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Preparatory School Handbook for Parents September 2017
Ages 7 - 13
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God’s Word: A Guiding Light
Our school should be a place where people are safe, respected, secure and free to learn
We will come to school to learn and with enthusiasm We will concentrate and listen and take part We will respect one another’s feelings We will be punctual
We will treat others as we like to be treated ourselves We will take care of each other and not talk behind backs We will be polite and honest with one another We will encourage one another We will avoid rude language
We will be proud of our school and take good care of it We will respect other people’s property as if it were our own We will not use something that does not belong to us without the specific permission of the owner
Verbum Dei Lucerna
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WELCOME Welcome to the Dean Close Preparatory School Handbook for Parents and Guardians. The purpose of this Handbook is, above all else, to be a help to you as parents as your child embarks on their time at Dean Close Preparatory School. We count it as a wonderful privilege to be involved in the formation of young lives. The relationship which we cultivate with you is at the heart of our success and we look forward to working in close partnership with you. The Handbook does not set out to replace, but rather complement, the important personal communication which will continue throughout your child’s time with us. We hope it will come to be an important source of information. We have done all we can to make sure that most questions about policies, academic structure and our pastoral system are answered within these pages, along with the more important day to day information such as dress codes, timetables and contact details. Paddy Moss ~ Headmaster
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CONTENTS CONTACTING THE SCHOOL The Office The Staff The Houses Day Houses Boarding Houses Other Useful Numbers and Email Addresses Website/Extranet Contacting Home Communication of School Activities DAILY ROUTINE
3 3 3 3 3
Drama Class Drama Speech and Drama Drama Scholarships
4 4 4
Class Music Instrumental Lessons Singing Music Groups Music Scholarships and Awards
13 13 13 13
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6
The Staff Contact Details School Uniform Choristers’ Daily Schedule
The Start of the Day Day Pupil Absence Morning and Afternoon Breaks Lunch Time The End of the Day Parents in School Dog Walkers’ Policy Daily Schedule Saturday School Pick-up Times Years 3–5 Years 6–8 Chapel Services and School Worship Half-Term and Exeats
Curriculum Junior Forms (Years 3–5) Senior Forms (Years 6–8) Form Teachers / House Tutors Prep Learning Support English as an Additional Language (EAL) Outings and Year 8 Leavers’ Course Examinations Common Entrance Pre-Common Entrance Day 13+ Academic Scholarship Other Dean Close Scholarships and Awards Transfer to Dean Close School and House Allocation 11+ Scholarship Bursaries Assessment and Monitoring Tracking Pupil Potential and Progress Monitoring Pupil Progress Effort Grades Reports Parents’ Meetings
6 6
8 8 8 8 8 9 9
9 9 9 10 10
14 14 14 14
Games Teams Tennis Cricket Cross Country Swimming Athletics Private and Group Lessons Gum Shields Physical Education Sports Scholarships and Awards Contacting the Staff School Website/Parent App
15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
List of Clubs and Activities Dancing
17 17
Acceptable Use of IT Policy Agreement Mobile Phones
18 18
19 19 19
11 11 11 11 11
Aims & Principles of Boarding Boarding Community Communication Letters Home After School Bedtimes Full Boarding Pocket Money Tuck Day Boarding Children Living Overseas Passports/Visas Guardians Escorted Travel
20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22
10 10 10 11
12 12 12 12 12
First Aid Policy Medical Treatment for Pupils Records for New Pupils Medical Examination Immunisations Food Dental, Optical,
23 23 24 24 24 24
Orthodontist Appointments Insurance COMMUNICATION AND PARENTAL LINKS
24 24
The Welcome Pack Publications The Daily Bulletin Hermes Half Term and End of Term Mailings The Young Decanian Parents’ Notice Boards Website Email Twitter Facebook Instagram iPhone Apps Calendars School Calendar Fixtures Calendars Reports/Parents’ Meetings Parents’ Events Business Club
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
UNIFORM AND APPEARANCE Dean Close School Shop Opening Times during term time Appointments The Uniform Exchange Opening Times To purchase items To sell items
26 26 26 27 27 27 27
Academic Work Equipment Appearance Chapel and Worship Sporting and Cultural Activities Relationships Bounds and Presence at School Bounds Presence at School Transport Buses Cars Bicycles Property Prohibitions Rewards and Sanctions Golden Credits Credits Debits Detention School Eco Code
28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
Payment of Fees Insurance Extras Optional extras Notice of leaving Policies
34 34 34 34 34 34
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THE OFFICE The Prep School Office is situated at the front of The Centenary Hall Open: Weekdays 8.00am – 5.00pm Saturdays 8.00am – 12.30pm Telephone 01242 512217 All emails should be sent to the School Office email address – dcpsoffice@deanclose.org.uk On the subject line of your email please put ‘For the attention of: or FAO’ and write the name of Houseparent / Form Teacher / House Tutor / Subject Teacher. Alternatively, staff may be emailed directly but this route should not be used for urgent matters.
The Headmaster is always available to see parents and can be contacted via his PA, Mrs E Materacki (01242 512217) efmateracki@deanclose.org.uk. If your child is in Years 3-6, in the first instance, communication should be with the Houseparents. Parents can also contact Form Teachers with any other matters. If your child is in Years 7 & 8 initial contact should be with the House Tutor, parents can also contact Houseparents, should they need to.
Please allow staff 24 hours to respond.
01242 258028
All incoming mail must be handed in to the Front Reception or the Prep School Office.
01242 258083
01242 258085
THE STAFF It is our aim to work very closely with parents and guardians to promote the education and welfare of each pupil. All members of staff are happy to be contacted to discuss the progress of any pupil and we use a wide range of printed and electronic means to keep parents and guardians informed, as well as the many opportunities that arise for face-to-face discussions. The Headmaster will always be made aware of any significant issues regarding pupils. Often the Deputy Heads will become involved in the day to day dealings with parents as will the Headmaster when appropriate.
Boarding Houses Fortfield
01242 258030
01242 258014
01242 258012
If you do not get through to these numbers, out of hours, you can always leave a message on the School Office number.
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OTHER USEFUL NUMBERS AND EMAIL ADDRESSES Warden Mrs E Taylor warden@deanclose.org.uk Warden’s PA Mrs S Klemz 01242 258092 shklemz@deanclose.org.uk Headmaster Mr P Moss 01242 512217 pjmoss@deanclose.org.uk Headmaster’s PA Mrs E Materacki 01242 512217 efmateracki@deanclose.org.uk Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mr J Harris 01242 512217 jebharris@deanclose.org.uk Deputy Head (Academic) Mr M Walters 01242 512217 mjwalters@deanclose.org.uk Chaplain Rev J Ash 01242 258000 chaplain@deanclose.org.uk Director of Music Mr T McVittie 07881 940090 tjmcvittie@deanclose.org.uk Director of Sport Mr J Sutherland 01242 512217 jasutherland@deanclose.org.uk Head of Girls’ Games Mrs E Bailey 01242 512217 ecbailey@deanclose.org.uk Head of Drama Mrs L Lawrence 07778 117057 llawrence@deanclose.org.uk Learning Support Mrs J Cahill 01242 512217 jcahill@deanclose.org.uk
WEBSITE/EXTRANET Useful information such as staff emails, Hermes, the half term mailing, fixture maps, fixture lists and calendars as well as information about your child’s curriculum can be found on the parents’ area of the website: www.deanclose.org.uk/ mydeanclose. For log in details, contact the School Office 01242 512217.
CONTACTING HOME It is important that parents (and guardians where appropriate) keep the School Office informed whenever address, email address or phone numbers are changed. Pupils can call home with the permission of House staff.
COMMUNICATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES You will receive a copy of the School calendar each term via email, covering events during the following term. This has all the basic information about times and dates. Every Friday, we email parents the weekly newsletter called Hermes. It is a vital channel of communication, often including revised games arrangements or special notices, therefore, please familiarize yourself with it each week. Hermes can also be accessed from our website/extranet and small amounts of paper copies are available in the Day and Boarding Houses and from the Front Office. There is also a daily update sheet, The Daily Bulletin, which is circulated to all Houses and buildings. For parents, copies are posted inside Rickerby, Ferguson and the Day Houses. Texts and emails will be sent using Clarion Call in the event of a reminder or urgent information. If you are not receiving any messages, please check at the School Office that your details are correct.
DCPS Office 01242 512217 dcpsoffice@deanclose.org.uk Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr E Harris 01242 512217 ejwharris@deanclose.org.uk Head of Admissions Mrs R Chaplin 01242 258001 rchaplin@deanclose.org.uk Bursary Secretary 01242 258086 bursary@deanclose.org.uk Accounts 01242 258042 mrobertson@deanclose.org.uk Health Centre 01242 258046 Mobiles 07759 592–988, 989, 990, 991 medical@deanclose.org.uk Headmaster (Senior School) Mr B Salisbury 01242 258000 bjsalisbury@deanclose.org.uk Headmaster’s PA Mrs J Priest 01242 267401 headmaster@deanclose.org.uk Headmistress (Pre-Preparatory School) Dr C Shelley 01242 258079 DCPPSHeadmistress@deanclose.org.uk
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THE DAILY ROUTINE THE START OF THE DAY Children may arrive in their Houses from 7.45am onwards and staff will be in the Houses ready to welcome them. The School day officially begins with registration in the Houses promptly at 8.15am. Children who are late should report to the School Office to sign in. No Day Pupils should arrive on the School site before 7.45am (the time from which Houses are staffed).
DAY PUPIL ABSENCE Any request for absence from School must be in a letter addressed to the Headmaster. Please try and respect the term dates and make holiday arrangements in holiday time. To minimise disruption to academic lessons, any medical appointments should be made so they are outside School hours, unless absolutely necessary. Children must be signed out via the School Office if leaving the premises during the School day, i.e., for appointments and sign back in when they return. Parents are required to notify the House and Office when a pupil is off ill. Pupils should return from illness with a note detailing the absence and if they are to be off games (if so for how long). Without a written note to the House, pupils will be expected to take part in PE and Games.
