60 & Better April 2013

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APRIL 2013

MISSION: To create opportunities that allow Douglas County residents 60 years and older to remain independent and active in their homes and communities. VISIT US AT WWW.DGCOSENIORSERVICES.ORG

Volume 40 No. 4


MIDLAND CARE PACE PRESENTATION THIS MONTH Join us on April 18 at 10 a.m. at the Lawrence Senior Center to learn about the Program of Allinclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). Beth McKenzie, Site Director for PACE of Midland Care Connection, Inc., will explain what the PACE program is all about and who is eligible to participate. Discussion and questions are encouraged. PACE is centered on the belief that it is better for the well-being of seniors with chronic care needs and their families to be served in the community whenever possible. It serves individuals who are age 55 or older, certified by their state to need nursing home care, are able to live safely in the community at the time of enrollment, and live in a PACE service area. Participants enrolled in PACE agree to get all health care from Midland Care PACE. This includes primary care physicians, long-term care services, prescription medication, hospitalization and specialty care from contracted providers. (Participants are fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-network program agreement services.) Changes with the State of Kansas and implementation of KanCare, allows for PACE to be an option of care for Frail Elders in the State of Kansas where a PACE program is available. Midland Care PACE is available in Shawnee, Douglas, Wabaunsee, Osage, Pottawatomie, Jackson and Jefferson counties.

For additional information on the Midland Care PACE or other Midland Care programs please call 800-491-3691 or 785-232-2044. You can also visit the website at www.midlandcareconnection.org

DCSS Board Member Dr. Phil Godwin is pictured with DCSS staffers Tina Roberts (l) and Criss Tomlin (r) at the LAPA resource fair held last month at Hy-Vee. Tina, LAPA president, would like to thank all those who attended the event, which was a huge success.

DCSS Receives Douglas County Community Foundation Grant

The Senior Meals program was awarded $3,250 from the Douglas County Community Foundation for Would you like the opportunity to help others? Are you interested in learning something new? Volunteer the purchase of new commercial milk for SHICK Medicare training and learn to help people navigate through their Medicare choices. Douglas cooler. The cooler will replace one County Senior Services, Inc., and Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK) are recruiting volunteers to become trained SHICK Medicare Counselors. Training will be held in Lawrence on May that was purchased used, 8 years ago. Milk is an important component 14, June 18 and July 23. of the 240 meals served daily Following training, volunteers may choose to help with Open Enrollment, answer calls a few hours a throughout the county by the Senior ZHHN LQ RXU &DOO &HQWHU RU DVVLVW 0HGLFDUH EHQHÂżFLDULHV ZLWK FRPSUHKHQVLYH FRXQVHOLQJ :H RIIHU Meals program. We are very grateful continuing support and education. With our Medicare knowledge, we are becoming the most popular people in town. Come join us! Please contact Criss Tomlin, SHICK Coordinator at Douglas County to the Douglas County Community Foundation for this grant. Senior Services, 785-842-0543.

Join our Medicare Counseling Team


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Tax-Aide Program


Tax-Aide volunteers will continue assisting Douglas County residents with their taxes through April 15. Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday from noon to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. For an appointment, please call 785-8560365 Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Please bring the following items with you to your appointment: • Photo ID required for all taxpayers • Social Security cards for all taxpayers and dependents • Copy of last year’s tax return • Year-end Social Security statement, Form SSA-1099 • All W-2 forms received • All 1099 forms • All forms indicating federal and state income tax paid • Unemployment compensation statements • If claiming Homestead Refund, bring info of rent paid and landlord OR property tax payments • Summary list of deductible items (if itemizing), i.e. medical bills, charitable donations, mortgage interest, etc. • All other forms/info that pertains to your taxes Taxes are also prepared at Baldwin City Library, 785-549-3411; Oskaloosa Public Library, 785-863-2637; and Ottawa City Hall, 785-242-5560.

“Welcome to Medicare” MEETING APRIL 17 Are you new to Medicare? Do you have questions? Douglas County Senior Services will present a “Welcome to Medicare” meeting on Wednesday, April 17 from noon to 1 p.m. Community Services Program Assistant and Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK) Coordinator Criss Tomlin will give an overview of Medicare and answer questions. Participants are free to bring their lunch or reserve one through our Senior Meals program. For more information please contact the DCSS Community Services Department, 785842-0543, or toll free 1-877-295-3277.

