marketing Director Beverly Nickerson Sales Director Malika Hook Muhammad Outreach Director Samantha Hudgins Natural Awakenings of Washington, D.C. Phone: 202-505-4835 Fax: 202-827-7955 4938 Hampden Lane, #214 Bethesda, MD 20814 Robin@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com NaturalAwakeningsDC.com ©2016 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscribe online to receive FREE monthly digital magazine at NaturalAwakeningsDC.com.
This month we are featuring friendships—how important it is to have them, ways to build them and the benefits of keeping them. I love this topic and was fascinated to read about the research that has recently been offered about the value for happiness, good health and a sustained life if one has friends to help guide the way. I am blessed to have a great group of friends—both near and far, who help fill my life with shared experiences, valuable advice and loving support. My husband, John, is my best friend as well as my deepest love. It is so beautiJohn and Robin ful that we have nurtured this relationship to a place that has exceeded my expectations. Yet it does require work, compromise and, at times, a bit of sacrifice. Perhaps my favorite “quote” about love and friendship is actually a biblical passage, a standard at many wedding celebrations, and for good reason. “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” It is a daily walk to nurture this love and friendship but it is well worth the journey. One reason my friendship with John is so strong is that trust is at the core of our relationship. This is particularly important for me, as I always have had as many male as female friends. Another man might be jealous of the time I spend with my guy-pals but John understands the camaraderie I share with them. Perhaps it is the byproduct of growing up with two brothers, but having male friends is important to me—as well as fun. Although sometimes, it is just so great to hang with “the ladies.” Sharing the bonds of female friendship, with friends close by who regularly share lunch with me, and with those who no longer live nearby but stay in touch through social media, calls and notes, shape my being. And the research bears that out—that building and sustaining friendships is considered, according to The Happiness Project author, Gretchen Rubin, “probably the most meaningful contributor to happiness.” Also this month, we explore the growing movement for biological and holistic dentistry. While there is a massive wave toward more holistic health care, in matters of the mouth, the trend has lagged a bit behind. But hopefully, not for long. The greater D.C. area is lucky to have some of the leaders in the country (and perhaps, the world) in biological dentistry, whom we highlight this month. If we are concerned about what food and medications we consume, it makes sense that we should be as vigilant in understanding what types of metals and other materials we are putting into our mouths— which can remain for decades and affect your health on so many levels. I encourage you to learn more about the importance of holistic dental care this month and see if it is time to rethink your own approach to caring for your teeth and gums. Finally, we are coming into event season, with lots of exciting ways to connect with the greater community of wellness seekers. Kicking off next month are Grow Your Health, a gardening, local food and wellness festival that takes place in Fairfax, and the D.C. Environmental Film Festival, offering different approaches to learning about your health and the world around us. Plan to attend—and better yet, take a friend! Peace,
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Washington, D.C.
Robin Fillmore, Publisher
contents 14 10 newsbriefs 14 healthbriefs 1 8 globalbriefs 25 business
spotlight 26 practitioner spotlight 18 30 community spotlight 3 1 inspiration 32 ecotip 33 event spotlight 32 35 healthybody 36 leadingedge 38 geenliving 4 1 calendar 45 resourceguide
advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 202-505-4835 or email Robin@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com. Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Robin@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com. Deadline for editorial, news briefs and health briefs are due by the 10th. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Submit Calendar Events online: NaturalAwakeningsDC.com within the advertising section. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
It Sustains, Nourishes and Supports Us by Judith Fertig
with Acupuncture Treatment by Shawna E.M. Snyder
Functional Dentistry Connects Oral Health to Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease by Linda Sechrist
The Key to Good Health by Julianne O’Dwyer
Cross-Country Ski to Explore Winter’s Wonders
by Randy Kambic
To Explore “Parks: Protecting Wild” by Helen Strong
An Interview with Dr. Charles Gant
Going Online Makes it Easier by Avery Mack
NaturalAwakeningsDC.com NaturalAwakeningsMag.com 9
Basketball Meets Yoga
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Washington, D.C.
he Gallaudet University men’s basketball team had their first class at Bikram Yoga Ivy City Tuesday last month. This is a growing trend as Bikram yoga is becoming increasingly popular among athletes and sports enthusiasts. Practicing hatha yoga postures (asanas) is the only natural physical activity where participants gain energy, instead of losing it. The Gallaudet Bisons participated in a one-hour power express class. Teacher David Galan rose to the challenge of offering yoga to the deaf and hard of hearing community by demonstrating all of the postures in such a way to provide detailed instruction. Galan notes, “The Bisons are all so strong and flexible and they really demonstrated their athletic ability. Many of the players had such an incredibly strong practice. We look forward to many more classes with Gallaudet athletics.” Working with athletes is one of the goals that practice owner, Kendra Blackett-Dibinga, set out to do when she founded her practice. She has created an athlete training program to restore, rebuild and heal the athlete body. According to Blackett-Dibinga, “Every athlete has the potential to enhance their ability in their chosen sport by incorporating a consistent yoga practice. Bikram yoga improves performance of the circulatory, muscular, skeletal, respiratory and nervous systems. Yoga trains the athlete’s body to utilize multiple areas of the body thereby reversing compensatory patterns that arise from repetitive training regimens. Bikram yoga also improves the athlete’s focus and concentration. Increased body awareness may help athletes become less injury prone.” Location: 1510 Okie St., NE. For more information, visit BikramYogaRiverIC.com.
Barnard Medical Center is Now Open
arnard Medical Center, founded by Neal Barnard, M.D., the New York Times bestselling author, is now open to receive patients at 5100 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 401, in D.C. Barnard has assembled a team of medical professionals, in this nonprofit medical center, to offer a new, comprehensive approach to treating a whole range of conditions. They integrate nutrition and medicine into every visit, bringing diet to the forefront of primary medical care. “We have an opportunity to change the paradigm of how we prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease by using lifestyle, specifically food, as medicine,” says James Loomis, M.D., medical director for Barnard Medical Center. “The approach is simple and it’s effective.” The medical staff will be using dietary prescriptions and state-of-the-art medical treatment to help patients take control of their health and fight back against chronic disease, which accounts for 70 percent of premature deaths and 75 percent of health care spending nationally. They work alongside a team of registered dietitians, who provide additional one-on-one counseling, extended group support and weekly nutrition education classes, where grocery store tours, cooking demos and learning how to read nutrition labels are part of the curriculum. For more information, visit BarnardMedical.org. See ad, page 2.
Reiki Training Offered in Bethesda
ecome Reiki I certified with this weekend-training offered at The Mindfulness Center, in Bethesda, on February 6 and 7. This training gives attendees an understanding of reiki and its benefits for themselves and others. No previous experience necessary, just a desire to learn helpful and healthful techniques for self-care. This class is particularly beneficial for social workers (CEUs available), yoga instructors, healthcare workers and massage therapists, that wish to further they own practices. With the tools of reiki, attendees will learn to be more perceptive of their own energy and the energy of others. Through the practice of self-reiki, they will learn tools for self-care and resiliency to reduce stress and prevent burnout. They will also learn the clinical and therapeutic applications of reiki. This class is taught by Diane Armstrong, who uses the reiki style of Usui Shiki Ryoho in this training. Cost: $200. Location: The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St., Ste. 100, Bethesda. For more information, call 301-9861090 or visit workshops at TheMindfulnessCenter.org.
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Celebrate with Bikram Yoga Riverdale Park
inding that perfect expression of love for Valentine’s Day can be a challenge—but it doesn’t have to be. Neck, Back and Beyond, in Fairfax, is offering special Valentine’s Day gift certificates for some of their most well-loved, healing treatments, such as chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, polarity therapy, reflexology, lymphatic drainage and colon hydrotherapy. Known as leaders in the area for providing expert health support, this unique gift to your special person shows that their health is your concern. The certificates come in the denomination of your choice and can be used for all their treatments. It is easy to pamper your special someone this February with a specialized gift certificate from Neck, Back and Beyond.
oin the second anniversary open house at Bikram Yoga Riverdale Park, in PG County, over the weekend of February 20 and 21. An amazing celebration is planned with events such henna artists, wine tasting, acupuncture, massage, music and lots of great classes. Plus, there is an opportunity to just stop by and take a tour of the beautiful state-of-the-art facilities. This will be a special fun-filled weekend, including music pumping hot Pilates classes in addition to lots of yoga. For those who are curious but haven’t yet tried yoga, this is an opportunity to join the beginners’ series and spend some time on the mat. Riverdale Park is a wonderfully inclusive community, with no judgment—just yoga. The party continues the next weekend with a special Yoga Nidra Meditation the following Sunday. Keep up to date for events at all three of their locations (Bikram Yoga Ivy City, Bikram Yoga Takoma Park and Bikram Yoga Riverdale Park) with their free app.
Location: 10560 Main St., Ste. 204, Fairfax. For more information, call 703-865-5690 or visit NeckBackAndBeyond.com. See ad, page 14.
Location: 6202 Rhode Island Ave., Ste. 200, Riverdale. For more information and schedule for the weekends’ events, visit BikramYogaRiverIC.com.
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New Program to Potentially Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
or the sufferers of Type 2 diabetes, the potential for a pain-free life of optimal health is limited. One is usually faced with maintaining the disease, along with the life-altering problems and dangers that can accompany its progression. Now, the program, 90 Days to Alive, offered by E4, offers new hope. E4 is the avowed life mission of John Vargas REVERSE Eddy. E4 is an organization DIABETES based on the principles of health, ethics, sustainability and spirituality dedicated to sound, alternative, researchbased solutions and results for sufferers of chronic diseases with a current focus on reversing Type 2 diabetes with the 90 Days to Alive program. The program’s list of credentialed professionals include: a Ph.D. and expert in lifestyle medicine with more than 25 years of success in reversing diabetes; an internationally known dietitian who successfully proved diabetes reversal in the Marshall Islands, where over 38 percent of adults have Type 2 diabetes; a registered dietician and a board-certified diabetes educator. “We want to show people they have more viable options than they may know about in dealing with Type 2 diabetes, and even reversing it. The program is about healthy, attainable and sustainable results,” says Eddy. The program is a safe, serious and proven alternative to pills and insulin. Among its results is the real possibility of stable blood sugar in 90 days. Current participants have already seen great results, like SL who writes: “In just six weeks I am happy I achieved reversal of diabetes! Lowered total cholesterol over 80 points. Weight loss of 25 pounds.”
: Yes there is, and the material of choice is zirconia which is an excellent and safe alternative to titanium. Dental implant materials have evolved considerably and we at Miles of Smiles have, since 2009, opted to work exclusively with metal-free, ceramic implants made of zirconia. Here are a few advantages, among many, of using zirconia ceramic dental implants: • Metal-free—no metallic taste in the mouth • Corrosion-free—no metal ions released in your body • Natural—Bioceramics are truly biocompatible and are much more similar to natural teeth than titanium. • Highly Aesthetic—compared to metal implants zirconia’s white color allows for far superior aesthetics compared to regular titanium implants.
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: I am missing a few teeth and would like to replace them with implants, however, I do not want metals in my mouth. Is there a natural and healthy option available to replace my teeth?
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Kids Get Fewer Cavities When Mothers Chew Xylitol Gum
esearch published in the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry has concluded mothers that chew natural xylitol gum regularly will significantly reduce oral infections of mutans streptococcus bacteria in their infants. Five research teams and 11 randomized studies of 601 mothers and their children showed 46 percent fewer infections of the bacteria, which is the central species responsible for dental caries and periodontal disease. The studies included children that were 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months old. Other research supports the claim of xylitol’s beneficial nature. A study from the University of Manchester, in England, analyzing data from 4,216 schoolchildren, showed that using toothpaste containing xylitol with fluoride resulted in 13 percent less tooth decay than using toothpaste with fluoride only. Note: Xylitol is toxic to dogs; if ingested, consult a veterinarian.
Olive Oil Compound Kills Cancer Cells
esearchers from Rutgers University have found that an ingredient in olive oil will kill cancer cells in under an hour. The researchers tested a compound called oleocanthal, a central component of extra virgin olive oil, and found that it caused the premature death of cancer cells in the laboratory by puncturing cancer cell vesicles, called lysosomes. “We needed to determine if oleocanthal was targeting that protein and causing the cells to die,” says Paul Breslin, Ph.D., a professor of nutritional sciences in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers and co-author of the study, published in Molecular and Cellular Oncology. The research also found that the olive oil compound didn’t damage healthy cells. Breslin states that the compound merely “put them to sleep” for a day, after which they resumed their normal, healthy functioning. Senior author David Foster, Ph.D., of Hunter College, points out that additional studies are necessary to determine if the compound halts tumor growth. “We also need to understand why it is that cancerous cells are more sensitive to oleocanthal than non-cancerous cells,” he says.
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month 14
Washington, D.C.
Bifidobacteria Probiotic Fends Off Colds and Flu
n a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that supplementing with bifidobacteria probiotics will reduce colds and flu. The study followed 581 college students for six weeks as they prepared for their final exams. During the study period, the students consumed a placebo or a daily supplement with one of three probiotics, including Bifidobacterium bifidum. The students given the bifidum supplement experienced significantly fewer cold or flu infections, and when they did succumb, the infection was generally less severe. The other probiotic supplements did not reduce colds or flu compared to the placebo for the six weeks.
High-Fructose Sweetener Aggravates Asthma and Bronchitis
large study from the New York Medical College and the University of Massachusetts found that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is linked to a greater risk of asthma and chronic bronchitis. The research included 2,801 people between the ages of 20 and 55 years old. The scientists utilized health data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2003 to 2006 to compare people with a history of chronic bronchitis. The study measured the types of soft drinks consumed, eliminating risks related to known asthma relationships such as smoking. The researchers found those that drank five or more HFCS-containing sodas per week had an 80 percent increased incidence of chronic bronchitis. Greater intake of HFCS has also been linked with higher risk of other health conditions, including diabetes and obesity.
Mediterranean Diet Sustains More Youthful Brain Sizes
Kids Learn Social Skills Through Pretending and Joking
esearch published in the journal Cognitive Science has found that toddlers with parents that played with them using humor and fantasy gained increased skills for learning, imagining and bonding, along with thinking in abstract ways. The researchers tested children between 16 and 24 months old in two phases. The first utilized action play among 25 kids and the second utilized verbal play among 40 children. The parents and children pretended to do activities such as washing their hands with no soap or creating situations using a toy. During the second phase, the children and parents played around jokingly by using words, identifying things in funny ways and making believe they were doing things. The researchers found that joking and pretend play allowed the kids to distinguish cues that helped them communicate and develop skills to understand intentions. The study also found that older toddlers relied more on verbal cues to understand pretending and joking communications.
s we age, our brains shrink, a condition linked to cognitive impairment. According to a study from Columbia University, a healthy diet can help reduce such occurrences. The researchers studied 674 adults with an average age of 80. They were divided into two groups, depending upon their diets, and given magnetic resonance imaging scans to measure total brain volume and thickness. It was found that those following diets that most closely resembled the Mediterranean diet—less meat and more vegetables and fish—had larger brain sizes with less shrinking. The researchers equated the average size difference between the groups to about five years of aging. Dr. Yian Gu, a neuropsychology professor at Columbia University, says, “This is another study consistent with previous studies that indicate the Mediterranean diet is an overall healthy diet.” 15
Two Ways to Improve Your Health by Laina Poulakos
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Cayenne Adds More Than Just Spice
picy cayenne pepper has many health benefits. It adds a tasty zing to chili and other spicy dishes but there is so much more to this pepper. The caspaicin in cayenne is the active ingredient that provides the health benefits. For example, cayenne is used in many muscle rubs to soothe pain. Mixing a few dashes of the cayenne into a few teaspoons of olive oil makes an excellent muscle rub. The capsaicin in cayenne is also helpful with skin conditions such as psoriasis, providing relief from itching. For those looking to lose a bit of weight, try adding some cayenne to your dinner—as it is an appetite suppressant and burns calories. Cayenne works this magic by increasing the body temperature and improving circulation. Cayenne is also beneficial when suffering from a cold or flu. As a powerful decongestant, it stimulates the release of mucus. It can also help to regulate blood sugar, which can provide support for those who struggle with diabetics. Just a sprinkle of spicy cayenne will make your food delicious and will provide many health benefits.
