Magazine for 50 Plus

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FashionIssue Holiday Wine and Food Perfect pairings from internationally renowned sommelier Charlie Arturaola Sophisticated, Sexy Style Dress to Impress at Every Age ofAmerica’s first WhoFashionladiesLovedMe Fab50's own Carlos Marrero presents this season’s hottest new accessory Scarfthegeorge hamilton The Man Behind the Tan


UPSCALEOFTHEREIMAGINEDPERFECTUNIONLOCATIONANDLIVINGLUXURY 561.666.3979 - WWW.TOWER155.COM This residential development TOWER 155 (“Project”) is being developed 155 Boca Raton Road, LLC ("Developer"), which has a limited right to use the trademarked names and logos of Compson. Any and all statements, disclosures and/or representations shall be deemed made by Developer and not by Compson, and you agree to look solely to Developer (and not to Compson and/or any of its a liates) with respect to any and all matters relating to the marketing and/or development of the Condominium and with respect to the sales of units in the Condominium. ORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING THE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEVELOPER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, MAKE REFERENCE TO THIS BROCHURE AND TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO BE FURNISHED BY A DEVELOPER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE. These materials are not intended to be an o er to sell, or solicitation to buy a unit in the condominium. Such an o ering shall only be made pursuant to the prospectus (o ering circular) for the condominium and no statements should be relied upon unless made in the prospectus or in the applicable purchase agreement. In no event shall any solicitation, o er or sale of a unit in the condominium be made in, or to residents of, any state or country in which such activity would be unlawful. This is not intended to be an o er to sell nor a solicitation of o ers to buy real estate to residents of CT, ID, NJ, NY and OR, unless registered or exemptions are available, or in any other jurisdiction where prohibited by law, and your eligibility for purchase will depend upon your state of residency. For correct representations, reference should be made to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. All images and designs depicted herein are artist’s conceptual renderings, which are based upon preliminary development plans and are subject to change without notice in the manner provided in the o ering documents. All such materials are not to scale and are shown solely for illustrative purposes. PRECONSTRUCTION PRICING RANGING FROM $500K - OVER $2 MILLION MONDAY - FRIDAY: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 124 EAST BOCA RATON ROAD, BOCA RATON, FL 33432 BROKERS WELCOME 2

Luxury will soon have a new address as construction begins on Tower 155 in Boca Raton. This 170-unit Compson Associates property is situated in the heart of downtown, with Mizner Park shopping, dining, elite golf courses and pristine beaches all nearby. Compson Associates boasts a portfolio of over 10,000 residential units regionwide and considers Tower 155 to be a crowning achievement in the ultra high-end luxury condominium category.


thefashionissue 4


I love this issue.Why,youmayask?Please,letme sharethemanyreasons.Withfashiontrendschangingseason to season, year to year, fashion is a topic in which there is always something to talk about.The styles can be amazing - or not so amazing - but Sure,loveWenomatterwhat,theyfosterconversation.Andforourmagazine,that'sourmission.wanttogetpeopletalking-andthinking...(soIdigress.Let'sgetbackontopic).Wewhenweseestylesthatwerepopular20yearsagocomebackforanothergo-round.theymaybeslightlyupdated-afreshcolorwayhere,anewfabricationthere-buthowcoolisitthatsomanystylesgetachanceto"liveagain"whenreimaginedthroughtoday'shottest"it"designers.EvenbetteristhatFab50'sreadersprobablyworecertainstylesthefirsttimearoundandnowhavethechance(iftheychoose)towearthemagain!HaveyoueveraskedyourselfjusthowhaveAmerica'sfirstladiesinfluencedfashionthroughoutourhistory?AreyouexcitedtoreadanamazinginterviewwithSouthFlorida'sbelovedfashiondesigner,ReneRuiz,ashetalksaboutwhatinspireshimtoblendMiami'ssultrysexinesswithgracefuleleganceregardingthisseason'supcomingholidayattire?Wearealsogoingtogiveyousomegreattipsastohowasimple(butbeautifullycrafted,ofcourse)scarfcanenhanceyourlook.Itcanpolishupyourworkattire,ampupyourmostcasualweekendwear,andwearewillingtobetthatonceyoureadthisarticle,themodestscarfwillbecomeyour"go-to"accessoryfortheupcomingholidayseason.Theholidayseasonisuponusalreadyandwehavesomefantasticgiftideasforthatspecialmanorwomaninyourlife!Iinviteyoutotakeafewminutestoperuseourpages;especiallyourEditor'sPickpagestoseewhichitemsSouthFloridatrendsettersarelovingthisminute.WealsotakealookbackatoneofHollywood'smostfamous-andglamorous-fashionicons,AudreyHepburn,andhowsheimpactedtheworldwidefashionscenefordecades.However,thisissueisnotonlyaboutfashion.Fabulously50+Magazinecontinuestoproducecompellingeditorialsandpictorialpagesdepictingmanyareasofinterestforourreaders,includinginspirationallifestylestories,excitingtravelopportunities,enlighteninghealthupdates,alongwithholidayentertainingideas.CheckoutourEventsCalendar,whichwillbepartofallupcomingissues.Andspeakingof"ourpages,"don'tbesurprisedifsomethinglooksabitdifferentbutyoucan'tputyourfingeronit.Wewanttokeepourmagazineasfreshaspossible,andwhilewe’restillnewtothescene,there’snotimelikethepresenttoimprove–evenonagreatthing!So,beonthelookoutforourfabulousnewdesign–wehopeitsuitsyourstyle!Letusknow-wewelcomeyourfeedback-afterall,itisyouourvaluedreaderswhowillkeepusgrowingandgoingstrong.Ifyou'dliketoshareyourthoughts,,it'stime.Sitback,relaxandenjoythisallnewFabulously50+Fashionedition!






