2017 ARTrails Catalog

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15th Annual


September 16-17 & 23-24

Complimentary GuideGuide Complimentary

15th Annual


STUDIO TOUR September 16-17 & 23-24 Studios Open 10am to 5pm


all is a wonderful time of year in Southwest Washington, so come out and enjoy it! This September, 44 artists offer the perfect opportunity for such an excursion—the 15th Annual ARTrails Studio Tour. Take a drive through the region’s historic communities and wander the back roads of Lewis County. Along the way drop in to watch artists at work and help us celebrate ARTrails’ 15th year. The Studio Tour is free and self-guided. You will have the opportunity to support local arts and artists by purchasing original artwork at each studio as well as at the Exhibition Gallery.

Gala Opening Reception

Friday, September 15 4pm to 8pm

Exhibition Gallery

September 16–24, 2017 10am to 5pm Historic Centralia Train Depot 210 Railroad Avenue Centralia, WA ARTrails of Southwest Washington 2017 cover art left to right © Brad Tarbet, Serenity, metal Vernadel Peterson, Daisies, fused glass Stuart Dittbrenner, Goya, wood carving Linda McCord, Green Envy, fibre art - nuno felting catalog design © Debi Bodett • www.DebiBodett.com

As you take the tour, we hope you enjoy the other pleasures of Southwest Washington. Have lunch at one of our many fine eateries, visit local shops and galleries, take a stroll in one of our parks or recreational areas, and explore our museums and historical sights. Check our website for local tourism and lodging information and plan on spending the weekend. This Studio Guide contains artist information and a map to the studios. Additional information is available at:


You’re invited to join this year’s ARTrails artists and art enthusiasts for the Gala Opening Reception, to be held at Centralia’s Historic Train Depot. It’s a wonderful way to meet the artists and view the ARTrails Exhibition Gallery. Each ARTrails artist has one piece of work on display at the Exhibition Gallery, located in Centralia’s Historic Train Depot. The gallery is open daily from 10am to 5pm Saturday, September 16, through Sunday, September 24. It’s a great place to meet your friends and start your weekend studio tour!

Drive . Buy . Art Join us on facebook!

2017 Participating Artists

Studio No. Page No.

Ahmann, Marlene.. ................. Chehalis................. 9................. 5 Anholt, Marcy........................ Chehalis................. 11. . .............. 5 Auld, Penny........................... Onalaska................ 15. . .............. 6 Bailey, Karla........................... Onalaska................ 15. . .............. 6 Bayer, Jamie.. ......................... Toledo. . .................. 16. . .............. 7 Blake, Bonnie. . ....................... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 2 Blake, Dennis......................... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 3 Blubaugh, Susan.................... Centralia ................ 6................. 3 Brein, Melinda.. ...................... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 2 Recipients of the 2016 Kelly Cowan Memorial/ARTrails Scholarship Krista Kenney, Ron Gaul—ARTrails member, and Tempprince Gibbons photographer unknown

Visit Artists

Look through this Studio Guide and identify the artists you’d like to visit, or just pick a starting spot and see them all! The map will direct you to each studio. Watch for the ARTrails signs (note that several stops have a group of artists showing together).

Buy Art Not only will you have the opportunity to see how artists create their work, you’ll be able to take some home! Artwork will be for sale at individual studios and at the Exhibition Gallery.

Experience Art Several studios provide the opportunity to work in the artist’s medium. Kids of all ages will be able to create with the following artists: • Joan Hitchcock – Studio #2 Community Painted Silk Scarf • Karen McInturff – Studio #4 • Handmade Felt • JoAnne Watson – Studio #8 • Bird Silhouette Painting • Marlene Ahmann – Studio #9 • Watercolor Painting Look for the Experience Art  to participate.

Lessons and Demonstrations Various artists provide classes or offer demonstrations to the public outside of the Studio Tour time frame. The words “Lessons” or “Demos” are listed with the contact information for these artists.

