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Who am I ?
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Dean Close seeks to treat every member of the School community as unique and equally valuable
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I am
Young children are welcomed into our happy and
teacher to pupil ratio makes this possible, together
caring community, which nurtures confidence and
with our dedication to appreciate the individuality and
independence. The warm, family atmosphere provides
achievements of each and every child.
a secure environment in which children develop and flourish and are encouraged to understand the needs
The Christian ethos is at the heart of the School. We
of others.
believe that each child is a valued and unique member of the community and is loved by God.
We celebrate the relationship that each member of our staff has with every child and their family. Our high
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Dean Close believes the joy of discovery is at the heart of successful learning
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I am
We understand that a child's first experience of school
respond to our rapidly changing world. Our aim is to
is a vital step in their learning journey, developing the
provide a broad and exciting, child-centred curriculum
knowledge, skills and self confidence which lay the
which will ignite a love of learning, enabling each child
foundations for their lives. The ability to think creatively
to develop and flourish as they take their first steps
and solve problems is a key part of being able to
in education.
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I am
Our beautiful School grounds provide the perfect
Further afield, regular educational visits to wildlife
environment to ensure that we can harness a child's
parks, farms and interactive museums fire
natural wonder and eagerness to explore and
children’s natural curiosity, whilst visiting authors,
understand their world. Our Forest School gives the
musicians, explorers and charity workers bring the
children the chance to discover the wonders of the
outside world into the classroom. We even have
forest as they build dens, create trails, forage for
helicopters landing on the School field, fire engines
mini-beasts and paint with mud, inspiring a love of
parked in the playground and Harrier Hawks soaring
the natural world.
above our heads!
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Dean Close opens a child’s eyes to the wonder that is all around them
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I am
Art, cookery, drama, class music, strings group, choir
Most recently, pupils have begun taking LAMDA
are all part of the normal school day and just some of
examinations in speech & drama and won
the ways we develop children’s natural creativity.
the Choral Speaking Competition at the Cheltenham Festival.
Extra tuition is available for speech & drama; ballet, modern and tap dance; and piano, violin or cello
We strongly encourage parents to come into School
lessons with specialist teachers. Young strings players
regularly to watch their child perform on the stage in
are fortunate to be taught by the world renowned
our large Pre-Prep school hall and to share and
Carducci Quartet and are members of the first
celebrate their child’s achievements.
Pre-Prep strings orchestra.
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Dean Close lets ambition and imaginations soar
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Dean Close nurtures excellent all-round development
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I am
Our excellent facilities and teaching ensure that
astro-pitches, indoor gym and outdoor adventure
children gain the grounding they need to develop
playground. These provide a fantastic resource for
co-ordination, manipulation and controlled movement.
physical activity enabling children to develop fully, from
Working and playing together equips them with an
the co-ordination needed in tennis, to the speed
understanding of co-operation and team work, which
needed on the rugby field.
are so important in life. Children are coached by specialist sports teachers in Facilities shared by the whole Dean Close community
rugby, swimming, tennis and dance and are able to
include a 25m indoor swimming pool, sports hall,
compete in School calendar events such as the tennis
dance studio, tennis courts, extensive playing fields,
tournament and swimming gala.
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I am
Within the Dean Close environment every child is
to talk to each child and circle time is used to develop
encouraged, through positive praise and gentle
their confidence when speaking in front of their peers.
guidance, to learn the rules of friendship, helpfulness and trust. Each class follows golden rules which
Children are encouraged to think of others by
teach consideration, politeness and generosity.
participating in charity events, such as supporting the building of water pumps in African villages; training
Learning how to communicate honestly and naturally
guide dogs for the blind; and sending Christmas
is vital in developing the social skills we all need
presents to less privileged children around the world.
throughout life. Our staff enjoy taking time every day
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Dean Close values community, respect for others, willingness to help and responsibility for our own actions
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I am
Dean Close
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DEAN CLOSE PRE-PREPARATORY SCHOOL Lansdown Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 6QS Telephone 01242 258079 Email
HathaGraphics Ltd. 01558 822433