2020 AGA Annual Meeting Book

Page 37

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Pursuant to Article VII, Paragraph A (2), of the bylaws of the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA), this serves as the official notice and call of the annual membership meeting. The annual meeting will be held on Friday, December 4, 2020, commencing at 3 p.m. via the Zoom meeting platform. The AGA board of directors made the difficult decision to postpone the association’s 50th anniversary celebration to late 2021. The event was originally scheduled to take place December 2-4, 2020, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The decision was made to postpone the celebration due to current gathering restrictions surrounding COVID-19 and attendee health and safety. The purpose of the meeting shall be the election of directors to fill the offices of those directors whose terms are expiring, or which are presently vacant, to ratify the previous actions of the board of directors, and for the transaction of other business as may properly come before the meeting. AGA members in good standing are eligible to participate at the 50th AGA annual meeting. The nominating committee’s officia slate of nominees to fill five positions on the AGA Board of Directors may be found on page 44 of this annual meeting booklet, along with their personal profiles. The candidate profiles were also featured in the October Gelbvieh World and on Gelbvieh.org. Further nominations may be accepted from the floor during the annual meeting prior to the election of the AGA board of directors. Any member who is unable to attend the AGA annual meeting may request an absentee ballot by phone, email, or fax for election of directors. To obtain an absentee ballot, a member must submit his or her application for an absentee ballot, to the American Gelbvieh Association office (1001 S. 70th Street, Suite 215 Lincoln, NE 68510) not more than 60 days (October 6, 2020) nor less than 10 business days (November 18, 2020) prior to the annual meeting. Any member that requests an absentee ballot must be in good standing with the Association at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting. Ballots must be returned to the AGA office by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, to be counted at the annual meeting during AGA board of directors election to be held Friday, December 4, 2020. A link to the meetings will be sent out to all registered attendees the week of November 30.


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