The Essence of Aromatherapy
romatherapy is the use of plants’ oils, or essential oils. Not only are these oils full of beneficial properties to promote physical and psychological well-being, they have numerous medicinal uses. Thus, they can uplift the mood and soothe body ailments. Essential oils can be inhaled into the body where they encourage cellular renewal, enhance emotions and rejuvenate the spirit. When inhaled, the molecules of the oil, carried in the aroma, penetrate the bloodstream through the lungs. This causes a physiological change in the limbic area of the brain, which is the oldest part of the brain and is related to emotions and memories. Essential oils are also beneficial when applied topically and diluted with a carrier oil. If used correctly, with knowledge of their properties, aromatherapy can enhance one’s life. Laina Poulakos is the founder of Mother’s Nature Store and is available for private consultations about aromatherapy by calling 703-851-0087 or visiting Mothers NatureStore.com. See ad, page 36.
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Prolotherapy – a Sweet Solution to Chronic Pain
by Gary Kaplan, DO rolotherapy, also sometimes referred to as “regenerative injection therapy”, is a treatment for tendon, ligament or joint pain. It’s a safe and effective non-surgical option, whether your pain is from a previous injury or from the wear and tear of aging. Injuries such as sprains benefit from prolotherapy. It is also beneficial for pain from the degenerative changes of arthritis. Treatment consists of injecting a patient with a natural solution, such as a high concentration dextrose (sugar) solution, at tendon and ligament attachment sites to stimulate the body’s natural healing response. This process initiates a localized inflammatory response at the site of the injection and the body starts a healing response which promotes new tissue growth, not scar tissue, which then heals and strengthens the ligament and/or tendon. The repair helps relieve pain and restore function. Unlike steroid injections, which help the pain temporarily but do not promote healing properties, prolotherapy injections induce the proliferation of new cells, which treats the underlying defect and not just the symptoms. The series of injections are done approximately two to six weeks apart, and each treatment builds upon the previous one for cumulative benefit. If pain is keeping you from doing the activities that you would like to do, or perhaps interfering with your daily activities at home or work, consider an evaluation to see if prolotherapy is right for you to alleviate your pain and get you back into the game of your day-to-day life.
Dr. Gary Kaplan is the founder and medical director of the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine which offers patients suffering with chronic pain and illness an effective model of medical care, incorporating elements of conventional and alternative medicine. If you are interested in prolotherapy for your chronic pain, contact them for a consultation at 703-5324892 or KaplanClinic.com. See ad, page 3.
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Super Bowl Eco-Stadium Gains National Spotlight The 50th Super Bowl will take place February 7 at the brandnew Levi’s Stadium, in Santa Clara, outside San Francisco, and the anniversary isn’t the only thing that’s historic. As part of a trend toward sustainability in athletic facilities, it’s the greenest and most technologically advanced professional football stadium in the U.S. The structure is designed to support sustainability, located on a site with accessible public transportation plus a bike path to encourage fans to pedal to and from games. Its predominantly open and airy, environmentally friendly building plan also takes advantage of the Silicon Valley climate. One outstanding feature is the green roof atop the suite tower on the west side of the stadium. Another is the three solar bridges connecting the main parking area to the stadium that generate energy from hundreds of solar panels. All of the wood used was repurposed from a local airplane hangar at Moffett Field, in Mountain View, California, and other reclaimed building products were used where possible. Reclaimed water sources serve potable and non-potable uses, including playing field irrigation. The local suppliers providing farm-to-table food menus also are required to practice composting and recycling to the greatest extent possible. For more information, visit LevisStadium.com.
Nice Spice
McCormick Going Non-GMO
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McCormick, the world’s largest spice company, plans to eliminate almost all genetically modified (GMO) ingredients from their product line by 2016. In response to increased consumer demand for healthier options, 80 percent of its overall gourmet herb and spice business in the U.S. will be both organic and non-GMO by 2016, as well as all McCormick-branded herbs, spices and extracts sold in the U.S. They will voluntarily label the updated products to inform consumers as part of a commitment to transparency and consumer education. The first product introduced, a non-GMO vanilla extract, is already available. McCormick also uses steam treatments in its processing to preserve the health benefits of spices instead of the ionizing irradiation used by competitors. Although food radiation is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, some studies link it to significant health problems. “Our consumers are increasingly interested in quality flavors with pure ingredients in their food,” says McCormick President and Chief Operating Officer Lawrence Kurzius. “Our efforts prove that we are listening to consumers and are committed to continuing to evolve.” Source: NaturalNews.com
Washington, D.C.
Lions Untamed
Shrine Circus Ends Wild Animal Acts Bill Cunningham, CEO of Dallas-based Fun Time Shows, the largest Shrine Circus producer in the country, says he’ll no longer produce shows featuring elephants, tigers, lions or other wild animals. Cunningham says, “These animals are very special; we cohabit the Earth with them and they are deserving of our respect and awe. They’re not here to perform tricks for our entertainment.” He says, “I’ve tried to listen to the mothers that said they didn’t want their kids to grow up and learn that the animals they saw had been probed, poked, prodded and chained to a floor.” The move has received an outpouring of support from outside the industry, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Cunningham’s Shrine Circuses will still feature high wire acts, human cannonballs, trapeze artists and motorcycle tricks, along with performing horses and dogs. “The horses and dogs act in true collaboration with their owners,” says Cunningham. “We feel the audience still wants to see domestic animals.”
Pioneering Aspen Ski Town Runs Entirely on Renewables
Source: GreenSourceDFW.org
Athletic shoemaker Adidas has teamed up with New York-based Parley for the Oceans, a multidisciplinary organization with a passion for protecting the oceans, to make footwear out of garbage. Available soon, the soft upper part of the shoe is knitted entirely from waste and debris pulled from the ocean, including yarn and fibers—just some of the estimated 5.25 trillion pieces of trash in the sea. With no extra material left over, nothing goes to waste; the shoes also incorporate illegal fishing nets taken from poachers. Adidas executive Eric Liedtke suggests the technology could move beyond shoes and find its way to T-shirts, shorts and other apparel. A full line of similar consumer-ready products will be integrated into the Adidas line this year. The larger issue goes beyond recycling and repurposing to avoid waste altogether. Plastic takes more than 450 years to decompose, so conservationists and researchers at Parley for the Oceans hope to re-imagine plastics by designing a renewable solution. In cleaning up our oceans, we protect ecosystems, food sources, jobs and local economies.
Aspen, Colorado, with a population of 7,000, has become the third municipality in the country, along with Burlington, Vermont, and Greensburg, Kansas, to receive all of its power from renewable sources. Its energy portfolio now consists primarily of wind power and hydroelectric, with smaller contributions from solar and geothermal. The development reflects a decadelong effort made possible in part by a significant drop in the price of renewable energy and new government regulations that internalize some of the pollution costs of fossil fuels, making energy sources like coal increasingly uncompetitive. More than one-third of American coal plants have been shut down in the past six years and new carbon rules make it possible that no new coal plants will ever be built in the U.S.
Source: Upworthy
Source: ThinkProgress.org
Ocean Wear
Adidas Using Plastic Ocean Debris to Make Shoes
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Being listened to is so close to being loved that most people cannot tell the difference. ~David Augsberg
THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP It Sustains, Nourishes and Supports Us by Judith Fertig
For a reason, a season or a lifetime, friends help us cope with challenges, motivate our best work and celebrate life. Friendships take many forms, crossing generations and self-imposed boundaries, and even spring up between unlikely confidants.
hildhood friends Matt Damon and Ben Affleck collaborated on the Oscar-winning screenplay for Good Will Hunting. Fierce tennis competitors Serena Williams and Caroline Wozniacki like to get together for a gal-pal getaway after a major match. Country music artists Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood married following an 18-year friendship; “We had a lot more in common than I ever dreamed we did,” says Brooks. Rafts of research confirm how friendship enriches us. Carlin Flora, of New York City, spent years as a Psychology Today writer and editor before penning Friendfluence: The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We Are. She notes that among the varied and perhaps unforeseen benefits, friendships can help us “shed pounds, sleep better, stop smoking and even survive a major illness.”
Washington, D.C.
An ongoing, two-decade-plus study of nearly 1,500 seniors by the Flinders University Centre for Ageing Studies, in Australia, found those with a large network of friends outliving others with the fewest friends by 22 percent. The University of Chicago National Opinion Research Center also reports people with five or more close friends as 50 percent more likely to describe themselves as “very happy” than those maintaining fewer confidants. “Friends past and present play powerful and often unappreciated roles in determining our sense of self and the direction of our lives,” says Flora. “Even in a supposedly meritocratic society, friends give jobs and assignments to each other, so having friends that share your career interests and aspirations can get you much farther than you could ever get on your own.”
Make New Friends, Keep the Old Today, making and keeping friends can be challenging, due to distance, frequent life changes, overprotective parenting and substituting social media for more intimate face time. It all makes friendship more fluid than we might realize, says Shasta Nelson, the San Francisco founder of GirlFriendCircles. com, a women’s friendship matching site and author of Friendships Don’t Just Happen: The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of Girlfriends, plus the upcoming book, Frientimacy, about deepening such relationships. “Most of us replace half of our close friends every seven years,” says Nelson. Although this might seem alarming, she considers it a natural ebb and flow. “We all need a couple of very close friends, while others that come and go might just be what we currently need—at work or school, among firsttime parents, in a new neighborhood, starting a job, in retirement or during some other life change,” she says. Canadian Greg Tjosvold, a married middle school teacher in Vancouver, Canada, has enjoyed great friendships with women, including his wife, partly because he doesn’t relate to men’s generally competitive nature and interest in sports. But when a close female friend moved away, he wanted to expand his circle to include men. He joined a group called The Barley Brethren that sample craft beers and talk about life. Although not into suds, he values “having a safe and enjoyable place to discuss deep issues, victories and temporary setbacks.” He admits, “That’s over-simplification, though.” Finding a group of men he can feel a part of has validated him, making this unique man still feel like one of the guys. Nelson categorizes the concentric circles of developing friendship as starting with a mutually agreeable acquaintance or contact, and then moving emotionally closer with someone that we find similarities with. Then the original bond can enter the confirmed friend category. A group of friends, like a longtime book club, can constitute a community. The highest level is the committed friend that has evolved into a trusted and valuable life companion.
Sarah Huntsman Reed, a medical counselor in Kansas City, Missouri, has such a lifelong friend. She met Doug Reed, now a pharmacist, when both were in their high school musical, Once Upon a Mattress. Reed had a great sense of humor, Sarah remembers. “He’s still the most honest yet kindest person I’ve met,” she says. Soon, their mothers became friends, too, and the two teens would pair up for family weddings. Then she went to college and married and he moved away; yet they stayed in touch through mutual friends and their moms, catching up in person when he returned to his hometown. Seventeen years after they first met, by which time Sarah was divorced, the two discussed taking their friendship to the next level and soon married. “It was a big decision to commit, because we knew so much about each other,” she says. “But we prefer each other’s company, and it was the best thing we ever did.”
Safety Net In trying times, friends can surround us with positive energy, says Madisyn Taylor, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the spiritual blog DailyOm, in Ashland, Oregon. “The people we love form a protective barrier that buffers and shields us from many of the world’s
Hallmarks of good friendship include staying in touch and being consistently positive and vulnerable, so as we reveal ourselves over time, we can be authentic with each other.
more crippling blows,” including receiving hurtful slights from others. How we make friends has been altered by today’s social landscape, which includes working parents and Amber Alerts. The days of children freely roaming their neighborhood discovering friends to play with are, unfortunately, over, says Jennifer S. White, a Toledo, Ohio, blogger and author of The Art of Parenting: Love Letters from a Mother. “My long-term friendships from childhood were all built around being neighbors and playing together just because we wanted to,” recalls White. With today’s safety concerns and work-life challenges, parents now set up playdates, a more structured, less organic way of fostering childhood friendships, and they must be proactive to ensure success. White has some misgivings about this modern-day approach. “When I think about that one little gleaming seed of truth at the heart of why, it’s often because I don’t think it’s fair that I have to be a popular ‘playdate mom’ for my kid to have some friends.”
Besties and Buddies Automatic playdates—with siblings—often enhance family ties through lifelong friendships. Sally Ekus is a culinary talent representative in Florence, Massachusetts. Her younger sister, Amelia, is the general manager of Twitter Cafe, in New York City, and lives in Brooklyn. Both foodies have knife-and-fork tattoos. Sally is more into meal ingredients and preparation, while Amelia loves pouring wine and making sure everyone is comfortable. “Together,” says Sally, “we create total hospitality, from lavish Passover seders to Friday nights with friends.” She notes that her sister is the only other person who understands what the world looks like through the Ekus girls’ perspective. Some adults might never meet faceto-face, but become friends via social media. American Jamie Schler, co-owner of the Hotel Diderot, in Chinon, France, with her native-born husband, says, “Social media [especially Facebook posts] is how I meet and make personal friends and keep in touch on a daily basis. As an expat, this is important because I often feel far from family and friends
How to Make Good Friends by Shasta Nelson
Three Necessary Ingredients
Both friendship and romantic bonds are developed when three things occur: We feel satisfied, which happens when an interaction has more positivity than negativity. We feel safe, which comes when we commit to consistent time with each other. We feel seen, which we experience when we practice revealing ourselves and expressing vulnerability. Here’s a formula for creating meaningful connections: Positivity + Consistency + Vulnerability = Frientimacy.
Two Steps
It usually takes most people six to eight interactions with someone new before they start feeling like friends. The sooner they schedule such occasions, the sooner the rewards. c Be open to making new friends. c Make the first move; repeat.
One Ratio
To keep a friendship going, remember that it has to have a positivity-to-negativity ratio of at least five-to-one. That means sharing five times more fun and feel-good moments than stressors that can range from disappointments and frustrations to jealousies. By definition, to be and keep a good friend requires that both parties bring satisfying positivity to the relationship. Source: Adapted from Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Intimacy by Shasta Nelson; scheduled for release in March. 21
Everyone from contemporary scientists to ancient philosophers agrees that having strong social bonds is probably the most meaningful contributor to happiness. ~Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project
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that understand me, share common interests and ideas and speak the same language—and I don’t necessarily mean English.” Her high-tech circle ranges from hometown pals to new friends in the food community and political forums. She raves, “It’s a place where I find them all at the same time!” Nelson remarks, “No one is saying Facebook should replace visits, nights out and phone calls, but in a world where most of us wish we felt closer to
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Washington, D.C.
a few more people, it doesn’t hurt to use every tool at our disposal for creating connections.” Differences in age needn’t be a hurdle in forging friendships. Candelaria Silva-Collins, an arts marketing professional in Boston, attended area social gatherings where she regularly encountered a museum director and his wife. “They seemed like a fantastic couple,” she says, and began a friendship with the older woman, despite their being from different generations. “My friend teaches me a lot about being vital and vibrant,” she says.
