60 & Better March 2013

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MISSION: To create opportunities that allow Douglas County residents 60 years and older to remain independent and active in their homes and communities.

MARCH 2013


Volume 40 No. 3

SPRINGTIME SPR SP RINGTI INGTIM ME FLOWER FLOWER VASE VAS ASE CRAFT CRAFT CRAF T Tony Prideaux left DCSS last month after 2 years as the Senior Wheels program coordinator. Tony scheduled all the rides and also drove many Douglas County seniors to and from their destinations. He will be missed by coworkers and participants who wish him much success in his new position.


Personal Actions to Health is a unique SURJUDP VSHFL¿FDOO\ GHVLJQHG IRU SHRSOH aged 55 and over. It combines healthy HDWLQJ ¿WQHVV HGXFDWLRQ DQG H[HUFLVH WR help participants develop a healthier lifestyle and retain functions necessary to maintain independence. This session begins April 2 and continues through May 9 with twice weekly classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday classes feature a QHZ QXWULWLRQ WRSLF DQG JURXS H[HUFLVH ZKLOH 7KXUVGD\ FODVVHV IRFXV RQ D QHZ ¿WQHVV WRSLF DQG JURXS H[HUFLVH /HDUQ DERXW WKH HIIHFWV WKDW JRRG QXWULWLRQ DQG H[HUFLVH KDYH RQ \RXU ERG\ IURP H[SHUWV LQ WKH ¿HOG RI QXWULWLRQ DQG SK\VLFDO HGXFDWLRQ 7KH JURXS H[HUFLVH FODVVHV IRFXV RQ ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG VWUHQJWK building to improve overall physical health. Previous PATH participants have shown improved agility, balance, coordination, ÀH[LELOLW\ VWUHQJWK DQG HQGXUDQFH

Join us Friday, March 22 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Lawrence Senior Center for a fun and functional craft to celebrate the coming of spring! This easy yet elegant tissue paper vase craft gives the illusion of a beautiful stained glass vase with the use of colored tissue paper and 0RG 3RGJH 7KH ÀQLVKHG SURMHFW is perfect for holding fresh spring à RZHUV DQG FDQ EH D JUHDW JLIW IRU any holiday. The $5 cost for this class includes at materials needed.

Annual SHICK Volunteer Training Dates Set Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you want to learn how to help people navigate through the Medicare maze? Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., in cooperation with Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK), is currently recruiting volunteers to become trained SHICK Medicare counselors. Training will be held in Lawrence on May 14, June 18 and July 23.

Following training the volunteers may choose to offer guidance as a Comprehensive Medicare Counselor, DVVLVWLQJ EHQHÂżFLDULHV LQ DOO DUHDV RI 0HGLFDUH RU they may choose to help with Open Enrollment for Medicare managed care and prescription drug plans. Volunteers may also help in DCSS SHICK Call PATH classes are held at the East Lawrence Center a few hours a week. Recreation Center. The fee for this program is $25 per person. However, if you register with a friend, you will receive a “buddy discountâ€? of 2 for $30; that’s $10 saved per person! Please register at the Lawrence Senior Center or at the Community Building by March 25.

If you are interested in hearing more about these rewarding volunteer opportunities, please contact Criss Tomlin, SHICK Coordinator at Douglas County Senior Services, (785) 842-0543

• • •

Baldwin City Library, 785-594-3411 Oskaloosa Public Library, 785-863-2637 Ottawa City Hall, 785-242-5560

LAPA Senior Resource Fair March 12

The 8th Annual Lawrence Area Partners in Aging Senior Resource Fair will be held on Tuesday, March 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hy-Vee on Clinton Parkway. The Senior Resource Fair is designed to introduce seniors and their families and caregivers to the members of LAPA and acquaint them with the services that these businesses provide to the seniors in the community. There will be door prizes and give-aways!


Leisure and Learning Catalogue - Course Description Call 842-0543 to enroll Douglas County Senior Services offers diverse continuing education courses, KHDOWK DQG ÂżWQHVV FODVVHV workshops, seminars, tours, and special events for active Douglas County residents age 55 and over. Year-round dropin activities are also listed in this publication. Call 8420543 to enroll, suggest a new program, volunteer to teach a class, or be a tour director. Fill out the registration form in this newsletter and mail it with your check (payable to Douglas County Senior Services) to: Douglas County Senior Services, Leisure and Learning Department, 745 Vermont St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Walk-ins are welcome. Refund or Credit? A full refund or credit will be given for all classes, events or trips 30 days prior to the class or HYHQW H[FHSW WKHDWHU WLFNHWV that are bought in advance and are non-refundable. Less than 30 days prior, refunds will be given for medical hardships, approved emergencies, and events canceled or rescheduled by the department. A 10 percent administrative charge will be deducted from refunds for cancellations less than one week in advance. Partial class scholarships may be available for seniors who qualify. Scholarships will be considered upon completion of application in the Leisure



Reasonable accommodations can be made for special needs. Registration must specify needs. Registrant must provide information at time of enrollment. Please note that certain classes are co-sponsored with and located at Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department. UPCOMING FEATURED CLASS PATH — Personal Actions to Health Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 2- May 9, 9 -11 a.m. Location: East Lawrence Rec Center. Fee: $25 per person, or “buddy discountâ€? of 2 for $30. Minimum: 15 participants. This unique SURJUDP VSHFLÂżFDOO\ GHVLJQHG for people aged 55+ combines KHDOWK\ HDWLQJ ÂżWQHVV HGXFDWLRQ DQG H[HUFLVH WR help participants develop a healthier lifestyle and retain functions necessary to maintain independence. Each Tuesday class features a new nutrition topic and group H[HUFLVH HDFK 7KXUVGD\ FODVV IHDWXUHV D QHZ ÂżWQHVV WRSLF DQG JURXS H[HUFLVH /HDUQ about the effects that good QXWULWLRQ DQG H[HUFLVH KDYH RQ \RXU ERG\ IURP H[SHUWV LQ WKH ÂżHOG RI QXWULWLRQ DQG physical education. The JURXS H[HUFLVH FODVVHV IRFXV RQ Ă€H[LELOLW\ DQG VWUHQJWK building to improve overall physical health. Previous PATH participants have shown improved agility, balance, coordination, Ă€H[LELOLW\ VWUHQJWK DQG endurance. If you register

with a friend, receive a “buddy discount� of 2 for $30; that’s $10 saved per person! Register at the Lawrence Senior Center or at the Community Building. Registration deadline: March 25. FEATURED MARCH ACTIVITIES