2017 Sabbatical Artists

Cheryl Love, Kay Crawford, Sue Watcher, and JoAnne Watson

Tour Us Online For specific directions to artists’ studios, the latest information on the tour and the exhibit, as well as applications and dates for 2018, visit:


Chappell, Christine................. Toledo. . .................. 17. . .............. 8 Colwell, Judi.......................... Littlerock. . .............. 1................. 2 Dittbrenner, Stuart................. Chehalis................. 12. . .............. 5 Espen, Bob............................ Toledo. . .................. 19. . .............. 9 Fedorka, Jeannette. . ............... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 3 Frazee, Frank......................... Centralia.. ............... 8................. 4 Gary, Abigail.......................... Onalaska................ 15. . .............. 6 Gaul, Ron.. ............................. Toledo. . .................. 16. . .............. 7 Hamilton, Jeanne................... Toledo. . .................. 16. . .............. 7 Harris, Sheryl......................... Onalaska................ 15. . .............. 7 Hinck, Tamara........................ Centralia.. ............... 6................. 3 Hitchcock, Joan. . .................... Rochester............... 2................. 2 Houston, Madeline................. Centralia.. ............... 8................. 4 Kinsman, Jennifer. . ................. Chehalis................. 9................. 5 Knutz, Tonie. . ......................... Chehalis................. 10. . .............. 5 Leback, Karen........................ Toledo. . .................. 16. . .............. 7 McCord, Linda. . ...................... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 3 McInturff, Karen..................... Centralia.. ............... 4................. 2 Metlen, Kit. . ........................... Centralia.. ............... 13. . .............. 6 Morgan, Di............................ Toledo. . .................. 16. . .............. 8 Morgan, Mike........................ Toledo. . .................. 16. . .............. 8 Nichols, Candy....................... Centralia.. ............... 8................. 4 Nontell, Jan........................... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 3 Notch, Nicole......................... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 4 Oldenburg, Tanya Dee............ Centralia.. ............... 7................. 4 Perkins, Bryan........................ Onalaska................ 15. . .............. 7 Peterson, Vernadel................. Chehalis................. 10. . .............. 5 Replogle, Howard. . ................. Chehalis................. 13. . .............. 6 Roth, Richard......................... Winlock.................. 18. . .............. 8 Roth, Susan........................... Winlock.................. 18. . .............. 9 Salazar, Carlene. . .................... Onalaska................ 14. . .............. 6 Tarbet, Brad........................... Rochester............... 3................. 2 Wagenman, Ina...................... Centralia.. ............... 6................. 4 Wolfe, Pauli.. .......................... Toledo. . .................. 17. . .............. 8 Young, Dennis. . ...................... Toldeo. . .................. 16. . .............. 8



1 Studio/Contact: Colwell’s Caboose 7921 - 119th Lane SW Littlerock/Olympia, WA 98512 (2 miles west of Littlerock, WA) (360) 357-6590 (360) 481-6967 (cell) judi@JColwellArt.com www.JColwellArt.com

J KROGH COLWELL “Forest Magic IV” Mixed Media Paintings

Studio/Contact: Beyond the Loop Creations 17831 Applegate St SW Rochester, WA 98579 (360) 273-5812 djhitchcock@comcast.net www.beyondtheloopcreations.com Lessons and Demos Experience Art 

JOAN HITCHCOCK “Pear” Fibre Art, Silk Painting & Concrete Sculpture

4 3

BRAD TARBET “Serenity” Metal

Studio/Contact: Truepoint Metalworks 9616 James Rd SW Rochester, WA 98579 (360) 273-3412 truepointusa@comcast.net www.truepointmetalworks.com

6 Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio MELINDA BREIN At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave “Dragon Scale“ Centralia, WA 98531 Jewelry/Bead Weaving Contact: 108 Orion Place Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 266-7075 ma_brein@hotmail.com www.melindabrein.wordpress.com 2

Showing at: 2030 Borst Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: 1121 Harrison Ave PMB 345 Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-4226 rkdmm@q.com Demos Experience Art 

