Every Indian stamp is a reflection of our country
Every postal stamp of India is our nation’s identity. The diverse aspects about India’s history, culture, traditions, wildlife, architecture, personalities etc, can be studied through Indian stamps. You can follow a wide range of topics that excite you when you build a collection of old Indian stamps. You can choose these topics based on your area of interest.
From the earliest Scinde Dawk issues to the Gandhi Service stamps, there are several rare Indian stamps that are auctioned around the globe for a very high value. It is important to protect rare stamps of India from dust, moisture and other external elements by storing them in good quality stamp albums.
Stamps of India that were issued during the British period featured the portrait of Kings and Queens. Their designs were very basic as well. ď‚Ą However, stamps in India issued after independence are far more fascinating. Some of them even have the scent of various Indian elements such as sandalwood, jasmine, coffee and rose. ď‚Ą
School-going children will be more excited to learn their lessons by studying a postage stamp of India rather than mugging up answers from a boring text book. ď‚Ą Rare Indian postage stamps can be used as a tool to bring about a revolution in the education system in India so that there is a fun element in the learning process. ď‚Ą
You shouldn’t stop your research the moment you add a new Indian stamp to your collection. Analyse the designs and read about the subjects featured on them. This will increase your general knowledge in a great way. Finally, always remember that stamp collecting is a fun hobby. There is no point if you get too stressed out when you are not able to find rare stamps of India. The idea is to have fun as you keep learning new aspects about our great country!