Spring 2008 Blackboard

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Spring 2008

Ellbogen Foundation gifts $1 million to UW College of Education


who died in 2001. Prior he John P. Ellbogen to Ellbogen’s death, he Foundation has donated $1.2 million to pledged $1 million to the UW, primarily contributing University of Wyoming to to educational distinction. support the John P. Ellbogen “I was privileged to College of Education Dean’s spend considerable time Excellence Fund. This with Jack during my first latest commitment brings years with UW. Jack was the Ellbogen Foundation’s a key member of the UW total gifts and pledges to UW Foundation Board for to more than $4.9 million. many years,” says Ben The gift will be matched Blalock, president/CEO dollar for dollar by the State of the University of Endowment Fund and will Wyoming Foundation. be used to address the critical “Jack was one of UW’s needs and priorities that visionary philanthropic complement the University leaders who played a o f Wy o m i n g A c a d e m i c pivotal role in elevating Plan, College of Education the university’s private goals, and the Ellbogen support programs to new F o u n d a t i o n ’s m i s s i o n . heights. His foundation Pat McClurg, dean of the under the leadership of UW College of Education, his family has continued says the college has worked Jack’s UW legacy in a with the Ellbogen Foundation remarkable fashion. on several projects to support There is no doubt that excellence in education. Jack is smiling down “This gift is particularly o n h i s a l m a m a t e r. ” exciting because the The Ellbogen endowment is flexible Dean Pat McClurg, UW President Tom Buchanan, and Mary Foundation’s mission enough to allow us to Garland greet football fans at halftime, during an on-field is “To create or cause address evolving needs and presentation recognizing the Ellbogen Foundation’s gift to change, primarily for the priorities in education,” the college. benefit of the people of says McClurg. “And the the state of Wyoming substantial, consistent funding permits us to incorporate longer-term through the support of science, education, and charity.” “When our foundation talks about change, we talk about initiatives in our strategic planning processes.” change on the systemic level,” Garland says. “Typically, “We will always give consideration to the College of we make larger grants; but we like building partnerships Education in the areas that are outlined as priorities in its with both private funders with similar missions and academic plan,” says Mary Ellbogen Garland, Ellbogen the public side of the equation, the state legislature. Foundation president. “The college has been an excellent “I feel blessed,” she says. “I can wake up every morning partner, both in bringing us good projects and in listening and and ask, ‘What are the possibilities for my dad’s foundation helping us implement what we think is right for Wyoming.” today?’” The Ellbogen Foundation was formed out of the proceeds of the estate of John P. “Jack” Ellbogen,

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On bogus wars and balanced teaching

By JAMES BAUMANN, University of Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Chair in Literacy Education

DEAN’S NOTE: In lieu of my regular column, I have asked Jim Baumann to discuss issues and concerns surrounding literacy education.


ebates about the best way to teach children to read in the U.S. have existed for centuries. Sometimes the debates have been quite vitriolic, as in the “The Reading Wars” of the 1990s that pitted advocates of phonics versus proponents of whole language. Although it was rather odd to contrast an approach for teaching students to pronounce words (phonics) to a much broader philosophy of teaching literacy in a naturalistic, meaning-centered manner (whole language), many educators took sides and argued vehemently for their position. While professors, politicians, and educational pundits skirmished, most teachers closed their doors and attended to the business of teaching kids to read and write well. At about this time, colleagues and I conducted a national survey of elementary teachers’ reading practices and perspectives. Results revealed that teachers did not take a polar view on teaching reading. For example, 89 percent of the teachers identified with the statement, “I believe in a balanced approach to reading instruction, which combines skills development with literature and language-rich activities.” Thus, on the ground, there was not much evidence of a reading war. Arising from the ashes of war was a perspective referred to as balanced reading instruction, which embodied the eclectic viewpoint many teachers held. The balanced

perspective, which I also embraced, became a popular alternative to either phonics or whole language. However, balance was defined in so many different ways that almost any kind of reading and writing instruction could be called “balanced.” During the heyday of the wars, I decided that it was time to re-immerse myself in classroom life, for I had been a professor for a number of years and away from the realities of all-day, every-day teaching. Thus, I took a year’s leave from the university to teach second grade full-time in a public school serving diverse children and their families. It was time to see if what I was professing from the ivory tower about balanced literacy could be put to practice in the real world of a class of wonderful 7- and 8year-olds. I conducted research in my classroom on balanced literacy, the results of which crystallized my thinking into what I now refer to as an Instruction-Immersion Model of Literacy Teaching (see Figure). According to this model, effective literacy teaching involves both explicit instruction in reading and writing skills and strategies and immersion in a rich literate environment. The instruction domain involves the direct teaching of phonics, other word identification skills, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. The immersion domain includes exposure to literature, modeling literacy processes, and lots of teacher-guided Continued on page 3

Debra Beck, editor College of Education, Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY. 82071 e-mail: DEBBECK@UWYO.EDU Persons seeking admission, employment, or access to programs of the University of Wyoming shall be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or political belief.

