Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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Affordance is a quality or feature or an object or environment that allows a user to perform certain acFons. It helps to know how to interact with an object.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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The funcFonality or uFlity of an object or environment.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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What is the funcFon of the tracks? It divides the road and makes the runner run in a limited, parFcular space. The uFlity of the track is quite seen during sports.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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COLOR PercepFble affordance When charging at the right amount, the color shows green and it turns to orange when it charges but not with full power.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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SEQUENCE False affordances In the ATM ( Indian banks) they show 3 opFons on the screen with 4 tabs to chose from. Moreover, the placement of the the opFons do not sync with the tabs. Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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TEXTURE Hidden affordance The usage of the deodorant, the opening of the boZle.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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False affordance The exact funcFon of all the hooks are quite unknown and does not specify the correct usage of a hanger.
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Hidden affordance There are few sFcks which are folded and can be used by increasing the length of the sFck.
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PercepFble Affordance
While holding the iron, the buZon for steam is also used simultaneously. Hence, the locaFon specified above the handle.
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FORM For correct grip of the plug, usage of 3 fingers, the product is designed in such a way.
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TEXTURE For proper grip, texture has been introduced in the holding of this product.
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TEXTURE For proper grip, texture has been introduced in the holding of this product. Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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A false affordance, since the yellow piece doesn’t actually come to any help to the scissor. Aber someFme, the pair has become blunt.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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FORM The metal push helps the camera to zoom into an image.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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The small dent indicates the selecFon of the required mode of the camera.
Debanjana Saha Semester 5
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