Issue 6 September 2013
Local News • Local People • Local Services • Local Charities • Local Products 19,000 copies delivered to Bedford and the surrounding villages
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Issue 6 September 2013
In this Issue
Bedfordshire Walking Festival
Local News • Local People • Local Services • Local Charities • Local Products 19,000 copies delivered to Bedford and the surrounding villages
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Alistair Burt, Katharine Sorrell, Susan Brookes-Morris, Louise Addison, Tamara Glanvil, James Baggott, Sarah Davey, Christine Donnelly, Brian Ford, Debbie Singh-Bhatti, James Baggott and the Brickhill Book Bug
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What is a Parliamentary Recess?........................................4 Back to School......................................................................6 Fly High in Autumn..............................................................8 Wildlife Wanderings.......................................................... 12 Ten Ways to Create a Room.............................................. 15 Buying a Used Car?............................................................. 16 No Fear Bridge Club........................................................... 19 Wootton Golf Society........................................................20 Peru.....................................................................................22 Beat the Utility Bills...........................................................24 Stay Out of Debt................................................................27 Relationships After Divorce..............................................29 Save Money........................................................................30 Arboriculturist or Tree Lopper.........................................34 Bedford Parks Receive Award.......................................... 37 Children’s Page..................................................................39 New Range Rover Sport................................................... 40 Sports Club for People with Disabilities..........................42 Seasonal Delights............................................................. 46 Puzzle Page....................................................................... 48 What’s On...........................................................................50 Fun Quiz..............................................................................53 Classifieds...........................................................................58 Advertiser Index............................................................... 60 Book Review......................................................................62
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What is a Parliamentary recess
and what do we do with it? A question frequently asked of MPs is what they do with the so called ‘long recess’? Firstly its not one long holiday – despite what the press may tell you. Parliament takes breaks from sitting throughout the year, and that gives Members of Parliament a chance to spend extra time in their constituencies, to sometimes work on a particular project, or to attend events away from Westminster that would normally not be possible, which gives them a rounded view of issues both at home and abroad. Three weeks of recess is taken up with the main Party conferences – a chance for volunteers and activists to interact with MPs and Ministers. As a Minister we have a duty roster so my time is scheduled around that, with annual leave and constituency time built into the rota. I am in regular touch with my team in the Westminster and NE Bedfordshire offices, and the wonders of modern working does mean you can keep in touch anywhere. But proper holiday this year was the joys of Sussex for a Foreign Office minister! Beach time, the occasional beer, my family, and peace to spend some time catching up on reading and music.
On reading - I’m a fan of my Kindle! Nothing replaces books - our house bulges with books of all sorts, and nothing replaces the joy of a bookshop and the feel of a book. But a Kindle has its place - convenience, the amount of books I can travel with, the Foreign Affairs magazine regularly dropping into it, all make it an amazing piece of kit. I like a mix of books. The History of Football in 100 objects tells the story of the game in an imaginative way, from footballs to goalposts of course, but letters, a prawn sandwich and an old sock of Pele also have a place. Graham Greene’s classic ‘Our Man in Havana’ means more to me these days, the amusing story of how you can get in too deeply for comfort when abroad - well worth a re-read. More serious are always the latest reviews of the Arab Spring, and I took the chance to catch up on summer editions of political magazines. As I hope you would expect from your MP I balance the right of centre politics of the Spectator with the left wing New Statesman - both good reads I hope summer has been good whether you have been home or away.
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Back to School
By Susan Brookes-Morris Schools are generally very keen to foster a good relationship with parents and their wider community. Often people are well-intentioned and would like to help out, but don’t know how. Here are some ideas which might appeal. You could become a member of the Parent Teachers Association. Traditionally these were developed to foster better relationships between parents and schools, but they are now generally associated with fundraising. You could be involved with activities as varied as running a stall at the summer fete, overseeing discos for the pupils, or organising quiz evenings for parents. Associations are always looking for innovative fundraising ideas, and bringing in new members can bring additional contacts and different perspectives. Why not become a parent governor? Governors get involved with the strategic decision making of schools. They attend full governor body meetings and usually sit on committees dealing with various aspects of the school, such as staffing finance and curriculum. Parent governors are voted for by the parents of pupils at the school. Core responsibilities include: ensuring accountability; acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher; monitoring and evaluating the school’s progress; budgetary allocation and control; planning for the long term future of the school; setting the school’s aims and values, and appointing senior members of staff, including the Head Teacher.
Maybe you would like to be a classroom helper. Classroom helpers volunteer to assist teachers on a regular basis, usually in primary schools. They may be in school for half an hour a week, or perhaps up to half a day. They help with tasks such as listening to pupils read. Reading practice is very labour-intensive, and helpers can make a big difference to teachers and children. It is generally recommended that you assist in a class which isn’t the one your child is in. Perhaps you could help outside the classroom by going on a school outing. This could be a regular weekly trip to the local swimming pool, occasional days out to places of interest, or helping with the football team. You may also be able to help your child’s school by sharing your experiences. Many senior schools have events where parents and local business people come into school to talk about their careers, or to discuss anecdotes about taking part in a notable event or visiting an unusual place. For all but the most fleeting of visits, you will need to undergo a police background check before you can be part of school activities. It is a standard procedure carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) in England and Wales, and by Disclosure Scotland in Scotland. Many school volunteers not only benefit from a sense of pride and fulfilment at having assisted, but also find that they improve their skills and enhance their CVs.