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The Blackboard

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UW, community colleges launch distance elementary ed program


partnership involving the University of Wyoming’s College of Education, UW Outreach School, and the state’s community colleges to deliver the second half of the elementary education degree throughout the state using distance delivery options was formally unveiled in November 2007. Individuals who have been unable to complete the bachelor of arts degree due to lack of access to the UW/CC program in Casper or the UW-Laramie campus will now be able to complete the degree from their home community. Graduates of the three-year program will receive a bachelor of arts degree in elementary education. They also will complete most of the requirements for early childhood endorsement in Wyoming and will have an opportunity to continue course work completing that endorsement through a six-hour internship during the summer 2011 semester. The statewide program responds to historical ongoing requests by community college personnel and site-bound students interested in earning education degrees from UW. This collaborative project addresses

Teaching — Continued from page 2 and independent practice in reading and writing. At the intersection are several essential elements that include support for English learners, attention to motivation for literacy, instruction in technology and digital literacies, the recognition of diversity the inclusion of exceptional learners, and teaching critical thinking about texts. Subsequent observational research by Allington, Pressley, and colleagues of exemplary first- and fourthgrade teachers reinforced the power of eclecticism in literacy instruction. The researchers found that expert teachers taught students explicitly the skills needed to read, understand, and respond thoughtfully to texts; but they did so within an environment that supported and promoted literacy thought authentic reading and writing

an ongoing need and provides a win-win for education in Wyoming, according to College of Education Dean Pat McClurg. Students can complete program prerequisites at any of Wyoming’s seven community colleges. The UW College of Education and the UW Outreach School will then deliver all courses via online, videoconferencing or hybrid formats, with some face-to-face meetings to be centrally located in Casper. Students will complete field experiences such as student teaching in nearby schools. “What we tried to come up with was the best combination of courses, requirements and timing to fit the particular needs of site-bound students,” Alan Buss, Head of the UW Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, says. For more information, visit the University of Wyoming Teacher Education Program website (www. uwyo.edu/ted — click on the “Statewide ELEM Program Pilot” link)or contact Sharyn Polley at (307) 587-9974, e-mail: srusk@uwyo.edu.

experiences: a modern-day hybrid of the adversarial positions in the reading wars. Perhaps there finally was a truce. In conclusion, it is important to note that any model, or philosophy, of teaching cannot be static. Teaching contexts and students vary significantly. Therefore, instructional emphases must differ across kids and classes. And new opportunities and challenges will face teachers in the future, so any perspective on literacy teaching must be flexible to account for the novel. While the reading wars may have subsided, we must not be complacent in our instructional approaches but instead continue to evaluate and revise our literacy pedagogy. Peace.

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Baumann named to first UW Excellence chair


ames Baumann was recently named the University of Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Chair in Literacy Education, one of the positions created through a $70 million endowment established by the Wyoming Legislature to fund multiple senior faculty positions for “highly distinguished scholars and teachers” across various disciplines at the University. Legislators specified that at least four faculty positions funded by the endowment must support the College of Education. The literacy position held by Baumann is the first of the four chairs to be staffed. Baumann joined the UW faculty in the fall after serving for 17 years on the University of Georgia faculty as professor of reading education. He also has held faculty positions at Purdue University and North Texas State University. Baumann joins an already strong core of faculty in the literacy education program and works with them to enhance its doctoral and master’s level degree programs and to raise UW’s profile nationally. His first months in Laramie were spent meeting peers in the college, acquainting himself with the interests and expertise areas of fellow literacy educators, and getting to know students in a course he teaches statewide via video technology. Another early goal was extending an invitation to colleagues across campus who are interested in literacy in its varied forms to engage in conversations about common interests and goals. “We don’t own literacy in education,” he says. “We focus on the teaching and learning of literacy, but there are others who look at it from other perspectives.” Baumann also recognizes the leadership role he is likely to play in reaching out to the K-12 education community in Wyoming. “I’m really looking forward to connecting with the educators locally,” he says, “to begin to get a sense of the local and state literacy interests.” Baumann’s own academic interests tend to be practical in nature, e.g., bringing new insights and innovations to the classroom or incorporating new approaches to teaching reading. He plans to continue grant-funded research exploring vocabulary instruction practices that best help students. Of particular interest are those vocabulary practices that are most effective for children in the middle to 4 — UW College of Education

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upper elementary grades who find word meanings to be a challenge. Baumann says he expects to apply what he has learned about vocabulary instruction in a series of prior studies to new funded research at UW. After a long and successful tenure at Georgia, Baumann wasn’t necessarily seeking a change of scenery. But when he saw the new senior faculty position, where he could focus on academic and service interests, he was attracted by the opportunity and challenge and sought the position. “At this point in my career, there’s something to be to be said for the challenge of a new job and the excitement of working with new colleagues,” Baumann says.

The Blackboard

3/7/08 1:50:20 PM

College hires first science education chair


cholar Timothy F. Slater will join the University of Wyoming College of Education faculty next academic year as the first recipient of the Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair in Science Education. Slater is an associate professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona (UA), where he founded and directs the internationally recognized Conceptual Astronomy and Physics Education Research (CAPER) team. Three factors contributed to Slater’s decision to accept the UW assignment: a prominent platform to advance the practice and research of science education that an endowed chair provides, and access to unique resources; the opportunity to apply a successful model of graduate education that he developed at UA to a wider range of science disciplines; and the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across campus to deliver high-quality programming that strengthens science instruction and teacher preparation. Slater anticipates focusing on two early goals upon arriving in Laramie. One high priority will be creating and delivering new workshops for

high school science teachers that complement existing professional development programs offered by the UW Science-Mathematics Teaching Center. He also will begin to explore opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across campus, including the College of Arts and Science and the Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources, on grant proposals that support common science education research, policy, and programming goals. “I am excited that we have been able to attract a person with Dr. Slater’s credentials to this endowed chair position,” College of Education Dean Patricia McClurg says. “He brings a solid record of exemplary teaching — working both with students preparing to be teachers and professional development programs for teachers in the field. “Dr. Slater’s record of securing extramural funding is equally impressive,” McClurg adds. “He is a prolific author with publications appearing in respected journals and books and the author of multiple papers presented in national professional conferences. I am looking forward to Dr. Slater’s arrival and to the impact he will have on our programs both on campus and throughout the state.”

