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closeness a feeling of belonging together

Dean Close Foundation Annual Repor t

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dean A foundation built on excellence

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close Introduction


The Foundation










Future Developments




Foundation Awards





32 3

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Weaving together the fabric of our organisation Dean Close is a multi-faceted organisation in which a multitude of activities takes place on any given day. With so much going on it can be hard to get a simple, clear overview of how we are doing. For that reason it is helpful on an annual basis to take stock and provide a summary to show this. Our Annual Report is a way of examining our performance and progress and giving everyone in the Dean Close community a fresh perspective on the Foundation. ... an opportunity to outline the challenges. The report is more than a useful snapshot and set of metrics; it is also an opportunity for us to outline the challenges we face as educators and how we intend to meet them. We are living through a technological revolution which is changing our world profoundly, and which has implications for our young people in terms of their sense of identity and purpose, their ability to manage their lives and priorities and their preparation for a world of work which is very different from the one we, their parents and teachers, emerged into decades ago.

distinctive features of a Dean Close education. Our focus is sharpening on the skills and qualities young people will need to thrive in, and contribute to, this new world. You will find in this Report some of our plans to develop our campus, curriculum and community, and future Annual Reports will reflect on progress towards these goals as they become ever more clearly defined. ... a particularly widespread and positive impact. As you will see, the Foundation is well placed to have a widespread and positive impact on many young lives, with over 1700 children aged 0-18 in our care at any time. It is our responsibility to ensure that each one of these has their life prospects and future happiness enhanced by the time they spend with us. Dean Close is particularly fortunate in the support we receive from our alumni, parents and friends. We are enormously grateful for all the support these groups offer, enabling us to give our very best to the children and young people in our schools and nurseries, and want to keep our supporters well informed about our achievements, challenges and plans. I hope you find this report useful and interesting.

We are adapting to these changes while at the same time maintaining our core values and the unique and

Emma Taylor Warden


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together We are a Foundation: the Senior School, our two Prep Schools, our Pre-Prep and our nurseries. Our scale gives us breadth of educational vision. It makes our schools more sustainable and gives us a broader perspective and a longer view. The Foundation portfolio has strengthened our finances. The diversity of activities in the Dean Close Foundation portfolio has strengthened the financial

position of Dean Close and thus our ability to improve facilities, keep fees manageable and offer the very best to pupils of all ages. After considerable investment and changes in structure, the schools and nurseries are all thriving. With centralised Foundation business functions, the schools and nurseries can concentrate on looking after their pupils and delivering the best education possible to each and every one.





Dean Close Junior School formed, now known as Dean Close Preparatory School

1886 DC





Dean Close Senior School opened


Dean Close Pre-Preparatory School ‘Squirrels’ established






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• Economies of scale - centralisation of administration and sharing of resources and facilities helps us keep costs down. • Profile - the scale of the Foundation gives Dean Close a higher profile, enabling us to influence.


dean close

• Minimisation of risk - our diversity helps insulate us against some of the threats faced by independent schools.

St John’s on-the-Hill School, Hedgehogs, Robins and Teddies Nurseries join the Dean Close Family





Treetops Nurseries Cheltenham and Gloucester are purchased and join the Founattion



Formation of the Dean Close Foundation. Dean Close House becomes ‘DCHQ’ - the Foundation head office.



• best practice - our teachers have a bigger and more diverse group of colleagues with whom to collaborate and share best practice. • Focus - with some leadership tasks now handled centrally, each of our schools’ Heads can focus fully on leading their school.



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closeup Just some of the highlights from across the Foundation this year



Delivery of a large tractor climbing frame, made by children at DCPS, to Treetops garden.

New Kindergarten opened for 3-4 year olds.

New training programme introduced for all 150 nursery staff from safeguarding through to improving the nursery experience. The nurseries now have apprentices and have established an Employment Promises scheme.


Rugby success at Rosslyn Park finishing 2nd in group after winning 5 out of 6 matches against teams from much bigger schools. The Year 6 Maths Team reached the semi-finals and the Year 8 Team finished runners-up at the Young Mathematicians’ Awards at Cambridge University.

