60 & Better | January 2014

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MISSION: To create opportunities that allow Douglas County residents 60 years and older to remain independent and active in their homes and communities.

January 2014

Volume 41 Vo N .1 No

INSIDE 2014 AARP Tax-Aide Schedule................... PG 3 Calendar of Events.....................PG 7 Menu............................................PG 8 Legalese.......................................PG 9 Featured January Activities ....PG 10



With the changes in Kansas tax laws that repealed the Food Sales Tax Refund and the Homestead Refund for renters, there will be many people who do not QHHG WR ¿OH WD[HV WKLV year. This is a complicated issue, but here are some tips to help you determine if you need to ¿OH


Won’t you please consider a gift to Douglas County Senior Services as we strive to build resources to meet a growing demand for services for our “booming” senior population? Help us succeed in building new programs and services in our communities to match the needs and desires of Douglas County’s older residents. Contact Tina Roberts, Resource Development Manager at (785) 842-0543.

,I \RX ¿OHG WD[HV ONLY for the Food Sales Tax Refund and/ or the Homestead Refund for renters AND your income and living situation has not changed, you will QRW QHHG WR ¿OH WD[HV for 2013. This is the case for taxpayers who receive only Social

NEED TO FILE TAXES THIS YEAR? Security or Disability and a small amount of unearned income; i.e. LQWHUHVW 2Q WKH ÀLS side, if you own your home (or trailer) you will still qualify for the Homestead Refund. Please come see AARP 7D[ $LGH IRU DVVLVWDQFH LQ ¿OLQJ Here are some circumstances when \RX 0867 ¿OH <RXU ¿OLQJ VWDWXV is SINGLE and you make over $10,000 (not counting Social Security). <RXU ¿OLQJ VWDWXV LV MARRIED FILING JOINTLY and you make over $20,000 (not counting Social Security).

<RX KDYH VHOI employment income of at least $400. Here are some circumstances when \RX 6+28/' ¿OH • You had income tax withheld from your pay. • You made estimated tax payments for this tax year. • You may qualify for the Earned Income Credit. You may qualify for the Child Tax Credit or an Education Credit. If you are unsure, please stop by your local AARP 7D[ $LGH WD[ VLWH DQG we will review your tax situation. Please do this before you make a tax appointment.

THANK YOU! DCSS would like to thank the Lawrence Medical Managers Association, a local educational and networking organization for healthcare administrators and providers, for a generous donation of $500. This gift will assist us in paying for one month’s worth of fuel for one vehicle in our Senior Wheels program.


Harvesting - In 2014 it is Not Just Something for Farmers A Letter From District Attorney Charles Branson Happy 2014 and I hope WKLV DUWLFOH ÂżQGV \RX \RXU family and loved ones HQMR\LQJ D MR\RXV DQG SURVSHURXV 1HZ <HDU

DP FHUWDLQ \RX KDYH DOVR ZLWQHVVHG IRU HYHU\ JRRG thing that comes along; VFDPPHUV ¿QG D ZD\ to complicate matters. Social media sites have ,I \RX DUH RQH RI WKH PDQ\ by no means been an SHRSOH ZKR KDYH MRLQHG H[FHSWLRQ WR WKLV UXOH VRFLDO PHGLD VLWHV VXFK DV )DFHERRN \RX KDYH QR ³+DUYHVWLQJ´ LV WKH ¿UVW GRXEW UHDOL]HG WKH\ KDYH type of potential scam PDQ\ SRVLWLYH TXDOLWLHV affecting social media that VXFK DV KHOSLQJ \RX NHHS , ZRXOG OLNH WR GLVFXVV XS WR GDWH ZLWK IDPLO\ ZLWK \RX WKLV PRQWK and friends that may live +DUYHVWLQJ LV ZKHQ DFURVV WKH VWDWH DFURVV companies and sometimes WKH FRXQWU\ RU HYHQ RQ scammers collect (harvest) another continent. We GHWDLOV DERXW \RX E\ WKH have the ability to stay information they glean FRQQHFWHG DQG LQ WRXFK IURP \RXU VRFLDO PHGLD LQ D ZD\ WKDW VHHPHG VLWHV 7KH\ JDWKHU ZKDW nearly impossible only a \RX VKDUH OLNH WZHHW GHFDGH DJR +RZHYHU , post and recommend and

WKH\ WKHQ XVH RU FDQ UHVHOO that information to other companies.


to a company looking for instant and easy access to WKRXVDQGV RI XVHUV 8VHUV RQ )DFHERRN HTXDWH WR FXVWRPHUV VR WKH\ DUH D YDOXDEOH FRPPRGLW\ (Some of the information in this article was obtained from the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Trade Commission and is not intended to provide legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided in an attorneyclient relationship. This information must not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a licensed attorney.)

DCSS RECEIVES GRANT FROM KANSAS HEALTH FOUNDATION Douglas County Senior Services, Inc has been awarded a $1558 grant through the Kansas Health Foundation’s Recognition Grants program. This money will help support the Stepping On program, a 7 week, evidence-based program that has been SURYHQ WR UHGXFH IDOOV DQG EXLOG FRQ¿GHQFH in older people. The program covers a range of issues, including falls and reducing risk, strength and balance exercises, home hazards review, safe footwear, safety in public places, community mobility, and coping after a fall. Stepping On classes are provided in Douglas County by a partnership between Douglas County Senior Services, Lawrence Memorial Hospital, and the Lawrence Douglas County Housing Authority.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, falls are the leading cause of injury and death among those who are age 65 and older. Twenty to thirty percent of people who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries that can result in reduced mobility, loss of physical conditioning, and an increased risk for further falls and social isolation. Stepping On offers older adults a way of reducing falls, while at the VDPH WLPH LQFUHDVLQJ VHOI FRQÂżGHQFH LQ situations where they are at risk of falling. In addition to strength and balance exercises, FRPPXQLW\ H[SHUWV LQ WKH ÂżHOGV RI SK\VLFDO therapy, pharmacology, community safety, and ophthalmology offer relevant and realistic approaches to reducing fall risk. A 14-month, randomized study published in

the September 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that older adults who completed the Stepping On program experienced a 31% reduction in falls. The Kansas Health Foundation is a private philanthropy based in Wichita, but statewide in its focus. Its mission is to improve the health of all Kansans. To learn more about the Foundation, please visit www.kansashealth.org. For more information about the Stepping On program, including upcoming classes, please contact Rebecca Clancy, Leisure and Learning Specialist at Douglas County Senior Services, at (785) 842-0543.



AARP Tax-Aide to offer free tax assistance again this year WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW... • Tax assistance at the Lawrence tax site, Douglas County Senior Services will begin on Monday, February 3, 2014. • Tax assistance hours will be Monday Thursday, noon to 4 pm Saturday, 9 am to noon • The Tax Appointment phone line number is 785-856-0365 • The Tax Appointment phone line will be open Monday - Thursday, from 9 am to 3 pm starting Tuesday, January 21, 2014 WHAT YOU SHOULD BRING...