Expanding Circles
Becoming friends with people of different ages, languages and social standing gives us a spiritual workout, advises Nelson. With a master’s degree in divinity, Nelson views friendship as a type of health club in which we develop our empathy, forgiveness and compassion muscles through practice. “Friendships are the way we become better people,” she says. Furthermore, the process, especially with people unlike us, leads to a better world. “Being able to inherently care for people we know makes it easier to do the same for people we’ve not met yet,” says Nelson. World peace happens one friend at a time. Freelance writer Judith Fertig also blogs at AlfrescoFoodAndLifestyle.blogspot. com from Overland Park, KS.
The only way to have a friend is to be one. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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I have difficulty falling asleep. The active yang qi cannot enter the restful yin areas of the body, leading to insomnia. I wake up often during the night. Internal heat is stuck in the body, causing insomnia. I wake up early and can’t go back to sleep. Poor lifestyle may have damaged your kidney yin energy. Heat from kidney deficiency is rising up, causing insomnia. I have excessive dreaming during sleep. The brain doesn’t quiet down and it is difficult to relax due to liver deficiency heat or heart fire, causing insomnia. I can’t sleep at all. There’s not enough blood due to either spleen or liver deficiency, causing insomnia.
Get Better Sleep with Acupuncture Treatment by Shawna E.M. Snyder
e are a sleep-deprived culture. Sleep should not be considered a luxury, however, for many, a good night’s rest is hard to come by. If you are an insomniac who finds it difficult to wind down before bed, keep reading. If you’re a caretaker of an infant whose feeding schedule affects your sleep then take as many naps as you can and don’t worry—sleep is in your future.
What Factors Affect Sleep?
There are a slew of factors that can affect our sleep and we impose some upon ourselves as we say to ourselves: “What’s the latest on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat? I must catch up on my episodes on Netflix to avoid the spoilers. Just one more game of online scrabble and then I’ll go to bed.” Sound familiar? Too often we can’t seem to shut our minds off and doze off into the land of sweet slumber.
Are You Sleep Deprived?
When taking a health history from a patient, most will respond that they estimate only five hours of quality sleep a night. They’ll schlepp through the day, supplementing with coffee and sweets to alleviate
some of their fatigue. If it gets really bad, they’ll pop a sleeping pill to guarantee eight hours of sleep, but then suffer the groggy consequences in the morning. Sleep is one of the most critical components of health. If you’re getting less than eight hours of sleep a night, you are putting your health at stake in many ways. Sleep is important for overall health including boosting immunity, sustaining better sex life, reducing pain, being less accidentprone, having a better mood, finding success with weight management, thinking more clearly and having an improved memory.
How Can Acupuncture Help?
Fortunately, chronic insomnia can be treated effectively with acupuncture, which has been shown to improve a person’s sleep including better quality and increased rest time. Not all insomniacs are alike though. Knowing what type of insomnia you are experiencing can help your acupuncturist provide the most effective treatment for you. Check to see whether any of these statements sound like you:
When receiving an acupuncture treatment, the nervous system begins to calm down. Studies have shown that acupuncture naturally reduces levels of cortisol, regulates serotonin and promotes the release of endorphins, all of which relax your mind and body. The acupuncture needles are doing deep work by unraveling subconscious stresses, balancing your qi and releasing the causes of insomnia. It’s quite common for patients to fall asleep on the treatment table. According to a recent study, the relaxation effects of an acupuncture treatment are similar to the restorative healing functions of three hours of sleep. Usually, the night after an acupuncture treatment will be the best a patient will have slept in a long time; however, several days later, symptoms of insomnia may start to return. This is an indication that the patient should receive acupuncture treatment for insomnia more frequently. It usually takes several treatments per week, for several weeks, to fully resolve chronic insomnia. An acupuncturist can also help create a sleep hygiene plan to improve sleep for the patient. Acupuncture is a side-effect-free, non-dependent, natural cure for insomnia. Shawna Snyder is a licensed acupuncturist at Rose Wellness Center, in Oakton, VA, who specializes in pain management using various Chinese Medicine techniques such as cupping, moxibustion and non-needle techniques, as well as a variety of other conditions including stress, insomnia, digestive and women’s health issues. For more information, visit RoseWellness.com. See ad, page 7. 23
provides clinical proof that supports the growing association between medicine and dentistry. “Since our inaugural AAOSH conference [in 2010], Bradley, Amy and Tom have continued to provide the current science and clinical backdrop to the oral/systemic connection to cardiovascular wellness,” says Milligan.
Respiratory Health Links
Functional Dentistry Connects Oral Health to Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease by Linda Sechrist
he focus of functional medicine—whole person health care—easily expands to include dentists trained in oral systemic health. Currently embraced by a small percentage of today’s farsighted dentists and doctors, this relatively new field of prevention and wellness views the mouth as a key portal when considering the status of the whole body. Similar to the way doctors of Oriental medicine assess the heart’s pulse to help diagnose health issues throughout the body, these systemic health dentists consider the gums, tongue, teeth and throat to be key signals of overall health. American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) Executive Director Bobbie Delsasso was a periodontal hygienist for more than 30 years before becoming a consultant and public speaker on the larger perspective. “I taught patients about the importance of good nutrition and alerted them to consult their physician regarding what their mouth health might indicate about their body’s health,” she says. While the academy educates dental professionals to understand the internal workings of nutrition and what the mouth reveals 24
Washington, D.C.
about overall well-being, “Less than 6 percent of physicians even learn adequate basics of nutrition in medical schools,” she notes.
Cardiovascular Health Links Beyond nutrition, academy curricula for dentists now include such titles as Arteriology and Vascular Inflammation – The Oral/Systemic Connection, based on a course designed for medical professionals by physician Bradley Bale and Amy Doneen, an advanced registered nurse practitioner, co-founders of the Bale/Doneen Method for the prevention of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Mike Milligan, a doctor of dental medicine, founder of Eastland Dental Center, in Bloomington, Illinois, and AAOSH president, explains that heart attack and stroke are triggered by an inflammatory process which can be initiated or exacerbated by periodontal disease and abscessed teeth. Thomas Nabors, a doctor of dental surgery and an authority in molecular analysis and genetic risk assessment for periodontal diseases,
Other vital advances in oral systemic health involve treating airway concerns such as snoring and sleep apnea. “Snoring is typically caused by muscles and tissues relaxing in the throat and mouth, resulting in decreased space in the airway passage and vibration of tissues. Eventually, individuals can develop sleep apnea, which can also result in hypertension and other problems,” advises Milligan. In sleep apnea, the sleeper’s breathing pauses often or produces hypopnea, slowed or shallow breathing for 10 or more seconds at a time. Fewer than five episodes per hour is normal, with five to 15 considered mild apnea, 15 to 30 moderate and more than 30 severe. Although 20 percent of Americans may have sleep apnea—typically associated with insomnia, tiredness and less oxygen in the body—95 percent of affected individuals go undiagnosed. To help, Milligan suggests that before
going to bed we lower the thermostat in the bedroom and avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, watching television or working on a computer. Improved breathing helps assuage snoring, sleep apnea, asthma, hay fever and nasal congestion. Milligan cites Patrick McKeown’s work, explained in his book The Oxygen Advantage. An authority on the Buteyko Breathing Method, McKeown explains how improved breathing dramatically improves oxygenation, releases more energy and supports lifelong health and well-being. Muscle retraining using orofacial myofunctional therapy can help prevent sleep apnea and also abate temporomandibular joint disorders. This new field is concerned with orofacial functional patterns and postures when teeth are apart, their status 95 percent of each day and night. It also retrains muscles to keep the tongue at the roof of the mouth and the lips together to prevent breathing through the mouth, correct swallowing function and eliminate poor oral habits such as thumb sucking. Three mechanical treatments for sleep apnea include mandibular advancement oral devices used to move the lower jaw forward, a continuous positive airway pressure machine to aid airway functioning, or surgery, which is the last resort. “The real opportunity for catching and preventing this is with children 5 to 10 years old, when their jaws are developing,” says Milligan. He further cites links discovered between the mouth and brain. “Oral spirochetes, which normally live in the mouth, have been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Dr. Judith Miklossy, from the International Association for Alzheimer’s, spoke at an AAOSH conference about the link between oral bacteria and dementia, and Garth Ehrlich, Ph.D., professor of microbiology, immunology and otolaryngology at Drexel University College of Medicine, addressed rheumatoid arthritis and certain types of cancers. All of these links are more than enough reasons why good oral hygiene is essential to good health,” says Milligan. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at ItsAllAboutWe.com.
Holistic and Eco-Friendly Dentistry at its Finest Spotlight on Dr. Terry Victor, The DC Dentist
by Yejide Calhoun
r. Terry Victor, The DC Dentist, is known for providing holistic and biological care, but what does that mean for his patients and the community? In other words, what makes The DC Dentist holistic? It starts first with Victor’s approach to health. In looking at the patients’ overall health, Victor and his team take the time to speak with his patient’s medical doctors in order to keep everyone all on the same page. They use the least invasive treatment and offer healing care through modern modalities, such as herbal supplements and aromatherapy, to ease the anxiety of a fearful patient. They also prescribe medicine based on their patients’ health care needs. As far as being biological, that is a subset of holistic measures. This means that the materials the staff at The DC Dentist uses are biocompatible with what is already present in the body. They want their patient’s body to accept what they use in the mouth, not reject it, so they are extremely careful with the materials they use. From their herbal toothpaste to their herbal mouth rinse, they use only the best for their patients. Many people don’t realize the adverse effects of having metal fillings in their mouth, but at The DC Dentist, this is of paramount concern. They also work to protect the community with an office, located in Capitol Hill, only a few blocks from Eastern Market, that was specifically designed to be sustainable and to lessen their carbon footprint. They are thinking about the future of all by using X-ray equipment especially designed to omit the least amount of radiation possible, sky lights throughout the office that lessen the amount of electricity, specially designed flooring to help ease and support the bodies of all staff members, a green roof which lowers the waste water in the
sewers and The DC Dentist also uses wind power for utilities. The entire team at The DC Dentist works to provide the best experience possible for all their patients and this care extends to the staff and the community. Dr. Victor’s education has continued well after his graduation from Howard University’s School of Dentistry. He is an accredited doctor by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and a graduate of the prestigious Foundation for Advanced Continuing Education (FACE). Victor’s passion is to give each person that steps through the doors, healthy teeth and gums for life. For that reason he takes pride in expanding his learning and understanding of dentistry and various aspects connected to further help his patients receive the best care he can possibly give. His efforts have been recognized by the community as he was voted Best Dentist by the Washington City Paper in 2014. The DC Dentist’s commitment to each patient doesn’t end with excellent dental care; their office is committed to providing green and healthy living lifestyles to the extended community, one smile at a time. They offer patients and the community at-large the opportunity to learn about healthy food choices and exercise through their Meatless Monday and Fitness Friday morning classes. The DC Dentist staff takes pride in treating each patient well, looking after the health of the staff as well as the Earth we all share. Location: 509 11th St., SE. For more information, visit TheDCDentist.com. See ad, page 5. Yejide Calhoun manages public relations and marketing for The DC Dentist. You can reach her at Media @TheDCDentist.com. 25
A Holistic Alternative for Dental Implants Spotlight on Dr. Sammy Noumbissi by Robin Fillmore
hen Dr. Sammy Noumbissi came to North America for college and dental school, he had no idea that he would be an international leader and trainer in a unique and important field, serving as one of a small group of practitioners in the world who specializes in ceramic implant dentistry. Even though Noumbissi sees patients from all across the U.S. and from as far away as Thailand and the Philippines, fortunately for those in the greater D.C. area, he is right in our backyard. Noumbissi has been practicing in this area since graduating from a master’s program in implant dentistry from Loma Linda University. A seminar that he attended while a student at Howard University Dental School sparked his interest in implants and led to his participation in the three-year master’s program. Following his graduate work, he rounded out his education with a certificate in Implant Surgery. According to Noumbissi, “There are only a small number of dentists specifically trained with a focus in dental implantology. Many general dentists will do implants as well, but very few den-
Washington, D.C.
tists go that extra step to get a degree in implantology as a specialty.” When he started his practice in 1998, Noumbissi used the best technologies in the field available at the time, which included implants made of titanium metal. Over the years, however, he noticed that some of his returning patients reported health concerns that began around the same time that they received the metal implants. He later learned that these older implants can start to oxidize, which is essentially corrosion, and break down in the oral cavity because the mouth is always wet. The process of placing an implant is done in several steps, first with the implant being placed into the bone and then a post goes into the implant. In many cases, the alloy that is used to make the post is a different alloy than the implant. The result, according to Noumbissi, can be electric. “When you put the different alloys in a wet environment, there is low-level electrical activity that produces corrosion and oxidation on the implant. When this occurs, there are metal ions that are released in the surrounding bone
and it travels to the spleen and to the other organs throughout the body. Some patients experience symptoms of metal toxicity, such as fatigue, vertigo, yellow nails, hair loss and skin rashes.” In 2009, Noumbissi learned of a more holistic alternative to metal implants and made the switch to ceramic exclusively. He was working with another holistic dentist at that time, and together they searched to find the best treatments for the whole person. His current practice, Miles of Smiles Implant Dentistry, works exclusively with ceramic implants. They are not a high-volume practice and work closely with individual patients, taking great care to approach their patients as a whole. Before starting, a patient’s full medical history is explored, because there are a lot of medical conditions that affect the success of dental implants. According to Noumbissi, “We work with a network of integrative doctors so that when deficiencies are discovered that need to be treated before the implants are done, we address those. We are not a practice that is just looking to place an implant. The implant has to go into a healthy environment. If the patient is not well, the implant is not going to do well either.” As the work is being done, the staff, including a phlebotomist and a nurse, promote the success of the surgery with IV vitamins C and D as part of their implant success protocol. The team at Miles of Smiles also uses natural biological surgery protocols, such as spinning the patient’s own blood to make blood concentrate, which accelerates and improves healing. Over the past 20 years, there has been a growing demand for dental implants. Many patients are discovering that they would rather have an implant than a partial denture or a bridge for a missing tooth. The implant is more durable and dentst doesn’t have to shave down adjacent healthy teeth to place them, which is the typical protocol for a bridge. As this demand grows, Noumbissi and his staff at Miles of Smiles will continue to meet this demand for local patients, while servicing those who come to the D.C. area for this specialized treatment. Location: 801 Wayne Ave., Ste. G200, Silver Spring. For more information, visit MilesOfSmilesDental.net. See ad, page 13.
