myNoire July/August

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strong, confident, beautiful REAL women

Find Hair Resources

Stylist Talk Summer Hair

Stereotypes Make-up Advice

July/ August 2011

July/ August 1




strong, beautiful, confident REAL women

COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright Š 2011. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be used or reproduced by any means without the written permission of the publisher


DISCLAIMER The myNoire team has made every effort to provide accurate and timely information. The publisher, contributors, editors, and other related associates do not assume responsibility for information that is incorrect or omitted. The myNoire team disclaims neglect, liability and damages as a resort of erroneous informational purposes.

Be An Ambassador MyNoire Ambassadors are official representatives and are responsible for representing our mission and purpose, continuing to spread the word about myNoire, and encouraging others to get involved. myNoire Ambassadors will participate in myNoire promotional events including interviews, summits, seminars, and any other events that may present themselves throughout the year. Please email us at for more information.



TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 Editor’s Letter 14 Dear Natural Newbies… 16 Stylist Talk With April B 20 Long Hair Don’t Care

Model Your Hair We’re looking for REAL women to share their hair journey. If you want to be interviewed or if you just want to send us pictures to be featured in the magazine just email

23 Challenge of the Month 24 Ask Men…. 26 Belle Noire 32 Children’s Hair 36 How to Maintain Summer Hair

Write for the Magazine We’re looking for writers to contribute stories and articles. If you have a passion for writing and would like to share your work with other women we will love to hear from you. Send resumes and sample work to myNoire@gmail. com.

38 Make Me Over 40 Stereotypes 44 Fan Letters 46 MyNoire Movement July/ August 3









? G N

Last Issue Checklist Hair Rules to Live by The Seven Must Haves A Hair Journal with your hair goals You Should Know The Sky Is The Limit (sort of) You Should Know Your Essential Oils You should be Aware of The Color Myth

July/ August 5



July/ August 7




Hair  C


MyNoire Ambassadors are official representatives and are responsible for representing our mission and purpose, continuing to spread the word about myNoire, and encourgaging others to get involved. MyNoire Ambassadors will participate in MyNoire promotional events including interviews, summits, seminars, and any other events that may present themselves throughout the year.





LETTER FROM EDITOR Hello Ladies!!! I can’t believe it is the second issue already. Time really flies. It seems as if I was just writing the letter for the first issue. I’m not complaining though. I love working on the magazine. I want to take the time to thank you all for continuing reading MyNoire. I really appreciate the support. We have been recieving great reviews. I hope to continue to please you with our magazine. This issue is all about Summer. (You can probably tell that by the cover lol.) This issue is filled with bright colors and cute summer looks. I hope you enjoy!! Don’t forget to give us feedback. Muah De’Andrea

July/ August 9




July/ August 11


Lindsey A. Walker is a native of St. Louis, MO. She is a graduating senior at Jackson State University with a major in Mass Communications (Public Relations Concentration and a minor in Marketing). Her goals are to become a publicist and author, among other things. She believes all things are possible with God. She enjoys reading, writing, blogging, singing and meeting new



LaShonda Martin is a St. Louis native. She attends Missouri Western State University, and is seeking a Bachelors Degree in Journalism. She lives by the quote “Never a Failure, Always a lesson” because she believes that when life deals you a bad hand, you must learn how to work with it, embrace your mistakes and look forward to correcting them. She’s a “people person.” She loves, sports, writing, and reading books.

Writers Photograghers Bloggers Models Graphic Designers Fashionistas

WE WANT YOU If interested email

July/ August 13

Dear Natural Newbies..... By De’Andrea Tobias

More and more women are deciding to go natural, natural meaning no relaxer in the hair. If you are coming from previous relaxed hair this is a huge transition. One thing to consider when making this step is deciding whether you would be transitioning or if you are going to do the big chop. The big chop is easier however many women don’t want to cut off their hair and rock a TWA (teeny weeny afro). If you decide to transition, keep in mind that the point in which the natural and relax hair meets will be extremely fragile. This hair tends to break easily. One way to over come this is to make sure when combing or brushing the hair, you must detangle from ends to roots. Additionally, you can choose to only wear protective styles. Some of the most beneficial protective styles for