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Awarded the Sponsorship Cup from the Everyman Theatre for sponsorship of the Family Ticket for The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

U13 Boys IAPS National Hockey Champions.

Winner ofthe Independent School of the Year SoGlos award for second year running.

Raised substantial funds for IT Schools Africa. Had an excellent Design and Technology WOW day including VR headsets.

Cassian Pichler-Rocca won BBC Radio 2 Young Chorister of the Year. Michael Lei became the youngest ever finalist at Gloucestershire’s Young Musician of the Year.

Nine pupils achieved Oxbridge places. Boys’ Hockey U16s 2nd and U18s 3rd in National Finals and Rugby 1st and 2nd XV teams undefeated season.


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It would be impossible to capture the diversity and richness of a Dean Close education, but we have attempted to set out an overview and some helpful statistics.

A total of 1707 children in our care Mathematics 10%

Nurseries Dean Close Preparatory St John’s on-the-Hill Dean Close Senior Dean Close Pre-Preparatory

Further Maths 4%

Leiths Course 7%

Business Studies 7%

Greek 1% Latin 1% Music 1% Theatre Studies 1%

Biology 6%

Classical Civilisation 2%

A Level Subjects

Religious Studies 2% Design Technology 2% Psychology 2%

Economics 6%

Physics 6%

Class of 2019

Spanish 3% Physical Education 4%

English 6% Chemistry 4% Politics 5%

Geography 5% French 5%

Business/Finance 15%

History 5%

Art 5%

Engineering 10% Sciences 8%

Theology 1% Sports Science 2% Computer Science 2%

University Subjects

Classical Studies 2% Drama 2% Maths 3%

Law/Criminology 10%

Class of 2018

Medicine/Pharmacy 4%

Sociology/Psychology 10%

Music 4% History 4%

Architecture/Built Environment/Development 5%

Geography 4%


English Literature 4%

Languages 5%

International Relations/Economics/PPE 5%

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This year across our


92 Concerts


members of the Old Decanian Society in 98 countries worldwide

eas ers Ov

Cambridge Manchester

rd bath o f UCL LSE Cardiff OxLeeds Exeter King’s College bristol Gloucester birmigham Holloway






St Andrew’s

Foundation staff



Leavers’ destinations – Class of 2018

GCSEs Over half of all grades were either


at GCSE or A*/A at IGCSE


One third of all grades were either 9-8 or

8 90%

pupils scored 8A*s or more

of the Year 10 Maths set who took their GCSE a year early gained a 9

Reformed GCSE qualifications are now awarded on a grade scale of 9 (the highest grade) to 1 (the lowest).

Plays & performances

Visiting speakers

Year Swansea Gap

Liv Derby Newcastle er po ol


Sports fixtures

A Levels

80% of all grades were A*- b


achieved A*- b in English Literature


Our top pupils scored

5A*s pupils achieved Oxbridge offers


got into their first or second choice universities


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closeties The Foundation is committed to forging relationships and partnerships of many kinds, at a variety of levels, as they bring huge value to the community in so many different ways. Here is a broad overview of current activity however this is a work-in-progress and a rich strategy is currently being formulated.

Local • Cheltenham Education Partnership – a collaboration of local schools, university and others • Careers network events in partnership with local business • BioMedical Ethics Group in partnership with local schools • Science fun days for local primary school • Sports Skills days for local primary children • Community use of facilities • Host for Gloucestershire Academy of Music • Forest School used by local primary school • Field Day projects with local primary schools and retirement homes • Community Action – voluntary work and fundraising • Nursery visits to Pre-Prep • Staff serving as Governors at primary schools • Staff collaboration with a local primary school and Growth Mindset Schemes 12

A thriving Community Action programme encourages Sixth Formers to see how easy it is to make a difference through local projects such as working with young children, the homeless or elderly.