MORNING AND AFTERNOON BREAKS During morning break and lunch break children are supervised as they play in the CPA (Covered Play Area) or, if the weather is dry, on the School playing fields. Children in Years 3–4 also have their own supervised play area outside Rickerby. Children are provided with a drink and a snack during morning break. The afternoon break at 4.20pm (Buns) is held at the end of lessons on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and provides children with a drink and biscuit or cake. Years 3–5 can then do an activity at 4.35pm or be signed out, whilst the children in Years 6–8 go into a prep period in set rooms until 5.15pm; except on Fridays when they can leave at 4.35pm. Year 8 finish prep slightly later at 5.30pm.
do not expect your child to wait at the front of School until you arrive. N.B. No child below Year 7 may sign him/herself out in the book and no child may sign another child out without specific permission. Matches generally take place on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Arrangements and pick-up times are posted on the Games notice boards in the hallway of Rickerby. Day children not involved in Saturday afternoon matches or practices go home at the earlier time of 12.10pm. Your child may choose to take part in an after-school activity, in which case they should find out at what time it finishes (usually by 6.00pm), and make arrangements accordingly. There is always someone on duty in the House until 6.00pm. At 6.00pm the Day Houses close. If you know you are going to be late to collect your child please telephone the appropriate Day House to let duty staff know (by 6.00pm). If you can foresee a problem for a particular day, please do come and discuss it. With advance warning, we can usually make arrangements to help. At half term and the end of term special times are published for the end of School.
PARENTS IN SCHOOL LUNCH TIME Lunch is served by cafeteria staff. Children eat together in the dining room. High priority is given to the development of good table manners. If your child requires any special dietary provision, please let us have the information in writing and we will cater for his/her needs. All the School food is cooked on the premises and no nuts are added. A vegetarian or salad option and fruit are always available as an alternative to the main course and pudding. During the lunch break children are free to play, if they do not have clubs, until afternoon registration.
It is important for the children to develop their own independence and organisational skills: children in Years 3–5 or new pupils will need that initial support from parents, as they settle into the school routine. We do ask parents to encourage their children into School on their own from the drop off point, and to get kit bags to changing rooms and school bags to Houses or bag racks on their own as soon as they are able. Parents are requested not to enter into any classrooms during lesson time, or to be on site during regular games times. For reasons of Child Protection, parents are asked not to go into changing rooms, but to ask a member of staff if there is a problem. Please see staff before or after School, or email them for an appointment.
THE END OF THE DAY Parents are warmly welcomed to all events in the Calendar that are marked in bold.
For safety reasons, the School must know when pupils are off site. We ask for parents’ full cooperation to ensure children are signed out as they leave School.
Pupils should be signed out by parents from Day Houses. Year 7 and 8 pupils may sign themselves out at the end of the day with direct consent from the duty staff. We would ask that you
Dogs on leads are allowed on the School grounds. It is vital that all dog mess is cleared up because of the risk of Toxocariasis.
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2017-2018 TIMETABLE Monday
House Registration
8.15am 8.30am
Form / Tutor Time
Form / Tutor Time
Headmaster’s Assembly
Form / Tutor Time
8.30-9.20am Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
9.20 - 10.10am Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
10.10 - 11.00am Lesson 3
11.20 - 12.10pm Lesson 4
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Games / Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Early Lunch / Music Lesson / Ensembles
Early Lunch / Music Lesson / Ensembles
Early Lunch / Matches
Early Lunch / Music Lesson / Ensembles
Early Lunch / Music Lesson / Ensembles
Junior Activities Senior Lunch
Junior Activities Senior Lunch
Junior Activities Senior Lunch
Junior Activities Senior Lunch
Senior Activities Jr Form Prep
Senior Activities Jr Form Prep
Senior Activities Jr Form Prep
Senior Activities Jr Form Prep
Lesson 5
Lesson 5
Lesson 5
Chapel / Hall Service
Games / Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Lesson 6
Games (Unless Chapel Service)
Senior Prep
Senior Prep
Home Time / Games / Matches
Games / Matches
Senior Prep Sign out
Sign out
From 5.15pm
Sign out
Sign out
Sign out
Saturday is a normal School day for all children in Year 6 and above. There is a full academic programme, which finishes at 12.10pm and often there are matches in the afternoon. Day children not involved in matches or squad practices are free to leave from 12.10pm.
Our weekly Chapel and Hall services are part of the School day. We aim to offer different styles of worship during the School year, including more contemporary styles. Informal Boarders’ Worship takes place in the Hall on Sundays (usually 9.30am).
Years 3–5 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 4.35pm Wednesday 3.30pm or end of match. Saturday activities
The dates are printed at the back of the termly calendar. Each term there is a half term and fixed exeats when all boarders go out with parents or guardians. We ask the parents or guardians to arrange for all children to leave the School on exeat weekends.
Years 6–8 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 5.15pm. (Year 8, 5.30pm) Wednesday 3.30pm or end of match. Friday 4.35pm Saturday12.10pm or end of match or practice. All matches are to be found in the termly Girls’ and Boys’ Fixture Cards, and are confirmed or amended in the weekly Hermes and daily Bulletin. Text messages will be sent to parents in the event of last minute cancellation.
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FUTURE TERM DATES Michaelmas Term 2017 Tuesday 5th September Monday 4th September (Boarders return at 4.00pm) Exeat: Friday 22nd September 3.45pm (after Chapel) Half Term: Friday 20th October 1.00pm (after House Cross Country) Exeat: Friday 24th November 3.45pm (after Chapel)
Friday 15th December Sunday 24th September Sunday 5th November Sunday 26th November
Lent Term 2018
Exeat: Half Term: Exeat:
Tuesday 9th January
Friday 23rd March
Monday 8th January (Boarders return at 4.00pm) Friday 26th January 3.45pm (after Chapel) Friday 9th February 3.45pm (after Chapel) Friday 9th March 3.45pm (after Chapel)
Sunday 28th January Sunday 18th February Sunday 11th March
Trinity Term 2018
Exeat: Half Term:
Tuesday 17th April
Saturday 30th June
Monday 16th April (Boarders return at 4.00pm) Friday 4th May 3.45pm (after Chapel) Friday 25th May 3.45pm (after Chapel)
Tuesday 8th May Sunday 3rd June
BOARDERS return from 4pm at the start of each term with tea provided at 6pm. At the end of exeats and half terms boarders must return by 7.30pm and houses will be open from 6.00pm, but no tea is provided. Please could parents notify Houseparents where their child is going for exeats and half term either by email or letter and include travel details and contact numbers if they are not coming home with you. DAY PUPILS return on the following day.
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ACADEMIC INFORMATION CURRICULUM The main aim of our curriculum is to offer a broad, balanced and stimulating education. We extend our most able pupils and offer the necessary support for pupils who find academic work more challenging. The academic curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum in Years 3–6 and the Common Entrance Curriculum in Years 7–8. Throughout the School pupils are taught by specialist teachers for French, Art, Music, DT, PE and Games. Junior Forms (Years 3–5) All pupils in the Junior Prep study the following subjects: • • • • • • •
English Mathematics Science French History Geography Religious Studies
• • • • • • •
Art Design Technology Computing Drama Music Physical Education Games
In Years 4 and 5 pupils are taught in their form classes for all subjects and are divided into sets for Maths and Spelling. On the whole, the same curriculum is followed in both sets, but the pace of teaching will vary with faster, more challenging work being set for the more able and the necessary support and reinforcement work being offered for pupils who need it. Senior Forms (Years 6–8) In Year 6 pupils learn Latin and have a second ICT lesson to learn touch-typing skills and computing.
Form Teachers and House Tutors Pupils in Years 3 – 6 have a Form Teacher who they will see everyday. Pupils in Years 7 and 8 have a House Tutor who they will see at least twice a week to check they are keeeping on top of their academic studies and to support their personal development.
Pupils are set for English, Maths, Science and French. Prep In Year 8 we add an additional Scholarship form. We aim to plan our form structure so that it meets the needs of the pupils in that year group, in the best way possible, and so that there may be some flexibility from year to year. All pupils follow the ISEB examinations curriculum for: • • • • • •
English Mathematics Biology Chemistry Physics French
• • • • •
History Geography Religious Studies Spanish Computing
Pupils in the top forms also study Latin. The Scholars will take the Dean Close Scholarship exams which are based on the Common Academic Scholarship Syllabus in May of Year 8. Common Entrance exams are taken in June of Year 8. Pupils are expected to achieve 50% or above to pass successfully to the Senior School.
The School day at Dean Close Prep School is long and full and therefore pupils are not expected to spend hours working after School at home. Prep is set to provide reinforcement or consolidation work for topics covered in lessons. In Year 3 and 4 pupils are expected to read their reading book, learn their weekly spellings and Maths tables. Year 4 may also be given some written Maths or English work as approriate. In Year 5 pupils will be set Maths and English prep on a regular basis. Spelling, reading and the learning of Maths tables will be ongoing. A prep timetable is issued to pupils from Years 6–8 at the start of the year. Years 6–8 attend a formal prep time as part of the School day from 4.35pm–5.15pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Year 8 finish prep slightly later at 5.30pm. Pupils in Years 3-5 are expected to take their book bags home each evening. This allows parents to see the work being studied at School and help with learning vocabulary, spellings, revision for tests and examinations as appropriate. The expectation is that preps will be completed on time and to the standard of written work undertaken in class. Prep should not be a burden for either pupils or parents and we aim to ensure there is smooth progression through Senior Prep to Year 9 in terms of expectation.
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Learning Support
The department offers a range of support in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Teaching staff and parents are consulted before any learning support commences. Specialist tuition, individual, paired or in small groups, is tailored to individual needs based on a withdrawal system. The School may charge for the provision of Learning Support where this constitutes reasonable adjustment and is provided as a response to a proven disability.
Pupils in Years 6 and 7 take formal school examinations in November based upon the work covered during the term. Years 3–5 will complete summative tests on the work covered during the term during their normal lesson times with minimum disruption to the timetable and anxiety to the pupils. The results of these tests and examinations will be recorded on their end of term School report.
The department offers specialist support for pupils with mild dyslexia and provides a structured course to develop spelling, literacy, comprehension and study skills. A wide variety of multisensory techniques are used. The School has close links with local Educational Psychologists, a Speech and Language Therapist and an Occupational Therapist and may advise parents to seek a full assessment to confirm any specific difficulties. English as an Additional Language (EAL) Language support is provided for pupils whose first language is not English. Each pupil is assessed on admission, and a personal programme of study is developed, based on ability and need. Lessons, individual or in small groups, cover vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, in the context of the core linguistic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Support is also given to students across the curriculum. A charge for EAL lessons and related course books is added to the student’s bill each term. The duration of EAL support is flexible and progress is continually monitored. Pupils are encouraged to integrate fully into School life as much as possible. Outings and the Year 8 Leavers’ Course There are a variety of outings for each year group throughout the year. You will be informed about these in advance. Children are normally expected to wear best uniform and a small amount of pocket money may be required. Following the Common Entrance examinations in June, the Year 8 pupils embark on what has become known as the ‘Leavers’ Course’. This involves an educational programme of great variety until the end of the Trinity Term, including the legendary week of camping and outdoor pursuits in North Devon, in conjunction with St. George’s Outdoor Pursuit Centre. As the pupils prepare to move on to the next stage of their education, the Leavers’ Course is a fitting way of drawing to a close their time in the Prep School.