PUBLISHER & EDITOR IN CHIEF RICKI BLACK CEO GREG BLACK EXECUTIVE EDITOR VALERIE RAMSEY DIRECTOR OF SALES PATTI SILVERMAN CREATIVE DIRECTOR CARLOS MARRERO ART DIRECTOR DEBORAH SZEWCZUK EVENT EXECUTIVE KATHY HAYES-STOCKER CONTRIBUTING EDITOR TERRY GEARING SHARI LYNN ROTHSTEIN-KRAMER CONTRIBUTING WRITERS CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS STORMS MEDIA GROUP TYLER MOLINARI FABULOUSLY FASHIONABLE IMAGES PROVIDED BY: STORMS MEDIA GROUP PREPRESS/PRINT PRODUCTION PRINTING CORPORATION OF THE AMERICA’S, INC. Fabulously50 + Fabulously50+ Magazine is published 3 times per year by Fabulously50+ Magazine, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. Fabulously50+ is a registered trademark and the use of the trademark is strictly prohibited. The advertisers in this publication are solely responsible for ad content and holds publisher harmless from any error. FABULOUSLY50+ MAGAZINE, INC. 102 NE 2ND STREET #271 BOCA RATON, FL 33432 561-300-3878 | FAX FABULOUSLY50.COM561-330-9391 For advertising information please email: Subscriptions are available at Follow us on Facebook: FAB50Mag



Valerie Ramsey knows all about Creating What’s Next. For her, life after fifty has been more fulfilling and exciting than she ever could have imagined. After raising six children on the east coast, when she was 53 she and her husband, Wally, moved out to the Monterey Peninsula in California. It was here that she became public relations and media manager for the world-famous Pebble Beach Resorts, was recruited by major modeling agencies in San Francisco and New York, penned two books, became popular on the national speaking circuit, and was a frequent guest on The TODAY Show, CNN, Fox Business News, and others. Now a resident of Palm Beach County, she is on the Speakers’ Bureau of Masterpiece Living and is the Executive Editor of Fabulously 50+. Contact her at


on the cover

Shopping Around The World


America's First Ladies of Fashion

Scarf: Marrero Collection

George Hamilton The Man Behind The Tan

thegeorge hamilton The Man Behind the Tan 6

Posche Model: Kristen Sommerer

10 41 68 FashionIssue Holiday Wine and Food Perfect pairings from internationally renowned sommelier Charlie Arturaola Sophisticated, Sexy Style Dress to Impress at Every Age ofAmerica’s first WhoFashionladiesLovedMe Fab50's own Carlos Marrero presents this season’s hottest new accessory

Photo by: Tyler Molinari


Black Suit: Bronet

Make-up by: Araceli Bravo

fashion 10 America's First Ladies of Fashion 14 Meet Rene Ruiz - Fashion Designer 16 What She Wants - Editor's Picks 18 The Scarf Who Loved Me 26 Crazy For Coco 28 Susan E. Riley - A Unique Boutique 30 What He Wants - Editor's Picks 34 Walk This Way lifestyle 38 A Matter of Honor - Lois Pope: A Woman for the Wounded 41 George Hamilton - The Man Behind the Tan 46 Masterpiece Living 49 Creating "What's Next" - A Personal Journey 52 Grandparents Financing College 54 Adventures In Online Dating - Part Ii travel 60 Controlling The Uncontrollable - Avoidance And Actions 64 Las Vegas - A Playground For The Sophisticated Traveler 68 Shopping Around the World health 73 Your Journey to a Healthy Smile 74 Climb Kilimanjaro 50+ 78 Muscle Health and Cancer Prevention 82 Let's Talk About Sex - New Technology That Helps 86 Fabulously 50+ Best Fitness Apps 88 Vitamin D - Why it's Key to Your Overall Health bon appétit 92 Country House Cook - Penny Lewis 96 Food and Wine Pairing by sommelier Charlie Arturaola 98 Joseph's Classic Market arts & entertainment 102 Carole King - Beautiful 104 Events Calendar - South Florida 106 Fabulously Fashionable Designers fashion nostalgia 110 Audrey Hepburn - Her Impact on Fashion Climb Kilimanjaro50+ Country House Cook Penny Lewis CaroleBeautifulKing HepburnAudrey 74 92 102 110 GroupMediaStorms FABULOUSLY50.COM 7

fashion CollectionMarrerobyscarfsilkPARIS BarkSalonatavailableBlouse FABULOUSLY50.COM 9

“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” Audrey Hepburn

Heather Montgomery/Patti Silverman

This upcoming election will have a unique impact on fashion, perhaps in more ways than ever before.  For the first time in United States history, we have a female asentinghasfashionwhenanswerfashion?theseHowStates),(FirstcandidatethereinabuttoHillarycandidate.presidentialNotonlyisthefirstwomanrunforpresident,shewaspreviouslyfirstlady.Therefore,thispoliticalrace,isonlyonetrueforFLOTUSLadyoftheUnitedMelaniaTrump.willeitheroftwo“Firsts”affectWesetouttothisquestionplanningourissue.Thepresident’swifeakeyrole,repretheU.S.onbothnationalandinternational

platform. Throughout the president’s term, the first lady is busy with her own projects while she raises awareness about current events and world issues. In addition, the first lady has become a fashion icon for women in the U.S. and around the