Basic Personal Finance and Investing Tuesday, March 12, 6 -7:30 p.m. Location: Carnegie Building. Fee: None. This class will provide an overview RI ¿QDQFLDO SODQQLQJ consideration, including: ¿QDQFLDO JRDO VHWWLQJ investment options such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs; risk tolerance and FDSDFLW\ DQG GLYHUVL¿FDWLRQ asset allocation, and rebalancing of an investment portfolio. While the focus is on saving and investing for retirement, the principles apply to other long-term ¿QDQFLDO JRDOV VXFK DV providing for a child’s college education. The presentation last about an hour, followed by an open question-andanswer period. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Fundamentals of Estate Planning Thursday, March 14, 6-7:30 p.m. Location: Carnegie Building. Fee: None. This class will provide an overview of the options in arranging your affairs- what happens under intestate succession if you die without a plan; the possible uses of either a Will or Revocable Living Trust; an overview of probate

administration; the impact of HVWDWH DQG JLIW WD[HV QRQ testamentary transfer options, such as holding property in a joint tenancy; powers of DWWRUQH\ IRU ÂżQDQFLDO DQG healthcare decision-making; Living Wills and Do Not Resuscitate Directives; and a very general overview of how limitations on Medicaid eligibility might affect your assets. The presentation lasts about an hour, followed by an open question-andanswer period. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss, Looking & Feeling Younger, & Correcting Type II Diabetes Tuesday, March 12, 2:303:30 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Conference Room. Fee: None. Instructor: Dr. Emma Veyna. Come learn the real secrets to weight loss and healthy living! This is not a fad diet! You will learn how to do things daily to look and feel better each day. Come learn how eating healthier, not dieting, leads to more energy and a greater sense of well being. Learn how H[HUFLVH EXLOGV D VWURQJHU body and leads to weight loss and improves overall health. Learn this natural approach to total body wellness and healthcare. Dr. Emma Veyna DC is a volunteer for the Foundation for Wellness 3UDFWLWLRQHUV DQG LV H[FLWHG to promote health in our Lawrence Community. To register please call 842-0543. Springtime Flower Vase Craft

Friday, March 22, 2-3:30 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Fee: $5 (all materials included). Join us for a fun and functional craft to celebrate the coming of spring! This easy yet elegant tissue paper vase craft gives the illusion of a beautiful stained glass vase with the use of colored tissue paper DQG 0RG 3RGJH 7KH ¿QLVKHG project is perfect for holding IUHVK VSULQJ ÀRZHUV DQG FDQ be a great gift for any holiday. Please register by Wednesday, March 20. Historic Baldwin City Guided Bus Tour Wednesday, March 27, 1 3:30 p.m. Pick up/drop off location: Lawrence Senior Center. Cost per person: 0D[LPXP RI SHRSOH Join us as we take a guided bus tour of the historical Baldwin City community. This tour is sponsored by the Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce. We Baldwinites take great pride in our city and its rich history, doing our best to preserve the sites and structures that have played an important role in the story of America. Our tours are highlighting the Best of Baldwin where our friendly conductors narrate the tour with a fascinating DQG IXQ PL[ RI ORFDO DQG historical stories. It will be our pleasure to guide you through Baldwin City. To register please call 842-0543. AARP Driver Safety Classroom Course — ages Continued on page 7


“The Way We Worked,” a Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition about work and working, will be in Baldwin City March 23 through May 5 at the Lumberyard Arts Center, 718 High St. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the culture of work in America over the last 150 years; phone tours explaining the importance of the Santa Fe Trail, Baker

University, agriculture and the railroad to the building of Baldwin City; the history of Baldwin Lumberyard (including a photo tour of Baldwin City, then and now); audio/video interviews with local citizens; a written tour of Baldwin City and its history; and a four week speaker series, March 26, April 8, 23, and 29, starting at 7 p.m. at the Lumberyard Arts Center. The exhibition will be open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Fridays from 6 to 8 p.m. ; and Sundays from Noon to 5 p.m. The Way We Worked Kansas Tour is sponsored by

the Kansas Humanities Council in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum on Main Street program. Support for The Way We Worked Kansas Tour has been provided by the Ross and Marianna Beach Foundation and the Douglas County Community Foundation. Support for the Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.

“Welcome to Medicare” MEETING MARCH 20 Are you new to Medicare? Do you have questions? Douglas County Senior Services will present a “Welcome to Medicare” meeting on Wednesday, March 20 from noon to 1 p.m. Community Services Program Assistant and Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK) Coordinator Criss Tomlin will give an overview of Medicare and answer questions. Participants are free to bring their lunch or reserve one through our Senior Meals program. For more information please contact the DCSS Community Services Department, 785842-0543, or toll free 1-877-295-3277.



daily living.

March 7 - Surviving & Thriving; presented by Place, 1510 St. Andrews Linda Upstill, RumseyPopular Skillbuilders Drive. The staff and series returns Yost Funeral Home. residents of Drury Place Skillbuilders returns for are happy to provide After a life loss, learning the spring sessions, but a comfortable and to find your strengths with some changes due welcoming meeting and accepting the to the renovation of the place. Ample parking changes can be difficult. Lawrence Public Library. is available around the March 14 - Self-Care: The programs will again building. Maintaining Yourself be offered on Thursday in Stressful Times; Skillbuilders is a mornings from 10presented by Laura series of programs for 11:45 a.m. beginning Bennetts, Lawrence widows, widowers, in March and ending Therapy Service. Learn caregivers and anyone in May. The popular how to keep physically topics will be presented experiencing significant and emotionally healthy life changes. The topics with activity and social by knowledgeable, are chosen to refresh local experts. But, the supports. skills and provide location has changed! information that may This session will be March 21 - Legal be helpful in making held in the downstairs Planning; presented by decisions concerning Garden Room of Drury

Cheryl Denton, attorney with Petefish, Immel, Heeb & Hird, LLP. Legalese interpreted! Wills, trusts, estate planning: what are they and do I need them? March 28 - Aging in Place; presented by Linda Crabb, Visiting Nurses Association. How to be comfortable and safe in your home and when to know how to make a change. Coming in April and May, programs will include cooking for one or two, car care, personal safety, gardening and money management.

Registration is never required. Attend all or only those of interest. Come and bring a friend! If you would prefer, transportation is available by contacting the Douglas County Senior Services Senior Wheels program at 865-6925. Skillbuilders is presented by the Senior Outreach Services of the Lawrence Public Library, Visiting Nurses Association and the Douglas County Senior Services. For more information about this series, please contact Pattie Johnston at the Library, 843-3833 extension 115.

