Retire And Make Money: Start An Online Business That Will Generate The Income You Need! Presented By: Debbie Allen Retire And Make Money
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DISCLAIMER - LEGAL NOTICE Debbie Allen, nor anyone associated with Retire And Make Money can guarantee that you will make money with any online venture. However, every effort has been made to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of the information provided. It should be noted however, that due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet some information may not always be applicable in every situation.
Practical information and advice, like anything else in life, cannot promise or guarantee specific results. Members are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly.
Information provided at this site is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field.
Unless specifically named, any assumed references of individuals or organizations are unintentional.
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Introduction When you're setting up an online business, you must treat it as just that – a business. You must be prepared to put in the time and effort to reap the rewards. Although it is possible to start with little or no money, the reality is that your business will cost you in some way. Those that can afford it usually prefer spending money rather than time and effort. However, it is understood that most of us start on a shoe string budget – and that is perfectly fine. But you may find out that spending a little or a lot of money on your business is money well spent. Speaking from experience, working with little or no money is often a slower way to success. If possible, set aside some funding to use for your new business.
One of the questions I get most often from my personal friends as well as online readers is, „Where and how do I get started?‟ Obviously, there are many options available to anyone that wants to work online. From providing writing services to designing websites or even creating your own products, there are literally hundreds of ways to generate an online income. So when it comes to picking one that will work for you, it is usually best to begin by picking what you like from the existing successful online business models already out there. Retire And Make Money will provide you with the information needed to get started in countless online business ventures. Before you purchase any informational product it is best to check here first. The membership, Retire And Make Money will continue to grow in content and you will always find worthwhile and informative reading material. The reality is that all online businesses have some similarities and you will continue to find updated and useful content being added regularly.
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So what sort of business would you like to run? Some of the more popular types of online businesses are: selling goods at auction sites such as Ebay, creating and selling digital products, and setting up websites for offline businesses. You may want to make downloadable audio and video products for your customers, or you may just want to get into affiliate marketing. The choices are endless and within each category you will find that there are a lot of nuances to be learned.
The truth is that you can succeed with almost any business model currently being used. The secret is to learn all you can about THAT particular model, and to stick with it. Focus is essential to your online success. Once you have mastered one technique then you should move on to learning another one. As time goes on you will find that you have an entire arsenal of online business skills and you can easily adapt those from one business model to another. But take it one step at a time and remain focused.
Perhaps setting up an EBay store sounds interesting to you. This is a wise choice because it provides you with immediate access to millions of customers and you have an opportunity to sell virtually anything imaginable. Plus, setting up an EBay account is easy and the cost related to auctioning items there is very low. But even with those pluses, it is important to learn all you can about the site itself and how it works. Familiarize yourself with the site and the countless categories. Check out how the auctions are managed and read their „How to Sellâ€&#x; information. Knowledge is vital but you will never see any profits without taking action. So when you are ready it
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is time to actually offer an item for auction. Day by day you will feel increasingly confident in your actions.
Many newcomers to online businesses think of creating their own products as a very daunting task. However, the truth is that we are all experts at something. And yes, that includes you. It may be that you are an expert gardener or housekeeper, or what about that job you have worked at for all those years? Why not cash in on its hidden potential? Imagine the things you know about that line of work that you could share with others! Get information in a format that you can sell. You can write articles, write a report, ebook or a paperback book, or even record the information as an audio download or make a video.
Of course, it is true and you will hear this repeatedly throughout Internet Marketing (IM) courses, your purpose is to find a hungry crowd and feed it. This means you will find a need and fill it. So how do you do that?
It‟s really not as difficult as you might think. People that have a need of some kind want a solution. This could be addressing such issues as relationships, weight, yellowed teeth, easy tips for dog breeding, poor math skills, lack of money, how to get along with a cranky boss, concerns about child care, how to save money on the purchase of a new car, how to win at golf, home maintenance and do it yourself projects, how to vacation without worries, etc., etc. As you can see, I listed a variety of things. Some of which seem more urgent than others, but the point is that to the person „in need‟ each of those topics are important. Those people are hungry for answers!
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Even so, it is important that you do at least some market research to determine that there will be an interest in your product and you will need to have a plan of attack. This includes learning about what is already on the market and how it is being sold.
If you find an ideal topic or niche that you want to focus on you then need to come up with a product. Research and writing will be a part of that product development. But if that is overwhelming then you can consider outsourcing the tasks to a ghostwriter. This is a person that you pay to do the research and writing for you. Freelancers are available to assist you in virtually any capacity needed in your online business ventures. And quite frankly, it does make sense to pay someone to do the things that you are not knowledgeable of or have little or no interest in learning.
