60 & Better May 2013

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MAY 2013

MISSION: To create opportunities that allow Douglas County residents 60 years and older to remain independent and active in their homes and communities. VISIT VIS SIT US AT WWW.DGCOSENIORSERVICES.ORG WWW.DG WWW DG GCOS COSENI ENIORS O SER ORS ERV VICE C S S.O ORG ORG G

VVolume Vo olu lume m 4400 me No N o. 5 o. No.

INSIDE Menu............................................PG 4 Calendar of Events .....................PG 7 The Savvy Senior........................PG 9


Unleash the Power of Age!

Betty Parks and Valeita Williams from the Altrusa Club of Lawrence presented a check to DCSS Intern Kasia Potocka last month at the Lawrence Senior Center. The donation will be used to expand the selection of books available in the DCSS Caregiver Resource Library. The library was made possible by funds from Altrusa and we appreciate their continued support. Kasia has been organizing materials and researching possible additions to the library, which is utilized by our Caregiver Support *URXS 7KH JURXS PHHWV WKH ÂżUVW DQG WKLUG 0RQGD\ RI each month from 2:15 to 3:45 p.m. at the Lawrence Senior Center and is open to all caregivers, offering an opportunity to share feelings and discuss caregiving topics in an understanding and caring environment. Books are available to anyone interested in learning more about caregiving and may be checked-out from the Community Services Department at DCSS. Visit our website for a list of available books and resource materials, or call 842-0543 for information.

Every year since 1963, May has been the month to appreciate and celebrate the vitality and aspirations of older adults and their contributions and achievements. It is a proud tradition that shows our nation’s commitment to honor the value that elders continue to contribute to our communities. This year’s Older Americans Month theme “Unleash the Power of Age!â€? - emphasizes the important role of older adults. This May, communities across the nation will recognize older Americans as SURGXFWLYH DFWLYH DQG LQĂ€XHQWLDO PHPEHUV RI VRFLHW\ Older Americans Month celebrations will acknowledge the value that older adults continue to bring to our communities by making an effort to applaud recent achievements of local elders and inviting them to share the activities they do to unleash the power of age. Douglas County Senior Services encourages you to take part in the celebrations by sharing your Older Americans Month resolutions with the U.S. Administration on Aging. Post what you will do this May to unleash the power of age on the AoA Facebook page, and follow up by sharing a picture or story about the experience later in the year. While DCSS provides services, support, and resources to older adults year-round, Older Americans Month is a great opportunity to show special appreciation! We will continue to provide opportunities for elders to come together and share their experiences with one another, as well as with individuals of other generations.

THANK YOU YO Y U AARP A AIDE TAX VOLUNTEERS for another very successful tax season at DCSS. Your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated! THE HOW-TO FOR

CONTAINER GARDENING Add a splash of color to your landscape with container gardening! Join us at the Lawrence Senior Center for a free presentation on Friday, May 10, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Susan Phillips, Master Gardener with Douglas County K-State Research & Extension, ZLOO WHDFK WKH ÂżYH VWHSV WR creating your own planter. Learn about containers, soil types, plants that work well in containers, where to place your planter, and watering schedules. Many ideas will be presented to help you decide what to create for your container garden. Please register by Wednesday, May 8.

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“Grab & Go”

Senior Carry-out Meals Available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T- #$ &'3$#1*)0:.4 9')* &'96.#&0-*1 -"03 -"0-2 :(9'$- '/ 94 &.#*3-$ "0+* &"#.1)*3 031 5)031&"#.1)*32 031 -"*4 ,03- -"*9 -' :* -)*0-*1 /0#).42 -''7 (Editor’s Note: Molly M. Wood is a partner at Stevens & Brand, LLP in Lawrence, Kansas where VKH FRQ¿QHV KHU SUDFWLFH to Elder Law, especially seniors with long-term care issues. If you have a legal question or concern, call the Kansas Elder Law Hotline, a toll-free legal advice and referral service for Kansas Seniors, 1-(888)-353-5337. An Elder Law Project attorney is available in Lawrence by appointment at Douglas County Senior Services, 842-0543.)