If Melania Trump becomes our next first lady, she will definitely maintain the state of high fashion in the White House. The former GQ cover model brings a contemporary look to the political campaign. Her attention to detail is impeccable, and she seems to love classic solid looks with com plimentary colors. Often seen “shoulder robing” a jacket along with her signature knee-length sheath dresses, she typ ically adds a matching Chanel bag and Chris tian Louboutin shoes. Some of her favorite designers are Valentino, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Alexander McQueen and Michael Kors. Me lania Trump has already brought her style and fashion je ne sais quoi to the world stage on the campaign trail with her husband. If her $100,000 Couture Dior wedding dress is any prediction of the possible inaugural days to come, we will be in for a spectacular four-year fashion ride. Melania, now 46, will celebrate her 50th birthday in the next election cycle. She is poised to be a fashion icon for the Fab


ur country is in the midst of a heated presidential election and a politically influential fashion season. For the past year, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have been on the campaign trail promoting their ideas to the American public. For Hillary Clinton, image consultants and stylists were hired, hairstyles were changed and designer clothing and accessories were selected to package her likeability and credibility.

How will this year’s historic presidential election impact fashion for the next four years? The first of two questions is this: will we have a new first lady or will we have a new first spouse? The change in terminology doesn’t come naturally. And if we don’t have a first lady, what will we have? A first man…a first gentleman…a first former-president? Regardless of what you might choose to call past President Bill Clinton, should his wife Hillary win, he definitely won’t be a first lady!

america’s first fashionladies

Melania Trump


Fashion has evolved immeasurably since America’s founding, and our first ladies have been instrumental in its progression. Each first lady brings her own special flair to the White House and helps to define an era. From American classics to bold looks from new designers, first ladies are trendsetters and style icons.

Fashion and Women in Power

On the other hand, if we elect our first female president how will her fashion choices impress the women of the world?  Hillary Clinton was first lady during Bill Clinton’s two terms spanning 1993 to 2001 when she was in her mid40s and early 50s. How do we remember Hillary’s fashion impact as a first lady… headbands, pantsuits and a myriad of hair styles? On the campaign trail at age 68, Hillary is still bringing flair to her signature power pantsuits and she inspires many modern women to wear them as well. However, she can also turn heads as she did at one of Bill’s inaugurations when she wore a royal purple gown with a lace top and silk velvet overskirt. Oscar de la Renta is one of her favorite designers. Her outfits are expertly tailored and often feature a statement piece of jewelry to exude femininity and style. Her hair has been more expertly shaped and styled. This begs the question: does society pressure a woman in power to dress in a more masculine way? Or does the woman instinctively know that in order to be taken seriously she has to lose her “feminine” fashions? Either way, with Hillary as our first female president, highend fashion will most likely take a back seat to the priorities of the Oval Office and matters of national security.

ulously50+ for years to come. Inquiring fashion minds want to know what this lady (first, or otherwise) will wear next.

Look to these fashionable first ladies for inspiration in creating your own legacy of glamour, grace and style.

Jacqueline Kennedy

It’s hard not to compare the current unique fashion dynamic to that of a Margaret Thatcher vs. Grace Kelly. Both were incredible ladies, but they were polar opposites in dress. One was a British stateswoman and politician who became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, while the other was an American movie star who later became Princess of Monaco. No matter which style you prefer, they were both powerful women to be reckoned with.

We do not have to look very far back in history to remember one of the most influential first ladies when it came to fashion, Jacqueline Kennedy. While her husband, John F. Kennedy, was in the White House, and for years after his tragic death, Jackie was regarded as a fashion icon and trendsetter in the U.S. and around the world. She exuded grace and charm. Her stylish suits and skirts were always perfectly tailored. She popularized the pillbox hat and owned dozens of styles by Halston. Her oversized sunglasses and silk scarves were signature pieces. Elbow-length gloves, bows and capes also defined her style, and the result was unmatched glamour in the White House.

Jackie Kennedy

Mamie Eisenhower

Dwight Eisenhower was U.S. President from 1953 to 1961. His wife Mamie, brought a genial energy to her role as first lady. She was known to attend numerous Paris fashion shows and reportedly fell in love with Christian Dior’s “New Look.” This style was characterized by a full skirt and cinched waist which Mamie Eisenhower went on to make her signature style. She loved the color pink and inspired many other women to wear more of it.


As first lady during President Barack Obama’s two terms, Michelle Obama is considered one of the most fashionforward. Her style is All-American and can range from classic floral dresses to more daring, modern silhouettes. Her sleeveless fitted shifts show off her athletic arms, but she also dresses fashionably in pants and other casual selections by J.Crew.

Michelle Obama

Ronald Reagan served as U.S. President from 1981 to 1989 and first lady Nancy Reagan quickly became a fashion favorite. Glamorous looks from high-end designers epitomized the former actress’s style, and she was known to favor vivid red outfits that featured chic gold embellishments.

Michelle Obama

Nancy Reagan

These are just the fashion facts as we see them. We are not attempting to “fashion” political prose for one candidate or another. We sincerely hope that voters in this country are not casting their ballots in favor of their fashion preference! However, we do believe that this political race and its outcome will definitely influence the current state of fashion no matter who wins.

Mamie Eisenhower

Nancy Reagan

And the “presidential” ruling?


Q: Q:

I have always been passionate about fashion, style and sophis tication have been entranced by elegant icons such as Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner, and Audrey Hepburn. They are the icons of timeless grace, which is what I try to thread through every piece I create. My designs are also influenced some what by my travels, female friends, art, history and film.

