60 & Better Newsletter / October 2013

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Mission: To create opportunities that allow Douglas County residents 60 years and older to remain independent and active in their homes and communities.

October 2013

Volume 40 No. 10

INSIDE KABC Stand By Me Event ��������PG 3 Senior Meals Menu ��������������������PG 4 Calendar of Events ���������������������PG 7 Legalese ���������������������������������������PG 8 Featured Activities ���������������������PG 9

Visit us at www.dgcoseniorserVices.org

dCss Chili suppEr & prizE Bingo October 26, 5-7 p.m.

It’s the season for chili! Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. will hold a Chili Supper Saturday, Oct. 26 at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont St. The $10 ticket price will pay for a delicious dinner of chili, hot dogs, dessert, and beverage, plus the opportunity to play prize bingo! All proceeds raised will benefit the Emergency Fund, which is used to help seniors who find themselves in financial need. Dinner will be served beginning at 5 p.m. and prize bingo will start at 6 p.m. There will be some limited transportation for seniors who require it. Reservations for the bus need to be made by October 22. Tickets will go on sale Sept. 30, and may be purchased at the Lawrence Senior Center, from one of our board members, or one of the Senior Wheels drivers. Call DCSS for more information, 842-0543.

Annual Legislative Forum


Please plan to attend the Legislative Forum Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont Street. This event is sponsored by the Douglas County Coalition on Aging, the Older Womens League, and the Lawrence Douglas County Advocacy Council on Aging. State and local legislators will address issues that impact older adults in Douglas County. There are many issues that directly affect seniors and the services they often depend upon. Please take this opportunity to hear where your legislators stand on the issues. No registration is necessary. For more information on this event call 842-0543. Connie and Willie Hadl retired recently after many years as Senior Meals volunteer delivery drivers. They are pictured with DCSS Interim Director Mike Wildgen (center). We are so grateful for their many years of dedicated service to DCSS.

Eudora VoluntEErs nEEdEd! The senior meals program is growing in Eudora. We are in need of meal drivers and congregate meal volunteers. Drivers are assigned a home delivery route on a day, or days, you are available. Congregate meal volunteers assist the meal site coordinator with meal preparation, serving, and/or clean up. Please contact Carol Mason at 785-760-2102 for more information or to sign up. We need you!

It’s time to reassess Medicare Prescription Coverage The Medicare Part D Open Enrollment Period begins Oct. 15 and DCSS will provide assistance navigating the new Medicare Part D Plans and enrollment. It is important to reevaluate your Part D (prescription) coverage each year, as plans change and so may your medications. Appointments are available at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont St.

during the following times. (Please call 842-0543 to schedule your appointment.) • Tues�, Oct. 15, 2 - 4 pm • Wed�, Oct. 16, 2 - 4 pm • Thurs�, Oct. 17, 1 - 3 pm • Tues�, Oct. 22, 2 - 4 pm • Wed�, Oct. 23, 2 - 4 pm • Thurs�, Oct. 24, 1 - 3 pm • Tues�, Oct. 29, 2 - 4 pm • Wed�, Oct. 30, 2 - 4 pm • Thurs�, Oct. 31, 1 - 3 pm

Please bring your Medicare card and a list of your current medications, including dosage information. More times will be available in Nov. and Dec. Those times will be listed in the next edition of “60 & Better.” For more information please contact the DCSS Community Services Department, 785-842-0543, or toll free 1-877-295-3277.


Avoiding Affordable Care Act or “Obamacareâ€? Scams A Letter From District Attorney Charles Branson I know there are strong opinions about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or what is commonly referred to as Obamacare. My concern is that Douglas County residents do not fall prey to the scammers that are pouring out of the woodwork to steal personal information from the people who are preparing to sign up for the health insurance coverage. If you will be utilizing the Health Insurance Marketplace, your best protection from the scammers is to be informed and educated about the process. Spend some time reviewing HealthCare. gov or https://www. healthcare.gov to become familiar with the basics about obtaining health coverage. Some of the DQVZHUV \RX FDQ ÂżQG DW this site are as follows: • What if you need coverage that starts before January 2014? • What if you do not have healthcare coverage in 2014? • What if you are selfemployed? or • What if you have pre-existing health conditions?

Also, be aware of the Marketplace Open Enrollment dates. Those dates are October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. You will know to suspect fraud if someone tries to enroll you outside these dates unless you have a Qualifying Life Event. https://www. healthcare.gov/glossary/ qualifying-life-event/ Scammers will be gunning for your private information. Now is the time to protect your private health care and ÂżQDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH RIÂżFLDO website for the Health Insurance Marketplace, nobody should ask for your personal health information, such as your health history, any health conditions you have or medical treatments you have received. Do not give that information to anybody. In addition, you should never be asked to pay for services or help to apply for Marketplace coverage. Keep personal and account numbers private. Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to a fake “navigatorâ€? from a company you did not contact. That is a common way scammers will try to steal your

information. Double check any information that is confusing or VRXQGV ÂżVK\ <RX FDQ also call the Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596. TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325. If you suspect identity theft, you can report suspected fraud to the FTC Complaint Assistant or https://www. ftccomplaintassistant. gov/#&panel1-1 and you should make a report to your local law enforcement agency. I hope this information about Health Insurance Marketplace was helpful to you and as always, for general consumer protection information, please contact my consumer protection RIÂżFH DW We are always ready to serve the citizens of Douglas County. (Information in this article was obtained from the Internal Revenue Service. The information in this article is not intended to provide legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided in an attorneyclient relationship. This information must not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a licensed attorney.)