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!" $ BETTER PA+E !

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additional charge.

Jawrence Senior Center.

Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN American Institute for Cancer Research

@ur dri-ers pro-ide Door to Door assistance.

,.!TC S T.77 for each one way trip within the city limits of each community.


Es it ok to keep doing the same strength^training routine all the timea E donbt know if Ebm making progress any more.


Iirst, kudos to you for including strength training as part of your physical acti-ity. =erobic eVercise (like walking) is not enough all on its own to maintain the muscle that adults otherwise tend to lose as we get older. Howe-er, if you keep doing eVactly the same strength^training eVercises without changing or ad-ancing them in some way, you can reach a strength^training plateau, and \RX GRQÂśW JHW DV PXFK EHQHÂżW IURP WKH WLPH \RXÂśUH SXWWLQJ LQ DV you could. The =merican Council on EVercise (=CE) says itbs EHVW WR NHHS FKDOOHQJLQJ RXUVHOYHV ÂżUVW E\ JUDGXDOO\ LQFUHDVLQJ the number of crepsd (repetitions, or how many times you do a VSHFLÂżF PRYH VWDUWLQJ DW DQG ZRUNLQJ XS WR 7KDW PDNHV one csetd of an eVercise, and people may do from one to three csetsd of each eVercise. @nce you can comfortably do an eVercise OP times in a row, try a more challenging -ersion of the eVercise. Ef youbre using free weights or a Nautilus^type machine, =CE UHFRPPHQGV LQFUHDVLQJ WKH DPRXQW RI ZHLJKW E\ ÂżYH SHUFHQW ,I you use -ery light weights, go to the neVt hea-ier weight load (for H[DPSOH IURP WZR SRXQGV WR WKUHH SRXQGV RU IURP ÂżYH SRXQGV to se-en pounds). But start back at only eight crepsd of doing the eVercise. Gradually work your way up to doing the eVercise more times before you add additional weight. Ef youb-e been using elastic bands or body weight for your strength training, use the same approachW increase the number of times you do the eVercise up to OP, and then ad-ance to a more challenging way to do the eVercise. =nother tip for a-oiding or dealing with a strength^training plateau is to try different types of eVercises, using muscles in slightly different ways. =lso key to maVimi`ing the results of your strength training is to rest affected muscles two days between strength eVercises. Muscle is built during the time off after strength traininge if you get back to it too soon after your last workout, you donbt gi-e your body enough chance to rebuild.

3,!! 5oard oG 3ire8Jors Pattie Zohnston, !"#$%&#'( Dennis Domer, )%*#+!"#$%&#'( Zudy (right, ,#*"#(-". Zason Hornberger, /"#-$0"#" Hank Booth Sue Brown ]athy Clausing^(illis Dr. Phil Godwin Stacey Hunter Schwart` ]enny Massey Ellen Paulsen

!"#$%&' )AW#"&,", )",.M0T.&, "23.#A, 4 5A)3W%& ,%T6 #"!"#$AT%.&! A&3 %&F.#MAT%.& 8all 785-865-6925 Senior (heels stri-es to meet the transportation needs of customers who are 67 years or older in Douglas County. =ccompanying spouses & caregi-ers are also eligible to ride at no


SOP.77 for trips outside of the city limits. (EVampleW a one way trip from !,B"32)" "A#)6C Eudora to Jawrence) Due to a hea-y demand Ior detailed policy for transportation, rides information, please call may be scheduled as far DQG DVN IRU LQ DGYDQFH DV GD\V RU DV a Policy Manual. little as LM hours. Baldwin City has a Nou should be ready to Colunteer Transportation board OP minutes prior to Program. your scheduled ride. Ior Reser-ations or 'DLO\ Âż[HG VWRS information about rides PM Monday through in Baldwin City call Thursday from the

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MAKING MEDICARE MAKE SENSE Answers To Some of The Most Commonly Asked Medicare 8uestions

!: I recently got a notice from Medicare about my new Part D plan, allowing me to change to a higher-rated plan if I want to. I thought the Medicare Prescription Drug and Health Plan Open Enrollment Period were over. What does this mean?

