Learning Portfolio: SPRING 2016/ARCH 20 DEBAO ZHAO
Dog House 1.1 Front view
Side view
This is the concept of the basic dog house, after this model was made, I found out that the size of the dog house is too big for a dog. In the first week, I was able to catch up in the class, but the weakness was that I wasn’t spent enough time for practicing. I am so proud that I can build up a model with software, meanwhile, I need to balance the time and spend more time for practing.
Dog House 1.2 This is the creative version of the dog house, I used a new scale for building this model. The most difficult part of this project for me was generating the idea, because I was stuck with the fix concept of dog house, and I spend a lot of time for modifying while I was constructing this dog house. however, I realized that having an complete idea before start doing it will save me a lot of time. Therefore, in this version of dog house, I decided to not follow the fixed way and built a fancy one.
Perspectives of Dog House 1.2 Right Side Perspective Rear Perspective Front-Right Perspective 2D Front Perspective 3D Front Perspective 3D Top Perspective 3D Left Side Perspective
Week 2
Portrait and Landscape Straight Lines Practice
Hand Drawing Cubics in 3 Dimention SketchUp Cubic in Array Practice
3.1 Groups and Components exercise
3.2 Floor Pattern Practice
Shadow Finding and Relationships of Different Perspective
Floor Patterns from SketchUp
Analysis In this week of study, I learnt the relationship of different perspectives, and how to make a group and component. The weakness in this week was that I couldn’t take fast notes in class while conducting the model and I didn’t review the new material that I’ve studied in class in time, which leads to more time spending after class to recall the points from class and to organize it. Thus, in the future class, I will try to take fast notes and review the new materials in time. Last but not least, I’m looking forward to learn more advance skills in this class.
Week 4
Side Perspective
Front Perspective
Right and Left Perspective
Back Perspective
Two Point Projection: Back Analysis:
Parallel Projection: Front
This week we practiced intersection and follow me tool in SketchUp. In this model I built, I used intersection to make the front and back door; and I used follow me tool to built the staircase handrail. When I was planning how to build the this model, I did some research of the dome architecture, and I learnt a lot of history and types of dome architecture. I also felt nerves when I was trying to make a complex design and found that I didn’t have that level of skill yet. I need to practice more about the new skill that I have learnt, and make it become of skill of mine.
Back Top Perspective
Front Side Perspective
Week 5 5.1 • Components and Railing Exercise 5.2 • Shadows exercises • A raised plaza inspired by Piazza del Campidoglio
5.1 Shadow Exercise
5.2 A Raised Plaza
Top Parallel Projection
Week 6 Malevich Inspired Construction
Analysis: In this project constructing building inspired by Melvichi, we used repetitive pattern to create a fascinated feel. To do so, we set up different groups and layers to edit it. Also, we use bright colour to differentiate different parts of the building. In addition to the main building, I built a exterior area to extend the space according to the irregular geometry and made an artificial waterfall. Although I can make the building generally, I need to practice my creativity. And be able to foresee the model and the process to create it, since sometimes I have an idea in mind, and lost in where to start. I think the Russian architecture is a very good study material to practice creativity, since Chernikhov’s drawing shows a lot of complexity.
Week 7
Wall Studies
In this wall design, I try to create a rest space where is quite and comfortable by using different oriented and shapes of wall and import a tree to achieve it.
This wall is made of concrete, although this material looks cold and uncomfortable, I add two yellow glasses of light in the middle, to balance.
This wall I use a warm material-wood for the sitting panel, and a yellow light next to it and a glass for sunshade to increase the brightness.
In the interior of this model, I made the celling different height of inside and outside area to increase the inside space.
This model is inspired
by camping tent, I made different triangle geometries and with a large windows to enlarge the space in vision, and the windows can lead lots of sunshine in to express the comfort.
Analysis This project is creating various types of wall with window opening. In the beginning of this project, I was stuck in making a normal types of wall, and felt hard to create walls beyond usual ones. Also, the scale is kind of hard for me to control, it took me some time to decide the scale. But as I keep doing some research and keep making, I was kind of get the sense of creating different shapes. The threat is that the beginning is always hard and takes long time to get into creating. This project help getting us into thinking about the interior design.
Week 8
Back Perspective
First Floor_Back View
Second Floor
Analysis: In this Project, I created a house on a small hill. I used sandbox tool to create the hill shape. And I use pictures of mountain view for the background to make it more realistic. Also, in the interior of he house, I created a spiral staircase to connect the two floors. This project enhanced my ability to operate Sketchup, and learned to find solution more efficiently when I encountered problems.
Close Up View
* Background from: PsychoPictography.com
Week 9
Origami Paper Planes
9.1 Folding Exercise
Front and Left Views
Top and Left Perspectives
Close Up
9.2 Rotating Practice
Two Point Perspective_Left Close Up
From the project this week, I found that rotating tool is very useful. It can be used to make origami models, creating a model by the same pattern with rotate tool and shape the model different angles. I learnt a lot from last week study. Especially the comparison of different thickness of a wall can have big effects, and it is essential for different people in different areas of the world. The weakness of this project is lack of creativities, but I was playing with different styles of the background color sets, which I found is pretty fun and I like the illumined color that it created. Also, I was trying to make a model of origami paper boat, however, the process is much more complicated than a paper plane, I will keep trying after this project.