60 & Better Newsletter | June 2013

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MISSION: To create opportunities that allow Douglas County residents 60 years and older to remain independent and active in their homes and communities.

JUNE 2013


VVolume Vo oollu lum mee 4400 No N o. 6 No.

DCSS PAINTERS WIN ART SHOW PRIZES INSIDE Menu............................................PG 4 Calendar of Events .....................PG 7 Legalese .......................................PG 9

Art is ageless - that’s a fact. It is also the name of the annual art show sponsored by Lawrence Presbyterian Manor. Several prizes were won by artists from our own Downtown Tuesday Painters and Lori Dalrymple’s Saturday Acrylic Painting class. Top prize - “Best of Show� went to Ardis Comfort, who won for her sculpture, entitled “Jazz.� Other winners included: Carole Peters, First Prizes in Watercolor Painting (professional) Soft Sculpture for “Fescue,

Ardis Comfort, Carole Peters and Charlotte Nease are pictured with some of the artwork they entered in the Lawrence Presbyterian Manor “Art is Ageless� juried exhibition in April.

the Hedgehog�; Richard Lind, First Prize in Acrylic Painting; and Bill Young,

Second Prize in Watercolor Painting (amateur). Congratulations to all!

FEATURED ACTIVITIES IN JUNE DCSS recently had the good fortune to work with students from two KU classes: Prof. Ken Ward’s Business 416 Training, Development, and Career Management class and Prof. Phil Hofstra’s Environmental Design class. Students from Prof. Ward’s class worked in groups to address a variety of training needs at the agency. In the Senior Meals program, Mallory Sweatt, Matt Resnick and Mason Lent (pictured above with Senior Meals Manager Ray Buckingham) prepared a training program on food preparation and safety. Another group, Nick Self, Tyler Magee, Seeun Lee, and Alex Haynes worked on volunteer driver safety. The Community Services staff worked with students on two training programs. Kate Ottoson, Allyson Leach and Shane Lillis put together a program on Caregiving that includes basic information on providing care, as well as care for the caregiver. Marty Paget, Alex Orr, Jordan Dreiling and Shanah Gaskill worked on a program for senior employment to be utilized in our job fair. Prof. Hofstra’s students, Kaitlynn Howell and Kelsey &DURWKHUV FRPSOHWHG D GHVLJQ FRQFHSW IRU WKH ¿UVW ÀRRU including the entry, reception and waiting areas.

Check out the activities this month at DCSS. Details in the Leisure and Learning catalogue in this issue. • Hidden Valley Camp Tour and Lunch, Monday, June 3, 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m. • Made in the Shade- Plants for the Kansas Shade Garden, Friday, June 7, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. • Live Entertainment by Elaine Peacock, Wednesday, June 19, 1:30-2:30 p.m. • 4th of July Windsock Craft, Friday, June 28, 3 - 3:45 p.m.


DCSS is having a Senior Wheels Fundraising Breakfast featuring biscuits and gravy and homemade cinnamon rolls on Saturday, June 1 from 8 to 10 a.m. in front of the Chamber of &RPPHUFH RIÂżFH DW (LJKWK DQG +LJK 6WUHHWV in Baldwin City. All proceeds will go toward the expenses of the Baldwin City Senior

Wheels Volunteer Transportation Program. There will be lots of other fun in Baldwin City June 1. The annual citywide garage sale is happening and Thomas the Train will be in town! Come spend the day in Baldwin City starting off with breakfast to support Senior Wheels.


The Ponzi Scheme: Defined, Decoded and Demystified A Letter From District Attorney Charles Branson

!ne o& t(e )ost i),ortant goa0s o& )1 arti20es is to ensure a s2a) artist ne4er 2o)es 5et6een 1ou and 1our (ard earned and 6ise01 sa4ed nest egg. 9(i0e reading a ,ress re0ease a5out t(e 0atest senten2ing &or an in4est)ent 5ro:er &or a ;<on=i s2(e)e> ? de2ided 6(i0e t(e ter) is so o&ten used in t(e )edia it is rare01 GHÂżQHG RU EURNHQ GRZQ @s t(is is a )et(od so)e o& t(e )ost s0i2: and dangerous o& t(e s2a))ers 6i00 use to se,arate 1ou &ro) 1our )one1A ? 6ant to use t(is )ont(Bs arti20e to 5rea: GRZQ DQG GHÂżQH WKH <on=i s2(e)e. Co start 6it(A 6(ere did ;<on=i s2(e)e> e4en get its na)eD C(e na)e 2o)es &ro) E(ar0es <on=i 6(o 2onned t(ousands o& residents in Ne6 Gng0and in a ,ostage sta), s2(e)e in t(e HIJKBs. Le ,ro)ised in4estors a MKN return in Oust IK da1s. G4en 5a2: t(enA t(e1 s(ou0d (a4e :no6n i& it sounds too good to 5e trueA it is. C(e P.Q. Qe2urities and GR2(ange Eo))ission SQGET GHÂżQHV D 3RQ]L VFKHPH as ;@n in4est)ent &raud t(at in4o04es t(e ,a1)ent o& ,ur,orted returns to eRisting