• Year-end Social Security statement, Form SSA-1099 (with some pink printing) • Unemployment compensation statements • Summary list of deductible items (if itemizing); i.e. medical bills, charitable donation, mortgage interest, etc. All other forms/info that pertains to your taxes TAXES ARE ALSO PREPARED AT: • Baldwin City Lumberyard Arts Center - call the Baldwin City Library for appt. - 785-594-3411 • Oskaloosa Public Library, 785-863-2637 • Ottawa City Hall, 785-242-5560

• Photo ID required for all taxpayers • Social Security cards for all taxpayers and dependents • Copy of last year’s tax return



Meeting January 15 Are you new to Medicare? Do you have questions? Douglas County Senior Services will present a “Welcome to Medicare� meeting on Wednesday, January 15 from noon to 1 p.m. Community Services Program Assistant and Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK) Coordinator Criss Tomlin will give an overview of Medicare and answer questions. Participants are free to bring their lunch or reserve one through our Senior Meals program. For more information please contact Criss Tomlin, SHICK Coordinator at Douglas County Senior Services, 785-842-0543 or toll free 1-877-295-3277.


How Divorce Can Affect Your Social Security Dear Savvy Senior, Am I entitled to my former husband’s Social Security EHQH¿WV" , ZDV PDUULHG IRU 12 unpleasant years and ZRXOG OLNH WR NQRZ ZKDW , may be eligible for. Ex-spouse Dear Ex-spouse, <RXœOO EH KDSS\ WR NQRZ that for the most part, Social Security provides GLYRUFHG VSRXVHV EHQH¿WV MXVW OLNH WKH\ GR VSRXVHV LI you meet the government’s UHTXLUHPHQWV +HUHœV KRZ LW ZRUNV A divorced spouse can

collect a Social Security UHWLUHPHQW EHQH¿W RQ WKH ZRUN UHFRUG RI WKHLU H[ KXVEDQG RU H[ ZLIH LI they are at least age 62, ZHUH PDUULHG IRU DW OHDVW 10 years, are unmarried QRZ DQG DUH QRW HOLJLEOH IRU D KLJKHU EHQH¿W EDVHG RQ WKHLU RZQ ZRUN UHFRUG In order to collect, KRZHYHU \RXU IRUPHU spouse must also be at least 62 and eligible for 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ EHQH¿WV and you must have been GLYRUFHG IRU DW OHDVW WZR years. But, he doesn’t have to be receiving them in order for you to collect

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*HWWLQJ 5HPDUULHG 6LQFH WKUHH TXDUWHUV RI U.S. divorcees get married again, it’s also important to understand that remarrying PDNHV \RX LQHOLJLEOH IRU GLYRUFHG VSRXVHÂśV EHQHÂżWV unless the later marriage HQGV $QG IRU WKRVH ZKR have been married and GLYRUFHG WZLFH ZLWK ERWK marriages lasting more than 10 years, you can collect XVLQJ WKH H[ VSRXVH ZLWK the larger Social Security EHQHÂżW 'LYRUFHG 6XUYLYRU <RX DOVR QHHG WR NQRZ WKDW LI \RXU H[ VSRXVH GLHV DQG \RX ZHUH PDUULHG IRU RU more years, you become eligible for divorced ÂłVXUYLYRU EHQHÂżWV ´ ZKLFK LV ZRUWK XS WR SHUFHQW RI ZKDW \RXU H[ VSRXVH ZDV due.

6XUYLYRUÂśV EHQHÂżWV DUH available to divorced spouses as early as age 60 LI \RXÂśUH GLVDEOHG But, if you remarry before 60 you become ineligible unless the marriage ends. 7R ÂżQG RXW \RXU UHWLUHPHQW Remarrying after age EHQHÂżWV EDVHG RQ \RXU RZQ ZLOO QRW DIIHFW \RXU eligibility. earnings history, see your Social Security statement at ssa.gov/myaccount. And Also note that if you are receiving divorced to get an estimate of your VSRXVHV EHQHÂżWV ZKHQ \RX GLYRUFHG VSRXVH EHQHÂżW H[ VSRXVH GLHV \RX ZLOO call Social Security at <RXÂśOO QHHG DXWRPDWLFDOO\ EH VZLWFKHG \RXÂśUH H[ÂśV 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ over to the higher paying VXUYLYRU EHQHÂżW Number to get it.

6ZLWFKLQJ 6WUDWHJLHV Being divorced also offers VRPH VZLWFKLQJ VWUDWHJLHV that can help boost your EHQHÂżWV )RU ZRUNLQJ divorced spouses, there’s DQ RSWLRQ WKDW OHWV \RX ÂżOH D ÂłUHVWULFWHG´ DSSOLFDWLRQ ZLWK 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ DW IXOO UHWLUHPHQW DJH WR FROOHFW D GLYRUFHG VSRXVDO EHQHÂżW ZKLFK LV KDOI RI ZKDW \RXU H[ JHWV 7KHQ RQFH \RX UHDFK \RX VWRS UHFHLYLQJ WKH H[ VSRXVDO EHQHÂżW DQG VZLWFK WR \RXU RZQ EHQHÂżW ZKLFK ZLOO EH SHUFHQW KLJKHU WKDQ LW ZRXOG KDYH been at your full retirement age. 'LYRUFHG ZLGRZV DQG ZLGRZHUV KDYH HYHQ PRUH RSWLRQV ,I IRU H[DPSOH you are currently collecting Social Security retirement EHQHÂżWV RQ \RXU RZQ UHFRUG DQG \RXU H[ VSRXVH GLHV \RX FDQ VZLWFK WR VXUYLYRUÂśV EHQHÂżWV LI WKH payment is larger. Or, if you’re collecting survivor’s EHQHÂżWV \RX FDQ VZLWFK WR \RXU RZQ UHWLUHPHQW EHQHÂżWV EHWZHHQ DQG LI LW RIIHUV D ODUJHU payment. (Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Seniorâ€? book.)


ONGOING GROUPS AND DROP-IN ACTIVITIES Anyone 55 and over is welcome to participate in these fun and friendly activities. Groups listed EHORZ PHHW DV VSHFLÂżHG There are no fees required for most of these groups. Some supplies/ equipment are provided. Programs are dependent upon donations. Please contact the department for further information on these activities. LAWRENCE SENIOR CENTER 745 Vermont St.; Phone: (785) 842-0543 Kathryn Newman, Dining Center Coordinator Every Day... Pool & Coffee: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Pool Room Monday... Beginning Spanish Emphasis on Grammer: 1-2 p.m., Board Room Games: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m., Dining Center Tuesday... Downtown Tuesday Painters: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Conference Room

Wednesday... Beginning Spanish - Emphasis on Conversation: 1-2 p.m., Board Room Chair Exercise: 11:00 - 11:30 a.m., Conference Room (also Fri.) Thursday... Bingo: 11:00-11:45 a.m., Dining Center Friday... Chair Exercise: 11:00 - 11:30 a.m., Conference Room Clarinet rehearsal: 2:45-3:45, Multipurpose Room New Horizon Band: 4 p.m., Multipurpose Room BABCOCK PLACE 1700 Mass.; Phone: (785) 842-6976 Margaret Hawkins, Dining Center Coordinator Autoharp: Tues., 10 a.m.-12 p.m., hobby room. Contact: Berta Call, 785-883-4271. Bingo: Wed., 1:30 p.m.

