2024 AFP Sponsorship Opportunities

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2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)

Colorado Chapter is a membership organization that advances philanthropy in our region by creating opportunities for fundraising professionals to network, grow professionally, and advance our field.

Welcoming over 290 members in our region from every nonprofit sector, the AFP Colorado Chapter embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are honored to stand with our colleagues and those in the community fighting systemic injustice, and we are committed to doing our part to listen, learn, and advance equality for all.

AFP programming and membership allow Fundraisers to continue learning and growing, which in turn positively impacts the missions of so many nonprofits in our communities.

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– 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities
AFP Colorado Chapter


Weekly Thursday Thoughts electronic newsletter available both to members and nonmembers sharing resources, information, and inspiration

Job Postings on the chapter job board with required ethical practices and salary ranges

Mentoring Program that pairs those newer to the field with experienced fundraising professionals contributing to the ongoing strength and success of the sector.

Regular Education Sessions (offered in person and virtual as appropriate) addressing current and relevant topics presented by diverse and experienced leading experts.

Monthly informal Coffee Chat gatherings to meet, learn about timely topics related to fundraising, and talk with colleagues at other nonprofits.

Annual fall conference called the Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute (RMPI) providing networking opportunities, leading-edge plenary sessions, and thought-provoking workshops.

Local celebration of National Philanthropy Day to honor outstanding professionals, volunteers, funders, donors, and businesses while inspiring the local nonprofit sector

These programs are only possible with the investment of our sponsors, who are committed to furthering education and philanthropy across Colorado. Every program has an associated sponsorship opportunity and multiple levels of support available, so sponsors can pick and choose the right visibility and benefits to meet their budget and goals.

Our sponsors make a difference in the lives of fundraisers and the missions they serve to sustain philanthropy in Colorado. Thank you for joining us!

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– 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities
Colorado Chapter

Thursday Thoughts

Our weekly electronic newsletter is sent to approximately 290 AFP Colorado Chapter members and an additional 900+ individuals who have signed up to receive it many of them fundraising professionals or individuals who work for nonprofits.

Advertising is available on a first-come, first-served basis, with a maximum of two ads per issue. Electronic artwork is due no later than Tuesday at noon before publication on Thursday and must be submitted as a JPG file.

Small Advertisement

$50/week or $150 for 4 weeks (same ad)

626 x 115 pixels

Includes hyperlink to your website

Large Advertisement

$100/week or $300 for 4 weeks (same ad)

626 x 230 pixels

Includes hyperlink to your website

Please note that Thursday Thoughts advertisements can be purchased individually, in groups, or may be provided as a benefit to other sponsorship opportunities.

Thursday Thoughts Sponsor $2,500 per year

Your company may select the annual Thursday Thoughts sponsorship for a more regular presence. For this, your name, company logo, and a hyperlink to your website will appear in every weekly newsletter for one year. In addition, you will receive 6 large ads to place throughout the year at your chosen time. Finally, you will have the opportunity to send two Partner email messages per year. This email will include content provided by you and will be sent by us to all AFP Colorado Chapter Members and others subscribed to our mailing list (about 1,200 individuals).

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Job Postings

Job postings are routinely the most clicked link within our electronic newsletters, and our Chapter Job Center is one of the most popular pages of our website. Postings can be sent to AFP Colorado Chapter (AFPCC) members as a stand-alone email and/or within the weekly Thursday Thoughts newsletter. The position will also be posted on the Chapter Job Center website page for one month. Job postings must include a pay range and a full listing of benefits. They may not include references to percentage-based compensation, donor/prospect information sharing, or discrimination per federal employment guidelines

AFP Members

$90 each for immediate posting

$65 each for posting in Thursday Thoughts

Includes AFPCC website posting for 1 month


$140 each for immediate posting

$115 each for posting in Thursday Thoughts

Includes AFPCC website posting for 1 month

Job Posting Sponsor

$1,500 per year

As the exclusive Job Posting Sponsor, your name and company logo will appear in Thursday Thoughts with every job posting. Your name and company logo with a hyperlink to your website will also appear within every stand-alone job posting email sent out for one year.