in4estors &ro) &unds 2ontri5uted 51 ne6 in4estors. <on=i s2(e)e organi=ers o&ten so0i2it ne6 in4estors 51 ,ro)ising to in4est &unds in o,,ortunities 20ai)ed to generate (ig( returns 6it( 0itt0e or no ris:. ?n )an1 <on=i s2(e)esA t(e &raudsters &o2us on attra2ting ne6 )one1 to )a:e ,ro)ised ,a1)ents to ear0ierUstage in4estors and to use &or ,ersona0 eR,ensesA instead o& engaging in an1 0egiti)ate in4est)ent a2ti4it1.> Qo (o6 2ou0d t(e DERYH GH¿QLWLRQ SOD\ out in t(e rea0 6or0dD @ 4er1 2(aris)ati2 ,erson 6ou0d 2on4in2e 1ou (e 2ou0d get in 1ou in on a ;2anBt 0oseA 6onder&u0 in4est)ent o,,ortunit1.> Vou are t(in:ing a5out (o6 1ou 2an rea001 use t(is eRtra in2o)e &ro) t(e interest &ro) 1our in4est)entA so 1ou (and o4er 1our (ard earned )one1 a00 at on2e or o4er ti)e. C(is s0i2: s2a) artist instead o& in4esting 1our )one1 is no6 s,ending 1our )one1 on (is ,0us( 0i&est10e. C(e neRt ste, is (e )ust 2on4in2e )ore and )ore 4i2ti)s o& t(e sa)e stor1 (e so0d 1ou on so t(e 2as( ÀRZ FDQ FRQWLQXH 7KLV 2ou0d go on &or )ont(s

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to :e1 in&or)ation a5out t(e 2o),an1Bs )anage)entA ,rodu2tsA VHUYLFHV DQG ÂżQDQFHV %" Pn0i2ensed se00ers U Yedera0 and state se2urities 0a6s require in4est)ent ,ro&essiona0s and t(eir ÂżUPV WR EH OLFHQVHG or registered. ^ost <on=i s2(e)es in4o04e un0i2ensed indi4idua0s or XQUHJLVWHUHG ÂżUPV &" Qe2reti4e and_ or 2o),0eR strategies U @4oiding in4est)ents 1ou donBt understand or &or 6(i2( 1ou 2anBt get 2o),0ete in&or)ation is a good ru0e o& t(u)5. '" ?ssues 6it( ,a,er6or: U ?gnore eR2uses regarding 6(1 1ou 2anBt re4ie6 in&or)ation a5out an in4est)ent in 6riting and a06a1s read an in4est)entBs ,ros,e2tus or dis20osure state)ent 2are&u001 5e&ore 1ou in4est. @0soA a22ount state)ent errors )a1 5e a sign t(at &unds are not 5eing in4ested as ,ro)ised. (" 'LIÂżFXOW\ re2ei4ing ,a1)ents U \e sus,i2ious i& 1ou donBt re2ei4e a ,a1)ent RU KDYH GLIÂżFXOW\ 2as(ing out 1our in4est)ent. `ee, in )ind t(at <on=i s2(e)e ,ro)oters so)eti)es en2ourage ,arti2i,ants to ;ro00 o4er> ,ro)ised