With that being said, have you considered offering your services as a freelancer? You could offer to do writing or researching or to create websites or graphics or any number of other things related to online marketing. My writing service is how I got started online. I had always enjoyed writing so it was a natural extension of that passion. Now I have several books published at Amazon and other sites across the Internet.
The best way of starting an online business is to do it in an area that you are knowledgeable or passionate about. This will help you to focus your attention, as well as help to create a small income more quickly. But over a period of time, you will soon develop new skills, and through persistence and perseverance, you will soon see some very good results appear.
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Why Starting An Online Business Is A Smart Move For many people, they decide to start an online business to earn an extra income. However, what starts as a part time venture, often becomes a full time career.
Another reason that people decide to start up an online business is that they have more control over their life. It provides them with a chance to spend more time with their family and friends. They no longer need to get up in the morning to rush off to work and get caught up in traffic. Now the time which would normally be wasted sitting in traffic can be used to their advantage. Plus, it is up to you when you work, so if you donâ€&#x;t want to start until late in the morning, you do not need to. In fact, you may find like I have, that working in the middle of the night is relaxing.
Because of the rapid advances in technology, many online businesses tend to be prosperous. Low start up costs and overhead make it much simpler to generate a high Return On Investment (ROI) than in the offline world.
There is little or no need for mountains of paperwork and documents. What you really need to get an online business going is a computer, and a high speed internet connection.
As you can see, in this day and age, setting up an online business simply makes sense.
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What Type of Business Is Best For You? This section of the content will look at some of the more common types of online businesses that people are running. Keep in mind, the decision is up to you as to what type of business you want to run.
M ARKETING B USINESS This is one of the most common types of online businesses. You can either run this business by exclusively marketing your own products, or by marketing those from other companies. In order for this business to be successful, it needs to be promoted effectively to potential customers via search engines, email or other sources. You can find details related to those techniques right here at the site.
T URNKEY I NTERNET B USINESS This is a very trendy type of business. You purchase a website and then run the business on a web platform that is provided by the business. In order to promote such an online business, there are many different methods you could use, such as promoting individual products or services to your online customers.
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This is a business where specific services are provided to online customers. Many times, these businesses are set up according to a person‟s professional expertise. The types of businesses under this umbrella are online consulting, computer software assistance, hardware trouble shooting and even how to start an online business.
In addition to the ones mentioned above, there are many other kinds of online businesses too. You've got entertainment websites, interior design, dating, article writing, fitness, medical, online chat and the list is endless. It doesn't really matter what kind of online business (“niche”) you decide to get involved in, it is important to plan carefully and have the ability promote the business professionally over the Internet. The only limit is your imagination.
Four Essential Keys To Business Success N OW
As you can surmise from this introduction, the four keys to your business success are: Mindset Focus Education
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M INDSET The way you think, directly affects the results you get from your business. If you look at your business as a hobby, you will make a hobby income. If you treat your business as the professional entity that it is, your income will match your expectations. Although it may seem like psychobabble, the way you think and view your business has a huge effect on whether you can actually buy that beautiful new car or boat, or whether you will simply make enough money to buy yourself a new t-shirt. Here's your new mindset: You are the President and CEO of your own company. It doesn't matter if you are the only person in your company, and your company consists of a 10-year-old computer sitting in the dusty corner of your bedroom. No one cares about your company except you. Your customers only care what your company can provide for them. Online, everyone is equal. There is no comparing a small mom & pop shop to a fancy boutique. The Internet levels the playing field. Everyone has an opportunity for success. Next, take a realistic look at what you want to achieve. It's easy to see the success stories online and get caught up in the excitement. But look behind the scenes to see what actually happened to achieve those successes. There was a lot of groundwork that went into creating the results you read about. The money is there, but it takes some work to get to it. So when you see stories of large amounts of money in short periods of time, keep in mind there is always a story behind the story. Remember to keep your expectations realistic. Most businesses of any type require time to get established and to gain credibility. Expect that the process will take time and just as if you were climbing a ladder you will have to lift your foot up to the first rung before you can reach the second rung. You have to make your first $10 sale before you make your first $100 sale. You have to
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experience your first $100 month before you have your first $500 month. With perseverance and the right mindset, you can reach your goals, but you have to walk before you can run.