transitioners are kinky twists, cornrows, straw sets, or even weaves. This might also be a difficult transition since you will be used to having straight hair. However, it is possible to continue to straighten your hair while transitioning. If you decide to go this route, then you must be aware that you take the risk of heat damaging your newly natural hair. Always remember to treat your hair as if it is all natural. This will enable you to become comfortable with your natural coils as you transition. There are plenty of resources that can aid you with your natural hair journey. You can always start with myNoire of course, but you can get more information by reading the “Long Hair Don’t Care” article on page 16. *Style by April B



July/ August 15

Stylist Talk With...

APRIL B By De’Andrea Tobias

Let me introduce you to Mrs. April B. She is one of Atlanta’s hottest hair stylists. She prefers the term natural hair artist or loctician. April fell in love with natural hair years ago, and she has been perfecting her skills every since. She went from just braiding her daughter’s hair to eventually becoming the natural hair specialist in the lavish Atlanta salon Glambar.

wants and needs. She always looks at the long term effects of client’s hair before styling.

If you are ever in the Atlanta area you should visit April at Glambar. Although April primarily does natural hair, she does relaxed hair as well. She even does other ethic groups’ hair. You can read more about April on her website http:// yournaturalessence.webs. com. You can also follow her and Glambar on Twitter @Stylist_April_B Unlike many of the stylist and @GlamBarSalon. today, April makes sure You can even befriend that she educates her her on Facebook at clients on how to grow long and healthy hair. She yournaturalessence. often gives consultations Ladies, whenever to figure out the client’s searching for a stylist it is 16


important that he/she has April’s mindset. Always look for a stylist that believes that hair health as the first priority. For the month of July, April will be offering 15% off with the mention of seeing this article, use the code #Noirehair. Feel free to contact after via email stylistaprilb@ or via phone 404-952-6933 INTERVIEW Q. How long have you been natural? I’ve been natural for over 9 years. Q. What does “being natural” mean to you? To me being natural means being free from the shackles of society. It

means that I’m thankful for what God has given me, and I’m accepting any trials and tribulations that may come with it. I can confidently wear my natural hair anywhere, anytime, without regret.

healthy natural hair journey starts with embracing and accepting your hair. If you don’t have the confidence in your hair.....neither is anyone around you. You should work on your mental peace as it does relate to the even distribution of Q. Did you wear natural oxygen in the brain. This goes styles first or did you go hand in hand with proper cell directly to locs? developement. A steady mind = A little bit of both. I good blood stimulation=healthy wore braids for a long hair follicles and the list goes time and sew-ins which on. Be conscious of the products allowed my hair to grow. Then I decided being used in your hair. Stay away from to cut off my shoulder length hair down pore clogging agents such as petroleum, to about an inch and began my locking castor oil and mineral oil. Make sure journey. you stay away from alcohol as it dries the scalp. Keeping your ends trimmed Q. How long have you been doing with proper hydration therapy (steam natural hair? treatments) are a must in maintaining I’ve been cultivating natural hair for over healthy natural hair. ALL STYLES BY APRIL B!!!! 10 years. Q. Where do you think women should look to find out more about hair care? There’s plenty of outlets online. Just search under natural hair care and there’s a host of useful sites. Also, join a meetup group up in their area. You will find gainful information at the meetups. Q. What advice would you give to women have a successful hair journey? Here’s some healthy hair tips : A July/ August 17



July/ August 19

Long Hair Don’t Care! By Lindsey Walker

We’ve all seen a woman with long hair and thought, “God why can’t that be me?” Well, it CAN be you. African American women can grow and maintain long healthy hair. It may take some work, but the goal is attainable. First, we must get out of the negative notion that because of our ethnicity our hair won’t grow. It can and it will! Once we change our mindset, we can then begin our hair journey.

