Brand Manager: Deanna Sylvester
Table of Contents Executive Summary
M issio n /V isio n / S o c ial R e s p o n s ib ility
C u sto m er P r o file
C u sto m er N ar r ative
5 -7
Mood Board
C o lo r P alette
B r a n d E x te n sio n R a tio n a le
A sso r tm e n t C la ssific a tio n P r o d u c t N u m b er A sso r tm en t
11-12 13
G r o u p O ver view
C o st S h eets
B r a n d Id en tity /C o m p etitiv e E d g e R eta il P a r tn er /D istr ib u tio n
29 3 0 -3 1
P r o d u c tio n C a len d a r
P u r c h a se O r d er
P u r c h a se In v o ic e
S easo n al S ales P r o jec tio n
S ales P r o jec tio n -M a ster P a g e
F lo o r P lan
M a r k etin g B u d g et
M a r k etin g P la n
3 9 -41
P r ess K it (Lin e S h eets) B ib lio g r a p h y
42 -5 8 59
1 Â
Executive Summary The concept of this project is to pose as a brand manager for a retail brand. I chose to work as the brand manager for the growing luxury brand Givenchy. TISCI is a brand extension from the international luxury brand Givenchy. The brand was designed to target a younger demographic. This is a SS16 women’s ready-to-wear collection. The brand is more affordable for the somewhat price conscious woman. TISCI is more trend driven, while still holding that sexy and elegant signature Givenchy aesthetic.
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Mission Statement: Givenchy is an international luxury brand, known worldwide for its Haute Couture, ready-to-wear collections for men and women and fashion accessories. The house boldly embodies French elegance.
Vision Statement: Recreating the 1900’s silhouettes, Givenchy has now been modernized, drawing customers back to the company and gaining influential fans. Givenchy now focuses on designing commercially successful clothing for the sexy, elegant, and trend driven women.
Social Responsibility Partnership: ChildFund International exists to help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children have the capacity to improve their lives and the opportunity to become young adults, parents, and leaders who bring lasting and positive change in their communities. We promote societies whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting, and advancing the worth and rights of children.
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Customer Profile:
G eo g r aph ic S eg m en tatio n : Region Midwest, east, west City Size Up to 8 Million Population Density Urban Climate Hot, temperate, cold D em o g r a p h ic S eg m en ta tio n : Age 25-35 Gender Female Household Size 1 or 2 persons Income $40,000- 100,000 Occupation Entrepreneur, Blogger, Fashion Designer, Buyer Education College Graduate S o c io -c u ltu r a l S eg m en ta tio n : Culture 25-35 Subculture Religion All National origin All Race All Social Class Middle-Upper Class Marital Status Single, Married Psychographics Achievers B e h a v io r a l S e g m e n ta tio n : Brand Loyalty Undivided Loyalty Store Loyalty Undivided Loyalty User rate Medium User Status Current User
Customer Narrative:
She is having a hard time getting up on this Friday
morning when her alarm goes off at 8:00am. She is so tired from last night because she is a nighttime girl and in no way a morning person. She stayed out late because she was out getting a few drinks at a new rooftop bar in downtown LA with her girlfriends. Finally when she finally gets up around 9:30, she hops into the shower, gets ready, has to pick out the best outfit to wear today because it’s Friday! She always likes to go for a trend forward look, but still likes to be a little laid back. She puts on some loose silky pants paired with a fitted crop top, and a sheer, loose top that she found at a vintage shop to put over the crop top. Once she is all ready, she grabs her vintage Chanel bag and heads out the door to get something to eat for brunch. She meets one of her good friends for brunch at Joan’s on Third, not to mention her friend is her photographer for her fashion blog. After they finish lunch around 1 o’clock, they go to a shoot location on the streets of downtown LA, and do a small shoot for a personal style outfit post for her blog. When they finish up they go shopping to a few stores in LA to pull some
clothing for a photo shoot that she is styling tomorrow for a WHOWHATWEAR feature. They finally part ways and she heads back to her studio apartment and gets working on her outfit post for the blog. After she does a few work things like finishing putting looks together for the photo shoot, and working on a clothing design project that’s been in the works for a couple years, she finally hits up a few friends for dinner. By this time it’s already 7:00pm and a few of her girlfriends come over to meet at her house while figuring out what the happening place for the night. It’s one of her best friends 26th birthday tonight, so she needs to change into something a little bit sexier. She puts on this new black slip dress she bought from Zara last week paired with some Celine heels. They’re finally ready to go out for a late dinner in Downtown LA on Sunset Boulevard at one of their favorite restaurants they’ve been going to for years for every special occasion. After some entrees and a few drinks, they are on to the next spot. They always have the best nights in West Hollywood. It never seems to fail them, so that is where they will head tonight. They hit up a few bars (only the good ones of course) that have dancing because you can’t have the
perfect girls night without some dancing, and maybe a stop at the Abby to end the night of course. She loses track of time and by this time it’s almost 2:00am, and she needs to get up early for her photo shoot she’s styling for WHOWHATWEAR! She hates to have to leave earlier while her friends stay back at the bar, but she is forced to leave her friends because she is a responsible woman and knows her career in fashion is very important to her. Her feet hurt so bad from dancing all night, so she’s glad to order an Uber ride back home and cuddle into bed.