KAREN MCINTURFF “Old Susannah” Fibre Art

6 Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: 493 Chilvers Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 748-0835 adnablakes@localaccess.com

BONNIE BLAKE “Oblique Beauty” Jewelry

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6 Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: 493 Chilvers Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 748-0835 Dennis.2010@live.com

DENNIS BLAKE “Graveyard” Photography

6 Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: 1408 Mt Pleasant Rd Kelso, WA 98626 (845) 754-5363 Jeannettefedorka@gmail.com Demos

SUSAN BLUBAUGH “Pysanky” Batik Egg Art/Alcohol Ink Tiles


JEANNETTE FEDORKA “My Gypsy Vanner” Fibre Art - Needle Felting

6 Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: www.lindamccordcom mcthreads@gmail.com (360) 261-2373

Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: PO Box 1002 Morton, WA 98356 (219) 869-0490 sjblubaugh@gmail.com Lessons and Demos

Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: 138 Equine Dr Onalaska, WA 98570 (360) 219-7854 minihorseteacher@exede.net Lessons and Demos

TAMARA HINCK “Owl with Abalone” Wood Carving


LINDA MCCORD “Green Envy” Fibre Art - Nuno Felting

JAN NONTELL Studio/Contact: “Breakthrough Series IX” Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery Ceramics and Enamel 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 304-5299 jan@therectanglegallery.com www.therectanglegallery.com

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6 Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Contact: 197 Cowlitz Vista Rd Toledo, WA 98591 (253) 678-4685 nicole@nicolenotch.com www.nicolenotch.com Lessons and Demos

NICOLE NOTCH “Magical Aquarium” Mixed Media

Showing at: Verdant Fire Studio At Rectangle Gallery 209 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA 98531 Studio/Contact: Pig Feathers Studio 130 Trinity Lane Winlock, WA 98596 (360) 520-6790 PigFeathersStudio@gmail.com Lessons and Demos

INA WAGENMAN “Hydrangea” Mosaic


7 Studio/Contact: 125 Gleason Rd Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 890-7271 tanyadee4@yahoo.com

TANYA DEE OLDENBURG “Collapsing Fire” Mixed Media

8 Showing at: 194 Summerside Dr Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-1082 Contact: Bear Foot Creative 192 Bunker Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 870-6693 cell www.bearfootcreative.net 4

Showing at: 194 Summerside Dr Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-1082 Contact: 1209 Rancho Rd Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-6519 frank.frazee@gmail.com www.frankfrazee.com Lessons and Demos

FRANK FRAZEE “She Looks at Clouds” Mixed Media & Drawing

8 MADELINE HOUSTON “Central Park” Photography

Showing at: 194 Summerside Dr Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-1082 Contact: 2001 Fowler Rd Raymond, WA 98577 (360) 942-5135 dnichols123@comcast.net Lessons and Demos

CANDY NICHOLS “Winter Sun” Water Media

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Studio/Contact: Art 1 210 Sanderson Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 310-8570 conmar1955@gmail.com Open Saturday and Sunday Lessons Experience Art 

MARLENE AHMANN “Heading Out” Watercolor

Showing at: Art 1 210 Sanderson Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 Contact: 991 Davis Lake Rd Morton, WA 98356 (360) 827-2922 jennifer.kinsman2@gmail.com

JENNIFER KINSMAN “Summer Beauty” Watercolor


10 Showing at: 2050 SW Cordoba TONIE KNUTZ Chehalis, WA 98532 “Obscurity” Contact: Cement Tonies Cement Art (360) 388-0571 www.facebook.com/pages/Tonies-Cement-Art

11 Studio/Contact: Architectural Stained Glass 115 Riverview Dr Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 748-3644 mmanholt@yahoo.com www.stainedglassbymarcy.com Demos

Studio: 2050 SW Cordoba Chehalis, WA 98532 Contact: Wood ‘n Panes PO Box 996 Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 219-6635 vernadel@comcast.net www.woodnpanes.com Lessons and Demos

