Shaping the ACADEMIC HEART of the School

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Phase 3 Humanities

21st Century Campus

Shaping the ACADEMIC HEART of the School




Shaping the academic hear t of the school

Humanities encompasses:






“Through the exploration of Humanities subjects, pupils will learn how to think creatively and critically. These skills are increasingly important in a rapidly changing world. This investment will firmly place Dean Close as a school that equips its pupils with skills for the future.

Understanding what it means to be human is as critical today as it ever was.”




It has never been more important for young people to learn Humanities. So many of the really big questions facing our world are studied in these disciplines. We want our school leavers to be equipped to help provide solutions to some of these big issues.

Questions like these:

'Is there any real difference between artificial intelligence and the human mind?'

'How does history help us understand relationships between Russia and NATO?'

'What are the ethical implications of growing animal organs for transplantation into humans?'

‘How can we battle environmental damage while still feeding the world's population?'

These are just some of the many fascinating and vital topics that these new facilities will enable our pupils to explore. We have outstanding teachers in these areas, and we want to equip them with outstanding facilities to match.

OUR Building for the future

The development of a 21st Century Campus is a key element of the Futures Campaign at Dean Close, which is our vision to ensure the school is equipped to provide outstanding education in the decades to come. We are proud to have achieved Phase 1 and Phase 2 of our academic quad redevelopment project and are profoundly grateful to the generous donors who have supported us in this significant enhancement in facilities for our pupils.


Turning our vision for the future of education into reality

Young people face constant and accelerating change in their future careers, social lives, and environments. We have a commitment to equip and prepare them, so that they will have the skills and personal qualities to deal with change. We are now well on our way to creating an environment that facilitates this: an environment that embraces tradition but is firmly positioned at the forefront of 21st Century teaching and learning methods.

Our next phase

We are now focusing on Phase 3 of this vital redevelopment project - to create a wonderful and inspiring centre for the Humanities, providing a lighter, more spacious and creative environment for learning. The centre will be used to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they will need to thrive in our rapidly changing world. It will also support our ‘Skills for the Future’ programme, which focuses on pupils gaining the exam results they require for their next chapter and also developing key qualities to enable them to flourish in the future.

The first floor of the original school building, where Dale House once was, will be reshaped to provide this space. It is our aim to transform this area into a suitable centre for the Humanities in time for the start of the academic year in 2025.

The total cost of Phase 3 is £2 million and to date, we have identified £1.6 million of internal resources towards this target. The plans and designs for this work are complete, and in order to ‘press go’ and schedule the work, we need to raise £400,000 by December 2024. If we are unable to raise the funds by then, we will have to delay the work.

We would be truly grateful for your support in enabling this project to commence, and enclose further information about just how important Phase 3 is to our school and the learning of our pupils.

Emma Taylor, Warden


Our next challenge

The Humanities project at a glance

The planned development of the first floor of the 1886 Centre provides an integral piece of the Academic Quad and will contribute to an inspiring Centre for the academic life of the school.

We have chosen to work with Roberts Limbrick, a local firm of architects, with over 35 years of experience in designing buildings and with a strong track record of delivering to time and within budget. Roberts Limbrick create spaces at the heart of communities and are committed to an environmentally responsible design process.

You can

Key features of the re-development:

In summary, the elements will comprise:

• 11 lighter, more spacious dual-aspect classrooms, including: four History and Politics, three Geography, two Religious Studies, with two shared Humanities rooms which will be used by Sociology and by other part-time teachers. There will also be two shared Humanities hubs for all departments to collaborate/share resources.

• High-tech facilities including Promethean boards, strong Wi-Fi coverage and multiple charging ports to support 21st Century teaching and learning.

• Connections with the library, enhancing the experience of teaching and learning with greater access to resources.

“The successful completion of the first two Phases of the strategic site plan have demonstrated how state - of- the- art, bespoke premises can facilitate and inspire, and prove the school’s ability to deliver carefully managed, high quality teaching. Great to see the school continuing to build on its strong cultural foundations with the development of the Humanities Centre.”