3. KNOW YOUR HAIR. Your hair is merely an extension of you. Know what products work for YOU. Everyone does not have the same hair type/ texture. Find products that work well with you hair type. 4. Have a regimen. You must be committed to your hair. It should be shampooed, conditioned and moisturized at least every two weeks

5. STICK WITH IT. This journey will be full of ups and downs and you Mane-tence Rules will make mistakes along 1. Start a hair journal. Find out how many inches the way. That is to be expected. But, in order to you have, and set a goal achieve the results that length. you want, you MUST be 2. Take pictures of your committed! Don’t give up hair now, and place them in your journal. Join a Hair Community

Note: Hair does NOT grow There are many resources available for women who over night, it takes will are embarking on a hair power and patience. journey. Youtube is a great



place to watch tutorials, get products reviews and ask vloggers questions. Here are a few vloggers you may want to check out: PRETTYDIMPLES01: She has been natural for 4 years. She shows subscribers a variety of hairstyles including two strand twists, flexi-rod sets and coil outs. Her videos are informative as well as entertaining. She is not afraid to show viewers what her hair looks like before styling. PRETTYDIMPLES01 JerseyStylezz: She is very versatile and has rocked many styles, bantu knots, a curly Mohawk, you name it, and she has done it. Her tutorials are effective and often times include inspirational messages. Check out her website at www. and subscribe to www.youtbe.

com/user/jerseystylezz Ulovemegz: She showcases interesting hairstyles that women with relaxed hair can wear. These styles include braid-outs, blow outs and different curling styles. She promotes healthy, relaxed hair. Subscribe to ulovemagz Thetruthishair: She gives tips for relaxed women. She posts weekly videos that give advice on how to retain length. Her videos show hair styles as well as gives regimens that enable the growth on long and healthy hair. TheTruthisHair

excellent source for all who have concerns about growing and maintaining length Hairmilk. com features hair recipes, hair accessories, coupons and freebies, among other things. It also includes hair tutorials. Be sure to check it out. This website has information for those who are embarking on their hair journey for the first time and transitioning from relaxed to natural hair.

Long hair IS possible. Growing your hair should not be a trend, but a lifestyle. Just as you are Hair forums are also good what you eat, your hair resources. Here are a few: is what you eat as well. Include protein and Longhaircareforum- This vitamins in your diet, also website features tips, drink plenty of water. discussions and pictures Remember, LOVE YOUR of women who have HAIR! long healthy hair. It is an

July/ August 21

Model Your Hair We’re looking for REAL women to share their hair journey. If you want to be interviewed or if you just want to send us pictures to be featured in the magazine just email



Hair Care online magazine



Challenge of the Month be as simple as walking 3 times It’s the summer time, and a week or you can pick up a unfortunately our hair has to pay summer league as a hobby. Lastly, for all of the nice weather. During I challenge you to get your daily the summer months, our hair vitamins. If you aren’t tends to get dry due “BE MORE on a nutritious diet, then to all of the heat. It is HEALTH feel free to take a multiimportant to make sure that our hair is staying CAUTIOUS” vitamin. However, for those of you that don’t agree moisturized. One thing with taking supplements, that women often remember that they are forget is that our hair is just our body’s dead cells. Keeping only supplements, meaning you can get the same nutritional value this in mind, how we take care of our body is EXTREMELY important. by eating the appropriate foods. This month challenge is to be more This challenge should not only help health cautious. with growing long and healthy hair, I am challenging you to drink 64oz but it should also enable you to feel better about yourself. If you of water a day. That’s equivalent to about 4 bottles of water. Water are committed to this challenge for the next month I promise you it hydrates the body which in turn will be worth it  hydrates the hair. Additionally, I challenge you to start exercising Good Luck Ladies!!! if you don’t already. This could

July/ August 23

“I’m not a huge fan of weave or any particular style. I just like a woman to rock what she got. That’s sexy to me lol” -Kaelen

“Personally, as long as it’s your hair then I feel like you can look nice, so whatever makes you feel confident and whatever looks clean and not nappy...not too fond of braids though lol I really don’t have much of a preference as long as it’s your hair and not weave” -Darrack

“It depends on the girl, but personally I don’t like braids” -Mike


“As long as it’s their real hair and it’s styled, no braids, we are in business” -Marcus “As long as her hair is real” -Jay



“Straight, long, natural color. Although I will make an exception for a girl who can pull off a haircut like mine, the Amber Rose types. I don’t discriminate lol” -Darryl “My answer will be, don’t care... but it has to be beautiful.” -Prince


How do you like to see a woman’s hair?? Straight? Wavy? Short? Long? Natural? Red? Blonde? Braids? Don’t Care? What’s your opinion?