Skillbuilders Fall Session Continues through Nov. 14 Skillbuilders continues on Thursdays at 10 a.m. in the Garden Room at Drury Place at Alvamar, 1510 St. Andrews Drive. SKILLBUILDERS is a series of programs aimed at those learning to adapt to major life changes. It provides helpful information for anyone making life changes due to the loss of a loved one, illness or other circumstances. It is a comfortable, informal discussion where questions are encouraged. New topics have been added to the list of familiar and popular programs. The series continues through November 14. OCTOBER 3 - Sharing Memories: Ways to remember through journaling, scrapbooking, photos and more. Presented by Chris McCloud, local artist and author. OCTOBER 10 - Personal Safety & Home Security: Feeling safe and securing your home and property. Presented by Susan Hadl, retired LPD.

OCTOBER 17 - Basic Car Care: Maintaining a safe and serviceable automobile with an emphasis on cold weather preparation. Presented by Richard Haig, Westside 66. OCTOBER 24 - Finances: Managing your assests. Planning ahead to OHVVHQ ÂżQDQFLDO ZRUULHV Presented by Barbara Braa, 7UXVW 2IÂżFHU &RUQHU%DQN Come for all of the programs or choose those that pique your interest. There is never a charge for the programs and registration is not necessary. Transportation is available by contacting Douglas County Senior Services, 785-865-6925. Skillbuilders is sponsored by the Outreach Services of the Lawrence Public Library, Visiting Nurses Association and the Douglas County Senior Services. For more information on Skillbuilders, contact Pattie Johnston at the Lawrence Public Library, 785-843-3833 extension 115.

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LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Brown Bag Lunch Meeting October 17

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KABC Hosts Annual Stand By Me benefit event - Oct. 20 .DQVDV $GYRFDWHV IRU %HWWHU &DUH .$%& ZLOO KRVW LWV DQQXDO EHQH¿W HYHQW H"$02 M5 ;&) H:02$5) 79"3.&/ (E 4/38 ( "3 N 6>8> $" ;$9&-,I=) FEbF Z&+ J$86=1,/&) c$+/&09&> B1& &@&0" 6/3@,2&= =:663/" 43/ Q!M?I= 8,==,30 "3 ,86/3@& "1& ^:$-,"5 34 -30%D"&/8 9$/& .5 $==,=",0% &-2&/= $02 4$8,-,&= $02 .5 $2@39$",0% IRU SXEOLF SROLFLHV WKDW SURPRWH EHWWHU FDUH .$%& LV D QRW IRU SUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ .&13-2&0 "3 03 9388&/9,$- ,0"&/&="= $02 ,= =:663/"&2 $-83=" &0",/&-5 .5 230$",30= 4/38 9,",Y&0= +13 =:663/" 3:/ 8,==,30> _/39&&2= 4/38 -,@& $02 =,-&0" $:9",30= =:663/" "1& 3/%$0,Y$",30I= "/$,0,0% $02 $2@39$95 &443/"= 30 .&1$-4 34 Q$0=$= &-2&/=) 6&/=30= +,"1 2,=$.,-,",&=) $02 4$8,-,&=> d:&=" $:9",30&&/ K&/&85 B$5-3/ +,-- -&$2 "1& .,22,0%> B1& &@&0" ,= 4/&& $02 36&0 "3 "1& 6:.-,9> V0"&/"$,08&0" +,-- .& 6/3@,2&2 .5 B1& R$.:-3:= B3/^:&I=) 4&$":/,0% Q$0=$= ;:=,9 J$-- 34 R$8& /&9,6,&0") K31005 *=38> e&4/&=18&0"= +,-- .& =&/@&2> eHf_= $/& /&^:,/&2) 53: 8$5 /&6-5 "3 Q!M? $" SgaNU aG(DbEaa 3/ SaEEU N(NDFga( 3/ .5 &8$,- $" ,043h<$.9>3/% _/&=&0"$",30 34 "1& (EFb Q!M? ?$/,0% !+$/2 +,-- .& 8$2& "3 1303/&&) i3:/0$-,=" W$@& e$00&5 2:/,0% "1& &@&0"> e$00&5I= /&63/",0% 34"&0 439:=&= 30 "1& 1:8$0 FRQVHTXHQFHV RI SXEOLF SROLF\ KHOSLQJ SHRSOH WR JUDVS WKH UHDO UDPL¿FDWLRQV RI "13=& 63-,9,&=> ;$/%$/&" R$/-&5) c$+/&09&) Q!M? 6/&=,2&0") =$,2 "1& .3$/2I= 2&9,=,30 "3 %,@& e$00&5 "1,= 5&$/I= Q!M? ?$/,0% !+$/2 +$= .$=&2 30 1,= 9$/&&/ 93@&/,0% =39,$- =&/@,9&= $02 "1& 63-,9,&= "1$" =1$6& "1&8>

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“What’s for lunch?�

“Grab & Go� Senior Carry-out Meals Available

=& *>- ?"@ A& ) >,##B@ C" *%(- *" /%* )&D -)*@ E-&%"# F-)./ G#)+ H G" %/ *>- )&/I-#J Carry-out meals are available to seniors age 60 and over and their spouses who need a fast, nutritious meal on the go. Call any Senior Dining Center at least a day in advance to reserve your meal, and it will be ready to Grab & Go. A donation of $2.75 per meal is suggested. For more information about the Senior Dining Center nearest you, see the listings in this newsletter. Home delivered meals for homebound seniors are also available. Call the Senior Meals Program at 842-0543 for information.

DINING CENTER LOCATIONS Please call by 11 a.m. on the day before to make a reservation. All meals are served by Noon. All DCSS Dining Centers meet accessibility guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A donation of $2.75 per meal is suggested. To cancel a meal at any of the dining centers please call 785-842-0543 and leave a message.

