Issue 22 - December 2012
and Town
Inside this issue...
Catch up with
Alistair Burt MP – Monthly Column
Is Your Child At Risk?
A message from the Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Board
The Bedford Victorian Christmas Fair
A chance to win £25 in our prize crossword
ur E o Y E FRcopy
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In this Issue
Issue 22 - December 2012
and Town
Inside this issue...
Catch up with
Alistair Burt MP
Alistair Burt MP – Monthly Column
Is Your Child At Risk?
A message from the Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Board
Conserving Nature
The Bedford Victorian Christmas Fair
A chance to win £25
ur Yo EE Rcopy
in our prize crossword
Sarah Davey, Alistair Burt
Front Cover Image Bedford Borough Council Victorian Christmas Fair
Advertising Sales Christa Hallam Tel: 07868 369257
Design and Artwork Design 9 Tel 07762 969460
Ready to Help
Prize Crossword £25 up for grabs!
Alistair Burt MP - Conserving Nature.............................4 Keep Winter Vomiting Out of Bedford Hospital........... 6 Victorian Christmas Fair................................................. 9 Western Bypass Moves Closer...................................... 12 Is Your Child at Risk?...................................................... 14
Publishers Villager Publications Ltd 24 Market Square, Potton Bedfordshire SG19 2NP Tel: 01767 261122
and Town Life
P&R Bathrooms
All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however, Villager Publications Ltd can not take any responsibility for the content of the adverts, the services provided by the advertisers or any statements given in the editorial. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored without the express permission of the publisher.
EAAA..............................................................................20 O Christmas Tree...........................................................23 Puzzle Page...................................................................24 What’s On......................................................................26
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at The Villager You are now able to view the Villager Magazine online at
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Alistair Burt MP
Conserving nature When I fly back to the UK after visiting one of the hot, dusty lands in the Middle East where I spend a bit of time on the Government’s behalf these days, the first sight of a green and pleasant land always produces a thrill. It is true that you appreciate many things differently when you have a reason to compare and contrast, and although the desert has an awesome beauty of its own, I’m sure I am not the only one who sees the countryside of England in a different light after time abroad. I think perhaps my appreciation is deepened having not been a country boy all my life. Born and raised near Manchester, my life was largely urban before coming to Bedfordshire with the family nearly fifteen years ago. Whilst I knew well the wildness of the moors and the glory of the Lakes, I knew less well the landscape which had been tamed, cultivated and planted by generations working that land. My life now in north east Bedfordshire, and my contact with the farmers and others who shape the varied green I see below a plane has given me a better understanding of what hard work goes in to harnessing God’s wonderful nature. I am moved to reflect on this by the news of the potentially tragic outbreak of Ash Dieback disease, caused by a fungal pathogen and set to devastate
the ash in the UK. Like Dutch Elm disease before it, the countryside will be much changed in a relatively short time. Ash trees were first recorded dying in large numbers in Poland in 1992, and the disease spread quickly around other European countries. It has probably been present in our trees for rather longer than first suspected. Our landscape will therefore change, but it will cope over time. It is nature at work after all. But while the process goes on it is another reminder of how fragile our environment is and how precious the landscape we cherish. There is a risk sometimes of assuming that all stories of threats to our environment are ‘scares’ and dismissing them all. I do not believe we should. We should vigorously test out the science behind for example climate change, and act accordingly. The increase in storms and severe weather cannot either simply be ignored or drive us to rash solutions with little justification. Acting sensibly for the generations to come perhaps means more to us in our county as we look at what our hard-working forebears gave to us. I am sure we will want to share in leaving the best of Bedfordshire to our grandchildren and beyond.
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Offering Quality 4kw Systems from ÂŁ6,500!
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Keep Winter Vomiting (Norovirus)
out of Bedford Hospital Norovirus is one of the most common causes of diarrhoeal illness throughout the winter period and places a significant burden on healthcare delivery. The number of outbreaks and ward closures increases the pressure on capacity and staffing, which in turn has a significant impact on the quality of care. Staff and the local community have an important role to play in reducing the incidence rate of winter vomiting, therefore ensuring the hospital can fully devote resources to meeting the other greater demands that winter brings. An outbreak earlier this year lasting 73 days meant that 210 bed days were lost with 70 staff, 179 patients and 20 visitors affected. This caused a substantial impact on caring for patients and the running of the hospital. Norovirus is present in the community all year round, it is extremely contagious and once a patient, visitor or staff member enters the hospital with the infection it can spread easily and quickly. It is the most frequent cause of gastroenteritis and affects approximately one million people in the UK every year. Transmission of Norovirus occurs following contact with an infected person; consuming contaminated food or water or from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.