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Fly High In The Autumn Sky
By Susan Brookes-Morris Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get a birds-eye view of autumn’s fabulous colours? Well that’s exactly what you get when you take a hot air balloon flight. Here’s Susan Brookes’ description of her recent trip: I joined a group of excited passengers at the launch point and listened to the pilot’s safety briefing. Behind him, the balloon’s envelope was being filled with air using an enormous fan. The pilot judged our weights and sizes and told us all where to stand ready for boarding. Once in position, we watched with awe as the material became more and more inflated. Men rushed about manoeuvring the 100ft long nylon material to hasten filling. When the shout to board came, we moved rapidly to clamber into the then vertical basket. The balloon was unsecured and we began to lift off. Rising high into the sky, we waved to the gathered well wishers who quickly became just dots in the distance. As we headed to heights of up to 3000 feet, we were treated to a bird’s eye view of the countryside below. The whole landscape stretched before us: fields, trees, livestock in the fields, streams and lakes. It was a beautiful sight. The huge balloon moved silently across the sky. The calm only interrupted by the passengers’ conversation and the periodic blast of the burners injecting the spell-binding fire into the belly of the balloon. The temperature was surprisingly similar to that at ground level, but with the added bonus of the glow from the flame. Our lovely pilot cheerfully answered all our questions, pointed out landmarks, and told us about the skill of ballooning. Satellite navigation systems are installed in the balloons, but pilots also take maps in case equipment fails. Travel is so gentle because the balloon is moving at the same speed as the wind, and even the most apprehensive passenger soon relaxed and admired the views. When it was time for our flight to end, the pilot descended slowly. I had expected a jerky landing, but the contact of the basket with the ground slowed the progress of the balloon and brought it to a halt quite gently, within a couple of bounces. The basket slowly tilted on its side as it came to rest in a field and the balloon began to deflate in the breeze. We found ourselves lying on our
backs, rather like wine bottles in a rack, laughing at the fun of it all. For safety reasons, hot air ballooning can only take place when there are suitable weather conditions. Most in our group had waited a while before we finally got the opportunity to take to the skies, but we all agreed the wait for such a thrilling experience had been worthwhile and we’d love to do it again. If you would like to book a balloon flight make sure you use an accredited member of the British Association of Balloon Operators (BABO)
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WALKING FESTIVAL The fifth Bedfordshire Walking Festival takes place from 7th to 15th September and promises to better than ever. The festival is going from strength to strength and attracts interest from near and far. Organised by Bedfordshire Ramblers and supported by The National Trust, RSPB, The Greensand Trust, Bedford Borough Parks and Countryside Teams, Central Bedfordshire Rights of Way Team Members, Bedford/Milton Keynes Waterways Trust, Bedford/ Bletchley Rail Users Association, Long Distance Walkers Association, Nordic walking, Bedford Creative Arts, Walks for Health and Sandy Town Council with its recently achieved “Walkers Are Welcome” status. The festival offers an ideal opportunity to explore and get to know Bedfordshire. From the rural “wolds” like countryside in the north to the wooded greensand ridge across the middle to the chalk hills in the south. Interesting villages, delightful views, and mostly easy walking on generally well maintained paths the nine day festival is an opportunity to get out into the countryside with a group and knowledgeable leaders or simply “Go on holiday in Bedfordshire”. Unless stated ALL WALKS ARE FREE just turn up. The full programme is available on the web-site What’s New for 2013 ? More walks for walkers.... Half day walks up to 7 miles and all day walks up to 22 miles. More Interest Walks......... Varying in length from 2 hours to half a day. These informative walks are led by knowledgeable and interesting leaders
and range from spotting wildlife to Two centuries of industrial history from Bricks to Robots. Visit a private Garden Railway. Take a ride on a Boat named John Bunyan or join us going Castle to Castle and if you dare participate in the Friday 13th walk. Special walks...... A dog walk... Yes dogs have to bring their owners. A Mum’s & Toddler walk where toddlers have to bring their Mum’s, Nani’s or Grandmum’s and or their male equivalents. You could try Nordic walking with taster sessions in Bedford and Ampthill followed by a short walk. Family Walks with Children in mind... Whether its looking and listening to Bats or spotting wildlife along the river, treasure hunting with a GPS, or a nature walk at Rushmere the festival has a number of walks specially for the family including self guided walks with street art or join a procession. More walks accessible by Public Transport.... Via London Midland, Marston Vale Line, First Capital Connect, Stagecoach and Grant Palmer. RU4 The Challenge.... May not be new but becoming increasingly popular is the 40 mile two day challenge of the Greensand Ridge Path taking place over the weekend of 14th &15th September. Booking is essential. As more and more people are doing the walk and raising money for charity could this be the challenge for you ? Programmes are available in hard copy from Tourist information Centres, Libraries and many other places. Programmes can be viewed and downloaded from the festival web site www. or viewed on, For more information or to book RU4THE CHALLENGE Email:
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WILDLIFE TRAVEL, BY CHRISTINE DONNELLY September can be a lovely month for walking in the countryside, enjoying the last signs of summer and the start of autumn. Many birds that nest here in the warmer months have prepared for their flight south by feeding to build up their flight muscles. A highlight of the year is the gathering of swallows before they leave, particularly over water, which once led people to think they hibernated in mud under our lakes. Like the majority of our migrant birds, however, they head for Africa where food is more plentiful during our winter. The young of our ‘resident’ birds are now dispersing so listen out for tawny owls near local woods, and for robins as they sing their ‘autumn song’ whilst looking for good ‘territories’.
Barn swallow This autumn may produce a bumper crop of fruit due to the recent rain and warm weather. Our hedgerows and woods should be full of berries and nuts which are an essential food source for many animals. The blackthorn’s berries are the ‘sloes’ of sloe gin so pick them quickly if you want your share. Some of the more colourful berries are those of hawthorn, guelder rose, rowan, honeysuckle, spindle and black bryony, but the last two are very poisonous, so don’t touch any berries unless you know they are safe. Dormouse Many small mammals rely on fruits and nuts in winter, storing some for harder times. Dormice love blackberries and hazelnuts and, locally, only survive in areas where enough of these grow. Unlike many animals, they do not store food but
must fatten up for hibernation. Having ‘golden’ fur, large black eyes and a fluffy tail, they are very ‘cute’ but they are very rare. You can join the Flit Vale Local group of The Wildlife Trust on the morning of Saturday 28th September at Flitwick Moor to see some small mammals that will have been caught overnight. For details of this and other events organised by The Wildlife Trust check or phone the Trust office at Priory Country Park on 01234 364213. September brings spring to countries south of the tropics and those with a ‘mediterranean’ type of climate are famous for their amazing displays of wild flowers. Western Australia is a plant lover’s paradise, famous for its large number of colourful flowers and shrubs and with magnificent forests. Red Kangaroo Paw, Western Australia With a stunning coastline and exciting birds and mammals, this is a favourite destination for a wildlife holiday. Wildlife Travel will be running a trip there in September 2014.
Contact 01954 713575 or check for details of this and other holidays. Any profits from Wildlife Travel are donated to nature conservation through The Wildlife Trusts. Christine Donnelly
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Ten ways to create a new room
BY KATHERINE SORRELL Just had a baby? Started working from home? Run out of storage? Then you need to stretch your home. 1 Build an extension Pros - Adding a rear extension to a kitchen can be a great way to create a multi-functional family room. Filling in the side return in a typical Victorian terrace is popular. It may be possible to add a second storey for a new bedroom or bathroom on the first floor, too. Cons Reduces garden size. Unsympathetic extensions feel like an add-on. 2 Convert the loft Pros - Create a bedroom (perhaps with a bathroom), a home office or playroom, without taking space from the garden. Cons - Not every loft has the headroom or enough useable space. More difficult and expensive if your roof isn’t traditionally built. 3 Convert the cellar Pros - Turn a cellar into family living space, a useful utility area, a home office or even a selfcontained annexe, without altering the outside of your home. Cons - Often more expensive, per square metre, than other ways of creating extra space. Can be
difficult to get enough headroom and light into the new room. 4 Add a conservatory Pros - Adds extra living space and brings the garden into your home. Relatively inexpensive. Cons -mA poorly built conservatory can be too hot in summer, freezing cold in winter and full of condensation. Takes space from your garden. 5 Build a room in the garden Pros - The building work will hardly bother you. Cons - Not suitable for small gardens. Could look like a shed, security is an issue, and if not properly insulated it will be too cold to use in winter. 6 Divide a room into two Pros - Carving up a large space to add another room is useful and can add value, even though you’re not actually creating any extra space. Cons - You’ll need to create a separate doorway for the room, and include an opening window. 7 Put in an ensuite Pros - Loved by buyers. Can be fitted into quite a small space. Cons - Installing an ensuite at the expense of a bedroom could knock your property’s value. 8 Build on top of your garage Pros - A first floor extension on top loses no garden space and is often relatively easy. Cons - Foundations may not be strong enough, so the garage will have to be underpinned. 9 Convert your understairs space Pros - Turns a poorly used area into a valuable extra room – perfect for a ground-floor loo, an extra shower room or a study area. Cons - You’ll have to find extra space to store that under-stairs stuff. If putting in a loo or bathroom, ventilation and connecting to drainage may be a problem. 10 Convert your garage Pros - It’s a relatively straightforward job to turn it into a valuable indoor space. Cons - Foundations may need strengthening. Avoid if you live in an area where parking is at a premium. Remember, before starting any work, you must speak to the relevant authorities to find out if you need building regulations approval, planning permission or party wall consent from your neighbours. has more information.
