n the current vehicle market, there are over 30 brands of cars and over 20 brands of motorcycles available from authorized dealerships. Getting basic information such as price, specification, locations, phone numbers, offers available from all dealers is almost impossible due to the endless traffic jam, unanswered phone calls, uninformed staffs and maybe also some lazy customers J. That’s where DealGara comes in. We are the leading destination for online vehicle research, offering credible and easy-to-understand information. With comprehensive pricing information, side-by-side comparison tools, photo gallery, and a large selection of new and used vehicle inventory, we put vehicle buyers in control of their shopping process with the information they need to make confident buying decisions. It is also the next generation of FREE online vehicle classifieds. DealGara provides a simple solution to the complications involved in selling, buying, trading used vehicles from all over the country, free of commission and fees. Our vision for buyers and sellers is to “meet online, transact offline”.
Why customers love DealGara? • Up to date vehicle prices, pictures, specifications.
• Vehicle dealer locations, phone numbers from all over the country. • All offers available at the dealerships. • Search vehicles by price range, transmission, year, make, model and more.. • User friendly interface. • Post a used vehicle Ad under 5 minutes. • Sell used vehicle online without paying any commission or fees. All of the above from the comfort of their homes and offices using their preferred medium (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphones). After a very successful launch at the NADA Auto Show 2014, we now have a steady customer base of around 1000 unique visitors everyday, who come for the sole purpose of vehicle research in new/used category. Interacting directly with customers for 6 straight days and the overwhelming positive response we received, has demonstrated that we fill a void that exists in vehicle research in Nepal today. Did I mention, in the span of just 2 months, we are closing in on 10,000 Facebook fans. Join us on Facebook and get the latest news and updates on your favorite vehicles. Tension Nagara, DealGara!