DCS Senior Information Book 2015

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Senior School Information Book September 2015

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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk


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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk

Contents Introduction The House System : Day & Boarding Academic Curriculum Results Sport Music Drama Art Activities Sixth Form Life Careers Department Leavers’ Destinations

3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7

USEFUL INFORMATION Location Term Dates Open Mornings Scholarships Learning Support Timetable English as an Additional Language Management Team Fees

9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11

Introduction Our Values Document and Information Book have been compiled to give you a vast amount of information on Dean Close and its ethos; however I strongly recommend a visit for you to get a real feel for the School. Visitors nearly always comment on the warmth of welcome they receive, on the family atmosphere and the friendly and supportive relationships between staff and pupils. It is a direct reflection of the School’s Christian heart that every child within the School is regarded as unique and equally valuable. Families from a range of faiths, or of no faith at all, greatly value this commitment to their sons and daughters. With some 500 pupils, the School is small enough to allow everyone to know one another and to feel valued. It also allows everyone to get fully involved in the life of the School. Support and encouragement come from many people within Dean Close, but our embedded tutorial system means that every boy and girl is mentored and encouraged by an adult whom they get to know well. On the other hand, the School is large enough to have an extremely strong boarding community operating 7 days a week at full stretch with vibrant and exciting creative arts, a remarkable sporting reputation and impressive academic results. Our

expectations are high and our young people are constantly urged to make the most of every day. We like new ideas, initiatives and risk-taking (within bounds). Facilities are excellent and enhance the experience, although I firmly believe it is the quality of the staff and the way they communicate with our young people that leads to so many achieving so much. I also believe that everyone in the School has unique talents and that it is our task to find and nurture these. It is also vital that each individual makes a contribution, and the principles of service are embedded in many activities and in particular our full Community Action programme. The best way to learn that you can make a difference is to do it. To put all of these statements to the test, please do pay us a visit. I can guarantee that you will enjoy your time here and that people will answer your questions very frankly. Dean Close is held in very warm affection by pupils and staff alike, and for many it is a life-long association. I love the place and would very much like to welcome you here. Jonathan Lancashire (Headmaster)


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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk

THE HOUSE SYSTEM: DAY AND BOARDING All pupils belong to a day or boarding House, which is run by a Housemaster or Housemistress, but join together for the vast majority of their time whether in study, co-curricular activity, mealtimes or social occasions. There are ten Houses in total (six boarding and four day), all located within the School grounds. The House is the home base for all pupils whether boarding or day, providing study and social facilities within School. Most pupils are either full boarders or day pupils but there are a small number of day boarders who are attached to a boarding House and have the option of staying in School for up to two nights per week. For boarders, weekends are full of activities including films, discos and outings. All Houses have kitchen facilities, Sky TV, internet access and a common room. They all have their own resident Housemaster or Housemistress, often with a family, and other resident staff. Boarders may go home any weekend once School commitments have been fulfilled but most choose to stay and make use of the facilities and just have fun with friends.

THE ACADEMIC CURRICULUM Dean Close offers a wide range of subjects at each stage of the curriculum to cater for all levels of academic ability. This means that academic qualifications are available from Latin and Greek to Business Studies and Design Technology, from Further Mathematics to Psychology and Physical Education. Computer Science has been introduced from 2015. There is a wide range of academic opportunity in addition to the routine curriculum: the Extended Project Qualification has recently been introduced into the Sixth Form, trips are regularly organised in support of subject areas and an Extension Programme challenges the academic high-fliers. There is also an academic expectation for pupils to use their educational experience to prepare themselves for later life: independent learning is encouraged; key resources are provided, especially in a newly-modernised and updated Library; and routine prep times in boarding-houses encourage a strong work ethic.

Fourth Form (Year 9) All pupils in the Fourth Form study the following subjects: English, Maths, French, Religious Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Latin or Classical Civilisation, Creative Studies, PSHE. n n

Classical Greek is studied by the most academically able. Spanish is studied as a second Modern Language by the majority. n The Creative Studies course introduces pupils to a wide range of artistic and creative subjects, embracing Design Technology, Art & Design, Drama, Music and Physical Education.