Special education faculty member Kay Cowie and retired professor Donna Marburger share a laugh at the college’s annual former faculty coffee. The holiday event offers an opportunity for retired faculty to return to campus, learn about exciting program and facility developments, and remember their days teaching and mentoring College of Education students.

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Newcomb Grant recipients return to UW to share experiences


The Lola B. Newcomb Beginning Teacher Support hree recent University of Wyoming graduates Grant was made possible by returned to the a gift from the estate of Mrs. College of Education Newcomb, who attended to share both their summer school at the College experiences in of Education in the 1930s. the classroom and The Newcomb Grant the professional provides $1,000 in professional development development funds to firstopportunities afforded year teachers in Wyoming them as recipients of who are graduates of UW. the Lola B. Newcomb Grants may be used for a Beginning Teacher range of activities, including: Support Grant. ▼ Mentoring Grant recipients for 2007 are: Mindy Newcomb Grant recipients meet with Dean Pat McClurg and ▼ Conferences and Director of Teacher Education Kay Persichitte during their workshops Buell, Spanish teacher campus visit. Shown are (seated): Katie Moore, McClurg, Erin ▼ Travel related to those for Carbon County Vineyard, (standing) Mindy Buell and Persichitte. activities School District 2 (Hanna-Elk Mountain); Katie Moore, ▼ Substitute time to allow the recipient to participate special education/primary living skills teacher for Albany in mentoring and professional development County School District 1 (Laramie); and Erin Vineyard, opportunities first grade teacher for Converse County School District ▼ Purchase of materials for the classroom. (Douglas). All three recipients graduated from the UW For more information on the Newcomb Grant College of Education in 2006. This year’s recipients returned to campus for a day of program, or to be placed on the mailing list for 2008 presentations, visits to undergraduate education classes applications, contact Debra Beck at debbeck@uwyo. edu. and meetings with college administrators.

Rios named first Center for Social Justice Research director


rancisco Rios will serve as the first University of Wyoming Center for Social Justice Research director. Rios, a Department of Educational Studies professor, agreed to a three-year term as leader of the center, which was established to encourage and nurture scholarly research in topics related to social justice. The idea for the center stemmed from a directive of the President’s Advisory Council for Minorities and Women’s Affairs (PACMWA), of which Rios is chairman. “This is a pretty exciting opportunity,” Rios says. “Of course, whenever you’re on the ground floor in starting something out, you have more 6 — UW College of Education

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of an opportunity to shape it in a way that makes sense to you and hopefully really responds to the spirit in which the center was initially developed. Bringing that vision is really the most exciting part.” Myron B. Allen, UW’s vice president of academic affairs, labeled Rios as “ideal” for the role. “He is highly regarded as a leader among his faculty peers, having earned an outstanding reputation as a teacher and researcher and having served as a department head and as chair of the President’s Advisory Council on Minorities and Women’s Affairs,” Allen says. “In my opinion, he is an ideal person The Blackboard

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Counselor ed explores substance abuse program collaborations


n the spirit of providing a more holistic approach to thinking about substance abuse, University of Wyoming Counselor Education Department is envisioning ways to collaborate with campus partners to enhance institutional programs to prepare professionals to more effectively work with addictions. Longtime therapist and substance abuse counselor Jane Warren, who joined the counselor education faculty in September, is actively exploring opportunities to work across departments to provide a curriculum that recognizes the complexity of treating additions. Warren also is working closely with members of the Wyoming Department of Health Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Division to identify ways to match the state’s needs to the research interests and expertise of UW faculty and graduate students. Both sides of that emerging partnership see opportunities to identify and address the state’s substance abuse issues more effectively. That may include linking master’s- and doctorallevel research projects to questions that expand the understanding of state program directors and information coordinators. It also may include internships

that expose UW students to the processes that impact substance abuse policy. “This is a great opportunity for Wyoming resources to work together for a common goal,” Korin Schmidt, administrator for policy and planning for the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Division, says. “Just imagine what we could do to reduce substance abuse issues in Wyoming with the latest scientific information, coordinated information, and community, state and UW collaboration. We’re very excited to partner with the University where the results will have a positive impact on professional development while providing a much needed service to Wyoming adults, children and families.” One of the more critical contributions that UW can make to that effort lies in practitioner preparation. “My goal is to have students leaving the university, being able to respond more effectively to the needs of the state,” Warren says. This includes creating curricula that foster a holistic approach to understanding and treating addictions, reflecting the evolution of thinking about substance abuse over the past several decades.