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“The Way We Worked,� a Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition about work and working, will be in Baldwin City March 23 through May 5 at the Lumberyard Arts Center, 718 High St. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the culture of work in America over the last 150 years; phone tours explaining the importance of the Santa Fe Trail, Baker

University, agriculture and the railroad to the building of Baldwin City; the history of Baldwin Lumberyard (including a photo tour of Baldwin City, then and now); audio/video interviews with local citizens; a written tour of Baldwin City and its history; and a four week speaker series, March 26, April 8, 23, and 29, starting at 7 p.m. at the Lumberyard Arts Center. The exhibition will be open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Fridays from 6 to 8 p.m. ; and Sundays from Noon to 5 p.m. The Way We Worked Kansas Tour is sponsored by

the Kansas Humanities Council in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum on Main Street program. Support for The Way We Worked Kansas Tour has been provided by the Ross and Marianna Beach Foundation and the Douglas County Community Foundation. Support for the Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.

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LAWRENCE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKMOBILE T*) L'02)$,) P78/#, L#82'25 B"":-"8#/) -':) +(">+ )',* 0)): '( ' 4'2#)(5 ". +)$#"2 ,"--7$#(#)+ ',2"++ (*) ,#(5; A$5"$) 0#(* ' 4'/#6 /#82'25 ,'26 -'5 +)/),( #()-+ .2"- (*) 8"":-"8#/) '$6 -'5 2)(72$ -'()2#'/+ (*'( *'6 8))$ ,*),:)6 "7( '( (*) -'#$ /#82'25 87#/6#$1; I. 5"7 6" $"( *'4) ' /#82'25 ,'263 5"7 -'5 "8('#$ "$) .2"- (*) 8"":-"8#/) 85 +*"0#$1 ' 4'/#6 ID; Y"7 $))6 $"( 8) ' 2)+#6)$( ". (*) +#() (" -':) ' +)/),(#"$ .2"- (*) 8"":-"8#/); S"3 0*)$ (*) 0)'(*)2 -':)+ 5"7 .))/ /#:) +('5#$1 ,/"+)2 (" *"-)3 ,"$+#6)2 (*) B"":-"8#/); Monday: 9-AB ';-;- P2'#2#) C"--"$+3 5A2A C"$12)++#"$'/ C#2,/) ABPHB-AAPHB ';-; P2)+85()2#'$ M'$"23 AT29 K'+"/6 D2#4)

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*If you have a question concerning the bookmobile, call the Libraryís Senior Outreach Services at 843-3833 Visit the Library’s website: www.lawrence.lib.ks.us.

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APRIL 2013 Calendar of Events 1 DCSS C%&'()*'& S+,,-&. G&-+,0 2215-3245 ,.9.0 L%;&'<=' S'<)-& C'<.'&.

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(Oldsters United for Responsible Service) Dances • April 2013 PLEASE NOTE: All Dances are held from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge, 1803 West Sixth Street. Admission for dances is $5 per person. Everyone welcome. Sunday, April 7 • Country Melody Sunday, April 14 • Good Ole Boys Sunday, April 21 • Dr. Cook’s Medicine Show Sunday, April 28 (Business Meeting 5 p.m.) Borderline Country

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- July 26, 10 - 11 a.m. Fee: 239. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy. Designed to improve the Huality of life for people with arthritis using Sun style Tai Chi, one of the four major recognized styles of Tai Chi. This style includes agile steps and exercises that may improve mobility, breathing and relaxation. The movements don’t reHuire deep bending or sHuatting, which makes it easier and more comfortable to learn. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Ballroom Dancing Fees are assessed at a per-

couple-rate and you must enroll a partner Mondays, June 3- July 22, 8 - 8:55 p.m. Fee: 275 per couple. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Shirley Barrand. This course instructs you in ballroom fundamentals of frame, posture, footwork and timing, plus leading and following your partner. Learn the basic steps to all of the most popular styles of ballroom dancing; the chacha, waltz, East Coast swing, polka and more. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Circuit Training Boot Camp- ages 15 and up Mondays and Wednesdays, June 3 - July 24, 5:45