Symptoms occur suddenly, with little warning. It causes a very unpleasant, but generally shortlived illness from which people will usually recover without treatment. The illness usually resolves within two to three days and there are no long term effects. As well as vomiting and/or diarrhoea, some people may have stomach cramps, a raised temperature, headaches and aching limbs. People who are unwell should ensure they drink plenty to replace lost fluids and it’s particularly important for young children or the elderly who are unwell with the virus to be kept well hydrated. Colette Thomas, Lead Infection Control Nurse for Bedford Hospital said, “The Norovirus is a particular problem for the hospital because we are looking after already unwell people who may have reduced immunity and are susceptible to infection. Therefore we need to guard against the infection being brought in from nursing homes and the community in general. Unless you have some other more serious infection, there is no benefit for people with this type of gastrointestinal infection being in hospital. Ideally, if you have diarrhoea and or vomiting you should stay at home and drink plenty of fluids until you are free of symptoms for 48 hours. If the illness persists for more than a few days, contact your family doctor by phone or take advice from NHS Direct.” If you do have these symptoms the advice is very simple: Do not visit loved ones in hospital or nursing homes until you have been free of symptoms for at least 48 hours. You should also stay away from work, or school, until you have recovered as it can be transmitted by contact with an infected person. The virus spreads rapidly in closed environments such as hospitals, schools, cruise ships, nursing and residential homes and hotels. An outbreak in the hospital seriously impacts on the service it can provide as it may have to close wards and restrict visiting. It also represents a substantial financial cost in terms of the need for intensive disinfection and cleaning. To help prevent outbreaks and control the spread of infection, the hospital is keen to remind everyone, in particular staff, patients and visitors about the importance of excellent hand hygiene – make sure you wash your hands with soap and water after going to the toilet and before eating.
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Victorian Christmas Fair
7th, 8th and 9th December 2012 The 19th Bedford Victorian Christmas Fair will take place on Friday 7th, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December 2012, in Harpur Square, Midland Road and Harpur Suite, Bedford. There will be the usual colourful milieu of traditional fairground rides and attractions along with a comprehensive street entertainment programme, character cameos, school performances, and bands across the three days. Staged throughout the pedestrian area in Bedford Town Centre, the Victorian Fair provides the perfect Christmas environment for shopping and an ideal opportunity for the public to soak up the festive ambience and really get into the Christmas spirit.
The 2011 fair attracted over 200,000 visitors over the three days. Opening times for the Fair are Friday and Saturday 10am until 7pm, Sunday 10am until 5pm.
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DO YOU WANT TO HOST AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FOR BRIGHT WORLD GUARDIANSHIPS? Bright World Guardianships Ltd is an AEGIS Accredited, UK wide guardianship organisation and takes care of international children studying at UK boarding schools. We are looking for families to host our students for some weekends and half terms during the academic year when their school is closed but they are too far from home to return to their Mum and Dad. Please get in touch if you are interested.
‘hosting an international student has been a rewarding experience. It has given a valuable income as well as being a fun and cultural experience’
Start your New Year off with a
Would you like to raise your profile and gain more business locally in 2013? Advertising in The Villager & Town Life magazine is a great cost effective way of promoting your business or service in your local area. To reserve your space in the January issue please call Christa on Tel 07868 369257 by Wednesday 12th December 2012.
Wishing you all a Happy Festive Season!
