India Inspiration - Lizzie Stewart

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Lizzie Stewart Reportage Illustra3on Inspira3on for my India Brief.

I really love the way she does her ‘Travel Diaries’. She explores a range of techniques and ways of drawing but they s3ll always contain her tone of voice. I want to do this for my India project – crea3ng a collec3on that can be displayed as a book.

I really like the simple colour paleHe used here. This would be good to experiment with for my India brief because the colours are so vibrant and full of life that they really add to the atmosphere of the place/seJng – and so the illustra3on.

I like this juxtaposi3on of mul3ple people and a single person. Movement vs s3llness, and monochrome vs rich colour. Drawing the Indian crowds would look really visually interes3ng.

I was thinking a similar technique and size – filling up the whole canvas-­‐ would look really good for yoga poses and the yogis.

I spent a lot of my 3me in India by the coast and backwaters – this image reminds me of the importance of mark making when making the scene, such as the long brush strokes here used for the sea.

Nega3ve space is really important to keep in mind for this project as I have a habit of over complica3ng my work!

Drawing buildings is something I want to do a lot of for this project as I have lots of photographs and because the buildings are so different from ones here – yes they are a lot less stable and more ‘ramshackle’ but something that stood out to me was that they were pain3ng their full houses bright pinks and purples, set amongst the Indian forests/woods full of exo3c plants and looked so effec3ve.

I love this bold red house. It is so simple and effec3ve and the colours look so cheerful. I also need to keep in mind view points and 3me in the day – like the night-­‐ 3me roof top image on the right.

These simple shadows are s3ll recognisable as winter figures. The light and colours chosen do a great job of provoking a nostalgic feeling and winter atmosphere – the coziness inside the cars and the shop and the people wrapped up warm walking past the Christmas trees. I need to really capture the atmosphere and feelings I got while in the places I visited in India and let that direct my work.

If I produce some heart warming illustra3ons, for example, I can apply them to postcards or different cards that may have a different context – like fathers day/ mothers day/ birthday/ wish you were here/ get well soon etc.

Food is a massive part of your trip –par3cularly in India! For example, curry for breakfast, curry for lunch, curry for dinner.

Drawing figures is also going to be a big part of this project. I need to remember they don’t need to be complicated!!!

PaHerns – another major part of my project is a focus on Indian paHerns and tex3les as these were EVERYWHERE!

Singular objects forming part of a collec3on of drawn images. Perhaps a collec3on of the different flowers I saw – etc. Organise photographs into groups to give me inspria3on.

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