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Deborah Allred Cabrera

Burlington, United States

Married for a year now and we just had our first precious little girl. Lily is our life, and I am so proud to be mommy. Got a job that I love, and life could not be any better than this. I have one little girl, who has made life so much more meahingful. I have been married since Oct. 2008. I work at Eastern Alamance High as the School Social Worker, keeps me busy. Love my job because there is always something new going on, keeps me on my toes. I love spending time with my family. I am a very easy going person, try to let things roll of my shoulders. I love watching sports, and hope to have time one day to pick up softball again. I love to laugh and have a good time, whteher it is with friends or family. I hope to visit each state at least once, and travel to as many countries as possible (as Lily gets old enough to gol).