Hydration The Key To Good Health by Julianne O’Dwyer
hile a political prisoner in Iran in 1979, Dr. Freydoon Batmanghelidj was approached by a fellow prisoner who was struggling with crippling peptic ulcer pain. With no medications at his disposal, Batmanghelidj recommended that the prisoner drink two glasses of water every two hours. Within minutes, the pain started to disappear and the prisoner eventually became pain-free. It was in this Iranian prison that Batmanghelidj discovered the healing power of water. In his book, You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty, Batmanghelidj explains that dehydration can contribute to health issues, including: angina, acid reflux, ADD/ ADHD, allergies, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, autism, colitis, constipation, dementia, depression, diabetes, dyslexia, fatigue, food cravings, fuzzy thinking, headaches, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint stiffness, kidney stones, low energy, Lyme disease, menopause, migraines, obesity, pain Parkinson’s, sleep issues, sinusitis and skin disorders. Batmanghelidj finds that when his patients drink more water every day, many health issues improve. Much of the discussion about nutrition and improving health centers almost exclusively on food and supplements. There is far less attention paid to
the impact of water on improving health. In fact, water is the single most important nutrient for our bodies. It is involved in every function of our bodies and is the main ingredient in all liquids in our bodies. Water carries oxygen and nutrients to our cells and carries waste and toxins away. Water makes up about 85 per-cent of our brain, about 90 percent of our blood and about 75 percent of lean muscle. So, if we don’t maintain a steady supply of water to our organs, tissues and cells, they cannot perform correctly and this can lead to illness and disease. Breathing, sweating and eliminating all contribute to a loss of water every day. Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving our bodies exceeds the amount of water being consumed. This is why it is necessary to drink about half your body weight in ounces every day to ensure suf-ficient hydration. But what type of water is safe and healthy to drink? Tap water may contain harmful toxins, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chlorine and fluoride and lack necessary minerals and nutrients. Unfortunately, most bottled waters are acidic and toxins leach into the water from the plastic bottles. The main problem with acidic water is that it is composed of big, clustered molecules that
Even if we drink lots of water every day, we can still be dehydrated do not easily penetrate cell walls, leaving them dehydrated. This is how we can drink lots of bottled or tap water and still be dehydrated. Alkaline water, on the other hand, is made of restructured molecules that are smaller so they are more readily absorbed in our cells. Alkaline water hydrates more effectively and enables cells to perform at peak efficiency. In addition to eating a green, non-GMO, alkaline diet, drinking alkaline water is an easy and quick way to raise the body’s pH level, which is a measurement of acidity and alkalinity in the body, to the desired 7.3 to 7.4 range. This helps ensure health, well-being, mental focus and athletic performance. Since alkaline water only maintains alkalinity for approximately 36 hours before the pH level drops, many people find that the best way to ensure access to alkaline water is to install a unit in the home rather than buy bottled alkaline water that has been treated with chemicals Julianne O’Dwyer is a health and wellness coach at National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA), where she offers lifestyle tips on healthy food, hydration, digestion, detoxification/cleansing, mitigating electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and computers, eliminating mold and chemicals in the home and cleansing/detoxifying the body of mold and other toxins in order to regain health. She also consults on providing home alkaline water units. For information, contact her at Julianne. ODwyer@vitalhealthylife.com. See ad, page 10. Julianne O’Dwyer is also a co-coordinator of Grow Your Health Gardening, Local Food & Wellness Festival, taking place March 5, in Fairfax. For more information, visit Grow YourHealthNOVA.com. See ad, page 7.
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Cross-Country Ski to Explore Winter’s Wonders by Randy Kambic
hile downhill Alpine skiing offers spurts of intense action in-between times spent driving to and from resorts and standing in line at lifts, all that’s needed for Nordic cross-country skiing is a few inches of snow and strap-on skis to transform any nearby park, wooded trail or spacious backyard into a quiet, serene eco-playground. The similar dry-land recreation of Nordic walking that uses poles can be enjoyed year-round.
Ski Season Techniques
Both the standard Nordic form of what’s also known as free-heel skiing and the more challenging Telemark style, able to incorporate hilly terrains, have northern European roots. Cross-country skis are longer and thinner than downhill versions. Instead of placing the entire foot in a bulky, stiff boot affixed to an alpine ski, only the toe section of a sneakerlike boot adheres to a cross-country ski, enabling a fuller gliding motion. Gliding over relatively flat terrain while leaning slightly forward, it’s important to keep weight evenly distributed over both skis. Continuously moving
ahead in a left-right-left-right motion with a long gait creates a full-body workout as each opposing arm plants a pole and pushes on it to carry the skier into the next step. Cross-country skis aren’t made for sudden stops, so stay alert; gentle, sideto-side skidding employing both legs or turning the front of both skis inward to form a triangle effects stopping. With experience, the skis can be used more like long ice skates, pushing both ahead and outward on them to move slightly faster on wide, groomed, flat surfaces. Vermont native Bill Koch, the only American to win an Olympic crosscountry ski medal—silver at the 1976 Innsbruck Games—helped popularize the recreational sport in America. On February 20, the 2016 Slumberland American Birkebeiner, North America’s largest annual cross-country ski race, is expected to attract about 10,000 participants on a 55K course from Cable to Hayward, Wisconsin (Birkie.com).
Any Season Warm-ups
“Many of the movement patterns of Alpine and Nordic skiing are similar,”
explains Michael Wood, chief fitness officer of Koko FitClub (KokoFitClub.com), which is reflected in a new eight-week Snow Sports program at many of its 130 locations in 30 states. “Our Smartraining equipment offers more than 100 different exercises, many of them ideal for preparing for cross-country skiing, like the squat, hip extension, and trunk and hip rotation.” For post-ski stretching, he and club coaches often recommend yoga-type flows like downward dog, child pose and the one-legged pigeon move. “We like to customize programs to enhance dynamic stretching, intensive knee analysis and specific routines to improve individual performance,” says Wood.
Winter Weight Loss
Outdoor winter recreation can help shed pounds. Harley Pasternak, a celebrity trainer, nutrition expert and author, recently reported in Health magazine, “Being outdoors in the cold air enables your body to burn more
calories as it makes an effort to warm up. When you’re chilled, you shiver and shake, which is your body’s way of warming itself by increasing its resting metabolic rate.” Pasternak says that spending time outdoors in cold weather can increase calories burned by as much as 30 percent and advises, “Take up ice skating, crosscountry skiing or snowshoeing.”
Anytime, Anywhere Walking
Nordic walking, launched in Finland in the late 1990s and since spread throughout Europe, incorporates some motions similar to cross-country skiing. Walking while using special poles on dry land or at the beach extends associated health and fitness benefits year-round. Initiated 11 years ago, the American Nordic Walking Association (anwa.us), based in Palisades, California, conducts classes and other events nationwide. Founder, president and master coach Bernd Zimmerman reports sig-
Winter Trips for the Intrepid
nthusiasts that have built up stamina might consider taking a multi-day backcountry or mountainous trek along marked trails. Overnight stays are offered in lodges, huts or cabins, with many providing cross-country equipment and showshoes. Here are some examples of the awaiting adventures. California and Nevada Many clubs in Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco and Las Vegas offer overnight bus trips to cross-country trails in the Lake Tahoe and Sierra Nevada areas. (BackcountrySkiTours.com)
nificant growth in its popularity in recent years. “Both cross-country skiing and Nordic walking are great full-body workouts that use 90 percent of your muscles and treat both the upper and lower parts of the body like machines.” Suitable for all ages, including those that have balance or health issues or can’t run anymore, the walking poles act as extensions of the hands. Their rubber or metal tips work on any surface, such as streets, sidewalks, gravel, sand, dirt or grass. Compared to regular walking, Zimmerman says the Nordic style burns up to 40 percent more calories, tones the arms and upper body, reduces stress on knees and joints, and safely boosts the intensity of exercises to yield additional heart and lung benefits. Ski and general sports equipment retailers that sell and rent equipment also host informative clinics. Check out local retailers for local ski club group outings. Randy Kambic is an Estero, FL, freelance writer and editor, including for Natural Awakenings.
One of the most
beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Colorado The nonprofit 10th Mountain Division Hut Association was one of the first to establish a hut-to-hut system, encompassing 350 miles of trails in the Rocky Mountains. (Huts.org) Minnesota Boundary Country Trekking offers stays at various lodges along cross-country trails in northern Minnesota. (BoundaryCountry.com) Quebec A few hours’ drive from New England borders lies plenty of ungroomed backcountry terrain with stunning views along the 78-mile, 15-hut network in the Chic-Chic Mountains, near the Gaspé Peninsula Gaspésie Park. (sepaq.com) Vermont Try Blueberry Lake Cross Country Center, in East Warren. (BlueberryLakeSkiVt.com) Wisconsin Visit Seth Peterson Cottage Conservancy, in Reedsburg. (SethPeterson.org) 29
More Than a Mountain of Medication A Spotlight on Golden Health Pharmacy in Sterling by Sam Hudgins
orking for big-box pharmacies for 25 years left Elsa Lam, RPh, HC, feeling not only stressed out, but also disheartened by the large quantities of medicine she saw prescribed to patients. She wanted to change how pharmacies operated from simply handing over a mountain of medication with little patient interaction. Lam envisioned a pharmacy to one where pharmacists offer nutritional support to patients in an effort to lower the number of medicines they need while increasing their vitality. Lam believed in this new pharmacy model so much, she used her retirement savings to start Golden Health Pharmacy. Golden Health Pharmacy gives patients more than just prescriptions; it offers a whole health approach beyond medication. One of its whole health components is the focus on preventing the need for more medication through nutritional support. Lam notes that prevention of disease through good nutrition is important, but laments, “People spend more money on their car than on their body, and that is very shocking to me.” Medication causes nutritional depletion and a lack of energy. For example, a round of antibiotics can wipe out not only an illness but also the good flora in the gut. To lend nutritional support, Golden Health Pharmacy offers nutrition consultations, seminars and workshops. In order to create the most customized nutrition plan 30
Washington, D.C.
possible, Golden Health Pharmacy offers SpectraCell micronutrient testing every Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. At that time, a small blood sample is taken and sent to the lab for analysis.The results are received within two weeks. The test result consultation covers nutrient deficiencies found and recommends potential lifestyle changes. Knowing what to eat is only one part of the nutritional puzzle. Golden Health Pharmacy also offers cooking classes on rotating topics every Saturday, which Lam calls “meetup groups,” as she wants them to also be a way for people to share experiences with their diseases and connect with each other. The topics include diabetes, heart disease, cancer and children’s health. The pharmacy is a certified Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM) Educational Alliance Program Partner and all their cooking classes follow PCRM guidelines. Another notable and tasty way Golden Health Pharmacy sets itself apart from others is with its healthy smoothie and juice bar. The smoothies are blended using almond milk made fresh in the pharmacy, as well as wheatgrass grown on-site—nothing about them is processed. Both the smoothies and juices are made from whole, in-season fruits and vegetables and with no added sugars. Like most full-service pharmacies, Golden Health Pharmacy offers brand-name and generic medications as well as compounding. Unlike most pharmacies, though, compounding is done in a dedicated compounding room with the most up-to-date equipment and is highly customizable. Lam can make medicine in a variety of form, from a lollipop to an ointment to a suppository. She can also flavor medicine to make it more palatable from chocolate for children to tuna for pets. “We help people ease the difficulty of medication. Any challenge you come here with, we’ll be able to solve,” Lam states confidently. Other services Golden Health Pharmacy provides are infrared saunas, known for easing ailments such as chronic pain conditions and Lyme disease; qigong, a spiritual practice intended to align body, breathing and mind for health; meditation; and martial arts training. On February 13, Golden Health Pharmacy will be offering a free qigong class from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. led by a certified qigong instructor, Josee Arel. Location: 46950 Community Plaza, Ste. 112, Sterling, VA. To schedule a consultation, call 703-430-8883. For more information, including cooking class topics for the month of February, visit GoldenHealthPharmacy.com. See ad, page 10. Sam Hudgins is a writing enthusiast and outreach director for several Natural Awakenings publications.
DEEP LISTENING Our Wholehearted Attention Is Our Greatest Gift by Kay Lindahl
erhaps one of the most precious and powerful gifts we give another person is to really listen to them with quiet, fascinated attention and our whole being; fully present. Deep listening occurs at the heart level, and we must ask ourselves how often we listen to each other so completely. Such listening is a creative force. We expand, ideas come to life and grow and we remember who we are. It brings forth our inner spirit, intelligence, or true self, and opens up the space for us to thrive. Sometimes we have to do a lot of listening before another’s inner being feels replenished. Some people just need to talk and go on and on, usually in a superficial, nervous manner. This often happens because they have not been truly listened to. Patience is required to be a listening presence for such a person long enough that they get to their center point of tranquility and peace. The results of such listening are extraordinary. Some would call them miracles. Listening well takes time, skill and a readiness to slow down to afford time
for reflection and to let go of expectations, judgments, boredom, self-assertiveness and defensiveness. When two people listen deeply to one another, we sense that we are present not only to each other, but also to something beyond our individual selves; something spiritual, holy or sacred. Once we experience the depth of being listened to like this, we naturally begin to listen to be present with another. We notice what occurs when we interrupt someone and when we don’t. We watch what unfolds when another stops speaking and we ask, “Is there anything else?” Listening is an art that calls for practice. Imagine if we all spent just a few minutes each day choosing to practice the art of listening; of being fully present with the person we are with. Being truly listened to and understood yields a sigh of contentment and joy. Kay Lindahl, of Long Beach, CA, is the author of The Sacred Art of Listening, from which this was adapted with permission from SkyLight Paths Publishing.
Effective Listening Practices by Kay Lindahl Pay attention to the environment. Stop other activities to listen. Clear your desk. Turn off background noise or move to a quiet corner. Be present. Listen with an open, appreciative and curious mind rather than evaluating what’s being said. Put your own agenda aside. Stop talking. One person speaks at a time without interruption. Listen for understanding. No one is required to agree with or believe what they hear. Let empathy and compassion take the lead; put yourself in their shoes. Ask for clarification. It can help a listener understand what’s being expressed. Pause before speaking. Allow the speaker to complete their thought, and then wait a few seconds before responding. Also ask, “Is there anything else?” There almost always is. Listen to yourself. Inquire of your inner voice, “What wants to be expressed next?” Signal that they’ve been heard. Encouraging body language includes empathetic facial expressions, nodding and sympathetic postures. Adapted from The Top Ten Powerful Listening Practices on the author’s website SacredListening.com.
Eco-Cappuccino Reducing Coffee Shop Waste
or many, getting a coffee to go at a favorite spot on the way to work or while dropping the kids off at school and running errands is a weekday ritual. It also warms up the body on cold mornings in northern regions this time of year. The java might taste even better if we reduce the amount of waste traditionally involved. Here are a few ways to better cherish Earth’s resources.
Avoid the paper cup; carry a reusable thermos or insulated bottle instead as a matter of routine. Author and activist Beth Terry, in her book Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Habit and How You Can Too suggests both stainless steel beverage containers and mugs. She also recommends glass mason jars and points out that EcoJarz recently began making stainless steel caps and lids instead of
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Washington, D.C.
plastic. Learn more at MyPlastic FreeLife.com. Terry further cites the unhealthy aspects of continual use of paper cups because, “Many are lined with plastic, and the plastic lids are often the equivalent of Styrofoam.” If caught without a favorite reusable container, Treehugger.com’s Katherine Martinko recommends at least giving an old paper cup one more turn. “It’s not a zero waste solution, but if you’ve already got a paper cup in your car or kitchen, you might as well extend its life. Wash and hand it over the next time you get a coffee,” she suggests. “It will still do the job.” For those that add cream, milk or sugar to coffee, consider the waste involved just in the plastic and wood stirrers provided by the shop that are tossed in the trash after serving their one-time function. “Avoid all of them,” advises Terry. “Carry a clean utensil in the car,” such as a bamboo tableware or a spork (combination spoon and fork). Cutting down or weaning off of dairy, sugar and especially sugar substitutes is another healthful move.