BALDWIN SENIOR CENTER 1221 Indiana, Baldwin City; Phone: (785) 594-2409 Maxine Scott, Dining Center Coordinator Pool: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.1 p.m. Pot Luck: Fri. (1st and 3rd), 6-9 p.m. PINECREST APARTMENTS 924 Walnut, Eudora; Phone: (785) 542-1020 Carol Mason, Dining Center Coordinator Bingo: Wed., 12:30-1 p.m. WE WANT YOUR INPUT! Please let us know if you are interested in starting an activity at your dining center. We can provide the materials, equipment, and facilities needed to implement a program WDLORU PDGH WR ÂżW \RXU dining center situation. Contact the Leisure and Learning Department for details.

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS! In case of bad weather please listen to KLWN 1320 AM radio for closing of senior center, meals and activities. Information will also be available on TV station KMBC Channel 9 and cable Channel 6.

mini-SKILLBUILDERS Program Lawrence Public Library

Skillbuilders will resume in March, but until then you have the opportunity in January to attend a continuance of the Skillbuilders program on Car Care 101. Lawrence Public Library is offering a short course on tips and techniques for safe driving and honing your driving knowledge. It will not count for an insurance discount but it boost your confidence while “on the road.� Space is limited but if you are interested in more details, contact Pattie Johnston, Outreach Services, 785-843-3833 ext.115.

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Our drivers provide Door to Door assistance. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL 5,'(6 H[FHSW IRU Âż[HG SERVING LAWRENCE, stops. LECOMPTON, EUDORA, SCHEDULE EARLY: & BALDWIN CITY Due to a heavy demand for transportation, rides RESERVATIONS AND may be scheduled as far INFORMATION call in advance as 7 days or 785-865-6925 as little as 48 hours. Senior Wheels strives to meet the transportation needs of customers who are 60 years or older in Douglas County. Accompanying spouses & caregivers are also eligible to ride at no additional charge.

COST: $ 3.00 for each one way trip within the city limits of each community. $15.00 for trips outside of the city limits. ([DPSOH D RQH ZD\ trip from Eudora to Lawrence) For detailed policy information, please call 785-865-6925 and ask for a Policy Manual.

You should be ready to board 15 minutes prior to your scheduled ride.

Baldwin City has a Volunteer Transportation Program.

'DLO\ Âż[HG VWRS PM Monday through Thursday from the Lawrence Senior Center.

For Reservations or information about rides in Baldwin City call 785-594-3376.

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AICR HEALTHTALK Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN American Institute for Cancer Research


I want to lose weight, but when I get too hungry, I overeat. How can I tell when to ignore the urge versus when it’s time to eat before I’m too hungry?


It’s not always easy to know the best time to eat, especially if you’ve spent years dieting with a mindset of trying to ignore your body’s hunger signals. The good news is that the skill of knowing when you are truly hungry becomes easier the more you practice it, and this will not only help you lose weight but can play a key role in helping you maintain a healthy weight. Begin by training yourself to recognize degrees of hunger by rating it on a one-to-ten scale before and after you eat. (Ten equals stuffed, one equals feeling so hungry \RXÂśG JXOS GRZQ DQ\WKLQJ DQG ÂżYH HTXDOV ÂłQHXWUDO ´ With practice, you’ll learn to recognize signals of hunger and know when to eat something before you get to the point of out-of-control overeating. For some people, it’s stomach rumbling; for others, it’s decreased ability to focus attention. You can also practice recognizing nonhunger urges to eat. For example, you might notice that you’re sensitive to cues like seeing others eat or smelling pleasant aromas from a bakery. You may also learn that \RX XVH HDWLQJ DV DQ ÂłH[FXVH´ ZKHQ \RX QHHG D EUHDN RU DV a way to cope when upset or tired. Behavioral therapists often note that this desire to eat when not hungry tends to come in a wave. If you aren’t hungry, the urge will usually pass if you can distract yourself with something else for a little while. The problem is that most of us don’t realize that and give in to the urge too soon. The bottom line is learning to tune in and trust your body signals. Keeping some form of journal can be very helpful to WKLV SURFHVV ,I \RX ÂżQG ORVLQJ ZHLJKW FKDOOHQJLQJ D IHZ VHVVLRQV ZLWK D UHJLVWHUHG GLHWLWLDQ 5' RU 5'1 WUDLQHG LQ EHKDYLRU PRGLÂżFDWLRQ FDQ KHOS \RX OHDUQ WR UHDG \RXU body signals and understand how eating choices can set you up for more long-lasting hunger satisfaction. If \RX GRQÂśW NQRZ KRZ WR ÂżQG RQH LQ \RXU DUHD JR WR WKH website of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (http:// HDWULJKW RUJ DQG HQWHU \RXU ORFDWLRQ LQIRUPDWLRQ XQGHU Âł)LQG D 5HJLVWHUHG 'LHWLWLDQ ´


JANUARY 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1 CLOSED for New Year’s Holiday 6 DCSS Caregiver Support Group, 2:15-3:45 p.m., Lawrence Senior Center.

15 Welcome to Medicare Meeting, 12 to 1 p.m., Lawrence Senior Center. Informational meeting for those new to Medicare. For information call 842-0543.

Memorial Hospital. For more information call 785-505-2886. 21 Grief Support Group, 10:30 a.m., Pioneer Ridge,4851 Harvard Road, in association with Grace Hospice. For information call Dave Jenkins at 785-228-0400.


7 Grief Support Group, 10:30 a.m., Pioneer Ridge,4851 Harvard Road, in association with Grace Hospice. For information call Dave Jenkins at 785-228-0400. 8 Older Womens League (OWL), 2-3:30 p.m., Kenneth Doud Room, United Way Building, 2518 Ridge Court. Social time begins at 1:30.

10 Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, 1-2:30 p.m., KU Center for Research, 1315 Wakarusa, Second Floor, Room 214. This support group is for families caring for early to late stage Alzheimer’s disease. Contact: Jeanne Reeder or Michelle Niedens (913) 831-3888. 11 Fibromyalgia & Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group, “Focus on Improvement.� Location varies. Please call Rachel at 979-5393 or Jean at 865-0016 for information.