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The second phase of the Bedford Western bypass has moved a step closer to reality as Bedford Borough Council has now published the Compulsory Purchase Orders to acquire the land needed for the scheme. The road would link Bromham Road, Biddenham with Paula Radcliffe Way to the north of Bedford. The proposed route for the road is well established and the Council has been working to bring the scheme forward for a number of years. To date it has not been possible to reach agreement with all landowners for the release of the land needed, so the Council has now started the formal process. Any landowners and interested parties that have any objections to the Orders now have until 2nd December to make representations to the Secretary of State for Transport. The Secretary of State will consider any objections made and decide whether to appoint an independent inspector to hold a local public inquiry. Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson, said: “The final part of the Bedford western bypass has been on the ‘drawing board’ for 30 years, and residents should
Before 12
not have to keep waiting. It will bring huge benefits to the borough in terms of new jobs and investment, reduced congestion and improved air quality. That’s why we’re doing all we can to bring it forward as quickly as possible, and formal publication of the CPO is another milestone in this effort. “We’ve already got planning permission for the road in place and now this process will help remove the final logjams as we seek to bring forward this crucial project for Bedford Borough as swiftly as possible. The Council has also sealed and published the necessary Side Road Orders. These are required to make alterations to existing roads which will be affected by the bypass. The consultation period for the Side Road Orders ends 17th December. All documents will be available for inspection during normal opening hours at the following locations: Borough Hall, Cauldwell St., Bedford, MK42 9AP
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3 Victoria Place, Biggleswade, Beds SG18 9RN To advertise in The Villager and Townlife please call 01767 261 122
Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Board A message from the Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Board The sexual abuse of children and young people is less rare than we would all like to think. Recent high profile cases highlighted by the media are helping to raise awareness of this crime. What is sexual abuse? It’s a form of exploitation, where a child or young person is manipulated or forced into taking part in a sexual act. This could be part of a seemingly consensual relationship, or in return for attention, affection, money, drugs, alcohol or somewhere to stay. The child or young person may believe their abuser is their befriender, boyfriend or girlfriend. The abuser may physically or verbally threaten the child or young person, be violent towards them and may try to isolate them from friends and family. Signs to look out for Children and young people now have access to 24/7 social network sites and mobile communications, making it harder for parents or carers to know what’s going on in their lives. However, it’s not the technology itself posing the risk to young people, it’s the wider access. Here are a number of tell-tale signs that a child or young person may be being groomed for sexual exploitation. He/she may: • receive and respond to phone calls or text messages at unusual times • display sudden changes in physical appearance • suffer mood swings or changes in emotional wellbeing • regularly miss school or not take part in education • associate with older men and/or develop a relationship of a sexual nature with a significantly older individual • appear with unexplained gifts or new possessions, money, mobile phones, clothes or jewellery • stay out at night, regularly returning home late. The child or young person is defensive about where they have been and what they have been doing • display inappropriate sexualised behaviour • display Increasingly risky behaviours in relation to alcohol or drugs • suffer from sexually transmitted infections
• display marks or scars on their body which they try to conceal by refusing to undress or uncover parts of their body Actions to take to help protect your child or young person Barnado’s have identified some practical steps for parents and carers to take to protect children and young people from sexual exploitation: • discuss with your children or young person the differences between caring and non-caring relationships, to help highlight potential risks to them • stay alert to the tell-tale signs (see above) • exercise caution around older friends your child or young person may have, or relationships with other young people where there appears to be a power imbalance • make sure you understand the risks associated with your child or young person being online and put measures in place to minimise these risks For further information or advice on sexual abuse through exploitation, visit: / / www. / If you are worried about a child, young person or yourself, please contact: • Intake and Assessment team at Bedford Borough Council on 01234 223599 • Social Care Emergency Duty Team – Open 5pm9am Monday to Thursday, Weekends 4pm on Friday to 9am on Monday – on 0300 300 8123 • Bedfordshire Police on 999 (emergency only) or 101 (non-emergency) • NSPCC ChildLine 0808 800 5000
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P and R Bathrooms
Here to Help as You Grow Older
Although most of us enjoy planning for the future, planning for a future with the most practical view is not always a comfortable experience. Paul Kynoch from P and R Bathrooms explains how they advise their customers:
‘No one wants to go to the trouble and expense of replacing their bathroom on a regular basis, that’s why, when it comes to planning your bathroom, it makes real sense to think of the future. As we grow older certain practical measures can make using the toilet, bathing or showering more pleasant or even possible. A slightly higher toilet, a very low shower tray, easyclean shower screens and a lower bath with a strong handrail make all the difference. And even if they are not needed straight away, our designs make these features so stylish, there’s no need to compromise your tastes.’ I would certainly agree with Paul as I wander around the large Bedford showroom and discover that it takes real effort to spot the slight modifications that he has described. Next to one bath is a grab bar which looks exactly like a chrome soap dish while next door is a wet room with a colour-matched flip-down seat that blends so seamlessly, so elegantly, it really is just a part of the furniture. ‘We have made a real effort to source not only good quality bathrooms from only the most reputable and reliable companies but we have also included features which are musts for our older customers and those planning for the future. We stock non-slip tiles in many styles
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and offer the option of single lever basin mixer taps which are brilliant for both the very young but also anyone suffering with arthritis who may struggle to grip another kind of tap. We specialize in fitting thermostatic showers which do not alter their temperature when water is used elsewhere in the house – much safer and more comfortable for all the family.’ I ask Paul more about design. ‘We offer a design service as well as the complete installation package – as much or as little as our customers need and we really listen to what they want as well as taking on board what will work in their home and with their personal tastes – now and in the future. For example, if someone has a bath installed we will always recommend that they purchase a few more tiles so that if the time comes that they feel that a shower tray would be more practical, they are able to have one installed and there are enough tiles to avoid buying new ones for the whole room. ‘Our wet rooms can be installed both downstairs
onto concrete or upstairs onto wooden floors and we can also save customers so much upheaval by using Mermaid paneling, a type of waterproof boarding that is quick to install and makes transforming your bathroom so much easier – it looks really lovely too.’ ‘Basins are not necessarily static items’ Paul continues to explain, ‘They can be set higher than usual for anyone who has difficulty bending and we can supply and fit baths which are lower and so much more easy to access. ‘None of these items, whether they are part of a complete bathroom package or modifications, need to look like medical or specialized equipment. The fact is they are not, they are just variations of the norm which make life more comfortable for so many people who like a stylish bathroom as much as they always have.’ P and R Bathrooms, with their impressive showroom and team of designers, plumbers, carpenters, electricians and installers are just a phone call away. Why not consider your future and plan a bathroom that will be not only a delight to use now but also an invaluable an investment in times to come?
P&R Bathrooms
9 Lurke Street, Bedford MK40 3HZ Tel: 0845 434 8401 Website: Open 9:00am-5:00pm Mon - Fri 10:ooam-4:00pm Saturday To advertise in The Villager and Townlife please call 01767 261 122
GILKS FENCING LTD Supplying of all types of gates and fencing to trade and public. •Maintenance free •Environmentally friendly •Stronger and lighter than concrete posts •Unique natural wood-grain finish •Dual faced fencing posts and gravel boards •Will not rot, crack, chip or split We are looking for show gardens to promote this exciting new product. Excellent prices for the first few selected. Interested? Call us.
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Chalara Dieback – Ash Dieback Chalara Fraxinea Chalara Fraxinea responsible for ash die-back within the UK is a quarantine pathogen under national emergency measures; it is important to report any suspected cases to the relevant authorities. The disease caused by a fungus known as Chalara Fraxinea, causes premature leaf loss and crown dieback in ash trees which can ultimately lead to death in infected trees. Ash trees suffering with symptoms from Chalara Fraxina are increasingly being found across Europe and now have been confirmed at a number of sites in the east of the country. Symptoms – Chalara Fraxinea can be visible on leaves, shoots and branches of infected trees. In severe cases, the entire crown can show leaf loss and dieback. Secondary effects include epicormic shoot growth (suckering) on branches and the trees trunk. • Leaves will be seen to be wilting, having a black-brownish discoloration that occurs at the leaf base and midrib. Dieback and blackening of shoots and twigs then normally follows. • Small dark lesions or spots appear on the bark of the stems and branches and enlarge to form raised cankers over a period of months. • Ash trees seen with withered tops and shoots during the growing seasons are typical of infection. Symptoms of heavily infected trees include extensive shoot, twig and branch dieback and exceptional epicormic shoot growth. • Chalara Fraxinea has also been isolated from the roots of affected trees. Presently control consists of felling of infected trees and burning on site. Bartlett Tree Experts are presently undertaking trials of suitable fungicides but their use could only be recommended after extensive and thorough scientific investigation and with the permission of the appropriate authority.
For more advice visit: or contact Bartlett Tree Experts on 01234 354 673 Visit us on Facebook at Bartlett Tree Experts – Bedford UK
Bartlett Tree Experts A Complete and Comprehensive Tree Careand Service since 1907 A Complete Comprehensive Tree Care Service Since 1907 For over 100 years, Bartlett Tree Experts has led both the science and services that make your landscape thrive. No matter the size or scope of your needs, our arborists bring a rare mix of groundbreaking research, global resources and a local service approach to every task at hand. Trees add so much value to our lives; Bartlett adds even more value to your trees.
