Dean Close School
ORGAN APPEAL An unique opportunity to contribute to the heart of spiritual and musical life at Dean Close School
A New Chapel Organ - The Heart of our School The Chapel organ lies at the heart of our Chapel life and supports the worship of every single child and adult across the three Dean Close schools. It sets the mood and atmosphere in Chapel, be it reflective, joyful, calming or uplifting, and inspires our voice as a community. For our pupils, past and present, the Christian ethos and our choral tradition are central to life at Dean Close. But our Chapel organ is failing. Coaxing reluctant and broken pipes to speak and inspire our singing and choirs has been a challenge for many years. It is no longer in a suitable state for accompaniment or teaching. Despite regular maintenance work and tuning, many notes cannot be played, the electronics have failed and the organ is now beyond repair. Professional advice is that replacement is urgent.
Neil Jenkins, Old Decanian, Music Scholar (1959 – 63), and internationally famous tenor “The Chapel organ was an old lady when I arrived at DCS in 1959, so it is definitely time to let her enjoy her retirement. Since choral music, and School music in general, is at such a high peak these days, their performance will be transformed further by the addition of a glorious new instrument from one of the country's leading organ-builders�.
The Proposed New Organ A new organ in Dean Close Chapel is essential for us to set the highest standards for worship and for the performance and teaching of choral and organ music. We pride ourselves on our choral musical tradition, on high standards of tuition, and on the calibre of our choirs and organ scholars. The new organ and console will be built over the Vestry entrance to become a stunning visual focus as well as acoustically transforming the Chapel. After careful and thorough research, Nicholson of Malvern, a traditional English organ maker for over 150 years and local to our School, has been briefed to design and build the new organ. It will be an organ of English tonality that will transform the chapel ambiance. It will have the power to lead our congregational and choral singing and to be a teaching and recital instrument with a specification that will do justice to a wide repertoire of organ music. The design of the new Chapel organ promises to inspire and excite not only our young organists, choirs and children, but also through our links with Cheltenham Festivals, the Royal School of Church Music, the Gloucestershire Organists’ Association and other groups, we will ensure many people access this new instrument.
The Appeal Target Dean Close pupils deserve the best facilities – whether it be for sport, drama or music – and it is time that the School had an organ of which we can be proud. Replacing a pipe organ that will last for well over 100 years is expensive. It is a vast hand-crafted instrument built to the highest standards and the new instrument will cost over £500,000. Whilst school fees cover our ongoing running costs, one-off expenditure of this magnitude cannot be met from income. Through some early donations, a legacy, and support from the trustees, we have made a very encouraging start and have raised more than half the funds needed. Our shortfall and fundraising target is £250,000. Replacing the organ relies on financial support from Old Decanians, parents and our wider community and we urge you to consider making a donation.
Meurig Bowen, Director, Cheltenham Music Festival “The standard of choral music at Dean Close School is second to none. A new Chapel organ to match would make putting on concerts and recitals more viable and appealing, and that is definitely an exciting programming prospect for the Cheltenham Music Festival”
Sponsor a Pipe Appeal We need to raise £250,000 and we are inviting you to support the Appeal by becoming either a Founder Benefactor or a Stop or Pipe Sponsor. All supporters will be invited to make a dedication alongside their donation. This will be recorded in a bound Benefactors’ Book that will be kept for posterity in the Chapel. An Acknowledgment Certificate is available on request. All supporters will be invited to the special service of dedication and to celebratory events once the new organ is installed.
Founder Benefactors Donors who wish to make a donation exceeding the stop sponsorships’ options will become Founder Benefactors of the new organ in Chapel. Founder Benefactors of the Appeal will play a vital part in securing the necessary funding. Please contact the Development Office to discuss in more detail how your support could be acknowledged including:•
Family named on the Founder Benefactors’ plaque in the Chapel
Invitations to many ongoing special VIP events taking place at School, Tewkesbury Abbey, The Cheltenham Music Festival and Merton College, Oxford University.
A special visit to see the organ being built on site in Malvern.
A tour of the new organ with the Director of Choral Music.
A celebration dinner for the Founders which will take place on completion of the Organ Appeal.
Founder Benefactors are also invited to put together a stop list of their choosing if they would like to purchase stops for individual family members.
