the Back in the day I had a building at bottom of my garden, The Enigma Sanctuary. It was purpose built for readings, healing, workshops, and ure circles. I had always wanted to vent into the physical side of circles, so and when I identified several promising advanced mediums, I set up the first one.
Nicky Alan’s
FINDING EMILY: the enigma code Now anyone knows that if they are on an investigation or meeting together for a physical circle nothing can be guaranteed but I need not have worried. We first started with a meditation so that we could establish a mutual energy in the circle.
“I then linked up to what I call my guide frequency and asked them if they could allow a vortex in the circle purely for physical energy to take place. As I did this, I saw my granddad Fred in spirit who always rocks up when I am at an investigation, doing trance or, in this instance, when I started my first physical circle.” There were seven of us sitting in the circle all eagerly awaiting what was to be. On seeing my granddad there was a large thud on the wall indicating his presence. I am not going to lie I did jump a bit as it was a very loud sound! To begin with nothing much happened when I asked if anyone could 4
create a sound, move something, or interact with us in a noticeable way. However, after about ten minutes, the temperature dropped remarkably to a degree that we could see on occasion mist coming from our mouth. We all then spontaneously smelt smoke in the room. It was the sort of smoke that you would expect a building to smell like if it were on fire. It was pungent, almost to the extent that I broke the circle to make sure there was not a fire in the building. We then resettled and started to hear a humming sound around us. I knew that we were about to get some sort of spirit visitation. In my mind’s eye I could see a young girl of about seven. She was wearing a pale blue pinafore dress with a frilly white blouse underneath. She had blonde hair and was smiling at me. I then saw in my mind the name Emily. ‘Hello Emily,’ I said out loud. With this verbal acknowledgement, Emily made the smell of smoke in the room more noticeable. She then started to chatter away commenting on how she loved her shoes.