Miami is constantly evolving as a city and therefore peoples’ perception of our city is evolving as well. When I began, Miami was somewhat one dimensional, but now it is truly an A list city that is so culturally diverse. The globe’s perception of Miami, coupled with the city’s allure, emerging art scene, and social constituency has undoubtedly complemented my business. However, I have also faced challenges in keeping the manufacturing in Miami and finding competent individuals with expertise in the fashion trade.



Is there specifically one person, place or thing that inspires you?

We understand that you are passionate about manufacturing in the United States and creating jobs for South Florida. Will you elaborate on that?


ene Ruiz strikes a balance between old-world craftsmanship and modern glamour by blending Miami’s sultry sexiness with graceful elegance. His eye for high-quality fabrics and personalized attention to the creation and tailoring of each garment has created an international following for his luxurious, original and sophisticated designs. Fabulously50+ caught up with Rene after his triumphant closing show at the 2016 Miami Fashion Week.

The Miami fashion designer talks to us about his latest collection, what inspires him, and why he is so passionate about creating jobs in South Florida.

What is next for Rene Ruiz ~ the designer?


Fabulously50+ loves your newest collection! How would you describe it?


You can expect the same quality and originality that has made Rene Ruiz stand apart from the community for many years. With our expanded line, we have the ability to reach a wider range of clients and be more accessible, which also allows us to experiment and try out different silhouettes and shapes. In my opinion, which I believe transcends my designs, the real talent lies in the trifecta of converging timeless elegance with the mixture of new technology and trends.





I am very excited to announce that my team and I just launched two new Rene Ruiz Couture Stores this Summer. Our two new locations are Aventura, Fl. and Georgetown (Washington, DC).

Ruiz’s designs fill a void in the luxury market with a collection that reflects not only his talent and standard for quality, but also a city and culture that are gaining momentum as the next international fashion capital. In blending his own inspirations with Miami’s rich cultural heritage in his artistry, Ruiz is also known for creating his own fabrics to accentuate the meticulous detailing which inspires sensuality for the modern woman.

Rene Ruiz Collection is available at Rene Ruiz Couture Stores and can be found at select Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus stores, fine boutiques nationwide, throughout Canada, Europe and The Middle East. In addition, one-of-a-kind custom couture is available at the Aventura and Coral Gables Couture Stores. Take a closer look at Rene Ruiz’s 2016 evening wear collection above.





Made of 100% calf-skin leather Height: 2.5”.

Fabulously 50’s Creative Director, Carlos Marrero shares with our readers,

The perfume that reveals the passionate nature of Annick Goutal for life. All the mystery of a heady chypre illuminated with Tuberose and Egyptian Jasmine. Petite Cherie Eau de Parfum, 100 ml.

The DVF Cybil is the wrap of the moment with its midi length and longer cuffed sleeve. Pair with over the knee boots.


100% Leather, 100% Stainless Steel. Two Handed Quartz Movement, Water Resistance.


With their Gianni Versace logo on both sides of the lens frame, these Black sunglasses are simply iconic.

Prada colorblock saffiano and smooth leather shoulder bag. Bronze hardware. Adjustable shoulder strap. Flap top with buckle closure. “Cahier Notebook” is made in Italy.




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ScarfLoved Me


When you think of this season’s chicest accessor y, the scar f, Hollywood glamour springs to mind: think Grace Kelly in To Catch A Thief, Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Ti any ’s, and First Lady Jack ie Kennedy Onassis, crossing Fifth Avenue in her signature sunglasses, a beautiful scar f on her head Scar ves have a special place in the histor y of American fashion.

What makes the scar f so timeless? To begin with, they are practical and versatile. O ther accessories like jewelr y, shoes and handbags pro vide wonder ful options to finishing an outfit, but a scar f can take center

It is with this in mind that we proudly unveil the “Fashion Ar t ” of Carlos Marrero on our pages, once again proving why a scar f is the must-have accessor y for our Fabulously 50+ fashionistas

To learn more from the master himself, visit

Designer Carlos Marrero tells us why a scar f can be the ex cla mation point for the

The ways to introduce a beautiful scar f into a wardrobe are limited only by the imagination. Casual outfits immediately take on a style and individuality of their own. Think of a denim jacket and black t-shir t brought to life with a color ful scar f! Or dressing up more formal wear with something classic and elegant. Jewelr y, shoes and handbags are great – but is there anything more versatile than a scar f? Wear it around your head, neck or waist, loop it through a handbag … Have fun experi menting! There are hundreds of ways to wear them. perfect outfit this fall.

stage. It can give an instant pop of color and a signature style to almost any outfit – and to its wearer

Marrero explains ”As we mature, our skin looses luminosity, and a beau tiful scar f can add just the right glow, bringing life to the face and a sparkle to the eyes. A scar f can also provide the per fect solution to a problem neck area, a common problem as we grow older ”


Black Stallions silk scarf Marrero-Bronte Collection; Black Leather Ponte Jacket and pant by Dolce Cabo, available at Styles Boutique; 18k Rose Gold ring with Smoky & Black Quartz by Vianna Brasil.