VERNADEL PETERSON “Daisies” Fused Glass


MARCY ANHOLT “Yin/Yang” Stained Glass

Studio/Contact: Studio/Contact 682 Deep Creek Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 520-7633 stuart@stu-art.us Lessons and Demos


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13 Studio/Contact: Ebi Ukuleles 119 Bowers Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 262-9002 howard@ebiukuleles.com www.ebiukuleles.com Lessons and Demos

HOWARD REPLOGLE “Baritone Ukulele #21” String Instruments

14 Studio/Contact: Pacific Ocean Graphics and Fine Arts CARLENE SALAZAR 267 Dluhosh Rd “Old Sentinels” Onalaska, WA 98570 Acrylics & Photography (253) 278-0942 (360) 978-4655 carlene.salazar@gmail.com http://www.pogfinearts.com/webdesign1/portfolio.html Lessons

Showing at: Ebi Ukuleles 119 Bowers Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 Contact: Artkit 4218 Foxhall Dr NE Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 456-2037 kit@kitmetlen.com www.kitmetlen.com Lessons and Demos

KIT METLEN “Exploring” Wood Carving

15 Showing at: Abigail’s 540 Burnt Ridge Rd Onalaska, WA 98570 Contact: 135 Morgan Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 740-8027 adnascots@msn.com

PENNEY AULD “Star Burst“ Fibre Art – Weaving

15 Showing at: Abigail’s 540 Burnt Ridge Rd Onalaska, WA 98570 Contact: 2599 Seminary Hill Rd Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-5954 justthebartender@yahoo.com 6

15 KARLA BAILEY “Christmas Morning“ Pencil Number: 15

Studio/Contact: Abigail’s 540 Burnt Ridge Rd Onalaska, WA 98570 (360) 985-0335 gailmgary@outlook.com Lessons and Demos

ABIGAIL GARY “Muleskinner” Painting/Printmaking

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15 Showing at: Abigail’s 540 Burnt Ridge Rd Onalaska, WA 98570 Contact: 2103 Harrison Ave NW #2-734 Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 456-5688 harriss1774@gmail.com


SHERYL HARRIS “Cactus“ Acrylic

Showing at: Abigail’s 540 Burnt Ridge Rd Onalaska, WA 98570 Contact: 221 Ryan RD Mossyrock, WA 98564



Showing at: Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Rd Toledo, WA 98596 Contact: 114 Rollingwood Dr Kelso, WA 98626 (360) 423-5783 jamie_bayer@yahoo.com Bearpaw Studio and Fine Arts (FB)

Showing at: Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Rd Toledo, WA 98591 Contact: PO Box 117 Winlock, WA 98596 (360) 758-3510 thecoffeeartist@gmail.com Demos

JAMIE BAYER “Light in Darkness” Acrylic



Showing at: Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Rd Toledo, WA 98591 Contact: 307 Roe Rd Winlock, WA 98596 (360) 785-0329 jeannehamilton484@msn.com Lessons and Demos

Showing at: Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Rd Toledo, WA 98591 Contact: 1183 S Military Rd Winlock, WA 98596 (360) 219-6503 karen_e33@hotmail.com Demos

JEANNE HAMILTON “After the Storm” Pastel

BRYAN PERKINS “Afternoon Shadows“ Charcoal & Pastel

RON GAUL “Barista II” Coffee/Mixed Media

KAREN LEBACK “Celebration” Water media/Oil Paintings

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16 Studio/Contact: Di-Zine Wearable Art Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Rd Toledo, WA 98591 (360) 864-4ART di@morganartscentre.com www.morganartscentre.com Lessons and Demos


DI MORGAN “Feeling Blue in Lewis County” Fibre Art

16 Showing at: Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Rd Toledo, WA 98591 Contact: Wondering Dog Studio 100 Rivercrest Dr Toledo, WA 98591 (360) 864-879 / (512) 868-7997 dennisbyoung@icloud.com

Studio/Contact: Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Rd Toledo, WA 98591 (360) 864-4ART mike@morganartscentre.com www.morganartscentre.com Lessons and Demos