Pupils in Years 3–7 all take more formal examinations in the Trinity Term. Again, the results of these examinations will be recorded on their end of term School report. Common Entrance The vast majority of Year 8 are involved in Common Entrance. Common Entrance is an external examination for which there is a small administration charge. All Preparatory School pupils sit Common Entrance at the same time, traditionally in the Trinity Term, after half-term. Our Common Entrance candidates take their examinations and trial examinations in our Hall. We can then give important feedback to both pupils and parents and it gives the teachers a good indication of the rate of progress and expectations for future performance. The ISEB, who set the Common Entrance examinations, now require us to stipulate which senior school each candidate’s papers should be sent to in June. Every senior school marks the papers for its own candidates. Thus, we need to know our candidates’ first choice of school during the Michaelmas Term. We can give advice about this, if parents wish, and we do ask that parents keep us informed of any plans or ideas they may have. Despite all the statistics, we never assume that all pupils are likely to go to the Senior School, but we would wish to avoid any misunderstandings because parents may have been working towards plans we knew nothing about. We need to ensure that we are preparing pupils appropriately for the entry examination necessary for their senior school. Please come and see us before Christmas if there is anything you wish to discuss and, if things arise unexpectedly, we can get to grips with them as early as possible thereafter. There is an additional administration charge to parents, if there is a change to the first choice of school beyond the ISEB ‘closing date’. Each year there will be pupils about whom we will have concerns, usually academic, which lead us to communicate with parents about the best choice of senior school for their son or daughter. After all, we all want the very best for the young people and sometimes there are very good reasons why Dean Close School is not the most appropriate choice. Sometimes, projected problems might be to do with the academic expectations of Dean Close School with regard to GCSE choices. All pupils at DCS will be expected to move towards courses which will involve them taking nine or ten GCSE subjects. Occasionally, a pupil would be better served heading for a school that might require fewer subjects to be taken at GCSE, but with more work targeted in various areas to achieve the best possible success. The length of time a pupil has spent with us will influence when we will broach any concerns we have over progress in the short, medium and long term and how these might be best addressed. We know from transfer situations in the past, how
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important it is to match pupils with academic environments where they will be able to produce their best and for which they will be appropriately suited. Pre-Common Entrance Day A small number of pupils who find the academic Common Entrance syllabus extremely challenging may be asked to take part in the Pre-Common Entrance day in which they will complete papers in Mathematics, English and VR and have a series of informal interviews with members of Dean Close School staff, including the Director of Studies and Headmaster. The aim of the day is to assess whether or not Dean Close School would be the best learning environment for pupils to continue their education, and for DCS staff to meet the pupils and make a full assessment of the potential contribution they might make to the School community. Parents of pupils likely to take part in the Pre-Common Entrance day will be informed by the Deputy Head (Academic) towards the end of Year 7 or during the Michaelmas Term of Year 8. 13+ Academic Scholarship A number of pupils are invited to follow the Scholarship Syllabus during Year 8. The parents of potential scholars are invited to a meeting with the Heads of Departments in the Prep School at the end of the Trinity Term in Year 7 where the syllabus and expectation is outlined. In Year 8, the scholars are taught as a separate group. The scholarship examination is taken in May after which they follow an extended post scholarship curriculum until the rest of Year 8 has completed their CE examinations.
pupils in Senior School Houses are reserved. The Senior School endeavours to meet the preferences of parents wherever possible, but House allocation is finally at the discretion of the Headmaster of the Senior School. Parents who wish to express a preference should contact the Registrar at Dean Close Senior School as early as possible. 11+ Scholarship These are offered for Foundation, Creative Arts, Performing Arts and Sport. They take place in the Lent Term of Year 6. Details of the scholarship process are provided separately; please contact the Deputy Head (Academic) for further information. Awards are open to internal and external candidates. External candidates will be charged a registration fee of ÂŁ100.00. Parents of pupils currently in the School will be advised about the suitability of their child being entered for a Scholarship in writing by the Deputy Head (Academic) or relevant Head of Department during the Michaelmas Term. Awards made at 11+ usually carry on to the Senior School until such time as the pupil leaves Dean Close. Awards are subject to good behaviour, academic endeavour and a full commitment to the whole life of the School. They are reviewed annually. Bursaries Dean Close will make every effort to make attendance possible if the right ability and potential are evident. In line with all HMC and IAPS Schools, Scholarships and Exhibitions can be supported by bursaries where financial need is demonstrated.
Other Dean Close Scholarships and Awards The Senior School offers a number of other awards at 13+ in Music, Creative Arts, Performing Arts, Sports and a Foundation Award. The criteria for these awards are published separately; please contact the Deputy Head (Academic) directly for further information. Candidates for the Foundation Award will be expected to produce a sound academic performance and to show excellence in at least two other areas, as well as giving evidence of service or leadership in the community. Deadlines for award applications are at the end of November. All those already holding Awards in Year 8 will be expected to attend on the relevant day so that their progress can be assessed. Awards are rarely reduced at this stage and very occasionally they are increased if a pupil has made substantial progress since the original Award was given. Decisions about who should be entered for Awards at 13+ are made on recommendations from Heads of Department and the final decision on all Awards rests with the DCS Headmaster. If you would like to discuss the possibility of your child entering for an Award, please make contact with the Deputy Head (Academic) at the earliest opportunity. Transfer to Dean Close School and House Allocation The majority of pupils in Year 8 transfer to Dean Close School to continue their education having achieved good grades in their Common Entrance examinations. The Senior School allocates pupils from the Prep School into various Houses during the Lent Term of Year 8. Enough places for all DCPS
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ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING Tracking Pupil Potential and Progress Pupils In Year 3-7 take standardised tests in their first few weeks of the Michaelmas Term This is externally marked and moderated and the marks are passed on to the Heads of Mathematics, Head of English and Deputy Head (Academic). Pupils’ reading and spelling ages will also be assessed by the Head of Learning Support. Results from these tests are collated onto a central database by the Deputy Head (Academic) and used for monitoring pupil progress. Pupils in Year 6-8 take a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) during the Michaelmas Term. The results are used in conjunction with performance in school examinations and pupil tracking to determine whether or not pupils are reaching their potential. The CAT tests are developed by GL Assessments and explore four key areas of development; Verbal, Quantitative, Non-Verbal and Spatial. None of these require special preparation.
Monitoring Pupil Progress All pupils are assessed at regular intervals and parents will be informed of the progress being made. If, after an initial settling in period any child is not making the necessary academic progress, staff will inform the Deputy Head (Academic) and Head of Learning Support as soon as possible and a meeting will be set up with the parents. Appropriate action might include increased differentiation in class with more specific targets and, implementation of Learning Support sessions as devised by the Head of Learning Support. It might also include referral to an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist or Occupational Therapist for further assessment. The cost of such an assessment is met by the parents. It is anticipated that the contents of the assessment report should be shared with the School. Where failure to make progress is attributed to delayed developmental milestones, it may be deemed appropriate for the child to repeat the year. If parents do not choose to take up the option of the Educational Psychologist, any decision about the child will be based on regular in-School assessments. Parents will be advised by the School as to whether their child’s educational needs can be met within the School environment. As part of the ongoing consultative process between staff and parents, and following discussion with the Headmaster, if it is felt that Dean Close Preparatory School can no longer provide
for the academic educational needs of the child, then the parents will be given every support in seeking an alternative educational establishment. Effort Grades Pupils will be given effort cards each half of term to provide feedback to pupils about their work. Each pupil is awarded a grade for effort that is: 1. Exceptional. 2. Exceeding expectations. 3. Meeting expectations. 4. Below expectations. 5. Substantial improvements required. A comment is made on the assessment sheet by the pupil’s Form Teacher or House Tutor. They then talk through the effort grades with each pupil individually and discuss a suitable target or targets to achieve over the next half of term. If a pupil receives a 4 or below for any subject, they should be in no doubt as to what they need to do to improve their effort grade next time. Please be aware that a 3 is considered good as it shows that a pupil is doing all that is required of them. Reports Every pupil receives a full written report at the end of the Michaelmas Term which will include details on the progress made during the term and a report by the Form Teacher, House Tutor, Houseparent and Headmaster. In the Lent Term Year 8 receive full reports, giving feedback on how pupils have done in their CE trial examinations. In the Trinity Term Years 3–7 receive full written reports while Year 8 receive a summary report on non-CE subjects. Parents’ Meetings Formal meetings with parents are held twice a year. The aim of these is to give verbal feedback on the progress of individual pupils. If parents have any concerns about the academic progress of their child, they should speak to their child’s Form Teacher, House Tutor (Years 7 & 8) or the Deputy Head (Academic). Pupils in older years are expected to join their parents for these meetings as part of the process in Senior Prep of encouraging pupils to take more ownership of and responsibility for their academic performance.
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MUSIC Music is for everyone and every pupil in the Prep School will be encouraged to get involved in the many musical activities on offer and to take the opportunity to learn an instrument.
CLASS MUSIC The curriculum for class music is a holistic one, covering the three key musical disciplines of listening, composing and performing. The emphasis is on enjoyment and practical music making with pupils often using their own instruments in class sessions. Music theory and aural training is an integral part of lessons and by the time pupils move on to the Senior School they will be well prepared for GCSE music and the more advanced players will have taken the Associated Board Grade V Theory examination. As pupils move through the School, they will have training in Music Technology and will be taught to use their skills for composition and arranging.
SINGING Singing is one of the most enjoyable ways of taking part in music and develops many musical skills. Everyone is involved in class singing. In addition, there are two non-auditioned School choirs. The Junior Choir is open to all those in Years 3, 4 and 5 where the emphasis is on developing a good choral technique through a wide repertoire of rounds, partsongs, action songs, modern and traditional music. The Senior Choir is open to Years 6, 7 and 8 and pupils will sing a wide range of music from the 15th century to the present day, including both sacred and secular. The Senior Choir regularly leads School services, as well as performing in concerts both in and out of School. The most advanced singers are auditioned to join the Chamber Choir, whose members regularly sing with the Senior Choir, but also undertake a more ambitious repertoire for performance in School and further afield.
INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS MUSIC GROUPS Currently over 75% of pupils learn at least one instrument. A staff of 30 peripatetic teachers provide tuition in all the instruments of the orchestra, as well as piano, drum-kit, guitar and saxophone. Singing lessons are also popular. Pupils receive 30 lessons over the course of the academic year. They will be expected to undertake regular practise and are encouraged to be involved in at least one musical activity.