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Buying a Used Car?
By Debbie Singh-Bhatti Buying a car is a costly business, which is why it makes sense to check out the used car market where you can save thousands of pounds. Unfortunately it can also be fraught with problems if you don’t get it right. Here’s how to minimise the risks and give yourself the best chance of finding a bargain. Research Once you’ve decided on the type of car you need (based on your particular priorities with regards to comfort, economy and space), research the costs to purchase, tax, insure, service and fuel it. Bear in mind that although older models are often cheaper to buy, they can be more costly to run and may work out more expensive in the long term. Fact Find Have a list of questions to ask the seller before viewing the vehicle. Find out about previous owners; the mileage; the condition; how long the MOT and tax have to run; whether it has ever been written off, in an accident or stolen; if it has any finance outstanding; whether there is a log book, full service history, MOTs and receipts; and whether any maintenance needs doing. Inspection Always view the vehicle at the seller’s address in daylight and in dry weather. Check the sills, wheel arches and door bottoms for rust. Make sure all lights and seat belts work. Check the condition
of the tyres and mirrors. Look for mismatched or bubbling paint and uneven gaps between body panels. Check that the mileage is about correct for the car’s age (average is 10,000 per year). If the odometer numbers are out of line the mileage may have been tampered with. Check that the car’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), found under the bonnet and on the windows, matches the number on the V5 certificate (log book). Test Drive Drive the car for at least 15 minutes on different kinds of roads. Listen for unusual noises and look for excessive smoke from the exhaust. Make sure you’re happy with the brakes, gears, steering and suspension. If anything shakes, rattles or grates, the car may have problems that need sorting out. Paperwork Once you have agreed a price, make sure that all paperwork looks and feels genuine (no photocopies). Check that the VIN and recorded keeper details tally with the seller, and examine the service history and MOT certificates to verify the mileage. Get a receipt for your payment from the seller, and finally – make sure the new keeper sections of the log book are completed. Taking a knowledgeable friend along is always a good idea. Failing that, the AA and RAC both offer inspection services. You have to pay but for peace-of-mind it may be worth it. Good luck - and happy motoring!
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New ‘No Fear’ Bridge Club In Bedford
By Brian Ford
Bedford ‘NO FEAR’ Bridge Club is exactly “what it says on the tin”, a club for beginners and relaxed club bridge players. There is no requirement to have a partner although pairs are very welcome, just come along and we will find a partner for you! We are a ‘fledgling’ club that will provide beginners with a ‘stepping stone’ to playing at duplicate clubs in the Bedford area. The club meets at the Aircraft Research Association Ltd. Sports Social Club Hall, Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7PF. We meet every Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm. table money is £2.50 per visit. We have a website at bedfordnofear/ We are offering a package of 12 lessons for beginners at a cost of £40, on a Monday evening at St. Mark’s Church & Community Centre Calder Rise, Bedford MK41 7UY 7.30pm to 9.30pm, starting 23rd September. We teach Basic English ACOL, two of our teachers are already English Bridge Union Teacher Associates, having attended the EBU practical
training workshops. Our team is Louise Smith, Sue Ford (both committee members of Bedford Bridge Club, the premier club in Bedford), Paul Wiltshire, Gina Dunn and Brian Ford plus many other volunteers and helpers. Further information from: Mobile 07429 186140 or 01234 300218.
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Wootton Golf Society
Friendly group of golfers Wootton Golf Society is a local, friendly local Golf Society with about 35 members. About Us - Based in Wootton, Bedford and surrounding areas, we are a very friendly group of golfers of all standards. It started with two friends talking about Golf in a pub in Wootton and within a few months we had a small group meeting once a month to play locally. It soon became apparent that more local men played and the society grew year on year. We have now been going for 4 years and have a regular very friendly membership. We are a committee run golf club and as such have regular committee meetings as well as an Annual General Meeting to vote on the committee. We are a non profit organisation however do have a treasurer and our own bank account into which funds / deposits are paid, our members pay an annual fee of ÂŁ20, this goes towards trophies and special events such as our Turkey Trot (held in December) and our Presentation evening. On joining new members get a society shirt which is new this year, it is hoped that by the start of next year, all members will be dressed the same in our society colours. We meet regularly on a monthly basis at local golf clubs in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire to play mainly stableford format golf. We always start the day at each venue with some form of breakfast before playing the course. On occasions we play other formats such as stroke play and match play knockout tournaments. At each event we have prizes for winners, longest drives and nearest the pins as well as sometimes
a sponsored prize from the venue or one of our members. Our golfing programme is booked a year in advance so you can plan when you would like to attend, apart from playing locally we also have an annual weekend away somewhere in the UK. Wootton Golf Society members are a variety of golfing standards from single figure to 28 handicap and welcome anyone who wishes to join to play the beautiful game amongst a very friendly group. At present we only have one junior member and no female members although we are keen to recruit ladies and youngsters. At the end of the year we hold a well attended Turkey Trot, which is a fun event for meat prizes as well as our Presentation Evening where the members and their partners get together for a very social drink. Our members are kept well informed by two websites, one of which is a members only website, once joined you will get the details, the other website is at If you are interested in joining or require any further information, please ring Pete on 07975596164 or look at our website.
