MISSION: To create opportunities that allow Douglas County residents 60 years and older to remain independent and active in their homes and communities.
November 2013
Volume Vo V olluume me 4400 No. Noo. 11 N 11 DOUGLAS COUNTY SENIOR SERVICES, INC.
Thank you for your service to our country!
Letter from the Editor ...............PG 3 REMEMBER VETERANS DAY NOVEMBER 11 Calendar of Events .....................PG 7 Senior Meals Menu ....................PG 8 Legalese .......................................PG 9 OPEN ENROLLMENT ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Featured Activities ...................PG 10 The Medicare Part D Thursday, Oct. 24, 9 • Wednesday, Nov. 6
MEDICARE PART D Open Enrollment Period continues through Dec. 7 and DCSS will provide assistance navigating the new Medicare Part D Plans and enrollment. It is important to reevaluate your Part D (prescription) coverage each year, as plans change and so may your medications.
A New Vehicle for Baldwin City Senior Wheels! The City of Baldwin City, Douglas County, Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., and donations from individuals funded the purchase of a new minivan for the Baldwin City Volunteer Senior Wheels program. The vehicle was delivered to Baldwin City last month. Pictured from left to right are volunteers Bill Clemente, Bill Neuenswander, and Ray Gottstein. Also pictured is Keith Carlson from United Access. If you would like to volunteer for the Baldwin City Senior Wheels program, please call Bill Neuenswander at 594-3559.
In case of bad weather please listen to KLWN 1320 AM radio for closing of senior center, meals and activities. Information will also be available on TV station KMBC Channel 9 and cable channel 6.
Appointments are available at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont St. during the following times. (Please call 8420543 to schedule your appointment.) • Tuesday - Oct. 29 2-4 p.m. • Wednesday - Oct. 30 2-4 p.m and 5-7 p.m. • Thursday - Oct. 31 1-3 p.m. • Tuesday, Nov. 5 2-4 p.m.
2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. • Thursday, Nov. 7 1-3 p.m. • Tuesday, Nov. 12 2-4 p.m. • Wednesday, Nov. 13 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. • Thursday, Nov. 14 1-3 p.m. • Tuesday, Nov. 19 2-4 p.m. • Wednesday, Nov. 20 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. • Thursday, Nov. 21 1-3 p.m. • Tuesday, Nov. 26 2-4 p.m. • Tuesday, Dec. 3 2-4 p.m. • Wednesday, Dec. 4 2-4 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. • Thursday, Dec. 5 1-3 p.m. Staff and Volunteers will also be at the following locations to help Medicare EHQH¿FLDULHV RQ D ¿UVW FRPH ¿UVW VHUYHG EDVLV
a.m.- 12 p.m. at Auburn Pharmacy, Baldwin City Thursday, Nov. 7, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Roberts Pharmacy, Baldwin City Thursday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Lecompton Community Pride Building (former high school) Thursday, Nov. 21, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Eudora Community Center Thursday, Dec. 5, 9 a.m.12 p.m. at Drury Place at Alvamar Please bring your Medicare card and a list of your current medications, including dosage information. For more information please contact the DCSS Community Services Department, 785842-0543, or toll free 1-877-295-3277.
60 $ BETTER PA+E 2
Social Network Safety During the Holidays and Beyond A Letter From District Attorney Charles Branson !or many of us the day of a critical eye to what receiving the end of the pictures and personal year holiday letter with the details you decide to overly dramatic version share. Bhile I assume of the past year7s events8 you have already ta=en ¿OOHG ZLWK WKH \HDU¶V steps to ensure your home accomplishments of the address and other personal Smith and :ones families information is not listed have been replaced by a on your social media near daily update via social accounts8 if you post a media. Social media is a picture that plainly reveals great and easy way to =eep your street address8 it does current and involved with not ta=e much detective the activities of family and wor= for someone to locate friends8 however8 if you you. In addition8 what are using social media8 are the conseIuences of posting pictures of your have you considered how brand new big screen to ensure you are doing television or other bigso safely> This month I tic=et item> Some things would li=e to share some safety tips for using your are simply too tempting social networ=ing sites. and are best left unsaid and unadvertised. An important thing to avoid is announcing when Some other general tips you will be out of town. and guides areK Bhile tempting8 to share the Coy and eDcitement L Mever share passwords. of an impending trip8 it could prove to be too L Nloc= any disturbing tempting to a EfriendF or harassing contacts. that may actually be less On !aceboo=8 people than friendly. Gou could who send unwanted or harassing messages can return from your vacation be bloc=ed so they will be DQG ¿QG \RXU KRPH unable to directly contact burglariHed. That would certainly not be a relaDing another member. Po not hesitate to use this feature. end to your trip. If you want to share photos and L If there is concern tales of your trip with family and friends through whether something should your favorite social media be posted8 be it in writing8 site8 wait and do so when a picture or otherwise8 you return. always error on the side of caution. Another point of consideration is to ta=e L Qa=e certain antivirus
and antispyware software are current and a current ¿UHZDOO LV UXQQLQJ In closing8 I want to ta=e a moment to than= the Rongressional Slace Tomeowners Association for allowing me the opportunity to spea= to them in September. If your group has an issue you would li=e me to address or if you would simply li=e me to spea= to your group generally about consumer protection8 please do not hesitate to contact my RI¿FH DW GLVWULFWDWWRUQH\# douglas-county.com or at the phone number listed below to arrange for a visit. I hope this information about social media sites and tips on how to safely use them was helpful to you. As always8 for general consumer protection information8 please contact my consumer protection division at UVW-XXY-ZV[\. Be are always ready to serve the citiHens of Pouglas Rounty. !T#$ &'()*+,-&)' &' -#&. ,*-&/0$ &. ')- &'-$'1$1 -) 2*)3&1$ 0$4,0 ,13&/$5 6$4,0 ,13&/$ /,' )'07 8$ 2*)3&1$1 &' ,' ,--)*'$79 /0&$'- *$0,-&)'.#&25 T#&. &'()*+,-&)' +:.- ')- 8$ *$0&$1 )' ,. , .:8.-&-:-$ ()* )8-,&'&'4 0$4,0 ,13&/$ (*)+ , 0&/$'.$1 ,--)*'$75;
S"illbuilders Fall Session Continues through Nov. 14 S=illbuilders continues on Thursdays at ]Y a.m. in the ^arden Room at Prury Slace at Alvamar8 ]W]Y St. Andrews Prive. S`ILLNbILPcRS is a series of programs aimed at those learning to adapt to maCor life changes. It provides helpful information for anyone ma=ing life changes due to the loss of a loved one8 illness or other circumstances. It is a comfortable8 informal discussion where Iuestions are encouraged. Mew topics have been added to the list of familiar and popular programs. The series continues through Movember ][. October 31 - BinteriHing Gour TomeK ^etting ready for the cold wintry blast and ta=ing care of your biggest investment. Sresented by Meil ^as=in8 Matural NreeHe Remodinging. November 7 - Bho Am
I Mow>K Rreating a Enew selfF after life changes. Sresented by `aren Roberts8 Murse Sractioner. November 14 - Tandling the TolidaysdRelebration e Remembrance. Sresented by Saul Reed and Sattie :ohnston. Rome for all of the programs or choose those that piIue your interest. There is never a charge for the programs and registration is not necessary. Transportation is available by contacting Pouglas Rounty Senior Services8 UVW-VfW-f\ZW. S=illbuilders is sponsored by the Outreach Services of the Lawrence Sublic Library8 gisiting Murses Association and the Pouglas Rounty Senior Services. !or more information on S=illbuilders8 contact Sattie :ohnston at the Lawrence Sublic Library8 UVW-V[X-XVXX eDtension ]]W.