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Regional (a developing area) • Member of Circle to Success (county business community) • Member of Chamber of Commerce • Partnership with Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum • Professional Sports Clubs links • Music outreach into the community

Tapping into the local business community of Cheltenham and Gloucestershire through Circle to Success has allowed Dean Close to expand its careers guidance and provision, including hosting a Careers Fair with around 30 businesses taking stands and meeting pupils.

National • Member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference (HMC) • Member of Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) • Member of the Boarding Schools' Association (BSA) • Member of The Independent Schools Christian Alliance (TISCA) & provide annual prefects’ training course • Member of the Choir Schools Association (CSA) • Host National Cyber Security Centre Day

Since the closing of the Abbey School in 2006, Tewkesbury Abbey’s choristers have been educated at Dean Close Preparatory School. The boys of Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum sing weekday evensong during term time in the Abbey and rehearse together at School five times a week.

International • Partnership Agreement with No7 High School, ChengDu, China • Major supporter of Nyakatakura School, Uganda: fundraising & child sponsorship programme • Ugandan regional diocese and business community links • Diocesan College Cape Town exchange programme • Australian exchange programme

Since 2005, Dean Close has enjoyed a link with Nyakatukura Memorial Secondary School in Ibanda, Western Uganda. A biennial, cultural exchange visit allows Sixth Formers to meet, teach, play and socialise with both primary and secondary age pupils as well as travel in Africa. Over the years the School has developed from benches under a mango tree to a well-equipped and largely self-sufficient school of over 500 pupils.


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account 14

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01/09/2017 to 31/08/2018

School Fees

Charitable Donations and Dividends/Interest


Dean Close Services ÂŁ2M






Earnings before Interest, Tax and Depreciation 2017/18 (EbITDA)

The ďŹ nancial year 2017/18 saw a much improved position compared to the previous year which had been a year of additional investment and much internal reorganisation. We saw a proďŹ t before depreciation/amortisation of ÂŁ0.9m. During the year the acquisition of two additional nurseries added to our portfolio and helped strengthen our ďŹ nancial position.

ÂŁ450,000 ÂŁ350,000 ÂŁ250,000 ÂŁ150,000 ÂŁ50,000 ÂŁ0


The independent schools sector faces tough challenges, in particular with increased employer’s costs with national insurance, pension, the national minimum wage and the Apprentice Levy. We also have the certain knowledge of a huge increase in the contribution to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme in September 2019. Other signiďŹ cant risks include the threat to our charitable (partial) exemption for property taxes and the possibility of VAT on school fees. The Foundation’s strategy of diversifying income sources is designed to mitigate against these threats and over time, relieve some of the pressure on parents’ ability to aord the school fees. In particular, the active development of our two subsidiaries, Dean Close Services Ltd (commercial services) and DCNL (ďŹ ve nurseries) has strengthened our ability to invest further in our people and facilities as well as improve long term sustainability.


Dean Close Services

ProďŹ t and Loss (EbITDA) ÂŁ1,600.00 ÂŁ1,200.00 ÂŁ800.00 ÂŁ400.00 ÂŁ0




2018/19 (Forecast)














Teaching Welfare Premises Administration Governance Fundraising Costs Other Costs

Adrian bowcher Bursar Dean Close Foundation

Trading Expenditure (Nurseries) Trading Expenditure (Dean Close Services - Retail, Theatre, Lets & Courses)


All statistics and ďŹ gures are correct at the time of going to press.


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What people say about us…

“We sensed renewed verve and confidence when we visited Dean Close. Energetic and forward-thinking leadership has resulted in nimble moves to accommodate changing work and family patterns. Yes, the school is looking to the future, but its founding moral and social values are as secure as ever.” Good Schools’ Guide

“Dean Close named as best of the best for its outstanding music provision and as runners-up for equestrianism.” The Week magazine

“A thriving, vibrant, progressive School ren development and helping to nurture each chi loved by many SoGlos readers who sho “We are currently watching the Dean Close magic working on our youngest child… For our family, Dean Close has genuinely been a school that meets its claims to bring out the best in every child.” Boarding family


