Foundation Awards Brochure

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Foundation Awards Transformational Bursaries

DC F u t u r e s C A M PA I G N

these awards will transform lives, giving deserving young people the encouragement and opportunity they need to realise their full potential. Lord Bernard ribeiro CBe (tower, 1962) President of Dean Close Council, The Old Decanian Society and former President of the Royal College of Surgeons


Why are Foundation Awards important? Each Foundation Award transforms the life of a deserving and talented pupil, held back by circumstances.

Talent and social diversity enrich the whole school.

Each pupil who benefits from a Foundation Award will inspire their community and have an impact on society. 3


“My time at Dean Close has opened my eyes to loads of other things you can do.” A current Foundationer

“Going through Dean Close meant the world to me; it kept me safe.” James Best Tower 2002

“these pupils act as catalysts, energising everyone else.”

“this programme of widening access gives me a real sense of pride.”

Paul Montgomery Housemaster

Julie Kent Housemistress

“My son joined Dean Close from a comprehensive school. He has changed as a person. He now has such a positive outlook.”

“Dean Close transformed my whole perspective on my own potential.” Mike Penny Field 2009

Father of a current bursary recipient

“raw, gutsy, happy to take risks... some of our most invigorating pupils come from the most challenging backgrounds.”

“I appreciated everything: the study-ethos, Chapel Choir, hockey, swimming, friends, supportive teachers, amazing facilities… it was all wonderful.”

“there really are no words except endless thanks to Dean Close and the supporters of the Dean Close Foundation Awards!”

Lloyd Allington Head of Drama

Lisa Lodwig Mead 1993

Parents of a current Foundationer


As an eleven year old boy, I was awarded a bursary. so I left my primary school in Manchester’s rusholme for a senior school education at Monkton Combe. Looking back now, I can see that before my own bursary I had a limited palette. then, with all the opportunities on offer at my new school, life became technicolor. Now, as a Headmaster, I can relate to pupils going through this transformational experience. I also greatly value the greater social diversity that bursaries bring, because I believe the ability to empathise is one of the key skills we must give all our pupils. Bradley salisbury Dean Close School Headmaster





HOW GeNerOus?

Talented pupils who have clearly proven financial need and can demonstrate that they will contribute to school life.

From 70% - 100% fee discount, i.e. bursaries that will make all the difference.



An ongoing appeal to ODs, current parents, past parents and friends of Dean Close.

Thanks to generous support, we can already fund our first four Foundationers.

targets Within ten years, we aim to fund 20 Foundationers.

Our progress so far

The Denys Carnill Award

The Old Decanian Society Foundation Award


The Class of 2018 Foundation Award

Foundation Award funded by one very generous donor.

ultimately, we want to have one Foundationer in every year group in every house in the senior school, as well as Foundationers in both of our Preparatory schools. 9

Our Approach


FINDING CANDIDAtes We will: ● ●

Develop partnerships with local schools. Work with National organisations such as the SpringBoard Foundation. Encourage our community to make suggestions and recommendations.

seLeCtION ●


Foundationers will demonstrate significant potential in one or more of Dean Close’s key areas of focus: Academic, Music, Sport, Art or Drama. They will have strength of character and a can-do attitude. They will show the potential and willingness to contribute to school life.


Every candidate will sit an entrance test and be interviewed by their prospective Head. Applications will be welcomed at 11+, 13+ and 16+ into Dean Close St John’s on-the-Hill, Dean Close Preparatory and Dean Close School.


We believe that with the power of a Dean Close education, young people can transform their world. Foundationers will be young people from families with limited means, young people who are willing to take advantage of the opportunities on offer here and who are prepared to grasp these opportunities with both hands. And who are prepared to contribute both to the school and to society. emma taylor Warden, Dean Close Foundation



How to give

every pound from you


each Foundation Award needs the support of a number of ‘sponsors’ from one individual to many.

equals two to the Campaign

the school will match fund all donations, Pound for Pound.

Be part of something We will provide our donors with reports on our Foundationers. We also plan an annual event at which donors can meet Foundationers and their families. each Foundationer can be funded by:

133 71 43 21 11 PEOPLE GIVING





£ £ £ £ £ 8

Per month


Per month


Per month


Per month

100 Per month

A note on our calculations We have assumed a 50/50 split between boarding and day Foundationers and thus an average fee of £30K pa. We have assumed an average fee discount of 85%. These figures are based on all donations being match funded by the School.


the power of tax effective giving Your monthly donation (£)






total value to the school over three years, with Gift Aid (£)






Net cost to you over three years if you pay Higher rate tax (£)






regular giving

single gifts

Your will

You can help provide a life-changing opportunity for a talented and deserving pupil by making a regular donation. We welcome gifts at any level.

As well as regular giving, we welcome one-off donations. You can either direct your donation towards our current Foundation Awards, or you can direct it to the endowment fund to help Dean Close go on giving deserving young people opportunities into the future.

Please consider including the Dean Close Foundation Awards scheme in your will. This is a very tax-efficient way of helping young people into the future beyond your lifetime.

If you would like to discuss how to name or endow an award in perpetuity, please get in touch with the Development Office. Pledge your support now by visiting 15

Dean Close school Shelburne Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 6HE tel: 01242 267439 email: Dean Close Foundation Registered Charity No: 1086829 Registered in England No: 4193948

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