A: Medicare has sent these letters to Medicare EHQHÂżFLDULHV ZKR KDYH decided to enroll in what are called “low performing plansâ€? - that is, plans which have scored less than three VWDUV RQ WKH 0HGLFDUH ÂżYH star rating system for the last three or more years. This is the second such PDLOLQJ 7KH ÂżUVW RQH VHQW last fall, went to people who were enrolled last year in a low performing plan. This new mailing went to 0HGLFDUH EHQHÂżFLDULHV ZKR enrolled in a low performing plan during the most recent Open Enrollment Period. If you got either letter, you have a one-time opportunity to change your enrollment to a higher

rated plan, right away, without waiting for the next Open Enrollment Period in October. You can also change to a plan which does not yet have a rating, because it is too new to have received one. But you don’t have to make any change at all if you don’t want to. If you decide to make a change, it will take place on WKH ¿UVW GD\ RI WKH PRQWK following your election. It will not change the plan you are in this month. You may also change from a low performing Medicare Advantage health plan to a Medicare Advantage health plan in your coverage area with a higher rating or to Original Medicare, if you want to; in the latter case, you will also be allowed

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to enroll in a separate Part D plan at the same time, to make sure your prescription medication needs are also covered, as the Medicare Advantage health plan may have provided your prescription drug coverage too. For more information about your plan choices, to compare them side-by-side, DQG WR ÂżQG RQH WKDW ÂżWV \RXU needs, you can go to the Medicare Plan Finder tool: https://www.medicare. JRY ÂżQG D SODQ TXHVWLRQV home.aspx or, you can call Medicare 24 hours a day at 1-800-MEDICARE which LV You can also get assistance, in your state, from the

State Health Insurance Assistance Program or SHIP program; their number is on the back page of your Medicare & You handbook. Note, however that under this special enrollment opportunity, the SHIP volunteers can help you compare the Medicare health and drug plan options, but they are not able to actually change your plan for you. To enroll, you must call 1-800-MEDICARE. For more information, call 1-800-MEDICARE, ZKLFK LV Medicare’s national tollfree helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit www. medicare.gov.

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?mployment 2esources for 0lder Bob Seekers !ear Savvy Senior, What resources can you recommend to help older job seekers? I’m 62 and have been out of work for nearly a year now and need some help. L""#$%& (") W")# !ear -ooking, While the U.S. job market has improved slightly over the past year or so, challenges persist for many older job seekers. Fortunately, there are a number of free online tools and in-person training centers scattered across the country today that can help \RX ¿QG HPSOR\PHQW +HUHœV what you should know. 0nline 2esources If you have Internet access, there are a number of 50-and-older online employment networks that can help you connect with companies that are interested in hiring older workers. Two of the best are workreimagined.org, a resource developed by AARP that combines career advice, job listings and online discussion tied to LinkedIn’s professional networking platform. And retirementjobs.com, which offers a job search engine that lists thousands of jobs nationwide from companies that are actively seeking workers over the age of 50. It also provides job-seeking tips and advice, helps with

resume writing and allows you to post your resume RQOLQH IRU FRPSDQLHV WR ÂżQG you. Some other good 50plus job seeking sites to try are workforce50. com, retiredbrains.com, retireeworkforce.com, and encore.org a resource that KHOSV ROGHU ZRUNHUV ÂżQG meaningful work in the second half of life. 6n-8erson 9elp Another good place to get KHOS ÂżQGLQJ D MRE LV DW D Career One-Stop center. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, these are free job resource centers that can help you explore career options, search for MREV ÂżQG WUDLQLQJ ZULWH a resume, prepare for an interview and much more. There are around 3,000 of these centers located throughout the country. 7R ÂżQG RQH QHDU \RX FDOO RU JR WR careeronestop.org. 'HSHQGLQJ RQ \RXU ÂżQDQFLDO situation, another program that may help is the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). Also sponsored by the Department of Labor, SCSEP offers access to training and part time job placements in a wide variety of community service positions such as day care centers, senior centers, governmental agencies, schools, hospitals, libraries and landscaping centers. To