15 Douglas County Coalition on Aging (DCCOA), 8 a.m., Lawrence Senior Center.

17 Low Vision/Blind Outreach Ministry Dinner, 5:30 p.m., Immanuel Lutheran Church and Student Center, 2104 Bob Billings Parkway (15th and Iowa St. adjacent to KU Campus). This group meets for dinners, social and speaker events, as well as day trips. RSVP encouraged for purpose of dinner reservations. Anyone in the community that is blind or has low vision is welcome. For information call 843-0620. 20 CLOSED for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 21 Parkinson’s Support Group, 2 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. For more information call 865-2450. 21 Stroke Support Group, 4 p.m., Lawrence

24 Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, 1-2:30 p.m., KU Center for Research, 1315 Wakarusa, Second Floor, Room 214. This support group is for families caring for early to late stage Alzheimer’s disease. Contact: Jeanne Reeder or Michelle Niedens (913) 831-3888. The University Bridge Club of Lawrence meets Saturdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Contact Cora at 842-5567 for more information. The Breast Cancer Support Group meets every Monday (except holidays) at 5:30 p.m. at Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold. For information, call 842-5250 or 840-2768. If you would like your meeting listed in the calendar of events, please contact DCSS at 842-0543.

DCSS Board of Directors Pattie Johnston, President Dennis Domer, Vice President Judy Wright, Secretary Jason Hornberger, Treasurer

Judy Bellome Hank Booth Sue Brown Kathy Clausing-Willis Dr. Phil Godwin Stacey Hunter Schwartz Ellen Paulsen

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JANUARYMenu Entrées Wednesday, January 1 - CLOSED for Holiday Thursday, January 2 - Polish Hot Dog Friday, January 3 - Chicken & Artichoke in White Cheese Sauce Monday, January 6 - Swedish Meatballs Tuesday, January 7 - Turkey and Gravy Wednesday, January 8 - Beef Enchiladas Thursday, January 9 - Chicken Spaghetti Friday, January 10 - Beef Lasagna

Monday, January 13 - BBQ Pulled Pork Tuesday, January 14 - Chicken Fajitas Wednesday, January 15 - Smothered Steak Thursday, January 16 - Chicken and Noodles Friday, January 17 - Broccoli and Cheese Casserole with Pork Monday, January 20 - CLOSED for Holiday Tuesday, January 21 - Parmesan Chicken Wednesday, January 22 - Sweet and Sour Pork Thursday, January 23 - Spaghetti and Meat Sauce

Friday, January 24 - Beef Stew Monday, January 27 - Stroganoff Meatballs Tuesday, January 28 - Glazed Ham Wednesday, January 29 -Chicken Supreme Casserole Thursday, January 30 - Chili Friday, January 31 - Pork with Sage Gravy (Menu subject to change without notice.)

D I N I N G C E N T E R L O C AT I O N S Please call by 11 a.m. on the day before to make a reservation. All meals are served by Noon. All DCSS Dining Centers meet accessibility guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A donation of $2.75 per meal is suggested. To cancel a meal at any of the dining centers please call 785-842-0543 and leave a message.

Lawrence Senior Center

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Kathryn Newman, coordinator 842-0543 745 Vermont, Lawrence

Babcock Dining Center

Margaret Hawkins, coordinator 842-6976 Babcock Place Apartments 17th & Massachusetts, Lawrence

Eudora Dining Center

Carol Mason, coordinator 760-2102 Pinecrest II Apts. 924 Walnut, Eudora

Baldwin Senior Center

Maxine Scott, coordinator (785) 594-2409 1221 Indiana, Baldwin City

“What’s for lunch?” “Grab & Go” Senior Carry-out Meals Available

On the go? In a hurry? No time to sit and eat? Senior Meals Grab & Go is the answer! Carry-out meals are available to seniors age 60 and over and their spouses who need a fast, nutritious meal on the go. Call any Senior Dining Center at least a day in advance to reserve your meal, and it will be ready to Grab & Go. A donation of $2.75 per meal is suggested. For more information about the Senior Dining Center nearest you, see the listings in this newsletter. Home delivered meals for homebound seniors are also available. Call the Senior Meals Program at 842-0543 for information.


LEGALESE by Molly Wood

Q: I was cleaning out some stuff at home when , UDQ DFURVV DQ ROG ÂżOH labeled “IMPORTANT.â€? Amongst ancient tax returns and insurance policies, I found the Will my husband and I had an attorney prepare for us DERXW ÂżIWHHQ \HDUV DJR , was wondering how often it is recommended that a Will be revised? A: A Will, once properly executed, can remain a valid legal document for a long time - sometimes for life, but there are many estate planning tools that might better suit your needs. It is a good idea to review all your legal arrangements, including your Advance Directives, periodically. Not only will this refresh your memory, it can also bring to your attention any changes that may need to be made. In fact, as the new year gets started, now is an opportune time to make sure that all of your legal affairs are in order. The following is an annual checklist to help you to be legally prepared for the year to come.

ESTATE/FINANCIAL PLAN • Do you have an estate plan - Will, trust, transferon-death-deed, pay-on-death EHQH¿FLDU\ GHVLJQDWLRQV - that is, have you formally designated who gets your property when you die? • Have you made primary DQG FRQWLQJHQW EHQH¿FLDU\ designations for your IRA, 401(k), securities, DQG DFFRXQWV LQ ¿QDQFLDO institutions? Are those EHQH¿FLDU\ GHVLJQDWLRQV coordinated with your other estate planning strategies? • Have there been any changes in the composition of your family (deaths, marriages, births) that should be addressed in your estate plan? • Do you have a Durable General Power of Attorney (POA) or a Trust to PDQDJH \RXU ¿QDQFLDO affairs if you become incompetent? (If you have an older POA document, you might consider having it redone; Kansas passed a comprehensive revision of its POA statute in 2004, and thereís lots of room for improvement over the old-style.) • Do you have your original POA, Will or Trust, etc. in a safe place (safe deposit ER[ ¿UHSURRI VDIH DQG GR the people who would be involved - your agent under your POA and your executor or successor trustee - know ZKHUH WR ¿QG WKHP"

HEALTH CARE • Do you have a Living Will and Health Care Power of Attorney (HCPOA) to direct the medical care you receive in the event you become terminally ill, incompetent, or both? • Does your HCPOA allow your doctor to provide FRQ¿GHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ WR your agent or others under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)? • Have you communicated your end-of-life wishes to your physician and family? • Do your physician and close family members or friends have a copy of your HCPOA? • Do you have your original HCPOA and Living Will in a safe place (safe deposit box, ¿UHSURRI VDIH " • Does your family know what type of burial arrangements you prefer? What provisions for payment of your burial have you made? INSURANCE • Is your life insurance current? Have you disposed of old policies that are no longer in force? Have you UHYLHZHG \RXU EHQH¿FLDU\

designations on any current policies you retain? • How about your long-term care insurance? • Are your car and home owner’s insurance adequate? (Isn’t your home becoming more valuable or, more precisely, more expensive to replace?) • Do you have copies of all your policies in a safe place? MISCELLANEOUS • Do you have a current inventory of the contents of your safe deposit box or ¿UHSURRI VDIH" ,W GRHVQœW have to be fancy - your dated handwritten list would VXI¿FH