Francisco Rios

to take on the challenge of being the first director of a center of this type.” Rios’ duties as director will include developing a shared vision for the center; fostering research by UW faculty, staff and students on social justice issues; grant development and fundraising; and sponsoring academic activities for scholars and the public. His first orders of business are to create an advisory council, find a site for the center and create a presence on campus. The center’s long-range goals include developing meaningful solutions to identified problems; serving as a catalyst for grant funding; developing an outreach program to create and present research; and strengthening existing UW academic programs that have a social justice focus, such as Women’s Studies, African American Studies, American Indian Studies, Chicano Studies and other programs. “The possibilities are really quite exciting and quite endless,” Rios says. Prior to coming to UW eight years ago, Rios taught for 11 years at California State University, San Marcos. Spring 2008 — 7

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Five bring expertise to education faculty


he College of Education welcomed five new faculty members at the start of the 2008-09 academic year. Jason Katzmann is an assistant professor of science education, assigned to the UW/Casper College Center (UW/CC). Jason teaches secondary science methods and elementary math/science methods courses at UW/CC and supervises student teachers during their residencies. This summer, he expands his teaching portfolio with a course on animal behavior; he adds a class on mammology next fall. Katzmann holds a Ph.D. in biological education (2007) from the University of Northern Colorado. Beyond his academic training, Jason brings experience from assignments as a secondary science specialist, a secondary science resource teacher, department chairperson and science teacher. Kim Miller joins the faculty as an academic professional lecturer, teaching senior-level humanities methods courses. Kim brings several years of classroom experience in Laramie elementary schools to her own teaching and supervision responsibilities. Miller, who holds a master of arts in educational leadership f r o m UW (2003), is completing a doctor of education degree in the same program. Amy Spiker is an academic professional lecturer, teaching seniorlevel literacy methods courses. She also supervises student teachers during their practicum experiences. Amy taught math and science methods courses for a semester in 2006, also for the College of Education. 8 — UW College of Education

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Spiker earned a master of arts in teaching and learning, with a literacy emphasis, from UW in 2004. Before joining the UW faculty, she taught in elementary school classrooms in Laramie; Bloomer, Wis.; Menomonie, Wis.; Farmington, N.M.; and Saratoga, Wyo. Mark Stock joined the educational leadership faculty as an assistant professor, with teaching assignments in the principal preparation and doctoral programs. Stock brings years of district-level administrative experience, in Indiana, to the classroom. His most recent assignment was superintendent of schools for the Wa w a s e e C o m m u n i t y School Corporation at Syracuse. Mark also has experience as director of technology and instruction, director of curriculum and instruction, principal and elementary teacher, as well as adjunct teaching assignments at local higher education institutions. Jane Warren brings deep expertise as an addictions specialist to the Counselor Education Department, where she is an assistant professor and supervisor of the WyoCARE program. Wa r r e n t e a c h e s courses on addictions and the advanced practicum in group and family therapy. Before joining the UW faculty full time, Jane worked as a mental health-addictions therapist for Peak Wellness Center and as a youth crisis supervisor for the Laramie Youth Crisis Center. She also was founding director of the SAFE Project and director of the UW Women’s Center. The Blackboard

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Three alumnae, two faculty receive college awards


he University of Wyoming College of Education Knight Hall, then a dormitory. Peg graduated a year later, with recognizes five members of its extended community a master of education degree in counseling and guidance. She during the 2007 Distinguished Alumni and Distinguished took a position as assistant dean of students at Loretto Heights Former Faculty Award banquet Oct. 26, 2007. College in Denver but returned to her native state in 1964 to Three graduates are among this year’s honorees: Judy accept a position as UW dean of women. Peg retired in June Catchpole of Cheyenne, Leah Griffin of Laramie, and 1986, as associate dean of students. Margaret C. “Peg” Tobin of Laramie. Distinguished former A position teaching at the UW Lab School brought faculty honorees are Louise Jackson of Springfield, Mo., and Louise Jackson to Laramie; but opportunities to continue Gene Moran of Laramie. her education, and guide others as they prepare for their After graduating in 1966 with a bachelor of arts degree in own journeys, led her to graduate study in the College of elementary education, Judy (Simonton) Catchpole launched Education. After ending her Lab School assignment, where a teaching career that included assignments in San Diego and she also collaborated on faculty research projects and directed Albuquerque, where she helped to develop and teach the graduate-level remedial reading workshops, Jackson became first public school kindergarten programs. When Catchpole’s a full-time graduate student. She completed her doctor of family moved to Casper, her focus turned to volunteerism, education in 1965. where she worked as an advocate for preschool education, After graduation, Jackson left to accept a teaching taught music and assignment at preschool at a local North Texas State church, and served University and, later for six years on the to serve as a Title I local school board. learning coordinator, In 1994, remedial reading Judy left the local teacher and freeboard for a run for lance language arts Wyoming’s highest consultant. She educational office, returned to Laramie superintendent of in 1978, to join the public instruction. College of Education During her two faculty. She retired in terms in that office, 1994. Catchpole focused Gene Moran h e r e n e rg i e s o n began the higher school improvement, education portion of accreditation and his career in 1965, Pictured left to right: Gene Moran, Louise Jackson, Peg Tobin, Leah Griffin, when he accepted a technology. Leah (Sharp) Dean Pat McClurg, and Judy Catchpole position as assistant Griffin’s path to a 1981 UW bachelor’s degree, in elementary professor and assistant dean at The American University. education with K-12 certification in art education, included He ventured west three years later, when he accepted an a few detours that took her as far away as East Africa. After associate professorship at UW, where he taught English beginning her teaching career on the African continent, as education until his 1992 retirement. In addition to teaching a volunteer in primary and secondary schools there, Griffin and research, Moran served in administrative capacities that returned to the United States and eventually Laramie, included coordinator of secondary education, coordinator of where she completed her degree and began work as a K-6 art graduate studies, and acting department head. teacher. She also earned a master of science degree in lifelong Moran spent a sabbatical year in 1975, teaching in a learning and instruction in 1996. Griffin co-developed a K- Pennsylvania public school system. Another sabbatical, in 6 art curriculum that as adopted by Albany County School 1985, focused on studying the effectiveness of five-year district. As one of three elementary art teachers in the district extended teacher education programs. In 1978, Gene helped in the 1980s, she typically taught art lessons to more than to conduct a National Endowment for the Humanities 1,000 elementary students per year. program for area teachers. Moran currently serves on the Margaret C. “Peg” Tobin spent most of her fabled National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education career advising students and mentoring young leaders at the (NCATE) Board of Examiners. He also is an evaluator of University of Wyoming. Tobin graduated from UW in 1942 college and university English education programs. with a bachelor of arts in business education. She returned Spring 2008 — 9 to campus in 1961, as a graduate student for the director of