“Natural long... If you go on my site (www.EverydayB) look at the video of Natasha Mosley that’s exactly how” -Kory

“ I like to see it done period, as long as it looks nice.” -Marcus

“For me long, straight, natural with a few streaks, is the sexiest for me, but I like a lot of styles I just don’t really dig the fade” -Russ

July/ August 25

Belle Noire

Ms. Jasmin Stewart



When did you start your hair journey? My hair has been my crown and glory for years lol! I have always been interested in having full healthy hair even when I had a relaxed mane. However, despite retaining length I notice my hair was starting to thin. My obsession with my Chi iron to achieve silky straight locks started to wear on my hair. After going back and forth for months my official “Natural Journey” started in summer of 2008. I am proud to say my last relaxer was July of 2008. What made you decide to go natural? As I stated before I am adamant about having healthy hair. In the process of trying to convert my curly locks I was doing just the opposite. It started to challenge my beliefs and feelings towards myself. Why was I faithfully straightening my hair? Running from and avoiding all types of water---rain, swimming pools, and all the like just to keep my hair straight? Then it dawned on me; I had relaxed my hair for so long I didn’t even know what MY hair looked like anymore. I had reached the end of the road with my relaxed hair. Luckily for me, my older sister had already begun her Natural Journey. She was supportive of me finding my way on my new hair journey. I embarked on this journey to

learn to embrace myself. Curls and all. Describe your different phases, relaxed, transitioning, and natural (YAY for being natural!!!) When I think about all the phases of my hair I cannot help but laugh. It truly has been a journey in getting to where I am now. I guess I will start at the beginning. I relaxed my hair from 7th grade until the end of my freshman year of college. I would stretch my relaxers and get one every 3 to 4 months. Typically, to keep volume I would only relax the perimeter of my hair. My relaxed style of choice was maintaining a wrap. It is quick and easy! My last relaxer was July 2008 and my hair was nearly bra strap length. To start the transition to natural I wanted to rid myself of some of the relaxed hair. In September of 2008 I got a short bob haircut. I was not ready for short hair, yet so to me it was a happy medium. But I started to miss long hair so I started wearing extensions. I wore sew in extensions from February-May 2009. My hair had grown like weeds. I continued to transition until June 2009 when I went for the BIG CHOP! My hair is “NO LYE!” Initially, I alternated from wearing sew ins with similar textured hair and my own (Much love to halleyscurls. July/ August 27

com). Now I’ve been only wearing my natural hair. What advice would you give to someone that is transitioning? Transitioning can be difficult if you don’t embrace the change. You are in the process of self-exploration. You are learning how to care for YOUR HAIR, not some extensions or chemically altered hair. Use this time to be creative. Play up hair accessories and makeup. In addition, be confident in your journey. Confidence can sell anything. I also suggest finding a go to person for hair questions and suggestions. A supportive environment is key. If you don’t have someone personally, know that you have me and the wonderful world of YouTube, and of course myNoire!

Depending on the products I use on my hair it can go from a slick wet look to coarse and voluminous. It gives me the flexibility to style as I desire. What do you least like about your hair? I love my hair…just not the shrinkage! But there are ways to help elongate my hair. In my opinion, using a diffuser as I style works best. What are your hair goals? I have started being more mindful of what products I purchase. It is important to buy things that are going to nourish the hair. My goal is to find staple products I can use to start a regime.