SENIOR MEALS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Senior Meals Program is thankful to have about 60 volunteers per week. We are always looking for people willing to help drive a home delivery route. Volunteers are needed in Lawrence and Eudora. If you are interested in helping once per week for one hour, please call the Senior Center at 842-0543. Join our team!
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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Fall is here! You can feel the change in the air. There has also been a big change at Douglas County Senior Services. Last month we welcomed our new Executive Director, Kristin Scheurer. We are so happy that Kristin is leading our team into the future. There is so much to be excited about. DCSS will be growing and changing in the coming months and years, as we strive to meet the challenges that come with our new responsibilities to Douglas County and the City of Lawrence, and in our efforts to address the needs of our “boomingâ€? senior population. And it’s a very busy time of year at DCSS. There are lots of programs and activities in full swing, and the holidays are upon us. We hope you’ll visit us at the Lawrence Senior Center, whether it’s for lunch, a class or activity, our holiday craft session, or Popcorn Fridays. 7KH QHZ SDUNLQJ JDUDJH LV RSHQ DQG IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH LQ ages, parking is plentiful. Hope to see you soon!
Annual Holiday Assistance program starts this month The holidays are just around the corner, and this year, as in years past, DCSS is asking for your help to make the holidays brighter for seniors in need through our “Adopt a Senior� program. We take applications from low income seniors and match them with volunteers from the community who provide them with items from their “wish list.� In the interest of both parties, adoptions are anonymous. If you (or your business or organization) are interested in adopting a senior this year, please call the Community Services Department at DCSS, 842-0543. There are numerous ways to participate. A typical adoption may cost up to $100. If you wish to adopt, but have a tight budget, we can arrange a partial adoption. If you would like to help, but hate to shop - we’ll gladly do your shopping for you. Cash donations are happily accepted. DCSS will take applications for assistance through November 15. Adopters are asked to bring their gifts to the Lawrence Senior Center on Thursday, December 19. Please help up share the magic of the holiday season this year. It will make your holidays brighter, too.
NATIONAL FAMILY CAREGIVERS MONTH National Family Caregivers Month is observed every November and seeks to draw attention to the many challenges facing family caregivers. At Douglas County Senior Services, we are committed to serving caregivers in the community. Our Caregiver Support Group meets RQ WKH ÂżUVW DQG WKLUG 0RQGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK IURP WR S P DW WKH /DZUHQFH 6HQLRU &HQWHU 7KLV group is open to caregivers of all ages and gives them an opportunity to share feelings and discuss caregiving topics in a caring and understanding environment. If you are a caregiver, we encourage you to attend our Caregiver Support Group meetings. We also have a Caregiver Resource Library with books, notebooks, brochures, DVDs and other educational resources that address issues pertaining to family caregiving. The library is available to anyone wanting to learn more about caregiving and related topics.
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WELCOME TO MEDICARE Meeting November 13
Are you new to MedicareI Do you have questionsI Douglas County Senior Services will present a “Welcome to Medicare� meeting on Wednesday, November 13 from noon to 1 p.m. Community Services Program Assistant and Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK) Coordinator Criss Tomlin will give an overview of Medicare and answer questions. Participants are free to bring their lunch or reserve one through our Senior Meals program. For more information please contact Criss Tomlin, SHICK Coordinator at Douglas County Senior Services, 785-842-0543 or toll free 1-877-295-3277.
INCOME TAX VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If you are not afraid of people, computers, tax returns, challenges and learning new things, we may have just the volunteer opportunity for you. AARP TaxAide, the nation’s largest free volunteerrun tax preparation and assistance service, is looking for more volunteers to help lowand moderate-income families prepare and file their individual tax returns next season.
Volunteers do not need to be an AARP member or retiree to participate. We do need volunteers to have basic computer skills and the personal drive necessary to learn and become proficient with new tax preparation software provided by the IRS. AARP Tax-Aide volunteers are provided access to all computer equipment and training materials required and
receive comprehensive tax training in January. They learn new skills while making a real difference in their communities. Tax preparation will begin February 3, 2014 and run through April 15, 2014. Contact Sarah Merriman at 785-813-1136 or by email at smerriman@ swbell.net.
NEW HORIZONS BAND Fall Schedule 2013
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All Rehearsals and Concerts are held at 4 p.m. on Fridays, unless otherwise noted. Rehearsals are held at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont. Band Director John Towner encourages anyone interested in playing to join. Dues are $5 for the year. Contact John Towner at 785-865-3519 or 785-865-8851 FHOO RU E\ HPDLO DW WRZQHU#VXQĂ&#x20AC;RZHU FRP
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9$C$%&$' ; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Meadowlark Estates 1< â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rehearsal += â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Drury Place +> â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rehearsal
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ONGOING GRO[PS AND DROP-IN ACTIVITIES Anyone 55 and over is welcome to participate in these fun and friendly activities. Groups listed EHORZ PHHW DV VSHFLÂżHG There are no fees required for most of these groups. Some supplies/ equipment are provided. Programs are dependent upon donations. Please contact the department for further information on these activities. LAWRENCE SENIOR CENTER 745 Vermont St.8 Phone: (785) 842-0543 Kathryn Newman, Dining Center Coordinator
Every Day... Pool & Coffee: 8 a.m.5 p.m., Pool Room
Chair Exercise: 11:00 - Margaret Hawkins, 11:30 a.m., Conference Dining Center Coordinator Room (also Fri.) Autoharp: Tues., 10 Monday... a.m.-12 p.m., hobby Thursday... Beginning Spanish room. Contact: Berta Bingo: 11:00-11:45 - Emphasis on Call, 785-883-4271. a.m., Dining Center Grammer: 1-2 p.m., Bingo: Wed., 1:30 Board Room p.m. Friday... Games: 1:30 - 4:30 Chair Exercise: 11:00 p.m., Dining Center 11:30 a.m., Conference BALDWIN SENIOR CENTER Room Tuesday... 1221 Indiana, Clarinet rehearsal: Downtown Tuesday Baldwin City8 2:45-3:45, Painters: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Multipurpose Room Phone: (785) Conference Room 594-2409 New Horizon Band: Maxine Scott, Dining 4 p.m., Multipurpose Center Coordinator Wednesday... Room Pool: Mon.-Fri., 9 Beginning Spanish a.m.-1 p.m. - Emphasis on BABCOCK PLACE Pot Luck: Fri. (1st and Conversation: 1-2 1700 Mass.8 Phone: 3rd), 6-9 p.m. p.m., Board Room (785) 842-6976
PINECREST APARTMENTS 924 Walnut, Eudora8 Phone: (785) 542-1020 Carol Mason, Dining Center Coordinator Bingo: Wed., 12:30-1 p.m. WE WANT ZO[R INP[T! Please let us know if you are interested in starting an activity at your dining center. We can provide the materials, equipment, and facilities needed to implement a program tailorPDGH WR ÂżW \RXU GLQLQJ center situation. Contact the Leisure and Learning Department for details.