Remove and Fifth Form (GCSE years) GCSE subject options are chosen during the Fourth Form and the curricular structure leads most pupils to take 10 GCSEs. The core curriculum studied by all pupils consists of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Religious Studies and a non-examined PSHE course. The majority of pupils take either Spanish or French. Pupils who have English as an Additional Language and don’t chose to study Spanish or French take English Language Training (ELT). The remaining five options are chosen from: 4 l SENIOR SCHOOL INFORMATION BOOK

Art & Design Business Studies & Economics Classics: Latin, Classical Civilisation, Gratin* Computer Science Design Technology Drama Geography History Spanish Music Physical Education Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics Fast Track Triple Science (FTS)** GCSE Religious Studies is taken by all candidates at the end of the Remove (Year 10) with some taking the full GCSE while others take the short course. Members of the top set in Mathematics sit the IGCSE examination at the end of Remove, which enables them to further their studies in both depth and breadth in the Fifth Form by taking the Additional Maths Course. *Gratin involves the study of Greek and Latin leading to two separte GCSEs, whilst being taught in one ‘block’, ie. half the usual number of lessons. **FTS involves the study of the three sciences, leading to three separate GCSEs, whilst being taught in ‘two blocks’. ie two thirds of the usual number of lessons for the three sciences. Gratin and FTS are only available for the highest achieving pupils and have been created to enable them to take an extra subject at GCSE level.

Sixth Form (A Levels) 98% of Upper Sixth leavers go on to university, with 60% plus going to Oxbridge/Russell Group universities or international equivalents. The independent Durham-centred Advanced Level Information System suggests strong value-added for our A Level students. The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is new to Dean Close and requires pupils to produce an independently researched piece of work on almost anything that interests them. The EPQ is worth half an A2, which means that it can be graded at A* (70 UCAS points). It can be an extended essay, a physical artefact or an activity. To enter the Sixth Form we expect pupils to have obtained a minimum of six GCSE passes at grade B. However, we recommend pupils have a grade A at GCSE in the subjects they wish to study at A Level.There is a wide range of 23 subjects from which to choose: Art & Design

Government & Politics







Computer Science

Further Mathematics

Classical Civilisation


Classical Greek

Philosophy & Ethics

Design Technology

Physical Education








Theatre Studies

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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk


















% with 6 or more GCSEs






% A*













A levels

%A* - B






% Pass






UCAS points per exam taken






SPORT Pupils play for a team in the major sport each term (rugby, hockey, netball, cricket, tennis). Other sports within the curriculum include aerobics, athletics, badminton, basketball, climbing, circuit training, cross country, fitness training, golf, rounders, salsa dancing, squash, swimming, trampolining, volleyball and water polo. A wealth of state-of-the-art sporting facilities include a £3m Sports Hall with aerobics room/dance studio, fitness suite and indoor Sports Hall facilitating badminton, basketball, 5-a-side football, indoor hockey, netball, tennis, trampolining and volleyball. There are also two high spec, floodlit astroturf pitches, over 20 tennis courts, a 25m indoor pool, two squash courts, an indoor rifle range and a climbing wall.

MUSIC The modern, purpose-built Music School accommodates every amenity, from a hi-tech recording studio and large, elegant Concert Hall to specialist classrooms, superb practice rooms, a well-resourced library and an extensive collection of instruments for hire. A wide range of musical activities include Chapel Choir, Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonia, Choral Society, Chamber Choir, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Brass Group, rocks bands and various smaller ensembles. Over 300 individual music lessons take place each week and pupils can learn any orchestral or jazz instrument or have singing lessons. Most pupils are prepared for music exams and the department boasts extremely good results in both Associated board and trinity examinations.

DRAMA Drama is very high profile at Dean Close, both as an academic subject at GCSE and A Level, and also as popular co-curricular option. There are main School plays and House plays, a major Junior play, a Drama Scholars’ play and Sixth Form plays, often entirely pupil-initiated. In addition, there are Theatre Studies plays in Sixth Form and up to eight GCSE productions. The Speech and Drama Department runs individual drama lessons for over 150 pupils and puts together a hugely successful programme from RADA, LAMDA and Victoria College exams, in which many

pupils gain diploma level. The School’s theatre company, Close Up Theatre, perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival every year. Facilities include four spaces: the purpose-built 550 seat Bacon Theatre which includes the largest stage in Gloucestershire, a retractable orchestra pit, dressing rooms and lighting rigs. It also has a spacious, marbled foyer called The Orangery. The Tuckwell Theatre is an open-air 400 seat theatre in an idyllic sylvan setting in the School grounds and the Drama Studio, a smaller chambertheatre, is also used for smaller events and teaching.