Italian silk scarf by Marrero Collection; Black tiered dress and silver Icon rings, available at Salon Bark


Leopard print in Pink ‘Ombre scarf by Marrero Collection; Leopard dress by Viereck, Suzy T. cuff, and Charles Albert pyrite and sterling silver ring, available at Styles Boutique


Texas silk scarf MarreroBronte Collection; Ecru Lace dress with bell sleeve and slip by Bronte, available at Salon Bark and Styles Boutique; 18k Rose Gold earrings & ring with Smoky & Black Quartz by Vianna Brasil


Dreamcatcher silk scarf Marrero-Bronte Collection; Desert Rose Lace Dress with slip by Bronte, available at Salon Bark and Styles Boutique; Gold Statement Ring by Milano by Nanni


Bull Skull and Feathers Silk Scarf JanelleStoneablebelttank.SilverSweaterCollection;Marrero-BronteColorStripdusterpairedwithJeanandwinecoloredCustommadeleatherbyStreetsAhead,availatStylesBoutique;FocalBraceletsbyLauraavailableatSalonBark 24 FASHION

Custom made Mandala print tunic by Marrero Collection; Large iridescent crystal drop earring available at Salon Bark


In 1910, Coco opened her first millinery shop in Paris and began designing boater hats. Simplistically stylish, the boater hat’s uncomplicated construction was an instant hit. She purchased simple “straw boaters from Galeries Lafayette department store, and then trimmed them with grosgrain ribbon or a single feather.” Wealthy Parisian women flocked to her shop to purchase the latest in fashion. Soon thereafter, Coco turned her considerable talents to designing clothes. In 1913 she opened her first boutique in Deauville. She designed sailor shirts with open necks, loose linen pants, long skirts and turtleneck sweaters. The women of Paris loved her simple, uncluttered style; she was on the way to building an empire.

ou’ve seen her designs all over the world, you’ve more than likely smelled her perfume once or twice, and her brand is known by the logo alone. But how much do you actually know about the woman herself?

Born in Saumur, France in 1883, Coco Chanel was given the name “Gabrielle” Chanel. At 18 years old, she began working as a seamstress. On weekends, she sang at La Rotonde, a pavilion in a small park in Moulins. Two of the songs she would often sing had the refrains, “Ko Ko Ri Ko” and “Qui qu’ a vu Coco.” The patrons who came to hear her sing soon began calling her, “la petite Coco, ” meaning little Coco. She liked this, and never really fond of the name “Gabrielle”, she adopted Coco for her own.


Ten Fascinating Facts about Coco Chanel by Anita Gabler


Fact #1 Coco Chanel’s given game was Gabrielle

MarinoJeffbyIllustration 26 FASHION

FACT #2 Coco Chanel first became famous for designing boater hats

Fact #5 Coco’s opened her first shop

The war years (1939-1945) were not kind. Coco closed her shops. It was alleged that during this time she had conspired with the Germans. In late August 1944, she was arrested by the Forces Francaises de I’intérieur and tried as a traitor. She was found not guilty and released.

With the financial help of her boyfriend Boy Capel, Chanel opened her first shop in January 1910 at 21 Rue Cambon. On the door were the words: “Chanel Modes.” She summoned her sister, Antoinette, and her aunt, Adrienne, to Paris to help as both were skilled seamstresses. Chanel wore her creations about town and people began talking. Before long, everyone wanted to know how they could get an amazing and unusual Chanel chapeau of their own. Success was hers!

FACT #3 Chanel No. 5 is one of Coco’s most incredible creations

About the Writer

Although literally “sick and tired” Coco carried out her “duties” as the head of the House of Chanel and died in 1971 at the age of 87 at the Ritz in Paris where she had lived for 37 years.


FACT #8 Coco was an all around designer and jewelry was part of her repertoire

Fact #6 Wartime woes: Coco Gets Hit Hard

Perfume. This was a key to Coco’s success. In 1920, she engaged an expert perfumer, Ernest Beaux, to design a variety of scents for her. When finished, he provided her two series: Numbers one through five and 20 through 24. Each was sniffed and tested, but how could Coco be sure? Her lucky number was 5 and she was presenting a new dress collection on May 5th. She loved the smell of the 5th sample, so all the signs seemed to be there. Ultimately, trusting her instinct, of all the scents presented by Monsieur Beaux, the scent of number 5 was her preference, and Chanel No. 5 was born.

In 1955 Coco decided to reopen her shops, but not without some drama. The stigma of her wartime German associations had not been forgotten — and as she tried to make her way back into the fashion world, her collection was not well received by the French. But that didn’t stop her. While there was a chill in the air locally, her designs were an instant hit in America, and orders were abundant. She had not lost that je ne sais quoi; she was headed to the top again.

Fact #10 Coco lived her “haute” life until the end

Although Coco never married, she had many lovers throughout her long life. Significant men in her world included Etienne Balsan, Boy Capel, Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich Romanov, Hugh Richard, and Arthur Grosvenor, the second Duke of Westminster. She was engaged to marry the famous French designer, Paul Iribe, but he died of a heart attack before they could finalize their union.

FACT #7 Coco got knocked down, but she got up again!

Fact #9 Coco had a healthy love life

Anita Gabler, president and founder of Women and Fashion Inc., Palm Beach, FL,, has a passion for fashion and enjoys sharing it with others. She hosts informative fashion events where boutiques, fashion designers, and authors share their fashion knowledge with Women and Fashion enthusiasts. She is writing a book, “Palm Beach Fashion Secrets and More,” to be published in January 2017.

Costume jewelry was another significant part of Coco Chanel’s genius for design. Many of her pieces were a reflection of her time growing up in the convent orphanage such as crosses and broaches made of colorful stones reminiscent of stained glass windows. Wearing cascades of pearls over simple jersey dresses became her trademark.