“We most look forward to the House shout: a house singing competition where each house performs a song in the theatre in accordance with the theme. This year’s theme was 60s.” Current pupil

“My daughter is diligent, because she knows that all the teachers are working with passion and that they like to have successful pupils. Her teachers recognised her talents and have motivated her to believe in herself. Dean Close is the best learning environment for pupils who like to be successful.” Overseas family

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“My son currently attends the School having moved from a comprehensive in January. He adores it and it’s made a massive difference to him as a person, sportsman and on an academic basis. None of this would have been possible without the financial support the School has offered.” Parent with child awarded a bursary

Fantastically run School. Puts other schools to shame with how well informed they keep parents and we now have moved all three of our children here… our kids now actually run into school each day and can’t wait to get started. Facebook review

“Small school with big aspirations and remarkable achievements across both academics and broader aspects like music, art and sport. Each child is expected to achieve no matter what it is that they are good at and they are given the support and guidance to make it happen.”

“I appreciated everything; the study ethos, chapel choir, hockey, swimming, friends, supportive teachers, amazing facilities… it was all wonderful.” Old Decanian

Tatler Parents’ Questionnaire

ool renowned for focusing on individual ch child’s strengths. A School that is clearly ho showed their support with hundreds of votes.” SoGlos Gloucestershire Lifestyle Awards Winner of Best Independent School in Gloucestershire (2018 & 2019)

“I passionately talk to others about the girls' schooling, their social interaction and new life skills they have developed at St John's in a relatively short period. Sending the girls to you was the best decision my husband and I have ever made!”

Despite leaving over ten years ago, I still feel part of that community. The support I still receive boosts a musical career that sees me working with some of the best and brightest musicians in the UK and Europe.

Chepstow Family

“I am writing to say how grateful I am for the opportunity to carry out the investigation at Dean Close in an official lab. It was a fantastic activity that was really enjoyable and it helped us with our learning.” Letter received from a child after primary school visit to chemistry department

Old Decanian

“From our first tour of the School as parents we were very impressed with the attitude of the staff and the confidence of the pupils. Ollie and his sister have both flourished at the School and we have always found the support structure, both academically and pastorally, of the highest order.” Cheltenham family


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Exciting potential ...

close a 18

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e ahead ...feasibility and phasing yet to come. 19

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The need to develop In this time of unprecedented and accelerating change, an adjustment of educational emphasis is required, with a focus on the skills and qualities young people will need to thrive and to make a positive impact on society. While academic qualifications will remain important, other aspects of a rounded education are rising up the list of employers’ priorities. Skills like creativity, collaboration with others, problem solving and critical thinking are becoming ever more valued. While we have always developed these through our broad educational offering, we are focusing on them more closely and adapting our curriculum and school life to ensure that every pupil is able to leave Dean Close better equipped for the future. Inside and outside the classroom, we want increasingly to help pupils to make connections, between subjects, ideas and issues. We want them to understand their own strengths and potential better and to recognise the benefits of developing their skills. We want to build bridges for them to allow them to develop an understanding of the world of work and of the exciting future opportunities they are preparing to grasp.


Alongside enhancements to our teaching, mentoring and co-curricular provision, we believe that widening access to a Dean Close education will help prepare all our pupils for the future, because our Foundation Awards scheme is already adding to the School’s social diversity. This effect will be amplified, giving our pupils broader perspectives and greater empathy. Emotional intelligence is essential for thriving in a meritocracy and a broader school community is a good place to start developing this skill. As a Foundation, Dean Close can have a particularly widespread and positive impact. We can bring our educational vision to bear from ages 0 – 18 and in a number of locations. We have wonderful contacts through our partnerships and through Old Decanians, parents and our wider community. Guided by our values, we can ensure that we spread the benefits as widely and as influentially as possible.

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Our vision is to be ambitious, outward-looking and creative in equipping young people for the future.

21st Century Campus

Widening Access

The way we teach and learn is changing fast. We need the right facilities.

