Denys Carnill Foundation Award

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‘The perfect way to commemorate a great teacher’

The Denys Carnill Award An appeal to all those he inspired

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‘His outstanding quality was pure enthusiasm. People were drawn to him.’ Jake Hensman; Field 1959 I will never forget his kindness, generosity, and passion! Kent Bonney; Court 1984

‘...always very inspirational and entertaining.’ Peter Borgers; Gate 1980

‘A legend of the teaching profession - caring, patient, compassionate and kind. ‘

Sue Carr née Otway; Mead 1974

‘I remember playing against Denys on the hockey field and being amazed at his skill - no one could take the ball from him.’ Isaac Fisher; Field 1972

‘Always very enthusiastic about everything he did… I still remember his little room with shelves groaning under the weight of all the newspaper cuttings he used to collect for our use!’ Robin FitzPatrick; Brook 1969

‘One of those rare teachers you remember all your life. ‘ Michael Floyd; Gate 1965

‘One of the nicest teachers… everything was very personal.’ Oliver Hill; Gate 1962

‘The most generous, kind man, always with a calm demeanour.’

Caroline Harwood; Shelburne 1981

‘A man of immense energy going about school on his toes and with both hands being flexed at the wrist as though he was about to play for England at any moment.’

In his memory A special bursary in his name, funded by those he inspired.

John H K Forster; Tower 1958

‘I learnt from him all those essential, but now largely degraded assets of life - honesty, integrity, humanity, humour, nobleness and respect for my fellow man.’ Jake Hensman; Field 1959

‘I often think “I wonder what Denys would have thought of that” when I read or hear some ghastly phraseology.’ Michael Cuttell; Gate 1956

‘He inspired my choice of subjects and future career and much of my outlook on life.’ Chris Gilliam; Field 1972

‘Mild mannered, kind and always with a smile on his face.’ Morteza Mirghavameddin; Court 1984

‘He showed genuine compassion and care, without being overbearing or smothering; creating the impression that pupils were not just a number going through a process, but real people to be nurtured and developed.’ Chris Pomfret; Field 1973

Life-changing opportunities for generations Denys Carnill was a ‘legend of the teaching profession’ and one of the inspirational figures of Dean Close. His kindness, generosity and passion are the characteristics we want to promote through these awards. Now those who learnt from him are joining together to commemorate his life through the funding of a special bursary in his name.

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Funded by those he inspired Just as Denys encouraged his pupils to take part, rather than stand on the touchline, a key aim of this initiative is that a really significant percentage of those who learnt under Denys will contribute to the fund - from the very modest donation upwards; it’s the taking part that matters.

For individuals who will inspire others The aim of the fund is to provide places at Dean Close for talented and financially-deserving boys and girls into the future. In particular, the award will be used to support pupils who will really contribute to school life, take part and inspire those around them.

Forever Thanks to a lead donation from a very generous Old Decanian, one of the many whose life was changed by Denys, this fine idea became reality when our first Denys Carnill Foundationer joined Dean Close in September 2018. Our aim is to create an endowment that will fund Denys Carnill Foundationers into the future.

Participation: the key to success We can turn this idea into a reality. It’s a question of each person giving at a level that feels right to them.

£1 from you = £2 to the fund Dean Close will match pound for pound what you contribute to the Denys Carnill Foundation Award. So, commitments totalling £15,000 per year for five years will fund a Denys Carnill Foundationer. While our initial aim is to fund the Denys Carnill Foundation Award through regular donations, we hope in time to build an endowment to sustain the award into the future. We will channel any surplus funds raised each year into the endowment.

How to give Please complete and return a donation form or visit the Denys Carnill Foundation Award webpage and make a pledge. We will then get in touch directly.

Recognition We will create a donor wall at the heart of the School acknowledging all the generous supporters of the Denys Carnill Award Fund, though obviously we will respect the wishes of anyone who chooses to remain anonymous.

Choose a level Your monthly donation

With Gift Aid

Net cost to you if you pay higher rate tax

Number of donors required















£ 7.50


£ 5

£ 6.25

£ 3.75


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Contact The Development Office, Dean Close School, Shelburne Road, Cheltenham GL51 6HE +44 (0)1242 267439



FOUNDATION Dean Close Foundation is a registered charity (No. 1086829)

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