F OCUS The next battle you‟re going to wage is with your mind. You need to stay focused on one task at a time. Pinpoint your focus to stay effective. When you sit at your computer, you are there to get a job done. There are hundreds of distractions online and offline, but you need to focus on the task at hand or your work will never get completed. Almost everyone new to the online business world complains of information overload. When you are online, it's easy to start out with great intentions of completing a task like answering email, and 2 hours later find yourself surfing mindlessly. You click on a link in an email that takes you to a website that leads you to another website with intriguing information in a link that leads to another website with more interesting information. You get the picture? We‟ve all been there. So you need to guard your focus and not lose sight of what you‟re actually supposed to be doing while you are sitting in front of your computer screen. Your investment in Retire And Make Money will provide the information you need to tap into the financial power of the internet, so focus on the content you need to reach your goals. For now at least, you should ignore everything else and come back to it when the time is right. Don‟t worry, the information isn‟t going anywhere and there will be more for you as time goes on. Relax and focus on one thing at a time. Narrow your focus and block out all the other noise in your life. Decide what your ultimate goal is and then decide on the steps you will need to take in order to reach that goal.
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Focus on the information provided in this membership related to your needs. Do not hop around, don‟t get side tracked, don‟t get bogged down with information. Choose a type of business and then study all the related content that will help you achieve your goals. In time you will have a solid business that you are proud of.
E DUCATION Now that you have the proper mindset and you are focused, let's move into training mode. This is the third key to unlocking your business success. The information provided here at this site is the basis of your education. By the time you have mastered all that is covered in this membership you will be an expert at running and profiting from your online business. As you take your business to new levels of profitability, you want to keep learning and advancing. It‟s beneficial to expand your knowledge a little each day. I suggest that you spend at least 30 – 60 minutes per day reading and digesting the information presented. Get your money‟s worth from this membership. Keep in mind that information overload is a real concept. And breaking the habit of jumping from one technique or topic to another is not easy – the point is, don‟t start! Focus, focus, focus! By reading a little every day you are continuing your education daily, but also working on your business. Educate yourself every day, but make sure you put your education into action. Don‟t get stuck in education mode and forget to act on your new knowledge.
A CTION This is the vital key to success. You need to pare down your actions. Your only productive business actions are the ones that are helping to increase your business. The rest is wasting valuable action time. Surfing the internet is not a productive action unless you are researching new opportunities. If you are researching, you need to limit your surfing to include only the subject matter that is essential to making decisions. It's very easy to get Copyright Material
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sidetracked and waste hours upon hours and getting nothing productive accomplished. You need to concentrate and stay focused. If you have a home based business you must set aside your business time. This should be a daily ritual and you should let friends and family members know that you should not be disturbed during that time. You have to discipline yourself to keep that time as business time. Treating your business as a business will result in success and profits. Before you sit down at your computer, decide what you want to accomplish. If you want to write an autoresponder message and update your website with a new article, those are your priorities. Talking to your friends on Skype, and surfing for irrelevant information can be done after you have accomplished your goals. If you are able to sit down at your computer undisturbed for several hours, break your time into blocks to ensure you maximize your effectiveness. The most important part of your business is your marketing. It should be the very first thing you do. If you have 3 hours, your schedule could look like this: Hour 1: Write and submit an article (marketing) Hour 2: Edit a report (project development) Hour 3: Answer email (administration) Your daily actions will determine how successful your business is and how quickly you join the ranks of the highlevel income earners. If you donâ€&#x;t set up little mini plans for yourself, each time you sit down at the computer, you will easily waste your time and accomplish little or nothing.
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Donâ€&#x;t confuse activity with accomplishment.
Before You Start W HERE
Choose a location that is comfortable for you. You can work from home or you can rent an office. Some people find it easier to focus if they are in an office environment while others enjoy the freedom of multitasking at home. Right now as I write this, I'm also doing the laundry and keeping an eye on my granddaughter! :)
Marketing is the key to a thriving business. Try everything online and offline. Read the information here related to various marketing techniques. Become familiar with what is required for each of them before you decide to add it to your own tactics. The reality is that you will find some marketing methods easier to use than others. Likewise, some are expensive and others, except for requiring a time commitment are free. Plus, the approach that works best for you will depend on the product you are selling. Start with a technique you feel comfortable with. After mastering that method then add another one. As time goes by add another and another. You may decide to eliminate some of the strategies that are least effective and then stick with only one or two that are providing nice results. Tracking your results is essential in determining what works best.
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Without a blueprint for reaching your goals, you'll have a hard time focusing and difficulty hitting your target. Having a plan provides you with focus, direction and momentum to keep your business on track. In fact, a business without a plan is like taking a cross country road trip without a map. If you donâ€&#x;t have any desires to reach a certain location or a specific timeframe to meet, no problem, enjoy the trip that comes complete with wrong turns and bumps and twists. And yes, it is true that even with a map you can still get lost along the way or run into unforeseen problems, but the risks are much lower.
A business plan is the map to your success. It will keep you on the right road and guide you to your ultimate goals and destinations.
It is important that you check to see if there are any local laws or regulations in relation to setting up an online business from home. You will need to set up your business in accordance with the laws and regulations in your location. This may include consulting with an attorney and or tax preparer who specialize in this area and there may be fees involved.