MIKE MORGAN “Alternate Realities” Mixed Media Sculpture

17 DENNIS YOUNG “Cobblestone Vessel“ Pottery

Showing at: 218 Hinkley Rd Toledo, WA 98596 Contact: PO Box 967 Toledo, WA 98591 (360) 520-4866 christineyoungquist2@gmail.com Demos


18 17 Studio/Contact: 218 Hinkley Rd Toledo, WA 98591 (360) 864-8971 pauli137@toledotel.com 8

PAULI WOLFE “Praise to the Morning” Oil

Studio/Contact: Grand Prairie Designs 193 Roth Rd Winlock, WA 98596 (360) 219-7796 rroth@myhome.net www.grandprairiedesigns.com

RICHARD ROTH “Four Flower Cut” Stoneware - Clay

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18 Studio/Contact: Grand Prairie Designs 193 Roth Rd Winlock, WA 98596 (360) 219-7798 SusanRoth01@hotmail.com www.grandprairiedesigns.com

Studio: 331 Burnett Rd Winlock, WA 98596 Contact: PO Box 1052 Toledo, WA 98591 (360) 269-5646 turnersden1@yahoo.com

SUSAN ROTH “Make Me the Sea” Pottery

BOB ESPEN “All Dressed in Red and Yellow” Turned Wood

sssssssssssssssssssssssssss Be Unique Buy Handmade ssssssssssssssssssssssssss Enjoy the work of talented artisans and small makers from the northwest and beyond, sssssssssssssssssssssssssss as well as great products that will inspire you to create! ssssssssssssssssssssssssss •


sssssssssssssssssssssssssss While visiting HUBBUB, take a stroll ssssssssssssssssssssssssss through the Art Park! Check our Shop online at website and Facebook for special ART for EVERYDAY www.hubbubshop.com sssssssssssssssssssssssssss activities throughout the summer and during the Studio Tour. ssssssssssssssssssssssssss 505 N. Tower Avenue Downtown Centralia 360.736.1517 sssssssssssssssssssssssssss •

BILLIE’S DESIGNER FABRICS Unique Fabrics – Affordable Prices Full-service Husqvarna Viking Dealer 510 N Market Blvd | Chehalis, WA | (360) 748-3295 1 5 t h A n n u a l J u r i e d S T U D I O TO U R | S e p t e m b e r 1 6 – 1 7 a n d S e p t e m b e r 2 3 – 2 4 , 2 0 1 7


Ukuleles by Howard Replogle www.ebiukuleles.com


2 ARTrails woodworkers in 1 stop! Studio #13 Carving by Kit Metlen



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Art Camps plus Workshops

Morgan Arts Centre

Owners Mike and Di Morgan



ARTrails Studio 16 September 16–17 & 23–24

ARTrails Meeting Place Third Wednesdays

Holiday Artists’ Market November 18 & 20

Vernal Equinox Art Fair March 24 & 25

Santa’s Workshop December 10

Camp Picasso Art Camps Weeks July 16 and 23 Children’s Theater Workshop July 30 thru August 3

190 Plomondon Rd • Toledo, Washington 98591 Visit Us Online! • MorganArtsCentre.com • (360) 864-4ART

ARTrails S tudio



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(360) 330-BODY (2639) 1 5 t h A n n u a l J u r i e d S T U D I O TO U R | S e p t e m b e r 1 6 – 1 7 a n d S e p t e m b e r 2 3 – 2 4 , 2 0 1 7



Ina Wagenman (360) 520-6790 PigFeathersStudio@gmail.com PO Box 643 / Winlock WA 98596


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Additional information at: ARTrailsofSWW.org





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final logo final fonts: Optima, Frutiger Colors PMS 410 Black



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1 5 t h A n n u a l J u r i e d S T U D I O TO U R | S e p t e m b e r 1 6 – 1 7 a n d S e p t e m b e r 2 3 – 2 4 , 2 0 1 7


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1 5 t h A n n u a l J u r i e d S T U D I O TO U R | S e p t e m b e r 1 6 – 1 7 a n d S e p t e m b e r 2 3 – 2 4 , 2 0 1 7


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A R Tr a i l s o f S o u t h w e s t Wa s h i n g t o n | 2 0 1 7 S T U D I O TO U R | w w w. A R Tr a i l s o f S W W. o r g

Drive . Buy . Art

3rd and 4th Weekends in September Free Self-Guided Artist’s Studio Tour A perfect opportunity to explore the historic communities and scenic back roads of Southwest Washington.