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“Welcome to Medicare” MEETING JUNE 19 H1+ ()* '+/ $) C+82&#1+6 Q) ()* "#I+ V*+3$2)'36 Q)*5,#3 J)*'$( P+'2)1 P+1I2&+3 /2,, D1+3+'$ # Y!+,&)-+ $) C+82&#1+Z -++$2'5 )' !+8'+38#(; L*'+ :U <1)- '))' $) : D>-> J)--*'2$( P+1I2&+3 S1)51#- H3323$#'$ #'8 P+'2)1 B+#,$" 7'3*1#'&+ J)*'3+,2'5 <)1 W#'3#3 \PB7JW] J))182'#$)1 J1233 ?)-,2' /2,, 52I+ #' )I+1I2+/ )< C+82&#1+ #'8 #'3/+1 V*+3$2)'3> S#1$2&2D#'$3 #1+ <1++ $) .12'5 $"+21 ,*'&" )1 1+3+1I+ )'+ $"1)*5" )*1 P+'2)1 C+#,3 D1)51#-> 7$ 23 ')$ $)) ,#$+ $) 325' *D <)1 PB7JW I),*'$++1 $1#2'2'5^ _+#1' $) "+,D D+)D,+ '#I25#$+ $"1)*5" $"+21 C+82&#1+ &")2&+3> X),,)/2'5 $1#2'2'5; I),*'$++13 -#( &"))3+ $) "+,D /2$" 0D+' O'1),,-+'$; #'3/+1 &#,,3 # <+/ ")*13 # /++A 2' )*1 J#,, J+'$+1; )1 #3323$ C+82&#1+ EHQH¿FLDULHV ZLWK FRPSUHKHQVLYH FRXQVHOLQJ )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ D,+#3+ &)'$#&$ J1233 ?)-,2'; PB7JW J))182'#$)1 #$ Q)*5,#3 J)*'$( P+'2)1 P+1I2&+3; `a=@aGE@F=Gb )1 $),, <1++ :@a``@EU=@bE``>

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“Grab & Go�

Senior Carry-out Meals Available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

DINING CENTER LOCATIONS I,+"-+ >",, 0$ WW ".*. &1 (6+ 5"$ 0+9&#+ (& *"M+ " #+-+#."(/&1. A,, *+","#+ -+#.+5 0$ N&&1. A,, DCSS D/1/12 C+1(+#*++( ">>+--/0/,/($ 2'/5+,/1+- +-("0,/-6+5 0$ (6+ A*+#/>"1- 8/(6 D/-"0/,/(/+- A>( TADAV. A 5&1"(/&1 &9 BC.DE 7+# *+", /- -'22+-(+5. O& >"1>+, " *+", "( "1$ &9 (6+ 5/1/12 >+1(+#- 7,+"-+ >",, DJE%JKC%4EKL "15 ,+".+ " *+--"2+.

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nursing Home are paid completely by Eedicare8 THe neVt 36 days in tHe nursing Home reUuires a A"#$%&# T) *)+% ), payment by tHe person GitH Eedicare of AOY3 T-% .)#/ 0)++)"12 per day in 16O.8 After A#3%4 .%4567&% O66 days, Eedicare 89%#/5)"# Gill no longer pay any portion of tHe stay8 Eedicare does not pay for long/term nursing Home care8 And Eedicare GonXt !" Ey spouse needs to pay for any skilled go to a nursing Home8 sHort/term care unless Pill Eedicare pay for it` it immediately folloGs, @an Eedicare Help me and is directly related select a nursing Home to an inpatient Hospital tHat Gill provide HigH stay8 Uuality care` Eedicare provides a great deal of information A" Eedicare Part A for you about nursing pays for sHort/term Homes, to Help you select stays in a nursing Home, one tHat Gill provide if it is needed after an Uuality care8 Simply inpatient Hospital stay go to GGG8medicare8 of at least tHree days8 gov and click on c!ind THis usually means a Cursing >omed on tHe skilled nursing Home Home page8 eou can services are reUuired searcH by name, or by for reHabilitation after location8 an inaury, disability, or EedicareXs Cursing illness8 Bf tHis is tHe >ome @ompare listings case, and tHe person sHoG Uuality of care needing tHe skilled information on every nursing care Has Eedicare and Eedicaid/ Eedicare Part Ab Has a FHUWLÂżHG QXUVLQJ KRPH LQ doctorXs order for skilled tHe country / over O5,666 nursing servicesb tHey facilities8 Cote tHat reUuire tHe skilled care IDFLOLWLHV QRW FHUWLÂżHG WR on a daily basis and tHe participate in Eedicare services, as a practical or Eedicaid are not matter, can only be listed, but are regulated provided in a Skilled by your state, GHicH Cursing !acility on an may publisH its oGn inpatient basis, tHen information8 WKH ÂżUVW GD\V LQ WKH fn GGG8medicare8