In a universe
made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one. ~Bruce Lipton
eventspotlight Get Ready For the
Total Health Experience
Learn from leading scientists, medical authorities and chefs how and why to transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet while having a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation.
ick-start your health and take it to a whole new level. The Total Health Retreat will take place April 23 to 30 at the beautiful Gran Ventana beach resort, located in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Uniquely designed to help in obtaining optimal health, participants will learn from leading scientists, medical authorities and chefs how and why to transition to a whole-food, plantbased (WFPB) diet while having a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation. Keynote speakers include Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study and Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Additional speakers include Dr. Kathryn Hayward, co-founder of International Integrators and Dr. Bruce Monger, member of NASA’s Ocean Biology from Cornell University. Four plant-based cooking classes will be provided by Chef Del Sroufe, author of the acclaimed Forks Over Knives Cookbook and Ann Esselstyn, author of The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook, who will provide a session on transitioning to a WFPB diet.
The Total Health Experience will have a separate whole food, plantbased buffet following the guidelines of The China Study, using a wide variety of fresh, locally grown produce. All the dishes are animal- and dairy-free with no added oil and no processed sugars. From this buffet, attendees will discover and experience a wide range of delicious, satisfying plant-based dishes. Additionally, there will be yoga classes, beach walks, swimming, two local excursions and opportunities to network and create friendships with likeminded people. The benefits of this type of program are immediate. In just one week, the average person can expect to lose two to three pounds, lower serum cholesterol by an average of 30 points and significantly reduce blood pressure. In fact, a WFPB diet can reverse and prevent heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and several forms of cancer. For more information, call 800-4391052 or visit GlobalRoots.net. See ad, page 12. 33
greenworld Scene from“National Parks Adventure” credit: MacGillivray Freeman Films
2016 Environmental Film Festival to explore
“Parks: Protecting Wild” by Helen Strong
he 24th annual Environmental Film Festival in the nation’s capital takes place from March 15 to 26. This is the largest and longest-running environmental film festival in the country and the largest film festival in Washington, D.C., presenting more than 130 films selected to provide fresh perspectives on a wide variety of environmental issues facing the earth. “Parks: Protecting Wild,” exploring the vital role of parks and protected areas on our planet, will be the focus of a selection of 2016 festival films. By preserving the natural world and conserving the planet’s resources—forests, oceans, fresh water, clean air, wildlife and biodiversity—protected areas are key to maintaining the globe’s ecological balance. A salute to the U.S. National Park Service’s 100th anniversary, the new MacGillivray Freeman IMAX film, National Parks Adventure, explores the mountains, canyons and waters of our spectacular national parks, from Yosem34
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ite and Yellowstone to the Everglades, while An American Ascent documents the first African-American expedition to tackle Denali, North America’s highest peak, in Alaska’s Denali National Park. City of Trees, directed and produced by local filmmakers Brandon and Lance Kramer, documents the efforts of the Washington, D.C. nonprofit Parks & People to provide green jobs at the height of the recession by planting trees in underserved D.C. parks. Sherpa, set within Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal, tells the shocking story of how Mount Everest’s Sherpa community united in grief and anger to reclaim the mountain following the deadly avalanche in 2014 that killed 16 of their members. The film highlights this volatile time in the Everest climbing industry, which served as a turning point for many of the sherpas and their families as they considered whether to continue working on the mountain. Oscar-nominated and Emmy
Award-winning writer and director David Vassar will present a cinematic excursion through some of our nation’s most magnificent parks with a retrospective of clips from his films exploring Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Yellowstone and Death Valley National Parks. He will also show California Forever, telling stories from 50 California state parks, as well as selected scenes from Vassar’s current production, Conspiracy of Extremes, advocating for desert protection in Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks. West Virginia-based filmmaker John Grabowska will show his films, Ribbon of Sand, exploring the wild, remote and fragile beaches of North Carolina’s Cape Lookout National Seashore and Sky Island, capturing the enchanting landscape of New Mexico’s rugged Jemez Mountains. The remote forests of Kalkalpen National Park in Austria, the largest area of wilderness in the European Alps, are spotlighted in the Austrian film, Making An Ancient Forest, which will be screened at the Embassy of Austria. Left alone by humans for nearly 25 years, these forests have been allowed to return to their natural, primeval state, encouraging the return of wildlife such as the lynx. Viewers can travel back in time at the National Archives to visit America’s parks as they were 80 years ago. From the towering Redwoods and exotic flora of Land of the Giants, to the purple high country vistas of the Great Smoky Mountains and New Mexico’s drifting White Sands, the Archives will present a selection of clips from films made about our national parks as part of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930s. Screenings will take place at over 40 venues across the D.C. metro area and include discussion with filmmakers, scientists and policy makers, and many are free. For more information and to view the full schedule, visit DCEFF.org Helen Strong is the press contact for the Environmental Film Festival and can be reached at Helen@dceff.org. See ad, page 4.
Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby Planning for a Healthy Pregnancy by Dr. Isabel Sharkar
re you thinking about getting pregnant? Are all your friends getting pregnant and filling your social media feed with baby pictures? As you start thinking about pregnancy, there’s more to it than meets the eye in today’s highly toxic environment. More women are having fertility issues than ever before. From the food we eat to our personal care products, getting pregnant might not be so easy. Even if you are years away from planning a pregnancy, it’s never too early to start preparing your body. After all, a healthy mommy equals a healthy baby. The overly prescribed birth control pill masks many things that may be occurring with your menstrual cycle. It can take a while for your hormone levels to get back on track and regulate your menstrual cycle after you ditch the pill. You may need to address potential infertility factors like polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and autoimmune diseases. It is important to have your thyroid function checked, balance your basal body temperature and blood sugar levels. Thyroid disorders can contribute to problems with ovulation and pregnancy. Chronic stress leads to adrenal fatigue and interferes with ovulation. Before conception, get your adrenal
stress profile and nourish your adrenals to prepare them for pregnancy. Exercise, practice yoga, do deep breathing and meditate, which reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and increases the level of natural bliss chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin. A landmark 2005 study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that blood samples from newborns contained an average of 287 toxins. Addressing your toxic burden now will help minimize exposure to your unborn baby. Exposure to pollutants, pesticides and industrial compounds can decrease a couple’s ability to have children up to 29 percent according to a 2013 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives. Smoking causes up to 13 percent of all infertility cases, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Even women who smoke moderately or are exposed to secondhand smoke may have disrupted endocrine function and can experience significant fertility issues. Everything that goes on and in your body while you are pregnant affects your growing baby. Take care of dental issues and switch to natural skin and hair care products. The average woman puts more than 160 chemicals on her body
every single day. Green your beauty routine and opt for aluminum-free deodorant. Ditch toxic nail polish and go for an all-natural perfume crafted from essential oils, and take equal measures with your household products. What you consume in your body influences your genetic expression. Now is the time to clean up your diet, eliminate food sensitivities and heal your gut to decrease inflammation in the body. Eat fresh organic whole foods and monitor your caffeine intake. Avoid fish high in mercury and processed meats. Eliminate heavy drinking, canned foods and go glutenfree. Studies have found people who have unexplained infertility often have better pregnancy results when gluten is removed from their diet. Drink nourishing herbal infusions and plenty natural spring water. Add fiber, probiotics, colorful vegetables and healthy fats to your diet. Check your vitamin D, B12 and folic acid levels. You can start supplementing with high quality prenatal, vitamin C and DHA products before you get pregnant. Get to a place where medication isn’t needed to manage a health condition prior to pregnancy and cleanse the liver. Pregnancy creates large rushes of hormones and your liver is the primary source of flushing them through your body. If your liver is already stressed, it is going to be more overwhelmed during pregnancy. Dandelion, milk thistle and lemon water are great ways to support the liver. Dry skin brushing is also wonderful for moving your lymph fluid to aid detoxing. You spend an enormous amount of time planning big work projects, or life events. It makes sense to take time to make your body as healthy as possible prior to conceiving. By doing so, you can influence your child’s risk for chronic disease down the road. Although there is a lot that goes into preparing your body for pregnancy, it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. With the right healthcare team, you are in for a wonderful journey. Dr. Isabel Sharkar, ND, is a licensed naturopathic physician and co-owner of Indigo Integrative Health Clinic, in Georgetown. For more information, call 202-298-9131. See ad, page 6. 35
Is Marijuana Addictive? Robin Fillmore interviews Dr. Charles Gant to explore this question
Nature is often hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished. ~Francis Bacon
ince February 2015, D.C. residents have the legal right to possess, privately consume and grow limited amounts of marijuana in their own homes. With the nationwide spotlight on marijuana, some have been seeking more information about the addictive properties while considering the overall health benefits, if any, of marijuana. Natural Awakenings publisher, Robin Fillmore, recently spoke with Dr. Charles Gant, M.D., Ph.D, about this topic. RF: As more states (in addition to the District of Columbia) are liberalizing usage of marijuana (both recreational and medical usage), do you have concerns with this trend from a medical perspective? CG: Like every informed American, I am concerned about addiction to marijuana or any other psychotropic chemical, illicit, “recreational” (alcohol, tobacco) or pharmaceutical, especially in those whose brain’s have not completed the final “hardwiring”, which research suggests occurs sometime around 20 to
Washington, D.C.
23 years old. Before that age, marijuana can have devastating medical and psychiatric consequences. After that age, it is still addictive and poses risks, but much less so. RF: What makes this drug so attractive to users? CG: The psychoactive cannabinoids in marijuana compete with the brain’s “natural pot” called endocannabinoids. With regular use, the brain responds to the artificial cannabinoids by synthesizing less of its natural endocannabinoids, and in the withdrawal state, the symptom of craving occurs. An addiction is born. RF: What makes marijuana different from other addictive drugs? CG: Anyone who has “gotten high” on marijuana can certainly recognize its unique effects, which are related to its effects on endocannabinoids, a very different kind of neurotransmitter in the brain. Most mood-related, natural neurotransmitters, including serotonin
(brain’s natural Prozac), dopamine (brain’s natural cocaine), endorphins (brain’s natural heroin or oxycontin), GABA (brain’s natural Valium) and acetylcholine (brain’s natural nicotine), flow in the stream of consciousness, from the past to the future. Endocannabinoids are retrograde neurotransmitters and flow in the opposite direction, from the postsynaptic side of the brains synapses (connection points between cells) to the presynaptic side (the side usually releasing neurotransmitters). This opposite direction flow of endocannabinoids downregulates and inhibits other neurotransmitter release and the stream of consciousness. When endocannabinoid receptors are artificially overstimulated, neurotransmitter flow slows down to the point that time seems to stop. The future and past essentially cease to exist, which many users find quite relaxing. Of course the withdrawal phase is the opposite, until the brain has a chance to regenerate and utilize its normal complement of endocannabinoids again. RF: As a medical professional who has successfully treated thousands of addicted individuals (tobacco, alcohol, prescription pain-killers), how do you approach a patient who wants to overcome their addiction to marijuana?
outside force like probation and regular drug testing, I attempt to determine through diagnostic lab testing, genetic testing and medical/nutritional history the patient’s capacity to synthesize their own innate endocannabinoids and other supportive neurotransmitters, so that they can rapidly reduce the cravings for marijuana and improve their mood. The main endocannabinoid, Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine) is synthesized in the brain from the exact ingredients in its longer name—arachidonic acid and ethanolamine. The former is derived from animal fat and the latter from lecithin. Eggs have both, so one option is to encourage the patient to eat lots of organic eggs, perhaps a dozen a day. Eating lots of organic butter and taking lecithin capsules is another way to accomplish this. The cravings during marijuana withdrawal will be far greater for individuals who do not consume the foods that provide ingredients with which to synthesize their own natural endocannabinoids. The combined effect of counseling treatment, support groups and a neurotransmitter replenishment treatment gets very high success rates in
motivated individuals. RF: Is there any medical condition or disease for which you would support a prescription of marijuana? Are there other treatments that provide the same benefits without the harmful properties the drug? CG: Cannabinoids stimulate two main kinds of receptors, CB1 (mainly in the brain) and CB2 (mainly in the body, especially white blood cells). Stimulation of the latter may be beneficial in pain management, and any patient suffering from intractable pain who has exhausted all medical options should not, in my opinion, be denied this avenue of treatment. Of course, we have so many better ways to manage pain, from antiinflammatory strategies to meditation, that cannabinoid pain management is rarely necessary. For more information about Dr. Gant and his practice, call 888-727-6910 or visit InternationalPrecisionMedicine Associates.com. See ad, page 32. Dr. Gant be offering a free class and webinar on this topic on a TBD date and time. See ad, page 33.
CG: Like all addictions, the success rate is high if the patient is motivated. Unfortunately, the “amotivational syndrome,” a well-researched sequelae of regular marijuana abuse, lessens the addicts desire to be motivated to do anything. Often, marijuana addicts become re-motivated when a significant life event puts them into a situation where they are called upon to make a difference or stop using, such as a pregnancy, the birth of a child, a job that mandates drug testing, abstinence requirements while on probation or a profession that imposes work demands which require a good working memory and clear-headedness. RF: What specific steps do you take with the patient and what is the success rate for these patients? CG: If some motivation exists, either inwardly directed or imposed from some 37
ECO-FRIENDLY DATING Going Online Makes it Easier by Avery Mack
Cozy Up To Your Natural Match J
oin the largest database of health-conscious and eco-minded, spiritual singles for FREE and manifest an extraordinary relationship!
Join for FREE at NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com 38
Washington, D.C.
mericans are staying single longer these days. Instead of marrying in our early 20s like in the 1960s, today we’re more likely to be upwards of 27 before committing. Careers and family obligations are among the factors causing delays, allowing couples to learn what really matters before they walk down the aisle. “A good partner is someone that encourages you to be your authentic self,” says Jill Crosby, host of the online dating website NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com from Mount Shasta, California. “There are always some compromises, but similar core values and respect for each other make a good relationship even better.” Online dating isn’t just for the unmarried, post-college crowd. Widowed and divorced singles also find it a good way to ease into a renewed social life. According to a Northwestern University study, typical benefits include access to professional matching, a wider range of singles and better communications with potential partners.
finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. Adding must-have characteristics such as an eco-friendly lifestyle might land an aspirant in the shallow end of the dating pool unless it is pre-screened by a conscious dating site. Discovering a potential partner via a dedicated online site enables members to refine their list of desired attributes versus deal-breakers, modifying their own profile accordingly. Elements of success stories usually include both prospects keeping an open mind while exploring a mutually compatible dating site. Honest communication is the most vital link in this get-to-know-you venue, but the goal is to meet, not become pen pals. When interest proceeds beyond onsite messaging, texting may follow, which tends to diminish fears of saying the wrong thing that could delay or prevent a more in-depth reply. Textpert, a free app that crowdsources text messages, comes to the rescue with suggested responses by other members to help anyone encountering writer’s block.