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MARCH 2013 Calendar of Events 4 DCSS Caregiver Support Group, 2:15-3:45 p.m., Lawrence Senior Center.

Peterson Road. For more information please contact The Windsor at 832-9900.

6 Older Womens League (OWL), 2-3:30 p.m., Kenneth Doud Room, United Way Building, 2518 Ridge Court. Social time begins at 1:30.

15 Low Vision/Blind Outreach Ministry Dinner, 5:30 p.m., Immanuel Lutheran Church and Student Center, 2104 Bob Billings Parkway (15th and Iowa St. adjacent to KU Campus). This group meets for dinners, social and speaker events, as well as day trips. RSVP encouraged for purpose of dinner reservations. Anyone in the community that is blind or has low vision is welcome. For information call 843-0620.

Support Group, 1-2:30 p.m., KU Center for Research, 1315 Wakarusa, Second Floor, Room 214. This support group is for families caring for early to late stage Alzheimer’s disease. Contact: Jeanne Reeder or Michelle Niedens (913) 831-3888.


8 Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, 1-2:30 p.m., KU Center for Research, 1315 Wakarusa, Second Floor, Room 214. This support group is for families caring for early to late stage Alzheimer’s disease. Contact: Jeanne Reeder or Michelle Niedens (913) 831-3888. 9 Fibromyalgia & Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group, “Focus on Improvement.� Location varies. Please call Rachel at 979-5393 or Jean at 8650016 for information. 12 Grief Support Group, 10:30 a.m., Pioneer Ridge,4851 Harvard Road,in association with Grace Hospice. For information call Dave Jenkins at 785-228-0400.

18 DCSS Caregiver Support Group, 2:15-3:45 p.m., Lawrence Senior Center. 19 Parkinson’s Support Group, 2 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. For more information call 865-2450. 19 Stroke Support Group, 4 p.m., Lawrence Memorial Hospital. For more information call 840-2712. 20 Douglas County Coalition on Aging (DCCOA), 8 a.m., Lawrence Senior Center.

12 Memory Book Group, 6 S P *UDFH +RVSLFH 2I¿FH For information call Dave 20 Welcome to Medicare Jenkins at 785-228-0400. Meeting, 12 to 1 p.m., Lawrence Senior Center. 13 The Windsor Caregiver Informational meeting for Support Group, 4-5p.m., those new to Medicare. For The Windsor of Lawrence information call 842-0543. Assisted Living and Memory Care, 3220 22 Alzheimer’s Caregiver

25 Grief Support Group, 4 p.m., Lawrence Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold Dr., in association with Grace Hospice. For information call Dave Jenkins at 785-228-0400. 26 Grief Support Group, 10:30 a.m., Pioneer Ridge,4851 Harvard Road,in association with Grace Hospice. For information call Dave Jenkins at 785-228-0400. 26 Memory Book Group, 6 S P *UDFH +RVSLFH 2IÂżFH For information call Dave Jenkins at 785-228-0400. The University Bridge Club of Lawrence meets Saturdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Contact Cora at 8425567 for more information. The Breast Cancer Support Group meets every Monday H[FHSW KROLGD\V DW p.m. at Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold. For information, call 842-5250 or 840-2768. If you would like your meeting listed in the calendar of events, please contact DCSS at 842-0543.

LAWRENCE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKTALKS Join Pattie Johnston once a month at one of the following locations for an informal, lively discussion of a variety of materials available from the main library collection or from the Bookmobile. You need not be a resident of the site to attend. The public is invited!

Third Wednesday of each month:

Third Tuesday of each month:

• 9:45 a.m. - Presbyterian Manor, 1429 Kasold Dr. • 1 p.m. - Pioneer Ridge Assisted Living, 4851 Harvard Rd. • 2:30 p.m. - Drury Place, 510 St. Andrews Dr.

• 10 a.m. - Midland Day Care*, 319 Perry St. • 2 p.m. - Cottonwood Retirees, 1029 New Hampshire St. • 3 p.m. - Babcock Place, 1700 Massachusetts St.

• 10:30 a.m. - Brandon Woods, 1501 Inverness Dr. • 1 p.m. - Prairie Commons, 5121 Congressional Circle • 2:15 p.m. - The Windsor*, 3229 Peterson Rd. Fourth Wednesday of each month:

*These are secured sites; please call for more information.



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Call direct to schedule your rides... 865-6925 You will need to leave a message, and the scheduler will return your call as soon as possible. For more complete information, or to receive a copy of the Senior Wheels Policy, please call 865-6925.



(formerly Bus 62) serves the transportation needs of customers who are 60 years or older. We provide rides within the city limits of Lawrence. In Eudora and Lecompton rides are provided on a limited basis.

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL RIDERS EXCEPT ON FIXED STOPS Reservations must be made before 12:00 NOON, Monday through Thursday.

Rides may be scheduled as far in advance as 7 days or as little as 48 hours. Due to heavy demand for rides, every effort should be made to schedule as far ahead as possible. Rides within 24 hours are sometimes possible to schedule, but often the system is full SCHEDULE EARLY! When you leave your message, please give as much information as POSSIBLEĂ’ Ă’BEĂ’ASĂ’SPECIÂľCĂ’ as you can.


of $3 is required for each one way trip. Tenride punch cards are available for purchase from each driver or from the Senior Center.

Douglas County Senior Services, Inc.

Board of Directors

Hank Booth Sue Brown Kathy Clausing-Willis Dennis Domer Dr. Phil Godwin Jason Hornberger

Stacey Hunter Schwartz Pattie Johnston Kenny Massey Ellen Paulsen Judy Wright

785-865-6925 or to schedule a ride, call Linda at 785594-3376 or 785-331-6101 at least 48 hours before the ride is needed. LECOMPTON Call 8656925 for reservations.

LAWRENCE Call 8656925 for reservations.

EUDORA Call 865-6925 for reservations.

PICKUP TIMES We provide personal assistance to each of our riders; therefore we cannot always REMAINĂ’EXACTLYĂ’ONĂ’SCHEDULE Ă’ You should be ready to board 15 minutes before your scheduled trip.