ART The exceptional two-storey Art School was purpose-built in 1995 and provides a versatile and creative environment, boasting excellent studio spaces for specialist work in 2 and 3 dimensions, and individually allocated work areas for Sixth Form pupils. The department is run with a Fine Art emphasis, with the disciplines of painting, drawing, sculpture and ceramics being of particular strength, but opportunities to work with printmaking, digital photography and Photoshop are also becoming popular. The department ethos focuses on individuality and ownership, leading to a diverse and very personal range of portfolios.

ACTIVITIES The School is committed to offering an extremely broad cocurricular programme (found to be so impressive by our latest ISI Inspection). A Monday Afternoon Activity Programme is devoted to creative opportunities, hobbies & clubs, physical pursuits and intellectual extension activities which are detailed in the list below. On Wednesday afternoons the School moves to a focus on Service activities, especially CCF (Remove and Fifth Form) and Community Action (Sixth Form). Add the regular Sports programme, Music, Drama and other highly-regarded activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme (Bronze and Gold level), Equestrian sports (with eventing, cross country, show jumping and polo teams competing regularly at national events) and The Leiths Cookery Course, and there is a magnificent range of co-curricular activity available.


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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk

n Creative Opportunity Art for A2/AS/GCSE Art for All – Still Life Design Technology Drama Rehearsals Music Theory Music Lessons Music Scholars Roc Soc Sewing Bee Knitting

n Hobby/Club Backstage Technicals Climbing Computing Driving Lessons Zoo Club Shooting Wargaming/Chess

Many prominent visitors come along as guests to Dean Close society meetings, most recently artist David Shepherd, actor Nathanial Parker and Olympian Greg Whyte. There are also opportunities to meet other interesting characters, particularly at the Cheltenham Literature Festival, an event supported by Dean Close. These have included Sir Steve Redgrave, Ben Miller, Gavin Esler, Stephen Fry, Nick Clegg, James Cracknell, Ben Fogle and Kofi Annan.

SIXTH FORM LIFE On reaching the Sixth Form, pupils take great pleasure in leaving their uniforms behind to dress in business suits; many comment on how they enjoy relationships with tutors and teachers which become more adult. Dedicated facilities include a Sixth Form social centre, Sixth Form only boarding houses for both girls and boys; single study/bedrooms with en-suite facilities and studies for all Sixth Formers in their day houses. A number of specialist Sixth Form societies such as the Modern Languages Film Club, Francis Bacon Society (a dining society), Goudie Society (geography), Classical, History & Politics societies all attract high profile guest speakers and an active Debating Society competes against other schools. The annual Sixth Form Ball is always a big occasion, and everyone should expect to attend black tie dinners, some with a prestigious outside speaker. Sixth Formers serve on numerous School committees, captain sports teams and play prominent roles in Drama and Music, the most talented having opportunities to perform concertos or direct a play. Those who demonstrate initiative are encouraged, for example, to start up their own societies, direct theatre productions and organise charity events. A team of Prefects, led by the Head of School, is responsible for much of the School’s leadership and Sixth Formers play a major role in every House.


n Intellectual Challenge Economics Extra Chemistry Extension Classics Extension EU Youth Parliament English Extension Psychology Extension Supra Maths Vet/Medic Extension Classical Landscapes Newswatch

n Physical Activity Ultimate Frisbee Dance Mat Fitness Training Football Golf Pilates Horse riding Polo Table Tennis Water Polo Salsa/Zumba Dancing Sports Scholarship Squash Basketball Volleyball Rugby Sevens

CAREERS DEPARTMENT The Careers Library, open seven day a week, is a vital resource for all pupils. All members of staff are involved in the regular interviewing of pupils and many have a particular area of expertise. The aim is to liaise fully with one another, the heads of departments, Housemaster/mistress, Headmaster, parents, universities and careers organisations to give the best possible advice to each individual. Any pupil can approach any member of the department at any time, and from Fifth Form onwards they have their own adviser. A structured programme is implemented from the Fourth Form when pupils are introduced to the Careers Department via exploration exercises on jobs, careers and courses. In the Remove (Yr 10), pupils complete simple interest questionnaires and explore what skills and qualities are necessary in a variety of career areas. In the Fifth Form pupils get involved in some exploration, taking careers tests in January and choosing provisional AS Levels in the Lent Term. The Lower Sixth Form concentrates on UCAS application form preparation, aided by seminars, discussions and university visits and pupils are encouraged to do a week’s work experience during the holidays. There is a careers fair in June. In the Upper Sixth, UCAS forms are submitted before the end of October and each pupil has an interview with the Headmaster and Head of Careers to assist with decision making. The School continues to support and advise leavers as results arrive and final destinations are confirmed. Name