Current parent



Current Humanities Classroom

“As Head of History and Politics, I am hugely excited at the prospect of the new Humanities development opening in September 2025. My department is currently split across two areas of the school and for us all to be together in a dedicated area will be a huge step forward for collaboration in our teaching and learning practices. I am also excited at the thought of being closer to the other Humanities subjects. This will enable us to forge greater cross-curricular links and develop pupil understanding of the overlap in skills and content of our disciplines.”

Alison McShane, Head of History & Politics
The facilities will support our plan to train pupils not just to pass exams, but to develop i al skills for the future.


“The change in location will be the best part of the new History and Politics block. It will allow for an easier commute to and from lessons being right in the heart of the school. Moreover, the proximity to the library will aid study and extra research, linked to the subject.”

James, pupil

“The Humanities strengthen our global view, broaden our intellectual foundation, teach us to communicate clearly, help us to develop creative and critical thinking skills, teach us to be problem solvers, create engaged citizens and thinkers, reinforce cultural and ethical responsibilities and values, help us to understand the impact that science, technology, and medicine have had on society, and create well-rounded academics, students and thinkers.”

An Old Decanian

“We are really excited about the new Humanities facilities at Dean Close. In teaching Geography, we have to transport the pupils all over the world and we rely on images, infographics and maps identifying spatial patterns to highlight place characteristics, inequalities and processes. The new classrooms and interactive whiteboards will enhance the visual learning experience of our students in this popular GCSE and A level subject. Studying Geography gives pupils a powerful insight into understanding the opportunities and challenges of the world we live in and the new facilities will help to equip future generations of Dean Close pupils with observational and analytical skills desirable for future employers. ”

“The new Humanities Centre is an exciting prospect for the departments that it encompasses; we will be able to work much more closely with each other, planning and implementing cross-curricular projects and promoting the shared skills that these subjects have to ensure pupils can maximise their progress. At present, our two main RS classrooms are at a little distance from one another so it will enable us to share resources far more easily, bounce ideas off each other far more regularly, and foster a stronger sense of identity. The plans for the new building are extremely exciting and the facilities look brilliant.”

“The Humanities hubs will promote greater collaboration and cross-curricular activities between like-minded subjects. This will take the form of a space designed to host a variety of activities: lectures from visiting speakers; departmental clubs and societies; subject-specific tutoring for Humanities’ university applications; pupil-led Humanities’ related initiatives and cross-curricular Humanities professional development for staff. The aim of the space is to foster links between these related subjects and to promote the sharing of good teaching practice, resources and ideas in a creative and symbiotic way.“



The Cost of Phase 3 £2 Million

To date, we have secured £1.6 million of this from our own resources. We have £400,000 left to raise to ensure that we can go ahead with this vital project - on time and on budget.

Please do come and talk with us and we can discuss bespoke and personal ways that you can donate towards the Humanities Centre. All donors will be remembered and acknowledged or donations can remain anonymous.

How to Donate


Call: 01242 267446

Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate.

£400K left to raise

£1.6m from the school

Our Appreciation ~Your Legacy

We really couldn't make this happen without your support. As a donor you will become a valued member of our Dean Close community and invited to:





Recognising your support

Gross gift amount Accreditation £100,000+ WARDEN'S DISCRETION £50,000+ CLASSROOM NAMING & DONOR WALL £10,000+ NAMING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE & DONOR WALL Donation made £100,000 £50,000 £20,000 £10,000 £5,000 £125,000 £62,500 £25,000 £12,500 £6,250 £68,750 £34,375 £13,750 £6,875 £3,438 £17,188 £8,594 £3,438 £1,719 £859 Total benefit to the school (including Gift Aid) Total net cost to donor (45% taxpayer) Annual net cost if paid over 4 years (45% taxpayer) As a registered charity, donations
to Dean Close are eligible for Gift Aid.
tax payer,
If you are a Higher Rate
you may benefit from tax relief on your donation.

When you spend your days fully immersed in school life, it is a constant source of surprise and a massive encouragement when somebody from beyond the gates steps in and freely chooses to support the work we are doing. I believe our teaching is very important and to be able to lean on business and community leaders to help us in that is invaluable. Thank you for your commitment to this place of learning and the young people who bring it to life.