BALDWIN CITY NEW VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM! (Monday, Wednesday, a nd Friday) For more details, please call

CANCELLATIONS AND NO-SHOWS Cancellations should be called in as soon as possible. When you cancel your ride in advance, you provide the opportunity

DAILY FIXED STOP (Monday through Thursday) Lawrence Senior Center 1:15 p.m.

for someone else to schedule a ride. If you fail to CALLĂ’THEĂ’TRANSPORTATIONĂ’OFÂľCEĂ’ to cancel your ride or cancel it the day of the ride, it is CONSIDEREDĂ’AĂ’hNO SHOW iĂ’Ă’3IXĂ’ No-Shows in 90 days will cause you to be suspended for 30 days. If you miss your pickup, all of your scheduled rides for that day will be cancelled. If you need assistance boarding the vehicle or entering a building, you may be required to have a personal care attendant which you will need to provide. The personal care attendant may ride with you at no charge.

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60 and up Wednesday and Thursday, March 27-28, 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. Fee: $12 for AARP member, $14 for nonAARP member. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. This course reviews the rules of the road, and contains safety driving tips for all drivers. Completion of the class entitles students to a discount on their automobile insurance. There is no physical or written test. This refresher course is a pleasant PL[ RI YLGHR DQG LQVWUXFWRU presentation. To register please call 842-0543. FREE Basic Russian for Adults Thursdays, February 14 May 30, 5 - 6 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Board Room. Free Russian lessons continue each Thursday at the Lawrence Senior Center. Students will learn comprehension and pronunciation of the Cyrillic alphabet as well as vocabulary and phrases that will be based on students’ interest. The class will also touch on Russian and Soviet culture and history. Learning basic Russian will be a bit of hard work, but most of all fun! FREE Blood Pressure Checks The 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Board Room. Provided by Advanced Home Care. No registration required.

FREE Senior Swim Days Wednesdays are Senior Swim Days for people 60 years and over. Every Wednesday, all day long, seniors swim for free. FREE Chair Exercise Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:45 - 11:15 a.m. Fee: None. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Conference Room. DAY/SHORT TRIPS Historic Leavenworth Thursday, April 18, 2013 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. Registration deadline: March 14. Pickup/drop-off location in Lawrence. Cost: $89. Join us for a variety-packed day trip to the oldest city in Kansas! We begin with a guided tour of one of the 8 wonders of Kansas, the C.W. Parker Carousel Museum where you will enjoy a ride on the restored 1913 wooden FDURXVHO 1H[W HQMR\ D WRXU of the Carroll Mansion, a beautiful brick Italianate Mansion built in 1867 and lunch (included) with the Harvey Girls! After lunch H[SHULHQFH )W /HDYHQZRUWK the oldest continuously operating military installation west of the Mississippi River. The Frontier Army Museum holds a collection of over seven thousand items used by Frontier Army soldiers as well as many Fort Leavenworth related items. Our last stop is at the Corner Pharmacy where the soda fountain has a 40 foot long handmade mahogany bar and many delectable treats. MUST HAVE GOVERNMENT ,668(' 3+272 ,' H[ driver’s license) TO TRAVEL

ON THIS TOUR. For reservations please contact Rebecca Clancy at 842-0543. Jamesport Tuesday, May 14, 2013. Early booking discount deadline: March 29. Pickup/drop-off location in Lawrence. Cost: $89 before March 29, $99 after March 29. Step back in time on this Amish Getaway and enjoy a slow-paced day in this fastpaced world as we make our way to the Amish community of Jamesport, MO. In Jamesport you will discover all of the treasures of the area as if time stood still centuries DJR $V ZH H[SORUH WKH countryside with a local guide who grew up with and went to school with the Amish, we will learn what it was like sharing daily life among the largest Old Order Amish Settlement. Our journey also includes a guided tour through an Amish home and farm by an Amish family who ZLOO H[SODLQ KRZ DQG ZK\ they live as they do without the modern conveniences we take for granted every day. We’ll stop at Amish country stores where you’ll ¿QG $PLVK PDGH IXUQLWXUH spices and cooking supplies, bakery goods, quilts, jams, and numerous other goods. A hearty Buffet meal at Gingerich Dutch Pantry is also included. For reservations please contact Rebecca Clancy at 842-0543. EDUCATION, HOBBY & FINANCE Lawrence Historical Homes Tour Wednesday, April 24, 10

a.m.-12 p.m. Fee: $15. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Let’s hop on the bus and travel through 100 years of Lawrence history. We will view and learn about two early homes from 1858, the Italianate style houses of the 1870s and 1880s, the large Victorian house of the 1890s, the four squares of the 1900s, DQG ¿QDOO\ FRQVLGHU WKH hyperbolic paraboloid house, now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For more information, contact Jo Ellis at 832-7920. AARP Driver Safety Classroom Course — ages 60 and up Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m.5 p.m. Fee: $12 for AARP member, $14 for non-AARP member. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. This course reviews the rules of the road, and contains safety driving tips for all drivers. Completion of the class entitles students to a discount on their automobile insurance. There is no physical or written test. A pleasant PL[ RI YLGHR DQG LQVWUXFWRU presentation. Lunch break from Noon to 1 p.m. To register please call 842-0543. Beginning Spanish Mondays, 1-2 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Board Room. This course will stress some of the basics of the Spanish language and useful words and phrases. Beginning Spanish — Emphasis on Conversations Wednesdays, 1-2 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Board Room. For beginners wanting to learn


Spanish- no prior knowledge of Spanish required. Please bring your own English to Spanish dictionary. Fundamentals of Estate Planning Tuesday, July 16, 6-7 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Fee: None. Instructor: Robert Ramsdell. Provides an overview of the options in arranging your affairs: what happens under in estate succession if you die without a plan; the possible uses of either a Will or Revocable Living Trust; an overview of probate administration; the impact of HVWDWH DQG JLIW WD[HV QRQ testamentary transfer options, such as holding property in a joint tenancy; powers of DWWRUQH\ IRU ÂżQDQFLDO DQG healthcare decision-making; living wills and do not resuscitate directives; and a very general overview of how limitations on Medicaid eligibility might affect your assets. Relevant to anyone 18 or older, and includes time for questions. Please call 8420543 to register. Basic Personal Finance & Investing Thursday, July 18, 6-7 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Fee: None. Instructor: Robert Ramsdell. Provides an RYHUYLHZ RI ÂżQDQFLDO planning considerations, LQFOXGLQJ ÂżQDQFLDO JRDO setting; investment options such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs; risk tolerance and capacity; DQG GLYHUVLÂżFDWLRQ DVVHW Continued on page 8


Continued from page 7

allocation, and rebalancing of an investment portfolio. While the focus is on saving and investing for retirement, the principles apply to other ORQJ WHUP ¿QDQFLDO JRDOV such as providing for a child’s college education. Relevant to anyone 18 or older, and includes time for audience questions. Please call 8420543 to register. ART Acrylic Painting Class Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Fee: $20 per session. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Lori Dalrymple (local area and national artist). Lori teaches acrylic painting to students RI DOO OHYHOV RI H[SHUWLVH 1R


need to pre-register. Supplies not included. If you already have supplies please bring them and if you are starting out and need assistance in getting supplies, please call Lori at 785-917-0118.