Fact #4 Coco’s lack of patience was the inspiration for her classic handbag

Annoyed with always having to carry a handbag, Coco decided to design a handbag that would free up her hands. In February 1955, she designed the 2.55 bag with a strap. “The quilted leather was said to be an indication of her love of riding as a young woman. The chain served as a shoulder strap: golden metal plaited with a leather cord suggestive of horse bridles harnesses and also belts worn by the Catholic nuns who educated her as a child.” Her handbag designs would be the basis of a sensation that would thrive for years — and years — to come.

Suzy’s journey to becoming a successful Palm Beach designer and boutique owner can hardly be described as a straight line. After graduating from the prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.) in New York City, Aspen, Colorado was to become the launch pad for her first career – Skiwear! (Stein Eriksen taught her how to ski, and shortly thereafter she became the first woman sales representative in America for Bogner Skiwear, the most prestigious Skiwear Company in the World.

A Unique

your own business, meanwhile, takes something else, according to Suzy: “A lot of chutzpah.”

The Path to Palm Beach

From the Streets of Paris to the Amalfi Coast

Suzy’s mother and grandmother - both skilled sewers - taught her the complicated craft of bound buttonholes when she was a child. The word “shortcut” was not in their vocabulary, and the quest for perfection in detail remains an essential part of Suzy’s modern-day design ethos.


But the siren song of Design was strong – ten years later Suzy returned to college again, first to study Architecture at Chicago’s School of Art Institute

Just how involved is fashion designer Susan E. Riley in the day-to-day operations of her clothing empire? When we touched base with her earlier this summer at her boutique on Via Amore off Worth Avenue, she was in the middle of preparations for opening her summer boutique in Harbor Springs, Michigan. Suzy managed to slow down long enough to share some of what she’s learned on her journey, along with why a commitment to all things custom continues to guide her work today.

Riley Susan E.

The premise of this unusual boutique has always been French re-embroidered lace. It has long been a hallmark of her work. Her eponymously named flagship store, Susan E. Riley, evokes the couturiers of Paris in housing an extraordinary collection of French laces in a myriad of colors. Suzy explains that laces come in a variety of ways: some are very stiff while others are soft and some are re-embroidered. To be of good quality, the tulle must be very close together. Other details which elevate Susan E. Riley pieces from the ordinary to the extraordinary? French seams,


Of course, all of the  chutzpah  in the world is meaningless without products people want. Suzy’s distinctive clothing attracts women from ages 1994 who aren’t just drawn to her designs, but also to the unique one-on-one attention Suzy bestows on all of her clients - whether they’re in search of a chic mother-of-the-bride dress or merely taken by a hand-woven Parisian purse while window-shopping.

to mention she designed and built her own Harbor Springs home?) and then finally Fashion Design at LA’s Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. Is it any surprise, then, that her response to the oft-asked question, “How do you become a designer?” is simple: “Go to college,” she says.Owning

While brides flock to her boutique to have her design and coordinate beautiful outfits for their bridesmaids and mothers, they are only a part of her business. She designs for every occasion from formal events and dressy cocktail and dinner parties to informal beach weddings (where the wedding party might be outfitted in great pants!) “No matter the location, the pictures must be beautiful,” Suzy says. “This is where the importance of choosing the right colors to complement a custom outfit comes into play.”

favorite piece of fashion advice when it comes to dressing older women?

the most satisfying thing about your work?” we wanted to know. “Helping women to feel beautiful!” she said.Suzy’s

Audrey Hepburn (wearing Hubert de Givenchy), Lauren Bacall and Grace Kelly were her greatest inspiration, along with Bill Blass, Geoffrey Beene, Oscar de la Renta, and of course, Chanel.

The Origins of Inspiration

Timelessness trumps trendiness every time. She also highlights the importance of fit and personal style combined with an understanding of the intricacies of everything from skirt length to collar cut. “Armed with the right information,” Suzy insists, “it doesn’t take much to look beautiful.”

bound buttonholes, buttons from the world over, silk linings, custom lengths, and her Signature Bow at the Waist. Suzy’s clothes are so beautifully finished that they can even be worn inside out. They are surprisingly versatile, and when you factor in Suzy’s talent with the large selection of re-embroidered laces and silk linings, the variety of color options is unlimited.


But just because Suzy’s designs are immaculately constructed doesn’t mean they’re exclusively reserved for special occasions. Enter her second Via Amore boutique: The Palm Beach Yachting Company, inspired by her love of yachting (Suzy sails her own boat, single-handed). From tunics and sportswear from Italy and France, to cashmere shawls and brightly colored Concho belts, The Palm Beach Yachting Company -- much like all of the neighboring shops in the triple hibiscus-laden Via Amore courtyard -- has a sportier “resort wear” vibe. As Suzy laughingly says, “We offer beautiful sportswear to wear on your yacht, your imaginary yacht, your dinghy, or simply lunch at Cafe Flora!”

Suzy designs and carries beautiful silk, silk organza and lace blouses as well as Duchesse satin jackets to go with her skirts and pants. Looking at some of her design combinations sent our imaginations into a whirl of exciting possibilities. For example, the pairing of a perfectly fitted Susan E. Riley lace pencil skirt with a Duchess satin jacket is the embodiment of effortless elegance. Looking for something more casual? Slip a tank or tee shirt, or possibly a cashmere turtleneck, under a satin jacket. Suzy’s clothes are versatile and can be mixed in any number of ways. They are unique and timeless.

Walking through the colorful Via Amore courtyard with Suzy, we asked her about reinventing herself after 50 when she made the decision to open her two boutiques. She explained that around this stage in life, a lot of people find themselves at a loss. There is fear and hesitation about trying something new. Suzy was not going to allow this to happen to her. “In my life,” she explained, “I have often gone off the high dive without water in the pool. You have to have a lot of faith.”


ambitious, that’s be cause it is. There’s plenty of room for re invention after 50, says Suzy, as long as you have the faith to go along with it.