Music Groups allow even those who have been playing for a short time to experience the real thrill of playing with others. The most advanced players will be given opportunities to play in small groups and some will be able to take part in Dean Close School music activities. Throughout the Prep School, there is an emphasis on enjoyment and development of the full potential of every musician and the range of music groups will vary to some extent from year to year to cater for individual musician’s interests. Those in Years 3-5 who have been playing a musical instrument for more than one year are expected to join Junior Orchestra. Pupils who receive singing lessons are expected to join Junior Choir. Groups currently available are: • Senior Orchestra • Junior Orchestra • Senior Strings • Clarinet Group • Flute Group • Swing Band • Senior Choir • Junior Choir • Pop Groups and Rock Bands • Chamber Choir • Saxophone Group • Music Theory • String Quartets
MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Pupils are invited to apply for Music Awards in Year 6 and there will be auditions for internal and external candidates. The Director of Music will be looking for evidence of potential as well as achievement. Those who are successful will be eligible for a reduction in School fees and free tuition on a musical instrument. Music Awards are reviewed annually. It is expected that Music Scholars will show full commitment to School Music Groups and will be a member of the Senior Choir. NOTE: In order that pupils do not end up missing an unacceptable level of academic lessons during the day, they may only take two Music/Dance/Speech & Drama lessons during timetabled lessons. (Particular exceptions should be discussed with the Deputy Head (Academic).) The expectation is that any work missed is caught up by the child.
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The choristers who sing the weekday services at Tewkesbury Abbey are educated at the Preparatory School. Their daily rehearsal takes place in the Song School in Hardy House.
THE STAFF The Choral Director Mr Simon Bell is supported by: Jane Lyons (Chorister Tutor and Schola Cantorum Manager) Sam Lake (Choral Scholar) Michael Stephens-Jones (Organ Scholar) Ben Sawyer (Chorister Singing Tutor).
CONTACT DETAILS Mr S Bell 01242 258091 sabell@deanclose.org.uk NB Parents of any boys who are interested in discussing the possibility of a choristership should make contact with the Director of Schola Cantorum Mr Simon Bell.
SCHOOL UNIFORM All choristers need to have School blazers and choristers in Years 3–6 will need to have a white School shirt for certain occasions. These will be published in advance.
CHORISTERS’ DAILY SCHEDULE For full schedule see Chorister Handbook.
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Drama is about many things – theatre, acting, developing presentation skills and communication techniques, instilling confidence and developing self-esteem and having fun!
At the discretion of the Drama Department, pupils in Year 6 and Year 8 may be invited to apply for a Drama Scholarship.
Two productions are performed annually – a Junior Forms’ Play (Years 3–5) and the School Play (Years 6–8). This gives every child in the School the opportunity to be involved either in acting, dancing and singing on the stage, or behind the scenes on the production side, with make-up, costume, set design, sound and lighting. Recent productions include Alice in Wonderland, Godspell, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Wizard of Oz, Private Peaceful, The Railway Children, Beauty and the Beast, The Tempest, and Oliver! The Musical.
Speech and Drama at DCPS is a lively, exciting and thriving discipline and the aim is to instil an appreciation and enjoyment of communication and performance and to maximise the potential of all pupils.
All aspects of Speech and Drama are taught by specialist teachers who take the responsibility for directing the major productions, along with a close relationship with the Music Department and help from other staff members from various departments in the School.
CLASS DRAMA All pupils in Years 3–6 in the Preparatory School have timetabled class Drama as part of the curriculum. In these lessons, pupils are encouraged to express themselves vocally and physically and learn to work with others in a group situation. They are also taught to listen and react to others.
SPEECH AND DRAMA Speech and Drama lessons serve to focus attention on the individual, developing performance skills such as diction, expression, characterisation and communication skills. Pupils taking these lessons also benefit hugely from participating in the annual Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts and are entered for the LAMDA graded examinations. Pupils can choose to have lessons either individually, in a pair, or in a group of 3–5 pupils. Pupils receive 30 lessons over the course of the academic year and lessons are timetabled on a weekly rota basis.
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SPORT The School has extensive sports pitches and facilities, including a 25 metre indoor swimming pool, new Sports Centre including large gymnasium, fitness centre and dance studio, squash courts, tennis courts, 2 astro-pitches (one of which is floodlit) and a covered area for netball. However, the School’s continued success in sport is not just a reflection of the superb facilities, but of the high level professional coaches who support the academic staff in training the children during their games lessons.
GAMES Sport plays a significant part in School life and the excellent facilities give children the opportunity to all find something they enjoy. The major games for the boys are rugby, hockey and cricket and for the girls hockey, netball, tennis and cricket. The major games are covered during timetabled games sessions on Monday and Tuesday as well as on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Throughout the School week children also participate in swimming, athletics and cross country running.
TEAMS Teams compete at national, regional, county and local level. Tours for the School teams take place on a regular basis. It is School policy that every child has the opportunity to represent the School. Matches against various schools in the area take place on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The children are divided into games according to age and ability. Matches are graduated in number so there are more as the pupils advance through the School. Tennis In the Trinity Term the main sport for girls in Years 7 and 8 is tennis. We use professional tennis coaches during tennis lessons, who also teach the boys and are available for private tuition. Years 5–8 enter School Tournaments and have interschool fixtures.
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Girls play cricket in the summer, often playing matches against other prep schools.
The pupils have Physical Education lessons throughout the year. In Years 3, 4 and 5 the pupils concentrate on building up co-ordination, movement and ball skills, and follow a programme, which includes swimming, gymnastics, ball skills and athletic activity. In Years 6, 7 and 8 the programme takes on a modular format with pupils usually covering 5 modules during the year, including swimming, trampolining, health related fitness, badminton and athletics.
Cross Country The School has a strong cross country tradition with successes both at district and county level. The children participate in cross country running during games lessons and in clubs. Swimming
SPORTS SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Swimming galas are arranged regularly throughout the year and an internal House Gala is held in the Lent Term. Athletics In the Trinity Term there is an Athletics Sports Day and the opportunity for some to enter competitions outside the School.
The Prep School offers Sports Awards to children from Year 7 onwards. Candidates are asked to attend a day of assessment in Year 6 at which the School is looking for children with potential who will benefit from the opportunities, facilities and coaching which the School can offer. Contacting the Staff
Private and Group Lessons Our cricket and tennis professionals offer individual and group lessons (at an extra cost). Contact Niki Baker, the sports department secretary, for further information. nbaker@deanclose.org.uk Gum Shields It is compulsory for all pupils participating in matches in hockey and rugby to wear a gum shield. Children will not be able to play matches, or take part in practices, without them.
Depending on the enquiry, parents should contact the relevant Team Coach, Head of Games or Director of Sport, either directly or via the School Office. School Website/Parent App The School website and parent app can be used to find fixture information, directions to other schools and weekly arrangements for games. This can be found under the sports section on the School website www.deanclose.org.uk To access the team sheets, a password is required, which is available from the School Office.
Parental support is much appreciated at all matches and parents and friends are most welcome to stay for tea afterwards.
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CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES Throughout the year we run a large and varied programme of clubs and activities, which take place during breaktimes, lunchtimes or after School. As we try to utilise the expertise and willingness of staff where possible the vast majority of these clubs are free to attend. The few activities that incur a cost are marked with an asterix (*). The programme is continuingly evolving but has this year included:
• Audiobooks
• Horse Riding*
• Athletics
• Hot Chocolate & Chick Flicks
• Baking
• Kick Rounders
• Bible Studies
• Lego & K’nex
• Cartoon Drawing
• Make it, break it
• Chess
• Mixed Tag Rugby
• Christian Unions
• Mosaics
• Colouring Club
• Origami
• Creative Kids
• Pop Lacrosse
• Cricket Nets
• Prayerstation
• Cross Country
• Programming
• Dance Classes*
• Remote Controlled Cars
• Darts
• Revision Clinics
• Design Technology
• Rugby 7s
• Fencing
• Science Researchers
• Football
• Shooting
• Gardening
• Sports Scholars’ Conditioning
• Gymnastics
• Swimming Clubs
• Hama Beads
• Tennis
• Handwriting
• Textiles
• Hockey
• Watercolour
DANCING Lessons in Ballet, Modern and Tap are available from Mrs Janet Marshall and her colleagues during the School week and these are taught in the Dance Studio. Pupils are prepared for the R.A.D. and ISTD Ballet examinations and the ISTD Tap and Modern examinations.
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USE OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY This should be read in conjunction with School policies and the document 'Acceptable Use of ICT – Guidelines'. A paper copy is available on request from the Front Office. All use of the ICT facilities should be relevant to pupils’ academic activity during School hours and should be appropriate at all times.
I will not take or share images of anyone without their permission.
I will not send or receive chain emails.
The School aims to encourage the maximum, positive use of ICT within the School in order to enhance teaching, learning, administration, management and efficiency. The School is committed to the delivery of a high quality ICT provision within a safe environment.
I will not try to access anything illegal or inappropriate.
I will not download anything that I do not have the right to use.
I will not make unauthorised copies of software or unauthorised recordings.
I will not bring my mobile phone into School.
If I am a boarder I will keep my phone in the boarding house and use it according to the boarding house rules.
I will not deliberately bypass any systems designed to keep the School safer.
I will tell a responsible person if I find any damage or faults with technology, however this may have happened.
The policy for the Acceptable Use of ICT has been produced to ensure protection of all parties – the pupils, the parents, the staff and the School. The School reserves the right to monitor, view or delete any data that may be held on its computer systems and to monitor network, internet and email use. Any breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action. The following section is the policy signed by the pupils at the start of each year.
For the safety of the School:
Mobile Phones •
DCPS is a mobile free zone and they should not be brought into School unless permission has been granted by the Deputy Head (Pastoral). In such circumstances phones should be handed in to the Day House at the beginning of the day and collected before the journey home.
Boarders must leave their mobile phones in their House during the day, but are allowed access once School is over.
ACCEPTABLE USE OF IT POLICY AGREEMENT The School has provided computers and internet access to help you learn. You are responsible for your own behaviour on the internet just as you are on the playground. Our internet is carefully filtered to screen unsuitable sites at source. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, are blocked on the School system as are other sites we consider to be unsuitable for your age groups. For my own personal safety: •
I understand that my use of technology will be supervised and monitored.
I will keep my password safe and will not use anyone else’s (even with their permission).