Color Palette
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TISCI Brand Extension Rationale: Tisci is a sub brand from Givenchy. The brand was designed to target a younger demographic. The brand is more affordable for the somewhat price conscious woman. Tisci is more trend driven, while still holding that sexy and elegant signature Givenchy aesthetic.
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Assortment Classification: 1. YEAR 1 2015 2 2016 3 2017 4 2018 2. SEASON A Spring/Summer B Fall/Winter 3. CLASS 1 Tops 2 Bottoms 3 Dresses 4 Outerwear 4. SUB CLASS 1 Tops 1 Crop Top 2 Short Sleeve Tee 3 Button Down Shirt 2 Bottoms 1 Culottes 2 Trousers 3 Jumpsuit 4 Shorts 3 Dresses 1 Wrap 2 Leather Fringe 3 Sheer Cover up 4 Outerwear 1 Jacket 2 Blazer 5. COLOR 1 Black 2 White/Creme 3 Grey 4 Olive 5 Metallic Striped 6 Multi Sequin 6. FABRICATION 1 Silk Duchesse Satin 2 Leather 3 Silk Organza 4 Polyester Charmeuse 5 Sequin on mesh
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6 Silk-Cotton 7. SIZE 1 Extra Small 2 Small 3 Medium 4 Large
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Product Number Assortment: 1. #2A231432 – Black and Grey Silver Silk Organza Jumpsuit 2. #2A12232 – Ivory silk Organza Tee 3. #2A11122 – Black Leather Asymmetrical Crop Top 4. #2A21122 – Black Leather Culottes 5. #2A31412 – Moss Satin Wrap Dress 6. #2A11562 – Metallic Gold Striped Lapel Crop Top 7. #2A22562 – Metallic Gold Striped Trouser 8. #2A41412 – Moss Satin Kimono Jacket 9. #2A32122 – Black Leather Fringe Dress 10. #2A11652 – Sequin Crop top 11. #2A24652 – Sequin Short 12. #2A33232 – Silk Organza Sheer Cover Up Dress
Group Overview
Cost Sheets:
Brand Identity: -
Trendy -
Sexy Classic
Selling Appeal/ Distinct Characteristics: -
Color Palette Cut/ Silhouette -
Quality -
Competitive Edge: -
Design Aesthetic -
Affordable Luxury -
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SS 16
Selling Period: Feb.- July 2016: In Store
Retail Partner: Barneys
Geographic Distribution: - California: 1. Beverly Hills 9570 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90212 2. San Francisco 77 O’Farrell Street San Francisco, CA 94108 3. The Americana at Brand 869 Americana Way Glendale, CA 91210 4. The Grove 189 The Grove Drive Los Angeles, CA 90036 5. Santa Monica 395 Santa Monica Place Santa Monica, CA 90401
- New York: 6. Madison Avenue 660 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10065 7. Broadway/Upper West Side 2151 Broadway New York, NY 10023 8. Brooklyn 194 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11201 9. SOHO 116 Wooster Street New York, NY 10012
- Chicago: 10. 15 East Oak Street Chicago, IL 60611
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Production Calendar: SS16 Collection F eb ‘15 - Research - Trend Report - Competition
Ju n e - Muslin/ 1st sample - Costing - Assortment Classification/ Style #’s *Fashion Show Prep*
O c to b er - Purchase Orders - Showroom *O R D ER S*
March Fabric/Color stories - Silhouette - Inspiration/ Mood Board
Ju ly - Line Edits/ Final Prod. Samples - Line Sheets *Fashion Show Prep*
N o v em b er - Best Sellers Appointments/ Selling -Line Edits
A p r il - Sketch Flats/Overview Product
A u g u st - Photo/Prelim. -Market Materials *Fashion Show Prep*
D ec em b er - Marketing - Placing Orders - Production Cycle - Tech Production
May - Sample Yards - Order Materials - Pattern Development *Fashion Show Prep*
S eptem b er *MARKET READY* **R U N W AY SH O W **
Ja n u a r y‘16 - Patterns - Fabrics - Materials - Spec Info -Contractor -In H o use team -Cut/Sew/ Grading
F eb /M ar c h ’16 **Prep to Ship** /R elease SS16 In Store!