Tree & Shrub Pruning | Planting | Tree Removal Hedge Cutting | Stump Grinding Woodland Management | Disease & Inseact Control For a free quote please contact your local arborist Tim Brown
01234 354 673 To advertise in The Villager and Townlife please call 01767 261 122
East Anglian Air Ambulance
Tourist Information-style Councillor Angela Barker, Chair of Central Bedfordshire Council, was snapped up on her offer to open a shop for East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) on Thursday 1 November in Ampthill. The charity – which provides Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk – launched its ‘Illuminate & Inspire’ Night Flying Fundraising Campaign at the end of October, with the Ampthill premises acting as a high street information point for the next 3 months. The charity hopes to obtain approval from the Civil Aviation Authority to carry out emergency landings at the scene of serious incidents during the hours of darkness with its new Eurocopter EC135T2E helicopter – an approval which it is hoped will see East Anglian Air Ambulance become the first dedicated air ambulance in the UK to do so. Bedfordshire Area Fundraising Manager, Paul Airton, says “I became involved with the charity in March 2007 – when the Bedfordshire Appeal aimed to provide the county with an air ambulance, an appeal
which through the hard work and generosity of our supporters was so successful we have had our helicopter, Anglia Two, since September of that year. Today, we hope that the county which hadn’t an air ambulance five years ago will soon have the benefit of probably the singularly most important air ambulance in the Country. Hopefully, it won’t just be Santa that’s flying in the dark at Christmas!” The shop is located at 11 Bedford Street, Ampthill, and will be open Monday to Saturday 10am until 4pm. The charity will be operating it not as a traditional charity shop, but as an information centre, and retail outlet for its branded merchandise. If you would like to find out more about the charity, its ambitions, and how you can help it save lives, simply pop in and have a chat! As part of the “Illuminate & Inspire” Campaign the shop will remain open until 31 Jan 2013.
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O Christmas tree!
Find the perfect tree Like Santa and selection boxes, Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without a tree. As the centrepiece of the decorations, it’s essential that the tree suits you and your home. Real trees are lovely, but there are some very realistic artificial ones available these days, as well as beautiful modern ones – think bare twigs covered in twinkly lights or bold coloured branches with contrasting decorations. The main benefit of an artificial tree is that you can use it year after year – just make sure you have somewhere to store it! They are also great if space is limited, or if you have animals or young children. If you do decide to go for a real tree, before you get caught up in the festive spirit and buy the biggest one you can find, take a moment to measure the space where your tree will go. Think about the width you can accommodate, as well as the height, and remember to allow room to move around it. A garden centre is the obvious place to start your search, and you may also see signs to seasonal stalls or farms as you drive around. Did you know that you can now get Christmas trees by mail order? The disadvantage is that you don’t get to see what your actual tree looks like, but it’s a great option if you don’t have a car. The cost of trees varies according to the species, as well as the size. These are the types that you may see: • Norway Spruce – this traditional choice is cheapest, but it will drop its sharp needles. • Nordman Fir – glossy rich green needles that will stay put! • Noble Fir – also retains needles well. It has soft blue-green needles and a lovely fragrance. • Fraser Fir – compact and upright, so perfect for smaller rooms. • Blue Spruce – boasts unusual blue-grey needles and a rich scent. • Scots Pine – has twisted green/blue needles and that wonderful Christmas tree smell. Also consider whether you want a tree that
has been sawn off, or one that is planted in a pot. A sawn-off tree will probably be cheaper. It may come already wedged into a block of wood, or you may need to buy a special stand. If you invest in a tree that is still growing, you can keep it outside in a pot, or plant it in the ground and bring it in each year. If you’re not confident about this, there are now companies who will deliver a living tree and take it away again after Christmas to care for until next year. So whatever your tastes, space and pocket, rest assured there is a tree for you. Merry Christmas
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How to play It’s simple! Fill in the grid so that each row, column and 3x3 box, contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repetition. Use your logic to solve the puzzle. Watch out! Sudoku is highly addictive.
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what’S ON?