“What inspires you?” was our next question. “Joy inspires me,” she enthusiastically declared. “This gorgeous courtyard with its beautiful fountains, sculptures and flowers. Walking down Worth Avenue with the ocean nearby inspires me. The inventiveness of the other designers and the ability they have to evolve inspire

Suzy is eager to share her character istic joie de vivre with others -- from her volunteer work teaching underpriv ileged children about fashion figure drawing to ambitious plans to further expand her presence on the lecture circuit. (She is currently available for bookings).Ifitallsounds

This new black duffel crafted from premium Italian cotton and thoughtfully designed for those on the move.




My new favorite fragrance! Pierre Bourdon has composed a perfume that is powerful, sensual and refined, aromatic and spicy. Its heart is built around angelica and its natural complements: cedar wood and vetiver. Shaped by an accord of Florentine iris, pimento and galbanum, it lies on a bed of patchouli, incense and musk.


These Italian made silver cufflinks are awesome. A great Holiday Gift for the special man in your life.



Fabulously 50’s Creative Director, Carlos Marrero shares with our readers,

This light grey long sleeved shirt has a high stand collar and barrel cuff, Made in Italy of 3 Dimensional Micro Structure 100% Cotton.


A new take on the classic aviators. Tortoise framed aviator with brown gradiant lens, metal arms with engraved logo detailing.

Classic upper with overlapped pieces on the front. Stretch panels on the sides for an easier fit. Pull tab at the back. Black rubber sole.



Loving this Biker Jacket. A minimalist take on traditional biker styles, this impeccable dark blue jacket from BOSS’ Tailored Collection offers sensual style.

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Starring the Empress of Soul Gladys Knight with a cocktail hour seranade by The Palm Beach Symphony Corporate Ambassadors Cooper Street Cookies Provident Jewelry The Bristol Tiffany & Co Wells Fargo Advisors Chairmen Lois Pope, Patrick Park, Tova Leidesdorf and Ari Rifkin Co chairmen Linda & Al Adelson Soula & Rick Rifkin LIFE'S 23rd Annual "Lady in Red" Gala A little mischief, a little mayhem . . . a saucy, sexy night at the Speakeasy Saturday, December 3, 2016 The Mar a Lago Club, Palm Beach Proceeds benefit American Humane Association For information or to request an invitation, please call 561.582.8083 or email life@life serenade

lifestyle FABULOUSLY50.COM 37

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Zig Ziglar


t the tender and impressionable age of 21, Lois Pope was acting and singing on Broadway when her work took her to the Rusk Rehabilitation

Lois Pope: A Woman For The Wounded honora matter of


Center in New York to entertain disabled veterans. She planned to sing what she felt was the perfect homage and inspiration, the song “Somewhere,” from West Side Story. The song’s lyrics resonated with her for this occasion, particularly the line “Peace and quiet and open air, wait for us somewhere.” When she arrived and started to meet and perform for the youmylinebeautifullyontovividlyShewassomethingVeterans,inherchangedforever.remembersreachingoutaveteranlyingagurney,asshesangtheinthesong,“HoldhandandI’lltakethere”onlyto

realize at that moment that he didn’t have a hand for her to hold. It pained her deeply and she pledged that someday and “Somewhere” she would help the veterans, and she would do it in a big way. She believed that God had inspired her visit to the Rusk Center that day, and it changed her life forever. It gave her a purpose.During our interview with Lois tears were shed and feelings of awe and astonishment were in epic proportions as we came to understand why Lois Pope is regarded as one of America’s most committed and creative philanthropists and humanitarians. Mrs. Pope has positively impacted the lives of individuals at the local, national and international levels. She is widely recognized and deeply respected as an advocate and ardent supporter of many causes. It is our great pleasure to share with you her story and her impact on the world.

How it began

While my ideas about charity began with my parents, my late husband, Gene, was also an important influence. When we moved to South Florida, he dedicated himself to not only being a highly successful businessman, but also to sharing that success with his workers, our neighbors and the entire community.

These foundations have supported summer camp experiences for more than 10,000 underprivileged and special needs children in Florida. They have provided college scholarships to academically deserving and financially disadvantaged students who are interested in community-service oriented medicine as their professions. They have also provided a new clean water system in Guatemala, assistance to enable young refugee women from Sudan to emigrate to the U.S., medical research, and many other initiatives.

Lois never forgot her day at the Rusk Rehabilitation Center. As her work with Veterans continued she began to see a disparity in the support and acknowledgement for the wounded Veterans. She felt they deserved to be honored and when she began asking questions and discovered that there was no memorial dedicated to the 4 million living disabled veterans, she said to herself this can not be! She tried to contact Jesse Brown, then Secretary for Veterans Affairs, but was unable to reach him. She was resolute in her dedication and called him every day for five months until he made time to speak with her. When she finally had him on the phone she asked him why there was no memorial for wounded veterans? To which he replied, “I don’t know but there should be”. He arranged to meet with her the following week in Washington, and from that day on they worked tirelessly to overcome the many obstacles and challenges in the quest to bring recognition to the brave who had sacrificed life and limb for our freedoms. The two established the Disabled Veterans LIFE Memorial Foundation, and after 20 years, on October 5, 2014, the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial was officially dedicated. It is the nation’s only permanent tribute to the many living disabled American veterans and all those who have died. Lois is now working on having October 5 designated as American Disabled Veterans Day.