SAFE WINTER WALKWAYS Signup Ends this Month
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NOVEMBER 2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS % DCSS Caregiver Support Group, 2:15-3:45 p.m., Lawrence Senior Center. 6 Older Womens League (OWL), 2-3:30 p.m., Kenneth Doud Room, United Way Building, 2518 Ridge Court. Social time begins at 1:30.
Lawrence Senior Center. Informational meeting for those new to Medicare. For information call 842-0543. #) League of Women coters, 11:30 a.m., Watkins Community Museum of bistory, Ground Floor Meeting Room, 104` Massachusetts St. Brown bag lunch meeting. Topic: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mexican Immigrants In Lawrence, KS: Their bistory and Their Stories.â&#x20AC;?
information call 840-2`12. !0 Douglas County Coalition on Aging (DCCOA), 8 a.m., Lawrence Senior Center. !0 Uayhawk Area Agency on Aging Caring for the Caregiver- An Educational Fair for the Caregiver, 10:30-1:30, First Southern Baptist Church, 4300 W. 6th. For more information call `85-235-136`.
8 Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Caregiver Support Group, 1-2:30 p.m., KU Center for Research, 1315 Wakarusa, Second Floor, Room 214. This support group is for families caring for early to late stage Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disease. Contact: Ueanne Reeder or Michelle Niedens (913) 831-3888. 9 Fibromyalgia Y Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Focus on Improvement.â&#x20AC;? Location varies. Please call Rachel at 9`9-5393 or Uean at 865-0016 for information. #! Grief Support Group, 10:30 a.m., Pioneer Ridge,4851 barvard Road, in association with Grace bospice. For information call Dave Uenkins at `85-228-0400. #! Memory Book Group, 6 S P *UDFH +RVSLFH 2IÂżFH For information call Dave Uenkins at `85-228-0400. #$ Welcome to Medicare Meeting, 12 to 1 p.m.,
#) Low cision/Blind Outreach Ministry Dinner, 5:30 p.m., Immanuel Lutheran Church and Student Center, 2104 Bob Billings Parkway (15th and Iowa St. adjacent to KU Campus). This group meets for dinners, social and speaker events, as well as day trips. RScP encouraged for purpose of dinner reservations. Anyone in the community that is blind or has low vision is welcome. For information call 843-0620. #8 DCSS Caregiver Support Group, 2:15-3:45 p.m., Lawrence Senior Center. #9 Parkinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Support Group, 2 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. For more information call 865-2450. #9 Stroke Support Group, 4 p.m., Lawrence Memorial bospital. For more
!! Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Caregiver Support Group, 1-2:30 p.m., KU Center for Research, 1315 Wakarusa, Second Floor, Room 214. This support group is for families caring for early to late stage Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disease. Contact: Ueanne Reeder or Michelle Niedens (913) 831-3888. !) Grief Support Group, 4 p.m., Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold Dr., in association with Grace bospice. For information call Dave Uenkins at `85-228-0400. !6 Grief Support Group, 10:30 a.m., Pioneer Ridge,4851 barvard Road, in association with Grace bospice. For information call Dave Uenkins at `85-228-0400. !6 Memory Book Group, 6 S P *UDFH +RVSLFH 2IÂżFH For information call Dave Uenkins at `85-228-0400.
!8 & !9 DCSS CLOSED for Thanksgiving boliday The University Bridge Club of Lawrence meets Saturdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Contact Cora at 842556` for more information. The Breast Cancer Support Group meets every Monday
(except holidays) at 5:30 p.m. at Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold. For information, call 842-5250 or 840-2`68. !" $%& '%&() (*+, $%&.,,/*01 (*2/,) *0 /3, 45(,0)5- %" ,6,0/2, 8(,52, 4%0/54/ D:SS 5/ 8=2?@5=BC
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“What’s for lunch?”
“Grab & Go” Senior Carry-out Meals Available
On the go? In a hurry? No time to sit and eat? Senior Meals Grab & Go is the answer! Carry-out meals are available to seniors age 60 and over and their spouses who need a fast, nutritious meal on the go. Call any Senior Dining Center at least a day in advance to reserve your meal, and it will be ready to Grab & Go. A donation of B2.75 per meal is suggested. For more information about the Senior Dining Center nearest you, see the listings in this newsletter. Home delivered meals for homebound seniors are also available. Call the Senior Meals Program at 842-0543 for information.
D I N I N G C E N T E R L O C AT I O N S Please call by 11 a.m. on the day before to make a reservation. All meals are served by Noon. All DCSS Dining Centers meet accessibility guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A donation of B2.75 per meal is suggested. To cancel a meal at any of the dining centers please call 785-8420543 and leave a message.
Lawrence Senior Center Kathryn Newman, coordinator 842-0543 745 Vermont Lawrence
Babcock Dining Center
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Margaret Hawkins, coordinator 842-6976 Babcock Place Apartments 17th & Massachusetts, Lawrence
Eudora Dining Center Carol Mason, coordinator 760-2102 Pinecrest II Apts. 924 Walnut Eudora
NOVEMBER Menu Entrées
Friday, November 1 - Beef Stew
Monday, November 4 - Stroganoff Meatballs Tuesday, November 5 - Glazed Ham Wednesday, November 6 - Chicken Supreme Casserole Thursday, November 7 - Chili Friday, November 8 - Pork with Sage Gravy
Monday, November 11 - Caribbean Chicken Tuesday, November 12 - Beef Goulash Wednesday, November 13 - Pinto Beans and Ham Thursday, November 14 - Chicken Lasagna Friday, November 15 - Beef Stew
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, November 18 - Southwest Chicken Tuesday, November 19 - Sloppy Joes Wednesday, November 20 - Ham, Macaroni and Cheese Thursday, November 21 - Polish Hot Dog Friday, November 22 - Chicken & Artichoke in White Cheese Sauce
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baldwin Senior Center Maxine Scott, coordinator (785) 594-2409 1221 Indiana Baldwin City For information about meals in Lecompton, CALL 842-0543
Monday, November 25 - Swedish Meatballs Tuesday, November 26 - Turkey and Gravy Wednesday, November 27 - Beef Enchiladas Thursday, November 28 - CLUSED for Thanksgiving Holiday Friday, November 29 - CLUSED for Thanksgiving Holiday (Menu subWect to change without notice.)