Identifying Candidates
Distance Hurdles
Dates can still spring from chance meetings, fix-ups by friends and family or workplace encounters, but these generally have the same success rate as
Long distance isn’t often a deterrent when love is right. A California vegan that spent four years on multiple vegan dating sites found her match
Discovering a potential partner via a dedicated online site enables members to refine their list of desired attributes versus dealbreakers, modifying their own profile accordingly. thousands of miles away in New York through NaturalAwakeningsSingles. com. When an eventual first meeting is more than a quick coffee date, prior Skype or FaceTime chats can confirm that the photo is current and messages were more than pickup lines. “Technology has made a tremendous difference in price, accessibility and reach,” says Crosby. “Members now post selfies as headshots, shoot their own videos and can access potential matches anywhere in the world.”
Discerning Kindred Spirits
Not all online relationships are love matches. Sometimes it’s enough to find like-minded people. “Natural AwakeningsSingles.com is a safe place to talk about spiritual awakening without someone looking at you like you have three heads. I’ve met a number of people who speak my language,” says Sharmaine Monteith, a sales manager in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. “When people care about the environment, it changes who they are and how they live. My profile maps my beliefs and my heart.” A University of Chicago study asked 20,000 people that married
between 2005 and 2012 how they met. One third said online; half used another kind of dating service. Another telling statistic showed that those that met at work, in a bar or by blind date were 25 percent more likely to divorce. Researchers think this is because online daters know each other better before meeting. When folks fudge a bit in their profile, it’s mostly about weight and height.
Green Hot Spots
“It’s easier to find a vegan date in the produce aisle of the grocery store than at the beach,” advises April Masini, a New York City author of four relationship books and the AskApril.com advice column. “Whether you’re looking in person or online for dates, focus on the areas where you’d naturally find others who are green like you.” Community gardens, river cleanups and Earth Day celebrations spring to mind. Make a green impression by wearing clothing made of sustainable fabrics and offering a small gift of a fair trade item, organic chocolates or native wildflower bouquet. The choice of going to a locally sourced restaurant will include an eco-friendly ride to get there. A 2014 study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 50 percent of Americans over the age of 16 are unmarried—yet most believe marriage is extremely important. With all the people still looking for love, online meet-ups can dramatically improve success. Connect with the freelance writer via AveryMack@mindspring.com.
Calendar A wonderful resource for filling your workshops, seminars and other events.
Two styles available: n Calendar of Dated Events: Designed for events on a specific date of the month. n Calendar of Ongoing Events: Designed for recurring events that fall on the same day each week. Contact us for guidelines so we can assist you through the process. We’re here to help!
202-505-4835 39
Pamper Your Skin With Natural The Awakenings Best Nature Has To Offer Advanced Healing Skin Cream
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Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream is a wonderful product. The skin cream goes on smooth and absorbs into the skin quickly - it is not “greasy”. I have been plagued with dry skin around my ears, belly button and scalp for over 20 years and this product
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The cold, damp winter days are upon us. Don’t let chapped or dry, flaky skin get in the way of your daily life. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, a soothing therapeutic balm made with exclusive Manuka Honey from New Zealand, is the ultimate skin moisturizer for everyone in your family. Order one for the office, too!
Restore Your Skin to Natural Youthful Beauty You’ll love Natural Awakenings’ therapeutic cream’s clean, fresh botanical fragrance. Discover what our amazing skin cream can do: • Provides Ultra-Hydration of Skin • Enhances Anti-Aging and Skin Renewal • Soothes Dry, Itchy, Cracked Skin • Relieves Most Burns, Including Sunburn • Comforts Wounds and Sores MANUKA HONEY is produced by bees that pollinate New Zealand’s Manuka bush. Advocates cite its antibacterial properties.
Therapeutic Qualities
Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream combines botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy. It soothes and relieves dry, itchy or cracked skin quickly while restoring moisture and provides ultra-hydration protection and soothing comfort to wounds, sores, cuts and burns. Manuka Honey also relieves the pain and itch of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Besides its potent antibacterial properties, honey is also naturally extremely acidic, and that will eliminate organisms that decides to grow there.
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Washington, D.C.
Manuka Honey is gathered in the wild back country of New Zealand from the native Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). The bees don’t use the pollen from a variety of other flowers or plants, so the content of the honey is very consistent. A 2013 study in the European Journal of Medical Research used active Manuka Honey under dressings on postoperative wounds for an 85 percent success rate in clearing up infections, compared with 50 percent for normal antibiotic creams.
calendarofevents NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email Robin@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com for guidelines and to submit entries.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Writing Your Truth – 12:30-2pm. Experience the powerful, mysterious and often surprising gifts that emerge as you listen to poetry, participate in simple exercises to get the juices flowing and then begin to write. $15 (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 How to Start a Container Garden – 9am-12pm. Get set to start a productive container veggie garden this spring with this fun and informative how-to class and workshop. $55. Prior Unity Garden, a short walk to the Vienna Metro, James St, Fairfax, VA. Register: PriorUnityGarden.com. Info: 703281-7743 or Gardeners@PriorUnityGarden.com. Beginning and Thriving in Important Relationships – 9:30am-12:45pm. With James Flaherty. Explore a clear, immediately usable path for initiating essential relationships so they are fulfilling for everyone involved. Learn how to repair and improve already existing relationships with people who matter. $45. New Ventures West, The Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Sq, Alexandria, VA. Register: NewVenturesWest.com/ Program/Special-Event. Spring Basics Beekeeping – 10:30am-12:30pm. Bee keeping lessons. Azure B. LLC, Greenstreet Gardens, Lothian, MD. Info: Facebook.com/ AzureBLLC/Events. Reiki 1 Certificate Training – 12-4:30pm. Through Feb 7. Become Reiki I certified. No previous experience necessary. This enjoyable training gives you an understanding of Reiki and its benefits for you others. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Register: 301-986-1090 or Info@TheMindfulnessCenter.org. Floydasana: A Psychedelic Yoga Workshop – 2:30-4:30pm. With Hari-kirtana das. Yoga is about making connections and Pink Floyd’s musical themes are consistently concerned with our need for compassionate connections and of how the alienation that results from the absence
of connection drives us crazy. This workshop will feature an asana sequence set to a complete Floyd soundtrack. $20 (plus tax). Buddha B Yoga Center, 1115 U St, Ste 202, NW. Info: BuddhaBYoga.com.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Winter Community Meal Prep at DC Central Kitchen – 8:45am-12pm. Join the Yoga District family for a morning of service with DC Central Kitchen meal prep. We’ll be cutting, chopping and peeling thousands of pounds of food to feed the community that afternoon. Free. DC Central Kitchen, 425 2nd St, NW. Info: Clients. MindBodyOnline.com/Classic/ws?Studioid =2070&stype=-8&sView=Day&sTrn=100000200 &Date=02/07/16. Learn to Breathe: Managing Stress and Anxiety Workshop – 1-3pm. Learn to Breathe is an invigorating, penetrating and healing practice that will assist you on a daily basis. Principles taught in this class have been created by internationally renowned Inner Axis teacher, Max Strom. $25. East Meets West Yoga Center, 8227 Old Courthouse Rd, Ste 310, Vienna, VA. Register: 703-356-9642 or EastMeetsWestCenter.com.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Moving Dialogues: Healing with Contradiction Dance – 6:30-8pm. Explore and share personal beliefs and experiences through writing, dance and discussion in mutually supportive and respectful environment. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Singles Sangha – 7-10pm. A welcoming community of people who gather to experience a shared connection with others who are, by choice or by circumstance, single at this time in their lives. All varieties and ages of single people are encouraged to join. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org. Magnify Love: An Asana Flow for Radical Authenticity – 8-10pm. In this two-hour
workshop, we will enjoy a sweaty flow to connect to the space around the heart, then we will deeply relax with some restorative asana. Finally, we will learn some practical habits to really make love a habit in order to positively affect those around us. $22.69. Yoga District, 1830 1st St, NW. Info: Clients.MindBodyOnline.com/classic/ ws?studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=Day&sTrn =100000085&Date=02/12/16.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Seed Starting Basics – 9am-12pm. Successfully start your own plants from seed with this fun class/ workshop. Take home your own seed starting kit/ system and know how to use it. $100. Prior Unity Garden, a short walk to the Vienna Metro, James St, Fairfax, VA. Register: PriorUnityGarden. com. Info: 703-281-7743 or Gardeners@ PriorUnityGarden.com. Intuitive Crystal Healing Certification – 10am4pm. Immerse yourself in learning how to harness the healing power of crystals and how they can improve your mind/body/soul connection. Receive your certificate from Rising Phoenix Holistic Center upon completion. $120. Rising Phoenix Holistic Center, 9028 D Prince William St, Manassas, VA. Register: RisingPhoenixHC.com. Info: 703-392-9200.
SPECIAL EVENT Intuitive Wellness Fair Come join us for an impressive array of intuitive counselors, life coaches, angel card readers, spiritual guidance, intuitive messages, shamanic practitioners, reiki energy healings, mediums and astrology, mini-readings $2/minute from 10 minutes up to 30 minutes. Feb. 13 • 12-4pm. Dawson’s Market, 225 N Washington St, Rockville MD. Info: 703-401-9663 or EarthLightPromotions@gmail.com or EarthLightPromotions.com. Seed Swap – 1-3pm. Let’s swap seed. Bring what you have to share and take a few of what you can use. Free. Prior Unity Garden, a short walk to the Vienna Metro, James St, Fairfax, VA. Register: PriorUnityGarden.com. Info: 703-281-7743 or Gardeners@PriorUnityGarden.com.
Spring, MD. Register: SelfUnderstanding.org. Info: 240-403-4036.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Children’s Sangha – 4:15-5:30pm. For 5-12-yearolds, accompanied by parents. The class provides young children with a Buddhist framework to explore their inner life, understand the causes of emotional stress and develop peace, wisdom and kindness. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info: ArlingtonLaughterYoga@yahoo.com.
Jivamukti Satsang – 7:30-8:45pm. With Harikirtana das. Join Jivamukti teachers and students in satsang to discuss the Jivamukti Focus of the Month. Satsang is a virtuous gathering of likeminded individuals who inspire, encourage and reflect your true nature. Let the seeds of compassion ripen in satsang. Free. Buddha B Yoga Center, 1115 U St, Ste 202, NW. Info: BuddhaBYoga.com.
Reiki Level 2 Certification – 1-7pm. This course prepares you to give Reiki to yourself and others. Learn about the healing powers of this popular lifeforce energy practice. This course can be taken for 5 CEs by NCBTMB massage therapists. $250. Casey Health Institute, 800 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD. Register: 301-355-2030 or CaseyHealth.org.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training – 6-9pm. Through Feb 21. This program is perfect for the avid yoga student who wants to become a yoga teacher or anyone that wants to deepen their personal practice. Scholarships available. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Register: 301-986-1090 or Roxanne@TheMindfulnessCenter.org. 100 Ways to Protect Your Family in a Wireless World – 7-9pm. Desiree Jaworski from the The Center for Safer Wireless will share the science regarding health hazards associated with cell phones, laptops, tablets and other wireless devices. She’ll talk about practical ways to protect yourselves and your children. Holistic Moms Network Arlington/Alexandria Chapter, Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, 4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, VA. Info: Facebook.com/Events/556274657853054 or HolisticMomsArlAlex.BlogSpot.com. Love Your Belly for Valentine’s Day – 7-9pm. Weight management and digestive health workshop. Cutting-edge science and gentle traditional approaches. All your nutritional questions answered. $25/person or bring a friend for $20/ person. Neck, Back and Beyond, 10560 Main St, Ste 204, Room 204, Fairfax, VA. RSVP: 703-8655690 or NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com. MUIH Graduate Open House – 7-9pm. Distinct from other schools, MUIH delivers academic excellence with a focus on the interconnection of mind, body, and spirit. Free. Maryland University of Integrative Health, 7750 Montpelier Rd, Laurel, MD. Info: Events@MUIH.edu.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Three-Day Cancer Retreat – 12-8:30pm. Through Feb 21. Smith Center retreats offer a place to explore the issues and choices that people with life-threatening illness encounter. Cancer patients and their caregivers experience a non-medical, educational, hands-on experience in a safe, nurturing environment. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. Weekend Meditation Retreat – 6:30-9:30pm. Share in the powerful energy of group meditation and explore the transcendent nature of meditation by immersing yourself in the field of awareness. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Register: 301-986-1090 or TheMindfulnessCenter@gmail.com.
Washington, D.C.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Open House – Through Feb 21. Bikram Yoga Riverdale Park is celebrating their 2nd anniversary. To celebrate they will have special offerings: a special 1-hour Yoga Nidra meditation, acupuncture, henna artists and massage. Bikram Yoga Riverdale Park, 6202 Rhode Island Ave, Ste 200, Riverdale, MD. Info: 301-699-1300 or Info@BikramYogaAriveric.com. Myofascial Release: Foam Roller/LAX Ball Technique Workshop – 1:30-3:30pm. This fun and interactive workshop will be led by Jessica Storm, ACSM certified Exercise Physiologist and NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist. Come and explore new foam rolling techniques to help aid in releasing of congested tissues. $30. East Meets West Yoga Center, 8227 Old Courthouse Rd, Ste 310, Vienna, VA. Register: 703-356-9642 or EastMeetsWestCenter.com. Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra Workshop – 3-5pm. With Paige Lichens. In this 2-hour workshop, experience the benefits of Yin Yoga (mostly seated/ laying down poses held for extended periods) and close the class with 45 min of Yoga Nidra—a guided deep relaxation. $30 (plus tax). Buddha B Yoga Center, 2639 Connecticut Ave, Ste 100, NW. Info: BuddhaBYoga.com.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Align Your Mat Workshop – 2:30-4:30pm. Personalize your yoga mat with Pat. If you’ve ever been unsure about your symmetry or alignment on your yoga mat, this workshop is for you. Spend two hours together drawing ‘alignment lines’ on your yoga mat that are specific to your body and learning how to utilize these lines within a typical vinyasa style class. $22.69. Yoga District, 1830 1st St, NW. Info: Clients.MindBodyOnline.com/ Classic/ws?Studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=Da y&sTrn=100000492&Date=02/21/16.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Meditation Workshop for Counselors and Therapists – 9am-5pm. Learn 5 new meditation strategies to use with clients (7 CEs). Learn how to use meditation techniques to help clients reduce stress and anxiety. $125. Journey to Self Understanding, 8720 Georgia Ave, Ste 706, Silver
Using Food As Medicine – 7-8pm. Join us to discuss an Eastern approach to managing your pet’s health with food. Veterinary Holistic Care, 4820 Moorland Ln, Bethesda, MD. Register: 301656-2882 or Info@VHCDoc.com.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Panel Discussion: Making the Shift for Success in a Post-COP21 World – 6-7:30pm. DC Net Impact hosts a discussion about the Paris climate talks, including speakers from The Nature Conservancy, Climate Reality Project and Chesapeake Climate Action Network. $5 for Net Impact and Nature Conservancy members and $10 for others. Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St, NW. Info: EventBrite. com/e/Making-the-Shift-for-Success-in-a-Postcop21-World-Tickets-20463745614. Prepared Childbirth Classes – 7-9pm. Through March 16. Four-week course to prepare for childbirth covering all aspects of the birth experience. $160. Naturebirthdc, classes held in DC. Register: 202375-0402 or NatureBirthDC@gmail.com. Webinar: Herbal Enthusiast to Herbal Expert – 7-8pm. Learn what it would take to move your passion for herbal medicine into a viable career. Learn about emerging jobs and more. Free. Info: Events@MUIH.edu.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Moon Sequence (Chandra Krama) – 7-8:45pm. With Rexx Samuell. The Moon Sequence is an alternative vinyasa sequence designed by Matthew Sweeney (author of Ashtanga Yoga As It Is and Vinyasa Krama). This workshop will cover the philosophy behind the Moon Sequence, guidelines for practice and practical instruction in the salutations, the standing sequences, as well as some of the seated poses, finishing with a series of relaxing and restorative postures. $25 (plus tax). Buddha B Yoga Center, 1115 U St, Ste 202, NW. Info: BuddhaBYoga.com. Movie Night – 7-9pm. Attend this screening of the documentary 9000 Needles. Having faced the confines of the American health care system, a forty-year-old stroke patient travels to Tianjin, China in search of the rehabilitation he needs. Organic snacks provided; cost goes to a local charity. $5. Neck, Back and Beyond, 10560 Main St, Penthouse Ste 1, Fairfax, VA. Register: 703965-5690 or NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 M U I H We b i n a r : C o a c h i n g S i m u l a t i o n Workshop – 10-11am. In this webinar, you’ll actually observe one of our coaching faculty members, a highly experienced coach, conduct a simulated coaching session with a fictional client. Free. Maryland University of Integrative Health, 7750 Montpelier Rd, Laurel, MD. Info: Events@MUIH.edu. Rieki Healing Level One – 1-5pm. The first level, beginning class of 4 classes in Usri Reiki. Certification for level one at completion. $200. Dr. Connie Hambrock Ph.D. at Hambrock Holistic Healing Center, 297 Herndon Pkwy, Ste 105, Herndon, VA. Register: 571-331-9208. Harness Your Courage: A Hand and Forearm Stand Workshop – 2-4pm. Join Ellie for this two hour workshop in which we will discuss how to use fear healthily while also recognizing when to harness courage to confront the fears that may be holding us back. $22.69. Yoga District, 1910 14th St, NW. Clients.MindBodyOnline.com/Classic/ ws?studioid=2070&stype=-8&sView=Day&sTrn =100000153&Date=02/27/16.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Young Adult Cancer Meet Up and Support Group – 5-6:30pm. Enjoy a light dinner and facilitated group session. Free. Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202483-8600 or SmithCenter.org.