Downtown Tuesday Painters Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center Conference Room. Bring your painting project and supplies and join the Downtown Tuesday Painters. HEALTH & FITNESS NEW! Jazzercise Lite Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, starting Jan. 14, 9 - 10 a.m. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Fee: $32 unlimited class pass

" $ ! # "

per month, or $10 single pass per class. Fitness that’s invigorating, not intimidating! This 60-minute class pairs moderate aerobics with H[HUFLVHV GHVLJQHG WR LPSURYH your strength, balance, and ÀH[LELOLW\ :KHWKHU \RXœUH D senior, newcomer, or prefer low impact, you can’t go wrong with this popular light version of the original Jazzercise program. The instructor will demonstrate options throughout each class, so that participants may modify the moves and intensity to suit their SHUVRQDO ¿WQHVV QHHGV DQG JRDOV <RXU ¿UVW FODVV LV always FREE! Register at Jazzercise, (785)331-4333 or http://jcls.jazzercise.com/ facility/jazzercise-douglascounty-senior-center or at

Aerobic Dance Exercise — ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, March 25 May 15, 8:50 - 9:50 a.m. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Fee: $53. Instructor: Nicki Listerman. Join our friendly class and move to lively music while you reap WKH PDQ\ KHDOWK EHQH¿WV of aerobic conditioning. Increase your stamina and agility, while improving your immune system and cardio pulmonary function through dancing. Enhance \RXU EDODQFH ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG muscle strength during the toning and stretching segment of class. Register at the

Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi — ages 60 and up Mondays and Fridays, March 25 - May 17, 10 - 10:55 a.m. Fee: $40. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy. This program is designed to improve the quality of life for people with arthritis using Sun style Tai Chi, one of the four major recognized styles of Tai Chi. This style includes DJLOH VWHSV DQG H[HUFLVHV that may improve mobility, EUHDWKLQJ DQG UHOD[DWLRQ 7KH movements don’t require deep bending or squatting, which makes it easier and more comfortable to learn. Register at the Community Building, Continued on page 10

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When Your Wallet is Not Your Friend A Letter From District Attorney Charles Branson

Have you ever misplaced your wallet or purse, even for a brief period of time or worse yet, actually had it stolen? If so, you know that sinking feeling of running through the mental list in your head, trying to remember every item that was in your wallet. This month I would like to talk about what documents you carry in your wallet on a daily basis. When you actually think through the “what if’sâ€? should these documents be stolen, it may make you decide to limit what items you carry with you on a daily basis. While it may seem very convenient to carry all of your credit cards and identifying information with you at all times, losing this information to a criminal can cause you a wide variety of headaches from false charges to your credit cards, tax-return fraud, money stolen from your bank account, to a stolen identity. Now is the time to go through your wallet and decide what you absolutely MUST carry with you and leave everything else safely at home. You can bring these other documents when absolutely necessary. Kiplinger’s magazine even made a list of eight things you should NEVER keep in your wallet. • Social Security card and anything with the number on it. Remember, your Medicare card has your Social Security number on it so Kiplinger’s suggest you make a photocopy (both front and back) and carry it with you instead of the real FDUG ([SHUWV LQ WKH ĹľHOG RI identity theft are mixed when it comes to the effectiveness of blacking out a portion of your number on your COPY, so be safe and black out your Social Security number on your photocopy. If a provider needs your number you can provide it as needed. • Password cheat sheet. There is nothing like giving

thieves a virtual key to all of your online accounts. This may be tempting, but do not do it. • Spare house keys. This is not even a virtual key, you just handed a thief the real deal. The thief is more than likely already going to have your homes address thanks to a driver’s license or other form of LGHQWLĹľFDWLRQ <RX GR QRW ZDQW this worry on your mind or the expense of a locksmith to rekey your locks. What can you do instead? Leave a spare key with a trusted friend or relative. • Checks. Blank checks are an obvious risk, but even a completed check can leave you open to risk. How you ask? All a thief needs is your routing and account numbers and they can electronically transfer funds from your account. Only carry paper checks with you when you absolutely need them and bring the exact number of checks you anticipate needing for the day. • Passport. This government issued photo ID is basically carte blanche for an identity thief. They can use it for almost anything. This is absolutely should not be left in your wallet. • Multiple credit cards. While it is not recommended that you altogether stop using credit cards, it is recommended that you limit your cards to one or two. You may have one card that you use for unplanned or emergency purchases and a second rewards card that you use for gas and groceries. It is also advised that in another location you keep a list of cancellation numbers for your FUHGLW FDUGV <RX FDQ ĹľQG WKHVH numbers on the back of your credit cards, which of course you will not have if your cards are lost or stolen. Ĺ˜ %LUWK FHUWLĹľFDWH While H[SHUWV VD\ D ELUWK FHUWLĹľFDWH by itself does not get an identity thief very far, but when it is combined with your other

documents, it can be used in a manner very similar to a passport or a Social Security card. • Multiple receipts. While there is only a limited amount of information printed on your receipts, a professional ID thief can still use this information to phish for the remainder of your credit card number. Get in the habit of clearing your wallet of receipts on a daily basis. ,I \RX GR žQG \RXU ZDOOHW RU purse has been lost or stolen, you need to quickly take the following steps. 1. File a police report with local law enforcement. Make certain to keep the report number handy as you will need to reference it. 2. Notify your bank. 3. Cancel all of your credit cards. 4. Call the three major credit reporting agencies and ask for the fraud or security department. Ask that a fraud alert be put on your credit report. These are Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. 5. A few weeks after the incident, obtain a copy of your credit report to see if any fraudulent transactions have been made. As always, for general consumer protection information, please contact my consumer SURWHFWLRQ RIžFH DW :H DUH DOZD\V UHDG\ WR serve the citizens of Douglas County. (Information in this article was obtained from Kiplinger - 8 Things to Never Keep in Your Wallet and the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions. The information in this article is not intended to provide legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided in an attorney-client relationship. This information must not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a licensed attorney.)