LEGALESE RIIHU LQ KRPH FDUH EHQHÂżWV over time and allow the policy to lapse before you as well as nursing home QHHG LW LWÂśV QRW D EHQHÂżW EHQHÂżWV Care Act (2010), there The importance of longare some new reasons to term care insurance will ` LTCP policies must look carefully into this LQFOXGH LQĂ&#x20AC;DWLRQ SURWHFWLRQ increase in estate planning coverage. for middle class people for purchasers younger who cannot self-insure, as than 76. They must, The federal wealthy folks may. But therefore, provide JRYHUQPHQW WRRN WKH ÂżUVW stay tuned: There are LQFUHDVLQJ EHQHÂżWV RYHU step in early 2006 by Loyal readers will know many details yet to be the life of the policy. That ` cour old policy, if you authorizing state Medicaid that long-term health worked out. feature, of course, makes have one, doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t qualify. programs to allow access care has been a favorite the policy more expensive, to state medical assistance Even if it conforms Legalese topic for many (Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Note: Molly but it follows the to all the other LTCP in combination with years. Access to highM. Wood is an elder law preferences of consumers requirements, the policy private long-term care quality, affordable care attorney and a partner at must not have been issued and the trend of state and insurance. The idea is to for folks who need Stevens & Brand, L.L.P., national policy to keep before April 1, 2008. The encourage people to buy assistance with the basic in Lawrence, Kansas. If folks out of expensive Kansas Department of long-term care insurance activities of daily life you have a legal question institutional settings, if Insurance is working on by offering them some - getting out of bed in or concern, call your possible. rules that would permit relief from the restrictive the morning, bathing, attorney, or you may eligibility rules required by policy upgrades or dressing, eating, toileting contact the Kansas Elder 7KHVH UHÂżQHPHQWV LQ Medicaid, which normally exchanges, but those are - is a growing challenge Law Hotline, a toll-free the law are part of a long not in place. requires impoverishment to Kansas families and legal advice and referral list of incentives (and before itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s possible to to our state and federal service for Kansas disincentives) crafted to receive assistance with the ` LTCP policies must budgets. What families Seniors, 1-(888)-353-5337. encourage people to insure EH WD[ TXDOLÂżHG 8QGHU cost of nursing facility or canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t afford to pay out The Elder Law Project against the costs of their the now-famous Health assisted living care. The of their pockets, federal attorney is available by long-term care needs, but LTCP program, as exanded Insurance Portability and and state tax dollars have appointment in Douglas Accountability Act of 1996 they are not affordable by the Affordable Care mostly paid. Unly within County at the Lawrence Act, permits a person who (HIPAA), purchase of tax- for everyone - if you the last decade or so have Senior Center 842-0543.) cannot pay the premiums TXDOLÂżHG SROLFLHV DOORZHG reasonably comprehensive KDV D TXDOLÂżHG ORQJ WHUP some taxpayers to deduct a care insurance policy to and affordable longportion of their long-term keep more assets and still term care insurance care insurance premiums, products become available get Medicaid assistance. but the maximum annual from private insurance deductible is limited. (If companies. With Kansasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Here are some highlights: youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re under 40 years old, adoption of the Longonly B360 (in 2013) is ` For every dollar of Term Care Partnership deductible, B680 for age Program (LTCP-Insurance long-term care coverage, 41 to 50, B1,360 for age an otherwise eligible Commissioner Sandy 51 to 60, B3,640 for age
$ <$4 "$: ĹŽĂ&#x2019;AĹŽ ÂĆ&#x2021;Þ Ĺ&#x2013; AĹ&#x17D;Â&#x2018; AĆ&#x161;AĂ&#x161;ĂŹA[ĂŹÂ&#x2018; ĹŽĂ&#x2019;Ĺ&#x17D;Ä&#x2039;Ć&#x2021;Ă&#x2020;Ă&#x2019; Medicaid applicant may Prager sponsored the 61 to 70, and B4,550 for ĹŽĂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018; 9Â&#x2018;ĹŽÂ&#x2018;Ĺ&#x17D;AĂžĹ&#x2013;  ÜĂ&#x161;ĂžĂ&#x161;Ĺ&#x2013;ĹŽĹ&#x17D;AĹŽĂ&#x161;Ä&#x2039;Ăž ĹŽĂ&#x2019;AĹŽ ĂśĂ&#x161;Ă&#x2020;Ă&#x2019;ĹŽ Ă&#x2019;Â&#x2018;ĂŹÄŹ legislation which Governor retain an additional  Â&#x2018;ÂĹ&#x17D;AĆ ĹŽĂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018; iÄ&#x2039;Ĺ&#x2013;ĹŽ Ä&#x2039; AĹ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2013;Ă&#x161;Ĺ&#x2013;ĹŽÂ&#x2018; ÏĂ&#x161;Ć&#x161;Ă&#x161;ĂžĂ&#x2020;z ĂžĆ&#x2021;Ĺ&#x17D;Ĺ&#x2013;Ă&#x161;ĂžĂ&#x2020; Ă&#x2019;Ä&#x2039;ĂśÂ&#x2018; age 71 and older.) Those dollar of anon-exemptb Kathleen Sebelius signed iAĹ&#x17D;Â&#x2018; AÞ Ă&#x2019;Ä&#x2039;ĂśÂ&#x2018; iAĹ&#x17D;Â&#x2018; ÂÄ&#x2039;Ĺ&#x17D; Ĺ&#x20AC;Ć&#x2021;AĂŹĂ&#x161;ÂĆ Ă&#x161;ĂžĂ&#x2020; Ć&#x161;Â&#x2018;ĹŽÂ&#x2018;Ĺ&#x17D;AĂžĹ&#x2013; AÞ policies included a number resources. For a single into law on April 4, 2008) ĹŽĂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;Ă&#x161;Ĺ&#x17D; Ĺ&#x2013;ÄŹÄ&#x2039;Ć&#x2021;Ĺ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x201A; -ĂŹÂ&#x2018;AĹ&#x2013;Â&#x2018; iAĂŹĂŹ ÂÄ&#x2039;Ĺ&#x17D; A ÂĹ&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018; [Ĺ&#x17D;Ä&#x2039;iĂ&#x2019;Ć&#x2021;Ĺ&#x17D;Â&#x2018; Ä&#x2039;Ĺ&#x17D; ÂĹ&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018; of consumer protection person, the resource iÄ&#x2039;ĂžĹ&#x2013;Ć&#x2021;ĂŹĹŽAĹŽĂ&#x161;Ä&#x2039;Ăž AÞ ÏÂ&#x2018;AĹ&#x17D;Ăž ÂĹ&#x17D;Ä&#x2039;Ăś AĂž Â&#x2018;Ć&#x17E;ÄŹÂ&#x2018;Ĺ&#x17D;ĹŽ A[Ä&#x2039;Ć&#x2021;ĹŽ ĹŽĂ&#x2019;Ă&#x161;Ĺ&#x2013; and some enhancements features including limit is B2,000, so with Ă&#x161;ÜďÄ&#x2039;Ĺ&#x17D;ĹŽAÞŎ [Â&#x2018;ĂžÂ&#x2018;²Ŏġ Ä&#x2039;Ć&#x2021;Ă&#x2020;ĂŹAĹ&#x2013; Ĺ&#x17D;Ă&#x161;ŎƧĂ&#x161;Â&#x2018; ÄŻÄ Ä&#x161;ųIJ ĹżĹ¤Ä Ă&#x2014;ŤųŤÂ&#x153; included in the Affordable requiring the policies to
by Molly Wood
a LTCP policy that pays B100 per day for 5 years, for example, that person would potentially be able to retain B181,500 in additional resources and still obtain Medicaid assistance for nursing home care.