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2007 Distinguished Alumni and Distinguished Former Faculty Award Recipients Banquet

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Texas couple establishes scholarship honoring Sullivans


gift honoring former Governor and First Lady Michael and Jane Sullivan will fund scholarships supporting University of Wyoming College of Education students who plan to pursue a teaching career in the state. Gifts totaling $200,000 to date from Texas residents Jeanne and Michael Klein established the Jane and Michael J. Sullivan Wyoming Teachers’ Scholarship Fund. The new scholarship will be open to students showing financial need who are enrolled in College of Education academic programs and intend to teach in Wyoming schools upon graduation. The state of Wyoming will match the Kleins’ gift. Michael Klein describes the former governor as “a person of remarkable human dimensions-compassionate, wise, fair–minded, strong, steeped with integrity and possessing a wonderful sense of humor. We feel privileged to award this scholarship in his and Jane’s honor.” “I believe, universally, that most colleges have great outside support except for colleges of education,” Klein says of the family’s motivation for establishing the endowment. “I am on a mission to give greater support to teachers, because we direly need quality educators at the elementary and secondary school level to provide

our children with the education to which they’re entitled and that is necessary for their success in this challenging world.” “We are honored by the Kleins’ gift to the University of Wyoming,” the Sullivans say. “More importantly, we are grateful for the confidence in the University of Wyoming and share their belief in the importance of teachers and teacher education.” Education Dean Pat McClurg expressed appreciation for the Kleins’ generosity and their foresight in providing support where it can have significant impact. “With their gift establishing the Jane and Michael J. Sullivan Wyoming Teachers’ Scholarship Fund, Mr. and Mrs. Klein have accomplished two goals simultaneously: recognizing the commitment to education of two extraordinary Wyoming residents, and helping to ensure that future generations of classroom teachers will be prepared and motivated to help fulfill that commitment,” McClurg says. “This endowment will provide the flexibility we need to meet the state’s evolving education needs, supporting individuals who are motivated to providing the highest-quality classroom experiences for their future students for generations to come.”

University of Wyoming College of Education


Dept. 3374 • Laramie, WY 82071 • Phone (307) 766.3145 • Fax (307) 766.6668

Rewarding Dedication

Educating the Future

Yes, I want to honor a teacher who impacted my life, or that of a family member. Please accept my donation

to the Honor a Teacher Fund to help ensure that future generations will have the same type of role model in their schools. Donation amount ________________________In honor of _____________________________________________________ Honoree’s school and address: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❑ Check enclosed $ _________________❑ Charge my credit card — Card type _________________________________ Card number _____________________________________________________________________ Exp. _________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________________________________________ My name ____________________________________Phone ________________ E-mail _____________________________ Address ________________________________City _______________________ State _________ Zip _________________ Mail to UW College of Education • Dept. 3374 • 1000 E. University Ave. • Laramie, WY 82071 12 — U W C o l l e g e o f E d u c a t i o n

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The Blackboard

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C&I program adjustments allow simultaneous NBC work


ecent revisions to the University of Wyoming’s Master of Arts program in Curriculum and Instruction allow graduate students to work simultaneously on meeting requirements for National Board Certification. “National Board Certification has become a very popular professional development process, nationally but especially so in Wyoming,” Allen Trent, chairperson of the UW Department of Educational Studies, says. “There’s a lot of interest and a lot of teachers participating in the process. We began to think that it would be nice for students to be able to do both of these processes simultaneously (National Board Certification and master’s degree) – to do it in a way that was both complementary and practical.” Students interested in pursuing both professional goals take the same core curriculum that others in the program take. When the time comes to select electives, they have the opportunity to fulfill seminar requirements by completing workshops offered to National Board Certification participants. The other major program adjustment is consideration of work on the portfolio created for the certification process in lieu of more traditional capstone experiences. “It would probably be difficult if not impossible to be pursuing a Plan B paper or a thesis at the same time that they’re assembling all of the materials for certification,” according to Trent. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) defines specifically the contents of portfolios. “It is the job of the student’s graduate committee to review the portfolio, to see if it documents the kind of learning and professional growth that we would expect at the graduate level,” according to Trent. Completing the master’s degree does not automatically translate into board certification. But Trent says it does

streamline the process and enhance one’s potential to fulfill both goals. Tyson Emborg, a social studies teacher at Sheridan High School, is one of the first to graduate from the revised program. As he wraps up requirements for National Board Certification, he reflects on the fit between that process and his graduate degree program. “My C&I degree focused on the philosophy of education,” Emborg explains. “The NBC takes the philosophy and applies it. The two are deeply connected, the C&I leading into the NBC. Many of the action research plans that I did with my C&I (program) fit into the NBC.” UW’s early experiences with combining processes have drawn national interest as a potential model for others to follow. “The NBPTS asked if we would be willing to share the agreement we have in place and how we’ve configured this combination program,” Trent says, “because there are other universities that are interested in doing the same.” Dovetailing graduate work with national board certification was just one motivating scenario driving the decision to revise the C&I master’s degree program and phase out an older teaching and learning option. “Because so many of our students are pursuing something alongside a master’s degree – perhaps an endorsement in ESL (English as a second language) or early childhood – many more were selecting the straight C&I option because it allowed for more elective credits,” Trent says. “For many of these students, those elective credits came in the form of an endorsement.” The revised program accommodates the professional development goals of these students as well as those pursuing certification.