More bursaries will open the way to recruiting more talented and deserving pupils; keeping Dean Close grounded and more accessible.

A phased programme of new building work and refurbishment to create teaching and learning environments that inspire a love of learning and support the most up to date and effective teaching methods.

A new programme of generous means-tested places for talented and financially deserving pupils. The Foundation Awards will transform the lives of those who benefit directly from them. More widely, they will add to the diversity and vibrancy of the Dean Close community.


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21st Century

campus Our plans for a transformation at the very heart of the Senior School are taking shape. Though the images shown over the next three pages are conceptual, the potential is already exciting. This major development scheme is set against a background of investment across our campuses. • DCPS Centenary Hall • New astro pitches at the Senior School • The new Art and Design block at St John’s In addition to flagship facility projects, we have approved significant investments towards extensive refurbishment of the boarding houses in the Prep and Senior schools in Cheltenham and have recently completed work at St John’s.


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Phase1 21st Century Campus


Unlocking space for new projects and a major improvement in its own right, the Day House Village is a key development for Dean Close. After a year of construction the project is close to completion. Over the past year a major new addition to the Senior School campus has been gradually rising up on the east side of the Senior School site. The Day House Village is almost complete, on schedule for the move during the summer holidays and in time for day pupils to begin the 2019 - 20 academic year in their new accommodation. ... a major strategic investment At a cost of £4.5M, the Day House Village represents a major strategic investment for the Foundation,

justified by the two aims: 1. To transform the day pupil experience 2. To free-up space for major development at the centre of the School. ...clearing the way for development space at the heart of the School The benefits for day pupils and day house staff will be instant and profound. Beyond those benefits one can immediately point to, we anticipate a greater sense of pride and identity for our day pupils. Moving the day houses out of the academic quad unlocks large areas of development space at the heart of the School. The potential to capitalise on this is enormous. 23

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Phase2 21st Century Campus

THE ACADEMIC QUAD Looking across the Foundation, we have identified areas for modernisation and development. By far the most pressing of these is the Senior School Academic Quad. With the forthcoming move of the day houses from the Quad to the new Day House Village, the way is about to be clear for an extensive re-design of this key area of the Senior School.

Our aims:


To create an inspiring and attractive centre for the academic life of the School.

In March 2019 four architectural firms presented their conceptual designs in response to the Foundation’s development brief. We are now working with the selected firm to advance their concept into a more detailed scheme with a series of phases.

To upgrade the classrooms to support 21st Century teaching and learning methods. To provide opportunities for pupils and staff to meet and collaborate outside lessons. This is especially important given the house-based structure of Dean Close.

In summary, the elements of this development are likely to comprise: • A transformation of the Victorian front corridor area to provide lighter, more spacious classrooms for Maths and Humanities. • Creation of a centre for business and Economics, comprising classrooms, boardroom and conference space. • A complete transformation of the science building to meet the needs of 21st Century science teaching. • The creation of shared social and informal study space. • Modern landscaping.


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access In September our first ‘Foundationer’ joined Dean Close, with a place at the Senior School, made possible thanks to the generosity of ODs, parents and friends. Our recently launched Foundation Awards scheme provides means-tested funding for talented and financially-deserving pupils whose families would not conceive of a Dean Close education without very significant (usually 100%) fee support. ... contribute to social mobility Through this new scheme the Foundation aims to contribute to social mobility. Widening access to Dean Close is also clearly in line with our Christian values. Moreover, talented pupils inspire those around them, both pupils and staff, and a broader mix of cultures and backgrounds is healthy preparation for life beyond school. The response of the Dean Close community to the scheme so far has been encouraging, to the extent that we are now in a position to award a further 26

three Foundation Awards. So, we will soon have four Foundationers in the Senior School. outstandingly generous pledge Our first Foundation Award is named in commemoration of teaching legend Denys Carnill and is funded with donations from generous ODs who were inspired by Denys. We have recently confirmed the Old Decanian Foundation Award, thanks to a generous grant from the OD Society. And the parents of the 2018 leavers gave enough to fund a Sixth Form Foundation Award. We have also received an outstandingly generous pledge from an Old Decanian to endow a Foundation Award in perpetuity. These Foundation Awards will play an important role in contributing to the Dean Close of tomorrow. Visit our website for more information about Foundation Awards and how to support them.