I will keep my own personal information safe as well as that of others. I will not share my address or phone number with anyone online.
I will never arrange to meet anyone and I will tell a teacher if someone asks to meet me.
I will not contact people online, or enter competitions or chat rooms.
I will tell a trusted adult such as my teacher or Housemaster/mistress if anything makes me feel uncomfortable or upset when I see it online.
I will not access computers at School without a teacher being present to supervise me.
Please remember that the School may check your computer files and it monitors the internet sites you visit!
For the safety of others: •
I will not interfere with the way that others use their technology.
I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others.
I will not communicate negative comments about others which may cause hurt or distress or have a negative impact on their online reputation.
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PASTORAL INFORMATION Chaplaincy Dean Close Preparatory School has a very strong Christian ethos which we hope is apparent in all that we seek to be or do. Above all else, we regard each child as being unique and highly valued by God and so by us. Our desire is to see each one reach their full potential. Relationships for us matter supremely, and we seek to foster good and healthy ones. Because we believe that the Christian faith is best demonstrated in community, Dean Close provides a secure context in which those who are not Christians can be encouraged to listen, question and ultimately think through the Christian faith for themselves. Alongside this, those pupils and staff who are Christians have the opportunity to express and live out their faith in a variety of ways. The Chaplain organises the Christian Union. Christian events are organised throughout the year and these give children the opportunity to explore their faith.
THE HOUSE SYSTEM There are currently six Houses at Dean Close Prep School and every pupil is a member of one of them. The Houses are as follows: Caldecote (Boys’ Boarding) Houseparents Deacon (Day) Houseparent Fortfield (Girls’ Boarding) Houseparents Oaksey (Day) Houseparent Wilton (Junior Boarding) Houseparents Yeaman (Day) Houseparent
Mr & Mrs M Cooper
PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) All pupils from Years 3–8 take part in the PSHCE programme. This aims to prepare pupils for life ahead, raise their general awareness of their own needs and those of others as part of a community, as well increase their understanding of wider global issues.
Mrs R Beecham
Mr & Mrs J Gould
Mr E Harris
Mr & Mrs D Fraine
Within the PSHCE programme, many issues are addressed including: drugs and substance abuse, relationships including sexual relationships (in Years 6, 7 and 8), general knowledge, current affairs and topics associated with citizenship. School and House assemblies, as well as outside speakers support the topics being looked at. Sex education, which is incorporated into the programme, is presented within a Christian context and understanding of marriage and family life.
Mr C Standing
Each pupil remains a member of the same House throughout his or her time at DCPS (except where a pupil transfers from day to boarding). The Houses are run as extended family units and all parents and guardians would expect to get to know the Houseparents well. For children in Years 7 and 8, the first point of contact and liaison between home and School is the House Tutor. For other year groups parents are able to contact Houseparents with any concerns or queries they may have. The Houseparent and the House Tutors oversee the extramural, social and pastoral wellbeing of each child. In the event of any query or concern, these staff may be readily contacted by email, or in person at the beginning or end of the School day. Pupils should feel comfortable to talk to any member of staff in confidence. Any child experiencing problems of a serious nature should feel free to talk to their parents, guardians or immediate family about any matter of concern at any time. Childline is available on 0800 1111. The School has an Independent Listener who can be telephoned in confidence about any matter; the telephone number is posted in every House and on central notice boards in the School.
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BOARDING BOARDING COMMUNITY At the heart of each of the Boarding Houses are the Houseparents, a married couple who live in the House with their own children. The Houseparents are supported by a resident and non-resident Matron, two House Tutors, and several non-resident members of academic staff, all of whom make up the boarding community. All staff support the Houseparent by performing regular duties in the House such as registration, prep, House prayers and the bedtime routine. The Matrons, who are involved in the day to day care of the children, also oversee domestic arrangements, ailments and offer support and kindness if a pupil is homesick or in need of a friendly ear.
COMMUNICATION Boarding house telephone numbers can be found below. If your call should transfer to an answer machine, please be assured that we are not ignoring you, we are simply involved elsewhere in the House with the children and unable to come to the phone. You can, of course, email the Houseparents.
AIMS & PRINCIPLES OF BOARDING In Boarding we aim to: •
develop the whole person, a desire for truth and a respect for others;
produce an open, trusting ethos in which each boarder feels able to approach any other member of the community, confident that he/she will be treated as an individual;
create an atmosphere of tolerance, openness and trust in which harassment and bullying should not be a part;
provide the conditions for boarders to develop their intellectual talents through well-structured work and preparation times, access to staff and other pupils, participation in activities and in an atmosphere that values effort;
provide a range of activities, hobbies and opportunities related to age and maturity that will assist in each boarder’s personal, social, spiritual and cultural development;
safeguard and promote the welfare of each boarder, by providing an environment that is free from physical hazards and dangers of any sort;
provide accommodation that is comfortable and suited to the needs of boarders, according to age and maturity, and with adequate privacy;
develop boarders’ responsibility for self, others and his/her environment;
develop boarders’ qualities of leadership and ability to work as part of a team;
provide the opportunities for boarders to share with adults their good experiences as well as being able to turn to them for advice, counselling and support in times of difficulty; and
maintain close links with boarders’ families which are seen as an indispensable part of their support and development.
It is often a good idea to agree a regular time each week when your child will phone you – that way you increase your chances of hearing from them. If you telephone the House, please do so before the bedtime. To email your child direct to his/ her School email address, use the surname, followed by the first initial and then @deanclose.org.uk. for example smithj@deanclose.org.uk Contact details for each House are:
Caldecote House 79 Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Glos. GL51 6QS Telephone: 01242 258014 Email: MGCooper@deanclose.org.uk
Fortfield House 69 Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Glos. GL51 6QF Telephone: 01242 258030 Email: agould@deanclose.org.uk
Wilton House 77 Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Glos. GL51 6QG Telephone: 01242 258012 Email: wilton@deanclose.org.uk
Boarding children have access to the House phone in the boarding Houses. They can receive incoming calls and ask permission to make outgoing calls. Some children do bring their own named mobile phone which is handed in for safe keeping morning and night. It may be used to make and receive calls and texts after School and up to bedtime.
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Letters Home Letter writing takes place each Sunday and the children write home even if they have spoken on the telephone in the week. If they are to see you on that Sunday then we encourage them to write to a relative or friend. Equally, if your child has emailed you during the week (each child has his/her own email address on the School system set up upon arrival) we still ask them to write to somebody – it is an important skill and it would be wrong to neglect it. Please supply the necessary paper, envelopes, useful addresses and stamps. Air letters are most suitable if you live abroad.
AFTER SCHOOL In the secure environment we can offer at DCPS, the children are free to be themselves and there is no peer pressure to grow up too quickly. After School the children are invariably to be found playing outside. Go-Karts and trampolines are always popular, but the children also enjoy exploring the extensive School grounds. Our woods and brook give children the opportunity to create their own entertainment; facilities and organised activities mean that the children learn to use their time constructively. However, it is very important that children are left with time to explore life at their own pace, and in their own way, so sometimes after a long day at School the children can take the opportunity to just relax in their Houses and find space to unwind.
Lights out
Manor, Cadbury World, @Bristol Science Museum, wildlife parks, or the local ice skating rink. We are well served in the this area of the country for places that also offer more physically challenging pursuits such as canoeing, sailing, hill walking or paddle boarding. Living on the edge of the Cotswolds we are in a convenient location for a Sunday romp through the woods! Parents of boarders will always receive a warm welcome to the School. There are a wide range of sports matches and concerts they may wish to attend, and the Houseparents are always happy for them to take their children out whenever they are able to visit. Such arrangements should be made with plenty of notice with the Boarding Houseparents. We do ask that each child is signed out and back in again by the adult responsible for that child: pupils should be back in their Houses by 7.30pm. Future term dates are printed at the back of the termly calendar. Each term there is a half term and fixed exeats when all boarders should go out with parents or guardians. We ask the parents or guardians to arrange for all children to leave the School on exeat weekends. A consent form is required to allow children to have leave outs with friends.
POCKET MONEY We ask for a minimum of £60.00 a term. This covers tuck, trips out, chapel collections (two a year and Carol Service) etc. If you are going to be abroad you may like to leave more to cover spending money at exeat or for unexpected need. The money is held in a pocket money account and the balance is returned at the end of term. Please bring either a cheque (payable to Caldecote House, Wilton House or Fortfield House as appropriate) or cash in a named, sealed envelope.
(10 minutes later in the Trinity Term)
FULL BOARDING The majority of our boarders are full-time boarders, which means that they tend to stay in the Boarding House at weekends. Over the course of each term we plan a variety of weekend activities for the boarders including visits to Drayton
Tuck is an important part of a Prep School child’s life, and the boarding Houses will organise this on an in-House basis. This will enable us to supply appropriate items in the right amounts. We request that no additional tuck be brought to School. The children have three meals a day, a drink and snack at mid morning break, a drink and snack after School, bread and fruit in the Houses before tea and a drink before bed.
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Day Boarding allows a child to enjoy the benefits of boarding without, in the first instance, becoming a full boarder. This is an excellent way for many families to begin to experience boarding life; it can be of enormous benefit for extremely busy families; and it often serves as a stepping stone to full-time boarding. Day boarding works in the following way:
Children become members of either Fortfield (girls), Caldecote (boys) or Wilton (junior boarders) House.
They have their pastoral base in the Boarding House.
On arriving at School in the morning they will go to their Boarding House to register and will have space allocated accordingly.
They are able to stay for supper each night and leave School at an age-appropriate time, up to 8.30pm for Year 8 children.
They are able to stay overnight for up to two nights per week in the middle of each week in Wilton and three nights a week in Caldecote and Fortfield if there is a bed available (for obvious reasons, separate beds will not be allocated to each day boarder on a permanent basis). Beds will be occupied by negotiation.
Games kit and uniform can be washed in School, but this necessitates leaving a second set in School.
There is a charge dependant on year group on top of Day Fees and an additional charge of £52 charged for every night spent in the boarding House.
It is essential that children’s passports and any necessary visas are kept up-to-date. Parents are asked to ensure this and then to pass all such documentation to Houseparents for safekeeping. When children are travelling overseas as unaccompanied minors, it is essential that parents complete the necessary unaccompanied minors forms from the airline and send these to the Houseparents in advance of the day of travel.
Guardians All children whose parents reside abroad must have a Guardian who can fulfil the role as laid out on the Guardian Form. These forms should be signed by both parents and guardians and returned to the School Office. This is a vital role and guardians should not be appointed unless they can cope with the visiting, travel arrangements and upkeep of clothes, etc. Parents who normally live in England, but who have to be away or abroad for a short time, must leave an address and telephone number with the appropriate Houseparents. Further important information regarding Guardians is available from the Boarding Houses.