As a school leader, I am keen to do all I can not only for this generation but for the generations of pupils who will be here in the years to come. I want them all to have the very best spaces possible in which to learn. Like most property, classrooms need:

1. To be in the right location

2. To have good neighbours

3. To have light, the right temperature and control over extraneous noise

4. To be the right size and shape

The kits that goes inside these classrooms will change over time but this project enables us to:

1. Create an academic heart to the school that reduces the time spent walking between lessons and ensure all of the support functions are nearby.

2. Locate the Humanities departments next to each other for the first time. This will create new opportunities for cross department learning. For example, a study of Hinduism in RS can be enhanced by a geographical study of the importance of the Ganges and the drive for independence in India with the impact of the Partition in 1947 in History.

3. Having modern spaces that have great natural light, are quiet and neither too hot nor too cold removes barriers to learning.

4. The best teaching spaces have a good ratio of length and breadth.

I am very excited by the prospect of the spaces that we are going to create that will be used by every member of the school during their time. History, Geography, Politics, Religious Studies and Sociology lie at the centre of our curriculum and the skills that they deliver are as relevant today as they were in the past. Thank you for your support, interest and encouragement for all that we are trying to achieve at Dean Close for the pupils in 2025 and, I suspect, for at least the next 50 years.

A message from Bradley Salisbur y

This project is a testament to our commitment to providing our students with the very best facilities, and we are delighted to be re-purposing existing buildings rather than starting from scratch. This approach is not only more sustainable, but also allows us to preserve the unique character of our campus.

In addition to Phase 3, we are also looking ahead to Phase 4 – the Development of a new Science Centre. This is another exciting project that will enable us to further enhance the learning experience for our students and ensure that we continue to provide a world-class education.


Our achievements to date

Phase 1 and Phase 2 are complete!

We have already witnessed a huge transformation within the school from the first two phases of our 21st Century Campus campaign.

Phase 1

This saw the relocation of our day pupils into a brand new Day House Village - this has been life-changing for our pupils. The cost of the project was £5 million and this was fully funded by The Dean Close Foundation.

“Old Dale and the new Day Village are like night and day! The modern, open plan design has transformed the atmosphere in-house. Integration between year groups has increased significantly creating an inclusive, friendly and supportive culture.”


Phase 2

The first phase of the 1886 Centre, providing classrooms for Maths, Business and Economics, was completed in 2021 with the help of our generous supporters. It cost £1.5 million to build and half a million of this was raised through our fundraising. The Centre has created a modern teaching and learning environment that has encouraged our pupils to develop business skills and to interact with real world businesses, as well as facilitating a truly inspirational and outward-looking approach to the teaching of Maths, Economics and Business Studies. Please keep reading to find out more!

"I was delighted to support the Quad Redevelopment project, being impressed by the School’s vision for this part of the campus. Dean Close’s Senior Leaders clearly see the need to produce high quality teaching facilities yet at the same time to equip current and future pupils for their lives beyond school.

Creating collaboration

Kathryn Carden (Chairman of Trustees), Bradley Salisbury (Headmaster of Dean Close School), x Chalk (MP for Cheltenham) and Emma Taylor ( Warden) at the official opening of the 1886 Centre
spaces to enable young people to engage with local business leaders and entrepreneurs particularly struck a chord with me and is exactly what I believe education should be about."
Futures Campaign Donor

Creation of the Day House Village

“The creation of the Day House Village has improved every area of our pastoral care for our day students. We have light, airy, comfortable spaces for work, rest and play. The students love spending time in-house and visiting friends across the Village. Housemasters and Housemistresses are enabled to spend time really getting to know the pupils, whether it be informally over tea and toast in the kitchen, or in a more formal setting, such as one of the office spaces. We have also been able to host parents, grandparents and siblings for Assemblies and Celebrations, as the size, space and modernity of the Village allows for whole community events. It has revolutionised and regenerated our provision.”

Kate Milne, English Teacher & Hatherley Housemistress

“Although it is easy to be nostalgic about the old Field House at the top of the Beaufort staircase, the truth is that having decent surroundings really does make a big difference. It is a real treat for the day pupils to be housed together in the four quality builds known as the Day House Village and I know that all Dean Close Senior pupils for generations to come will benefit hugely from this modern learning environment.”