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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk


Iona Anderson Helen Avery Eleanor Beckett Oliver Birmingham Blaylock Redford Maksym Bozhok Thomas Brooks* Martin Brown Emma Bruce* Oliver Cahill* Benjamin Canning* Yuen Mei Chan Zhixiao Chen Chukwuma Chinye Ruth Choi Matthew Cook Samuel Cripps* Eleaner Cross Rebecca Daltry Felicity Davies Oliver Day* Jake Deasy Catriona Dick* Lucy Eden Lauren Ellis* Rhianna Evans Caitlin Ford Rebekah Forsyth Georgina Foster Oliver Fox* Benjamin George Claire Ghent Francesca Gold Eliott Grabli Helen Green Phillippa Hall* Alice Helm George Henry Thomas Herbert Matthew Hickey Lucy Hicks Beach* Thais Hitchins* Gi Lok Ho Sze Wai Hung William Hunte* Maya Huth* Elise Ireland Fay Jaffar* Madeleine Kavanagh Shing Kung

University Kent Bath Spa Leicester Birmingham Plymouth Manchester Loughborough Swansea Edinburgh Applying this year Harper Adams Newcastle Loughborough Loughborough St Andrews Cardiff Plymouth Birmingham Cambridge Durham Applying this year Warwick Sheffield Hallam Oxford Brookes Sheffield Southampton Birmingham Loughborough Sheffield Birmingham Durham Murray State (US) Cardiff Royal Holloway Bath Spa Edinburgh Durham Birmingham Sheffield Warwick Applying this year Applying this year Manchester Manchester Applying this year Oxford Brookes Birmingham Birmingham Durham Loughborough

Course History Music Chemistry Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Management International Relations Maths for Finance English & Spanish Agriculture Psychology Maths & Economics History & Politics Art History & English IR & Politics Business Management Classical Civilisation English Psychology Engineering Events Management Business Management Biomedical Science Fashion Marketing Psychology Art Foundation Mechanical Engineering Geography Classics English Mgt & International Business Chemistry Linguistics & English History Ancient History Civil Engineering Economics Social Anthropology French & History of Art Architecture Management Psychology Drama & English International Relations Geography Mathematics


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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk

Shing Hong Lam Evgeny Lebedev Ho Ching Leung Gonzalo Lizarribar Polina Lorelli Zachary Lott Dinghao Lou Gregor Lovatt* Ka Ho Luk* Charlotte Marlborough* Elaine McDonald Natalia Moreno Valero Charlotte Neil* Elizabeth Ngumi Adhi Nugroho Bryan Onwughalu Sam Page Harriet Parker* Frederick Pearce Aline Pierrisnard Georgiana Pill* Rebecca Pooley* Jonathan Pritchett Emma Richardson Olivia Rowe-Jones Rachel Sharpe* Emma Silvester Fiona Spear* Jack Stallard* Adrian Street Annabel Stuart-Bourne ZeZheng Sun John Symes-Thompson Kristina Tataryan Fergus Taylor Joy Timmer Yan Tin Nicholas Turner Roman Vinokurov Nika Vonk Sam Wheatley Whiskard Jeremy Whitford Stephen Wilkinson Georgina Williams Charlotte Carys Williams Nia Williams-Jones* Isabella Williamson Benny Wong Ludwig Wong Dominic Woodcock Christopher Woods* Jing Xue

University UCL Surrey Reading Brighton KCL De Montfort Imperial Applying this year Applying this year Applying this year Royal Holloway Oxford Brookes Oxford Brookes Queen Mary's Bristol Derby Roehampton Birmingham Birmingham Bishop's (Canada) Reading Applying this year Durham Sheffield Hallam Lancaster Applying this year Durham Leeds Applying this year Birmingham Cambridge Loughborough College East Anglia Durham Leicester Royal Holloway Royal Academy York Royal Holloway Edinburgh Nottingham Nottingham Cambridge Liverpool Exeter Cambridge Applying this year UCL Reading Birmingham Conservatoire Surrey Edinburgh UCL