Purchase Order:
33 Â
Purchase Invoice:
TISCI 3, Avenue George V 75008 Paris, France
12345 Feb. 1, 16
+33 1 44 31 50 00 +33 1 47 20 44 96
Barneys New York, Inc. th th 575 5 Ave., 11 Fl. New York, NY 10017 USA
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Beverly Hills Wilshire Boulevard 9570 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
123456 FedEx 2nd Day
#2A231432 #2A12232 #2A11122 #2A21122 #2A31412 #2A11562 #2A22562 #2A41412 #2A32122 #2A11652 #2A24652 #2A33232
Feb. 1, 16
Black & Grey Jumpsuit Organza Tee Silk Black Leather Asym. Crop Top Black Leather Culottes Moss Satin Wrap Dress Metallic Gold Striped Lapel CT Metallic Gold Striped Trouser Moss Satin Kimono Jacket Black Leather Fringe Dress Sequin Crop Top Sequin Short Silk Organza Sheer Cover Up Dress
$170.00 $65.00 $80.00 $183.00 $252.00 $98.00 $130.00 $226.00 $370.00 $139.00 $252.00 $139.00
Feb. 15, 16
$1,700.00 $650.00 $800.00 $1,830.00 $2,520.00 $980.00 $1,300.00 $2,260.00 $3,700.00 $1,390.00 $2,520.00 $1,390.00
$ 21,040.00 $ 0 $ 450.00 $ 21,490.00 $ 0
$ 21,490
Seasonal Sales Projection:
35 Â
Sales Projection Master Page: Introduction Phase (40%): Units: 120 Units Sold: 48 Units on Hand: 72
Maintenance Phase (30%): Units: 72 Units Sold: 33 Units on Hand: 39
Clearance Phase (30%): Units: 39 Units Sold: 39 Units on Hand: 0
36 Â
Floor Plan:
Marketing Budget:
TWS $21,040
# of Stores X
TWS All Stores = $210,400 = $12,624
X 6%
(Marketing Budget)
Introduction Phase: $7,574 (60%) Maintenance Phase: $2,525 (20%) Clearance Phase: $2,525 (20%)
38 Â
Marketing Plan: Introduction phase: $7,574 (60%) O b jec tive: The purpose to promote the TISCI SS16 women’s collection is to reach our customers in California, New York, and Chicago. S tr ateg y: To promote the SS16 women’s collection, TISCI will use 60% of its marketing budget to reach our customers through launch events, print media, and social media. Ten percent of profits will benefit ChildFund International. T a c tic : Social Media- Instagram/ Twitter Print Media- February’16 Vogue/ Bazaar/ Style.com Launch events will be held at five Barneys locations. They will be from 6-9pm on Thursday, February 25, 2016, at Beverly Hills, The Grove, Madison Ave, Soho, and East Oak Street Barneys locations. There will be appetizers, drinks, dj, and will be hosted by local bloggers from each location. Each purchase will benefit ChildFund International.