Lawrence Senior Center

Eudora Dining Center

Kathryn Newman, coordinator 842-0543 745 Vermont Lawrence

Carol Mason, coordinator 760-2102 Pinecrest II Apts. 924 Walnut Eudora

Babcock Dining Center Margaret Hawkins, coordinator 842-6976 Babcock Place Apartments 17th & Massachusetts, Lawrence

Baldwin Senior Center Maxine Scott, coordinator (785) 594-2409 1221 Indiana Baldwin City

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Menu EntrĂŠes

K,-/D)B3 =1*"+-# L - Beef Goulash M-D&-/D)B3 =1*"+-# 8 - Pinto Beans and Ham K>,#/D)B3 =1*"+-# < - Chicken Lasagna !#%D)B3 =1*"+-# 7 - Beef Stew


F"&D)B3 =1*"+-# N - Swedish Meatballs K,-/D)B3 =1*"+-# 6 - Turkey and Gravy M-D&-/D)B3 =1*"+-# O - Beef Enchiladas K>,#/D)B3 =1*"+-# L: - Chicken Spaghetti !#%D)B3 =1*"+-# LL - Beef Lasagna


F"&D)B3 =1*"+-# L7 - Southwest Chicken K,-/D)B3 =1*"+-# L; - Sloppy Joes M-D&-/D)B3 =1*"+-# LP - Ham, Macaroni and Cheese K>,#/D)B3 =1*"+-# LN - Polish Hot Dog !#%D)B3 =1*"+-# L6 - Chicken & Artichoke in White Cheese Sauce


F"&D)B3 =1*"+-# 8L - BBQ Pulled Pork K,-/D)B3 =1*"+-# 88 - Chicken Fajitas M-D&-/D)B3 =1*"+-# 8< - Smothered Steak K>,#/D)B3 =1*"+-# 87 - Chicken and Noodles !#%D)B3 =1*"+-# 8; - Broccoli and Cheese Casserole with Pork

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• F"&D)B3 =1*"+-# 86 - Meatloaf K,-/D)B3 =1*"+-# 8O - Parmesan Chicken M-D&-/D)B3 =1*"+-# <: - Sweet and Sour Pork K>,#/D)B3 =1*"+-# <L - Spaghetti and Meat Sauce (Menu subject to change without notice.)


AIC$ &EAL)&)ALK Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN American Institute for Cancer Research


Is it true that simply taking short breaks to walk around throughout the day actually has an impact on health?


Yes, evidence continues to grow stronger suggesting that it does. Accumulating a total of at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day in bouts of 10 or 15 minutes each has been shown IRU VRPH WLPH WR LPSURYH ¿WQHVV DQG PHDVXUHV RI heart health, such as blood lipids and blood pressure, and body composition. Now studies suggest that even doing mini-bouts of a few minutes that add up to at least 30 minutes over the day might also reduce health risks. A review article published this year concluded that short bouts of frequent activity throughout the day may decrease blood triglyceride levels following meals, enough to lower risk of heart disease. And in one study, 70 adults who walked for less than two minutes every 30 minutes throughout one day more effectively reduced the rise in blood sugar and insulin following meals compared to when those same adults who walked for 30 minutes and then sat all day. More research is needed, especially among people with the insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. However, scientists say we know enough to encourage people whose day includes a lot of sitting to include some standing or brief walking every hour or so all day. It’s good to know that when we’re too busy or outof-condition to walk for even 10 minutes at a time, small breaks do seem to make a difference. Yet since accumulating more than 30 minutes of moderate DFWLYLW\ GDLO\ EULQJV FOHDU KHDOWK EHQH¿WV VXFK DV reducing cancer risk, don’t think of short activity breaks as a substitute for other activity; think of them DV DQ HDV\ ZD\ WR JHW HYHQ PRUH KHDOWK EHQH¿WV

Our drivers provide Door to Door assistance. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL 5,'(6 H[FHSW IRU Âż[HG SE<OGEC LFP<EECEQ stops. LECRH49REQ ESDR<FQ SC[EDSLE EF<L?K T BFLDPGE CG9? Due to a heavy demand for transportation, rides <ESE<OF9GRES FED may be scheduled as far GE!R<HF9GRE call in advance as 7 days or VWX,W/X,/YZX as little as 48 hours. Senior Wheels strives to meet the transportation needs of customers who are 60 years or older in Douglas County. Accompanying spouses & caregivers are also eligible to ride at no additional charge.

CRS9K $ 3.00 for each one way trip within the city limits of each community. $15.00 for trips outside of the city limits. (Example: a one way trip from Eudora to Lawrence) For detailed policy information, please call 785-865-6925 and ask for a Policy Manual.

You should be ready to board 15 minutes prior to your scheduled ride.

Baldwin City has a Volunteer Transportation Program.

'DLO\ Âż[HG VWRS PM Monday through Thursday from the Lawrence Senior Center.

For Reservations or information about rides in Baldwin City call 785-594-3376.

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!"#!$"# #&!'() *"+ +&!(,$" *C.$/$.$0) !n#one 55 an) o*er is welcome to participate in these f6n an) frien)l# acti*ities. 8ro6ps liste) EHORZ PHHW DV VSHFLÂżHG 9here are no fees re:6ire) for most of these gro6ps. <ome s6pplies= e:6ipment are pro*i)e). >rograms are )epen)ent 6pon )onations. >lease contact the )epartment for f6rther information on these acti*ities. 1*2&0"C0 )0"$!& C0".0& 345 /ermont )t<= (>one? @3A5B A4C,D54E Fat>rHn "eImanJ +ining Center Coordinator

0NerH +aH<<< >ool ? CoffeeA 8 a.m.5 p.m., >ool Eoom OondaH<<< Feginning <panish Gmphasis on 8rammerA H-I p.m., Foar) Eoom 8amesA HAJ0 - 4AJ0 p.m., Mining Center .ueQdaH<<< Mowntown 96es)a# >aintersA 9 a.m.-H p.m., Conference Eoom 2edneQdaH<<< Feginning <panish - Gmphasis on Con*ersationA H-I p.m., Foar) Eoom Chair GOerciseA HHA00 -

