Sports Day photo special The pupils, teachers and parents were overjoyed to attend a full Sports Day after a year of cancelled events. Everyone gave it their absolute best, here are just some of the photos from the day.
Sport Due to the pandemic we weren’t able to run our normal fixture list for the hockey and netball season. There was, however, lots of opportunity for the pupils to learn new skills and transfer them into exciting intra-school matches. We also took the opportunity to work on our fitness sessions and other sports. During the January lockdown we still ran our games lessons and pupils were put through their paces with fitness sessions based on Nandos or KFC! They were also very creative in finding different things to use as a ball and a bat when practicing their cricket skills in their own homes. Cricket season saw the much-anticipated return of fixtures. It also saw our introduction of mixedgender teams. Cricket is a great sport that allows boys and girls to play on the same team. The girls have developed their love of cricket since its introduction five years ago. To progress the girls and give more opportunities to the boys we decided at St. John’s to play them together. It was hugely successful and everyone who participated really enjoyed themselves. We saw hardball and softball fixtures being played by all pupils in Years 3 to 8 most weeks. It was a great way to get the pupils back into fixtures and socializing and playing against other schools. We look forward to an academic year full to the brim of hockey, rugby, netball, football and cricket fixtures!
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