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Floating Islands on Lake Titicaca At 12,507 feet, Titicaca appears like a dream, framed by pastel-coloured hills shimmering at the water’s edge under the crisp Andean sky. Stretching for over 100 miles and into Bolivia on its eastern side, fed by five rivers and numerous streams, it’s said to be the world’s highest navigable lake. The nature reserve created in 1978 protects 60 species of native birds and in the sheltered bay of Puno, the Uros Indians live peacefully on man-made islands. They were here long before the Incas built Machu Picchu but on their flimsy abodes ignored by the Conquistadores, they have outlived them for over 400 years. Soon after dawn, the first tourist boat sets off from Puno towards the nearest of 40 islands or so sprinkled around the bay. Built with local totora reeds, they glow coppery gold in the early sun and before long, the islanders begin to stir. Smoke rises from the huts, pots and pans tinkle in the semi- darkness, a man paddles in search of fresh reeds to strengthen or extend his domain and meet growing family needs. The reeds are cut near the shore, towed back then assembled and anchored on the spot. It’s an on-going task for the ‘people of the lake’, 2000 of them, though it never feels like it. Sailing around clusters of tiny islands, you spot a few huts on this one, a shrine on that one, a school on another, a clinic or a couple of craft stalls. The islands are fully movable but if you can’t jump across to see your neighbour, there are plenty of reed boats to travel around.
Most stunning are the majestic dragon-headed vessels gliding silently on blue waters, ready to carry a handful of wide-eyed visitors. Stepping ashore on a bouncy patch of reeds may be unnerving but no one seems to mind. ‘Please come inside,’ says a man with a bright woolly hat, ‘this is my home.’ It’s just one room, no furniture, but there are rugs on the floor and a small black and white television in the corner. Outside the sun is dazzling, the air is cold but ‘Mama’ is used to it. An imposing figure in an ample skirt and traditional bowler hat, she has lit the fire on a bed of stones and proudly shows the fish caught by her man that morning. Nothing grows on the reeds but you can catch fish and ducks, for meat and eggs, chew the white root of a reed or two and head for the market in Puno to sell embroidered cloth, knitwear and trinkets and buy whatever you need. Historians believe the Uros set up home on the lake to escape trouble on land but legend says otherwise. It claims they were here before the dawn of time, protected by ‘black blood’ when the earth was ‘dark and cold’, and few today would wish to change their traditional way of life. A cell phone may ring now and then but somewhere on the edge of the water, a child plays an Andean flute as a sudden breeze sends ripples across the reeds. The tourist boat heads back to the mainland then slowly, on the ‘Black Puma’ lake, the islands vanish, floating like a mirage between water and sky.
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Beat the utility bills
The gadgets that’ll save you cash With summer already a distant memory, energy companies are rubbing their hands with glee. Cooler weather means bigger energy bills. Time to review a few energy saving devices then. You don’t need to spend a fortune: some of the most effective changes are the simplest. For example, one of the best bill-busters is to replace existing bulbs with low-energy ones. Halogen bulbs are better than incandescent ones, but LED bulbs are better still: for example in a typical 6-light kitchen spotlight, you can replace six 50W halogen bulbs with six 3W LEDs - so the total energy use would drop from 300W to just 18W. Look for “warm white” LEDs if you want a natural light: some LEDs have a bluish light, an effect not everybody likes. Note if you want dimmable lights you’ll need dimmable bulbs and LED-friendly dimmer switches. While the bulbs do cost more than traditional ones the price is coming down, and they last much, much longer than even halogens, so they’ll pay for themselves quickly and save you money over a long period of time. If you have an outdoor security light, consider swapping that too: while halogen security lights can use 400W or more, LED ones can be surprisingly bright with bulbs rated at just 10W. Turning things off can slash your energy usage too, and computers are particular offenders. Investing in the Ecobutton, which costs around £15, can pay for itself very quickly: press it when you take a break and it’ll put your PC into the most energy efficient standby mode. For TVs, a TV standby saver can put all your home
entertainment kit to sleep when you put the TV into standby mode, and there’s an equivalent for PCs. Expect to pay £21 for a TV standby saver and around £16 for a PC one. The Energy Saving Trust also recommends the WAHL Eco Kettle, which uses 60% less energy than a normal kettle - but don’t spoil the savings by boiling more water than you actually need. Don’t forget about batteries either: swapping from normal batteries to rechargeable ones can save you hundreds of pounds in a relatively short space of time: according to Which? magazine, you could save as much as £500 over 100 charges. Cutting down your gas usage isn’t quite as simple, but it’s still possible. Fitting a flow regulator such as the £5 Showersave to your shower slashes the amount of hot water your showers use, and the £25 Radiator BOOster can reduce the time it takes to heat a room, cutting energy usage in the process. Shower flow reducers can reduce your bills if you’re on a water meter too, as can the Hippo water saver, which reduces the amount of water used to flush your toilet. For really big savings on gas, give some thought to a new boiler: by replacing a D-rated boiler with an A-rated one, you could save around £181 per year in a typical detached house. If that’s a step too far, don’t forget the obvious, affordable options: you’ll save a fortune by insulating your house if its current insulation isn’t up to scratch and by turning the thermostat down a notch. You’ll find that energy efficiency work is often subsidised by government grants, and you might even be able to have it done for free.
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Bedfordshire Suicide Prevention Awareness Wednesday 18th September 2013 at The Harpur Suite, Bedford 10.00am – 2.00pm Talks Information Stalls Mobile Surgeries Are you concerned about a friend or family member’s emotional state and are not sure how to deal with it? Do you feel a little out of control of your feelings at the moment? Could you benefit from talking to someone and knowing more about what help is available? Why not come along and find out more, in a relaxed, friendly and informal environment. For more information please contact us on 01234 356910 Organised by ACCM (UK), Mind, Samaritans, SEPT, Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Bedford Locality, Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council
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Stay Out of Debt
By Sarah Davey
Being in debt is no fun and it’s easier to get into debt than out of it. Stay out of debt with our five top tips. Budget – It sounds obvious, but an astonishing number of us don’t know what we actually spend each month. For two months write down every outgoing and you might be surprised at how much of cash you fritter away. Make a list of regular commitments - utility bills, mortgage, outstanding loans etc.; a list of necessary evils - petrol, train tickets etc; a list of desirables - holidays, salon trips etc.; and a list of non-essentials. Boost your cash – This can be done in two ways: Cut all unnecessary expenditure, or increase your income. It might not be a good time economically to ask for a pay-rise, but could you take on some extra work in return for a little more in your pay packet? What about selling your unwanted items on eBay, or even starting your own little business using a skill or hobby you already have, such as
sewing, baking, computer or language skills? Use credit cards – Yes, you read that correctly. If used wisely they can be a helpful cashmanagement tool. With some cards you get cash back for spending. So by putting your regular expenditure, such as groceries, on your card you can earn money. Only do this if you are prepared to pay the balance off in full after the grace period (generally 30 days). Save don’t spend – Any surplus cash should be saved. Allocate some for holidays or other desirable items, and some for emergencies. Any left over can be put into a longer term savings account. DIY – Often we pay people for services we could easily manage ourselves. Try washing your own car or making your own packed lunch for a month and see how much you save.
