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From one generation to the next
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‘Generosity will help underpin the Dean Close of tomorrow: a school that opens its doors wide to talented and financially-deserving students’
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Since the Cornerstone was laid on Shelburne Road in November 1884, Dean Close School has influenced the lives of thousands of boys and girls. Many left the school shaped by the Christian ethos and values they leant here. Now, in the 21st Century, the principles and vision of our founders remain at the heart of a Dean Close education. Since those early days, ODs and friends of Dean Close have felt sufficiently strongly about the school’s future to pledge a legacy. With the challenges ahead and with our aim to broaden our community through the provision of more generous bursaries, we warmly invite you to join them.
A clear need Endowed funds are important to the continuing innovation and generosity of Dean Close. Yet, unlike many other leading schools, we do not have a large endowment. This is why there is such a clear need for more philanthropy - particularly in the form of legacies, which will contribute to the long-term future of the school.
The Lord Bernard Ribeiro CBE Council Member, President of The Cornerstone Society and Old Decanian Society “My own time at Dean Close was greatly enhanced by the many generous benefactors who went before me and ensured the long-term security and enchancement of a Dean Close School education. As a governor, I am more than aware of the continuing generosity of parents, ODs and friends of the school and I thank you ,on behalf of the entire Dean Close Community, for choosing to show your support by including Dean Close School in your will.”
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Reasons to consider including Dean Close in your will Because providing places for deserving an talented pupils is important for social mobility and for the diversity of the school community.
Because a long line of people have given before, and anyone who benefits from an education at Dean Close benefits from this generosity.
Because Dean Close enshrines precious values in a difficult world.
Because Dean Close is not a rich school. It needs support.
Because including Dean Close in a will is tax-efficient.
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What to support?
Dean close has ambitious plans for the future The Foundation Awards - a new form of bursary specifically aimed at talented pupils who clearly need very significant financial support - is a major part of these plans. We also aim to be a leader in the way schools prepare young people for the world beyond education. We will do this by harnessing the skills and contacts within the Dean Close community, by being innovative with the curriculum and by bringing in experts and leaders from outside to inspire our pupils. Alongside all of this, we plan to develop our campus, because high quality facilities and good design inspire the whole school community. Some people will direct their bequests to specific elements of this development, others will specify areas of school life they wish to support, e.g. music, sport, drama. Many will choose to leave the ultimate decision to the school, on the basis that one cannot easily foresee where the funds will have the most beneficial impact when the time comes.
“My Foundation Award transformed my confidence and self-belief”
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What next?
How to include Dean Close School in your will
Making a will is an important step and it is recommended that you seek independent professional advice.
There are several different types of bequest:
Legacy bequests are a very tax-efficient way of donating as they are free from Inheritance Tax. And gifts of shares and property are exempt from Capital Gains Tax.
A pecuniary legacy allows you to leave a specific sum of money. Over time the value of this bequest will decrease, but it is possible to index-link the sum to preserve its current value. A residuary legacy is the gift of the remainder of your estate (or a percentage) after all other gifts to family and friends have been distributed and all outgoings have been dealt with. This is generally of the greatest value to Dean Close School. A reversionary legacy involves leaving your assets to trustees so that family members or other beneficiaries can enjoy the income during their lifetime, with all or a portion of the capital going to Dean Close School after their death. A conditional legacy provides for the eventuality that if none of your named dependents survive you, your estate will be left to other named beneficiaries and charities, e.g. Dean Close School. A specific or non-money legacy allows you to make a bequest in the form of shares, property, valuables and works of art, which may be either kept or sold by Dean Close School.
If you decide to join the growing number of ODs and others who have pledged a legacy, please let us know by completing and returning the pledge form.
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In 1899 the widow of Dean Francis Close, Mary, left the school a legacy of £800 on her death at the age of 93. The gift was one of our earliest legacies and helped secure the future of the school.
FOUNDATION Dean Close School Shelburne Road, Cheltenham, Glocestershire GL51 6HE Tel: 01242 258000 Email: Dean Close School: a company limited by guarantee Registered Charity No: 1086829 Registered in England No: 4193948