qualify, participants must be over 55, unemployed and have poor employment prospects. To learn more or locate a program in your area visit www.doleta.gov/seniors RU FDOO

between $10 and $15 per hour. Or, if you have some writing or editing experience, proofreading pays $12 to $20 SHU KRXU 6HH ÂżUVWHGLWLQJ FRP and cactusglobal.com to look for proofreading jobs. For more work at home ideas and resources, see retiredbrains.com and click on the “Work from Homeâ€? tab on the left side of the page.

starting a small business but could use some help getting started, the U.S. Small Business Administration offers tips, tools and free online courses that you can access at sba.gov.

Send your senior questions ;ork at 9ome to: S,--. S/%$"), P2O2 4"5 If you’re interested in 6778, N"):,%, O; <8=<=, working at home, there ") -$>$? S,--.S/%$")2")&2 @$: are many opportunities M$BB/) $> , C"%?)$DE?") ?" ?F/ depending on your skills, but N4C T"I,. >F"J ,%I ,E?F") be careful of rampant work"K LTF/ S,--. S/%$")M D""#2 at-home scams that offer big Start a >usiness paydays without much effort. If you’re interested in Some of the more popular work-at-home jobs include 2ÂŒn 0Ă?A|| AÂ˜Â˜Ă“ <¨Ì Ăś "Ažn½½½ “customer service agentsâ€? 2ÂŒn ¨¨e ÂŁĂ?Â?[nĂ“ <¨Ì½½½½ ZKR ÂżHOGV FDOOV IURP WKHLU 2ÂŒn [Ă?Â?ĂłÂ?Ă?Â?nĂ“ AÂŁe Ă?Â?nÂŁeĂ“ÂŒÂ?¡Ă“ employers’ customers and Q¨Ì£ez prospective customers - you don’t place telemarketing calls. Agents earn an average f^qS ^LL?”?q4? JÂ? ? m of $8 to $15 an hour and ^ Â? 9 ÂŻ?”² ²9 ÂŻ?”² many also receive incentives and commission, too. To 9Â?ÂŁĂ?Aƒn -AĂ?— AĂ? A˜eĂ´Â?ÂŁ Â?Ă?Ăś Â?Ă“ A ĂŚÂŁÂ?Ă„ĂŚn [¨ÂžÂžĂŚÂŁÂ?Ă?Ăś ÂżQG WKHVH MREV VHH DULVH FRP Ă´Â?Ă?ÂŒ A [ÂŒAĂ?A[Ă?nĂ? AÂŁe ¡nĂ?Ă“¨£A˜Â?Ă?Ăś A˜˜ Â?Ă?Ă“ ¨ô£½ :Â?Ă?ÂŒ A |ĂŚÂ˜Â˜ alpineaccess.com, liveops. A[Ă?Â?ĂłÂ?Ă?Ăś Ă“[ÂŒneĂŚÂ˜nb ƒĂ?nAĂ? |¨¨e AÂŁe AžnÂŁÂ?Ă?Â?nĂ“b AÂŁe |Ă?Â?nÂŁeĂ“ com and workingsolutions. Ă?¨ Ă“ÂŒAĂ?n A ƒ¨¨e ˜AĂŚÂƒÂŒ Ă´Â?Ă?ÂŒ½½½ôÂŒAĂ? [¨Ì˜e Qn QnĂ?Ă?nĂ?z com. If you have good typing skills there are “transcriptionistâ€? jobs that pay around $10 per hour for typing verbatim accounts of board meetings, presentations, conference calls, etc. Companies that hire transcriptionists are WLJHUÂżVK FRP XELTXV FRP ctran.com. 9Â?ÂŁĂ?Aƒn -AĂ?— And if you have a college AĂ? A˜eĂ´Â?ÂŁ degree, online “tutoringâ€?