gov, and on tHe Cursing >ome link, you can see information about recent HealtH inspections, VWDIÂżQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ and summaries of UHFHQW GHÂżFLHQFLHV eou can also see HoG an individual facility rates on tHe @ES !ive/ Star guality Rating8 Bn a feG cases, you also see a facility marked GitH an cS!!d icon8 S!! stands for cSpecial !ocus !acility8d THis means tHe nursing Home Has a recent History of poor Uuality and Gill be surveyed ]inspected^ tGice as often as nursing Homes GitHout tHis designation8 >oGever,

itXs GortH noting tHat many facilities in tHe S!! program VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ LPSURYH tHeir performance, GHicH is tHe goal8 Bnformation on Cursing >ome @ompare is sometHing you sHould consider carefully, but not alone8 Talk to your doctor or otHer HealtH care provider about tHis information8 Bn many cases, some categories of performance may matter to you more tHan otHers8 @ES does not endorse any nursing Home, even tHe ones GitH good star ratings, and you sHouldnXt rely only on tHe ratings to make tHis

important decision8 THe most important tHing you can do is to visit tHe facilities you are considering, to get a ÂżUVW KDQG IHHO IRU KRZ tHey operate8 Talk to tHe staff, and to people GHo live tHere8 Bf you canXt visit, Have someone you trust do tHat for you8 12 .34.526 *"+ ,"+' %#*"+,.$%"# .7"&$ .#5 8'(%9.+' :&'2$%"#6 -3'.2' 9.33 0;<==;8'(%9.+'6 4>%9> %2 0;<==;?@@;ABBCD !&2$",'+ E'+F%9' G'-+'2'#$.$%F'2 .+' .F.%3.73'6 BA >"&+2 . (.56 C (.52 . 4''HD

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AICR HEALTHTALK Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN American Institute for Cancer Research

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!ridays, *une . / *uly 12, 3456 / 7456 a8m8 :ocation4 >olcom Rec8 @enter8 !ee4 A518 Bnstructor4 Cicki :isterman8 Eove to lively music GHile you reap WKH PDQ\ KHDOWK EHQH¿WV of aerobic conditioning8 Bncrease your stamina and agility, GHile improving your immune system and cardio pulmonary function tHrougH dancing8 MnHance your EDODQFH ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG PXVFOH strengtH during tHe toning and stretcHing segment of class8 Register at tHe @ommunity Building, OO5 P8 OOtH St8, 3.1/R7.68 A"#$"%#%& F)*+,-#%)+ T-% C$% 0 -12& 34 -+, *5 6S*+ &#892 T-% C$%: Eondays and !ridays, *une

. / *uly 12, O6 / OO a8m8 !ee4 A.78 :ocation4 @ommunity Building8 Bnstructor4 Susan Pomeroy8 Tesigned to improve tHe Uuality of life for people GitH artHritis8 Bncludes agile steps and eVercises tHat may improve mobility, breatHing and relaVation8 THe movements donXt reUuire deep bending or sUuatting, GHicH makes it easier and more comfortable to learn8 Register at tHe @ommunity Building, OO5 P8 OOtH St8, 3.1/R7.68 B-99"))< D-+>%+1 !ees are assessed at a per/ couple/rate and you must enroll a partner8 Eondays, *une ./ *uly 11, 3 / 3455 p8m8 !ee4 AR5 per couple8 :ocation4 :aGrence Senior @enter8 Bnstructor4 SHirley Barrand8 THis course instructs

you in ballroom fundamentals of frame, posture, footGork and timing, plus leading and folloGing your partner8 :earn tHe basic steps to all of tHe most popular styles of ballroom dancing8 Register at tHe @ommunity Building, OO5 P8 OOtH St8, 3.1/R7.68 C8>9%+1 0 P2,-9 P*&$2"& 0 -12& 34 -+, *5 !ridays, *une R / *uly 12, O1/O14Y5 a8m8 :ocation4 @ommunity Building8 !ee4 A.18 Bnstructor4 Eelanie *oHnson8 Bntroductory class designed for older adults8 Bndoor cycling can increase your endurance and strengtH in your loGer body, core and upper body8 Bndividuals are responsible for tHe intensity of tHeir oGn Gorkouts8 Bikers can modify tHeir cycling