Escorted Travel N.B. As there are limited spaces for day boarders, please enquire at the Admissions Office for availability. There is no guarantee that a day boarder at the Prep School will necessarily secure a day boarding place at the Senior School. Parents should contact the Registrar at the Senior School to express an interest in a day boarding place as soon as possible.
Children travelling abroad can be escorted to and from all major airports at the beginning and end of term as well as take a taxi service to other destinations. Reputable local taxi companies can be recommended by the School Office.
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FIRST AID POLICY We have facilities for administering First Aid at various locations around the School. The fully equipped Treatment Room is located next to the Deputy Head’s office and is staffed by School nurses and a matron during break and lunchtimes. The main Health Centre is situated at the Senior School. There are three registered nurses on duty from 8am until 11pm. First Aid boxes are situated in key areas of the School where an accident is considered possible or likely. We always take firstaid kits with us when groups of pupils go out of School on organised trips or to participate in sporting events. There is always at least one First Aid trained Matron (supported by a Sister at the School Health Centre) who is available to administer First Aid, to deal with any accidents or emergencies, or to help if someone is taken ill during the School day. Most members of the teaching staff are trained to provide basic First Aid. We keep records of all accidents and injuries, and have a procedure in place for ensuring that they are reviewed regularly to minimise the likelihood of recurrence. We will always contact parents if a child suffers anything more than a trivial injury, or if he/she becomes unwell, or if we have any worries or concerns about their health.
Park Surgery. Out of normal GP hours the ‘out of hours’ emergency system is available, based at Cheltenham General Hospital. The Doctors’ surgeries in School afford the same confidentiality as a normal GP Surgery.
MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR PUPILS Whenever possible, sick children are cared for in their Boarding Houses by the Houseparents and Matrons under the medical direction of the School doctor and sisters. Parents or guardians are always informed about illness of several days’ duration or accidents involving a visit to the Hospital Casualty Department. Day children are cared for in the Treatment Room or age appropriate Boarding House if they are unwell during the School day. Parents are informed by their own Houseparent, the Nurse, a Matron or the Office, if it is necessary for them to be taken home. Please note: A pupil whose GP is a different member of the Cheltenham Practice Area may not be seen by the School Doctor.
If a child needs medication during the School day the medicine must be delivered to the School Office and a ‘Form 5’, (available to download from the School website or from the School Office), filled out giving consent for Matron or Sister to administer the medicine. The medication will be locked up or kept in the fridge in the Treatment Room. Medicines must be collected at the end of the School day. Dean Close acknowledges its responsibility under RIDDOR to report certain occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive. All boarders are registered with a local practice, the Overton
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It is absolutely essential that parents complete the necessary health records for new pupils before the start of term; sending them by post or bringing them to the School Office on the first day at the latest. All pupils require a completed ‘Health Record’ Form with all relevant dates and signed twice. Without this in her possession Sister is unauthorised to treat your child. Boarding pupils also require a completed and signed Doctors’ Registration Form (GMS 1) (purple form). Without these boarders cannot be registered with the School Doctor and obtain medical treatment. Immunisation details are necessary in order to ensure your child receives all relevant vaccinations.
The aim of the School is to provide healthy food, which is well cooked, nicely presented, varied and interesting, appealing to all age groups and palates. Our healthy eating policy is taken into account when planning the menu and is supported by the use of lean cuts of meat, monounsaturated fats, locally supplied fresh fruit and vegetables, with no use of genetically modified foodstuffs.
Boarders’ names will be registered on the list of the School Medical Officer and their medical records will be retained as long as they are pupils here. Boarders must not re-register with their family doctor during the holidays but can obtain treatment as a Temporary Resident.
MEDICAL EXAMINATION The School Medical Officer gives every boarding pupil a full examination on entry.
IMMUNISATIONS These are carried out on all pupils in accordance with public health regulations, unless parents request otherwise. These include vaccines for pupils returning from or visiting overseas in the School holidays. Malaria prophylaxis is also provided for specific destinations – these are not available as an NHS provision so a charge will be made. Parental consent is always obtained in writing before any vaccines are given.
Special diets are provided and the use of foods containing E numbers, additives and preservatives is restricted. Please speak directly to the Catering Manager or Head Chef should you have any questions or comments (01242 258081).
DENTAL, OPTICAL, ORTHODONTIST APPOINTMENTS Please use the holidays for routine checks to avoid interruptions to School life. Treatment may be continued during term time when absolutely necessary. Boarding pupils are accompanied to any hospital or dental appointment by one of the Matrons. Taxi fares may be payable for routine appointments.
INSURANCE We encourage all parents not otherwise insured to seriously consider our AXA PPP Healthcare, which is not at all expensive and enables them to have the services of a consultant and physiotherapy on a private basis if ever it is necessary; but it must be noted that the Scheme contributes only half the cost of out-patient treatment. The Cotswold Nuffield Hospital is conveniently close.
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COMMUNICATION AND PARENTAL LINKS THE WELCOME PACK Prior to entry, parents receive: • • • • •
A welcome letter from the Headmaster detailing the name of your child’s class teacher. A copy of this Parents’ Handbook. Medical Forms. School Calendar. Application forms for optional extracurricular activities.
PUBLICATIONS The Daily Bulletin The Bulletin is printed off each morning detailing the most up to date details of the School day ahead. It is posted in all Houses, and key buildings around the School and pupils should look at it at the beginning of each day. Hermes A newsletter is emailed to parents each Friday. It is a vital channel of communication – we often put revised games arrangements or special notices in Hermes. Hermes can also be accessed from our website/extranet so that boarding parents can be kept up to date. Half Term and End of Term Mailings Parents are updated every half term about forthcoming events. The Young Decanian This is the annual School magazine for the Prep School. It is published in November.
PARENTS’ NOTICE BOARDS These can be found in the Day and Boarding Houses.
WEBSITE - www.deanclose.org.uk Hermes is posted on the website together with up-to-date information regarding the Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior Schools. There is also a parents’ area which includes the School calendar, fixtures list, maps to other schools, match reports and lunch menus.
Email Text and emails will be sent using Clarion Call in the event of a reminder or urgent information. Twitter Follow the School @DeanCloseSchool, the Deputy Head @dcpsdeputyhead, Director of Music @DCPSmusic or the Schola Cantorum @taschola. Facebook Like us on www.facebook.com/deancloseschool Instagram Follow us on Instagram @deanclose_prepschool iPhone Apps Dean Close parent apps are available to download from the Apple Store. Android apps will be available in the future.
CALENDARS School Calendar This is produced termly and a copy is available at the end of term. Extra copies can be sent to guardians on request. Fixtures Calendars These are published each term and are available to parents and pupils.
REPORTS/PARENTS’ MEETINGS Assessment grades are sent home every half term. Full reports are written twice a year. In addition, there are parent consultation meetings during the year. If you wish to make an individual appointment to discuss an academic matter, please liaise with your child’s Form Teacher, House Tutor or the Deputy Head Academic.
PARENTS’ EVENTS There are plenty of opportunities for parents to get together. On Saturday mornings, through the winter, parents can participate in mixed hockey games and during the summer tennis and cricket. All parents are welcome at regularly held coffee mornings and prayer meetings. There are also events to which parents are invited which are highlighted in the School Calendar. A contact list of parents in the same year will be published and distributed at the beginning of the year. There will be an opportunity for parents not wishing to be on this list to have their names and details removed.
BUSINESS CLUB All parents are welcome to join the School Business Club which meets regularly.
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UNIFORM AND APPEARANCE DEAN CLOSE SCHOOL SHOP The School Shop aims to be a one stop shop and is located in the Sports Hall off Shelburne road. In addition to the regulation uniform which must be purchased from the Shop, it stocks the majority of items on the School uniform lists, including a range of footwear, sports equipment, stationery, toiletries, confectionery, and the new Heritage Collection. The Shop is run by the School for the benefit of the pupils and their parents and prices are as competitive as they can possibly be, taking into consideration quality and durability. Once term has started a School account is created for each pupil where by Prep School pupils can purchase items via the House Matron or with a note from their parents giving permission. Parents are welcome to purchase items directly from the School Shop and the methods of payment are cheque, cash or credit card. The School Shop is not open during, Senior School exeats, half terms and holidays. These opening hours apply for most of the School year, after the Trinity half term and beginning of the Michaelmas Term, we operate a series of appointment only days. Opening Times During Term Time Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
8.00am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 10.00am – 12.00 noon
1.30pm – 4.00pm 1.30pm – 6.00pm 1.30pm – 6.00pm 1.30pm – 6.00pm 1.30pm – 4.00pm 12.30pm – 3.00pm
The School Shop is not open during exeats, half terms and holidays.
Boys’ Winter Uniform Senior Prep Appointments
In order that uniform may be purchased for the new School year the Shop operates a system of personal appointments for all Prep School pupils and those children entering the School for the first time. These appointments are held at two different times which are given below. Trinity Term
From 19th June - 30th June. The last daily appointment is at 5.00pm. (If you feel you can come before the 19th June you would be very welcome.) Thursday 24 August Friday 25 August Saturday 26 August Sunday 27 August Monday 28 August Tuesday 29 August Wednesday 30 August Thursday 31 August Friday 1 September Saturday 2 September Sunday 3 September Monday 4 September Tuesday 5 September
9.30am – 5.00pm, appointments only 9.30am – 5.00pm, appointments only 9.30am – 1.00pm, appointments only Closed Closed 9.30am – 5.00pm, appointments only 9.30am – 5.00pm, appointments only 9.30am – 5.00pm, appointments only Overseas pupils only 9.30am – 5.00pm, first come first served Closed 9.30am – 5.00pm, first come first served Normal opening hours
Michaelmas Term
Girls’ Winter Uniform Senior Prep
From 24th August – 4th September. The last daily appointment is at 5.00pm. Appointments are either half an hour or an hour whereby each pupil will receive dedicated time to purchase everything they need. We recommend that you try to come in the first series of appointments as the Shop gets terribly busy in September when we re-open before term. When doing a uniform fitting we make allowances for the fact that the uniform will not be needed until September. We are happy to exchange clothing assuming it has not been named or worn.