Â?Ă?Ăś or “proofreadingâ€? jobs Ă&#x;ä¯ Ă?Â?žÓ¨£ ĂłnÂŁĂŚn are always available. See

A˜˜ ¨Ă? ĂłÂ?Ă“Â?Ă? ĂŚĂ“ Ă?¨eAĂśz WXWRU FRP WR ÂżQG WXWRULQJ ôôô½óÂ?ÂŁĂ?Aƒn¡AĂ?—AĂ“Ă“Â?Ă“Ă?ne˜Â?ĂłÂ?ÂŁÂƒ½[¨Âž opportunities which pay [A˜˜ Ă—s~ÂŽ~¤ ÂŽ ä~~ |¨Ă? ž¨Ă?n Â?ÂŁ|¨Ă?žAĂ?Â?¨£½

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!"#S%&" A)* !"A&)#)+ CATA!.+%" )eisure and )earninO ,aJaloOue - ,ourse 3es8ripJion ,all 842-0543 Jo enroll Douglas County Senior Ser-ices offers di-erse continuing education courses, KHDOWK DQG ÂżWQHVV FODVVHV workshops, seminars, tours, and special e-ents for acti-e Douglas County residents age PP and o-er. Near^round drop^in acti-ities are also listed in this publication. Call MLf^7PLT to enroll, suggest a new program, -olunteer to teach a class, or be a tour director. Iill out the registration form in this newsletter and mail it with your check (payable to Douglas County Senior Ser-ices) toW Douglas County Senior Ser-ices, Jeisure and Jearning Department, 9HUPRQW 6W /DZUHQFH ]S 667LL. (alk^ins are welcome. Refund or Credita = full refund or credit will be gi-en for all classes, e-ents or trips T7 days prior to the class or e-ent, eVcept theater tickets that are bought in ad-ance and are non^refundable. Jess than T7 days prior, refunds will be gi-en for medical hardships, appro-ed emergencies, and e-ents canceled or rescheduled by the department. = O7 percent administrati-e charge will be deducted from refunds for cancellations less than one week in ad-ance. Partial class scholarships may

be a-ailable for seniors who gualify. Scholarships will be considered upon completion of application in the Jeisure DQG /HDUQLQJ RIÂżFH Reasonable accommodations can be made for special needs. Registration must specify needs. Registrant must pro-ide information at time of enrollment. Please note that certain classes are co^sponsored with and located at Jawrence Parks and Recreation Department. F"AT2#"3 MA6 A,T%$%T%"! The BoU-To Gor ,onJainer 'ardeninO Iriday, May O7, O7WT7^OOWT7 a.m. IeeW None. JocationW Jawrence Senior Center. PresenterW Susan Phillips, Master Gardener with Douglas County ]^State Research & EVtension. =dd a splash of color to your landscape with container JDUGHQLQJ /HDUQ WKH ÂżYH steps to creating your own planter. Topics include different containers, soil types, plants that work well in containers, where to place your planter, and watering schedules. Many ideas will be presented to help you decide what to create for your container garden. Register by (ednesday, May M. 'roUinO $eOeJaVles UiJhouJ ToWi8 0esJi8ides Iriday, May fL, O7WT7^OOWT7 a.m. IeeW None. JocationW Jawrence Senior Center.

PresenterW Sheila Reynolds, Master Gardener with Douglas County ]^State Research & EVtension. This class will address a -ariety of measures that can be used to manage insects in a -egetable garden without resorting to toVic chemicals that harm EHQHÂżFLDO LQVHFWV ELUGV DQG other organisms and may compromise food safety. The focus will be on cultural practices, physical barriers, and biological and microbial controls. Jearn research^ based information about how to manage pests in an en-ironmentally safe manner. Register by (ednesday, May ff. F#"" 5lood 0ressure ,he8Xs The fnd Tuesday of each month, O7WT7 a.m. ^ OfWT7 p.m. JocationW Jawrence Senior Center Board Room. Pro-ided by =d-anced Home Care. No registration reguired. F#"" !enior !UiY 3ays (ednesdays are Senior Swim Days for people 67 years and o-er. E-ery (ednesday, all day long, seniors swim for free. 3A6[!B.#T T#%0! Ior more information andh or reser-ations please contact Rebecca Clancy at MLf^7PLT. Bidden $alley ,aYp Tour and )un8h Monday, Zune T, OO am ^OfWT7 p.m. IeeW None. Transportation pro-ided from Jawrence Senior