resistance and pace according WR WKHLU FXUUHQW ÂżWQHVV OHYHOV Register at tHe @ommunity Building, OO5 P8 OOtH St8, 3.1/R7.68 F%#+2&& @)" L%@2 0 -12& 34 -+, *5 Eondays, Pednesdays and !ridays, *une . / *uly 12, O6465 / OO465 a8m8 !ee4 A518 :ocation4 >olcom Rec @enter8 Bnstructor4 Eelanie -RKQVRQ 3K\VLFDO ÂżWQHVV is especially important for mature men and Gomen8 @lass Helps coordination, LPSURYHV FLUFXODWLRQ IRUWLÂżHV Heart and lungs, and improves muscle tone8 Register at tHe @ommunity Building, OO5 P8 OOtH St8, 3.1/R7.68 P%9-#2& S%9B2" 0 -12& 34 -+, *5

Tuesdays and THursdays, *une Y / *uly 15, 34.6 / 74.6 a8m8 !ee4 A.R8 :ocation4 >olcom Rec8 @enter8 Bnstructor4 Pat EiddaugH8 Pilates is a modern approacH to body conditioning tHat Gill keep you on tHe cutting edge of times8 !ocuses on core muscles sucH as Hips, tHigHs, and abdominals tHat Gill strengtHen and tone by stretcHing8 Eain principles include folloGing PRWLRQ EUHDWKLQJ ÀH[LELOLW\ precision, centering and control8 StrengtHens body and mind8 Register at tHe @ommunity Building, OO5 P8 OOtH St8, 3.1/R7.68 S2+%)" S#"2+1#$ T"-%+%+1 0 -12& 34 -+, *5 Eondays, Pednesdays and !ridays, *une . / *uly 12, times vary GitH beginner and

ONEOINE EROUPS AND DROP0IN ACTIVITIES Anyone 55 and over is Gelcome to participate in tHese fun and friendly activities8 [roups listed beloG meet as VSHFLÂżHG 7KHUH DUH no fees reUuired for most of tHese groups8 Some supplies are provided8 Programs are dependent upon donations8 MUuipment is available for participantsX use8 Please contact tHe department for furtHer information on tHese activities8 LAWRENCE SENIOR CENTER LMN V2"<)+# S#OP P$)+2: 6LRN: RMS04NMT

U-#$"8+ N2V<-+W D%+%+1 C2+#2" C))",%+-#)" EB2"8 D-8OOO Pool \ @offee4 3 a8m8/5 p8m8, Pool Room M)+,-8OOO Beginning SpanisH / MmpHasis on [rammer4 O/1 p8m8, Board Room [ames4 O4.6 / Y4.6 p8m8, Tining @enter

/ MmpHasis on @onversation4 O/1 p8m8, Board Room @Hair MVercise4 O64Y5 / OO4O5 a8m8, @onference Room ]also !ri8^ T$*"&,-8OOO Bingo4 OO466/OO4Y5 a8m8, Tining @enter

T*2&,-8OOO ToGntoGn Tuesday Painters4 7 a8m8/O p8m8, @onference Room

F"%,-8OOO @Hair MVercise4 O64Y5 / OO4O5 a8m8, @onference Room @larinet reHearsal4 Resumes in fall CeG >ori_on Band4 Resumes in fall

W2,+2&,-8OOO Beginning SpanisH


6LRN: RMS03ZL3 S$%"928 B")V+W D%+%+1 C2+#2" C))",%+-#)" AutoHarp4 Tues8, O6 a8m8/ O1 p8m8, Hobby room8 @ontact4 Berta @all, R35/33./Y1RO8 Bingo4 Ped8, O4.6 p8m8 BALDWIN SENIOR CENTER YSSY I+,%-+-W B-9,V%+ C%#8P P$)+2: 6LRN: NZM0SM4Z M-[%+2 S>)##W D%+%+1 C2+#2" C))",%+-#)" Pool4 Eon8/!ri8, 7 a8m8/O p8m8 Pot :uck4 !ri8 ]Ost and .rd^, 2/7 p8m8 PINECREST

APARTMENTS ZSM W-9+*#W E*,)"-P P$)+2: 6LRN: NMS0Y4S4 C-")9 M-&)+W D%+%+1 C2+#2" C))",%+-#)" Bingo4 Ped8, O14.6/O p8m8 WE WANT YOUR INPUT! Please let us knoG if you are interested in starting an activity at your dining center8 Pe can provide tHe materials, eUuipment, and facilities needed to implement a program WDLORU PDGH WR ÂżW \RXU dining center situation8 @ontact tHe :eisure and :earning Tepartment for details8