Course Economics & Statistics Business Management Law Architecture Religion, Politics & Society Forensic Science Computing

Psychology International Hospitality Mgt Anthropology/Sociology Psychology Mechanical Engineering Accounting & Finance Classical Civilisation Geography & Planning Music French Physics Biochemistry History & Philosophy Education Studies Fashion Marketing Chemical Engineering Classics Business Management History English Financial Economics Mgt & Marketing Piano Linguistics Economics & Maths Medical Sciences English & Creative Writing Interational Relations Classics Accounting & Finance Philosophy & French Veterinary Medicine Russian Studies Real Estate Music Technology Economics Biomedical Science Biomedical Engineering * Gap Year


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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk


Useful Information Belfast

LOCATION Dean Close School is situated in South West England in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in the midst of the picturesque Cotswolds. It is easily reached from Junction 11 of the M5 motorway via the A40, or from the nearby Cheltenham Spa Railway Station. The nearest international airports are Birmingham, Bristol and Cardiff which are all about one hour away by car. The School sits on the largest plot of privately owned land in Cheltenham, just of the outskirts of the Regency town. The Senior School is located on Shelburne Road, and for SatNav purposes, visitors should enter the postcode GL51 6HE. Visitors should come through the iron gates into our Visitors’ Car Park located at the front of School. On the School website (www.deanclose.org.uk) you will find links to Google maps as well as a range of downloadable site maps. When on the homepage, go to the section ABOUT US HOW TO FIND US.

TERM DATES Michaelmas Term 2015 Tuesday 8 September - Friday 18 December (12noon) Exeat: Friday 25 September (4.00pm) - Sunday 27 September (School resumes Monday) Half Term: Friday 16 October (12 noon) - Sunday 1 November (School resumes Monday) Exeat: Saturday 20 November (6.00pm) - Sunday 22 November (School resumes Monday) Lent Term 2016 Tuesday 12 January – Thursday 24 March (12 noon) Half Term: Friday 12 February – Sunday 21 February (School resumes Monday) Trinity Term 2016 Tuesday 19 April – Friday 1 July (12 noon) Exeat: Friday 29 April (4.00pm) - Bank Holiday Monday 2 May (School resumes Tuesday) Half Term: Saturday 28 May (4.30pm) – Sunday 5 June (School resumes Monday)

OPEN MORNINGS The School holds three Open Mornings annually which take place on a normal working Saturday, one per term in October, March and May. The event starts with a welcome from the Headmaster, followed by a full tour of the School by a current Sixth Form pupil and finishes with an informal buffet lunch with opportunities to chat to key members of the Common Room. Full details of how to register for an Open Morning can be found on the School website (www.deanclose.org.uk). Dates for 2014/2015 are Saturday 10 October 2015 Saturday 5 March 2016 Saturday 14 May 2016


Birmingham Cardiff

Cambridge London



SCHOLARSHIPS The School offers scholarships, exhibitions and bursaries to young people with talent at age 13+ and for entry into the Sixth Form. The areas recognised for each age group are Academic, Music, Sport, Drama, Art and Design Technology. All-rounder awards are offered at 13+ to those offering at least two areas of excellence in addition to above average academic potential. Leadership and service are also taken into account. Awards are also offered by the Preparatory School at 11+. A limited number of bursaries are also available to parents who serve in Her Majesty’s Forces, a Christian Church or as a Missionary.

LEARNING SUPPORT The department offers three distinct services: literacy support, curriculum support and numeracy support. All three offer one-toone specialist tuition tailored to individual needs. These three services are all year round commitments but individual tutorials are available for pupils requiring short-term support in study skills, eg. personal organisation, time management, effective learning, revision and exam technique. Formal assessment can be arranged through the Head of Learning Support. There is a dedicated Learning Support Centre that is fully resourced with ICT, curriculum texts and stationery. For those receiving Literacy or Numeracy Support, it can be advisable to undertake a more suitable, reduced curriculum. Literacy Support: this is available for pupils with dyslexia and provides a structured course in advanced spelling, with the emphasis on learning through the medium of information technology. The aim is to boost a pupil’s literacy levels, primarily in the first year, in order to access the general curriculum more effectively. Curriculum Support: this service is best suited to pupils who require general support with written, learning or organisational tasks. A curriculum tutor, working on a one-to-one basis, provides a range of study skills and support for any curriculum area. Numeracy Support: individual help is available for weak mathematicians. A specialist tutor liaises closely with the Head of Mathematics offering consolidation and extra practice in line with the current syllabus. A charge is made for Learning Support, which is added to the invoice on a termly basis.