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Within 10 years we aim to fund 20 Foundationers


The Denys Carnill Award

The Old Decanian Society Foundation Award


The Class of 2018 Foundation Award

Foundation Award funded by one very generous donor.


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closefriends 28

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“My own time at Dean Close was greatly enhanced by the many generous benefactors who went before me and ensured the long-term security and enhancement of a Dean Close School education. As President of the Council of Members and the Old Decanian Society, I am more than aware of the continuing generosity of parents, ODs and friends of the School and I thank you, on behalf of the entire Dean Close community, for choosing to show your support to Dean Close.�

THE LORD BERNARD RIBEIRO CBE President of the Council of Members and The Old Decanian Society


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DONORS NAMES The Abbot Family Mr & Mrs H Acland Mr & Mrs MJ Adams Mr H M Al-Darmaki Mr L Allington Mr JO Alpass Mrs S Amos Mrs J Bacon Mr DF Bailey Mr DT Barham Dr MR Barnes Mr I Bassett-Smith Mr M Bateman Mr MW Bawden Mr RG Bell Mr & Mrs S Bell Mr & Mrs TH Bence Dr AG Blyth Mr A Bolton & Family Mr & Mrs R Bolton Mr C Bown Dr W Bowring Lt Col AJ Briggs Mr TC Brown The Revd L Browne Mr NG Bryan Mr P Bryan Mr C Buckett Mr J Burgon Mr & Mrs N Burroughs The Lady D Butterworth Mr & Mrs S Cahill Mr P Cairns Mr B Cappuccini The Carducci Quartet Mr C Carmell Mr & Mrs DJ Carnill Mr JS Carpenter Mr & Mrs J Carter Mr J Chen Mr Chin & Ms Kong Mr Y Choi Mr T Clink Miss H F Colley The Revd RJM Collins Mr & Mrs D Conway Mr JRB Cook Revd R Coombs Mr I Cooper Mr & Mrs D Cormack Mr & Mrs Craig and Family Dr J Crossley Mr & Mrs T Daltry Mr A Dankov

Dr MG Dash Mr JN Deakin Mr R Deasy Lt Col J Denley Mr & Mrs H Dent Mr & Mrs Dickinson Miss R Donaldson Mr J Drew Revd Dr A Dunning Mr JW Eaden Mr AB Edginton The Elliott Family Mr S & Mrs Entts Mr H Evans Professor RJW Evans Mr & Mrs IF Ferguson Mr MS Fincham Mrs G Firth Mr D Ford Mr JHK Forster Mr CRF Foulkes Mrs S Fowler Mrs R Fraser Mr M Gammon Mr & Mrs E Gillespie Mrs J Gillman Mr M Girling Mrs A Godley Mr Goldingham Mr TJC Goudie Mr & Mrs A Greenwood The Gregory Family Mrs Griffin Mr & Mrs RC Grimshaw The Gupta Family Prof & Mrs RM Haine The Hall Family Mr F Hand Mr IG Handy Mrs LSM Hardy Mr JA Harington Hawes Mr RS Harman Mr & Mrs J Harris Lord & Lady Harrowby Mr REH Hawes Prof & Mrs P Helm Mr BVG Helsdon Mr & Mrs GN Henderson Mrs MJ Henderson Colonel JR Hensman Mr S Herbert Mr P Hilltout Mrs SL Hirst The Hodgkins Family