• Do you have a list of valuables and jewelry? • Do you have any organ donation requests, and are they known by your physician and family? • Do you have a list of important people (family members, physicians, attorney, etc.) and how they can be contacted? • Does a third party (family member, attorney, trusted friend) know the location of your important documents AND have the ability to gain access to them? (For

example, if you have everything in a safe deposit box, you should make arrangements for that person to have access to the box.) ,I \RX KDG GLI¿FXOW\ answering any of the questions listed above, or if you have discovered that you need assistance getting your legal affairs ready for 2014, please contact your family lawyer or the Elder Law Hotline, a toll free legal advice and referral hotline for persons 60 and older, 1-888353-5337. An Elder Law Project attorney is available in Lawrence by appointment at Douglas County Senior Services, 842-0543. (Editor’s Note: Molly M. Wood is a partner at Stevens & Brand, L.L.P., in Lawrence, Kansas. If you have a legal question or concern, call your attorney, or you may contact the Kansas Elder Law Hotline, a toll-free legal advice and referral service for Kansas Seniors, 1-(888)353-5337. The Elder Law Project attorney is available by appointment in Douglas County at the Lawrence Senior Center, 842-0543.)

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Leisure and Learning form in this newsletter and mail it with your Catalogue - Course Description check (payable to Douglas Call 842-0543 to enroll

Douglas County Senior Services offers diverse continuing education FRXUVHV KHDOWK DQG ÂżWQHVV classes, workshops, seminars, tours, and special events for active Douglas County residents age 55 and over. Yearround drop-in activities are also listed in this publication. Call 8420543 to enroll, suggest a new program, volunteer to teach a class, or be a tour director. Fill out the registration

County Senior Services) to: Douglas County Senior Services, Leisure and Learning Department, 745 Vermont St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Walk-ins are welcome. Refund or Credit? A full refund or credit will be given for all classes, events or trips 30 days prior to the class or event, except theater tickets that are bought in advance and are non-refundable. Less than 30 days prior, refunds will be given for medical hardships, approved emergencies,

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and events canceled or rescheduled by the department. A 10 percent administrative charge will be deducted from refunds for cancellations less than one week in advance. Partial class scholarships may be available for seniors who qualify. Scholarships will be considered upon completion of application in the Leisure and /HDUQLQJ RIÂżFH Reasonable accommodations can be made for special needs. Registration must specify needs. Registrant must provide information at time of enrollment. Please note that certain classes are co-sponsored with and located at Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department.

FEATURED JANUARY ACTIVITIES Aà ųƅ~Ĕż +ÄœĹłĹ—Ă ÄœĂ˜ ;~Ƈőà Ĕ¤à þĹ— ~Ä” ~ŗŗþŗżà ´ ąþƅþĔä Ĺ‘Ă Ĺ—þ´à Ä”¤à ľųĹ‘ÄľÄœĹ—Ă Ă˜ĹłÄ…Ä…Ć‹ ´à Ĺ—þäÄ”à ´ Ă˜ÄœĹ‘ ľà Ĺ‘Ĺ—ÄœÄ”Ĺ— Ƈþżð ´à Ä?à Ĕżþ~ ~Ä”´ Ä…Ć’Ă°Ă ĂľÄ?Ă Ĺ‘ĹŽĹ— ´þĹ—Ă ~Ĺ—Ă Äź -Ä” ~´´þżþĜĔ ĹĽÄœ ÄľĹ‘ÄœĆ…þ´þÄ”ä ~ Ĺ—~Ă˜Ă ~Ä”´ Ă Ä”ä~äþÄ”ä Ă Ä”Ć…ĂľĹ‘ÄœÄ”Ä?à Ĕż¹ Ƈà ųżþąþƒà à Ĕőþ¤ðþÄ”ä ÄľĹ‘ÄœäĹ‘~Ä?Ĺ— ĹĽÄœ Ă°Ă Ä…Äľ þĔ´þĆ…þ´ų~Ä…Ĺ— Ä…ĂľĆ…Ă Ä…ĂľĂ˜Ă ĹĽÄœ ĹĽĂ°Ă Ă˜ĹłÄ…Ä…Ă Ĺ—ĹĽÄź Aà ųƅ~Ĕż +ÄœĹłĹ—Ă ÄœĂ˜ ;~Ƈőà Ĕ¤à ĂŽľà Ĺ‘Ĺ—ÄœÄ”~Ä… ´þäÄ”ĂľĂšà ´ Ĺ—Ă Ĺ‘Ć…þ¤à ¹ Ĺ°ĂĄĂ´Ă°ÄœĹłĹ‘Ĺ— ~ ´~Ć‹Äź

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AARP Smart Driver Course Thursday and Friday, January 16-17, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. both days. Fee: $15 for AARP Members, $20 for non-members. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Refresh your driving skills with the AARP Smart Driver Course. Learn defensive driving techniques, proven safety

VWUDWHJLHV DQG QHZ WUDIÂżF laws and rules of the road. There are no tests to pass; simply sign up and learn. Upon completion, you could receive a multiyear discount on your car insurance. Lunch from noon to 1 p.m. on your own. Limited spots available, please call 8420543 to register.

to move easily. Limited spots available, please call 842-0543 to register.

Popcorn Fridays Every Friday, 1:303:30 p.m. Fee: None, but donations accepted. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Enjoy a bag of freshly popped popcorn, just like you’d get at the movie theater. What a perfect snack to start off the weekend.

Designed for those with little or no computer experience. Hands-on training helps you become more comfortable while operating computers. Learn terminology, parts of the computer, use of the mouse and keyboard, and get a general understanding of the computer. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

Yoga for Every Body Tuesday, January 7February 25, 3-4 p.m. Fee: $24. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Conference Room. Instructor: Susan Rieger. Maximum: 12. This gentle yoga class encourages freedom in all the joints of the body, increases core and leg strength, improves balance, and leaves the participant feeling mentally and physically relaxed and restored. Previous participants report feeling stronger, having more energy and sleeping better. Please bring a yoga mat and wear clothes which allow you

Computer 101- ages 60 and up Tuesdays, January 14February 18, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $35. Location: River Front Plaza Computer Lab. Instructor: Andrew Torres.