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Instant iron-on/sew on name tapes are available from the Shop, the large tapes required for all sports uniform are available to order. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO PHONE THE SHOP TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Please contact Kate Wood at the School Shop on 01242 258016 or mobile 07999 718666, or email kwood@deanclose.org.uk to arrange an appointment. Payment for uniform should be cleared by cheque, cash or credit card on the day of purchase please. All pupils are required to wear School uniform during the School day and for School events. We encourage our pupils to make an effort with their appearance and to wear their uniform with pride. A set of rules and guidelines can be found in the Code of Conduct. The uniform list is published separately and revised each year. Parents receive a list at the end of each School year and further copies can be obtained from the School Office. Uniform can also be purchased from the Second Hand Shop.
Boys’ Rugby Kit
The Uniform Exchange
Boys’ Cricket Kit
We have a thriving second hand shop, called the Uniform Exchange. Located next to the School Shop it is open at the following times. Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
8.00am - 12.30pm 9.30am - 12.30pm 9.30am - 12.30pm 9.30am - 12.30pm 8.00am - 12.30pm 10.00am - 3.00pm
1.30pm - 4.00pm 1.30pm - 6.00pm 1.30pm - 6.00pm 1.30pm - 6.00pm 1.30pm - 4.00pm
Please note that the Shop is open between 24th August – 4th September for appointments for uniform fittings and therefore if you wish to visit only the Uniform Exchange please call Ros Fraser to ensure that someone is there to assist you. Tel: 07964058897. To purchase items: The shop holds a wide variety of uniform for Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior and also has games bags, book bags, rugby boots, and additional miscellaneous items. Obviously, the supply is dependent on items put in for sale by parents, so we cannot guarantee availability. All payments are by personal cheques in order to simplify the administration and so that no cash is handled. Please note that items cannot be returned once purchased. If your children are about to join the School, an individual appointment can be made outside the normal opening times. Please contact the Prep School Office on 01242 512217.
Girls’ Hockey Kit
To sell items: If you have uniform or other School items in good condition that you wish to pass on, you can do so in two ways: 1. The items can be donated to the shop. When sold, 85% of the price is donated to a selection of charities listed in the shop. The shop is staffed entirely by volunteer parents and we welcome any additional parents who would like to join us in order to keep it running. 2. You can receive payment for each item sold. For each sale you will receive a cheque from the purchaser for the price on the ticket. There is a registration fee of £5 (payable by personal cheque) which enables you to put in as many items as you wish during the School year. Again 85% of this fee is donated to charity.
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PUPILS’ CODE OF CONDUCT The Code of Conduct exists as a framework of expectations for members of the Dean Close Prep School community. It is largely a positive code based around principles of understanding, respect and responsibility, which should lead to a happy environment for everybody’s productive progress. The code is complemented by the School Charter, which is posted in every room. All pupils are expected to be familiar with the code and charter and parents are encouraged to support the School in upholding the principles of both.
ACADEMIC WORK To learn to work to the best of our abilities is one of the main reasons for being at Dean Close Prep School. Pupils’ behaviour in class is expected to be of the highest order. Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. Pupils have a responsibility to be constructive and positive in all aspects of their work. Academic tasks (e.g. class work, prep, coursework, etc.) must be completed thoroughly, neatly and promptly.
APPEARANCE The way in which we present ourselves is of fundamental importance to how we get on in the world. Pupils are encouraged not to pursue fashionable trends but to uphold the School uniform with a sense of appropriateness and pride. Pupils must dress in line with the uniform requirements (published separately), clean and tidy with collars and ties properly done up and shirts or blouses tucked in. All items of clothing should be knee length or no more than five centimetres off the ground when kneeling. Girls may wear only plain or pearl studs in pierced ears and shoes for everyone should be of the School approved variety. Obviously we expect children to polish their shoes and look well groomed at all times. Best uniform should be worn for trips and other public occasions such as concerts. Hair must be clean and tidy with no gel or other similar hair products. It must not be dyed nor cut in an extreme style. Boys’ hair must be clear of the collar and eyes. Girls’ hair must be clear of the face and tied back with a maroon band or band matching the colour of the hair during the School day and official events.
EQUIPMENT Pupils should ensure that they have all the correct equipment for School each day. Pupils must have: • School bag. • Games bag. • P.E. bag. (These must be purchased from the School Shop or Second Hand Shop) • • • • • • • • •
Pencil case containing: Fountain pen (not Year 3 & 4). Spare cartridges (blue ink please). Pencils. Pencil sharpener. Rubber. Red and blue biro/fine-liner. Colouring pencils (a basic selection). 30cm ruler.
Please note that Tip-Ex is NOT allowed. • • • • •
Maths equipment: Compasses (not Years 3 & 4). Protractor (not Years 3 & 4). Scientific calculator (not Years 3, 4 & 5). French dictionary (Years 7 and 8)
To be kept at home for use with prep. Dictionaries are available in the French classrooms. The following dictionaries are recommended: • • •
Collins Pocket French Dictionary (in colour). Oxford Colour Dictionary. Watch (Senior Prep pupils. Optional for Years 3–6).
None of these items should have graffiti on them. All items of equipment must be named clearly.
Pupils in Years 6, 7 and 8 wear their blazers everyday and when travelling to matches, School outings and formal occasions. Children will be told in advance if they need blazers. Official games kit is worn for all School matches and practices. Shirts are tucked in, tracksuits zipped up properly and socks are up at all times, on and off the pitch. Casual clothes or ‘mufti’ is worn by boarders out of School hours, and special mufti days happen once or twice each year for the whole School, as a fundraising event. Pupils in Years 3 & 4 attend weekly Forest School sessions and will need to bring a waterproof coat, waterproof overtrousers, wellington boots, mufti layers, hat, gloves and a scarf.
CHAPEL AND WORSHIP The School has a strong Christian foundation and comes together as a community to worship on a regular basis. Chapel is a place for worship and quiet contemplation. Pupils should observe this in Chapel before or after services, as well as of joining in the hymns, listening thoughtfully to readings and sermons, and participating when possible (e.g. by saying ‘Amen’ at the ends of prayers).
SPORTING AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Pupils have a responsibility to take advantage of the many facilities and activities as a positive educational opportunity. Pupils are expected to participate in sporting activities: it is assumed that pupils will be available for Saturday matches (all requests for absence should be to the Headmaster in writing), and to support them as spectators if not directly involved. Spectating pupils are expected to encourage and cheer those taking part, and be sporting in their comments, never booing. Behaviour in the assemblies, concerts, plays, and other events which are often open to parents, must be of the highest order, showing due regard for others and for the occassion. Pupils are always encouraged to have a sense of occassion, and
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understand appropriate conduct, such as not wolf whistling but clapping politely.
RELATIONSHIPS Friendships made at School will hopefully last for life. However, it is important that relationships are based on mutual trust and respect, and on recognition that each and every one of us is a person of equal value. Bullying of any sort is strongly condemned and completely unacceptable. Break times are a time for relaxed play and positive socialising. Excessive physical ‘playing’ where clothes are pulled or pupils go to ground is not acceptable. It is particularly important in a Christian, co-educational School that relationships between boys and girls develop as appropriate for pupils of up to 13 years old. Physical contact is not permitted.
BOUNDS AND PRESENCE AT SCHOOL For the safety and wellbeing of pupils and of those who work at the Prep School, certain bounds and rules for registration and signing out have to apply. Bounds Pupils are expected to be based in their Houses at any time other than timetabled lessons, activities and breaks. At break times pupils are expected to be within sight of the Duty Staff. Music School, Technology room or ICT room use is only permitted with direct permission from relevant staff. Other places out-of-bounds except in authorised
circumstances include: •
Front of School.
Kitchen and dining hall.
Pitches and lawns over the winter and when the ground is too wet during summer.
Brook: when pupils are authorised to go to the brook by House staff, there must always be a minimum of three in a group, so that in the event of trouble one can go for help and not leave anyone there alone. Time of return must always be agreed with House staff before going.
Tuckwell Theatre.
Other Houses without permission.
Changing rooms and toilets: The Rickerby building toilets are accessible at breaktimes, but pupils are not to loiter. Pupils are expected to change quickly and quietly into appropriate kits, and leave the changing rooms tidy.
All roofs and lofts of School buildings.
Boarders have clearly defined bounds in the evenings and at weekends, and must use standard signing out and communication systems to go to these places.
Presence at School Pupils must be registered into School in the morning, and just after lunchtime. All pupils must sign out of Houses after the end of the day. If a child is unwell or has a medical appointment their absence must be communicated to Houses and the Front Office by parents, preferably in writing or email and if leaving during the School day, must be signed out from the Front Office. Other requests for absence must be addressed in writing in advance to the Headmaster.
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Respect for one’s own and other people’s property is a fundamental responsibility of all pupils. All text books and exercise books are expected to be treated respectfully and with care. Pupils are responsible for any text books on loan from teachers, and they should be returned in the same condition that they were given out. Exercise books, rough books, folders and homework diaries are to be kept tidily and clear of graffiti or doodles. Pupils who lose these will be expected to pay 50p for a replacement (Years 6, 7 & 8 School Planners will cost £5.00 to replace).
Only enter a School minibus or coach when told to do so by a member of staff. During a journey you may talk quietly to those around you. Do not leave your seat and wear the seatbelt correctly at all times. Do not distract the driver in any way.
Cars Pupils arriving at School in cars should unload and move quickly and safely from the front of School to Houses.
Bicycles Year 8 pupils may cycle into School with written permission from parents. These cyclists must conform to standard safety regulations including helmets and luminous or bright clothing. Cyclists enter the School grounds by the main entrance in front of Fortfield House, with due consideration for vehicles using that entrance. Bicycles are not to be ridden in the School grounds and must be left locked outside the Design Technology room and nowhere else. They must be in roadworthy condition, including lights, marked and registered on a form with the Houseparent.
Take good care of personal property, do not leave temptation around, and report any losses immediately. All clothing and personal property must be marked and must not be ‘borrowed’. Do not take property belonging to others – that is theft. Expensive personal possessions are brought into School at the owner’s risk and are not advised. The School cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. I-pods/music players or games consoles are strongly discouraged and may only be used with permission, e.g. on long journeys. If money is brought to School, this should be handed in to the Houseparents first thing in the morning. The School does not insure pupils’ personal effects and cannot take responsibility for anything lost. Trading cards or toys is not permitted, especially for money. Use of mobile telephones during the School day is prohibited. Pupils are not allowed to bring a mobile phone to School except by prior arrangement with the Deputy Head. Please respect the hard work done by those who work to maintain the School and its grounds, by being polite, grateful and thoughtful. Do not drop litter and keep the School clean, tidy and free from vandalism and graffiti. If you damage or lose any of the School’s property, please report it immediately.
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PROHIBITIONS The following activities are deemed unacceptable at Dean Close Prep School, in the interests of the wellbeing of both individual members and of the community as a whole. These include: •
The possession of toy guns or any other toys that maybe used to harm others.