plan ahead MONDAY, MARCH 28 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent
meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info: ArlingtonLaughterYoga@yahoo.com.
SATURDAY, APRIL 9 Yoga for Children with Special Needs – 9am4:30pm. No need to be a yoga teacher. OT, PT, Teacher or Mom. Learn to work with children with Special needs through Yoga. $995 ($300 down payment). BE yoga, 45406 Lakeside Dr, Sterling, VA. Register: Info@BEyogaYurt.com.
SAVE THE DATE Calling in the Sunlight: A Spiritual and Healing Retreat Come and experience a re-awakening of yourself, your life path and your joy at the beautiful
Land Celebration Retreat Center Yoga, meditation, workshops, private healing sessions, vendors, an uplifting concert by Woven Green and a high-vibrational, vegetarian menu. Camping or dormitories are available. SATURDAY, APRIL 23 and 24 All-inclusive tickets. $275/camping and $350/dormitory Ticket prices increase on April 7th to $285 and $395 Hosted by Diane Black, Crystal Reiki Therapy & Bonita Woods Wellness Institute at The Land Celebration, 411 Three Oaks Dr, Gore, VA. Register: CrystalReikiTherapy.com/Schedule. html. Info: 703-787-5714 or Diane@ CrystalReikiTherapy.com
Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join
us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info: ArlingtonLaughterYoga@yahoo.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 7 Greater Richmond Holistic Expo – Plans are underway for this great new event. The 30,000-sq-ft hall will showcase more than 165 exhibitors. Henrico Hall in the Richmond Raceway Complex, 602 E Laburnum Ave, Richmond, VA. Info: Steve at 804-503-7939.
MONDAY, MAY 23 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info: ArlingtonLaughterYoga@yahoo.com.
SATURDAY, JUNE 11 Shenandoah Valley Herbal Gathering – Come enjoy a full day of herbal and permaculture-based classes for newbies to seasoned herbalists,plant lovers, healers and Earth-lovin’ folks of every kind. Plus plant walks, local artisan vendors, community land art and a live performance by Bele Bele Rhythm Collective. Registration is now open. Sacred Roots Herbal Sanctuary, Shepherdstown, WV. Register: SacredRootsWV.com.
MONDAY, JUNE 27 Laughter Yoga – 6:30-7:30pm. Please join us for a playful and fun practice that has been proven to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. The session ends with a silent meditation. Free. Arlington Central Library auditorium, 1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA. Info: ArlingtonLaughterYoga@yahoo.com.
Produce the Right Balance
Weigh the advertising choices that Natural Awakenings offers. Display your products and services in our
March Food Matters Issue To advertise or participate in our next issue, call 202-505-4835 43
Gaithersburg, MD. Register: 301-355-2030 or CaseyHealth.org.
NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email Robin@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com for guidelines and to submit entries.
sunday Sunday Morning Meditation Class – 10:30am12:30pm. With Hugh Byrne. An oasis in a busy week, including 30-minute guided meditations, a 10-minute walking meditation and 30-minute discussion. A mini-retreat. Drop-ins welcome. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org.
monday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. A beautiful way to start your day, with a 30-minute meditation and optional 15-minute discussion following. Drop-ins welcome. A project of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW). The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: LivingMindfully.org. Therapeutic Yoga – 10:30-11:45am. Enjoy a greater sense of well-being and enhanced energy in our gentle yoga classes. Learn various yoga postures and techniques in progressive relaxation, breathing practices and mediation. $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202483-8600. Info: SmithCenter.org/Calendar. Awareness Through Movement – 12:15-1:15pm. (No class Feb 15.) This Feldenkrais Method is a unique approach to fitness for those who are injured or in chronic pain. Simple floor exercises have profound effects on your posture, breathing and movement capabilities. $10/session or $25/ month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. Monday Community Night Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga – 5-6:30pm. Experience
yoga and mindfulness meditation with members of the community. $5 for entire night. Casey Health Institute, 800 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD. Info: 301-355-2030 or CaseyHealth.org. Food for Life: New Year, New You Cooking Course – 6-8pm. The Barnard Medical Center is offering a five-class cooking series designed to help Washington residents lose weight, boost metabolism, curb cravings and reach optimal health with a plant-based vegan diet. Barnard Medical Center, 5100 Wisconsin Ave, NW. Register: KarabGonzalez@gmail.com. Info: BarnardMedical.org. Stress Relief through Mindfulness, Yoga and Play – 7:30-8:45pm. With Erin McCarthy. Come reduce stress and increase happiness, contentment and ease. Erin, a licensed psychotherapist and yoga instructor, will lead you through physical, emotional and cognitive exercises proven to chill you out. Come to one workshop or all four for an extra potent infusion of relaxation. $20/ session or $80/all four sessions. Buddha B Yoga Center, 2639 Connecticut Ave, Ste 100, NW. Info: BuddhaBYoga.com. .
Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org. Chair Yoga – 10-11:15am. This gentle form of yoga is practiced sitting in a chair. Through adapted poses, students get to enjoy the benefits of yoga—reduced stress and pain, strength building and greater flexibility. Great for all ages and levels of activity. $18/class or yoga packages available. Casey Health Institute, 800 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD. Info: 301-355-2030 or CaseyHealth.org. Chair Yoga – 12-1pm. You are invited to relax deeply as we move through a series of gentle seated and supported poses that promote self-care. $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. Continuing Yoga – 12-1:15pm. Iyengar yoga poses are refined with an emphasis on all standing poses. Inverted poses are introduced. $18 for drop ins or yoga packages available. Casey Health Institute, 800 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD. Register: 301-355-2030 or CaseyHealth.org. Mindfulness Meditation 1 – 5:30-7pm. A 4-week course to explore the ways mindfulness can help manage the stress and anxiety of daily life. Includes mindfulness meditation exercises and information for you to practice at home. $159. Casey Health Institute, 800 S Frederick Ave,
Washington, D.C.
Physicians’ Kitchen – 6-7:30pm. 1st and 2nd Tues. “Food as Medicine” doctors at Casey Health teach the science behind healthy eating and demonstrate recipes you can make at home. Interactive demos and meal recipes for you take home. $20/class or $75/series. Casey Health Institute, 800 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD. Register: 301-355-2030 or CaseyHealth.org. Practicing Ahimsa: Nonviolence in Our Words and Hearts – 7:45-9:30pm. An intro and/or foundation series to discover the benefits of nonviolent communication in your words and relationships. Facilitated in circle with experiential exercises and coaching guidance and peer-to-peer support in between sessions. $35$300. The Studio DC, 1710 Connecticut Ave, NW. Register: TheStudioDC.com/WorkshopsEvents. htm. Info: Mali@PeaceCircleCenter.org.
wednesday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org. Outside the Lines: A Creative Art Studio – 10:30am-12:20pm. 1st and 3rd Wed. Facilitators will help reclaim art-making as a healing tool through guided creative projects. $10/session (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202-483-8600. Info: SmithCenter.org/Calendar. Therapeutic Yoga – 6-7:15pm. See Mon $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202-483-8600. Info: SmithCenter.org/Calendar. Introduction to the Transcendental Meditation Program – 6:30-8pm. The evidence-based, TM technique is easy to learn and practice. In 20 minutes twice daily you can effectively reduce stress, anxiety and depression and cultivate transcendence. Bethesda Transcendental Meditation Center, 11300 Rockville Pike, Ste 408, Rockville, MD. Register: TM.org/MeditationIntro/Bethesda2.php. Info: 301-770-5690 or Bethesda@TM.org or TM.org.
Introduction to Mindfulness – 7:30-9pm. 1st and 2nd Wed. We will do some in-class meditations and discuss how to bring the benefits of mindfulness into our daily lives. No experience is necessary. We will sit on chairs, so no cushions or other props are required. Info: Living-Mindfully.org. Nia Dance – 7:30pm. Through movement, music and fun, Nia classes guide you to move your body the way it is intended to move. $20. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Register: 301-986-1090 or Info@TheMindfulnessCenter.org.
thursday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org. Therapeutic Yoga – 10:30-11:45am. See Mon for details. $10/class or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Register: 202-483-8600. Info: SmithCenter.org/Calendar.
friday Early Morning Meditation – 7:30-8:15am. See Mon for details. The Center for Mindful Living, 4708 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 200, NW, Tenleytown. Info: Living-Mindfully.org. Move, Learn, Create – 11am-12:15pm. Stretch your creative capacity, feel good and connect with fellow participants. Featuring a variety of dance styles, the class is a well-paced and refreshing experience for all. $10/session or $25/month (suggested donation). Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St, NW. Info: 202-483-8600 or SmithCenter.org. Tai Chi and Qigong – 5pm. Aligning breath, movement and awareness to affect energy flow, Qigong is rooted in Chinese medicine, martial arts and philosophy. $20. The Mindfulness Center, 4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD. Info: 301-986-1090 or Info@ TheMindfulnessCenter.org 5Rhythms Sweat Your Prayers – 8-10pm. Move through the Rhythms of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness with breath and intention; come together in community to find balance between the mundane and the sacred, to empty out and reconnect to the master vibe. $10/new to 5Rhythms or $20/regular admission. Carderock Swim Tennis Club, 8200 Hamilton Spring Ct, Bethesda, MD. Register: 215-9837036 or Meetup.com/ConsciousDancerDC. .
Pilates Mat Class – 9:30-10:30am. Classical Pilates mat class, open to all levels. $19. Elements Center, 2233 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 217, NW. Register: FrontDesk@ElementsCenter. com. Info: ElementsCenter.com.
communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email Robin@NaturalAwakeningsDC.com to request our media kit. ACUPUNCTURE JOÃO M. ALVAREZ, LICENSED ACUPUNCURIST
1010 Rockville Pike, Ste 305, Rockville, MD JMA.Acupuncture@yahoo.com 301-337-7115 • ElementWellness.net By combining acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, moxabustion and nutrition, João develops a comprehensive, individualized treatment strategy to promote optimal health. Major insurance accepted. See ad, page 41.
NECK BACK & BEYOND WELLNESS CENTER 10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com NeckBackAndBeyond.com Neck Back & Beyond offers chiropractic and naturopathic care, acupuncture, massage, colon hydrotherapy (colonics), reflexology, lymphatic drainage and more. lasting change to heal the mind, body and soul. Fitness, educational consultant and hypnotist. See ad, page 14.
SHAWNA SNYDER Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA Info@RoseWellness.com • RoseWellness.com 571-529-6699 Shawna Snyder is a licensed acupuncturist specializing in pain management. She effectively relieves pain by custom tailoring a comprehensive treatment plan to achieve optimal results. See ad, page 7.
Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 Info@RoseWellness.com • RoseWellness.com DeBritt Ealey specializes in the treatment of all forms of symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities with the Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) therapy. See ad, page 7.
Improving Lives in Natural Ways 4635 Chain Bridge Rd, Ste 100, McLean, VA 703-229-3106 NOVAAlternativeMed.com
Our holistic approach gets to the nexus of your pain and treats your pain’s cause, not just your symptoms. Dr. Sanford’s approach and treatment will greatly improve your quality of life. Specializing i n p e r i p h e r a l n e u r o p a t h y, chiropractic care, acupuncture, nutrition, physical therapy and functional medicine. See ad, page 11.
AROMATHERAPY MOTHER’S NATURE STORE 703-851-0087 Laina_Poulakos@hotmail.com MothersNatureStore.com
Certified aromatherapist and herbalist offering lifestyle consultations and handmade products, including soaps, balms, and beard oils. Reach a better state of body and mind. See ad, page 36.
258 Maple Ave East, Vienna and 12242 Rockville Pike, Rockville, 703-255-7040 (VA) or 301-770-7040 (MD) Maddie@SavvyRest.com • SRNB.com
Savvy Rest Natural Bedroom is the premier retailer of Savvy Rest organic mattresses and bedding, a Virginia manufacturer, and retailer of fine bedroom furniture. See ad, page 3. holistic approach to strong, healthy bones. See ad, page 6.
BOTANICAL GARDENS MEADOWLARK BOTANICAL GARDENS 9750 Meadowlark Gardens Ct, Vienna, VA 703-255-3631 KTomlinson@Nvrpa.org • Nvrpa.org
Wolf Trap in Vienna.
Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, a public garden for all the senses, a place of peace and reflection. Near
Dr. Craig Sanford, DC 12801 Darby Brooke Ct, Ste 120, Woodbridge, VA 703-583-1222 • AshdaleChiropractic.com Ashdale Chiropractic and Physical Therapy offers chiropractic care, acupuncture, peripheral neuropathy and physical medicine. See ad, page 11.
46950 Community Plaza, Ste 112, Sterling, VA 703-430-8883 ElsaLam@GoldenHealthPharmacy GoldenHealthPharmacy.com Prescriptions with personal attention (We accept all insurance). Compounding pharmacy for special medications and your pet’s special need. Integrating pharmacy services with nutritional support. Juice Bar, holistic health and wellness workshops, cooking classes for disease management and an infrared sauna with acoustic sound therapy. See ad, page 10.