Theatre Lawrence Dress Rehearsal - “Wrong Window� Thursday, January 16, show starts at 7:30 p.m. Fee: None. Location: Theatre Lawrence. A tribute to the Master of Horror, Alfred Hitchcock, in a comedy whodunit. New York couple Marnie and Jeff think they spy their neighbor do away with his wife. After they draw their torn curtain, the lady vanishes. The bumbling witnesses sneak into their neighbor’s apartment- 39 steps awayand the fun begins. Amid

multiple door-slammings, body-snatchings, and a IUDQWLF Ă€DVKOLJKW FKDVH scene, two questions remain: Who killed Lila Larswald? And if she’s not dead then who is it? The craziness plays out on a set that allows the audience to be present in one apartment, while viewing the action in its neighboring unit across the way. Note: Due to limited number of available dress rehearsal tickets, only 2 tickets will be allowed per request. Tickets will be distributed after a random drawing a week before the dress rehearsal date. Lied Center Presents “The Wonderful Wizard of Song: The Music of Harold Arlenâ€? Sunday, January 26, show starts at 2:00 p.m. Fee: None. Location: Lied Center. Maximum: 12. Multimedia musical revue of Harold Arlen’s hits brought to life by The Three Crooners- George Bugatti, Marcus Goldhaber and Joe Shepherd, along with Antionette Henry. Their performance will be accompanied by inside stories and Arlen’s rare behind-the-scenes home movies. Arlen, the wonderful wizard of song, composed the score for the Wizard of Oz. In addition to writing Over the Rainbow, the song that is considered


the twentieth century’s number one song, he is known for writing more than 400 other songs. His numerous hits, including Get Happy and Any Place I Hang My Hat is Home, were heard across the country -- from the Cotton Club, a popular Harlem night club, to Broadway and Hollywood movies. DAY/SHORT TRIPS For reservations please contact Rebecca Clancy at 'HWDLOHG Ă€LHUV available at the Lawrence Senior Center. “Dixie Swim Clubâ€? Matinee Sunday, March 9. Fee: $65. Pick-up/drop-off location: Lawrence. The Thelma Moore Community Playhouse, home of the Chamber Players Community Theatre in Garnett, has grown into one of the largest running dinner theatres in Kansas. “Dixie Swim Clubâ€? IROORZV WKH VWRULHV RI ÂżYH unforgettable women whose friendships began many years ago on their college swim team. As their lives unfold and the years pass, these women increasingly rely on one another, through advice and raucous repartee, to get through the challenges WKDW OLIH Ă€LQJV DW WKHP Includes lunch. EARLY

BOOKING BONUS: If your payment is received by no later than January 6, you will be entered in an onboard drawing for a gift valued at over $50! Chicken-n-Pickin’ Ranch: Duling Family Dinner Theater Tuesday, March 25. Fee: $79. Pick-up/Drop-off location: Lawrence.

This “Fried Chicken Getawayâ€? takes us to the tiny community of Walnut, located in Southeast Kansas. Owner Karen Duling will treat us to a fabulous fried chicken PHDO ZLWK DOO WKH Âż[LQÂśV cooked the old fashioned way in a cast iron skillet. After lunch enjoy two hours of wholesome entertainment. The show features a new band and includes classic country music, storytelling, and comedy. EARLY BOOKING BONUS: If your payment is received by no later than January 22, you will be entered in an onboard drawing for a gift valued at over $50! St. Joseph Missouri Museum Tour Wednesday, April 23. Fee: Before February 19: $65; after $75. Pick-up/Dropoff location: Lawrence. This tour offers two very unique museums located in historic St. Joseph, MO. First we’ll visit

the St. Joseph Museum Complex which houses the Glore Psychiatric Museum, once known as the “State Lunatic Asylum No. 2.� This museum is recognized as one of the most unusual museums in the country and features exhibitions about the evolution of mental health care in the U.S. Other collections in the museum complex include: Native American exhibits, Lewis & Clark Exhibition, Civil War Medicine, Black Archives, and more. We will also visit the Pony Express Museum to learn about the young people who raced against nature’s cruel elements and rugged


terrain in an attempt to unite a country separated by distance. A delicious hot brisket meal with all the trimmings is included. Powell Garden & Cockrell Mercantile Thursday, May 8. Fee: Before March 5: $69; after: $79. Pick-up/Dropoff location: Lawrence. This Gardening Getaway takes us to beautiful Powell Gardens, located in Kingsville, MO. Set on more than 970 acres of botanical bliss, see breathtaking display gardens, interesting architecture, a nature trail Continued on page 12


Continued from page 11

and the Marjorie Powell Allen Chapel. Lunch is included and is at a local eatery which offers a garden-fresh meal. Enjoy a unique shopping adventure at Cockrell Mercantile which consists of 5 distinctive buildings in a country setting. EDUCATION, HOBBY & FINANCE Fundamentals of Estate Planning Tuesday, February 18, 2-3:30 p.m. Fee: None. Location: Carnegie Building. Instructor: Robert Ramsdell. Death is a certainty, incapacity a possibility. You need to plan for both. Fundamentals of Estate Planning will help you create those plans. Class covers what happens under intestate succession if you die without a plan; the uses of a Will or Revocable Living Trust; an overview of probate administration; the impact of estate and gift taxes; non-testamentary transfer options, such as holding property in a joint tenancy; powers of attorney for ÂżQDQFLDO DQG KHDOWKFDUH decision-making; Living Wills and Do Not Resuscitate Directives; and a very general overview of how limitations on Medicaid eligibility might affect your assets. The


presentation lasts about an hour, followed by an open question-and-answer period.

Instructor: Andrew Torres.

This class will show PC users how to make DVD videos of special occasions Basic Personal Finance such as reunions, parties, and Investing vacations, weddings Thursday, February 20, and birthdays. Learn 2:-3:30 p.m. Fee: None. to incorporate still Location: Carnegie photographs or movie Building. Instructor: clips with captions and Robert Ramsdell. narrations and how to add music to enhance the DVD In our IRA/401 (k) world, production. Students you are responsible for must bring pictures, movie \RXU RZQ ¿QDQFLDO GHVWLQ\ clips, music, recordings Basic Personal Finance RQ D ÀDVK GULYH RU RWKHU and Investing will help devices, such as a DVD, you chart that course. The CD, smart phone with cord class provides an overview or secure digital camera RI ¿QDQFLDO SODQQLQJ cards with USB adapters to considerations, including: WKH ¿UVW FODVV 5HJLVWHU DW ¿QDQFLDO JRDO VHWWLQJ the Community Building, investment options such 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs; risk Lawrence Historical tolerance and capacity; Homes Tour DQG GLYHUVL¿FDWLRQ DVVHW Wednesday, April 23, 10 allocation, and rebalancing a.m.- 12 p.m. Fee: $15. of an investment portfolio. Location: Lawrence While the focus is on Senior Center. Instructor: saving and investing for Katie Armitage, co-author retirement, the principles of Nineteenth Century apply to other long-term Houses in Lawrence, KS. ¿QDQFLDO JRDOV VXFK as saving for a child’s Travel through 100 years college education. The of Lawrence history. See presentation lasts about and learn about two early an hour, followed by an homes from 1858, the open question-and-answer Italianate style houses of period. the 1870s and 1880s, the large Victorian houses *NEW* Making of the 1890s, the four Computer Videos - ages squares of the 1900s, and 60 and up ¿QDOO\ FRQVLGHU WKH Saturdays, February 22hyperbolic paraboloid March 1, 2 - 4 p.m. Fee: house, now listed on $25. Location: River the National Register Front Plaza Computer Lab. of Historic Places. Co-

sponsored with Parks and Rec. For more information or to register please contact Jo Ellis at (785) 832-7920. Beginning SpanishEmphasis on Grammar Mondays, 1-2 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Board Room. This course will stress some of the basics of the Spanish language and useful words and phrases. Beginning SpanishEmphasis on Conversations Wednesdays, 1-2 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Board Room. This course is for beginners wanting to learn Spanishno prior knowledge of Spanish required. Please bring your own English to Spanish dictionary. ART Acrylic Painting Class Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Fee: $20 per session. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Lori Dalrymple (local area and national artist). Join Lori as she teaches acrylic painting to students of all levels of expertise. No need to pre-register. Supplies not included. If you already have supplies, please bring them. If you are starting out and need assistance in getting supplies, please call Lori at


Downtown Tuesday Painters Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Conference Room.