Center. Come join us for a beautiful trip to the Hidden Calley Camp where we will go on a personal tour of the camp and enjoy a genuine FDPSÂżUH OXQFK RI KRWGRJV and sbmoresj Did you know that Hidden Calley Camp, purchased in OkP6, is one of the few pri-ately owned wilderness areas in Jawrencea The camp is primarily used for Girl Scout e-ents, and has shelters, a cabin, beautiful trails, and year^round campsites. Come -iew the surrounding wildlife DQG ÂżQG RXW PRUH LQWHUHVWLQJ facts about this wonderful wilderness area within our own city. Ef you are a past Girl Scout, this trip would be a wonderful way to reli-e the Girl Scout passion of nature eVploration and ad-enture. lJast day to register is Iriday, May fL. ,lydesdales 4 Jhe \,an] Thursday^ Iriday, Zune OT^OL, f7OT. Pick^uphdrop^ off location in Jawrence. Cost per personW double^ SfLk, single^ SfMk. This cC=Ntasticd getaway includes a tour of the Missouri State Penitentiary, known as the c=lcatra` of the Midwested a homemade family^style dinner at The Settlerbs Enn, set in a settlerbs log cabine -isit to (arm Springs Ranch, home of the Budweiser Clydesdales for a guided toure a hearty meal in the Blackwater Depot. &eU TheaJre TripC \5uddy - The 5uddy Bolly !Jory] (ednesday, Zuly fL, f7OT, matinee show. Pick^uphdrop^

off location in Jawrence. Cost per personW SMk. (SO7 early booking discount ^ payment must be recei-ed E\ 0D\ 2QH RI WKH PRVW popular productions of all time is backj cThe Buddy Holly Storyd tells the story of Buddy Hollybs short yet eVplosi-e career and features his class songsW cPeggy Sued, cThatbll be the Dayd, cNot Iade =wayd, c@h Boyd, cMaybe Babyd, cRa-e @nd and many more. This show rocksj Cost includes motor coach transportation, tour director, lunch and show, SP Group Getaways Green, and taV. ,lydesdales 4 ,oYedy Thursday^ Iriday, September 3LFN XS GURS off location in Jawrence. Cost per personW double^ SfLk, single^ SfMk. This comical getaway takes us to Boon-ille and the guaint -illages of =rrow Rock & Blackwater, M@. EncludedW Jyceum Theatre production of cTuna Does Cegasde dinner at the OMTL Huston Ta-erne (arm Springs Ranch, home of the Budweiser Clydesdalese hearty meal in the Blackwater Depot. "32,AT%.&, B.556 4 F%&A&," AA#0 3ri^er !aGeJy ,lassrooY ,ourse- aOes 60 and up Saturday, Zune O, M a.m.^P p.m. IeeW SOf for ==RP member, SOL for non^ ==RP member. JocationW Jawrence Senior Center. Continued on page 12


L"IS%&" AND L"A&NIN+ CATAL.+%" Continued from page 11

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Editor: Janet Ikenberry Interim Executive Director: Mike Wildgen Printer: Lawrence Journal-World 609 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044 Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., is funded by Douglas County Mill Levy • Older Americans Act through the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging • Kansas Department on Aging • Kansas Department of Transportation • special grants • project income • fund-raising activities • and your donations. Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or size. If you feel that you KDYH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW \RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR ¿OH D complaint with Douglas County Senior Services. 842-0543. 7'' 7ROO IUHH '&66

On the web: dgcoseniorservices.org

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