C o n tr o l M eth o d : Event only: Free Gift with purchase of $300 or more. E xec u tive Team : - PR Specialist - Marketing Coordinator - Social Media Coordinator - Photographer
Marketing Plan: Maintenance Phase: $2,525 (20%)
O b jec tive: The purpose to promote the TISCI SS16 women’s collection is to reach our new and loyal customers in California, New York, and Chicago. S tr ateg y: To promote the SS16 women’s collection, TISCI will use 20% of its marketing budget to reach our customers through Trunk Shows, print media, and social media. T a c tic : Social Media- Instagram/ Twitter Print Media- March’16 Vogue/ Bazaar/ Style.com Trunk Shows will be held at three Barneys locations. They will be from 6-9pm at Beverly Hills, Madison Ave, and East Oak Street Barneys locations. There will be appetizers, drinks, and a dj. C o n tr o l M eth o d : Event Only: 15% off your purchase of $300 or more. E xec u tive Team : - Social Media Coordinator - Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Plan: Clearance Phase: $2,525 (20%)
O b jec tive: The purpose to promote the TISCI SS16 women’s collection is to reduce inventory in our California, New York, and Chicago Barneys locations. S tr ateg y: To promote the SS16 women’s collection, TISCI will use 20% of its marketing budget to reach our customers through a private pre-sale event and social media. T a c tic : Social Media- Instagram/ Twitter Private pre-sale events will be held at five Barneys locations. They will be from noon-3pm at Beverly Hills, The Grove, Madison Ave, Soho, and East Oak Street Barneys locations. There will be appetizers and drinks.
C o n tr o l M eth o d : Event Only: Extra 15% sale E xec u tive Team : - Social Media Coordinator - Marketing Coordinator
Press Release: TISCI is a sub brand from Givenchy. The brand was designed to target a younger demographic. The brand is more affordable for the somewhat price conscious woman. TISCI is more trend driven, while still holding that sexy and elegant signature Givenchy aesthetic. The TISCI SS16 women’s collection will be available at all Barneys locations in California, New York, and Chicago. Launch events will be held at five Barneys locations. They will be from 6-9pm on Thursday, February 25, 2016, at Beverly Hills, The Grove, Madison Ave, Soho, and East Oak Street Barneys locations. There will be appetizers, drinks, dj, and will be hosted by local bloggers from each location. Each purchase will benefit ChildFund International. Ten percent of profits will benefit ChildFund International. ChildFund International exists to help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children have the capacity to improve their lives and the opportunity to become young adults, parents, and leaders who bring lasting and positive change in their communities. We promote societies whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting, and advancing the worth and rights of children.
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Designer Biography:
Riccardo Tisci has been the creative director at Givenchy since 2005. He was born in Taranto, Southern Italy in 1974. At 17, he studied fashion design at Central Saint Martins in London and graduated in 1999. Tisci was named Creative Director for Givenchy Women’s haute couture and ready-to-wear lines in 2005. In 2008, he was also named the menswear and accessories designer for Givenchy. Tisci added his unique gothic touches to the brand. Tisci has designed costumes for Madonna’s tour in 2008, Rihanna’s diamond tour in 2013, and the Beyonce and Jay-Z On The Run tour in 2014. Known for his custom designs for celebrities at the Met Gala, and for designing Kim Kardashian’s famous wedding dress. Tisci has definitely turned the brand into his own.
Line Sheets: Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Black and Grey Silver Silk Organza Jumpsuit #2A231432 XS, S, M, L Retail: $390
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Ivory Silk Organza Tee #2A12232 XS, S, M, L Retail: $150
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Black Leather Asymmetrical Crop Top #2A11122 XS, S, M, L Retail: $185
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Black Leather Culottes #2A21122 XS, S, M, L Retail: $420
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Moss Satin Wrap Dress #2A31412 XS, S, M, L Retail: $580
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Metallic Gold Striped Lapel Crop Top #2A11562 XS, S, M, L Retail: $225
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Metallic Gold Striped Trouser #2A22562 XS, S, M, L Retail: $300
51 Â
Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Moss Satin Kimono Jacket #2A41412 XS, S, M, L Retail: $520
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TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Black Leather Fringe Dress #2A32122 XS, S, M, L Retail: $850
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Sequin Crop Top #2A11652 XS, S, M, L Retail: $320
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Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Sequin Short #2A24652 XS, S, M, L Retail: $580
55 Â
Givenchy TISCI SS16 Delivery Feb 1, 2016 through March 1, 2016 Minimum orders of 12 units Sales representative: Deanna
Silk Organza Sheer Cover Up Dress #2A33232 XS, S, M, L Retail: $320
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Bibliography: - Wgsn.com - Givenchy.com - Behance.net - Pinterest.com - Barneys.com - www.vogue.co.uk/spy/biographies/riccardo-tisci
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