Bring your painting project and supplies and join the Downtown Tuesday Painters. HEALTH & FITNESS

*NEW* Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 4 - March 27, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Fee: $15. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. The Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program is a community-based, recreational group exercise and education program GHVLJQHG VSHFL¿FDOO\ for people with arthritis and related diseases. The program’s multiple components help reduce pain and stiffness, and help maintain or improve mobility, muscle strength and functional ability. Each class includes a variety of exercises, endurance-building routines, relaxation exercises, and health education topics. Individuals from basic to advanced capabilities will EHQH¿W IURP WKH SURJUDP This class is conducted E\ D WUDLQHG DQG FHUWL¿HG

instructor in partnership with the local Arthritis Foundation chapter and Lawrence Parks and Recreation. Please register by Monday, January 6. Please Note: If you are registering for one of the exercise programs below, please make the check payable to: Lawrence Parks and Recreation Aerobic Dance Exercise ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, January 6 - March 7, 8:50 - 9:50 a.m. Fee: $62. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Instructor: Nicki Listerman. Move to lively music while you reap the many KHDOWK EHQH¿WV RI DHURELF conditioning. Increase your stamina and agility, while improving your immune system and cardio pulmonary function through dancing. Enhance \RXU EDODQFH ÀH[LELOLW\ and muscle strength during the toning and stretching segment of class. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. A.M. Walking Club Need exercise? Then come down to the East Lawrence Rec Center from 7-10 a.m., Monday through Friday. You’ll get your heart pumping and have a great time building friendships with fellow


walkers. FREE! For more information, contact Ross Schraeder at (785) 832-7950.

Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi - ages 60 and up Mondays and Fridays, January 6 - March 7, 10 - 11 a.m. Fee: $46. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy. Designed to improve the quality of life for people with arthritis using Sun style Tai Chi, one of the four major recognized styles of Tai Chi. This style includes agile steps and exercises that may improve mobility, breathing and relaxation. The movements don’t require deep bending or squatting, which makes it easier and more comfortable to learn. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Cycling - Pedal Pushers ages 60 and up Fridays, January 10 March 7, 12-12:45 a.m. Location: Community Building. Fee: $34. Instructor: Vicki Lysen. This is a beginning class designed for older adults. Indoor cycling can increase your endurance and strength in your lower body, core and upper body. Individuals are responsible

for the intensity of their own workouts. Bikers can modify their cycling resistance and pace according to their current ÂżWQHVV OHYHOV 5HJLVWHU DW the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

EUHDWKLQJ ÀH[LELOLW\ precision, centering and control. This class not only strengthens your body but your mind as well. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

Fitness for Life - ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, January 6 March 7, 10 - 11 a.m. Fee: $62. Location: Holcom Rec Center. Instructor: Melanie Johnson.

Senior Strength Training - ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, January 6 March 7, times vary with beginner and advanced classes. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Fee: $62. Instructor: Cindy Baker/ Vicki Lysen/Crystal Shepherd.

.HHSLQJ ÂżW FDQ DFWXDOO\ delay the degenerative diseases associated with aging and thus help us to look and feel well. Class helps coordination, improves circulation, IRUWLÂżHV KHDUW DQG OXQJV and improves muscle tone. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Pilates Silver - ages 60 and up Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 7 - March 6, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Fee: $46. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Instructor: Pat Middaugh. Pilates is a modern approach to body conditioning. Class will focus on core muscles such as hips, thighs, and abdominals that will strengthen and tone by stretching. Main principles include following motion,

Strength Training for seniors is effective


for improving balance (preventing falls), strengthening major muscle groups and increasing muscle mass and bone density. Class is designed to include functional movement patterns to enhance daily living activities. A variety of strength training equipment will be used, including universal machines, free weights and resistance tubing and bands. Class includes a warm-up period and postworkout stretch. NOTE: A physician’s release is required prior to beginning of class. Register at the Community Building, 115 Continued on page 14


Continued from page 13

W. 11th St., 832-7930. Tai Chi - ages 60 and up Wednesdays, January 8 - March 5, 10 - 11:10 a.m. Fee: $32. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy. Improves strength, ÀH[LELOLW\ FRQFHQWUDWLRQ DQG EDODQFH E\ FRPELQLQJ gentle physical movement and mental discipline. Slow movements also strengthen muscles and joints, not to mention reduce stress, fatigue and the risk of falls due WR LQFUHDVHG EDODQFH Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Wii :KDWœV DOO WKH WDON DERXW Wii? Come join us in this fun, interactive game. It works your muscles, lifts your mood and itís good for older adults. Call 842-

LEISURE AND LEARNING CATALOGUE 0543 if interested. Yoga - ages 60 and up Mondays, January 6 March 3, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Fee: $39. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Annie Wilsey.


=XPED LV D IXQ HIIHFWLYH DQG VLPSOH ÂżWQHVV V\VWHP WKDW ZLOO PD[LPL]H FDORULH RXWSXW IDW EXUQLQJ DQG WRWDO ERG\ WRQLQJ 7KH H[SORVLYH /DWLQ UK\WKP creates a fun atmosphere $ OHVV YLJRURXV EHJLQQHUÂśV that delivers results, as class adapted for older well as a “feel happyâ€? adults. Stretch stiff workout! You can still muscles and learn to HQMR\ =XPED HYHQ LI \RX correctly align your spine KDYH OLPLWHG PRELOLW\ through slow, progressive Register at the Community traction. While using the Building, 115 W. 11th St., full capacity of the lungs 832-7930. WKURXJK FRUUHFW EUHDWK you will completely ENTERTAINMENT R[\JHQDWH WKH ERG\ DQG WKH EUDLQ LPSURYLQJ EORRG Theatre Lawrence Dress circulation and your sense Rehearsal - “Other RI ZHOO EHLQJ 5HJLVWHU DW Desert Citiesâ€? the Community Building, 7KXUVGD\ )HEUXDU\ 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. show starts at 7:30 p.m. Fee: None. Location: Zumba Gold - ages 60 Theatre Lawrence. and up Tuesdays and Thursdays, Brooke Wyeth returns January 7 - March 6, 9:30 home to Palm Springs Ăą 10:30 a.m. Fee: $46. DIWHU D VL[ \HDU DEVHQFH WR Location: Holcolm Rec FHOHEUDWH &KULVWPDV ZLWK Center. Instructor: Susan KHU SDUHQWV KHU EURWKHU