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15/07/2013 14:58
Relationships after divorce
vital for children’s wellbeing Too few divorcing parents consider how they will continue their relationship with each other after a divorce, according to a Bedford family law specialist. Though a couple may be divorcing because they no longer want to spend their lives together, they may have to maintain a relationship of some description so they can co-parent any children involved. Solicitor Tamara Glanvill believes if more took a long term view, it would make sorting out the details of a divorce easier for all involved. “I come from a home where my parents divorced so I think I have a lot of empathy, both with children involved in divorce and the parents. My biggest concern is often how this is going to affect the children and I think this is how it should be,” said Tamara, who has just joined family law specialist firm Woolley & Co. “My parents divorced incredibly amicably and continued to co-parent well into my adulthood. They have enjoyed family celebrations and grandchildren without any difficulty, but that does not happen for so many families and it is the children who suffer most. I work really hard to make sure that parents, at each stage, recognise the impact that divorce can have on the children through their behaviour towards each other. More often than not, they need to have a relationship beyond divorce for the sake of the children but often this is the last thing they want to think about. “Giving it due consideration up front can actually help the divorce process as there is an acknowledgement that they will have to continue to see each other and function as best as possible for the children, despite the fact their marriage has broken down. “Parents should not use the process to score points, but instead find new ways of communicating. In the worst cases, children can become a go-between for their parents which is devastating for them, particularly as they are often grieving for the breakup of their family unit.” Tamara joins a large and experienced team of family law specialists at Woolley & Co, Solicitors, which has partner level lawyers working from offices across England and Wales. Its business
model sees them working outside normal High Street firm opening hours with services tailored around clients. Tamara is also a specialist collaborative lawyer, dedicated to non-confrontational divorce solutions. “I did not intend to go into family law but when I finished my training in Bedford, there was a vacancy in the family law department of the firm I was with and I soon discovered that helping clients through the worst of times with straightforward but empathetic advice was very rewarding, and so that was that,” added Tamara, who has worked extensively with clients across Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Andrew Woolley, managing partner with Woolley & Co, founded in Warwickshire in 1996, said: “I am delighted to welcome Tamara to the team. “She brings significant experience across a range of areas and I am looking forward to working with her.” To find out more, visit You can contact Tamara on 0845 680 2136, or email Tamara on
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Save money
by doing winter things now Winter might seem like some time away but you can save money by preparing for it now; plumbers are cheaper while the weather is warmer and there are still offers on insulation and boilers so start work now before winter arrives and the prices go up. Switch your bills now - It’s a great time to switch to a cheaper provider as the major providers typically start to increase their prices any day now, just in time for winter. Find a copy of your last gas and electricity bills, go to the energyswitching page on and find a cheaper deal for yourself. It’s often worth considering one of the smaller suppliers however if you want to stick to a major supplier you may be eligible for discounted bills through the government’s ECO (Energy Company Obligation) scheme which offers heating and insulation improvements for low-income and means tested households. Visit energy-company-obligation or call the Energy Saving Trust on 0300 123 1234 for details. Boilers - If your boiler is coming to the end of its life, now is a good time to have it replaced. Most boilers over 15 years old can be repaired to keep them working, but they will be less efficient than modern ones. Even factoring in the cost of a new boiler you could save money by replacing it now. Also, you could receive up to £270 cashback for updating your boiler through the new government energy improvement scheme, The Green Deal Cashback Scheme, which gives you money back if you make energy efficiency improvements in your home. The Green Deal is available to households in England and Wales and operates on a first-come, first-served basis, even if you are renting privately or in social housing. Firstly, have a Green Deal assessment carried out on your property which will provide you with a report of what could be improved. Then agree to a quote or Green Deal plan with a Green Deal Provider. You can find them online at consumersearch. Apply for the Green Deal Cashback Voucher at www.gdcashback.decc. Make sure you have the work completed before the voucher expires and you’ll receive your cashback within 30 days. Insulation Now is a great time to get up-to-date
insulation as it’s a quiet period for installers. Insulation materials are also much cheaper to buy in the summer and early autumn. Efficient insulation can cut the cost of heating and cooling by 40%, while loft insulations save an average 20% on your energy bills annually. Don’t forget you can also find loft insulation vouchers on websites like Groupon as well as applying for the Green Deal. Draught-proofing - Draught-proofing is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways to save energy in your home. The Energy Saving Trust claims you can save £55 a year. You could save more money by taking the DIY route but remember some older properties with single glazing will be more difficult to draughtproof and if you are not comfortable with your DIY skills, hiring a professional could save you money in the long run. Check your home insurance policy before carrying out work yourself to ensure that you’re covered for DIY. Plumbers - Summer and early autumn is a slower time of year for plumbers so you could find the rates more favourable, and you’ll also be able to get the work completed quickly. Have any pipe repairs or radiator work done now to eliminate cold spots and fix wasteful dripping taps. It’s also worth having the plumbers in just to check everything is ship shape for winter. has up to date information on hundreds of ways to earn a bit on the side and boost your income – and more are being added every week. There is also a wealth of information on best-buy financial products, plus heaps of articles to help you be a clever consumer and make the most of your money. Did you know? Boilers account for around 55% of what you spend in a year on energy bills. You can save as much as £310 a year by replacing it.
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ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND BUILDING DESIGN SERVICES Professional and affordable architectural design services provided for all types of private residential building projects including extensions, loft/garage conversions, garages and outbuildings through to new build dwellings with all necessary council approvals obtained. For free estimates and advice, contact Jason Dixon on:01767 677540 or 07908 004816 e-mail: No VAT payable for design and drawing services on residential projects Jason Dixon, 101 Meadow Road, Great Gransden, Sandy, SG19 3BB.
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Arboriculturalist or Tree Lopper
BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS Arboriculture is the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. It is both a practice and a science. A good Arborist (Tree Surgeon) can be a difficult thing to find in your area. There are a lot of companies of varying size and quality to choose from to suit any budget. There are a few factors you need to bear in mind before selecting an Arborist to work on your trees or shrubs. You also need to bear in mind that selecting a contractor who just does “Lopping and Topping” can do irreparable damage to your trees and your prize specimen could be fatally damaged. Things to look for in a good Arborist contractor: • Do they have adequate insurance (Employers, Public & Professional Indemnity), ask to see a copy before work is started. • Do they have accreditations, Arboricutural Association Approved contractor is best but not an essential as this assesses Health & Safety and work quality. • Further accreditations can be CHAS, ISO 9000,
Safecontractor or ISA accreditation. Ask for references, a good Arborist will be only too happy to boast about good their good quality work. The Arboricultural industry has a best practice guide that all contractors should be working to when pruning, with work conforming to British Standard 3998. This standard will give guidance to aid with the trees future development following pruning work. Look into other treatment for your trees and shrubs such as follow up fertilization. Don’t be tempted with a cheap price from a contractor who knocks at your door saying “would you like your trees chopped”, it rarely works out well. The key component is not to just look at the final price, a cheap price may look good at the time but could lead to excessive cost latter on as the tree develops. Good pruning will reduce the amount of future visits needed. For more advice visit: or contact Bartlett Tree Experts on 01234 354 673 Visit us on Facebook at Bartlett Tree Experts – Bedford UK
Bartlett Tree Experts A Complete and Comprehensive Tree Careand Service since 1907 A Complete Comprehensive Tree Care Service Since 1907 For over 100 years, Bartlett Tree Experts has led both the science and services that make your landscape thrive. No matter the size or scope of your needs, our arborists bring a rare mix of groundbreaking research, global resources and a local service approach to every task at hand. Trees add so much value to our lives; Bartlett adds even more value to your trees.
