D*Serve Plan (BCCAA)

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Catalyzing Crea-ve Youth Empowerment through Design

Title Page

A Proposal with the Bolivar County Community Ac-on Agency

PRESENTED BY DE ANDREA NICHOLS Founder, The Crea3ve Catalysts Co‐Founder, We Are Storied



What This Will Entail Why? Prominent Ques3ons What? D_Serve: Design + Service in Youth Empowerment Who? Means of Support & Benefits to BCCAA When? Short and Long‐term Timelines


Prominent Ques3ons in Engaging Cleveland

Why? Why? Why?

1.  Why are we here? Purpose of Presenta3on

2. Why Cleveland? Reasons for Engagement

3. Why De Nichols?

Asser3ng Leadership Ap3tude

3. Why BCCAA?

Comparison in Purpose

Purpose (Why Are We Here?) To Propose

A project and youth engagement ini3a3ve that will use Design as a tool of youth leadership and empowerment within Bolivar County.

To Seek Support & Insight

In execu3ng a summer 2011 D_Serve Pilot project and connec3ng to prospec3ve stakeholders and leaders in Bolivar County.

To U-lize

My skills, experience, and passion as a designer and community servant for a deserving community.

To Foster

Sustainable connec3ons for crea3ve ini3a3ves that empower Cleveland youth and serve community residents.

Loca-on—Why Cleveland? Personal Experiences Growing Up Expressed Interests in Leadership Programming for Youth Socio‐Economic & Academic Comparisons Na-onally Home, Soul, and Cultural Richness Access and Affordability Moderately Equal % of Elderly and Youth Popula-on

Designer—Why De Nichols? Award‐winning Crea-ve Past

By providing Voice, service, and social change through art and design

Trained in Community Arts

Through 2010 arts fellowship in St. Louis, MO

Graduate Educa-on

in Social Entrepreneurship and Socio‐Economic Development

Has Established Entrepreneurial Efforts The Crea3ve Catalyst; We Are Storied

Harnesses Charisma, Energy, Favor, and Support To Get Things Done in Communi3es

Why BCCAA? "To offer programs which provide self‐help opportuni-es for the enhancement of par-cipant's own resources, capaci-es, and aspira-ons for becoming and/or remaining self‐ sufficient members of society”

"To assist in the iden-fica-on of community needs and plan strategies to meet those needs through befer organiza-on of exis-ng services and the implementa-on."

"To strengthen community capaci-es for planning and coordina-ng services so that local official organiza-ons and individuals can be more aware of and responsive to the local needs of the target popula-on served."


Prospec3ve Ini3a3ves

1.  Connect

Summer 2011—Individual


2.  Serve

2011 “D.serve” Summer Prototyping

3.  Empower

“D.serve” Youth Program Development

Design + Community Service in Deserving Communities

Working Mission Statement D.Serve exists to…

Empower underserved youth and their communi3es By providing them experience in design and filmmaking Through community service partnerships With the elderly and cri3cally poor.

Design + Community Service in Deserving Communities


D_Serve shall thrive in the belief that youth can be ac3vated through crea3vity and a spirit of service to… Think cri3cally about community issues, Grow academically, Develop visual Voice in the advocacy of others, and Contribute dynamically as young crea3ve civic leaders.

Design + Community Service in Deserving Communities

“d” = Design Delta Determina3on Dialogue Documentary Deserving “D” le_er grade

Design + Community Service in Deserving Communities

Basic Project Structure TEACH YOUTH



Graphic Design Community Art Filmmaking Leadership Skills

Community Service Intergenera3onal Storytelling Entrepreneurship

Confidence Cultural Wisdom Voice Leadership Acuity


Documentary Short Films Visual Advocacy Campaign Guerilla Aid & Art

Design + Community Service in Deserving Communities

Teaching Instructor

Design & Filmaking Instruc3on





Crea3ve Advocacy of Needs

Stories, Tradi3on, & Wisdom


Design + Community Service in Deserving Communities

Basic Project Structure (Cont.) Program Dura-on 8 Week Summer Lab

Targeted Popula-ons Youth (Middle School) Elderly (65+)

Targeted Launch Summer 2013

Outputs Documentary Short Films Visual Advocacy Campaign Guerilla Aid & Art

Community Benefits Improved Public Percep3on of Youth Posi3ve Youth Ac3vity Step Stone to Become Effec3ve Members of Society Exposure to Career Op3ons Intergenera3onal Service & Dialogue Community Pride Enhances Members’ Proper3es Crea3ve A_en3on to Community Iden3fica3on of Community Needs Op3miza3on of Youth & Crea3ve Economy

BCCAA Correla-on "To offer programs which provide self‐help opportuni-es for the enhancement of par-cipant's own resources, capaci-es, and aspira-ons for becoming and/or remaining self‐ sufficient members of society”

"To assist in the iden-fica-on of community needs and plan strategies to meet those needs through befer organiza-on of exis-ng services and the implementa-on."