2 <$4/ $ 2$/ $$0 / 2 / Ă‘Ăż A¸¸ ÀĿ ÂŞĂ‘Ă€x Ă‘ĞĿ¥xÆ ÆxxjÄ„Ă­ <Ă‘ÄŽĂż çÿĂ‘ÂŒxĄĄŽÑÆA¸ AÆj \AÿŽĂ†ÂĄ Ä„ÄšAÂ? ĽŽÄšÂŞ $9 / Ä?‘ ÄżxAÿĄ xĞçxÿŽxÆ\x AĂżx ÂŞxĂżx ĚÑ ÂŞx¸ç ĿÑĎ ĽŽÄšÂŞ A¸¸ ĿÑĎÿ ÂŞĂ‘Ă€x Ă‘ĞĿ¥xÆ ÆxxjÄ„Ă­

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and her aunt. Brooke announces that she is DERXW WR SXEOLVK D PHPRLU dredging up a pivotal and tragic event in the family’s history-- a wound they don’t want reopened. In effect, she draws a line in the sand and dares them DOO WR FURVV LW +DLOHG E\ critics, this is a deeply moving play. Note: Due WR OLPLWHG QXPEHU RI DYDLODEOH GUHVV UHKHDUVDO tickets, only 2 tickets will EH DOORZHG SHU UHTXHVW 7LFNHWV ZLOO EH GLVWULEXWHG after a random drawing D ZHHN EHIRUH WKH GUHVV rehearsal date. New Theatre Matinee - “Smokey Joe’s CafĂŠ: The Songs of Leiber & Stollerâ€? Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 10:30 am 4:00 p.m. Fee: $60. Transportation provided from Lawrence Senior Center. Four years running on Broadway, Smokey Joe’s CafĂŠ is a compelling rock n’ roll musical revue encompassing the songs RI /HLEHU DQG 6WROOHU WKH inventors of this music genre. Their timeless VRQJV SURYLGH WKH EDVLV for this electrifying entertainment that had critics raving and audiences stampeding WKH ER[ RIÂżFH GXULQJ LWV UHFRUG EUHDNLQJ Broadway run. The show features some of

the greatest songs ever recorded including: On Broadway, Hound Dog, Jailhouse Rock, Stand By Me, Spanish Harlem, Love Potion #9, Young Blood, Yakety Yak, I’m A Woman and Kansas City. As always the price includes transportation, a JRXUPHW OXQFK EXIIHW DQG the show. TRAVEL CLUB 3OHDVH FRQWDFW 5HEHFFD Clancy, DCSS Leisure and Learning Specialist, at (785) 842-0543 for more information on the following trips. Detailed Ă€LHUV DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH at the Lawrence Senior Center. Dallas & Fort Worth April 3-7, 2014 3HU SHUVRQ UDWH 'RXEOH $449, Single- $569 This 5-day, 4-night trip includes motor coach transportation, 8 meals, guided tour of Dallas, DGPLVVLRQ WR WKH 6L[WK Floor Museum, admission WR WKH H[FLWLQJ 6RXWKIRUN Ranch (site of the famous television show “Dallas!â€?), admission to WKH EUDQG QHZ *HRUJH : %XVK 3UHVLGHQWLDO /LEUDU\ and Museum, guided tour of Fort Worth, and an H[FOXVLYH GLQQHU SDUW\ 'HWDLOHG Ă€\HUV DYDLODEOH at the Lawrence Senior Center. Final payment is GXH )HEUXDU\

60 & BETTER PAGE60 15& B



AARP Tax-Aide to offer free tax assistance again this year (Oldsters United for Responsible Service)


• Tax assistance at the Lawrence tax site, Douglas County Senior Services will begin on Monday, February 3, 2014. • Tax assistance hours will be Monday Thursday, noon to 4 pm Saturday, 9 am to noon • The Tax Appointment phone line number is 785-856-0365 • The Tax Appointment phone line will be open Monday - Thursday, from 9 am to 3 pm starting Tuesday, January 21, 2014 WHAT YOU SHOULD BRING... • Photo ID required for all taxpayers • Social Security cards for all taxpayers and dependents • Copy of last year’s tax return


• Year-end Social Security statement, Form Dances • January 2014 Meeting January 15 SSA-1099 (with some pink printing) • Unemployment compensation statements Are you new to PLEASE NOTE: All Dances areMedicare? held from 6 Do • Summary list of deductible itemsto(if9 p.m. at questions? the Eagles Lodge, 1803County West Sixth Douglas Senior itemizing); i.e. medical bills, charitable Street. Admission for dances is $5 per person. will present a “Welcome to M donation, mortgage interest, etc.Everyone welcome.

meeting on Wednesday, January noon to JANUARY 1 p.m. Community All other forms/info that pertains to your taxes • SUNDAY, 5 Program CountryAssistant Melody and Senio TAXES ARE ALSO PREPARED AT: Insurance Counseling for Kansas • SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 Coordinator Criss Tomlin will • Baldwin City Lumberyard Arts Center Dr. Cook’s Medicine Show overview of Medicare and answer q - call the Baldwin City Library for appt. • SUNDAY, JANUARY Participants are free to19 bring th - 785-594-3411 • Oskaloosa Public Library, 785-863-2637 or Good reserveOle oneBoys through our Seni • Ottawa City Hall, 785-242-5560 program. JANUARY For more informatio • SUNDAY, 26 contact Criss Tomlin, SHICK Co Borderline Country at Douglas County5 Senior (Business Meeting p.m.) Service 785-842-0543 or toll free 1-877-2

NEW HORIZONS BAND Winter Schedule 2014 All Rehearsals and Concerts are held at 4 p.m. on Fridays, unless otherwise noted. Rehearsals are held at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont. Band Director John Towner encourages anyone interested in playing to join. Dues are $5 for the year. Contact John Towner at 785-865-3519 or 785-865-8851 (cell), or by HPDLO DW WRZQHU#VXQĂ€RZHU FRP

|ÚÚ CÄ’šĂ? ĹŒĂ„Ă‘ĂŠĂ„Ĺ—Ĺ?ĂŠÄŽÄŽĆƒĆƒ Signature required.

JANUARY 3 – Rehearsal 10 – Rehearsal 17 – Rehearsal 24 – Rehearsal 31 – Rehearsal


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Editor: Janet Ikenberry Executive Director: Kristin Scheurer Printer: Lawrence Journal-World 609 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044 Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., is funded by Douglas County Mill Levy • Older Americans Act through the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging • Kansas Department on Aging • Kansas Department of Transportation • special grants • project income • fund-raising activities • and your donations. Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or size. If you feel that you KDYH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW \RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR ¿OH D complaint with Douglas County Senior Services. 842-0543. (TDD: 1-800-766-3777). Toll free: 1-877-295-DCSS (1-877-295-3277) On the web: dgcoseniorservices.org

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