The possession of illegal drugs and the abuse of solvents.
Smoking or drinking or the possession of tobacco or alcohol.
Chewing gum, spitting, swearing, gambling.
Buying and selling from/to each other without authorisation.
Mobile phones (except boarders – see Boarding Handbook).
REWARDS AND SANCTIONS Golden Credits Awarded for positive behaviour. Credits These are awarded for good work, good behaviour, etc., throughout the School day. Debits Orange Debits are given for bad behaviour outside of the classroom, Yellow Debits for poor work and or bad behaviour inside the classroom and Green Reminders for poor organisation. Red Debits are given for extreme incidents, where parents will be contacted immediately. Detention Two orange or two yellow debits in a one week period will result in a detention being served: Years 6–8 Tuesday or Thursday 5.15pm – 6pm Years 3–5 During lunch or break time. If a pattern of behaviour arises with debits and detentions, parents will be contacted to discuss appropriate solutions to return the pupils behaviour to expected levels. A further sanction of an evening or Saturday detention may be used, in extreme cases.
Always put litter in a bin and pick up pieces that we find to put in a bin.
Always 'Reduce, Re-use or Recycle' our rubbish.
Always turn lights and computers off when they are not in use.
Always close doors and windows to avoid letting cold air in or warm air out.
Always turn water taps off properly after we have used them.
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SCHOOL BUS INFORMATION A daily, term time bus service to and from Dean Close School is available to pupils on the following routes:
ROUTE 1 Depart
Return 18.55
Broadway (Swan Inn Car Park)
Laverton (Lay By)
Toddington (Spar Shop)
Winchcombe (War Memorial)
Rising Sun Bus Stop
Southam Jnc Bus Stop
Prestbury Rd Bus Stop
Priors Road (Simpsons Fish & Chip Shop)
CC Preparatory School
Dean Close
ROUTE 2 Depart
Moreton-in-Marsh (Manor House Hotel)
Stow-on-the-Wold (The Square)
Bourton on the Water
Guiting Foxhill
CC Preparatory School
Dean Close
ROUTE 3 Depart
FareFare Autumn
18.55 ₪
Burford Antiques Centre
Northleach (Fallows Rd)
Northleach Square
Compton Abdale (Junction)
18.33 ₪
East End (Duke of York)
Sixways (Garage)
CC Preparatory School
Dean Close
18.42 ₪
18.40 ₪
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ROUTE 4 Depart
Ashton Keynes
South Cerney (Water Park Info Centre)
Cirencester (Beeches)
Cirencester (Bowling Green Lane Bus Stop)
Cirencester (Stratton Shops Bus Stop)
Perrotts Brook
Cobberley Junction Bus Stop
Sandy Lane
CC Preparatory School
Dean Close
ROUTE 5 Depart
Gloucester Cattle Market
Churchdown (Bat & Ball)
Badgeworth Lane
Cheeserollers Bus Stop
Church Rd Leckhampton
CC Preparatory School
Dean Close
ROUTE 6 Depart
FareFare Autumn
Nailsworth Bus Station
Amberley Lay By
Stroud Bus Station
Lypiat Park
Murco Garage (Before The Camp)
Foston’s Ash
CC Preparatory School
Dean Close
*Change at CC Prep School. ₪ Dedicated connecting service joined at Andoversford. Fares are for Termly Season Tickets, effective 1 September 2017, prices may vary. Pro-rata tickets (part-term or part-week) are available on request. Inward Timetable runs Monday to Saturday inclusive, outward Timetable Runs Monday to Friday only.
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May be made by one of three options: monthly direct debit, termly payment or a capital fee scheme to cover a minimum of six terms. Details of each scheme may be obtained from the Bursary. Fees are due before the first day of term. Late payment charges may accrue after this date at 2% per month and a £50 administration charge may be made.
Certain items are charged on the School bills as extras. The following are included in the overall termly fee:
Should unforeseen financial difficulties arise, parents are advised to discuss the matter with the Bursar as soon as possible.
• • • • • •
All text books and stationery; laundry; equipment for games not listed as optional extras; entertainments in School; laboratory and CDT expenses (pupils wishing to keep completed items pay only for materials); travel on strictly educational expeditions and for teams to School matches; and all meals for boarders and lunch for day pupils.
The following pupil insurances are available on an opt in basis:
The following are not included: • all fees for external examinations; and • a few books (such as a dictionary) and personal equipment (such as a calculator).
The School Fees Refund Scheme (loss of fees through sickness) at 1.05% of fees
The School's group membership of AXA PPP Healthcare, at £75.00 per term
The Pupils' Personal Accident Insurance Scheme. From September 2016 the School has arranged for all pupils from Reception Year upwards to be covered by the Pupil's Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (incorporating dental injury) at no additional charge.
Personal Effects Insurance Scheme at £10.08 per term
Please note that your son’s/daughter’s personal possessions will not be covered by the School insurance. You may wish to check whether your own insurance covers these or take advantage of the Pupils’ Personal Effects Scheme. The School cannot accept liability for the loss of (by theft or negligence), or damage to, pupils’ personal property, or property on loan to them.
OPTIONAL EXTRAS Please note that a full term’s notice in writing is required to discontinue any optional extra. These include Music, Speech & Drama, Riding, extra private tuition, visits to plays, concerts, etc., outside the curriculum.
NOTICE OF LEAVING Notice to leave the School must be in a letter addressed to the Headmaster, signed by all parties to the parent contract. A full term’s notice is required, otherwise a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable. Provisional notice can of course be accepted where a pupils’ return to school depends upon examination results.
POLICIES Policies and procedures are found on the School website by clicking on the ‘About’ section of the Dean Close website Home Page. They are also available on request from the Front Office.
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THE STAFF Headmaster
Mr P Moss 2015
BA (Hons) (SOAS, London University)
Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Mr J Harris 1996
BA (Hons) (Reading), PGCE (Bath)
Deputy Head (Academic)
Mr M Walters 2016
BSc (Hons) and QTS (Worcester)
Head of Junior Forms
Mr G Wadsworth 2003
MA (Edinburgh), PGCE (Gloucestershire)
Senior Master
Mr E Harris 2006
BEd (Hons) (Sussex) WSIHE (West Sussex Institute of Higher Education)
Senior Mistress
Mrs E Bailey 2000
BSc (Hons) (Durham), PGCE (Bath)
Head of Boarding
Mr S Cahill 1991
BEd (College of Ripon & York. St John)
STAFF Mrs M Andrews 2015 BA (Hons) (Nottingham, PGCE (Manchester)
Mr D Fraine 2011 BA (Hons) (Loughborough), PGCE
Mrs J Moss 2015 BSc (Hons) (Loughborough), PGCE (Exeter)
Revd. J Ash 2016 Durham BA (Hons) Geography BA, (Durham) Theology BA. (Oxford, Wycliffe Hall)
Mrs A Godley 1997 BA (Hons) (Huddersfield), PGCE (Homerton College, Cambridge)
Mrs S Ridsdale 2015 BEd (Hons) (Bangor)
Mrs L Bailey 2006 BEd (Hons) (UWIC) Mr S Bell 2012 BMus (Leeds), MMus (Royal College, Leeds), FRCO (Royal College of Organists) Mrs M Blake 2014 BA (Russia)
Mrs A Gould 2011 BA (Hons), PGCE (Southampton) Mr J Gould 2011 BA (Hons), PGCE (Southampton) Ms O Hamilton 2015 BEd (Hons) (Glos)
Mrs R Bowen 2008 BA (Hons) (OU)
Mrs L Hunt 2012 B.Ed (Hons) (West Sussex Inst. of HE.) Forest School Leader
Mr R Brown 1997 BEng (Hons) (Exon), PGCE (Bath)
Ms S Iqbal 2013 BA (Hons), PGCE (University of Wales, Swansea)
Mrs J Cahill 2001 BEd (Hons), PGCSpLD, AMBDA (St. Paul and St. Mary, Cheltenham)
Mr D Jones 2006 BEng (Hons), MCSE (Loughborough)
Mr M Cooper 2011 BA (Hons) Oxford, PGCE (Oxford Brookes) Mrs S Davies 1998 BA (Hons) (French University of Bristol), PGCE (OU) Mr M Dobbs 2015 BA (Hons) (Durham), PGCE (Cambridge) Mr M Ede 1998 BSc (Hons), PGCE (Nottingham)
Mrs C Salisbury 2014 BSc (Hons) (Bristol), PGCE (Bristol) Mrs R Scharf 2010 CertEd (Bedford College) Mrs J Sheldon 2014 BA (Oxford), PGCE (Cambridge) Mr R Shelley 2007 BEd (Hons) (Exeter), MBA (OU) Mr C Standing 2009 BA (Hons), PGCE (Liverpool) Mr J Sutherland 2005 BEd (Hons) (Reading) Mrs L Sutherland 2004 BA (Hons) (Manchester Met), PGCE (Manchester)
Mrs L Lawrence 2007 BA (Hons) (Oxford Brookes)
Mrs S Thomas 2011
Mrs J Lyons 2010 BA (Hons) (Dunelm), PGCE (Bristol)
Mrs J Turner 2013 BA (Hons) (Exeter), PGCE (Cambridge)
Mr T J McVittie 2011 BA (Hons) (Dunelm), PGCE (Surrey), PGC Performance (Singing) (Trinity College, London)
Mrs R Wadsworth 2005 BA (Hons) (Durham), PGCE (Bristol), CELTA, Cert SLD
Mrs J Morgan 2006 BSc (Hons), PGCE (UWIC)
Mr P West 2008 BSc (Hons) (University of West of England), PGCE (Buckingham)
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Policies and Procedures All policies are available on request from the Front Office, some are also available to download from the School website. • • • • • • • •
Admissions Policy Antibullying Policy Complaints Policy and Procedure Data Protection Policy Health and Safety Policy Recruitment Selection and Disclosures Policy Risk Assessment Policy Safeguarding Policy
Full Name of School: Dean Close Preparatory School Address: Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 6QS Telephone: 01242 512217 Email: dcpsoffice@deanclose.org.uk Headmaster: Mr Paddy Moss Chair of Governors: Mrs Kathryn Carden (Can be contacted through the School Office) DCSF Number: 916/6034 EYFS Number: No under 3 provision, therefore not registered with EYFS Association Membership: IAPS Registered Charity Number: 1086829
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DEAN CLOSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Lansdown Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 6QS Telephone 01242 512217 Email dcpsoffice@deanclose.org.uk www.deanclose.org.uk