9 2 / "0 "
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!E#$%RE A)* !EAR)#)G ,ATA!.G%E L"#$%&" ()* L"(&)#)+ 55 and over. Year-round Services) to: DCSS drop-in activities are also Leisure and Learning C(-(./+%" 0 C/%&$" D"$2&#3-#/) listed in this publication. Department, 745 C(.. 45607859 -/ ")&/..
Douglas County Senior Services offers health and fitness classes, workshops, seminars, tours, and special events for active Douglas County residents age
Call 842-0543 to enroll, suggest a new program, or volunteer to teach a class. Fill out the registration form in this newsletter and mail it with your check (payable to Douglas County Senior
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Vermont St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Walk-ins are welcome. Refund or Credit? A full refund or credit will be given for all classes, events or trips 30 days prior to the class or event, except theater tickets that are bought in advance and are nonrefundable. Less than 30 days prior, refunds will be given for medical hardships, approved emergencies, and events canceled or rescheduled by the department. A 10 percent administrative charge will be deducted from refunds for cancellations less than one week in advance. Partial class scholarships may be available for seniors who qualify. Scholarships will be considered upon completion of application in the Leisure and Learning office.
Recreation Department.
Thursday, November 7.
:%)*(L")-(.$ /I E$-(-" G.())#)+ Tuesday, November 12, 2 - 3:30 p.m. Fee: None. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Attorney Robert Ramsdell.
G/32/&) :&#*(H$ Every Friday, 1:303:30 p.m. Fee: None, but donations accepted. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Xoin us each Friday afternoon to enjoy a bag of freshly popped popcorn, just like you’d get at the movie theater. What a perfect snack to start off the weekend. T/%& /I J(KL() C()*."$ Friday, November 8, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: None. Location: Waxman Candles, 609 Mass St.
Xoin us at Waxman Candles for a personal tour where each candle is made by hand with more than 30 years experience behind every style and shape. During the tour we will learn about the history of Waxman Reasonable candles, the process of accommodations can be candle making, and have made for special needs. a chance to dip your own Registration must specify candle to take home. needs. Registrant must Please note: We must provide information at have a minimum of 8 time of enrollment. people registered for this tour, so please make sure Please note that certain to register so that we can classes are co-sponsored have an accurate number with and located at of how many there will be Lawrence Parks and on the day. Register by
What happens if you die without a Will? What can a Will or Revocable Living Trust accomplish? What are Durable Powers RI $WWRUQH\ IRU ¿QDQFLDO affairs and healthcare decisions? A Living Will? Would any of them be useful to you? Learn the answers to these questions and others. The presentation lasts about an hour, and will be followed by an open question-andanswer period. Please register by Monday, November 4. D($#2 G"&$/)(. :#)()2" M I)N"$-#)+ Thursday, November 14, 2 - 3:30 p.m. Fee: None. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Attorney Robert Ramsdell. This class will provide a EDVLF RYHUYLHZ RI ¿QDQFLDO goal setting; stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs; GLYHUVL¿FDWLRQ DQG DVVHW allocation; Roth and tax-deferred investment options; the “4a buideline” for retirement withdrawals; and related topics. The presentation lasts about an hour,
!" $ %&''&( )*+& 11
!"#$%&" ()* !"(&)#)+ ,(-(!.+%" followed (y a +uestionand-answer period. 5lease register (y 7onday, 9ovem(er <<. AARP Driver Safety Classroom Course- ages 60 and up /01'+2' #"$' 34+#,' %# 3"&52' 6''7 =ednesday->hursday, 9ovem(er <3-<4, <0 a.m.- 3 p.m. CeeD E<5 for GGH5 mem(er, E20 for non mem(er. JocationD Jawrence Senior Center. >his course reviews the rules of the road and contains safety driving tips for all drivers. Completion of the class may entitle students to a discount on their automo(ile insurance. 9o physical or written testN a pleasant miO of video and instructor presentation. Junch (reak on your own from noon to <D00 p.m. Santa Ornament Craft >hursday, 9ovem(er 2<, <D30 - 3D00 p.m. CeeD E5. JocationD Jawrence Senior Center. Qoin us for this RChristmas in 9ovem(erS craft as we make a pair of cute SantaTs that will spread the holiday Uoy as ornaments or magnets. =ooden shapes are painted and assem(led to create two adora(le Santa posescomplete with Snow->eO to give teOture to his (eard and clothes. 5erfect for
a DIX Christmas gift or to keep for your own Christmas treeY 5lease register (y 7onday, 9ovem(er <8. DAY/SHORT TRIPS Cor reservations please contact He(ecca Clancy at 842-0543. Ozark Mountain Christmas 7onday-=ednesday, Decem(er 2-4. 5ickup[drop-off location in Jawrence. CeeD dou(leE599, single- E]99. >his tour includes motor coach transportation, tour director, 2 nights at =elk Hesort, (aggage handling, GJJ meals, 7emora(ilia >our at =elk Hesort, >he Duttons Christmas Show, College of the ^_arks guided tour, Halph Coster 7useum, Daniel ^`Donnell performance, Gndy =illiams Christmas Show featuring the ^smonds a Jennon Sisters, and Christmas in bollywood. Christmas Lights & Longview Mansion 7onday, Decem(er 9. 5ick-up[drop-off location in Jawrence. carly (ooking discount dmoney must (e received (y ^cto(er 30eD E85. Gfter ^cto(er 30D E95. ([SHULHQFH D WRXU DQG ÂżQH dining in the Jongview
7ansionD a 22,000 s+uare foot home which features 48 rooms, <4 (edrooms, and <0 (aths. >hen enUoy a Christmas light display featuring over 300,000 lights and <f5 animated ÂżJXUHV WKURXJK /RQJYLHZ Jake 5ark and also the light displays through the County Clu( 5la_a. EDUCATION, HOBBY & FINANCE Beginning SpanishEmphasis on Grammar 7ondays, <-2 p.m. JocationD Jawrence Senior Center goard Hoom. >his course will stress some of the (asics of the Spanish language and useful words and phrases. Beginning SpanishEmphasis on Conversations =ednesdays, <-2 p.m. JocationD Jawrence Senior Center goard Hoom. >his course is for (eginners wanting to learn Spanish - no prior knowledge of Spanish re+uired. 5lease (ring your own cnglish to Spanish dictionary. ART Acrylic Painting Class Saturdays, 9D30 a.m. - <2 p.m. CeeD E20 per session. JocationD Jawrence Senior Center. InstructorD Jori Dalrymple dlocal area and national artiste.