O.U.R.S. (Oldsters United for Responsible Service) Dances • March 2013 PLEASE NOTE: All Dances are held from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 1803 West Sixth Street. Admission for dances is $5 per person. Everyone welcome. Sunday, March 3 • Country Melody Sunday, March 10 • Good Ole Boys Sunday, March 17 • Dr. Cook’s Medicine Show Sunday, March 24 (Business Meeting 5 p.m.) Borderline Country Sunday, March 31 • Downright Country

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Continued from page 8

W. 11th St., 832-7930.

Ballroom Dancing Fees are assessed at a percouple-rate and you must enroll a partner Mondays, March 25 - May 13, 8 - 8:55 p.m. Fee: $70 per couple. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Shirley Barrand. Learn ballroom fundamentals of frame, posture, footwork and timing, plus leading and following your partner. Learn the basic steps to all of the most popular styles of ballroom dancing; the chacha, waltz, East Coast swing, polka and more. Register at the Community Building, 115

Circuit Training Boot Camp — ages 15 and up Mondays and Wednesdays, March 25 - May 15, 5:45-6:40 p.m. Fee: $40. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Christie 2JXQQRZR $Q H[FLWLQJ challenging workout but non-military style! Incorporates intervals of aerobic and anaerobic sections with sports drills including the jump rope, plyometrics, speed training, agility drills, cone drills, etc., to achieve the ultimate fat burning of up to 1000 calories in an hour! Use your whole body to burn fat, strengthen

115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

your core, and increase your HQGXUDQFH DQG ÀH[LELOLW\ Whether your goals are weight loss, strength, endurance or core toning; you’ll be challenged and motivated to push your limits! 7KLV FODVV FDQ EH PRGL¿HG IRU DOO ¿WQHVV OHYHOV 5HJLVWHU DW the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

endurance and strength in your lower body, core and upper body. Individuals are responsible for the intensity of their own workouts. Bikers can modify their cycling resistance and pace WR WKHLU FXUUHQW ¿WQHVV OHYHOV Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

Cycling - Pedal Pushers — ages 60 and up Tuesdays, March 26 - May 16, 10-10:45 a.m. Location: Community Building. Fee: $30. Instructor: Pat Middaugh. A beginning and introductory class designed for older adults. Indoor cycling can increase your

Dance Fitness — ages 15 and up Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 26 - May 16, 5:306:25p.m. Fee: $40. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Rosie Shelton. 30

minutes of cardiovascular routines and 30 minutes of toning and stretching. Aerobic routines may be performed either at high or low impact. Follow-theleader routines are simple for beginners to learn yet challenging enough for advanced students. A real workout! Rubberbands used IRU VRPH WRQLQJ H[HUFLVHV ZLOO be provided. Register at the Community Building, 115 W 11th St., 832-7930. Fitness for Life — ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and

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Fridays, March 25 - May 17, 10:05 - 11:05 a.m. Fee: $53. Location: Holcom Rec Center. Instructor: Melanie -RKQVRQ 3K\VLFDO ¿WQHVV is especially important for mature men and women. .HHSLQJ ¿W FDQ DFWXDOO\ GHOD\ the degenerative diseases associated with aging. Class helps coordination, improves FLUFXODWLRQ IRUWL¿HV KHDUW and lungs, and improves muscle tone. You don’t stop H[HUFLVLQJ EHFDXVH \RX JHW old, but you get old because \RX VWRS H[HUFLVLQJ 5HJLVWHU at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Pilates Silver — ages 60 and up Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 26 - May 16, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Fee: $40. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Instructor: Pat Middaugh. Pilates is a modern approach to body conditioning. Focuses on core muscles such as hips, thighs, and abdominals that will strengthen and tone by stretching. Main principles include following motion, EUHDWKLQJ ÀH[LELOLW\ precision, centering and control. This class not only strengthens your body, but your mind as well. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Senior Strength Training — ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, March 25 - May 17, times vary with beginner and advanced classes. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Fee: $53. Instructor: Cindy Baker/Vicki Lysen/ Crystal Shepherd. Strength


Training for seniors is effective in improving balance (preventing falls), strengthening major muscle groups and increasing muscle mass and bone density. Includes functional movement patterns to enhance daily living activities. A variety of strength training equipment will be used, including universal machines, free weights and resistance tubing and bands. Includes a warm-up period and postworkout stretch. NOTE: A physician’s release is required prior to beginning of class. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Stretch & Recovery Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 26 - May 16, 10-10:45 a.m. Fee: $36. Location: Holcom Rec Center. Instructor: Lori Tochtrop. A sculpting and stretching class that uses a combination of Yoga and Pilates to build ÀH[LELOLW\ DQG VWUHQJWK leaving you feeling centered and calm. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Tai Chi — ages 60 and up Wednesdays, March 27 May 15, 10 - 11 a.m. Fee: $24. Location: Community Building. Susan Pomeroy. This ancient Chinese movement improves strength, ÀH[LELOLW\ FRQFHQWUDWLRQ and balance by combining gentle physical movement and mental discipline. Slow movements also strengthen muscles and joints, not to mention reduce stress, fatigue and the risk of falls due to

increased balance. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Wii What’s all the talk about Wii? Come join us in this fun, interactive game. It works your muscles, lifts your mood and it’s good for older adults. Call 842-0543 if interested.

Yoga — ages 60 and up Mondays, March 25 - May 13, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Fee: $31. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Annie Wilsey. A less vigorous beginner’s class adapted for older adults. Stretch stiff muscles and learn to correctly align your spine through slow, progressive traction. While using the full capacity of the lungs through correct breath, you will completely R[\JHQDWH WKH ERG\ DQG the brain, improving blood circulation and your sense of well being. Instructor: Amie Carter. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Zumba Gold — ages 60 and up Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 26 - May 16, 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. Fee: $40. Location: East Lawrence Rec Center. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy. A completely new program designed for the active senior. Zumba is a fun, HIIHFWLYH DQG VLPSOH ÂżWQHVV V\VWHP WKDW ZLOO PD[LPL]H calorie output, fat burning and total body toning. The H[SORVLYH /DWLQ UK\WKP creates a fun atmosphere that delivers results, as well as a “feel happyâ€? workout! You can still enjoy Zumba even

if you have limited mobility. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. ENTERTAINMENT Theatre Lawrence Dress Rehearsal — “12 Angry Men� Thursday, April 11, show starts at 7:30 p.m. Location: Theatre Lawrence. Adapted by Sherman Sergal from the television drama by Reginald Rose. A 19-yearold man has just stood trial. It looks like an open-and-shut case- until one of the jurors begins opening the others’ eyes to the facts. Each juror reveals his own character as WHVWLPRQ\ LV UH H[DPLQHG the murder is re-enacted and there is a new murder threat! Tempers get short, arguments grow heated, and the jurors become 12 angry men. Note: Dress rehearsal tickets are limited so call 842-0543 as soon as possible to be on the list. TRAVEL CLUB Please contact Rebecca Clancy, DCSS Leisure and Learning Specialist, at (785) 842-0543 for more information on the following trips. The Gulf Coast & More! April 6-13, 2013 - Per person: Double $1149; Single $1456. This 8 day, 7 night trip features the best that the Gulf Coast has to offer! Included in this trip is hotel accommodations, 14 meals, admission to the B.B. King Museum & Delta Interpretive &HQWHU JXLGHG WRXU RI %LOR[L *XOISRUW DUHD D %LOR[L


