10:10 Print Fundraiser Welcome to 10:10, a collection of bespoke prints from fifteen Graphic Design Students aiming to raise money for their degree show, Statements of Intent.
12th July - 15th July 2012 twitter@ucagraphics12 
 ucagraphics12@live.co.uk The Rag Factory 16 Heneage Street London E1 5LJ
Offering forty eight fresh perspectives on contemporary design, we are Graphic Communication graduates from the UCA, Farnham. We take pride in our diversity of thinking, practice and output. Utilising our in depth understanding of cultural issues, our roots in craft and technology, to produce audience aware responses.
Hope Aylen be.net/hopeaylen
Laura Barwell be.net/laurabarwell
Authur Bradley
Harvey Brown Donated by John Hallett
Sara Chew be.net/sarachew
Alex Connock be.net/aconnockdesign
David Davies be/net/davidnathan
Cat Hamilton be.net/cathamilton
Matt Hauke be.net/matthauke
Natasha Hook natashahook.carbonmade.com
Ash Jordan be.net/ashrjordan
Praise Kim be.net/praising
Sam Medway be.net/sammedway
Louise Ormerod be.net/louiseo
Jennifer Seddon be.net/jjseddon
Nick Swain be.net/nickswain
Thanks To, Hope Aylen Laura Barwell Authur Bradley Harvey Brown Sara Chew Alex Connock David Davies Cat Hamilton Matt Hauke Natasha Hook Ash Jordan Praise Kim Sam Medway Louise Ormerod Jennifer Seddon Nick Swain Special thanks to John Hallett, for donating ten prints.