- 6:40 p.m. Fee: 239. Location: Lawrence Senior Center. Instructor: Christie Ogunnowo. An exciting challenging workout but non-military style] Incorporates intervals of aerobic and anaerobic sections with sports drills including the jump rope, plyometrics, speed training, agility drills, cone drills etc to achieve the ultimate fat burning of up to 1000 calories in an hour] Whether your goals are weight loss, strength, endurance or core toning; you^ll be challenged and motivated to go further than your limits] Can be PRGLÂżHG IRU DOO ÂżWQHVV levels. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

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Cycling - Pedal Pushers ages 60 and up Fridays, June 7 - July 26, 12-12:45 a.m. Location: Community Building. Fee: 232. Instructor: Melanie Johnson A beginning and introductory class designed for older adults. Indoor cycling can increase endurance and strength in your lower body, core and upper body. Individuals are responsible for the intensity of their own workouts. Bikers can modify their cycling resistance and pace according to their current ÂżWQHVV OHYHOV 5HJLVWHU DW the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

Fitness for Life - ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, June 3 - July 26, 10:05 - 11:05 a.m. Fee: 252. Location: Holcom Rec Center. Instructor: Melanie Johnson. 3K\VLFDO ¿WQHVV LV HVSHFLDOO\ important for mature men and women. Keeping ¿W FDQ DFWXDOO\ GHOD\ WKH degenerative diseases associated with aging. Class helps coordination, improves FLUFXODWLRQ IRUWL¿HV KHDUW and lungs, and improves muscle tone. You don’t stop exercising because you get old, but you get old because you stop exercising. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930.

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LEISURE AND LEARNING CATALOGUE Pilates Silver - ages 60 and up Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 4 - July 25, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Fee: 237. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Instructor: Pat Middaugh. Pilates is a modern approach to body conditioning that will keep you on the cutting edge of times. Class will focus on core muscles such as hips, thighs, and abdominals that will strengthen and tone by stretching. Main principles include following motion, EUHDWKLQJ ÀH[LELOLW\ precision, centering and control. This class strengthens your body and mind. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Senior Strength Training ages 60 and up Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, June 3 - July 26, times vary with beginner and advanced classes. Location: Holcom Rec. Center. Fee: 252. Instructor: Cindy Baker/Vicki Lysen/ Crystal Shepherd. Strength Training for seniors is effective in improving balance (preventing falls), strengthening major muscle groups and increasing muscle mass and bone density. Class is designed to include functional movement patterns to enhance daily living activities. A variety of strength training eHuipment will be used, including universal machines, free weights and resistance

tubing and bands. Class includes a warm-up period and post-workout stretch. NOTE: A physician’s release is reHuired prior to beginning of class. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Stretch n’ Recovery Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 4- July 25, 10-10:45 a.m. Fee: 234. Location: Holcom Rec Center. Instructor: Lori Tochtrop. A sculpting and stretching class that uses a combination of Yoga and 3LODWHV WR EXLOG ÀH[LELOLW\ and strength, and will leave you feeling centered and calm. Enjoy this relaxing atmosphere with deep stretching to round out that class. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Tai Chi - ages 60 and up Wednesdays, June 6 - July 25, 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. Fee: 228. Location: Community Building. Susan Pomeroy. This ancient Chinese movement improves VWUHQJWK ÀH[LELOLW\ concentration and balance by combining gentle physical movement and mental discipline. Slow movements also strengthen muscles and joints, not to mention reduce stress, fatigue and the risk of falls due to increased balance. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Wii What’s all the talk about

Wiig Come join us in this fun, interactive game. It works your muscles, lifts your mood and it’s good for older adults. Call 842-0543 if interested. Yoga - ages 60 and up Mondays, June 3 - August 5, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. Fee: 243. Location: Community Building. Instructor: Annie Wilsey. A less vigorous beginner’s class adapted for older adults. Stretch stiff muscles and learn to correctly align your spine through slow, progressive traction. While using the full capacity of the lungs through correct breath, you will completely oxygenate the body and the brain, improving blood circulation and your sense of well being. Instructor: Amie Carter. Register at the Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. Fumba Gold - ages 60 and up Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 4 - July 25, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Fee: 237. Location: East Lawrence Rec Center. Instructor: Susan Pomeroy. Designed for the active senior, Zumba is a fun, HIIHFWLYH DQG VLPSOH ÂżWQHVV system that will maximize calorie output, fat burning and total body toning. The explosive Latin rhythm creates a fun atmosphere that delivers results, as well as a “feel happyâ€? workout] You can still enjoy Zumba even if you have limited mobility. Register at the

Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., 832-7930. ENTERTAINMENT Theatre Lawrence Dress Rehearsal- “Ragtimeâ€? June date TBD This award winning musical intertwines the stories of three families, as they confront timeless contradictions of wealth and poverty, freedom and prejudice, hope and despair, and what it means to live in turn of the century America. Note: Dress rehearsal tickets are limited so if you are interested please call 842-0543 as soon as possible to be on the list. TRAVEL CLUB Please contact Rebecca Clancy, DCSS Leisure and Learning Specialist, at (785)842-0543 for more information on the following trips. Detailed Ă€LHUV DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH DW the Lawrence Senior Center. Pella Tulip Time & MoreT May 1-3, 2013 Per person: Double 2399; Single 2505 This trip includes motor coach transportation, 2 nights hotel accommodations & baggage handling, 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches, guided tours of the Salisbury House & Gardens and the Terrace Hill Governor’s Mansion, and discover all the sights and wonders of the Pella Tulip Time Festival. This is a popular tour that is sure to leave you with wonderful

memories] Cape Cod Vacation June 14-24, 2013 Per person: Double 2899 (add 2300 for single occupancy) Come join a beautiful tour of Cape Cod and experience the perfect example of all that is New England. This tour includes motor coach transportation, 11 days, 10 nights, 18 meals and visits to the most beautiful and historic sites in Cape Cod. Some of the many attractions include a visit to the lovely Martha’s Vineyard, exploration of the historic seaside towns of Hyannis and Sandwich, a tour of “Outer Capeâ€? including Provincetown and Chatham, a visit to the JFK Museum, and the ultimate casino experience at Foxwoods Casino Resort. Also for you chocolate lovers, enjoy a tour of the Hershey’s Chocolate World in Hershey, PA. Rockies Rail Highlights featuring VIA Rail’s The Canadian May 26-June 2, 2013 )RU GHWDLOV VHH Ă€LHUV available at the Lawrence Senior Center or visit our website www. dgcoseniorservices.org. Discover Tuscany October 15- 24, 2013 )RU GHWDLOV VHH Ă€LHUV available at the Lawrence Senior Center or visit our website www. dgcoseniorservices.org.

!" & BETTER PA+E ,"

S"ILL%UILDERS April Events at the Library Skillbuilders continues in April with programs to help you maintain your car, your garden, your budget and yourself! The program is free and no registration is necessary to attend. Attend all of the presentations or only those that are of interest to you. Skillbbuilders is a series of programs

designed for those who are adjusting to life changes due to the loss of a loved one, illness or other changes, but anyone interested is invited to attend. Skillbuilders meets from 10 to 11:45 a.m. on Thursday mornings. Due to the renovation of the library, the program is meeting at Drury Place at Alvamar, 1510 St.Andrews Drive (near

15th & Kasold Drive, behind McGrew Real Estate). Transportation is available by contacting DCSS Senior Wheels transportation, 785-865-6925. April 4 - Healthy Eating for One: Often the hardest thing to do is to make a meal for one person. Learn tips and recipes to make enjoyable, healthy food for one or two people. April 11 - Basic Car Care: Richard Haig from Westside 66 explains basic information on

keeping your vehicle in good running condition, even if you’re not sure how to open the hood!

done to get the most from your money when changes occur.

April 18 - Gardening for Well Being: Master Gardener, Judy Northway, will show you how to cultivate your indoor “garden� of houseplants as well as tips on spring gardening.

The series runs through May 9. Skillbuilders is presented by the Senior Outreach services of the Lawrence Public Library, Visiting Nurses Association and the Douglas County Senior Services.

