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Remembrance Service

To see the school standing so still and silent for the Two-Minute Silence was very powerful.This is arguably one of the most important services in the academic year and every pupil gave of their best. Superb readings from Katie Rayner, Harry Baker, Cai Couchman and Isabelle Eaves, and how moving it was to watch our oldest and youngest pupils (Cai and Eliza Weeks) lay the wreath.




The Pre-Prep and Kindergarten children enjoyed the magic of our Christingle service, led by the lovely Jane Penny. Our readers did a beautiful job so well done to Monty, Millie and Bastie. It is always amazing to see how carefully the children handle the lit candles and their awestruck little faces. Thank you to everyone who came to join us. Our 1st team rugby squad travelled to the Isle of Man to take part in a twoday tournament involving six very good rugby schools. Our boys scored 34 tries over the six games and conceded just three.With our travelling parents supporting them every step of the way,the boys went on to lift the trophy. The tour itself was a great experience for the players to adjust to various environments and conditions.They were highly praised, not only on the field, but also for how they conducted themselves across the board, demonstrating superb manners and excellent behaviour.They really are a credit to St John’s and their families.

Speech Day

Speech Day took on a different format this year and was attended via video, due to the recent pandemic.The audience was suitably entertained by music, speeches and prize giving.The most anticipated trophy-for the overall winning house -went to Severn House. Here’s head of Severn Mr Downie with the coveted Crows & Cranes shield.

Isle of Man Rugby Tour

Thank you NHS and Key Workers

Jaimie,our Domestic Bursar,baked delicious cakes for our friends at Castleford House Nursing Home.We also sent Easter eggs and cards from the children,along with a video of them singing.We may not be able to visit in person,due to COVID restrictions,but it is good to know we can still lift the residents’spirits.Our nurseries donated plastic aprons and protective gloves to local hospitals.The nursery children also wrote cards of support which have been displayed at the Royal Gwent Hospital and Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

Eliza (and brother, Ruben) wrote to the Queen and was so surprised to receive a reply from HRH Her Majesty herself!

Letter from the Queen

Pupils meet Cricket Legend

Imagine getting to meet England cricketing legend Kevin Pietersen.Well,these lucky St John’s sports fans did just that when they travelled to Dean Close to meet their hero.They listened to advice and even got to see him in action!

New Table Tennis Tables

Pupils were delighted to discover that the FOSJ had donated two brand new table tennis tables to school.

Inspired through Sports day

Pupils enjoyed an exhausting Inspired Through Sport day in September,where they were put through their paces by exLiverpool footballer Nick Tanner,wowed by‘Roy of the Rovers’ author Tom Palmer, motivated by Olympic athlete Chris Silver and run ragged by Joe Wicks. Phew–what a day!

An Evening of MusicMaking

On Thursday 17th October at St Mary’s Church in Chepstow, St John’s on-the-Hill proudly presented an evening of music making of the absolute highest order.The music performed was taken from some of the most iconic movies produced and many of them were arranged specially for this concert, including an epic finale combining the Cory Band with over 100 voices.Along the way, the audience were entertained with music from Batman,The Sound Of Music,When Harry Met Sally,James Bond and The Greatest Showman,to name a few. Even head Mrs Frett got into the act with a classical solo!



Every few weeks, one pupil from each year group gets to sit at the Captain’s Table! The pupils are nominated by staff who are always on the lookout for those displaying the best manners or ethics around school.The best bit – aside from all that delicious food – is that the pupils are served by teachers!

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