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More often than not, an online business will be conducted from the person‟s home. So it is important that you set up a home office prior to starting up the business. You should arrange to have all the necessary equipment that you will need such as computer, internet connection, and a printer.
This should be a space that is comfortable for you – even if it is the corner of a room or a seat at the kitchen table. Make the area conducive to sparking your creative side. Add artwork, appropriate lighting, music, a TV, snacks, flowers, fragrances, or anything else that inspires you.
How to Set Up an Online Business Here is the recipe for setting up your online business:
Choose a niche and specialize in it.
Choose or create a product. You can either use affiliate products or create your own.
Choose a good business name. It should be short, easy to remember and reflect what your business actually does. Your domain name is what your customers will remember you by. A good domain name is one that is memorable, short and easy to spell. I recommend registering your domain with Go Daddy. Check them out at
Hosting. Always look for a secure and reliable hosting service. It is important that you examine the “uptime guarantee” that each
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provider offers. Also, analyze the physical infrastructure of where your online business will be stored. But probably most t important of all is that you should scrutinize the hosting providers h e “Back Up” and “Data Security” systems. This includes calculating how d much time would be required to reinstall your online business a if there was a complete infrastructure failure on the part of the t hosting provider. This will help you to calculate the least possible e ] loss to your business. I recommend 5.
Set up a professional looking website. You can get free website templates from or hire my personal web designer at a web design company like Tell Henry you found him through this membership site. He will provide you with a great looking site at an affordable price.
Build a list of subscribers. This is important so you can follow up with visitors to your site. It is important that you keep the visitors updated as to what is happening with your site and new products. This also enables you to contact them numerous times regarding your offers.
Payments. If you are selling an affiliate product, this will not be an issue, as the affiliate program will handle the payments for you. However, if you are selling your own product, you will have to set up your own payment processing system. This can be done easily using a payment processor like:
Delivery. If you're selling tangible products, you'll want to contact local courier companies, as well as the postal service and find out
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will be more cost effective for shipping your products. Also, you will need to set up your shipping fee structure. It is important t that h you choose a shipping company who you know is reliable. Look forea company that can offer an online tracking system. d a t e ]
An online business allows you the freedom to start up with almost no capital. You don't need an office, you can work from home, and you don't need employees. Your main expenses are a computer and an internet connection.
However, the most important aspect of any online business is to generate traffic to your site. Thatâ€&#x;s what marketing is all about. So get a strategy in place which will generate the traffic required to bring in those all important visitors, which convert into sales. Keep reading for an overview of basic marketing techniques.
The first thing you need to do is learn how to optimize your website so that it will start getting ranked in the search engines. The most important search engine is Google, followed by Yahoo, MSN and Bing. The sooner you do this, the faster it will get ranked and the sooner the traffic will start to appear.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an entire industry with a multitude of ways to optimize your website. But the most important factor in SEO is the number of websites that are linked to yours.
Here are a few ways to get other webmasters to link to your website:
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L INK E XCHANGES You exchange links with other websites that have complementary products or services to your own. It will give you direct traffic from the link and help you rank higher in the search engines.
W RITE A RTI CLES It is important that the articles you write are interesting and full of useful information regarding your niche. This is probably one of the best ways to gain more traffic to your website.
Not only is it free, but when you post your article on article directories, you will be providing a link back to your site which helps get you a better ranking in the search engines and traffic.
However, if you are someone who dislikes writing, you could always use a ghostwriter. There are many sites offering ghostwriting services or freelancers who will write for you. Check out:
O NLINE F ORUMS When you post on an online forum, include your signature at the end of any comments you make. This will provide a further link back to your site and get click throughs from the forum participants.
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Your signature file can include your name, a small blurb about you or your product and a link to your website. Participating in forums also helps you learn about your potential customerâ€&#x;s desires, and establish yourself as an expert in the field. I encourage everyone interested in online business and Internet Marketing to join the Warrior Forum. It provides a goldmine of information.
B LOGS Blogs are a great way of ensuring you get back links to your site. However, to gain the biggest benefits possible you should make regular posts to your blog. Two to three posts per week will do the trick. Think of your blog as a news page for your site.
Wishing you all the best of luck with your future online ventures! Debbie Allen – Founder and Author of Retire And Make Money
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Why not take the steps needed to insure your business gets off to a good start – join today. For a limited time the monthly fee is offered at a low introductory rate. This rate is subject to go up at any time. Lock in your low rate now – you’ll have access to the growing content at Retire And Make Money
Retire And Make Money – it’s not a dream, it can be your reality. And with the incredible resources at the growing website you will have the information you need now and in the future at your fingertips!
Lock in your membership fees now before the rates increase – Visit Retire And Make Money today!
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