Stop Sponsors As a Gold (£5,000), Silver (£2,500) or Bronze (£1,000) donor you can Sponsor a Stop – the suite of pipes that produce the unique organ tones. The pipes will range in size from 1 foot to 16 feet long; and a suite of these pipes produces a stop. All Stop sponsors will be offered recognition on a plaque within the Chapel and a special tour of the new organ with the Director of Choral Music. Stop sponsors will be invited to special ongoing VIP events.
Pipe Sponsors You can sponsor individual pipes that are £75, £125, £250 & £500 each. Individual console keys are £50 each. All Pipe and Key sponsors will be aclnowledged in the Benefactors’ Book.
GOLD £5,000 16ft
Double Open Diapason Open Wood Principal Subbass Posaune Basson Quint
Great Pedal Pedal Pedal Pedal Swell Pedal
Principal tone-case pipes Open bass sound Warm bass sound Underpinning warm tone Trombone tone Bassoon-like reed tone Deep pedal tone
Swell Great Great Solo Solo Solo Swell Swell Swell Swell Swell Pedal Great Great Pedal Pedal Great
Principal tone Delicate flute tone Warm string tone Voluptuous flute tone Clarinet tone Strident brass tone Soft string tone Sweet flute tone Ethereal string tone Trumpet tone Oboe tone Flute tone Loud principal tone Soft principal tone Principal tone Trumpet tone Loud trumpet tone
Great Great Swell Solo Swell Swell Pedal Great Great Great Swell Great
Principal tone Light flute tone Brilliant brass tone Rich flute tone Bright principal tone Light flute tone Principal tone Higher flute tone Bright principal tone Brilliant flute tone Brilliant principal tone Sour flute tone
Mark Philip-Sorensen, Old Decanian and current parent “Chapel is one of my lasting memories of School, bellowing out those great British hymns, accompanied by the sheer power of the organ! It will always stay with me, as I've no doubt it will with my own children”.
SILVER £2,500 8ft
Open Diapason Stopped Diapason Gamba Flute Harmonique Corno di Bassetto Bombarde Viola Stopped Flute Voix Celeste TC Trompette Hautbois Bass Flute Large Open Diapason Small Open Diapason Octave Clarion Trumpet
BRONZE £1,000 4ft
Principal Chimney Flute Clarion Flute Harmonique Principal Tapered Flute Fifteenth Nazard Fifteenth Blockflute Fifteenth Tierce
Pedal Organ Great Organ Swell Organ Solo Organ
(lowest - biggest pipes) (loudest division) (expressive division) (smallest division)
£500 £250 £125 £75 £50
How to Give You can make your gift with a one-off donation or via direct debit over a period of time through the forms provided. There are also opportunities to maximise your gift at no extra cost to yourself through tax-effective giving. Full details of the sponsor a pipe appeal can be found at: For more information, please contact Victoria Waddington or Felicity Copp in the Development Office, Dean Close School, Shelburne Road, Cheltenham GL51 6HE T: 01242 267439 E: T: 01242 267439 E:
Any donation, large or small, will be most welcome and you will be helping install a unique instrument that will be at the heart of spiritual and musical life at Dean Close for generations to come.
Dean Close Choirs Our Chapel Choir holds an unrivalled position as a leading school choir in this country. Over the last five years, in addition to regular appearances in Tewkesbury Abbey and St Paul’s Cathedral, the choir has sung in St Mark’s Basilica, Venice, St Thomas Church, 5th Avenue, NY, the Cathedrals in Salzburg and Vienna, and Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris. The choir has recorded on the Hyperion and Priory labels and has appeared in a live R3 broadcast concert with the BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales from St David’s Hall, Cardiff. Composers who have written for the choir include Bob Chillcot, Philip Wilby, Nico Muhly and Howard Goodall. Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum is based at Dean Close Preparatory School and there is a natural progression of choristers into the Senior School, many of whom study the organ and other instruments to a high standard.
