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Back in the day I had a building at the bottom of my garden, The Enigma Sanctuary. It was purpose built for readings, healing, workshops, and circles. I had always wanted to venture into the physical side of circles, so when I identified several promising and advanced mediums, I set up the first one.
Nicky Alan’s FINDING EMILY: the enigma code

Now anyone knows that if they are on an investigation or meeting together for a physical circle nothing can be guaranteed but I need not have worried. We first started with a meditation so that we could establish a mutual energy in the circle. “I then linked up to what I call my guide frequency and asked them if they could allow a vortex in the circle purely for physical energy to take place. As
I did this, I saw my granddad Fred in spirit who always rocks up when I am at an investigation, doing trance or, in this instance, when I started my first physical circle.” There were seven of us sitting in the circle all eagerly awaiting what was to be. On seeing my granddad there was a large thud on the wall indicating his presence. I am not going to lie I did jump a bit as it was a very loud sound! To begin with nothing much happened when I asked if anyone could create a sound, move something, or interact with us in a noticeable way. However, after about ten minutes, the temperature dropped remarkably to a degree that we could see on occasion mist coming from our mouth. We all then spontaneously smelt smoke in the room. It was the sort of smoke that you would expect a building to smell like if it were on fire. It was pungent, almost to the extent that I broke the circle to make sure there was not a fire in the building. We then resettled and started to hear a humming sound around us. I knew that we were about to get some sort of spirit visitation. In my mind’s eye I could see a young girl of about seven. She was wearing a pale blue pinafore dress with a frilly white blouse underneath. She had blonde hair and was smiling at me. I then saw in my mind the name Emily. ‘Hello Emily,’ I said out loud. With this verbal acknowledgement, Emily made the smell of smoke in the room more noticeable. She then started to chatter away commenting on how she loved her shoes.

As I looked down, I could see that she was wearing black patent shiny shoes. I would estimate that she came from the Victorian area judging by her clothes. She seemed to get more excited by the minute. I asked her if she could move anything in the room or do anything physically in the ether. Everything went
silent for a while.

“A friend of mine then sat with her mouth open as she looked beyond me. Her eyes widened as she stared into the corner of the room. I turned my head as did everyone and could not believe what I was seeing. I had a Celtic cross candle holder set on a music player. The candle flame had risen to a long narrow streak which is always a sign that spirit is present.” The Celtic cross was slowly moving on its own towards the end of the music player. I had to blink to make sure I was not seeing things but judging by the gasps I knew everyone was seeing it. All I could comment was ‘f**k me’ as the cross continued to slide very slowly along the top of the music player. It continued to move until it was right at the end of the music player. I was about to leap up and grab it, but then it stopped and remained motionless. Emily then came to me and said, ‘I don’t like that as it has fire in it.’ I then saw a large building on fire and knew that she had passed in a fire. As quick as anything she then said she had to go, and the connection ended. The room warmed up and the candle went back to a normal burning flame. To say we were all astonished is an understatement for our first physical circle. Emily continued to turn up on future circles now and then but created nothing as magical as moving the Celtic cross. She would dance around and be identified by new members who knew nothing of her previously. She would always bring the smell of smoke when she was present.

Six years later I was amazed to discover something that blew my mind. I was at a location in Devon that I felt I had been to before perhaps in a previous life. I was there for an investigation with a group of people who I did not know. Prior to the investigation during the briefing some of the people made mention of one of the resident ghosts that usually loved to interact with any respectful ghost hunters. I nearly spat my coffee out as they mentioned her name, Emily. They described her as about seven to eight years old and always manifested wearing a blue pinafore dress and black shiny shoes. She had died in the house when a fire broke out on the third floor back in the late 1800s. I felt unusually emotional as I explained that she had been present at a lot of my circles back in Essex. Why she had visited all those years ago I have no idea but to find her at the place she passed was beyond conception. Emily will always have a special place in my heart. From this day I have no idea why she was drawn to me and then arranged through the universe for me to find her in her original settings.

I have not heard from her since, perhaps we shared a previous life together, all I know is spirit people are one of the cleverest entities when they want to be noticed. All I can say is she did it in the most awesome way. Nicky x www.nickyalan.co.uk
Psychic Medium, Magazine Columnist
Author of ‘M.E Myself and I’ ‘Diary of a Psychic’