The following educators were recognized by recent Honor a Teacher Fund donations: In memory of Oliver R. “Buddy” Wille, by Jim and Betty Cowper. In memory of Gail Wright, by Jim and Betty Cowper. In honor of Babette Frazier, by Thomas Frazier, Justin Frazier, and Derek Frazier. In memory of Everett Lantz, by Alvis Fetter. In memory of Wilhelmina Miller, by Geraldine Pratt. General donation from Lorrie and David Jacobsen. In honor of Leah Griffin, from Terry and Beverly Roark. In honor of Margaret “Peg” Tobin, from Beverly and Terry Roark. In honor of Margaret “Peg” Tobin, f rom David Foreman. In honor of Judy Catchpole, from David Foreman.

In honor of Margaret “Peg” Tobin, from Charlotte and Maron Davis. In honor of Margaret “Peg” Tobin, from Lisa and Carl Williams. In honor of Margaret “Peg” Tobin, from Margaret and James Hearne. In honor of Margaret “Peg” Tobin, from Becky and Nicholas Howell. In honor of James Peak, from Judith McBride. In honor of Leah Griffin, from Oliver and Sidney Walter. In honor of Margaret “Peg” Tobin, from Oliver and Sidney Walter. General donation from Audrey Kleinsasser. In honor of Glenn Catchpole, from Bradley Messer. In honor of Judy Catchpole, from Bradley Messer.

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Foundation supports Early Childhood Leadership Institute


ngoing grant support from the John P. Ellbogen the challenges they face everyday in the workplace. Foundation has helped the already strong They then respond to individual participant issues and University of Wyoming Summer Early Childhood needs so that participants feel ready to implement what Leadership Institute enhance its programming and they learn ,” Buchanan says. Keynote speakers deliver presentations throughout increase its accessibility for early care and education the institute, tailoring content to questions that emerge providers around the state. in small group discussions. The Ellbogen Foundation Participants have multiple has committed $50,000 per opportunities to reflect on year for three years to fund what they learn and discuss both the institute and outreach ways to turn their ideas into work with interested programs. actionable progress. The grants permit institute Institute topics are planners to bring internationally selected to address relevant known early childhood keynote issues impacting children speakers to Laramie to lead the and families in Wyoming three-day professional event. and the early childhood They also fund post-institute professionals who serve technical assistance, provided them. to participants who want or Following the 2004 need support in their efforts to Early childhood educators attending the summer institute have multiple opportunities to explore ways Institute, a research implement what they learned to apply what they learn to their real-life situations. assistant, jointly supervised once they return home. by early childhood education Faculty in the Colleges and counselor education of Education and Agriculture faculty, contacted institute established the Early Childhood participants to better Leadership Institute in 1999, understand whether the originally as a biennial event. institute had prepared them The Ellbogen grant allows to implement ideas in the organizers to move to an annual workplace. schedule, according to early “We found that they childhood education faculty were applying what they member, Michelle Buchanan. learned at the institute in From the beginning, the the workplace, but that they Early Childhood Leadership had run into some stumbling Institute has been a different blocks,” Buchanan says. kind of conference experience. Founders reflected on frustrations with similar “They needed some support in following through with professional development events – brief encounters what they learned.” Follow up for the 2006 institute included work with new ideas, limited time to process what they learned, and no support for implementation upon return with six programs in the state that wished to strengthen – and designed an institute to better meet participants’ relationships with families of children that they served. learning needs. These programs defined the projects and the level of “The Institute was developed to allow participants assistance need from UW faculty to implement ideas. time to process and apply ideas put forth by keynote Support from faculty ranged from phone consultations speakers. Keynote speakers spend three days with and feedback on ideas to regular meetings with programs participants and listen carefully to their questions and to discuss implementation. 14 — U W C o l l e g e o f E d u c a t i o n

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Garland Fellowship supports two early career faculty


wo University of Wyoming College of Education faculty members are the latest recipients of the Mary Ellbogen Garland Early Career Fellowship. Edward Janak, assistant professor of educational studies, is based at UW’s Laramie campus. Lydiah Nganga, assistant professor of elementary education, teaches at the UW/Casper College Center. The late Wyoming business leader John P. “Jack” Ellbogen established the Mary Ellbogen Garland Early Career Fellowship in 2000 in honor of his daughter’s commitment to community service and philanthropy. Income from the fund may be used to support one promising junior faculty members via supplementary salary or start-up funding for the recipients’ research and teaching programs. The Garland Fellowship will allow Edward Janak Janak to complete the manuscript of a book based on his doctoral dissertation, a biography of former South Carolina school superintendent John Swearingen. Janak will return to Swearingen’s home state to continue exploring archived sources to which he lacked time to access while a graduate student. Swearingen’s story is a fascinating one to Janak, an educational historian. A champion of desegregation and equalized funding, the son of a conservative family served during a time of rampant racism in the South (the turn of the 20th century). Uncovering the political straight shooter’s story has been particularly challenging, since many of his official papers have been lost or destroyed. Janak constructed his biography from a variety of sources, including interviews with