"To strengthen community capaci-es for planning and coordina-ng services so that local official organiza-ons and individuals can be more aware of and responsive to the local needs of the target popula-on served."


"To offer programs which provide self‐help opportuni-es for the enhancement of par-cipant's own resources, capaci-es, and aspira-ons for becoming and/or remaining self‐sufficient members of society.” D_SERVE CORRESPONDENCE

As a program, D_Serve aims to enhance students’ skills and par-cipants’ resources while equipping youth to develop as effec-ve and crea-ve young leaders.


"To assist in the iden-fica-on of community needs and plan strategies to meet those needs through befer organiza-on of exis-ng services and the implementa-on.” D_SERVE CORRESPONDENCE

The D_Serve plakorm uses crea-ve qualita-ve research to iden-fy needs. It can collaborate with fellow BCCAA programs to plan strategies for address.


"To strengthen community capaci-es for planning and coordina-ng services so that local official organiza-ons and individuals can be more aware of and responsive to the local needs of the target popula-on served." D_SERVE CORRESPONDENCE

Empowerment of youth yields early awareness of local needs equips them to take responsibility of the community and its members.

BCCAA Correla-on Programs which provide self‐help opportuni-es

Enhancement of par-cipant's own resources, capaci-es, and aspira-ons

Becoming and/or remaining self‐sufficient members of society”

Assist in the iden-fica-on of community needs

Plan strategies to meet those needs through befer organiza-on of exis-ng services and the implementa-on

Strengthen community capaci-es

Local official organiza-ons and individuals can be more aware of and responsive to the local needs of the target popula-on served


Tenta3ve Timeline for Execu3on

1.  Connect & Prototype Summer 2011

2.  Ini-ate

Summers 2013‐15

3.  Sustain


Design + Community Service in Deserving Communities



“What We D_Serve” Design Project

To Prototype

D_Serve Summer Youth Lab

Summer 2011 Connect Community Engagement Research Partnership development Mentorship development Fundraising

Prototype Test Story‐for‐Service Structure Weekly documenta3on “We D_Serve…” Campaign Development ‐ Apparel Design ‐ Video and Audio Story Collec3on ‐ Guerilla & Public Art ‐ Public Speaking

Summer 2011

Summer 2011

Summer 2011

Summer 2011

Post‐Summer 2011‐2013 Build Capacity Curriculum Development Corporate Sponsorship Recruitment Campaign Fundraising (Grants) Logis3cal Development Venue Reserva3on

Who—Where Do You Come In? How The Chamber of Commerce Can Contribute to This Effort

1.  Gatekeepers 2.  Partnership Outreach 3.  Prospec-ve Sponsors


Local Partnership Outreach Adult Day Cares and Elderly Service Homes Bolivar County Community Ac-on Agency Chamber of Commerce Cleveland School District Cleveland Police Department Delta Arts Alliance Delta Center for Culture and Learning Delta State Art Department Junior Auxiliary Local Churches Local Businesses

Corporate Sponsorship Outreach Adobe Sappi Paper Target Kellogg Founda-on DoSomething.Org AIGA Echoing Green

How Much Will These Costs? Es3mate Expenses for Project Execu3on

How Much

1.  Summer 2011 Ini-al Engagement ± $800

2.  d.serve Program To be configured in future

Presented by De Andrea Nichols

Summer 2011 Budget Items


Project Source

When Needed

Lodging $0 Dorothy McCray Immediately Food ± $80 Pocket; Dona3on Daily Personal Expenses ± $40 Pocket Bi‐Weekly Car Gas ± $80 Pocket; Surcharge Bi‐Weekly Bill $270 Pocket; Earned Monthly Phone $120 Pocket; Earned Monthly Bike $65 Dona3on Any3me Materials (as needed) $100 Dona3on; Surcharge As Needed Total $695 (Subsidized $365)

How Will These Be Funded? Revenue Genera3on

How Funded

1.  Individual Fundraising 3.  Founda-onal Grants 5.  Merchandising

Presented by De Andrea Nichols

Next Steps Project Development

How Funded

Community Presenta-ons Seed Fundraising

Thank You Feedback?

How Funded

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