Young Decanian 2020/21

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Young Decanian 2021 (MASTER TEXT)_Layout 1 13/12/2021 16:57 Page 72


Paul Yates, DCPS Groundsman Paul first started work at Dean Close back in the mid 1970s and dedicated himself to keeping the grounds – the lawns, paths, drives, trees and plants – looking smart, presentable and safe for all of us. Thank you, Paul, for your hard work and total dependability over this exceptionally long period of service to Dean Close. We wish you a very long and happy retirement.

Staff Farewells Kate and Dan Fraine, Wilton House Parents 2017-2021 Kate and Dan Fraine have completed four very happy and fulfilling years as Wilton House Parents, looking after our younger boarding pupils with such dedication. Parents of Wilton boarders are so grateful to the Fraines – as we all are – for their unstinting hard work, their patience, their love and sense of humour. Wilton has been a happy place and children have felt secure because Kate and Dan’s approach has been one of embracing the Wilton children like they were simply part of their own family. And, arguably most important of all, Kate set expectations for fruit and veg consumption by pupils which were so high that these will never be matched, and boarders’ digestive tracts will never be so well polished again! Thank you, wonderful Fraine family.

Rachel Smith, DCPS Healthcare Supervisor (2018-2021) Thank you so much to Mrs Smith for looking after us through Covid-19 and tending to our bumps and grazes! Good luck in returning to the NHS.

Farewell to our younger staff! We extend a HUGE “thank you and farewell” to all our departing matrons and gappers and music department scholars - you have worked tirelessly and with great humour, giving so much to children, staff, parents and the school as a whole during your time with us. Back row, left to right: Mr Oliver Way, Mr Josh Roebuck (Organ Scholar) and Mr McKenzie Brailsford. Front row, left to right: Miss Bryony Parkinson, Miss Aoife Housden, Miss Imogen White, Miss Niamh Spiers and Miss Lilyella Bennet.

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John Stillman, Music Department and ‘band member’ John worked as part of the music department peripatetic staff team for around 20 years, teaching piano to many pupils over the years. His jazzy musicianship was second to none and his contributions to many, many drama and music department shows and performances – as part of the ‘band’ – will always be remembered with affection.

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