Hey there, This is Barry Clause, Santa’s Evertonian kid brother. I run those Dealz you might have seen on the high streets. And boy do we have a Christmas for you this year. As they say in Knotty Ash, we’re made up – it’s going to be a belter. Our single Decs – everything from ducks to llamas – are bossin’. Baubles galore – mini baubles, big baubles, baubles in so many colours I had to wear shades. The kind of Banta and Sassy cards that will probably get the snowflakes kicking off. And as for posh table settings, Dealz can turn your Christmas lunch table into something that looks like the finest grotto on either side of the Wirral. Oh and we haven’t forgot the real meaning of Christmas. Tons of chocolate from sharing bags to popping processco candy. More sass and sparkle to make your Christmas Fab Yule Us. Or as we say in Liverpool. Sound.
Managing Director