10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com NeckBackAndBeyond.com
Grace Ogden, Principal 301-445-6771 • GraceProductions.co Grace Ogden leads this consulting and event production firm that supports progressive social change with an awareness of why spiritual principles and practices matter. See ad, page 15.
Neck Back & Beyond offers chiropractic and naturopathic care, acupuncture, massage, colon hydrotherapy (colonics), reflexology, lymphatic drainage and more. lasting change to heal the mind, body and soul. Fitness, educational consultant and hypnotist. See ad, page 14.
CHRONIC PAIN KAPLAN CENTER FOR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 6829 Elm St, Ste 300, McLean, VA 703-532-4892 KaplanClinic.com
We offer patients suffering with chronic pain and illness an effective model of medical care, incorporating elements of conventional and alternative medicine. Our team provides an integrative approach that addresses root causes of an individual’s pain and illness, including problems of the mind and spirit that may be contributing to the disease process. See ad, page 3.
4813-A Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA 800-515-6243 Marketing@Maid-Brigade.com MaidBrigade.com
FOUR CORNERS COUNSELING, LLC Hetty Irmer, LCSW-C, The Thinking Woman’s Counselor 10000 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD 301-960-8960 HettyIrmer.com
Tap into your deeper wisdom and sense of purpose. Understand your moods and manage them better. Hetty works with women, couples and offers groups to learn and practice skills of self-understanding and leadership. See ad, page 19.
801 Wayne Ave, Ste G200, Silver Spring PureImplants@MilesofSmilesDental.net MilesofSmilesDental.net • 301-588-0768
We are Green Clean Certified so you can have peace of mind that your home will be healthier for you, your pets and the environment. See ad, page 17.
Washington, D.C.
Bioceramic Dental Implants are here replacing missing teeth. N o w s a f e r t h a n e v e r. O u r integrative approach addresses your body’s readiness for dental implants. We systematically test and optimize your immune system prior to implant placement. See ad, page 13.
DENTISTRY (HOLISTIC) THE DC DENTIST 509 11th St, SE 202-544-3626 TheDCDentist.com
Holistic, biological and ecofriendly dentistry. See ad, page 5.
202-630-HOOK (4665) TheDCDoula@gmail.com • TheDCDoula.com Picture Plan for your future. Birth and postpartum doula offering a variety of women’s wellness services. We support birth with great confidence and help you welcome your new baby. See ad, page 18.
8120 Woodmont Ave, Ste 150, Bethesda, MD 301-654-5919 Bethesda@ELTCenters.com ELTCenters.com Empowered Learning Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n Centers (ELTC) help people of all ages and ability achieve peak performance levels in the areas of learning, focus and attention.
WASHINGTON WALDORF SCHOOL 4800 Sangamore Rd, Bethesda, MD 301-229-6107 SSmith@WashingtonWaldorf.com WashingtonWaldorf.org
Washington Waldorf offers a holistic education that blends arts, movement, and practical skills with academics at every step. Pre-K-12. Imagine a better way to learn.
ENERGY HEALING LIZETTE AYALA Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 Info@RoseWellness.com • RoseWellness.co Lizette Ayala, Energy Health Coach, specializes in teaching the art of self-healing and mind-body health, breaking energy draining patterns and reducing unproductive stress. See ad, page 7.
877-534-5534 HealingGateway.com
Sherry Lynn Dmytrewycz invites you to enter into a healthier, unlimited life with an energy clearing for you, your space or your animals. Handson or distance sessions. See ad, page 22.
GREEN JUICE RAW LIVING D’LIGHT 571-471-2891 RawLivingDLight.com
Green juices and food for health and longevity Serving northern VA See ad, page 17.
HEALTH COACHING BETH LINDLEY, LLC Beth@Beth Lindley.com BethLindley.com
Independent in your health care using natural solutions. Serving the D.C. metro area and beyond.
NATIONAL INTEGRATED HEALTH ASSOCIATES 5225 Wisconsin Ave, NW Julianne.ODwyer@NIHADC.com NihaDC.com/WellnessPrograms/Health-WssentialsCoaching-Program.html Julianne O’Dwyer Health Essentials Coaching Program. See ad, page 10.
HEALTH EVENT PLANNING PAM SNYDER EVENTS, LLC 703-402-7223 PamSnyderEvents@gmail.com PamSnyderEvents.com
With over 25 years experience event planning, our concentration is in the area of Health and Wellness. Whether you are interested in a high-energy full-scale conference or a small meeting/workshop, let us help plan your next health and wellness event.
6349 A Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 703-750-6675 Chicos@PetDepot.net • ChicosPetDepot.com Chico’s Pet Depot Holistic Pet Care is your neighborhood store for all natural, organic and holistic pet food, supplements and alternative remedies for all your pet needs. Unique and customized supplies catering to your “special needs” companion. Pet adoption, grooming, pet events and more.
Info@WholePetCentral.com WholePetCentral.com We are your one-stop destination for all things natural regarding your pet’s nutritional and grooming needs. Shop online or visit one of our stores locations in Rockville, MD, Herndon, VA or Ashburn, VA. See ad, page 28.
HERBS MOTHER’S NATURE STORE 703-851-0087 Laina_Poulakos@hotmail.com MothersNatureStore.com
Certified aromatherapist and herbalist offering lifestyle consultations and handmade products, including soaps, balms, and beard oils. Reach a better state of body and mind. See ad, page 36.
Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • RoseWellness.com Info@RoseWellness.com Deborah is a Certified Holistic Health Coach (CHHC) specializing in lifestyle nutritional counseling. She also provides guidance on eating real wholesome foods to achieve good health. See ad, page 7.
HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING ANDREA BEAMAN, HHC, AADP Holistic Health Counselor and Thyroid Expert AndreaBeaman.com
Tap into your deeper wisdom and sense of purpose. Understand your moods and manage them better. Hetty works with women, couples and offers groups to learn and practice skills of selfunderstanding and leadership.See ad, page 7.
HOLISTIC PARENTING HOLISTIC MOMS NETWORK ARLINGTON/ALEXANDRIA CHAPTER 571-451-8273 HolisticMomsArlAlex@gmail.com HolisticMomsArlAlex.blogspot.com
A nonprofit resource for parents seeking support in their natural lifestyle choices. All chapters hold monthly meetings and most offer supplemental activities.
HOLISTIC PROMOTIONS EARTHLIGHT PROMOTIONS 703-401-9663 BeverlyNickerson@comcast.net EarthLightPromotions.com
Organizing and promoting holistic health conferences. Marketing for holistic health practitioners. Facilitating local U.S. and abroad retreats to reconnect with nature, indigenous ancient wisdom and natural medicine. See ad, page 22.
Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 • RoseWellness.com Info@RoseWellness.com Dr. Sultana Afrooz specializes in diagnosing and treating patients who have been chronically ill from effects of tick borne infection, mold toxicity, and environmental toxicity. See ad, page 7.
RAW LIVING D’LIGHT 571-471-2891 RawLivingDLight.com
Green juices and food for health and longevity Serving northern VA See ad, page 17.
International Precision Medicine Associates 2200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 4th Fl E., Washington, DC 20037 888-727-6910 InternationalPrecisionMedicineAssociates.com With over 30 years of integrative clinical experience, Dr. Gant is passionate about providing the level of personalized care offered by Precision Medicine. He offers advanced diagnostic, genetic, and functional laboratory testing targeted to reverse chronic disorders and diseases, optimize physical wellness and brain health, as well as overcome addictions. He brings together the best of holistic and conventional medicine options. See ad, page 32.
Rose Wellness Center 2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 Info@RoseWellness.com RoseWellness.com Sushma Hirani, MD, specializes in functional and integrative medicine to treat chronic diseases. She has a special interest in women’s health care, natural hormone balancing, and detoxification. See ad, page 7.
INDIGO INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CLINIC 1010 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 660, DC 202-298-9131 IndigoHealthClinic.com
The body has an innate ability to heal itself and achieve balance from everyday stressors through non-toxic, non-aggressive and highly effective modalities. See ad, page 6.
KAPLAN CENTER FOR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 6829 Elm St, Ste 300, McLean, VA 703-532-4892 KaplanClinic.com
We offer patients suffering with chronic pain and illness an effective model of medical care, incorporating elements of conventional and alternative medicine. Our team provides an integrative approach that addresses root causes of an individual’s pain and illness, including problems of the mind and spirit that may be contributing to the disease process. See ad, page 3.
2944 Hunter Mill Rd, Ste 101, Oakton, VA 571-529-6699 Info@RoseWellness.com • RoseWellness.com At Rose Wellness Center, we practice an integrative approach to medicine by combining the best of conventional and alternative medicine. Services include hormone balancing, acupuncture, allergy management (AAT), energy healing, specialty testing, and detoxification. See ad, page 7.
Washington, D.C.
Empowering people to heal. Embracing optimal wellness. Mindfulness classes and services offered: yoga, meditation, tai chi, Nia, acupuncture, massage, Reiki, qigong, craniosacral, hypnosis and more.
571-471-2891 • Luzy@RawLivingDLight RawLivingDLight.com
The Barnard Medical Center partners medical Complete Care for care with the latest a Healthier You MEDICAL CENTER advances in prevention and nutrition to create a health care plan designed just for you. If you need to treat and reverse diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or other chronic conditions, we will help you revolutionize your health. Better eating habits are often the key to better health. See ad, page 2.
Alkaline foods to restore your health and nourish your body. Microgreens and sprouts, foods for superior health. Classes, workshops and private consultation. Available for lectures and home growing consultations. See ad, page 17.
2200 Pennsylvania Ave, 4th Floor East, NW 888-727-6910 InternationalPrecisionMedicineAssociates.com Offering the most advanced fully integrative Your state-of-the-art Your path to good Your personalized personalized Your tools for medical center nutrition health plan success healthcare. Leaders in Our Focus Is on Nutrition We Spend Extra Time precisely addressing with You root • Comprehensive nutrition counseling with registered dietitians team spends extended • Group classes disorders • Recipes and resources causes ofcooking chronic unique to• Our thetime individual. with each patient Special Expertise in to address their medical Extensive experience with all physical disorders, mood needs. • Weight Control • Heart Health • Diabetes • Chronic Conditions disorders, childhood spectrum, addictions, as well as 5100 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 401 | Washington, DC 20016 | 202-527-7500 | BarnardMedical.org improving personal performance. See ad, page 32. 1/15/2016 5:15:17 PM
HUGH BYRNE, PHD Hugh-Byrne.com
Mindfulness-based counseling and meditation instruction. Dr. Byrne teaches classes, retreats, and workshops on Buddhism and meditation in the Washington, D.C. area and nationwide and provides individual counseling.
10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-862-4612 • Info@AskBabette.com NeckBackAndBeyond.com Babette Lamarre, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, offers individualized recommendations for what to eat/how to live for maximum health and happiness given your particular life situation. See ad, page 14.
ZanaZ@WintergreenOrganics.com WintergreenOrganics.com We are your gateway to local, organic and natural farmers. We are your online grocery store. Sign up, click on your food to add to your cart, get delivered. It’s that easy. Life is good and healthy.
4963 Elm St, Ste 100, Bethesda, MD 301-986-1090 TheMindfulnessCenter.org
Empowering people to heal. Embracing optimal wellness. Mindfulness classes and services offered: yoga, meditation, tai chi, Nia, acupuncture, massage, Reiki, qigong, craniosacral, hypnosis and more.
301-986-1090 TheMindfulnessCenter@gmail.com TheMindfulnessCenter.org
5100 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 401, NW 202-527-7500 BarnardMedical.org
16011-COM BMC Ad for Natural Awakenings.indd 1
Stephen Trauger 540-550-2355 • PermaSteve@gmail.com GrowingWildPermaculture.com We help you design, build and maintain sustainable systems that integrate the following concepts: Swales, natural-soil-building strategies, ponds, gry water systems, food production, roof water catchment, gardens, composting and much more.
5225 Pooks Hill Rd, Promenade, Bethesda 240-640-0218 OstrowpedicPillowTopPillow.com We c a r r y O m i OrganicPedic Organic Mattresses, Savvy Rest Organic Mattresses and Ostrowpedic Organic Mattresses and Pillows. Enjoy our fun and unique showroom filled with antiques and collectibles. Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES and best selection. Over 35 years experience.
10560 Main St, Ste PH-1, Fairfax, VA 703-865-5690 • NeckBackAndBeyond.com NeckBackAndBeyond@gmail.com
Neck Back & Beyond in Fairfax, VA, offers chiropractic and naturopathic care, acupuncture, massage, colon hydrotherapy (colonics), reflexology, lymphatic drainage, and thermography clinics. See ad, page 14.
46950 Community Plaza, Ste 112, Sterling, VA 703-430-8883 ElsaLam@GoldenHealthPharmacy GoldenHealthPharmacy.com
297 Herndon Pkwy, Ste 105, Herndon, VA 571-331-9208 HHHealC@gmail.com HambrockHolisticHealing.com
Prescriptions with personal attention (We accept all insurance). Compounding pharmacy for special medications and your pet’s special needs. Integrating pharmacy services with nutritional support. Juice Bar, holistic health and wellness workshops, cooking classes for disease management and an infrared sauna with acoustic sound therapy. See ad, page 10.
Wellness treatments and products. Bringing balance to your life. See ad, page 13.
SKINCARE (ORGANIC) NEAL’S YARD REMEDIES, NYR ORGANIC 571-277-1480 RandiOrganic@gmail.com US.NYROrganic.com/Shop/ RandiCohenCoblenz
Go organic. NYR Organic is the way to go. Awardwinning products, fair trade, ethical and transparent. Many holistic practitioners, massage therapist and estheticians use the products in their practice. See ad, page 41.
VETERINARY HOLISTIC CARE 4820 Moorland Ln, Bethesda, MD 301-656-2882 Info@VHCdoc.com • VHCdoc.com
A holisticveterinary clinic focused on keeping your pet healthy by promoting quality of life while providing excellent integrative medical care in an exceptional environment. See ad, page 39.
Falls Church, VA 310-809-0418 YoginiDanceSumona@gmail.com YoginiDanceSumona.wix.com/sumonayoga Sumona Apsara Parii is a dedicated yoga teacher and Indian classical dancer. At present, Sumona is offering private instruction of yoga for women. See ad, page 14.
THE MINDFULNESS CENTER 4963 Elm St, Ste 100 Bethesda, MD 301-986-1090 TheMindfulnessCenter.org
Pema Choepel Mallu, DVM, CVA, M.Ac, L.Ac Kitty Raichura DVM, CVA 12627 Wisteria Dr, Ste C & D, Germantown 240-715-6570 HolisticVeterinaryHealing.com We offer integrative compassionate veterinary c a r e . We v i e w y o u r animal as a whole focusing on the root cause of dis-harmony for long-term healing. See ad, page 18.
Nonprofit offering: meditation, yoga, qigong, acupuncture,
Nya@YogaWithNya.com YogaWithNya.com Nya Alemayhu is a yoga instructor in Washington, D.C., dedicated to building community through sharing the practice of yoga. Nya offers private instruction and workplace yoga. See ad, page 22.
2854 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton, VA 703-281-1767 • Admin@UnityOfFairfax.org UnityOfFairfax.org Unity of Fairfax offers a welcoming, environment to explore one’s own relationship with God in a community of like-minded individuals.
Love is life. And if you
miss love, you miss life. ~Leo Buscaglia
A church center for spiritual growth and dynamic transformation.
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