30 November, 1-2 December Christmas Tree Festival St James’ Church, Waresley Opening night Friday 7pm mulled wine, mince pies and entertainment £5 entrance Saturday 10am-4pm and Sunday 1pm- 4pm £2 entrance Come and see our 3rd successful Festival! Special new Story Time for Children 4.15-5pm £3 per family. Enjoy a magic story time amongst the pretty trees and lights. Fabulous Christmas hamper raffle. 1 December The Signals Museum 10am-4pm The Signals Museum at RAF Henlow is open to the public. Entry is free but official photo ID such as a driving licence, passport or over 60s Bus Pass is required to get an entry permit from the Guardroom. See website for full information. Web: 1 December Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm Bunyan Meeting Church, Mill Street, Bedford Adults £8.50, Concessions £7.50 Bedford Messiah Choir presents their 75th performance of Handel’s Messiah. In aid of Breast Cancer Care. Seasonal refreshments after performance. Tel: 01234 297577 1 December The Damned On Tour Tickets £20 7.30pm Bedford Corn Exchange, Bedford Loco-A-Gogo 2012 with special guests The Dickies. Web: Tickets: 5, 12 & 19 December Whist Drive 7.30pm Great Barford Bowls Club, School Lane, Great Barford Cost £1.50 Every Wednesday. Christmas Whist Drive 19 December. Tel: Beryl Seymour 01234 308844 6 December Season’s Greetings Tickets £10 7.30pm prompt Sandye Place School, Sandy Sandy Flower Club welcome Alan Smith with a demonstration entitled “Seasons’ Greetings”. Alan is a highly entertaining demonstrator, a NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangers Society) Area Demonstrator, and a keen competitor at Chelsea Flower Show. Advance tickets from Sandy Tourist Information Centre or phone 01767 226275. Tel: Adrienne Massey 01767 682800 Email: 6, 13, 20 & 27 December Bridge Club Cost £2.00 7.30pm Roxton Village Hall, Roxton Every Thursday. Newcomers welcome. Tel: Beryl Seymour 01234 308844 7 December Bingo Night 7.30pm Moggerhanger Village Hall Monthly Bingo Friday night with cash prizes, raffle and licensed bar. All proceeds to support the Village Hall. Tel: Carolyn 01767 640727 26
Entries into our What’s On sections are free. If you have an event you would like us to publicise please email the details to 8 December “Rapunzel and the Tower of Doom” 4pm Waresley Village Hall Adults £9 adults, Children £6 Following the huge success of last year’s “The Elves and the Shoemaker”, Potton-based Theatre of Widdershins are returning to present another enchanting and humorous family puppet show, “Rapunzel and the Tower of Doom”. Seasonal refreshments available. Tickets: Chris Thorne 01767 651239 Email: Web: 8 & 9 December Christmas Arts, Crafts, Food & Drink 10am-4pm Wood Green Animal Shelter, Godmanchester Admission £2.50, Concessions £2 Visit the indoor arena and sample and buy from our wide range of arts, craft and gift stalls where you might find anything from jewellery and other accessories, handicrafts, hand-made cards, photography, candles, aromatherapy products, through to ceramics and wood turning. Food and drink might include wine, real-food as well as chocolates and other confectionery. Web: 9 December Table Top Sale 10am-12 noon Moggerhanger Lower School Entry 50p for buyers. Sellers £8. Tel: 01767 641691 13 December Christmas Tea Dance 2.00-4.30pm Addison Centre, Kempston £2.50 including refreshments 14 & 28 December Whist Drive 7.30pm Moggerhanger Village Hall Fortnightly Friday Whist Drive. Refreshments included. Tel: Carolyn 01767 640727 for more information 14 December Christmas Concert 7.30pm All Saints Church, Great Barford Tickets £5 including light refreshments The Alma Singers Christmas Concert. Tickets from Great Barford Post Office, Peggy King 01234 870263 or Stella Harding 01767 640515 15 December Annual Christmas Concert 7.30pm Kempston East Methodist Church Admission £6.00 Kempston Musical Society presents their Annual Christmas Concert, with guests Goldington Green Lower School Choir. Do come along and bring a friend for what promises to be a most enjoyable evening. Tel: 01234 781010 Email: 31 December New Year’s Party Moggerhanger Village Hall Tickets £4 Bring and share buffet. Tel: Carolyn 01767 640727 for more information
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Agas and Ranges priced accordingly Oven Bulbs replaced for free in all jobs V.A.T free
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The Villager Prize Crossword 1st Prize £25 Name:
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