Tree & Shrub Pruning | Planting | Tree Removal Hedge Cutting | Stump Grinding Woodland Management | Disease & Inseact Control For a free quote please contact your local arborist Tim Brown
01234 354 673 34
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BEDFORD BOROUGH Let us transform your PARKS
living room
It’s official! Parks in Bedford Borough have been namedSpring amongisthe besttime in the thevery perfect to country. give your Addison Howard Park, Priory outdoor spaces someBedford love and Park, care and CountryT.R. Park and Harrold-Odell Country Park LANDSCAPING & PROPERTY have allMAINTENANCE achieved Green Flag status, andyou. for the is here to help 12th year in a row Priory Country Park has been NotGreen only do westatus. provide routine property awarded Flag maintenance but we also offer innovative Green landscape Flag is a national awardservices schemeand forare well garden design managed parks and green spaces administered specialists in driveway and patio by national environmental charity Keep Britain construction. Tidy, with support from the Department of Our goal is to help you create an outdoor Communities and Local Government. space which will perfectly reflect your Councillor Sarah-Jayne Holland, Portfolio individual style and suit your specificHolder needs whether you are a residential or commercial for Community and Regulatory Services, said: owner. We will proud consult with “Local property residents can be the you parks closely to find outrightly what it is youofenvision for and green in Bedford Borough your spaces Landscape, Hardscape orand this Outdoor living space providing recognition confirms that our -parks in Bedford practical ideasbest andininspiring solutions that are among the very the country. will fit your budget and potentially add “Plentyvalue of hard work and dedication goes into to your property! looking after and managing our parks and green spaces throughout the year and the Green Flag is
off our labour charge when you book us to do a job before the 1 June 2013 To take advantage of this offer simply cut out and present us with this coupon. To stay updated our future events of all this excellent and well on deserved recognition and work, specialbyoffers please dovolunteers.” click the hard both staff and If‘LIKE’ you arebutton interested in facebook volunteering on our pageat one the Borough Council’s parks or green spaces and at this website address:
helping the park rangers, gardeners, litter pickers and other ground staff then contact Bedford Borough Council’s Community Volunteering team on (01234) 718276 or visit volunteering
---------------------------------Call us on (01234) 303651 or 07759 331287
T.R. LANDSCAPING & Property Maintenance
“We are a family-owned and run business which for over 15 years has been serving the needs of customers in Bedfordshire. We offer a wide spectrum of professional landscaping and property maintenance services for both residential and commercial property owners.” Driveways, Walkways & Steps Patio & Outdoor Entertainment Areas Decking Landscape Construction & Design Wood Structures & Garden Rooms Ground & Tree Maintenance Garden Renovations & Clearance Outdoor Lighting Pruning & Trimming Seasonal Cleanup Hedges Water Features Jet Washing Planting, Turfing & More
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New Range Rover Sport
by James Baggott
James Bond star Daniel Craig drove it through New York for the launch, now James Baggott has his chance behind the wheel of the new Range Rover Sport… in the equally glamorous Cotswolds. What is it? For years the Range Rover Sport has reigned supreme in the SUV market and now Land Rover is back at it again, with an all-new variety. Lighter, faster and more capable than ever before, the new model is no longer based on the Discovery, but now takes its underpinnings from the full-fat Rangie. Design DNA comes from the incredibly popular Evoque and mixed with the luxurious surroundings from the daddy of the line-up, it’s a potent combination and will be an absolute winner. What’s under the bonnet? A choice of diesel and petrol units, plus there’s a diesel hybrid on the way later this year. The petrol stationcrushing supercharged 5.0-litre V8 510bhp lump hits 60mph in five seconds dead and on to a top speed of 155mph. Ok, it emits 298g/km and returns 22.1mpg, but it’s so worth it. The SDV8 arrives later this year and in the meantime you can pick from the 3.0-litre V6 diesel in 258bhp and 292bhp guises – the more powerful of the two hits 60mph in 7.1 seconds. What’s the spec like? Palatial. It’s awash with fresh technology, from wade depth sensors to traffic sign recognition. A real innovation is the two extra seats in the boot; these are for occasional use only, but the electrically powered perches will
come in handy with families. The front seats are adjustable 14 ways, heated and cooled and so too are those in the middle row. There’s a powered tailgate, cooled centre console that you can fit a bottle of champagne in and soft-close doors. The Meridian 1700W stereo is brilliant and buyers can choose from nine different wheel designs in sizes from 19 to 22-inch. Any rivals? Land Rover chalk up the Audi Q7, BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne as the biggest contenders, but it’s the latter that really gives it any serious challenge. The German firm’s badge might hold a little more brand cache, but we’d pick the Sport over it every time. As a combination of jaw-dropping looks mixed with ability and agility, it’s hard to beat. What’s it like to drive? With 420kg shaved from the weight, heavily revised steering and all-new lightweight suspension, the car feels incredibly different to drive on the road to its predecessor. In 5.0-litre form it’s ludicrously quick on all road surfaces and can claim the title of the fastest ever Land Rover to be made. Flick it into Dynamic mode and it becomes a different car – the steering quickens, it corners harder and the throttle response sharpens. It’s worlds apart from the standard mode which is far more sedate. As allrounders go, this Sport is without doubt one of the best. Verdict Make no mistake - this is the new benchmark in the SUV market. I’ve been racking my brain for faults and if I’m picky the plastic feel of the paddle shifters is a little cheap and the infotainment system looks a little old in terms of graphics and speed. But that’s about it. This is a car that would please sports car drivers as much as traditional SUV drivers and the best bit? It’s considerably cheaper than the equally-brilliant Range Rover – so it’s a bargain too… The Knowledge Range Rover Sport 5.0 V8 Supercharged Autobiography Dynamic Price: £81,550 Engine: 5.0-litre, V8 supercharged Power: 510bhp, 625Nm Max speed: 155mph 0-60mph: 5.0s MPG: 22.1 Emissions: 298g/km
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for people with disabilities Bedford International Athletic Stadium (BIAS) will host a brand new sports club which will offer fun and exciting activities for adults with learning and/or physical disabilities. The sessions will take place every Monday, from 2pm – 3.15pm. Those 16 and over are invited to take part in a whole range of activities run by Bedford Borough Council’s Sports Development team, including: Basketball, Yoga, Nordic walking and Tennis. The club has been developed to complement the annual Bedfordshire Games, so that there is an opportunity to take part in sport both before, and after, the games event (which take place annually in July). Cllr Doug McMurdo, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture at Bedford Borough Council, said: “This is a great way to start the week, exercise stimulates both a positive mental attitude and an increase in energy levels, so we would encourage people to come along and make the most of what is on offer.”