1886 Centre

“Moving to our new classrooms has been a real pleasure. Light, airy classrooms with the latest technology and flexible working spaces have enabled us to be innovative and experimental in our lesson planning. Having the whole department together, for the first time since expanding to deliver GCSE courses, has helped us to improve our communication and co-ordination, improving the tracking of pupil progress and the sharing of best practice. The full-wall whiteboards are especially fantastic, giving us Economists, in particular, the space we crave to create our lovely diagrams!”

The new developments are enabling us to meet our sustainability objectives by improving energy efficiency - with state-of-the-art LED lighting, plus floor, wall and ceiling insulation - these will make a dramatic difference to our outgoings for the future.

Investing to save money and the environment

“The new Mathematics block has been beneficial in many ways. Having it central to the school has meant classes feel more consistent, and the environment with the new facilities and boards have allowed for greater quality of lessons. The Mathematics hub has been especially brilliant, as it gives a 'tutorial' style education for small classes, as well as a place for the 6th form to work together.”

Jamie, pupil

“These new classrooms provide the perfect learning environment with their bright look and interactive whiteboards.”

Joseph, pupil

“The new block has ensured that Mathematics is at the heart of the school site and allows for easier collaboration between departments where required. The new Promethean screens have also enabled us to use more innovative teaching methods in our lessons.”

A message from the Development Board

Our Board was formed in 2017 and is made up of highly respected members of the community who are a mixture of Old Decanians, parents, former parents, Trustees and friends. It is always inspiring for us to see our young people grow and flourish within the school and to follow them on their future achievements beyond their Dean Close journey.

We are advocates of Phase 3 of the Futures Campaign because we know first-hand the true value of a Dean Close education and just what a difference this redevelopment phase will make to current and future Decanians. As you may be aware, Dean Close, unlike many fee-paying schools, does not have a large endowment from which it can draw to support capital projects. This is why our School relies on the commitment of the Dean Close community to help fund new development projects like this, so that we can provide inspirational facilities. Our aim is to enable future young Decanians to enjoy and benefit from all that a Dean Close education has to offer.

If like us, you believe that Dean Close has impacted significantly on you or your children’s lives, then we know you will respond positively. We hope you will join us in contributing towards the future of our young people and make the Humanities Centre a reality for 2025.

Board Members

Simon Bullingham

John Hall

Mark Hawkesworth

Neil Howitt

Ray Lock

Mark Philip-Sorensen

David Till

Our History

1886 Dean Close School is founded.


The Chapel is built as a memorial to those who were lost during WW1.


Junior depar tment is formalised Also encompassing day boys.

1949 Dean Close Junior School formed Now k nown as Dean Close Preparator y School


The first girl joined Dean Close School.

1979 -1998

An extensive building project commenced (Music School, Dining Room, Theatre, Languages).

1999 Dean Close Preparator y School CPS Millennium Building


Pre-Preparator y School ‘Squirrels’

2006 Spor ts Centre opens.


Tewkesbur y Abbey Schola Cantorum arrives at DCPS


Spor ts Pavilion opens.

2013 DCPS Centenar y Hall


Acquisition of St John’s on-the-Hill in Chepstow


Formation of Dean Close Foundation.

2017 Treetops Nurseries join the Foundation


Phase 1 - Day House Village.


Air thrie School joins the Foundation


Phase 2 - The 1886 Centre Maths, Business and Economics Depar tments completed.


Little Trees brand was launched for the 6 nurseries


Phase 3 – The Humanities Depar tment within the 1886 Centre

Future phases Science Centre ‘ The Hub’ Landscaping


1880s - 1930s 1940s – 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s
Looking For ward
Dean Close Foundation Dean Close House Lansdown Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 6QD Telephone: 01242 267446 Email: Visit: Registered Charity No: 1086829 THANK YOU FUTURES CAMPAIGN @behinddeanclosedoors @deancloseschool TheOldDecanianSociety DeanCloseSchool TAKE A VIRTUAL TOUR OF OUR NEW HUMANITIES CENTRE

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