April 25 - Managing Your Money: Barbara Braa, Trust Officer at CornerBank, presents information to lessen financial worries and explains what can be

For more information about Skillbuilders or any of the programs, contact Pattie Johnston at the Lawrence Public Library, 785-843-3833 extension 115.



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MENU ENTRÉES Monday, April 1 - Beef Tips Tuesday, April 2 - Hot Dog Wednesday, April 3 - Tryyaki Chicken Thursday, April 4 - BBQ Rib Sandwich Friday, April 5 - Grilled Chicken ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, April 8 - Meatloaf Tuesday, April 9 - Chicken Nuggets Wednesday, April 10 - Beef Enchiladas Thursday, April 11 - Baked Chicken Friday, April 12 - Tuna Salad ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, April 15 - Polish Sausage Tuesday, April 16 - Goulash with Meat Wednesday, April 17 - Chicken Enchiladas Thursday, April 18 - Baked Ham Friday, April 19 - Turkey Sandwich ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, April 22 - Peppercorn Chicken Tuesday, April 23 - Spaghetti with Meatballs Wednesday, April 24 - Macaroni, Ham &Cheese Thursday, April 25 - Smothered Steak Friday, April 26 - Chicken Salad ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Monday, April 29 - Roasted Turkey Tuesday, April 30 - BBQ Brisket (Menu subject to change without notice.)

!"#$%$&'( *#&+(#, -((*(* Senior Wheels is currently accepting applications for part-time drivers. Please stop by the Lawrence Senior Center to apply. Ideal for retirees!

!"ra% ' "o) )%&*+$ ,"$$78+4- 9%"6: A<"*6"/6% On the go? In a hurry? No time to sit and eat? 4enior Meals 7rab 9 7o is the answer; !"##$%&'( *+",- "#+ "."/,"0,+ (& -+1/&#- "2+ 34 "15 &.+# "15 (6+/# -7&'-+86& 1++5 " 9"-(: 1'(#/(/&'- *+", &1 (6+ 2&; !",, "1$ <+1/&# =/1/12 !+1(+# "( ,+"-( " 5"$ /1 "5."1>+ (& #+-+#.+ $&'# *+",: "15 /( 8/,, 0+ #+"5$ (& ?#"0 @ ?&; A 5&1"(/&1 &9 BC;DE 7+# *+", /- -'22+-(+5; F&# *&#+ /19&#*"(/&1 "0&'( (6+ <+1/&# =/1/12 !+1(+# 1+"#+-( $&': -++ (6+ ,/-(/12- /1 (6/- 1+8-,+((+#; G&*+ 5+,/.+#+5 *+",- 9&# 6&*+0&'15 -+1/&#- "#+ ",-& "."/,"0,+; !",, (6+ <+1/&# H+",- I#&2#"* "( JKC%4EKL 9&# /19&#*"(/&1;

DINING CEN(ER *+CA(I+NS Please call by 11 a.m. on the day before to make a reservation. All meals are served by Noon. All DCSS Dining Centers meet accessibility guidelines established by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A donation of $2.75 per meal is suggested. To cancel a meal at any of the dining centers please call 785-8420543 and leave a message.

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For information about meals in Lecompton, call 842$0543

New Horizons Band Schedule A// R)*)'2+'/+ '$6 C"$,)2(+ '2) *)/6 '( T >;-; "$ F2#6'5+3 7$/)++ "(*)20#+) $"()6; R)*)'2+'/+ '2) *)/6 '( (*) L'02)$,) S)$#"2 C)$()23 OT5 Y)2-"$(; B'$6 D#2),("2 !"*$ T"0$)2 )$,"72'1)+ '$5"$) #$()2)+()6 #$ >/'5#$1 (" ["#$; D7)+ '2) \5 ."2 (*) 5)'2; C"$(',( !"*$ T"0$)2 '( O85-865 RU FHOO RU E\ HPDLO DW WRZQHU#VXQĂ€RZHU FRP