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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk
















Registration & Chapel

Registration & House Assembly

Registration & Chapel

Registration & HC (voluntary)

Registration & Tutorials























































5 Games & Fixtures












Activities (MAA, Orchestra & Drama)

Activities (Clinics, Drama & Jazz)



4.10 Tutoring 5.00 Chapel

(Pick from 5.30pm)


(Personal Devel. (Clinics & CCF, Service & CU) Drama) (Pick from 5.30pm) (Pick from 5.30pm) (Pick from 5.30pm)














The ELT department is dedicated to providing language support for pupils whose first language is not English. Each pupil is assessed at the time of entry to the School, and a personal curriculum developed depending on his/her language ability.


Support is also provided for pupils in their everyday studies, and, in addition, pupils study for appropriate ELT exams to enable them to enter British or American universities. The number, focus and duration of lessons are flexible. Although ELT is a requirement for many pupils, the ELT team works closely with each pupil and their subject teachers to monitor student’s progress regularly, ensuring that they are on track with their studies and able to integrate into the school community and enjoy all aspects of school life.

(pick up from 2.45pm)

(Pick from 5.30pm)


Lessons are either in small groups or on a one-to-one basis and may take place within the school timetable or as an extra due to timetable restrictions, the number of lessons and size of the group is at the discretion of the Head of Department. The lessons include grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation as well as the skills of writing, reading, speaking and listening. ELT is charged as an extra, termly in arrears.

Games & Fixtures


B J Salisbury BA (St John’s College, York) PGCE



Senior Master (Communications): D R Evans MA (Oriel College, Oxford)


Deputy Head Pastoral: Mrs J A Davis BA (Girton College, Cambridge) PGCE


Deputy Head Academic: MD Tottman MA, MBA (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford)


Director of Fourth Form Studies: A J George MA (Downing College, Cambridge) PGCE


Director of Remove & Fifth Form Studies: B P Price BSc (Bristol University) PGCE


Director of Sixth Form Studies: J Talbot BA, MA (University of Manchester) PGCE


A fully updated list of all Common Room Members and Governors can be found on the School website.


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01242 258044 | registrar@deanclose.org.uk | www.deanclose.org.uk

FEES 2015/16 Dean Close operates an inclusive fee system where most items are included thereby avoiding a long list of extras. MONTHLY (excluding extras)


Day £1,894


Day Boarding £2,094


Boarding £2,745


Sixth Form Boarding (New Entrants only) £2,870


Occasional and Day Boarders are charged £48.00 per night in addition to fees. What is included?

n all course text books and stationery (charges will be made for lost or damaged textbooks) n lunches for day pupils, all meals for boarders n laundry for boarders and day boarders n laboratory, art and DT expenses

n routine Combined Cadet Force (CCF) training and its alternatives n complusory educational trips and transport for School matches

n a wide variety of extra-curricular activities including fencing, judo, water polo, salsa lessons What is not included?

n all fees for external exams

n a few books (eg. atlas) and personal equipment (eg. calculator)

n optional extras such as Music or Speech & Drama tuition, Equestrian activities, Leiths n CCF camps and optional trips, eg. skiing, sports tours n visits to plays, concerts, etc outside of the curriculum n Learning Support and EAL lessons

n Life Membership subscription to the Old Decanian Society Insurance Pupils are automatically enrolled in the following insurance schemes unless we receive written instructions to the contrary before the end of the first week of term. i

The School Fees Refund Scheme (loss of fees through sickness) at 1% of fees

ii The School’s group membership of BUPA, at £67.50 per term iii The Pupils’ Personal Accident Insurance Scheme at £3.75 per term iv Personal Effects Insurance Scheme at £10.00 per term v Denplan scheme (accidents and emergencies) at £3.60 per term Please note that personal possessions are not covered by the School insurance. Parents should check whether their own insurance covers such items whilst at School and if appropriate consider taking advantage of the Pupils’ Personal Effects Insurance Scheme.


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DEAN CLOSE SCHOOL Shelburne Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 6HE

Telephone 01242 258044 Email: registrar@deanclose.org.uk www.deanclose.org.uk

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