AFP Colorado Chapter

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– 2024
Sponsorship Opportunities

Education Sessions

AFP Colorado Chapter seeks sponsorships for Education Sessions to aid in our efforts to provide meaningful, accessible programming. We offer Education Sessions several times a year and work with AFP and fundraising community members alike to ensure sessions are relevant and inclusive. Sponsorships for these sessions allow us to pay our esteemed speakers for their work and expertise while keeping our programming financially accessible.

Education Session Sponsorship (Exclusive)

$500 per session

Programs planned for 2024 will include both virtual and in-person sessions in various formats and settings to meet the needs of our members. Whether the session is a breakfast, luncheon, webinar, or brown bag that takes place in person, outdoors, or over Zoom, the benefits remain consistent.

They include:

● Exclusive recognition as the only sponsor for the session

● Name and company logo on one stand-alone marketing email

● Name and company logo in at least two Thursday Thoughts emails promoting session

● Name, company logo, and link on the AFP Colorado website education page

● Opportunity to make introductory remarks at the start of session (2-3 minutes)

● Promotional materials at the registration table or emailed to attendees

● Complimentary Attendees: 2 for in-person sessions and 6 for virtual sessions

Note: This is also a benefit for some of our RMPI and NPD Event sponsors. For those sponsorship opportunities, see pages 8 and 10.

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AFP Colorado Chapter – 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Coffee Chat

Coffee Chat is an informal gathering for nonprofit fundraising professionals. Anyone with fundraising duties in their job description or interest in breaking into the field of nonprofit fundraising is welcome to attend. Coffee Chat is free to attend, and AFP membership is not required.

Held the second Thursday of every month, Coffee Chat has two common formats. One format features a speaker who briefly presents a topic of interest to those in attendance and then engages them in conversation about what was learned. The second format is an organic conversation about fundraising best practices. Fundraising professionals share what is on their minds and get input from the group on current roadblocks or struggles.

Monthly Sponsorship Annual Sponsorship (Exclusive)

$250 per Coffee Chat Session

Name and company logo on Coffee Chat reminder email

Verbal recognition during Coffee Chat

$2,000 per year

Name and company logo on all Coffee Chat reminder emails

Verbal recognition during all Coffee Chats

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Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute

Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute (RMPI) is AFP Colorado Chapter’s annual fall conference dedicated to bringing Colorado Fundraising Professionals, nonprofit leaders, and learners together to grow, network, and rejuvenate.

RMPI 2024 will be an action-packed conference filled with professional development and networking. The event will take place on September 20, 2024, just outside Boulder, Colorado. The program will include a keynote speaker and breakfast, multiple education sessions, a networking lunch, and happy hour.

This year’s conference will provide veteran and new nonprofit professionals with the opportunity to hone their fundraising skills, network, and set intentions for a postpandemic era in which a world of possibility lies ahead. Our industry can lead in embracing change and setting a purposeful and inclusive path forward.

As a sponsor, you can support the professional development of front-line fundraisers – the people who make our region’s nonprofits tick. We will promote your brand presence to nonprofit decision-makers from Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region. You can also build new relationships with fundraisers through small-group interactions.

In our chapter efforts to improve equity and access, we now recognize the importance of paying our speakers. Your sponsorship directly supports honorariums for top-notch workshop session speakers at the conference. We are committed to assembling an inclusive line-up of speakers representing various perspectives and insights. Thanks to your support, selected speakers will receive an honorarium, free conference registration, and the opportunity to engage directly with AFP members.

Check out our sponsorship opportunities on the next page.