Shrimp Trip, admission to the Jefferson Davis Home & Presidential Library, a Bayou/ Swamp tour, admission to the National WWII Museum, a New Orleans tour featuring the French Quarter Festival, and much more!

Cape Cod Vacation - June 14-24, 2013 -Per person: Double $899 (add $300 for single occupancy). Come join a beautiful tour of Cape Cod DQG H[SHULHQFH WKH SHUIHFW H[DPSOH RI DOO WKDW LV 1HZ England. This tour includes motor coach transportation, 11 days, 10 nights, 18 meals and visits to the most beautiful and historic sites in Cape Cod. Includes a visit to the lovely Martha’s 9LQH\DUG H[SORUDWLRQ RI WKH historic seaside towns of Hyannis and Sandwich, a tour of “Outer Capeâ€? including Provincetown and Chatham, a visit to the JFK Museum, and WKH XOWLPDWH FDVLQR H[SHULHQFH DW )R[ZRRGV &DVLQR 5HVRUW and more. Chocolate lovers enjoy a tour of the Hershey’s Chocolate World in Hershey, 3$ 0RUH GHWDLOHG Ă€LHUV available at the Lawrence Senior Center. Rockies Rail Highlights featuring VIA Rail’s The Canadian - May 26-June 2, 2013 )RU GHWDLOV VHH Ă€LHUV DYDLODEOH at the Lawrence Senior Center or visit our website www.dgcoseniorservices.org. Discover Tuscany - October 15- 24, 2013 )RU GHWDLOV VHH Ă€LHUV DYDLODEOH at the Lawrence Senior Center or visit our website www.dgcoseniorservices.org.


ONGOING GROUPS AND DROP-IN ACTIVITIES Anyone 55 and over is welcome to participate in these fun and friendly activities. Groups listed EHORZ PHHW DV VSHFL¿HG There are no fees required for most of these groups. Some supplies are provided. Programs are dependent upon donations. Equipment is available for participants’ use. Please contact the department for further information on these activities. LAWRENCE SENIOR CENTER 745 Vermont St.; Phone: (785) 842-0543 Kathryn Newman, Dining Center Coordinator Every Day... Pool & Coffee: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Pool Room Monday... Beginning Spanish: 1-2 p.m., Board Room Games: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m., Dining Center Tuesday... Downtown Tuesday Painters: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Conference Room

Wednesday... Beginning Spanish Emphasis on Conversation: 1-2 p.m., Board Room

City; Phone: (785) 594-2409 Maxine Scott, Dining Center Coordinator

&KDLU ([HUFLVH 11:15 a.m., Conference Room (also Fri.)

Pool: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Thursday... Bingo: 11:00-11:45 a.m., Dining Center Friday... &KDLU ([HUFLVH D P Conference Room Clarinet rehearsal: 2:453:45 p.m., Multipurpose Room New Horizon Band: 4 p.m., Multipurpose Room BABCOCK PLACE 1700 Mass.; Phone: (785) 842-6976 Shirley Brown, Dining Center Coordinator Autoharp: Tues., 10 a.m.12 p.m., hobby room. Contact: Berta Call, 785-883-4271. Bingo: Wed., 1:30 p.m. BALDWIN SENIOR CENTER 1221 Indiana, Baldwin


Pot Luck: Fri. (1st and 3rd), 6-9 p.m. PINECREST APARTMENTS 924 Walnut, Eudora; Phone: (785) 542-1020 Carol Mason, Dining Center Coordinator Bingo: Wed., 12:30-1 p.m. WE WANT YOUR INPUT! Please let us know if you are interested in starting an activity at your dining center. We can provide the materials, equipment, and facilities needed to implement a program WDLORU PDGH WR ÂżW \RXU dining center situation. Contact the Leisure and Learning Department for details.



BIG EVENT AT KU The Big Event is a community service organization that recruits students, faculty, and staff from KU to do various projects throughout the Lawrence community. This is an effort to give back to Lawrence because LW LV VXFK D ODUJH SDUW RI WKH .8 H[SHULHQFH Common projects include outdoor painting, raking, cleaning, or washing windows. The third annual Big Event at KU is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday April 13, 2013.


Any Lawrence resident who is not a KU student may request a project, regardless of need. • Go to www.thebigeventku.com • Click on “Online Job Requestâ€? • Fill out the form • Submit! Registration is open until March 31! If you are a senior and need help registering for a volunteer request, please call the Community Services Department at 842-0543 and one of our staff members will be able to assist you.

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“Grab & Go�

Senior Carry-out Meals Available On the go? In a hurry? No time to sit and eat? Senior Meals Grab & Go is the answer!

Carry-out meals are available to seniors age 60 and over and their spouses who need a fast, nutritious meal on the go. Call any Senior Dining Center at least a day in advance to reserve your meal, and it will be ready to Grab & Go. A donation of $2.75 per meal is suggested. For more information about the Senior Dining Center nearest you, see the listings in this newsletter. Home delivered meals for homebound seniors are also available. Call the Senior Meals Program at 842-0543 for information.

DINING CENTER LOCATIONS Please call by 11 a.m. on the day before to make a reservation. All meals are served by Noon. All DCSS Dining Centers meet accessibility guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A donation of $2.75 per meal is suggested. To cancel a meal at any of the dining centers please call 785-7601504 and leave a message.