HHAJ0 a.m., Conference Eoom Palso Fri.R .>urQdaH<<< FingoA HHA00-HHA45 a.m., Mining Center RridaH<<< Chair GOerciseA HHA00 HHAJ0 a.m., Conference Eoom Clarinet rehearsalA IA45-JA45, M6ltip6rpose Eoom Tew HoriVon Fan)A 4 p.m., M6ltip6rpose Eoom S*SC!CF (1*C0 13DD OaQQ<= (>one? @3A5B A4C,UV3U

Oargaret WaIXinQJ +ining Center Coordinator !6toharpA 96es., H0 a.m.-HI p.m., hoWW# room. ContactA Ferta Call, 785-88J-4I7H. FingoA Ye)., HAJ0 p.m.

VC4 2aYnutJ 0udora= (>one? @3A5B 54C,1DCD CaroY OaQonJ +ining Center Coordinator FingoA Ye)., HIAJ0-H p.m.

20 2*". \!'& $"('.] S*1+2$" )0"$!& >lease let 6s know if C0".0& #o6 are intereste) in 1CC1 $ndianaJ starting an acti*it# at SaYdIin CitH= (>one? #o6r )ining center. @3A5B 5V4,C4DV Ye can pro*i)e the OaZine )[ottJ +ining materials, e:6ipment, Center Coordinator an) facilities nee)e) to >oolA Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.- implement a program H p.m. WDLORU PDGH WR ÂżW \RXU >ot L6ckA Fri. PHst an) )ining center sit6ation. Contact the Leis6re an) Jr)R, \-9 p.m. Learning Mepartment ($"0C&0). for )etails. *(*&.O0".)


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9he winter months Wring more than col) weather an) high 6tilit# Wills. For man# seniors in o6r comm6nit# it also Wrings the worr# of how to clear their p6Wlic walkwa#s when it snows. Mo6glas Co6nt# <enior <er*ices is partnering with the Cit# of Lawrence again this winter on the <afe Yinter Yalkwa#s to alle*iate WKDW FRQFHUQ IRU WKRVH ZKR DUH SK\VLFDOO\ DQG ÂżQDQFLDOO\ 6naWle to remo*e the snow from their p6Wlic si)ewalks. 9he )ea)line to sign 6p for the program is To*emWer I9. 9o re:6est *ol6nteer assistance in remo*ing snow from #o6r p6Wlic walkwa#, call 8JI-JJJ8. To re:6ests will We processe) after To*emWer I9.

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9he <afe Yinter Yalkwa#s program is c6rrentl# recr6iting *ol6nteers to assist with snow remo*al. ]ol6nteers will We matche) with those nee)ing assistance an) will then We responsiWle for clearing the p6Wlic walkwa#s for that in)i*i)6al after each snowfall. 9his is a won)erf6l opport6nit# for aWle Wo)ie) folks to help their neighWors. 9o *ol6nteer, please call 8JIJJJ8, or go online at www.lawrenceks.org.


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OCTOBER 2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS O Iegi0,ati9e Bo*u6? 2;Y p262? Ia-*en/e Jenio* Cente* Q 3CJJ Ca*egi9e* Juppo*t R*oup? 2E1C;FEYC p262? Ia-*en/e Jenio* Cente*2 R R*ie: Juppo*t R*oup? 1GEFG a262? Zionee* =idge?Y]C1 +a*9a*d =oad? in a00o/iation -it1 R*a/e +o0pi/e2 Bo* in:o*6ation /a,, 3a9e ien7in0 at ^]C;22];GYGG2

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If you would like your meeting listed in the calendar of events, please contact DCSS at 842-0543.

Zattie io1n0ton? President 3enni0 3o6e*? Vice President iud( V*ig1t? Secretary ia0on +o*n4e*ge*? Treasurer iud( \e,,o6e Jue \*o-n jat1( C,au0ing;Vi,,i0 3*2 Z1i, Rod-in Jta/e( +unte* J/1-a*tU c,,en Zau,0en

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LEGALESE leave your daughter an inheritance that without unfavorable causes her resources consequences. to rise above the maximum amount, When most of us she could be talk about giving GLVTXDOLÂżHG IURP WKH an “inheritanceâ€? we program. If your goal mean that we intend is to provide for your !" I have an to turn over our assets daughter’s long-term adult daughter who to our surviving quality of life after is developmentally family members as your death, then a disabled and who will a gift when we die. traditional inheritance never be able to take (As far as we know, (an outright gift care of herself. She is we can’t take them of money or other living in a supervised with us.) But the property) is not the group home and traditional notion way to accomplish it. receives government of inheritance will You must make sure welfare - KanCare cause unintended that any gift you make EHQHÂżWV WR SD\ IRU consequences if your is structured so that her medical care. loved one receives a it doesn’t count as When her mother and QHHGV EDVHG EHQHÂżW excess resources. I die, will it possible Eligibility for welfare for us to leave her an programs, such as One way to inheritance without KanCare, requires accomplish this after causing her to lose the the recipient to have your death is to use a assistance she needs? low income and supplemental needs assets below certain trust (SNT). When A" If you mean what maximum levels. property - cash, other most of us do when personal property, we use the word If you leave your or real estate - goes “inheritance,â€? no: daughter an outright into a trust, the You cannot leave your inheritance of cash or EHQHÂżFLDU\ RI WKH WUXVW GDXJKWHU D VLJQLÂżFDQW stock, for example, (your daughter) does outright gift without there is a good chance not own it outright; causing her to lose her that gift would the trust owns the KanCare eligibility, disqualify her for property. As the at least until the gift assistance. Because EHQHÂżFLDU\ VKH ZLOO is spent. However, your daughter ÂłEHQHÂżW´ IURP WUXVW if you structure the receives KanCare, disbursements, but she gift carefully, your she cannot own more cannot access the trust daughter can receive than $2000 of cash directly or require PXFK RI WKH EHQHÂżW resources. If you payments from the

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trust. The trustee of the trust decides whether and how to make disbursements WR WKH EHQHÂżFLDU\ So because the EHQHÂżFLDU\ÂśV ULJKWV WR the trust are limited, the property in the trust is not counted against her for KanCare eligibility purposes.

assistance programs.