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nursing Home are paid gov, and on tHe Cursing itXs GortH noting important d MAKING Äœ completely by Eedicare8 >ome link, you can Ĺ—ÄœÄ?à żðþĔä tHat manyĹĽÄœ´~Ć‹ facilities ĹĽĂ°~ĹĽ Ć‹ÄœĹłĹŽÄ…Ä… most impor MEDICARE +1U&$ f'*0" +.+1 /9 $&' 6".+ *'->,+- "15 U&/1(-: 1&( (& "5."1>+5 >,"--+-. R&>"(/&1Y THe neVt 36 days in tHe see information about in tHe S!! program you can do ,/*/(+5 *&0/,/($. R+2/-(+# "( *+1(/&1 #+5'>+ -(#+--: 9"(/2'+ ~ąƇ~Ć‹Ĺ— Â˜Ă Ĺ‘Ă Ä?Ă Ä?Â˜Ă Ĺ‘à ´ Ă˜ÄœĹ‘Äź G&,>&* R+>. C+1(+#. F++Y MAKE SENSE nursing Home reUuires a recent HealtH inspections, VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ LPSURYH tHe facilitie

(6+ C&**'1/($ P'/,5/12: WWE (6+ #/-M &9 9",,- 5'+ (& BEC. Z1-(#'>(&#Y C/15$ A"#$%&# T)"15 *)+% ), payment by tHeWW(6 person VWDIÂżQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ tHeir performance, GHicH considering `. S(.: JLC%DaL4. /1>#+"-+5 0","1>+. R+2/-(+# "( P"M+#S[/>M/ R$-+1SC#$-(", GitH Eedicare of AOY3 and summaries of .)#/ 0)++)"12 is tHe goal8 ÂżUVW KDQG I (6+ C&**'1/($ P'/,5/12: WWE S6+76+#5. E99+>(/.+T-% /*7#&./12 per day in 16O.8 After UHFHQW GHÂżFLHQFLHV Bnformation on tHey operat WCLWSL5ACFWCL `. WW(6 S(.: JLC%DaL4. 0","1>+ T7#+.+1(/12A#3%4 9",,-V: .%4567&% O66 days, Eedicare eou can also see HoG Cursing >ome @ompare staff, and to -(#+12(6+1/12 *"U&# *'->,+ 89%#/5)"# S("$pay ('1+5 9&# '7>&*/12 M%% 2#&'7- "15 /1>#+"-/12 *'->,+ Gill no longer any an individual facility is sometHing you sHould live tHere8 +1(+#("/1*+1( ">(/./(/+-. `6"(_- ",, (6+ (",M "0&'( `//dof tHe *"-- "15 0&1+ 5+1-/($. portion stay8 rates on tHe @ES !ive/ consider carefully, but visit, Have D+-/21+5 (& /1>,'5+ 9'1>(/&1", C&*+ U&/1 '- /1 (6/- 9'1: Eedicare does not Star guality Rating8 Bn not alone8 Talk to your trust do tHa LS5XW0 40YZ a feG cases, you also /1(+#">(/.+ 2"*+. Z(pay 8&#M*&.+*+1( 7"((+#1- (& for long/term doctor or otHer HealtH +16"1>+ 5"/,$ ,/./12 ">(/./(/+-. $&'# *'->,+-: ,/9(- $&'# *&&5 nursing Home care8 see a facility marked care provider about tHis 12 .34.5 I,+"-+ >&1(">( R+0+>>" "15 /(_- 2&&5 9&# &,5+# "5',(-. 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Editor: Janet Ikenberry Interim Executive Director: Mike Wildgen Printer: Lawrence Journal-World 609 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044 Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., is funded by Douglas County Mill Levy • Older Americans Act through the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging • Kansas Department on Aging • Kansas Department of Transportation • special grants • project income • fund-raising activities • and your donations. Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or size. If you feel that you KDYH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW \RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR ¿OH D complaint with Douglas County Senior Services. 842-0543. (TDD: 1-800-766-3777). Toll free: 1-877-295-DCSS (1-877-295-3277) On the web: dgcoseniorservices.org

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