Pre-Preparatory School Michaelmas 2019 Calendar

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USEFUL NAMES AND NUMBERS Headmistress: 01242 258079 Dr Carolyn Shelley Deputy Head: Mr James Cowling Headmistress’ PA/Office/ 01242 258079 Lady Lesley Miller Pre-Prep Registrar: Health Centre: 01242 258080 or 01242 258046 Bursar: 01242 258086 Mr Adrian Bowcher Bursary (Invoice Enquiries): 01242 258042 Miss Kay Hodges School Shop: 01242 258016 Mrs Kate Wood After School Crèche: 07935 481612 Staff Room: 01242 267422 or ext 339 CHELTENHAM

TERM DATES 2019 / 2020 MICHAELMAS 2019


Tuesday 3rd September – Thursday 12th December (3.30pm, no Crèche) Half Term: Exeats (DCPS):

Friday 18th October (12 noon) Friday 27th September

(No Crèche) Monday 4th November (Crèche until 5.00pm) Monday 30th September

Friday 22nd November

(Crèche until 5.00pm) Monday 25th November

LENT 2020 Tuesday 7th January – Friday 27th March (12 noon, no Crèche) Half Term: Exeats (DCPS):

Friday 14th February

(Crèche until 5.00pm) Monday 24th February

Friday 24th January

(Crèche until 5.00pm) Monday 27th January

Friday 6th March

(Crèche until 5.00pm) Monday 9th March

TRINITY 2020 Tuesday 21st April - Friday 3rd July (12 noon, no Crèche) Half Term:

Friday 22nd May

(Crèche until 5.00pm) - Monday 1st June

Exeat (DCPS):

Thursday 7th May

(Crèche until 5.00pm) - Monday 11th May


8.00am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 8.00am – 12.30pm 10.00am – 12.00 noon

AFTERNOON 1.30pm – 4.00pm 1.30pm – 6.00pm 1.30pm – 6.00pm 1.30pm – 6.00pm 1.30pm – 4.00pm 12.30pm – 3.00pm

PARENTS ARE INVITED TO ALL EVENTS IN BOLD (AS APPLICABLE) Dean Close Pre-Preparatory School Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 6QS. Tel: 01242 258079

School Calendar Michaelmas Term



Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th


School Closed for Pupils. 2.00pm. DCPPS SMT Meeting. School Closed for Pupils. 9.00am - 4.15pm. Staff Inset Day.

Monday 4th

8.45am. Term Recommences. Crèche from 8.15am.

Tuesday 5th

8.30am. Year Two to DCPS Assembly in the Centenary Hall. Year Two Pupils to be in by 8.15am please.

School Closed for Pupils. 9.00am - 4.15pm. Staff Inset Day.

Thursday 7th

8.30am – 10.30am. Parent and Toddler Stay and Play Session for 0 - 3 year olds in the Pre-Prep Hall. Book Fair in the Pre-Prep Hall.


Friday 8th

School Closed for Pupils. Monday 2nd

9.00am - 4.15pm. Staff Inset Day.

Monday 11th

3.00pm – 3.45pm. New Parents’ and New Children’s Reception in the Pre-Prep Hall.

Tuesday 12th

8.30am – 9.40am. Parents’ Prayer Fellowship at Dean Close House. Book Fair in the Pre-Prep Hall. Book Fair in the Pre-Prep Hall. Class Councils this week. Book Fair in the Pre-Prep Hall. am. Reception Visit to Dinky Street.

Tuesday 3rd

8.45am. Term Starts. Crèche from 8.15am.

Thursday 5th

7.15pm for 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Parents’ Curriculum Evening.

Thursday 14th

Monday 9th

All Extra-Curricular Activities begin (Music, Dance, Speech and Drama, Tennis, Art and Craft, META Club, PE Club, Gymnastics Club and GLOW Club).

Kindergarten Fun Day. (All part-time Kindergarten children who are not normally in School are invited to attend. Collection time 11.45am.) 1.20pm – 1.50pm. Informal Music Concert for Instrumentalists.