Swearingen’s son and content analysis of annual reports produced during his tenure. In addition to allowing Janak to complete his book manuscript, the Garland Fellowship will help him begin gathering oral histories of rural school teachers and explore the potential for a searchable, digital, online archives of their stories. Engaging education students in identifying subjects and recording interviews is a goal. Nganga will use funds from the Garland Fellowship to support research on the perceptions of elementary educators toward teaching a global curriculum in social studies lessons. Nganga will explore such questions as: Do teachers have a background in global studies? What are their challenges? What support do they need to deal with those challenges? Is there any marginalization of social studies in the curriculum and, if so, what can be done to ensure Lydiah Nganga that it maintains visibility at the elementary level? She will gather data using interviews, classroom observations, and survey. Garland Fellowship funds will support travel, supplemental summer salary, provide supplies needed during data collection, and assist with transcription expenses. Nganga will also work on completing manuscripts that are in progress. Nganga says findings from this research will lead to information about ways to ensure that graduates of the Wyoming Teacher Education Program have a baseline understanding of global issues and culturally responsive education. It also should lead to recommendations for in-service teachers, to enhance their classroom practice and support their efforts to be culturally responsive teachers.

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SMTC program features science, decision making immersion


ine educators explored innovative ways to workshop. The Wyoming Private Grazing Lands Team engage students in scientific inquiry and provided a grant to purchase books and other resources consensus decision making during a week long “CRM for participants. (Coordinated Resource Management) in the Classroom” Educators enrolled in the July “CRM in the course offered by the University of Wyoming Science Classroom” course were: and Mathematics Teaching Center (SMTC). CRM in the Classroom provided examples and resources to implement interdisciplinary, place-based activities to introduce field studies that achieve multiple educational standards. During the five-day course, held at Northwest College in Powell, teachers practiced using tools such as global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS) and learned about research protocols that are appropriate for fieldwork generally and CRM projects specifically. Participants also Providing field-based experiences, in a variety of geographic settings and using a variety of tools, attended demonstrations is a defining component of “CRM in the Classroom” courses offered through the UW Science and by teachers leading CRM Mathematics Teaching Center. Teachers have multiple opportunities to engage in scientific inquiry projects in the area. They that they can translate to their classrooms. toured a project underway at the Yellowstone Habitat Management Area, where BAIROIL – Robin Lamley, Bairoil Elementary School Lovell High School teachers Sondra Nelson and Mike Greenlee and their students are researching the DUBOIS – Gary Meredith, Dubois High School biological control of invasive species and seed viability. CODY – Emily Hansel, Draper Museum of Natural History Workshop participants gathered data on Russian olive stumps and then used GIS software to produce maps COWLEY – Ann Hinckley, Lovell Elementary School for analysis and management . The group also visited Heart Mountain Ranch, where Powell High School DOUGLAS – Virginia Wright, Lusk High School (PHS) students, led by PHS faculty member Ray EVANSTON – Clarissa Cole, Evanston High School Bieber with assistance from Park County Weed and LOVELL – Kimberly Bernstein, Lovell Middle School Pest staffer Josh Shorb, are monitoring thistle growth and analyzing soil samples. POWELL – Wendy Smith, Powell High School A grant from the Wyoming Department of RAWLINS – Bertha Tracy, Rawlins High School Education Science/Math Partnership supported the 16 — U W C o l l e g e o f E d u c a t i o n

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Susana Hernandez, University of Wyoming senior from Kemmerer, and Marilyn Garcia, seventh grade student from Jackson, shared their school experiences during a panel that was part of “Latinos in the Diaspora: Education in Rural Settings.” Hernandez and Garcia joined three other Wyoming students in discussing the challenges they face daily, during the two-day exploration of the national, regional and state-level issues affecting Latino students.

The College of Education hosted several classroom teachers pursuing certification through the UW English as a Second Language Endorsement Program. The endorsement prepares teachers to work with the growing number of secondlanguage learners in Wyoming and surrounding states.

Dean Pat McClurg, featured speaker Patricia Wasley, Martin Ellbogen and Mary Ellbogen Garland take a break during the inaugural John P. “Jack” Ellbogen Teaching and Lear ning Symposium last fall. Wasley delivered the keynote address at the event’s banquet as well as a public talk. Special guests at the two-day event were recipients of the Wyoming Teacher of the Year Award (1964-2007) and the state’s National Board Certification of Teaching recipients. Spring 2008 — 17