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ONGOING GROUPS AND DROP-IN ACTIVITIES !nyone 55 and over is welcome to participate in these fun and friendly activities. 8roups listed below meet DV VSHFLÂżHG 7KHUH DUH QR IHHV UHTXLUHG IRU PRVW RI these groups. Some supplies are provided. Programs are dependent upon donations. E>uipment is available for participants? use. Please contact the department for further information on these activities. LAWRENCE SENIOR CENTER 745 Vermont St.; Phone: (785) 842-0543 Kathryn Newman, Dining Center Coordinator Every Day... Pool @ Coffee: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Pool Room Monday... Beginning Spanish: 1-2 p.m., Board Room 8ames: 1:J0 - 4:J0 p.m., Dining Center Tuesday... Downtown Tuesday Painters: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Conference Room Wednesday... Beginning Spanish - Emphasis on Conversation: 1-2 p.m., Board Room Chair EPercise: 10:45 - 11:15 a.m., Conference Room (also Fri.) Thursday... Bingo: 11:00-11:45 a.m., Dining Center Friday... Chair EPercise: 10:45 - 11:15 a.m., Conference Room Clarinet rehearsal: 2:45-J:45 p.m., Multipurpose Room L@+*($*B"F +* M<N5O


6LPSOL¿HG 6PDUWSKRQHV for Boomers and Seniors Dear Savvy Senior, !re there any smartphones VSHFL¿FDOO\ GHVLJQHG IRU seniors that you Unow ofV I?m interested in getting one, but DW DJH , ZDQW WR ¿QG RQH that?s easy to see and use. !"#$%!#&'( !"*$+' Dear Semi-Smart, There are actually several manufacturers who are QRZ PDNLQJ VLPSOL¿HG smartphones with features designed primarily for older users who have limited ePperience with modern gadgetry. Xere?s a rundown of what?s currently and soon-tobe available. PANTECH FLEX: One of the best and most affordable age-friendly smartphones on the marUet today is the Pantech FleP (see pantechusa. FRP SKRQHV ÀH[ VROG through !T@T for only Z1 with a two-year contract. This !ndroid-powered touch screen phone has a bright 4.J-inch screen, with a fast 1.58X[ dual-core processor and 8 megapiPel camera. But what maUes this phone ideal for seniors is its Easy EPperience mode which provides a simple, clean home screen with large fonts, clearly marUed icons, and >uicU access to the phone?s most essential features - your phone, camera, messages, menu, Web, contacts, along with shortcuts to your favorite apps. It also offers convenient features liUe voice dialing and voice commands, and Swift]ey technology that predict the nePt word you want to type to maUe tePting faster and easier. Individual monthly service

plans for !T@T start at ZJ0 for 200 minutes of talU time (for customers 65 and older), Z20 for unlimited tePt messaging, and Z20 for J00 MB of data. JITTERBUG TOUCH: Offered by 8reatCall Wireless - the same company that maUes the _itterbug big-button cell phone - the Touch is actually a ]yocera Milano smartphone that?s been rebranded and loaded with *UHDW&DOOÂśV VLPSOLÂżHG XVHU interface software. It offers a J-inch touch screen, and a full slide-out Ueyboard with raised, bacUlit buttons that maUes it easier to type messages. !nd when you turn the phone on, you get a simple menu list with large fonts that let you access often-used features liUe the phone, camera, messages and pictures, along with your contacts and apps. This !ndroid phone also offers voice dialing, a J.2 megapiPel camera, and optional features liUe medication reminders, 5Star personal security service, a live nurse service to answer your health >uestions, and more. !vailable at greatcall.com or 800-7JJ-66J2, the Touch sells for Z149 with a onetime ZJ5 activation fee, no-contract, and calling plans that cost Z15 per month for 50 minutes, up to Z80 per month for unlimited minutes, tePt messages, operator assistance, and voicemail. !nd their data plans run between Z2.50 per month for 10 MB up to Z25a month for 500 MB. SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE II: If a bigger screen is the most desired feature, the Samsung 8alaPy Note II