Monday 18th

School Council Meeting.

Tuesday 10th

Year Two Dinosaur Detectives ‘WOW’ Day.

Tuesday 19th

9.15am - 10.00am or 10.45am – 11.30am. Early Years Open Morning.

Wednesday 11th

Year One Visit (Focus on Forces) to Hatherley Park.

Thursday 21st

Friday 13th

8.30am – 9.30am. Parents’ Coffee Morning in the Pre-Prep Hall. 8.30am – 9.40am. Parents’ Prayer Fellowship at Dean Close House.

Year One Castle ‘WOW’ Day. 8.30am – 10.30am. Parent and Toddler Stay and Play Session for 0 - 3 year olds in the Pre-Prep Hall.

Monday 16th

School Council Elections Week.

Friday 22nd

8.30am – 9.40am. Parents’ Prayer Fellowship at Dean Close House. DCS and DCPS Exeat – Crèche until 5.00pm.

Wednesday 18th

Whole School ‘Creative Arts’ Activity Day. (Nursery and Kindergarten children who are not normally in School are invited to attend. Collection time 11.45am.) Tuesday 3rd

9.30am. Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Performance. (Nursery and Kindergarten children who do not normally attend School are included. Collection time 10.45am.)

Wednesday 4th

9.30am. Christmas Performance for Parents and Families.

Thursday 5th

9.30am. Christmas Performance for Parents and Families.


Thursday 19th

Year One Visit to Warwick Castle.

Monday 23rd

School Council Meeting.

Wednesday 25th

8.00am start. Individual Pupil Photographs and Family Groups. (All part-time children who are not normally in School are included. Collection time 10.25am.)

Thursday 26th

8.30am – 10.30am. Parent and Toddler Stay and Play Session for 0 - 3 year olds in the Pre-Prep Hall.

Friday 6th

Friday 27th

8.30am – 9.40am. Parents’ Prayer Fellowship at Dean Close House. DCS and DCPS Exeat – Crèche until 5.00pm.

Saturday 7th

Saturday 28th

Trustees Meeting in the Pre-Prep Hall.

Monday 30th

All children to return to School in Winter Uniform.

Tuesday 1st

am. Year Two Dinosaur Workshop.

Saturday 5th

9.00am - 11.00am. Open Morning for Prospective Pupils.

Monday 7th

3.15pm - 7.00pm. Parental Consultation Evening.

Thursday 10th

8.30am – 10.30am. Parent and Toddler Stay and Play Session for 0 - 3 year olds in the Pre-Prep Hall. 1.20pm – 1.50pm. Informal Music Concert for Instrumentalists.


Friday 11th

8.30am – 9.40am. Parents’ Prayer Fellowship at Dean Close House.

Thursday 17th

9.30am and 2.30pm. Harvest Celebrations. Theme ‘Fabulous Food!’

Friday 18th

12 noon. Half Term Starts. No Crèche.

8.30am – 9.40am. Parents’ Prayer Fellowship at Dean Close House. 9.30am. Christmas Performance for Parents and Families. End of Term Progress Report goes home to Parents. 10.00am. Year Two Rugby and Netball Matches with Cheltenham College at Cheltenham College.

Tuesday 10th

11.00am. Christingle Service in Dean Close Chapel. (All parents and part-time Nursery and Kindergarten children are invited to attend.) Mince pies and coffee for parents in the Pre-Prep Hall after the Service.

Wednesday 11th

10.30am. Children’s Christmas Entertainment ‘The Big Snowy Christmas’ at the Bacon Theatre. (Part-time Nursery and Kindergarten children who are not normally in School are invited to attend. Drop off time 10.00am. Collection time 12.30pm after lunch.) 12 noon. School Christmas Lunch.

Thursday 12th

1.15pm. Children’s Christmas Parties. (Part-time Nursery and Kindergarten children who are not normally in School are invited to attend. Collection time 3.25pm.) 3.30pm. End of Term. No Crèche.

Friday 13th

9.00am – 12 noon. Staff Inset Day.

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