Who is your hair idol? I know many people see bloggers, Are you more of a do it yourself type or models, and/or actresses and pine over do you prefer to go to the salon? Why? their hair. But not me. I have lovely natural women in my hair that inspire I am a combination of both. I want me to this day. My grandmother has to go to the salon for color, cuts, and never gotten a relaxer and her hair is intricate styles. But I can do a good job waist length. Growing up around women on maintaining what my stylist does. with long hair taught me at an early age But lately I have been doing wash-andthat with great care anyone can have goes and puffs so DIY (Do It Yourself) is long hair. I cringe when I here ignorant necessary. people say black women can’t have long What do you like most about your hair? hair, but I digress. Healthy hair is great I love how versatile my hair is. It can do hair! both extremes on the hair spectrum. 28


Journeys With Jasmin

Jasmin has a YouTube channel. It’s called Journeys with Jasmin. Her past videos are reviews of hair extensions she used. She plans on revamping and relaunching the channel very soon. She is going to switch gears and talk about natural hair. You can expect a lot of tutorials, product reviews, and/or what you the view requests. July/ August 29

My Wash-and-Go By Jasmin Step 1: Co-wash hair with Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Conditioner. I divide my hair into four sections. I detangle my hair with a wide tooth comb starting from the ends then advancing to the root . After combing out each section I rinse out the conditioner. I then rub a quarter size amount of the conditioner in my hair and leave it in. Step 2: Twist my hair into 6 twist (Two in front and four in the back). Step 3: After all hair is divided into the twist I go section by section while adding and combing through a quarter size amount of Beautiful Curls: Shea Butter Curl Activating Cream for Curly to Kinky Hair to seal in the moisture (made with shea butter, aloe vera, comfrey, etc). The product is handmade by Alaffia using product from Africa. Step 4: Part hair and put Eco Styler Moroccan and Argan Oil Gel on my edges and put on a scarf (being sure to fold the scarf as thin as I can). Step 5: Shingle small section of hair with the Eco Styler Moroccan and Argan Oil Gel. Shingling is a term used to describe a way of defining your curls by adding product to small sections of hair and combing it through each section. Some people shingle with a wide tooth comb, some do it with a denman brush. Personally, I shingle my hair by finger raking the product through my hair. Step 6: Air dry, fluff, and go! When I am afforded more time I diffuse my hair with my blow dryer to help define my curls and help reduce some shrinkage. 30


July/ August 31

CHILDREN’S HAIR Many women have difficulty taking care of their own hair so when it comes to taking care of their children’s hair they REALLY have problems. Well here’s some good news…once you figure out the best way to take care of your hair, then your child’s maintenance should come easy.

believe that they need separate products for their child if they see a children’s brand in the store. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use them. Just know that that isn’t your only option. If you are using natural products, then you should be aware that this could be used on any type of hair.

You can use essential oils for your children’s hair! In fact, it’s recommended. Often times, when you are in the store you see that there are both adult and children’s lines. The ingredients are usually the same. However, some children’s products, for example relaxers, have a milder chemical in it. Keep in mind that the children’s line of products is often a marketing gimmick. If a parent isn’t very knowledgeable on the hair care industry, they are more willing to

Take note, this article is referring to children, not infants. Babies are an exception. They should always use the infant’s products. They shouldn’t need much. At the most they should be using baby shampoo and conditioner (including leaveins). You can style the baby’s hair while it is damp. Don’t stop using the infants’ products until your child turns 2. At this age he/she should be ok using regular products, but only use healthy one…. no mineral oils, petrolatum, or alcohols.



July/ August 33


Noire would like to take the time to encourage women to start uplifting each other. Whether it is supporting a natural hair journey, school selection, or jobs offer. Please take the time to acknowledge other women’s strengths. A Woman Inspired encourage you to come out to their events at the University of MissouriColumbia next semester. It is a multicultural women’s group seeking to unify and empower campus woman. Look for A Woman Inspired on facebook at A Woman Inspired at Mizzou or awomaninspiredmu@missouri. edu.



JOIN US Be Inspired Foster Academic, Career, and Personal Goals Impact the Columbia Community

July/ August 35

How to Maintain Summer Hair For those who insist on wearing your hair straight heat protectants and anti-humidity sprays are a must. Let your hair air dry more. It’s too hot for head or blow dryers. Plus wet styles are a good look for the summer. Wear decorative scarves and head wraps to protect your hair for the direct sunlight. Plus they are soooooo cayyyy-uuuttttte!!