Carers and/or relatives are welcome to attend. It is £3 per session, and there is no need to book, people can just turn up on the day. For more information, call Hayley on 01234 718835 or email
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Mediterranean fish bake This is a great one-pan dish full of fresh flavour. Monkfish is quite pricey but the meaty flesh is delicious and bakes really well, however you can replace it with cod loin, salmon steaks or thick pieces of haddock fillet if you prefer. Serve with a green salad and warmed ciabatta bread to mop up all the lovely herb and lemon flavoured pan juices. INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp olive oil (choose a good quality fruity one) 350g small new potatoes, halved 1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks 1 green pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks 225g small plum tomatoes, halved 4 monkfish fillets (each weighing about 150g) 50g butter, softened Pared rind and juice from 1 small lemon, plus extra wedges to serve 1 tbsp fresh chopped oregano Salt and freshly ground black pepper Serves: 4 Ready in: 50 minutes
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6. Place the oil in a large non-stick roasting tin and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes to the tin and toss to coat in the hot oil. Roast for 20 minutes, turning once. 2 Add the peppers and tomatoes to the roasting tin and toss to coat in the hot oil. Make a space in the tin and add the monkfish fillets. Return the roasting tin to the oven for 10 minutes. 3 Dot the butter over the fish fillets and sprinkle over the lemon rind, juice and oregano. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and roast for a further 5-10 minutes until the fish is just cooked through and the potatoes and peppers are tender. 4 Slice each monkfish fillet and arrange with the potatoes, peppers and tomatoes on four warmed serving plates. Spoon over the pan juices and serve immediately with lemon wedges. Tip Replace the peppers with sliced courgettes, chunks of celery and baby button mushrooms, if liked.
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Oven Cleaning! - It’s a dirty job! Why do it yourself? We clean ovens using non-caustic, non-toxic products in your home. Ovens • Ranges • Hobs • Extractors Agas • Microwaves • Barbecues (May - Sept) Single Oven (all racks/pans inc)........................£35 Single Oven & Grill Oven (all racks/pans inc).....£45 Single Separate Grill Oven (racks/pans inc)......£15 Microwaves & Combination Ovens....................£20 Extractor Fan (free filter for next clean).............£12 Hob..................................................................£12 . . .
Agas and Ranges priced accordingly Oven Bulbs replaced for free in all jobs V.A.T free
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what’S ON?
8 August-16 January 2014 Natural Energy Healing Therapy 8-9pm Blunham Village Hall, High Street, Blunham Thursday evenings. Either 10 minute or 20 minute sessions available and we ask for a donation to help pay for hire of hall and to give to HPAI Charity. For further information and to book please ring Rita on 01767 641 674 or 07963 418 887 1 September Bedford Crafts, Produce & A Cuppa! 9am-2pm Church Lane Community Centre, Church Lane, Bedford First Saturday of the month. 1 September Sunday Stroll - A Gentle Sunday Walk 10.30am Forest of Marston Vale, The Forest Centre, Station Road, Marston Moretaine £1 payable on the day – no need to book Come and join us in the Country Park for a gentle walk to hear how the Park was set up and a little about the surrounding area. The walk will keep to hard surfaced tracks in the Park which are mostly level but have short sections of gradient up to 1:9. Meet at Reception. Walk lasts approximately 2 hours. Tel: 01234 767037 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 September Petanque 10.30am Great Barford Bowls Club, School Lane/ Woodpecker Close, Great Barford Cost £2 per session. Tel: 01767 448526 Web: 1 September Broom Quarry Sponsored Stroll 12.30pm Water Lane Farm, Upper Caldecote Adults £5, Under 16s free Bring the whole family (dogs welcome) and join us for a BBQ lunch before setting off on a wonderful afternoon sponsored stroll around Broom Quarry Lakes (up to 5 miles), followed by tea and cakes. Organised by Cllr Caroline Maudlin in aid of Breakthrough Breast Cancer. Tel: 0300 300 8544 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 September Stagsden Open Door 2.30-4.30pm St. Leonard’s Church, Stagsden Free drop-in Bistro-style cafe, run every Monday. Splendid choice of hot and cold drinks and superb gateaux and pastries. Catering for people taking a break from work, people with children, after-school teenagers and retired folk. Drinks-to-go service also available.
Entries into our What’s On sections are free. If you have an event you would like us to publicise please email the details to you whether you’re a complete beginner or a veteran; we have something to offer you. Tel: David Roberts 01480 212960 Email: Tel: Nick Maudlin 01767 315678 Email: Web: 3-8 September Mini Beer Festival Open all day on 6-8 September RAFA Social Club, 93 Ashburnham Road, Bedford Free admission Royal Air Force Association (RAFA) is holding a Mini Beer Festival. All Welcome. Proceeds towards the Wings Appeal and other fundraising ventures. 4, 11, 18 & 25 September Whist Club 7.30pm Great Barford Bowls Club, School Lane/Woodpecker Close, Great Barford Cost £1.50 Every Wednesday. Beginners welcome. Tel: 01767 448526 Web: 7 September Bird Walk 8-11am Forest of Marston Vale, The Forest Centre, Station Road, Marston Moretaine Adults £3, Concessions, Volunteers & Friends £2 Join us for a walk to see and hear the birdlife of the Millennium Country Park. Led by knowledgeable Volunteers, these walks are for anyone, whatever their expertise. Wear suitable clothes and shoes. Some unmade paths and slopes. Book in advance but pay the leader. Tel: 01234 767037 7 & 14 September Roll-ups and Social Evenings 6.00pm Great Barford Bowls Club, School Lane/Woodpecker Close, Great Barford £1 per roll-up Every Friday until mid September. Bowls provided. Please wear flat soled shoes. Tel: 01767 448526 Web:
7 & 8 September WoodWorks! Saturday 11am-6.30pm, Sunday 11am-5pm Forest of Marston Vale, The Forest Centre, Station Road, Marston Moretaine Adults £7.50, Concessions and Children 10-16 years £4, Under 10s free 2 September Celebrating woodlands through crafts, skills and music. St Neots Astronomy Association 7.30pm Last year we had sheepdog displays, horse logging, The Visitors Centre, Paxton Pits Nature Reserve, ferret racing, bushcraft, chainsaw carving, leatherwork Little Paxton and woodturning, along with live folk and roots music Historical Nova by Gary Poyner. This will be a fun throughout the weekend. This year’s programme promises informative meeting with visual displays. Everyone to be just as exciting! welcome. We are a very friendly small club and new Tel: 01234 767037 for more details members are very welcome. We look forward to meeting Web: Please mention Beds Local when responding to adverts 50