acrylic painting to students of all levels of eOpertise. 9o need to pre-register. Supplies not included. If you already have supplies please (ring them and if you are starting out and need assistance in getting supplies, please call Jori at f85-9<f-0<<8. Downtown Tuesday Painters >uesdays, 9 a.m.-< p.m. JocationD Jawrence Senior Center Conference Hoom. gring your painting proUect and supplies and Uoin the Downtown >uesday 5ainters.
HEALTH & FITNESS 5lease 9oteD If you are registering for one of the eOercise programs (elow, please make the check paya(le toD Jawrence 5arks and Hecreation. Aerobic Dance Exercise ages 60 and up 7ondays, =ednesdays and Cridays, 9ovem(er 4 - Decem(er <3, 8D50 - 9D50 a.m. CeeD E34. JocationD bolcom Hec. Center. InstructorD 9icki Jisterman. 7ove to lively music while you reap the many KHDOWK EHQHÂżWV RI DHURELF C"#$%#&'( "# *+,' -.
Qoin Jori as she teaches
condi&ionin'. Incr,a., yo0r .&amina and a'ili&y3 w5il, im6ro7in' yo0r imm0n, .y.&,m and cardio 60lmonary f0nc&ion &5ro0'5 dancin'. 9n5anc, \RXU EDODQFH Ă&#x20AC;H[LELOLW\ and m0.cl, .&r,n'&5 d0rin' &5, &onin' and .&r,&c5in' .,'m,n& of cla... :om, b, 6ar& of &5i. 'ro06 and 'ain WKH EHQHÂżWV 5HJLVWHU DW &5, :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG. !rt$riti& (oundation .ai C$i 0 age& 34 and up Honday. and Iriday.3 No7,mb,r K D L,c,mb,r =B3 =G D == a.m. I,,M NCO. Poca&ionM :omm0ni&y <0ildin'. In.&r0c&orM @0.an Qom,roy. L,.i'n,d &o im6ro7, &5, R0ali&y of lif, for 6,o6l, wi&5 ar&5ri&i. 0.in' @0n .&yl, Sai :5i3 on, of &5, fo0r major r,co'niU,d .&yl,. of Sai :5i. S5i. .&yl, incl0d,. a'il, VWHSV DQG H[HUFLVHV WKDW may im6ro7, mobili&y3 EUHDWKLQJ DQG UHOD[DWLRQ S5, mo7,m,n&. donV& r,R0ir, d,,6 b,ndin' or .R0a&&in'3 w5ic5 maW,. i& ,a.i,r and mor, comfor&abl, &o OHDUQ 5HJLVWHU DW WKH :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG. C678ing 0 9eda8 9u&$er& 0 age& 34 and up Iriday.3 No7,mb,r
A D L,c,mb,r =B3 =CD =CMK> a.m. Poca&ionM :omm0ni&y <0ildin'. I,,M NC=. In.&r0c&orM H,lani, Xo5n.on
No7,mb,r > D L,c,mb,r =C3 AMBG D FMBG a.m. I,,M NCO. Poca&ionM Yolcom 5HF &HQWHU ,QVWUXFWRU Qa& Hidda0'5.
<,'innin' cla.. d,.i'n,d for old,r ad0l&.. Indoor cyclin' can incr,a., yo0r ,nd0ranc, and .&r,n'&5 in yo0r low,r body3 cor, and 066,r body. Indi7id0al. ar, r,.6on.ibl, for &5, in&,n.i&y of &5,ir own worWo0&.. <iW,r. can modify &5,ir cyclin' r,.i.&anc, and 6ac, accordin' &o &5,ir c0rr,n& ÂżWQHVV OHYHOV 5HJLVWHU a& &5, :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG.
Qila&,. i. a mod,rn a66roac5 &o body condi&ionin'. :la.. will foc0. on cor, m0.cl,. .0c5 a. 5i6.3 &5i'5.3 and abdominal. &5a& will .&r,n'&5,n and &on, by .&r,&c5in'. Hain 6rinci6l,. incl0d, followin' mo&ion3 EUHDWKLQJ Ă&#x20AC;H[LELOLW\ 6r,ci.ion3 c,n&,rin' and con&rol. S5i. cla.. no& only .&r,n'&5,n. yo0r body b0& yo0r mind a. ZHOO 5HJLVWHU DW WKH :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG.