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Hotels, Bed & Breakfasts, and Cabins Where to stay? It’s nearly impossible to visit all the studios and meet the artists in one day. Plan on staying the weekend or stay the entire week and discover beautiful Lewis County. When you make your reservation tell them that you are coming for ARTrails! BEST WESTERN PLUS PARK PLACE INN AND SUITES (360) 748-4040 201 Interstate Ave, Chehalis, WA 98532 CHEHALIS RIVER CABIN AT DRYAD | (360) 291-3632 l7 miles west of Chehalis, WA CREST TRAIL LODGE | (360) 494-4944 · (800) 477-5339 US Hwy 12, Packwood, WA 98361 CENTRALIA SQUARE GRAND BALLROOM AND HOTEL (360) 807-1212 202 West Centralia College Blvd, Centralia, WA 98531 COWLITZ RIVER LODGE PACKWOOD | (360) 494-4444 13069 US Hwy 12, Packwood, WA 98361 ECONOLODGE | (360) 740-5339 122 Interstate Ave, Chehalis, WA 98532 EVERGREEN MOTEL | (360) 496-5407 121 Front St, Morton, WA 98356 HAMPTON HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST | (360) 497-3180 409 Silverbrook Rd, Randle, WA 98377 HISTORIC MINERAL LAKE LODGE | (360) 492-5253 195 Mineral Hill Rd, Mineral, WA 98355 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES CHEHALIS (360) 740-1800 730 NW Liberty Plz, Chehalis, WA 98532

MOSSYROCK INN | (360) 983-8641 206 E State St, Mossyrock, WA 98564 MOUNT ADAMS INN | (360) 497-7007 9514 US Hwy 12, Randle, WA 98377 MOUNTAIN VIEW LODGE | (360) 494-5555 13163 US Hwy 12, Packwood, WA 98361 OLYMPIC CLUB HOTEL – MCMENAMINS | (360) 736-5164 112 N Tower Ave, Centralia, WA 98531 PACKWOOD INN | (360) 494-5500 · (877) 496-9666 13032 US Hwy 12, Packwood, WA 98361 PACKWOOD LODGE | (360) 496-5333 13807 US Hwy 12, Packwood, WA 98361 PARADISE LEISURE TIME RESORTS | (360) 985-2121 173 Salem Plant Rd, Silver Creek, WA 98585 PEPPERMILL EMPRESS INN | (360) 330-9441 1233 Alder St, Centralia, WA 98531 QUALITY INN | (360) 330-8000 · (800) 977-2094 1003 Eckerson Rd, Centralia, WA 98531 RANDLE MOTEL | (360) 497-5346 9720 US Hwy 12, Randle, WA 98377 RELAX INN | (360) 748-8608 · (800) 843-6916 550 SW Parkland Dr, Chehalis, WA 98532

HOTEL PACKWOOD | (360) 494-5431 104 W Main St, Packwood, WA 98361

ROY’S MOTEL & RV PARK | (360) 496-5000 161 N 2nd St, Morton, WA 98356

KING OSCAR MOTEL | (360) 736-1661 1049 Eckerson Rd, Centralia, WA 98531

ROY’S MOTEL & RV PARK | (360) 496-5000 161 N 2nd St, Morton, WA 98356

LAKE MAYFIELD RESORT AND MARINA | (360) 985-2357 2911 US Hwy 12, Silver Creek, WA 98585