Cute Summer Styles Wash and Go 1. Shampoo and Condition your hair. 2. Put in your products, making sure to get every strand of hair. 3. Shake your hair in place and the style is finished. *go back to the Belle Noire article for more in depth directions

Fishbone If you are experiencing dry hair, you 1. Divide the hair you want to braid can put your oils in before you go into two equal sections, holding out. It will give the effect of a hot one in your right hand and the oil treatment. other in your left.



2. Take the small sub-section from the outside of the right section and bring it over to the left side.

Up Dos

*There are so many different ways to do an up do. Start by grabbing 3. Take a small sub-section from the hair and pinning it up until you get a outside of the left section and bring desired look. it over to the right side. Short and Sassy 4. Repeat until all of your hair is * The hair cut is the most important braided. part. Once the hair is cut then you Messy Bun can play with the style. Wear it straight, flipped, wet, its up to you! 1. Place hair in a ponytail. 2. Begin to wrap hair loosely around the base of the ponytail, securing hair pins as needed. 3. Repeat until all hair is pinned up in some sort of bun.

July/ August 37

Make Me Over By Lindsey Walker

You’ve heard the saying, “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”, that may be true, but make-up is best friend number 2. It enhances natural beauty and allows a woman’s inner beauty to shine through. Make up is versatile and can be used for any occasion. You can use eyeshadow and mascara for a regular but cute look. Or you can be a glamour girl and wear foundation, eyeliner,blush, the works! No matter what event you are going to, you’ll need to know essential tips for applying makeup. MyNoire interviewed make-up artist Natalie Woodson



for her do’s and don’ts when wearing make up. DO’s & DONTs: DO figure out your skin type. It’s important to know whether your skin is dry or oily when purchasing makeup. DO go somewhere and get a foundation for coverage or tinted moisturizer sample to see if it works for you before you purchase. For fuller coverage you should use a liquid foundation. For a more nude look use a powder or matte finish. DON’T give into a brand or a product’s hype. Do research. Test it out (if you can)... find out if it’s for YOU!

DO a bold lip. Lipsticks aren’t just DO add color to your face through for old women. Bright lipstick with blush but DON’T apply too much liner and mascara shows confidence or just have the circles like Raggedy and elegance. Ann doll. You want it to be natural When asked about her love of make or a positive OOMPH! up, Natalie said, “makeup has to DO play with colors. Play with your be my favorite accessory. It can go eyes and then do a nude lip. with any outfit, on any given day. It has no size. No limitations… and like DO follow the color wheel. Marilyn Monroe said imperfection Colors across from each other, is beauty, don’t cover them, play complementary colors look great them up !” together. DON’T fall victim to makeup rules. Makeup is all about being unique. No one else has your face or your features. So go for it. Just make sure it looks nice and you aren’t clashing. REMEMBER—it’s an accessory.

*Makeup done by Natlie Woodson

July/ August 39

Stereotypes It’s human nature to categorize in order to make more sense of things. However, some times these boxes that we place people into are a little too obsolete. In the African American community there seems to always be some type of stereotype placed on different “sub-groups” or “sub-cultures”. We often see the light skinned and dark skinned stereotypes, but more and more there has been preconceptions amongst natural versus relaxed women.

think that if your hair is curlier, then you are exotic. You must be directly mixed (parents of different ethnicities) or you have to be from a different country. Then you have some naturals that believe that relaxed women are trying to become more White, that they aren’t proud of their own culture. Some even believe that relaxed women are “selling out.”