Mr P D House The Howell Family Mrs S Huxster Mr DW Jones Mr P Jones The Rev Canon Dr S Jones Mr SN Jones Mr & Mrs B Kent Mr N Kent Mr E Kent Mr & Mrs C Kenyon The Hon J Kirkham Mr & Mrs B Knight Mr P Knight Mr BW Knight Mr PH Knight Mr & Mrs S Lainé Mrs C Laine Mr & Mrs J Lancashire Mr G Lane Mr P Lebedev The Leishman Family Mr RC Letchworth Mr DR Long The Lovatt Family Mr & Mrs I Lowdon Mrs RA Luard Mr CP Lynam Miss LJ Mackenzie Mrs N MacKenzie Mr & Mrs AR Marchand Canon & Mrs I Marsh Lt Col BK Martin Sir P & Lady Marychurch Mr McCartney Mr & Mrs I McHardie-Jones Mr RM McMahon Mr PR Mercer-Wilson Ms L Millward Mr JH Moir Mr RJ Moreland Mr I Morton The Napier Family The Neale Family Mr Neubauer & Dr Wright Mr CAP Newman Mr & Mrs T Odell The Revd M Oram Mr R Oram The Osicki Family Mrs LJ Overbury Mrs S Padfield The Paget Family Parents’ Hockey Club

Mr & Mrs H Paxton Mr JM Peach Mr J Postlethwaite Mr B Powell Mr & Mrs S Ralph Mr & Mrs C Regan Mr A Reid Lord BF Ribeiro The Richardson Family Ms A Richardson The Riding Family Mr & Mrs C Roberts Miss R Rowley-Brooke The Ryan Family Mrs L Peri Samuels Mr R Searle Dr A Shepherd Lady Shields Mr A Simpkin Miss J Slatter Mr G Smallbone Mr M Smith Mrs C Stebbings The Stocks Family Mrs JS Stratford Rev H Symes-Thompson Mr & Mrs RS Taylor Lt Colonel ET Taylor Mr JN Taylor Mr S Thomas Mr D Till Mr CRG Timson Mr CJ Townsend Mr JE Townsend The Revd & Mrs C Turner Mrs S Vaus The Viney Family Mr & Mrs Warren The Wells Family The Rt Rev J Went Mr SK White The Revd & Mrs CE Whitney Mr HF Wickham Mr WJ Wickham The Williams & Family Mr JCB Winter Mr MC Womersley Mrs V Wong The Woods Family Mr & Mrs D Woods Mrs P Worden Dr & Mrs M Workman The Youde Family

Our supporters since the launch of the Organ Appeal in January 2012.


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to you all, whether you are named or have chosen to remain anonymous.


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TRUSTEES Mrs Kathryn Carden (Chairman of Trustees) Mr Simon Bullingham The Rev Richard Coombs Mrs Helen Daltry Mr Stephen Drew Mr Ian Duffin Mr Richard Harman Mrs Sara L Hirst Mrs Audrey Marsden Mrs Karen Riding Mr Matthew Smith Lt Colonel Edward Taylor (Old Decanian)

The role of the Board of Trustees is to: Have responsibility for statutory compliance in a number of areas, including finance, Health & Safety and Safeguarding Provide the School’s strategic vision and direction Approve budgets, monitor income and expenditure and agree major projects Maintain an educational and pastoral overview Make senior appointments Provide a source of wisdom, advice and support for the School Identify and recommend new Members and Trustees 32

“Sometimes, our Trustee meetings are accompanied by the exuberant shouts from a rugby match, or we may be scrutinising a set of finance papers while outside there is the sound of wood on willow during a prep school cricket match. Perhaps a loud complaint about the amount of prep someone has will drift up through the window while we work through our meeting agenda. These moments remind us why we Trustees serve in this entirely voluntary role: because of the young people whose development we encourage and support. That is the main reason why I serve as a Chairman of the Board of Trustees, but there are two other reasons. Firstly, Dean Close is a very special place which made a real difference to the education of my sons and to their lives – and I wanted to be able to say thank you in a practical way. Secondly. I hope my experience of working in businesses, in educational organisations and of leading boards is useful to the Foundation, and to the leaders within each of our schools and nurseries.” Mrs Kathryn Carden Chairman of Trustees

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“It is the Christian ethos that makes Dean Close such a unique School and why I am so glad to serve as a Trustee. My four children have all benefitted from the excellent education and other opportunities that the School provides. I very much enjoy helping to set the strategy for the School and ensuring that the School remains true to its original Christian principles in an increasingly secular and complex culture.”