(samsung.comagalaPynoteII) has a huge 5.5-inch touch screen display and can be used with a stylus, which maUes it easy to see and maneuver. It also offers an Easy mode IHDWXUH ZKLFK VLPSOLÂżHV WKH home screen providing access only to Uey functions liUe the phone, messaging, Internet, contacts and your favorite apps. !vailable through !T@T, Sprint, ceri[on, T-Mobile and d.S. Cellular for ZJ00 to ZJ70 with a two-year contract, the monthly service plans for talU, tePt and data start at around Z80. DORO PHONEEASY 740: If you donet mind waiting, the Doro PhoneEasy 740 (dorousa.usaePperience) is another ePcellent option, but it wonet be available in the d.S. until later this year. This !ndroid slider phone has a J.2-inch touch screen and a numerical slide-out Ueypad with raised buttons for easy operation. It also offers a large-tePt, clearly labeled menu to fre>uently used features liUe the phone, email, messages, Internet, photos, games and apps. EPpected to cost around Z99, other age-friendly features include a 5 megapiPel camera which can double as a magnifying glass, and an emergency call button WKDW ZLOO GLDO DQG WH[W ÂżYH preprogrammed numbers when pressed. Send your senior >uestions to: !&,,- !"*$+'. /010 2+3 4556. 7+'#&*. 18 96:9:. +' ,$;$( !&,,-!"*$+'0+'<0 =$# >$??"' $; & @+*('$AB(+' (+ (C" 72D E+F&- ;C+G &*F &B(C+' +H IEC" !&,,!"*$+'J A++K0

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!E#$%R ()EE*! !C)E,U*E Call direct to schedule your rides... <6>;6?@> You will need to leave a message, and the scheduler will return your call as soon as possible. *A(RE#3E Call 8656925 for reservations.

hours before the ride is needed.

0A$*5 1$2E0 !T%P (Monday through Thursday) Lawrence Senior Center - 1:15 p.m.

P$3:/P T$9E! We provide personal assistance to each of our riders; therefore we cannot always remain exactly on schedule. You should be ready to board 15 minutes before your scheduled trip.

E/0%RA Call 8656925 for reservations. BA*0($# 3$T5 NEW VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM! (Monday, Wednesday, a nd Friday) For more details, please call 785-865-6925 or to schedule a ride, call Linda at 785-594-3376 or 785-331-6101 at least 48

*E3%9PT%# Call 865-6925 for reservations.

3A#3E**AT$%#! A#0 #%;!)%(! Cancellations should be called in as soon as possible. When you cancel your ride in advance, you provide the opportunity for someone

Eudora and Lecompton rides are provided on a limited basis.

For more complete information, or to receive a copy of the Senior Wheels Policy, please call 865-6925. !E#$%R ()EE*! (formerly Bus 62) serves the transportation needs of customers who are 60 years or older. We provide rides within the city limits of Lawrence. In

RE!ER+AT$%#! ARE RE./$RE0 1%R A** R$0ER! E23EPT %# 1$2E0 !T%P! Reservations must be made before 12:00 NOON, Monday through Thursday. Rides may be scheduled as far in advance as 7 days or as little as 48 hours. Due to heavy demand for rides, every effort should be made to

else to schedule a ride. Ifa you fail to call the transportation office to cancel your ride or cancel it the day of the ride, it is considered a “no-show.” Six No-Shows in 90 days will cause you to be suspended for 30 days. If you miss your pickup, all of your scheduled rides for that day will be cancelled. If you need assistance boarding the vehicle or entering a building, you may be required to have a personal care attendant which you will need to provide. The personal care attendant may ride with you at no charge.

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schedule as far ahead as possible. Rides within 24 hours are sometimes possible to schedule, but often the system is full !3)E0/*E EAR*56 When you leave your message, please give as much information as possible - be as specific as you can. 3%!T7 A fixed fare of $3 is required for each one way trip. Ten-ride punch cards are available for purchase from each driver or from the Senior Center.

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Editor: Janet Ikenberry Interim Executive Director: Mike Wildgen Printer: Lawrence Journal-World 609 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044

Douglas County Senior Services, Inc., is funded by Douglas County Mill Levy • Older Americans Act through the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging • Kansas Department on Aging • Kansas Department of Transportation • special grants • project income • fund-raising activities • and your donations.

Douglas County Senior Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, color, ancestry, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or size. If you feel that you KDYH EHHQ GLVFULPLQDWHG DJDLQVW \RX KDYH WKH ULJKW WR ÂżOH D complaint with Douglas County Senior Services. 842-0543. (TDD: 1-800-766-3777). Toll free: 1-877-295-DCSS (1-877-295-3277) On the web: dgcoseniorservices.org

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