8 September Biddenham Show 12-4pm St James Lower School Field and Village Hall, Main Road, Biddenham Adults £2, Children 50p, Under 5’s free Come along to this quintessentially English village show that includes traditional favourites such as a Human Fruit Machine, Coconut Shy and Bowl for a Pig alongside Ferret Racing, a Classic Car and Bike Show, paella and Pimms and beer and samosas as well as a bouncy castle, giant Jenga and Connect Four. More information about the show and how to enter the various competitions online. Web: 9 September Cercle Francais de Bedford 7.30-9.30pm 6 Rothsay Gardens, Bedford MK40 3QB Interested in the French Language and the French way of life? Cercle Francais meet twice monthly on Mondays. Meetings are in French. Talks, conversation and social evenings. New members welcome. 9 September – new season begins with talk on Le Grande Ecoles. Tel: Maud 01234 404610 or Frank 01234 720692 Web: 9 September Beer, Wine ‘n’ Banter 7.45pm Queen’s Head, Milton Ernest Also called Beer ‘n’ Banter. A monthly evening group on the second Monday of each month. Come along for a drink and informal discussions about anything and everything. Tel: Ali 01234 825127 or Nick 01234 824337 11 September Bedford Local Group of the Wildlife Trust 7.30pm Priory Park Visitors Centre, Barkers Lane, Bedford An illustrated talk by Nick Hammond entitled ‘Wildlife Art over the Centuries’. All welcome. Voluntary contribution (£2 suggested). Tel: 01234 266057 Web: events page 15 September Table Top Sale 11am-2pm Great Barford Bowls Club, School Lane/Woodpecker Close, Great Barford Tables £5. Tel: 01767 640322 or 01767 448526 Web: 19 September Bedford RSPB Local Group Meeting 7.30pm The A.R.A. Social Club, Manton Lane, Bedford Andre Farrer of the RSPB will give a presentation on ‘Saving Wildlife for the Future’. All very welcome. Tel: 01234 822035. Web:
scene: Jason Yarde and Andrew McCormack, Brandon Allen, Iain Ballamy, Ronnie Rae, Kenny Wheeler, Tony Kofi, Don Weller, Mark Nightingale and more. See website for full details. Tel: Campus West box office 01707 357117 Web: 21 September Conservation Task – Opening up paths. 10am-4.15pm Forest of Marston Vale, The Forest Centre, Station Road, Marston Moretaine Join our Volunteers to do something for the environment, get some exercise and have fun. We carry out a variety of practical projects throughout the Vale. Wear old clothes and bring lunch if you want to stay all day. Tea and biscuits provided. Meet at the Forest Centre. Places are limited. Tel: 01234 762614 Email: 23 September Fundraising Tea Dance 2-4.30pm The Addison Centre, Kempston £2.50 including refreshments. Tel: 01234 340997 25 September Bedford Organ Club Addison Centre, Kempston, Bedford Bedford Organ & Keyboard Club with Michael Wooldridge. Tel: 01234 344423 Web: 28 September Companion Dog Show 10am-4pm Addison Howard Park, Kempston All Proceeds to “Dogs for the Disabled”. Pedigree classes Judging commences 11am and Novelty classes 1pm. Rosettes 1st to 5th places. £20 Pets at Home gift voucher for Best in Show. All judging in accordance with Kennel Club Rules. Have fun in the Agility Ring while waiting your class. For further information or book your stall (£15 donation in advance) please contact: Kathy Stone: 01234 302956 or 1 October Bedford Floral Art Society Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm The Addison Centre, Kempston Admissions £10 including light refreshments Gala Open Evening with Michael Bowyer, NAFAS National Demonstrator presenting ‘Autumn Splendour’. Raffle for the arrangements created by Michael. Come along to see a fabulous demonstration of flower arranging. Free parking. Web: for full details 5 October North Beds NCT Nearly New Sale 11.45am, 11.30am with NCT Membership card Bedford Athletics Stadium, Barkers Lane, Bedford Admission £1 Nearly new quality toys, books, baby and children’s clothes, linens, nursery equipment, prams and pushchairs.
20-22 September Herts Jazz Festival 2013 Hawthorne Theatre, Campus West, Welwyn Garden Headlining the Festival will be Georgie Fame, Django Bates and Stan Tracey alongside the cream the British jazz Ourofnew community
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Fun Quiz - Musical Instruments 1. What is the name of the long plastic horn that came to worldwide attention during the 2010 FIFA World Cup with many supporters blowing on one to produce a loud monotone sound? 2. Which musical instrument features on the Guinness logo? 3. Jazz musician Charlie Parker is best known for playing which musical instrument? 4. Consisting of two metal strips bound around a cotton tape reed, a swazzle is an instrument that is held in the mouth and traditionally used to provide the voice of which character? 5. How many black keys are there for every eight white keys on a piano? 6. Which famous person popularised musical instruments called the wobble board and the stylophone? 7. How many strings are there in total on the four instruments that make up a standard string quartet? 8. Who famously set his guitar on fire at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival? 9. Which musical instrument features a part called a chanter, which the player of the instrument would use to create the melody? 10. Which musical instrument has a name that roughly translates as “jumping flea”? 1. The vuvuzela 2. The harp 3. Saxophone 4. Punch (in a Punch and Judy show) 5. Five 6. Rolf Harris 7. 16 (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello - all have 4 strings) 8. Jimi Hendrix 9. Bagpipes 10. The ukulele
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Albery Dog Rescue Companion & Novelty Dog Show Saturday 14th September. 10am - 4.30pm Bedfordshire Growers Potton Road, Biggleswade SG18 0ER ÂŁ1 per class Refreshments, Raffle and Stalls. All proceeds for Albery Dog Rescue dogs For more info call Beryl on 01234356612 or Margaret on 01767682024
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BOOK BUG REVIEWS... The River of No Return by Bee Ridgway Bee Ridgway’s first novel is an amazing mix of Science Fiction/Fantasy and Historical Romance. Faced with death at the Battle of Salamanca Nicholas Falcott, Marquess of Blackdown, has somehow thrown himself forward 200 years to the 21st Century. With the help of the mysterious Guild, he has adjusted to this strange new world and settled in Vermont. Told that he can never return to his own time, he has accepted that everyone he once knew is gone. Now the Guild has decided to send him back to 1815, to the family who thought he was dead and to Julia Percy, the beautiful young woman he never thought he would see again. What does the Guild want him to do? Who are the Guild’s shadowy adversaries, the Ofan? What does Julia know about them? And does he want to be the Marquess of Blackdown or just plain Nick Davenant? Bee Ridgway contrasts the worlds of the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries in this fun, well written debut. Time will be travelled and bodices will be ripped, but will Nick and Julia find out what the Guild and the Ofan are up to so they can have a future together? For more information about books and reading, visit the Virtual Library at libraries. The Book Bug has worked for the library service in Bedfordshire for over 20 years. She lives in Brickhill with far too many books!
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