The downside to creating a SNT is that it can be expensive to set up and it will require careful management through the life of the EHQH¿FLDU\ VHYHUDO decades, perhaps. Moreover, the laws that regulate how to set up a SNT vary A SNT can a little from state to provide your daughter state and depend upon what public assistance with some assets EHQH¿W SURJUDPV that go beyond the WKH WUXVW EHQH¿FLDU\ necessities provided needs. You will by the KanCare need the help of an medical assistance experienced attorney program. It could to create a SNT, or pay for a lift chair, a computer, a telephone, you can contact a trust company or bank trust a college class, or department to help tickets to a concert you. or ballgame - to list just a few examples. (Editor’s Note: Molly By restricting the M. Wood is an Elder type of payments Law attorney and a that the trustee can partner at Stevens make, the trust will & Brand, L.L.P. not be depleted www.StevensBrand. rapidly by the high com - in Lawrence. cost of medical care If you have a legal and other living question or concern, expenses. Rather, call the Kansas Elder the property in the Law Hotline, a tolltrust will last longer free legal advice and be available to supplement the other and referral service EHQH¿WV \RXU GDXJKWHU for Kansas Seniors, 1-(888)-353-5337.) receives from public


LEISURE AND LEARNING CATALOGUE L)*+,-) ./0 L).-/*/1 C.3.451,) 6 C5,-+) D)+8-*93*5/

completion of application in the Leisure and Learning RIÂżFH

C.44 :;<6=>;? 35 )/-544

Reasonable accommodations can be made for special needs. Registration must specify needs. Registrant must provide information at time of enrollment.

Douglas County Senior Services offers health and ÂżWQHVV FODVVHV ZRUNVKRSV seminars, tours, and special events for active Douglas County residents age 55 and over. Year-round dropin activities are also listed in this publication. Call 842-0543 to enroll, suggest a new program, or volunteer to teach a class. Fill out the registration form in this newsletter and mail it with your check (payable to Douglas County Senior Services) to: DCSS Leisure and Learning Department, 745 Vermont St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Walk-ins are welcome. Refund or Credit? A full refund or credit will be given for all classes, events or trips 30 days prior to the class or event, except theater tickets that are bought in advance and are non-refundable. Less than 30 days prior, refunds will be given for medical hardships, approved emergencies, and events canceled or rescheduled by the department. A 10 percent administrative charge will be deducted from refunds for cancellations less than one week in advance. Partial class scholarships may be available for seniors who qualify. Scholarships will be considered upon

Please note that certain classes are co-sponsored with and located at Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department. @EATURED OCTOEER ACTIGITIES H5985-/ @-*0.I+ Every Friday, 1:303:30 p.m. Fee: None, but donations accepted. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Enjoy a bag of freshly popped popcorn, just like you’d get at the movie theater. What a perfect snack to start off the weekend. J51. K5- EL)-I E50I6 minimum 8 participants Tuesdays, October 1 - November 26, 3 - 4 p.m. Fee: $27. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Susan Rieger. This gentle yoga class encourages freedom in all body joints, increases core and leg strength, improves balance, and leaves participants feeling mentally and physically relaxed and restored. Previous

participants report feeling stronger, having more energy and sleeping better. Register by Tuesday, October 1. Note: If you need to start the class at a later date, the fee will be prorated. M55/ M.-N4) C5O9./I T5,- ./0 D)O5/+3-.3*5/ Friday, October 4, 9:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Fee: $12. Transportation provided from the Lawrence Senior Center. Enjoy a tour and live demonstration of the delicate art of marble making at Moon Marble Company in Bonner Springs. During the demonstration, learn about the process of glass working, marble history, and more. The store exhibits and sells the work of several dozen prominent glassworkers from across the country. See displays of antique marble toys and the Moon Marble Museum. Registration limited - call as soon as possible! NEQR S3)99*/1 O/ Q5-S+T59 Wednesdays, October 9-November 20, 1 - 3 p.m. Fee: $25. Location: Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Falls can be physically, ÂżQDQFLDOO\ DQG HPRWLRQDOO\ devastating. This seven week workshop lead by trained leaders and community professionals features evidence-based strategies to prevent falls

and reduce each participant’s fall risks. Topics include medications, vision, safe footwear, home PRGL¿FDWLRQV FRPPXQLW\ safety, and strength and balance exercises. Registration fee includes a 5-pound adjustable ankle weight which is used during strength exercises. Register at Lawrence Memorial Hospital Connect Care, 749-5800. AL5*0*/1 I0)/3*3I TT)K3 ./0 @*/./8*.4 @-.,0 Thursday, October 10, 10 -11 a.m. Fee: None. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Dennis Mattern, Financial Consultant with Wells Fargo

Advisors, LLC. Help defend yourself against identity theft! WeĂ­ll discuss the warning VLJQV RI ÂżQDQFLDO IUDXG how vulnerable you are to identity theft and what you should do if it happens to you. Educational in QDWXUH QR FRPSDQ\ VSHFLÂżF products will be discussed. Register by Monday, October 7. U.445V))/ H.9)- C5/) Q-).3T C-.K3 Thursday, October 24, 1-3 p.m. Fee: $5. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Easy yet elegant paper cone wreath will make a perfect Continued on page 10