MyNoire wants you to be aware of the typical stereotypes however know that stereotypes are human A natural diva is often seen as trying nature, try not to get offended by to connect to her “roots.” People it. Never let a stereotype stop your assume that she is afro-centric, hair journey. Remember, always likes neo-soul, considers herself go on a hair journey to become a bohemian, or only into natural better you. A journey should be products. They believe that natural not only be about hair, it should be hair is NAPPY, that it can’t be a SELF journey. combed through, that’s its brittle. By De’Andrea Tobias Then you have those people who



Write for the Magazine We’re looking for writers to contribute stories and articles. If you have a passion for writing and would like to share your work with other women we will love to hear from you. Send resumes and sample work to



Hair Care online magazine

July/ August 41

Dream • Desire Faith • Inspire



July/ August 43

“Salut De’Andrea, c’est Michael ton amie de Facebook. Je vien de visiter ton site et je suis tres impressione par ce que je vien de voir, felicitation a toi. J’avais aucune idee que tu etait certifie en cosmetologie, je te souhaite beaucoups de success!” Translation below

Hey De’Andrea, it’s Michael, your friend on Facebook. I saw your site, and I am very impressed on what I saw. Congrats. I had no idea that you are a licensed cosmetologist. I hope that you have much success.


These are just some of the messages that we received. These ones meant the most to me!! Thanks for all of the support. Keep sending me emails. I want to hear your opinion!! 44


“Wow! I love it! I went through the entire work no less. I love the layout, the pictures that you took are fabulous! I am so proud of you. I have a girlfriend in Louisville, that just started her own magazine. So, I am aware of all the hard work and dedication it takes. This is very impressive. I especially enjoyed the article on the oils. If you have any advice on mixed hair, I would love to hear it!” Sara


Next issue we will have an article on mixed hair. I will interview a stylist as well as a mixed individual! Muah

How are u? Congrats on your magazine!!! It´s really great! I´m sure you are going to inspire a lot of people with this. It´s so funny that this idea came to you during our time in france. I never thought a lot about my hair, but right after france I somehow felt like I had to change something, and then it just happened that I searched on youTube for fun. It really was shocking and joyful at the same time; that there is a whole community regarding healthy hair. Last year I went to Eritrea, Africa, and I realized that most woman had beautiful long hair. This shows black hair can grow!!! I wish you good luck and all the best for the future!!! i´m sure you are gonna be successful. Greetings from germany, Tarik

July/ August 45




strong, beautiful, confident REAL women

There’s so much out there that show different styles and weaves, but no magazine really explain how to take care of a Black woman’s OWN hair. Black hair, rather natural or relaxed, is rarely portrayed as being able to be long, healthy, and beautiful. MyNoire is the go to place for hair and other beauty advice. In French noire translates to black. MY BLACK HAIR CARE ONLINE MAGAZINE Take time to think about that word for a second…BLACK…powerful isn’t. MyNoire represents the REAL Black Woman: strong, confident, and beautiful. We believe that one’s appearance should reflect their inner beauty. When you look nice, you feel good, have positive energy and feel happy. We give beauty tips catered to the Black woman. We showcase the mothers, students, teachers, and businesswomen. Beautiful Black women are everywhere although media doesn’t always show our beauty in all its different shades and sizes. We strive to showcase the diversity amongst our race within our magazine because we think that all women are beautiful. MyNoire hopes to create a movement. We predominantly talk hair, but when a woman decides to take on a hair journey, they usually take a SELF journey as well. MyNoire hopes to inspire all of our readers to take that SELF JOURNEY. We want you to become the best YOU that you can be. Hopefully, taken on your hair journey will allow you to become that stronger and more confident woman. 46




Hair Care online magazine

New Logo...What do you think? Let us know on Twitter @myNoire_BlkHair

July/ August 47

Checklist Know How To Correctly Transition Know What To Look For In A Stylist Know Other Resources To Aid In Your Hair Journey Know How To Start Becoming Healthier Know How To Better Take Care Of Children’s Hair Know How To Maintain Summer Hair Be Familiar With Some Make Up Do’s And Don’ts Know More About Hair Stereotypes Know About The Mynoie Movement Become Familar With The Mynoire Logo






strong, confident, beautiful REAL women

Find Hair Resources

Stylist Talk Summer Hair

Stereotypes Make-up Advice

July/ August 2011

July/ August 49




strong, beautiful, confident REAL women




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