Musical Alumni Dean Close School has attracted many singers and organists over its 125 years’ history. Many have gone on to win choral and organ scholarships to Oxbridge colleges. Amongst our many talented alumni are world-renowned tenor, Neil Jenkins, and Matthew Martin, who was Organ Scholar at Magdalen College, Oxford and later organist at Westminster Cathedral. More recently Ashok Gupta held the organ scholarship at Clare College, Cambridge and Alistair Reid the organ scholarship at Exeter College, Oxford. The School offers a number of organ scholarships to talented young people. The new organ in Chapel will enable us to attract gifted young musicians.
Matthew Martin, Old Decanian, composer and organist “I am enormously grateful to Dean Close School that I had the opportunity to study as an organ scholar. I often reflect on that time when I play, compose or conduct - the musical grounding I received was of the highest order and has proved an invaluable tool for my musical career�.
For more information about the Dean Close Organ Appeal please contact Victoria Waddington or Felicity Copp / Telephone 01242 267439 appeal
Dean Close School Shelburne Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 6HE
New Standing Order Instruction Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and in dark ink and return to the Development Office. To The Manager, [Your Bank Name]
Please set up the following Standing Order and debit my / our (delete as appropriate) account accordingly. Please pay
Dean Close School Campaign Account
Account number
Sort code
from my / our Account as detailed below quoting reference:
Account Details Account Holder(s) Name:
Account Number:
Account Holding Branch:
Sort Code:
About the Payment I would like to pay an initial sum of £
on the DD/MM/YYYY
I would like to make ongoing payments of £ (Please tick one):
Please continue to take these payments until (please tick one): DD/MM/YYYY
until further notice (payments will be made until you cancel this instruction).
Confirmation Account Holder(s) Signature: Date: DD/MM/YYYY
Donation Form
Thank you very much for your support. Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and return with your cheque or payment instructions to The Development Office, Dean Close School, Shelburne Road, Cheltenham GL51 6HE. If you have any questions or require any assistance in completing this form please do not hesitate to contact the Development Office on 01242 267439 or email All donations can be discussed in total confidence and remain anonymous if desired.
I WISH TO BECOME A FOUNDER BENEFACTOR OF THE NEW ORGAN IN CHAPEL Those who wish to make a donation exceeding the stop sponsorship options please contact Victoria Waddington in the Development Office to discuss becoming a Founder Benefactor.
Number Available
Single donation
Monthly donation by Standing Order over 1 year 2 years
3 years
16’ (Gold)
8’ (Silver
£ 69.44
4’ (Bronze)
£ 83.33
£ 41.66
£ 27.77
Please indicate the name of the stop(s) you would like to sponsor or we will choose your stop(s) for you. If already sponsored we will contact you for another choice. Name of Stop - 1st Choice............................................................................... 2nd Choice.....................................................................................................
Single donation
Monthly donation by Standing Order over 1 year 2 years
3 years
£ 6.94
£ 5.20
£ 3.47
£ 75
£ 6.25
£ 3.12
£ 2.08
MY GIFT OF CHOICE I would like to make a single gift to Dean Close School Campaign Account
Dean Close School is a charity, registered in England and Wales, Number 1086829
RECOGNITION Stop sponsors’ names will be acknowledged on a plaque inside Chapel. All sponsors’ names will be included in our Benefactors’ Book that will be kept in the Chapel. Your gift can be in your own name or in that of someone whom you wish to remember with a brief dedication. We will also acknowledge you in our literature and on our website. If you would like an acknowledgement certificate please indicate. Please acknowledge my gift as being from (eg Mr John Smith) Dedication
Please send an acknowledgment certificate in the name of I wish to remain anonymous
Address Postcode Contact Tel For ODs only:
Email House
Year of Leaving
PAYMENT DETAILS I enclose a cheque for £
made payable to Dean Close School Campaign Account
Bank Transfer (Please pay Dean Close School Campaign Account . Account Number 11314386 . Sort Code 40-17-09) Standing Order (Please complete and return the form)
GIFT AID AND PAYMENT FORM - Make Your Donation Worth More - Gift Aid Declaration (UK tax payers only) I would like this donation to Dean Close School and any others that I make in the future to be treated as Gift Aid donations until I notify you otherwise. I confirm that I have paid an amount of income or capital gains tax (in the UK) equal to the tax to be reclaimed by Dean Close School Signature
Higher rate tax payers can claim further tax relief in their self assessment tax returns. If you would like to find out how you can maximise your gift through tax-effective giving, please contact the Development Office for more details.