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!"#$%&" ()* !"(&)#)+ ,(-(!.+%" 0+'C*.$!"J W!SS\ ^ R$"*"C0 RundamentaYQ of 0Qtate (Yanning 96es)a#, To*emWer HI, IA00- JAJ0 p.m. FeeA Tone. LocationA Lawrence <enior Center. ^nstr6ctorA !ttorne# EoWert Eams)ell. Yhat happens if #o6 )ie witho6t a Yill_ Yhat can a Yill or Ee*ocaWle Li*ing 9r6st accomplish_ Yhat are M6raWle >owers of $WWRUQH\ IRU ÂżQDQFLDO DIIDLUV an) healthcare )ecisions_ ! Li*ing Yill_ Yo6l) an# of them We 6sef6l to #o6_ Learn the answers to these :6estions an) others. >resentation lasts aWo6t an ho6r, followe) W# an open :6estion-an)-answer perio). Eegister W# Mon)a#, To*emWer 4. SaQi[ (erQonaY Rinan[e ^ $nNeQting 9h6rs)a#, To*emWer H4, I - J p.m. FeeA Tone. LocationA Lawrence <enior Center. ^nstr6ctorA !ttorne# EoWert Eams)ell. >ro*i)es a Wasic o*er*iew RI ÂżQDQFLDO JRDO VHWWLQJ stocks, Won)s, m6t6al f6n)s, DQG (7)V GLYHUVLÂżFDWLRQ an) asset allocation` Eoth an) taO-)eferre) in*estment options` the a4b 86i)elinec for retirement with)rawals` an) relate) topics. Lasts aWo6t an ho6r, followe) W# a :6estion-an)-answer perio). Eegister W# Mon)a#, To*emWer HH.

**&( +riNer )afetH CYaQQroom CourQe, ageQ UD and up Ye)nes)a#-9h6rs)a#, To*emWer HJ-H4, H0 a.m.- J p.m. FeeA dHI for !!E> memWer, dH4 for non memWer. LocationA Lawrence <enior Center. Ee*iews the r6les of the roa) an) contains safet# )ri*ing tips for all )ri*ers. Completion of the class ma# entitle st6)ents to a )isco6nt on their a6tomoWile ins6rance. To ph#sical or written test` pleasant miO of *i)eo an) instr6ctor presentation. L6nch Wreak on #o6r own from noon to H p.m. 9o register call 84I-054J. Seginning )paniQ>, 0mp>aQiQ on #rammar Mon)a#s, H-I p.m. LocationA Lawrence <enior Center Foar) Eoom. 9his co6rse will stress some of the Wasics of the <panish lang6age an) 6sef6l wor)s an) phrases. Seginning )paniQ>, 0mp>aQiQ on ConNerQationQ Ye)nes)a#s, H-I p.m. LocationA Lawrence <enior Center Foar) Eoom. 9his co6rse is for Weginners wanting to learn <panish- no prior knowle)ge of <panish re:6ire). >lease Wring #o6r own Gnglish to <panish )ictionar#.

*&. *[rHYi[ (ainting CYaQQ <at6r)a#s, 9AJ0 a.m. - HI p.m. FeeA dI0 per session. LocationA Lawrence <enior Center. ^nstr6ctorA Lori Malr#mple Plocal area an) national artistR. Lori teaches acr#lic painting to st6)ents of all le*els of eOpertise. To nee) to pre-register. <6pplies not incl6)e). ^f #o6 alrea)# ha*e s6pplies please Wring them an) if #o6 are starting o6t an) nee) assistance in getting s6pplies, please call Lori at 785-9H7-0HH8. +oIntoIn .ueQdaH (ainterQ 96es)a#s, 9 a.m.-H p.m. LocationA Lawrence <enior Center Conference Eoom. Fring #o6r painting proeect an) s6pplies an) eoin the Mowntown 96es)a# >ainters.

Mo*ing to li*el# m6sic while #o6 reap the man# KHDOWK EHQH¿WV RI DHURELF con)itioning. ^ncrease stamina an) agilit#, while impro*ing imm6ne s#stem an) car)io p6lmonar# f6nction thro6gh )ancing. (QKDQFH EDODQFH ÀH[LELOLW\ an) m6scle strength )6ring the toning an) stretching segment of class. Eegister at the Comm6nit# F6il)ing, HH5 Y. HHth <t., 8JI-79J0.

Mesigne) to impro*e the :6alit# of life for people with arthritis 6sing <6n st#le 9ai Chi. 9his st#le incl6)es agile steps an) eOercises that ma# impro*e moWilit#, Wreathing an) relaOation. 9he mo*ements )onft re:6ire )eep Wen)ing or s:6atting, making it easier an) more comfortaWle to learn. Eegister at the Comm6nit# F6il)ing, HH5 Y. HHth <t., 8JI-79J0.

*rt>ritiQ Roundation .ai C>i , ageQ UD and up Mon)a#s an) Fri)a#s, To*emWer 4 - MecemWer HJ, H0 - HH a.m. FeeA dI\. LocationA Comm6nit# F6il)ing. ^nstr6ctorA <6san >omero#.

CH[Ying , (edaY (uQ>erQ , ageQ UD and up Fri)a#s, To*emWer 8 MecemWer HJ, HI-HIA45 a.m. LocationA Comm6nit# F6il)ing. FeeA dIH. ^nstr6ctorA Melanie gohnson. !"#$%#&'( "# *+,' -.

W0*1.W ^ R$."0)) >lease ToteA ^f #o6 are registering for one of the eOercise programs Welow, please make the check pa#aWle toA Lawrence >arks an) Eecreation *eroai[ +an[e 0Zer[iQe , ageQ UD and up Mon)a#s, Ye)nes)a#s an) Fri)a#s, To*emWer 4 - MecemWer HJ, 8A50 - 9A50 a.m. FeeA dJ4. LocationA Holcom Eec. Center. ^nstr6ctorA Ticki Listerman.