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CoED faculty named to prestigious scholars program


he Seattle-based Institute for Educational Inquiry scholarship of teaching and learning, classroom-based (IEI) has named two University of Wyoming inquiry, and professional development and guides my College of Education faculty members to its inaugural work.” AED scholars include professors and administrators class of Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED) scholars. from colleges of education and arts and sciences. It also UW’s AED scholars are Francisco Rios, professor includes principals and school district superintendents, of educational studies, and Audrey Kleinsasser, executive director of the Wyoming School-University Partnership (WSUP). The designation recognizes Rios’ research on the infusion of democracy principles in to foundational courses for preservice teachers. Only 30 education professionals were named to the first class. “Being part of a distinguished group of scholars, who are also connected with an organization that is committed to democratic, justice and equity issues in society (broadly) and in schools (specifically) will provide an opportunity for me to learn from them, to think more deeply and reflectively about the implications of my work, and to develop a network of colleagues with whom to engage Educational studies professors Francisco Rios and Audrey Kleinsasser are members of the first in joint activity,” Rios says. “It also class of Agenda for Education in a Democracy (AED) scholars. means that what I will be able to bring back to the UW what I learn and do, as part of the as well as leaders of school-university partnerships and AED scholar group, with the hopes that our students state educational improvement initiatives. In addition to continuing their individual work, AED and my colleagues with whom I interact will also benefit indirectly. I hope the collective AED scholars scholars will counsel the IEI on mission-related issues. group will be able to generate ideas and practices that They also may be called upon to reflect on topics serve the role of fostering the principles of the NNER related to their individual areas of specialization in schools andcommunities.” The IEI was established in 1992 to advance the Agenda Kleinsasser was honored for her work, through for Education in a Democracy, a four-point process: WSUP, to strengthen relationships among educators ▼ Provide young people with the skills, dispositions and knowledge for effective participation in a in the arts and sciences, professional education and P-12 schools. democracy “For me, this designation just deepens a ▼ Ensure that all young people have access to the tools needed for satisfying and responsible lives commitment that began over 10 years ago when I first worked with John Goodlad and others affiliated ▼ Support educators who nurture the learning and well-being of all students and with the Institute for Education Inquiry,” Kleinsasser says. “The philosophical and moral groundings of the ▼ Ensure that educators are competent and committed stewards of their schools. Agenda continue to affect the way I think about the 18 — U W C o l l e g e o f E d u c a t i o n

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Alumni Bulletin Board


he Blackboard is pleased to share new about College of Education graduates with alumni and friends. Submissions to the Alumni Bulletin Board may be sent to the Blackboard editor via e-mail (debbeck@uwyo.edu), fax (307) 766-6668 or mail (Debra Beck, UW College of Education, 1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3374, Laramie, WY 82071). Bill Pettus, B.A. ‘63, M.Ed. ‘67, was recently awarded the Citation for Meritorious Service by The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. This award recognizes efforts “for the furthering of better understanding and friendly relations of peoples of the world.” Though an active donor to The Rotary Foundation, Pettus’ award was based on non-monetary contributions. He has been an active supporter of Rotary Group Study Exchanges and a strategic adviser for The Foundation in the Rocky Mountain area. Bill currently is Rotary District 5440’s Rotary Foundation chairman. Elizabeth (Good) Harris, B.A. ’98, Elementary Education, was one of two Wyoming recipients of the Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science Teaching this year. Harris teaches K-6 science at Verda James Elementary School in Casper. Harris’ teaching style is described as “diverse and open,” allowing her to “easily adapt to the ever-changing needs of her students. Harris also creates a safe and nurturing environment so that they feel comfortable taking risks in science.” The Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science Teaching Award is the highest that a K-12 mathematics or science teacher can receive in the United States. The National Science Foundation administers the award on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Catherine McAtee, B.S. ’81, Physical Education, is the second Wyoming recipient of the Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science Teaching. McAtee teaches K-6 mathematics at Elk Mountain Elementary in Elk Mountain, Wyo. Cathy “makes an effort to know her students so that she can tailor her curriculum to include their interests or capabilities.” McAtee describes her motivation to teach as coming from “a desire to make a difference in a child’s life.” McAtee and fellow honorees traveled to Washington,

D.C., where they were recognized at a ceremony in their honor. In addition to the trip, which included professional development opportunities, each honored teacher received a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation, a citation signed by President George W. Bush, and gifts from various program sponsors. Alice Kerns, M.S. ’97, Natural Science, received the 2007 Wyoming Preserve America History Teacher of the Year Award. Kerns teaches fourth grade at Tongue River Elementary School in Ranchester, Wyo. Peers and students recognized her at a ceremony in her honor at the school on Sept. 20, 2007. Kerns received a plaque and a $1,000 prize. In addition, the Glider Lehrman Institute of American History donated an archive of history books and materials to the school. Kerns is now eligible for the National History Teacher of the Year Award. Beth Ayers Siggins, B.A. ’92, Elementary Education, was named 2007 outstanding middle school teacher by the Texas Middle School Association. Beth, who teaches sixth grade English in Lubbock, says she has “the College of Education to thank for giving me the background to achieve this honor.” Maureen Meehan Aplin, B.A. ’87, Business Education, has earned a master’s degree in education and a juris doctorate in California since graduating from UW. She is now a judicial officer for the Orange County Superior Court, serving both the juvenile courts and the probate court. She also has written and published four legal thrillers. Tracy (Wilhelm) Ostrander, B.A. ‘98, Elementary Education, and John Ostrander welcomed a new son, Ryan, on April 3, 2007. Ryan joins his 2-year-old sister, Vivian, at home in Lincoln, Neb. Tracy is currently teaching reading recovery at Pyrtle Elementary School in Lincoln. LeeAnn (Martin) Morris, B.A. ’90, Elementary Education, was named 2008 Nevada teacher of the year in November. The public announcement was made at a surprise ceremony at Empire Elementary School. Martin, an 18-year veteran of the Carson City School District, will join her fellow state honorees for a black-tie dinner at the White House in the spring. Spring 2008 — 19

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