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Recognition on all RMPI social media managed by AFP Colorado Chapter, logo with link on one advance and one follow-up email to conference attendees, logo with link on RMPI page of AFPCC website, logo on e-program

Vendor table in central location to maximize access to all conference participants

Pre-recorded ad (provided by you) during conference or live presentation during lunch*

3-minute Branded Breakout Room: You can use this time to demonstrate your product, offer giveaways, and network directly with fundraising professionals*

Large ad (626 x 230 pixels) in the electronic AFP newsletter, Thursday Thoughts, with a link to your website*

Recognition at one Education Session or Coffee Chat session during 2024

Exclusive host and recognition of the Keynote – includes verbal recognition, logo, and opportunity to welcome guests during the keynote address

Most prominent logo placement in all materials

*If professional development opportunities are more appealing than name/logo recognition, all of these benefits can be traded for additional conference registrations instead (5 more for Presenting, 3 more for Supporting, 2 more for Community Builder)

RMPI Scholarship Sponsor $1,000

This sponsorship directly supports scholarship recipients from across Colorado. AFP Colorado Chapter will select recipients based on need. Recipients will be asked to contribute only $15 towards their conference registration fee. Associated sponsorship benefits include all Exhibitor benefits, plus:

● 30-second pre-recorded ad (provided by you) during the conference OR 1-minute presentation during the conference

> 9 < AFP Colorado Chapter – 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities RMPI Conference Sponsorship Benefits Presenting $5,000 (1 available) Supporting $2,500 Community Builder $1,500 Exhibitor $750 Free conference registrations 5 3 2 1
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60-second ad or 2-minute presentation 30-second ad or 1-minute presentation 30-second ad or 1-minute presentation
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National Philanthropy Day

For more than 30 years, National Philanthropy Day (NPD) has recognized the vital work of Colorado’s giving community, highlighting outstanding individuals and organizations from communities throughout our state. Gathering to celebrate philanthropy never fails to inspire and rejuvenate the nonprofit community in Colorado.

We will be able to learn how individuals, organizations, and businesses across Colorado are creating a kinder, more sustainable, and just world. We connect with other changemakers who care about philanthropy and our vibrant nonprofit sector. And we celebrate award winners and the difference philanthropy makes in Colorado and the world. The event typically sells out at 750 attendees.

On November 7, 2024, we will hold NPD in person at the Seawell Ballroom at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Our sponsors can be confident that supporting NPD will lead to meaningful recognition among the Colorado nonprofit community. We invite you to support and celebrate those who uplift philanthropy around our state.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We have event sponsorship opportunities available (listed on the next page) for those who wish to join these leaders in supporting and celebrating philanthropy.

Exclusive NPD Sponsorships

We have many loyal sponsors who come back year-over-year to support NPD with exclusive sponsorships. However, we are open to creating exclusive sponsorship opportunities if your company is interested, please reach out with inquiries.

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Logo showcased in PowerPoint presentation, event program, and digital marketing materials

Rolling banner recognition on AFP Colorado Chapter website for 6 weeks

Logo recognition in all event emails

Recognition on all NPD social media managed by AFP Colorado Chapter

In-Person Event Tickets/Tables*

(Gold sponsors get premium room placement)

Large ad (626 x 230 pixels) in the electronic AFP newsletter, Thursday Thoughts, with a link to your website

Recognition at one Education Session or Coffee Chat session during 2024

1 Table

Invitation to In-person VIP reception

Verbal recognition during the event and prominent logo placement in all materials

*Nonprofit direct-service organizations wishing to sponsor NPD receive reduced sponsorship pricing: Gold $5,000; Silver $2,500, Bronze $1,500.

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– 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities NPD Sponsorship Benefits Gold* $6,000 Silver* $3,500 Bronze* $2,500 Community $750
AFP Colorado Chapter
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Table 1 Table 2 Tickets
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Customized sponsorship packages are available. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, let’s talk about your sponsorship goals and how we can help.

For inquiries or questions, please contact AFP Colorado Executive Director:

DeAnn Acosta deann@afpcc.org


Meghan Vargas mvargas@firehousesubs.com

Faustine Curry FCurry@voacolorado.org

AFP Colorado Chapter Address: PO Box 24745, Denver, CO 80224

AFP Colorado Chapter – 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

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