Beginning and introductory class designed for older adults. Indoor cycling can increase endurance and strength in lower body, core and upper body. Individuals are responsible for the intensity of their own workouts. Bikers can modify their cycling resistance and pace according to their current ÂżWQHVV OHYHOV 5HJLVWHU DW the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. !itne&& (or Li(e , age& /0 and u3 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, November 4 December 13, 10 - 11 a.m. Fee: $34. Location: Holcom

Rec. Center. Instructor: Melanie Johnson. 3K\VLFDO ÂżWQHVV LV HVSHFLDOO\ important for mature men and women. Class helps coordination, improves FLUFXODWLRQ IRUWLÂżHV KHDUW and lungs, and improves muscle tone. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. 4ilate& Sil7er , age& /0 and u3 Tuesdays and Thursdays, November 5 - December 12, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Fee: $26. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Instructor: Pat Middaugh. Pilates is a modern approach

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to body conditioning. Class will focus on core muscles such as hips, thighs, and abdominals that will strengthen and tone by stretching. Main principles include following motion, EUHDWKLQJ ÀH[LELOLW\ precision, centering and control. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

$23. Location: Holcom Rec Center. Instructor: Lori Tochtrop.

Senior Strengt8 9raining , age& /0 and u3 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, November 4 - December 13, times vary with beginner and advanced classes. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Fee: $34. Instructor: Cindy Baker/Vicki Lysen/Crystal Shepherd.

9ai C8i , age& /0 and u3 Wednesdays, November 6 - December 11, 10 - 11 a.m. Fee: $17. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy.

Strength Training for seniors is effective improving balance (preventing falls), strengthening major muscle groups and increasing muscle mass and bone density. Designed to include functional movement patterns to enhance daily living activities. Equipment used includes universal machines, free weights and resistance tubing and bands. Includes a warm-up period and postworkout stretch. NOTE: A physician’s release is required prior to beginning of class. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Stretc8 n; <eco7er= Tuesdays and Thursdays, November 5- December 12, 10-10:45 a.m. Fee:

Sculpting and stretching class uses a combination of Yoga and Pilates that builds ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG VWUHQJWK leaving you feeling centered and calm. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

Ancient Chinese movement LPSURYHV VWUHQJWK ÀH[LELOLW\ concentration and balance by combining gentle physical movement and mental discipline. Slow movements also strengthen muscles and joints, not to mention reduce stress, fatigue and the risk of falls due to increased balance. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. ?oga , age& /0 and u3 Mondays, November 4 December 9, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Fee: $22. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Annie Wilsey. Less vigorous beginners’ class adapted for older adults. Stretch stiff muscles and learn to correctly align your spine through slow, progressive traction. Using full capacity of lungs through correct breath, completely oxygenate the body and the

brain, and improving blood circulation. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. @uAba Cold , age& /0 and u3 Tuesdays and Thursdays, November 5 - December 12, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Fee: $26. Location: East Lawrence Rec Center. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy. Zumba is a fun, effective DQG VLPSOH ÂżWQHVV V\VWHP that maximizes calorie output, fat burning and total body toning. The explosive Latin rhythm creates a fun atmosphere that delivers results, as well as a “feel happyâ€? workout! You can still enjoy Zumba even if you have limited mobility. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. EE9E<9FGEHEE9

98eatre Lawrence Dre&& <e8ear&alK LS8rekN Thursday, December 5, show starts at 7:30 p.m. Fee: None. Location: Theatre Lawrence. Based on the Oscar winning 'UHDP:RUNV ¿OP WKDW VWDUWHG it all, this show brings the hilarious story of everyone’s favorite ogre to dazzling new life on the stage. The show is part romance, part twisted fairy tale and all irreverent fun for all ages! Note: Due to limited number of available dress rehearsal tickets, only 2 tickets will be allowed per request. Tickets


LEISURE AND LEARNING CATALOGUE will be distributed after a random drawing. C-I K>-)*#- F)*%&--Q RE("S-B T"-U/ 4)'VQ K>E"&?/ "' 0-%+-# H E*"..-#W Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 10:30 am - 4:00 p.m. Fee: $60. Transportation provided from Lawrence Senior Center. Four years running on Broadway, Smokey Joe’s Café is a compelling rock n’ roll musical revue encompassing the songs of Leiber and Stoller, the inventors of this music genre. Features some of the greatest songs ever recorded, including: On Broadway, Hound Dog, Jailhouse Rock, Stand By

Me, Spanish Harlem, Love Potion #9, Young Blood, Yakety Yak, I’m A Woman and Kansas City. Price includes transportation, a gourmet lunch buffet, and show. KX5YZ0 40[\ Please contact Rebecca Clancy, DCSS Leisure and Learning Specialist, at (785) 842-0543 for more information on the following trips. Detailed ÀLHUV DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH at the Lawrence Senior Center. M)/>%&?*"&3 ]4 October 12-21, 2013. 10-day, 9-night journey

features highlights of our nation’s capital. Guided tours of historical sites, memorials, and museums including Lafayette Park, World War II Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, National Cathedral, U.S. Supreme Court, 3 Smithsonian Museums, Ford’s Theatre and much more! For more information or for reservations call Group Getaways at (785) 215-8875 and mention Lawrence Senior Center. Please note: There is a lot of walking on this tour. If you have challenges standing or walking a great distance, this tour is not recommended for you.