Lawrence Senior Center Kathryn Newman, coordinator 842-0543 745 Vermont Lawrence

Babcock Dining Center

Shirley Brown, coordinator 842-6976 Babcock Place Apartments 17th & Massachusetts, Lawrence

Eudora Dining Center Carol Mason, coordinator 760-2102 Pinecrest II Apts. 924 Walnut Eudora


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Baldwin Senior Center Maxine Scott, coordinator (785) 594-2409 1221 Indiana Baldwin City

For information about meals in Lecompton, call 842-0543 New Horizons Band Schedule 2013 All Rehearsals and Concerts are held at 4 p.m. on Fridays, unless otherwise noted. Rehearsals are held at the Lawrence Senior Center, 745 Vermont. Band Director John Towner encourages anyone interested in playing to join. Dues are $5 for the year. Contact John Towner at 785-865 RU FHOO RU E\ HPDLO DW WRZQHU#VXQĂ€RZHU FRP

MARCH March 1 - Rehearsal March 8 - Presbyterian Manor, 4:30 p.m. March 15 - Rehearsal March 22 - Pioneer Ridge Health Care Center March 29 - Rehearsal

APRIL April 5 - Pioneer Ridge Assisted Living April 12 - Rehearsal April 19 - Drury Place April 26 - Party Day

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LEGALESE by Molly Wood

Mary can make deposits, write checks and make account inquiries. And although you bank. would have a viable legal Joint tenancy is unique claim against her, Mary - and sometimes desirable - can still withdraw all funds because it includes a right of from the account to fund her VXUYLYRUVKLS ,I \RX GLH ÂżUVW round-the-world getaway. If Mary, as the surviving joint Mary’s wild spending habits tenant, will become the owner frustrate you, however, you of the entire account. You can remove Mary from your Have you considered may have intended that at your account without her consent. who will pay your bills if death, the account proceeds This provides slightly more you become ill or if you are be evenly divided between protection against potential temporarily unable to handle Mary and your other daughter, account misuse, but an \RXU ÂżQDQFHV" ,I \RX DUH WKH Peggy. Although Mary may authorized signer can still only person authorized to sign have verbally promised abuse her authority. checks - the sole “signerâ€? - to distribute funds in the Adding a joint tenant or on your bank account, your account to Peggy, she has no situation could be particularly enforceable legal obligation authorized signer to your bank GLIÂżFXOW ,Q WKH DEVHQFH RI to keep this promise. The account offers a simple way a valid Power of Attorney, legal consequences of joint to prepare for a temporary no one will have access to tenancy, therefore, could inability to manage your your account. To address UHVXOW LQ XQLQWHQGHG FRQĂ€LFW ÂżQDQFHV %XW UHPHPEHU WKDW this potential problem, between the surviving tenant a joint tenant or authorized signer’s ability to access you may want to consider and your other heirs. account funds can create H[SDQGLQJ WKH QXPEHU RI people who have permission Joint tenants must consent FRQĂ€LFW DPRQJ \RXU IDPLO\ to access your accounts in before they can be removed and as well as the opportunity ÂżQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV 7ZR from a bank account. After for an unscrupulous signer simple options are generally learning that Mary spent to steal. It is critical to your options available to you - adding a account funds for her cruise, consider carefully, particularly the joint owner or a signatory. you cannot storm into your trustworthiness of a person bank and demand her name Joint Tenants be removed from the account. to serve as a potential joint Unless Mary agrees to the tenant or authorized signer, Joint tenants are co- removal, she remains a joint before modifying your bank owners of a bank account. If tenant. You could draw out account. you add your daughter, Mary, all of the funds in the account to your account as a joint and open a new account. (Editor’s Note: Molly M. tenant, your money legally However, this shift can be Wood is a partner at Stevens becomes her money. Mary cumbersome. Changing & Brand, LLP in Lawrence, can make deposits, write direct deposits, altering .DQVDV ZKHUH VKH FRQÂżQHV checks and make account monthly automated debits, her practice to Elder Law, inquiries. In fact, Mary’s and waiting for checks to especially seniors with longrights as a joint tenant go clear can be time-consuming. term care issues. If you have a legal question or concern, beyond the ability to perform call the Kansas Elder Law simple account transactions. Authorized Signers Hotline, a toll-free legal Mary has the legal right to withdraw all funds from the Authorized signers are not advice and referral service account. If Mary spends every co-owners of a bank account, for Kansas Seniors, 1-(888)dime of your life savings on a but share some of the same 353-5337. An Elder Law round-the-world cruise, you rights as joint tenants. Under Project attorney is available might have no legal recourse this agreement, you are the in Lawrence by appointment against her; you will certainly sole owner of the account. at Douglas County Senior have no recourse against the But as an authorized signer, Services, 842-0543.)


MENU ENTRÉES Friday, March 1- Tuna Salad ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, March 4 - Polish Sausage Tuesday, March 5 - Goulash with Meat Wednesday, March 6 - Chicken Enchiladas Thursday, March 7 - Baked Ham Friday, March 8 - Turkey Sandwich ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, March 11 - Peppercorn Chicken Tuesday, March 12 - Spaghetti with Meatballs Wednesday, March 13 - Macaroni, Ham & Cheese Thursday, March 14 - Smothered Steak Friday, March 15 - Chicken Salad ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, March 18 - Roasted Turkey Tuesday, March 19 - BBQ Brisket Wednesday, March 20 - Chicken Lasagna Thursday, March 21 - Boneless Pork Chop Friday, March 22 - Chicken Sandwich ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, March 25 - Pulled Pork Tuesday, March 26 - Tomato & Basil Noodles with Chicken Wednesday, March 27 - Hamburger Thursday, March 28 - Caribbean Chicken Friday, March 29 - Ham Salad (Menu subject to change without notice.)


In case of bad weather please listen to KLWN 1320 AM or WIBW 97.3 FM radio for closing of senior center, meals and activities. Information will also be available on TV station KMBC Channel 9 and cable channel 6.


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Printer: Lawrence Journal-World 609 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044

Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., is funded by Douglas County Mill Levy • Older Americans Act through the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging • Kansas Department on Aging • Kansas Department of Transportation • special grants • project income • fund-raising activities • and your donations.

Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. does not discriminate RQ WKH EDVLV RI UDFH UHOLJLRQ DJH VH[ FRORU DQFHVWU\ QDWLRQDO RULJLQ GLVDELOLW\ VH[XDO RULHQWDWLRQ RU VL]H ,I \RX IHHO WKDW \RX KDYH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW \RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR ÂżOH D complaint with Douglas County Senior Services. 842-0543. (TDD: 1-800-766-3777). Toll free: 1-877-295-DCSS (1-877-295-3277) On the web: dgcoseniorservices.org

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