“I became a governor when the challenge of supporting the School’s proposed building programme, starting with the Day House Village, initially sparked my interest. My role is largely to do with finance and property matters, particularly the building elements. I am a Chartered Surveyor and enjoy the challenges that constructing buildings presents, particularly in a busy school environment.”

“After a teaching career in Pre-Prep and Early Years it has been my pleasure to take on a link role for the Nurseries. However, like all trustees, I have a regard for the whole Foundation; from tiniest babies to senior pupils, its many employees and the exciting diversity afforded the Foundation since its expansion. I had no prior knowledge of Dean Close but have been heartened to witness the reality of my expectations. ”

The Rev Richard Coombs

Mr Simon bullingham

Mrs Audrey Marsden

“I enjoy the days I spend at Dean Close Preparatory School, where I am currently a liaison trustee for the teaching staff and responsible to the board for the effective implementation of our Safeguarding and PSHCE policies. I chat to the Head, sit in on classes, talk to children at lunch, watch some of their performances and generally try to make sure that I am well-informed about the School and can contribute effectively to Governors’ meetings.”

“Being a Trustee at Dean Close is a big responsibility; it is also a great honour, and in my eyes, a chance to help secure the future success of this remarkable institution. With my background in international banking, I am able to provide support to the executive group on financial, strategic and organisational matters.”

“I became a Trustee because, as an OD, I was keen to give something back to the School. I would not have the friends, hobbies and employment that I enjoy today without the opportunities that Dean Close offered me both as a pupil and having lived there growing up as a housemaster’s son. My roles include overseeing Concessions and Health and Safety matters while bringing to the table experience of working in a large organisation like the Army, such as Leadership, Communications and Processes.”

Mr Stephen Drew

Mr Matthew Smith

Lt Colonel Edward Taylor (Old Decanian)


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The role of the Council of Members is to:

Elect new Members and the Board of Trustees Approve the Annual Accounts Act as ambassadors for Dean Close Provide a source of wisdom, advice and support for the School and for Trustees The Council is led by the President, Lord Ribeiro, CbE* The Reverend M Allen The Reverend S Austen Mr G W Barnes Mr H Bradby Mr M Bowen Mr A R Bird* Mr M J Cartwright Mrs R Dick Mr J Drew Mr B Davies Mrs R Eden Mr S Foster Mr D Goode Dr J Haynes The Earl of Harrowby Professor E Higginbottom Mr H J Hodgkins* The Reverend Dr J M Holmes* Mr J Hall Mr A J Hunt Dr R Irvine* Mr N Jenkins* Mr A Judge Mrs F L Knight* Prof F Leishman Mr T R Lewis


AVM R Lock, CBE The Reverend R Mackay Mr P Maynard The Reverend D J S Munro Mrs P G Napier Mr N Patterson Mrs K Pinsent Mrs A Porter Mr M Philip-Sorensen* Mrs J Sykes Mr S Thomas Mr S Thomas Mr J Townsend* The Reverend Canon T P Watson The Reverend Canon P R Williams* The Right Reverend Paul Williams Emeritus Members: Mr C J Buckett Mrs G M Cocks Mrs L S M Hardy Mr C P Lynam Mrs C Laine

*Old Decanian

Development board

The Development Board, formed in 2017, brings external rigour to Dean Close development, both in terms advising on and refining the Foundation’s development projects and providing leadership and guidance on the fundraising. Our Membership: Mr Matthew Smith (Chair) Mrs Helen Daltry Mrs Eve Iravani Fateh Mr Vasily Pasetchnik Mr Mark Philip-Sorensen Mr David Till Ex officio members: Mrs Emma Taylor Mr James Underhill Mr David Evans Miss Felicity Copp

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keepclose DC



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closed until next year



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