NEW HORIZONS BAND Fall Schedule 2013

All Rehearsals and Concerts are held at 4 p.m. on Fridays, unless otherwise noted. Rehearsals are held at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont. Band Director John Towner encourages anyone interested in playing to join. Dues are $5 for the year. Contact John Towner at 785-865-3519 or 785-865-8851 (cell), or by email at towner@ VXQÀRZHU FRP

=4K=\ZX 7 – Brandon Woods (3:45) LL – Rehearsal L6 – Rehearsal 8; – Pioneer Ridge Health Center C=YZF\ZX L – Pioneer Ridge Assisted Living 6 – Rehearsal L; – Presbyterian Manor 88 – Rehearsal 8O – No Rehearsal - K>)&S/?%^%&? \#-)S ]Z4ZF\ZX P – Meadowlark Estates L< – Rehearsal 8: – Drury Place 8N – Rehearsal

K>- M-/*-#& 4)#%++-)& With Norwegian Cruise Line on the Norwegian Jewel January 25- February 3, 2014. Per person rate for Inside Cabin: Double$1,315. Includes roundtrip motor coach from Lawrence to New Orleans and 6-day cruise around the Caribbean with stops include Cozumel, Mexico; Belize City, Belize; Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras; and Costa Maya, Mexico. Each stop provides opportunity to spend a day discovering the beautiful Caribbean sites at your leisure. *Passport required; cost of trip also includes one stopover each way, port charges, and government fees.

])..)/ H !"#* M"#*> April 3-7, 2014. Per person rate: Double- $449, Single$569. 5-day, 4-night trip includes motor coach transportation, 8 meals, guided tour of Dallas, admission to the Sixth Floor Museum, admission to the exciting Southfork Ranch (site of the famous television show “Dallas!”), admission to the brand new George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, guided tour of Fort Worth, and an exclusive dinner SDUW\ 'HWDLOHG À\HUV DYDLODEOH at the Lawrence Senior Center, and on our website under Leisure and Learning at www. dgcoseniorservices.org. Final payment is due February 1, 2014.

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Health Exchange Shopping Tips for Uninsured Boomers and Early Retirees Dear Savvy Senior, !" $%& '() * +,-- .& /&",/,0% $" "1& &02 34 "1& 5&$/ $02 6-$0 "3 &0/3-,0 7.$8$9$/& :0",- 85 ;&2,9$/& <,9<= ,0> ?$0 53: 344&/ 8& $05 $2@,9& 30 9133=,0% $ 6-$0A A"#$%& R)&*+), Dear Almost, B1& 0&+ 1&$-"1 ,0=:/$09& &C91$0%&= D $-=3 <03+0 $= 7.$8$9$/& D "1$" .&%,0 ,0 (EFG +,-- 1$@& D VLJQL¿FDQW LPSDFW RQ 8,--,30= 34 !8&/,9$0= +13 0&&2 1&$-"1 ,0=:/$09&) &=6&9,$--5 6/&D;&2,9$/& /&",/&&= $02 :0,0=:/&2 .$.5 .338&/= ZKR RIWHQ KDYH D GLI¿FXOW WLPH ¿QGLQJ DIIRUGDEOH 93@&/$%&> B3 1&-6 &0=:/& 53: %&" "1& .&=" 1&$-"1 ,0=:/$09& FRYHUDJH WKDW ¿WV \RXU 0&&2=) 1&/& $/& =38& "1,0%= 53: =13:-2 <03+> Health Exchange Overview

H"$/",0% 79"> F) 53: +,-- .& $.-& "3 =136 43/ 1&$-"1 ,0=:/$09& 63-,9,&=) $02 &0/3-- ,0 30& 2,/&9"-5 "1/3:%1 53:/ ="$"&I= J&$-"1 *0=:/$09& ;$/<&"6-$9& +&.=,"&) 3@&/ "1& 6130&) @,$ 8$,- 3/ ,0 6&/=30 $" $ 2&=,%0$"&2 9&0"&/> B1& 93@&/$%& +,-- %3 ,0"3 &44&9" 30 K$0> F) (EFG>

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60 & BETTER PAGE!" 15$ %



KABC Hosts Annual Stand By Me benefit event

Brown Bag Lunch Meeting October 17

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.DQVDV $GYRFDWHV IRU %HWWHU &DUH .$%& ZLOO KRVW LWV DQQXDO EHQH¿ (Oldsters United for Responsible Service) H"$02 M5 ;&) H:02$5) 79"3.&/ (E 4/38 ( "3 N 6>8> $" ;$9&-,I=) FEbF Z& Dances B1& • October 2013=:663/" 43/ Q!M?I= 8,==,30 J$86=1,/&) c$+/&09&> &@&0" 6/3@,2&= "1& ^:$-,"5 34 -30%D"&/8 .5 $==,=",0% &-2&/= $02 $02 6 .5 $2@ PLEASE9$/& NOTE: All Dances are4$8,-,&= held from IRU SXEOLF SROLFLHV WKDW SURPRWH EHWWHU FDUH .$%& LV D QRW IRU SUR¿W RU to 9 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 1803 West Sixth .&13-2&0 "3 03Street. 9388&/9,$,0"&/&="=for $02dances ,= =:663/"&2 &0",/&-5 .5 Admission is $5$-83=" per person. 4/38 9,",Y&0= +13 =:663/" 3:/ 8,==,30> Everyone welcome.

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Editor: Janet Ikenberry Interim Executive Director: Mike Wildgen Printer: Lawrence Journal-World 609 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044 Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., is funded by Douglas County Mill Levy • Older Americans Act through the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging • Kansas Department on Aging • Kansas Department of Transportation • special grants • project income • fund-raising activities • and your donations. Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or size. If you feel that you KDYH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW \RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR ¿OH D complaint with Douglas County Senior Services. 842-0543. (TDD: 1-800-766-3777). Toll free: 1-877-295-DCSS (1-877-295-3277) On the web: dgcoseniorservices.org

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