SHEPHERD’S INN BED & BREAKFAST (360) 985- 2434 · (800) 985-2434 168 Autumn Heights Dr, Salkum, WA 98582

LAKEVIEW INN | (360) 736-9344 1325 Lakeshore Dr, Centralia, WA 98531 MINERAL LAKE RESORT | (360) 492-5367 148 Mineral Hill Rd, Mineral, WA 98355 MOON MOUNTAIN LODGING | (360) 494-4949 694 Cannon Rd, Packwood, WA 98361


STILTNER MOTEL | (360) 496-5103 250 State Route 7, Morton, WA 98356 TATOOSH MOTEL | (360) 494-7379 12880 US Hwy 12, Packwood, WA 98361 TRAVELODGE | (360) 330-9844 702 Harrison Ave, Centralia, WA 98531

A R Tr a i l s o f S o u t h w e s t Wa s h i n g t o n | 2 0 1 7 S T U D I O TO U R | w w w. A R Tr a i l s o f S W W. o r g


Byrn Watson ARTrails member, Byrn Watson, passed away on February 19, 2017. He was our favorite carver of birds, advocate for children’s art, and an amazing innovator. Byrn was a driving force in transforming ARTrails from a loosely knit group of artists into a vibrant art community. He was the one who pushed us to incorporate as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and was passionate about what ARTrails could become. His enthusiasm, hard work, ideas, suggestions, and knowledge will be remembered and appreciated by everyone who knew him.

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in W Drive . Buy . Art Fill out the visitor questionnaire at each studio you visit and you could win one of these pieces of original art! The more questionnaires you fill out, the more chances to win! Artwork donated by ARTrails artists.

Drawing will be held October 18, 2017. Winners will be notified within seven days.

CARLENE SALAZAR “Through A Looking Glass” Photography Studio 14

JEANNE HAMILTON “Ghost Patio” Pastel Studio 16


J KROGH COLWELL “The Gift” Mixed Media Painting

SHERYL HARRIS “Leaping Frog” Acrylic

Studio 1

Studio 15

A R Tr a i l s o f S o u t h w e s t Wa s h i n g t o n | 2 0 1 7 S T U D I O TO U R | w w w. A R Tr a i l s o f S W W. o r g

15th Annual




RTrails of Southwest Washington is a community of emerging and established artists who live and work in the greater Lewis County area. Through the annual open studio tour, ARTrails provides an opportunity for the public to meet artists in their studio/workplace and to observe work in progress. ARTrails promotes the arts and the work of member artists through exhibits, workshops, and educational programs in coordination with area businesses, schools, and organizations. Lewis County and the City of Centralia have generously supported the vision and activities of ARTrails over the years. We thank them, as well as the other communities of Lewis County, for their support of the arts. We look forward to our continuing and evolving relationships. We also thank the many volunteers and businesses who have contributed to our annual events and our success over the past fifteen years. Their ongoing support has been a major factor in our success. Special thanks to our friend, supporters and sponsors for their generosity: Our Sponsors Sierra Pacific Foundation

Our Supporters Susan Blubaugh Jeanne Hamilton Robert and Doris O’Neill

Our Friends Margaret Kincaid Maruta Hiegel Susan Pickens

Now in our 15th year, our community of participating artists continues to grow, as does our support in and of the broader community. We are very grateful to all. Additional information is available on our website.

ARTrailsofSWW.org Please support the businesses and communities that have so generously supported us!

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PO Box 1628 Centralia, WA 98531

Drive . Buy . Art 15th Annual


STUDIO TOUR September 16-17 & 23-24 Studios Open 10am to 5pm

Exhibition Gallery Gala Opening Reception Friday, 4pm to 8pm, September 15, 2017

Exhibition Gallery

Open daily, 10am to 5pm, September 16-24, 2017 Historic CentrailiaTrain Depot 210 Railroad Avenue Centralia, WA

Save the Date! ARTrails 2018 Studio Tour September 15-16 & 22-23

Join us on facebook! For more information about ARTrails visit: www.ARTrailsofSWW.org

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