(itne&& for ;ife 0 age& 34 and up Honday.3 ?,dn,.day. and Iriday.3 No7,mb,r K D L,c,mb,r =B3 =G D == a.m. I,,M NBK. Poca&ionM +ROFRP 5HF &HQWHU In.&r0c&orM H,lani, Xo5n.on. 3K\VLFDO ÂżWQHVV LV ,.6,cially im6or&an& for ma&0r, m,n and wom,n. :la.. 5,l6. coordina&ion3 im6ro7,. FLUFXODWLRQ IRUWLÂżHV KHDUW and l0n'.3 and im6ro7,. PXVFOH WRQH 5HJLVWHU a& &5, :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG. 9i8ate& <i8=er 0 age& 34 and up S0,.day. and S50r.day.3
<enior <trengt$ .raining 0 age& 34 and up Honday.3 ?,dn,.day. and Iriday.3 No7,mb,r K D L,c,mb,r =B3 &im,. 7ary wi&5 b,'inn,r and ad7anc,d cla..,.. Poca&ionM Yolcom 5HF &HQWHU )HH In.&r0c&orM :indy <aW,rZ [icWi Py.,nZ:ry.&al @5,65,rd. @&r,n'&5 Srainin' for .,nior. i. ,ff,c&i7, in im6ro7in' balanc, \6r,7,n&in' fall.]3 .&r,n'&5,nin' major m0.cl, 'ro06. and incr,a.in' m0.cl, ma.. and bon, d,n.i&y. :la.. i. d,.i'n,d &o incl0d, f0nc&ional mo7,m,n&
6a&&,rn. &o ,n5anc, daily li7in' ac&i7i&i,.. ^ 7ari,&y of .&r,n'&5 &rainin' ,R0i6m,n& will b, 0.,d3 incl0din' 0ni7,r.al mac5in,.3 fr,, w,i'5&. and r,.i.&anc, &0bin' and band.. :la.. incl0d,. a warmD06 6,riod and 6o.&DworWo0& .&r,&c5. N_S9M ^ 65y.icianV. r,l,a., i. r,R0ir,d 6rior &o b,'innin' of FODVV 5HJLVWHU DW WKH :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG. <tret7$ n> ?e7o=er6 S0,.day. and S50r.day.3 No7,mb,r >D L,c,mb,r =C3 =GD=GMK> a.m. I,,M NCB. Poca&ionM Yolcom 5HF &HQWHU ,QVWUXFWRU Pori Soc5&ro6. ^ .c0l6&in' and .&r,&c5in' cla.. &5a& 0.,. a combina&ion of `o'a and Qila&,. &o b0ild Ă&#x20AC;H[LELOLW\ DQG VWUHQJWK (QMR\ WKLV UHOD[LQJ a&mo.65,r, wi&5 d,,6 .&r,&c5in' &o ro0nd o0& WKDW FODVV 5HJLVWHU a& &5, :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG. .ai C$i 0 age& 34 and up ?,dn,.day.3 No7,mb,r O D L,c,mb,r ==3 =G D == a.m. I,,M N=E. Poca&ionM :omm0ni&y <0ildin'. In.&r0c&orM @0.an Qom,roy. S5i. anci,n& :5in,.,
mo7,m,n& im6ro7,. VWUHQJWK Ă&#x20AC;H[LELOLW\ conc,n&ra&ion and balanc, by combinin' ',n&l, 65y.ical mo7,m,n& and m,n&al di.ci6lin,. @low mo7,m,n&. al.o .&r,n'&5,n m0.cl,. and join&.3 no& &o m,n&ion r,d0c, .&r,..3 fa&i'0, and &5, ri.W of fall. d0, &o incr,a.,d EDODQFH 5HJLVWHU DW WKH :omm0ni&y <0ildin'3 ==> ?. ==&5 @&.3 ABCDEFBG. @ii ?5a&V. all &5, &alW abo0& ?iia :om, join 0. in &5i. f0n3 in&,rac&i7, 'am,. I& worW. yo0r m0.cl,.3 lif&. yo0r mood and i&V. 'ood for old,r ad0l&.. :all AKCDG>KB if in&,r,.&,d. Aoga 0 age& 34 and up Honday.3 No7,mb,r K D L,c,mb,r F3 FMBG D =GMK> a.m. I,,M NCC. Poca&ionM :omm0ni&y <0ildin'. In.&r0c&orM ^nni, ?il.,y. ^ l,.. 7i'oro0. b,'inn,rV. cla.. ada6&,d for old,r ad0l&.. @&r,&c5 .&iff m0.cl,. and l,arn &o corr,c&ly ali'n yo0r .6in, &5ro0'5 .low3 6ro'r,..i7, &rac&ion. ?5il, 0.in' &5, f0ll ca6aci&y of &5, l0n'. &5ro0'5 corr,c& br,a&53 yo0 will com6l,&,ly R[\JHQDWH WKH ERG\ DQG &5, brain3 im6ro7in' blood circ0la&ion and yo0r .,n., of w,ll EHLQJ 5HJLVWHU DW WKH
60 & BETTER PA+E 13
LEISURE AND LEARNING CATALOGUE Co##unit( Building. //0 12 //t3 St2. 56789:6;2
eBer(one]> RaBorite ogre to daUUling new liRe on t3e >tage2 Nn a Rarawa( kingdo# turned uQ>ide !umba 'old + a,es /0 down. t3ing> get ugl( and up w3en an un>ee#l( ogre8 <ue>da(> and <3ur>da(>. not a 3and>o#e Qrince8 AoBe#ber 0 8 Dece#ber >3ow> uQ to re>cue a /7. :F6; 8 /;F6; a2#2 Rei>t( Qrince>>2 <3row GeeF H7I2 LocationF in a donke( w3o won]t Ea>t Lawrence Mec2 >3ut uQ. a bad gu( wit3 Center2 Nn>tructorF Su>an a S^\M< te#Qer. a Oo#ero(2 cookie wit3 an attitude and oBer a doUen ot3er P co#Qletel( new IDLU\ WDOH PLVÂżWV DQG Qrogra# de>igned Ror (ou_Be got t3e kind oR t3e actiBe >enior2 Su#ba #e>> t3at call> Ror a real i> a Run. eRRectiBe and 3ero2 Luckil(. t3ere]> VLPSOH ÂżWQHVV V\VWHP WKDW one on 3and` and 3i> will #aTi#iUe calorie na#e i> S3rek2 <3e outQut. Rat burning and >3ow i> Qart ro#ance. total bod( toning2 <3e Qart twi>ted Rair( tale eTQlo>iBe Latin r3(t3# and all irreBerent Run create> a Run at#o>Q3ere Ror all age>Y AoteF Due t3at deliBer> re>ult>. a> to li#ited nu#ber oR well a> a VReel 3aQQ(W aBailable dre>> re3ear>al workoutY Zou can >till ticket>. onl( 7 ticket> en[o( Su#ba eBen will be allowed Qer iR (ou 3aBe li#ited reaue>t2 <icket> will #obilit(2 Megi>ter at t3e be di>tributed aRter a Co##unit( Building. rando# drawing2 //0 12 //t3 St2. 56789:6;2 New 5heatre Matinee Smokey EoeFs CaHIJ EN5E65AINMEN5 5he Son,s oH Leiber & Stoller 5heatre Lawrence 1edne>da(. Pugu>t 7;. @ress 6ehearsal 7;/b. /;F6; a# 8 b Q2#2 !"#$% GeeF HI;2 <ran>Qortation <3ur>da(. Dece#ber 0. QroBided Rro# Lawrence >3ow >tart> at 9F6; Q2#2 Senior Center2 GeeF Aone2 LocationF <3eatre Lawrence2 Gour (ear> running on Broadwa(. S#oke( coe]> Ba>ed on t3e \>car CaRd i> a co#Qelling winning Drea#1ork> rock n] roll #u>ical reBue ÂżOP WKDW VWDUWHG LW enco#Qa>>ing t3e >ong> all. t3i> >3ow bring> oR Leiber and Stoller. t3e t3e 3ilariou> >tor( oR inBentor> oR t3i> #u>ic
genre2 <3eir ti#ele>> >ong> QroBide t3e ba>i> Ror t3i> electriR(ing entertain#ent t3at 3ad critic> raBing and audience> >ta#Qeding WKH ER[ RIÂżFH GXULQJ it> record8breaking Broadwa( run2 <3e >3ow Reature> >o#e oR t3e greate>t >ong> eBer recorded. includingF \n Broadwa(. ^ound Dog. cail3ou>e Mock. Stand B( ee. SQani>3 ^arle#. LoBe Ootion f:. Zoung Blood. Zaket( Zak. N_# P 1o#an. and gan>a> Cit(2 P> alwa(> t3e Qrice include> tran>Qortation. a gour#et lunc3 buRRet. and t3e >3ow2
around t3e Caribbean2 Crui>e >toQ> include CoUu#el. eeTico` BeliUe Cit(. BeliUe` Moatan. Ba( N>land>. ^ondura>` and Co>ta ea(a. eeTico2 Pt eac3 >toQ (ou will 3aBe t3e oQQortunit( to >Qend a da( di>coBering t3e beautiRul Caribbean >ite> at (our lei>ure2 jOa>>Qort reauired` co>t oR triQ al>o include> one >toQoBer eac3 wa(. Qort c3arge>. and goBern#ent Ree>2 @allas & Port Worth PQril 689. 7;/b Oer Qer>on rateF Double8 Hbb:. Single8 H0I: <3i> 08da(. b8nig3t
56AVEL CLMB Olea>e contact Mebecca Clanc(. DCSS Lei>ure and Learning SQeciali>t. at h950i 5b78;0b6 Ror #ore inRor#ation on t3e Rollowing triQ>2 Detailed Ă&#x20AC;LHUV DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH at t3e Lawrence Senior Center2 5he Western Caribbean wit3 Aorwegian Crui>e Line on t3e Aorwegian cewel2 canuar( 708 Gebruar( 6. 7;/b Oer Qer>on rate Ror Nn>ide CabinF Double8 H/.6/0 <3i> triQ include> roundtriQ #otor coac3 Rro# Lawrence to Aew \rlean> w3ere (ou will board t3e Aorwegian cewel Ror a I8da( crui>e
triQ include> #otor coac3 tran>Qortation. 5 #eal>. guided tour oR Dalla>. ad#i>>ion to t3e SiTt3 Gloor eu>eu#. ad#i>>ion to t3e eTciting Sout3Rork Manc3 h>ite oR t3e Ra#ou> teleBi>ion >3ow VDalla>YWi. ad#i>>ion to t3e brand new keorge 12 Bu>3 Ore>idential Librar( and eu>eu#. guided tour oR Gort 1ort3. and an eTclu>iBe dinner Qart(2 'HWDLOHG Ă&#x20AC;\HUV DYDLODEOH at t3e Lawrence Senior Center. and on our web>ite under Lei>ure and Learning at www2 dgco>enior>erBice>2org2 Ginal Qa(#ent i> due Gebruar( /. 7;/b2
RV Travel Tips for Beginners Dear Sa''y Senior, !"# %&' ()*+, " -&.'/# &# 01 +)"2,. 3&) 4,5*##,)67 8% 9'64"#: "#: ; (*.. 4, ),+*)*#5 *# " 3,( %,")6 "#: 9"2, ".("%6 +9&'59+ *+ (&'.: 4, 3'# +& 6<,#: 6&/, &3 &') +*/, +)"2,.*#5 ")&'#: +9, -&'#+)% *# "# 01= >9"+ -"# %&' +,.. '67
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!" $ %ETTER PAGE ,!" $
Annual Holiday Assistance O.U.R.S. (Oldsters United for Responsible Service) program starts this month
Fall is here! You can feel the change in the air. There has also been a big change at Douglas County Senior Services. Last month we welcomed our new Executive Director, Kristin Scheurer. We are so happy that Kristin is leading our team into the future. There is so much to be excited about. DCSS will be growing and changing in the coming months and years, as we strive to meet the challenges that come with our new responsibilities to Douglas County and the City of Lawrence, and in our efforts to address the needs of our â&#x20AC;&#x153;boomingâ&#x20AC;? senior population. And itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a very busy time of year at DCSS. There are lots of programs and activities in full swing, and the holidays are upon us. We hope youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll visit us at the Lawrence Senior Center, whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for lunch, a class or activity, our holiday craft session, or Popcorn Fridays. 7KH QHZ SDUNLQJ JDUDJH LV RSHQ DQG IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH LQ ages, parking is plentiful. Hope to see you soon!
The holidays are just around the corner, and this year, as in !"#$%# '()#* $++make ,-./01 30+4 5267 8 fo DCSS is asking for your help to the-20 holidays brighter : ;<7< -9 930 ?@ABWe C019 %DE93 need through96our â&#x20AC;&#x153;Adopt a #-=+01 Seniorâ&#x20AC;?"64=0> program. take applic %92009< $47D11D6. 562 4-./01 D1 FG ;02 ;0216.< low income seniors and match them with volunteers from the who provide #H02I6.0 them withJ0+/670< items from their â&#x20AC;&#x153;wish list.â&#x20AC;? In the inte parties, adoptionsKare anonymous.'(N#OP#Q B %L',$M> If you (or your businessCountry or organization) are interested in Melody senior this year, please call the Community Services Departme %L',$M> '(N#OP#Q ?A ad 842-0543. ThereKare numerous ways to participate. A typical cost up to $100. IfDr. you Cookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wish to adopt, but have a tight bud Medicine Show arrange a partial adoption. If you would like to help, but hate to K %L',$M> '(N#OP#Q ?R gladly do your shopping for you. Cash donations are happily a Goodfor Oleassistance Boys through Nov DCSS will take applications Adopters are asked to bring their'(N#OP#Q gifts to the Lawrence K %L',$M> STSenio Thursday, December 19.Borderline Country Please help up share the magic of the holiday season this (Business Meeting 5 p.m.) make your holidays brighter, too.
Dances â&#x20AC;˘ November 2013
,U%% P6-24 65 ,D20/9621 Pattie Johnston, !"#$%&#'( Dennis Domer, )%*# !"#$%&#'( Judy Wright, S#*"#(-". Jason Hornberger, T"#-$0"#" Judy Bellome Hank Booth Sue Brown Kathy Clausing-Willis |ÚÚ CÄ&#x2019;šĂ? Ĺ&#x152;Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x2018;ĂŠĂ&#x201E;Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ?ĂŠÄ&#x17D;Ä&#x17D;Ć&#x192;Ć&#x192; Dr. Phil Godwin Stacey Hunter Schwartz Signature required. Ellen Paulsen
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Editor: Janet Ikenberry Executive Director: Kristin Scheurer Printer: Lawrence Journal-World 609 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044 Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., is funded by Douglas County Mill Levy â&#x20AC;˘ Older Americans Act through the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging â&#x20AC;˘ Kansas Department on Aging â&#x20AC;˘ Kansas Department of Transportation â&#x20AC;˘ special grants â&#x20AC;˘ project income â&#x20AC;˘ fund-raising activities â&#x20AC;˘ and your donations. Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or size. If you feel that you KDYH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW \RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR ÂżOH D complaint with Douglas County Senior Services. 842-0543. (TDD: 1-800-766-3777). Toll free: 1-877-295-DCSS (1-877-295-3277) On the web: dgcoseniorservices.org