“Somewhere” and “Someday” come to LIFE

When I was a little girl, my parents taught me that “doing good” is just as important as “doing well.” I grew up in Philadelphia and times were not easy. We were coming out of the Great Depression and going into a World War, but I still vividly remember my mother, a teacher, putting aside a nickel here and a nickel there to give to charity. I quickly came to realize that everyone, regardless of theadvocateIthisliveIdifferencebackground,socio-economiccanmakeainsomeway.havealwaysstrivedtomylifeaccordingtoprinciple.Thatiswhyhavebeensuchastaunchforsupportingvoicelessandvulnerable in our society.

You are internationally renowned as one of America’s foremost philanthropists. What is the goal of your charitable endeavors?

Please tell us about Debt of Honor, the documentary you produced with director Ric Burns and the impact it has had for America?

How did you become so passionate about reaching out to those less fortunate?

Lois Pope is regarded as one of America’s most committed and creative philanthropists and humanitarians.

Debt of Honor premiered on the eve of Veterans Day 2015 to wide acclaim. We also provided screenings for many groups – from thought leaders and policymakers to military and veterans groups around the country. Now we are working on an initiative to make the film part of high school curricula about veterans. Our plan is to introduce this new endeavor in a pilot program here in Florida around Veterans Day this year, with the goal of taking it national next year. We feel having it shown in every high school in America

That is why the three foundations I created – LIFE (Leaders in Furthering Education), the Lois Pope LIFE Foundation, and the Disabled Veterans LIFE Memorial Foundation – all have the word LIFE in them. I want to give LIFE to those who are marginalized, disadvantaged or forgotten because of disabilities, socio-economic status, neglect, age, abuse or any other barriers.


Butcherish.noteveryone in America is able to travel to our nation’s capital to experience the memorial. So I approached the Emmy Award winning filmmaker Ric Burns about producing a documentary that would bring these issues into the family rooms of all Americans.

One of the key missions of the memorial is to educate both our elected officials in Washington and society in general about the human cost of war. Beyond all the money that goes into bullets and bombs, tanks and trucks, armor and technology, we have millions of men and women who are putting their lives on the line and sacrificing their limbs, their organs, and even their minds in defense of our freedom and the ideals we

Q: A:A: A:

You may recall that we sponsored the largest Christmas Tree celebration in the country. But it was more than just a tree. It was what it symbolized –it was a tree of life, a reminder that everyone’s life matters and that we have a moral obligation to help improve the lives of the less fortunate.


We are currently developing a new film. It is about the Veterans Administration and particularly about its network of hospitals and medical clinics.

Lois has been honored numerous times for her dedication to improving the world around her. She was named a Daily Point of Light recipient by President George H.W. Bush, and many organizations have conferred on her their most prestigious awards, including the Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis, the Ellis Island Foundation, Magen David Adom, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Lois serves on the Boards of the Foreign Policy Association, University of Miami, Palm Beach Opera, Armory Arts Center and Florida Atlantic University. She is the very definition of a philanthropist, a true benefactress, patroness, and to us will always be regarded as a National Treasure!

This past February you launched a new center for caring: the Lois Pope LIFE Center for Military Affairs in Washington, D.C. What did you establish this center to accomplish?

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to meet many courageous canines and their equally intrepid human partners. And I’m proud to have had the opportunity to lend my assistance to the American Humane Association in its effort to bring military working dogs home to U.S. soil from the war front upon their retirement, and then to reunite with their human handlers and families.


This new center will encompass a number of programs and initiatives that reflect both my commitment to the well being of our veterans and military canines.

Improving the lives of the voiceless and vulnerable

American Humane, the country’s first national humane organization, is celebrating a century of working with the U.S. military. I am a major supporter of the Red Star Emergency Services and have worked hard to enable it to respond to natural disasters as well as animal cruelty cases.

Lois Pope: A Career of Service

will impact our youth and create a greater appreciation for the freedoms they are given in life and know how important it is to vote to support our veterans. We are also proud that Debt of Honor was nominated for an Emmy.

On December 3, Lois Pope and four others will host LIFE’s 23rd Annual “Lady in Red” Gala, A Night at the Speakeasy, headlined by the Empress of Soul, Gladys Knight, at The MarA-Lago Club in Palm Beach. Proceeds will benefit the American Humane Association (AHA). To request more information or an invitation, please call 561.582.8083 or email


“My mother had a house on North Ocean Boulevard,” he says, “but the house I lived in as a teenager was not the same when I looked at it as an adult. It’s the adult perspective that creates the shadings in your life

A thrift shop purchase of a $10 tuxedo started opening doors and in he went. His mother had advised him to sport a tuxedo when he didn’t know what else to wear, even if it had holes. “The holes made it look very chic, like it belonged to your grandfather,” he recalled her saying. “And don’t worry about being overdressed,” she said. “The tuxedo just makes you look like you’re going on to a better party!”


his high school years in Palm Beach, surrounded by wealth and glamour, and that influenced his evolution. Much has been written about his relationship with his mother, two brothers, and the fairy tale life he lived when Worth Avenue was his playground. Yet little is known about how it affected his direction as a maturing adult.

his life as a student at Palm Beach High School, Hamilton admits that he often reflects

on who he’s become as an adult. He remembers watching celebrities, politicians, socialites and captains of industry floating down Worth Avenue in a world known only unto those in their strata. “You’d see Jack Kennedy, world-class polo players, people who were only written about in magazines, and here I was, wondering who I was going to be.”

He wore that tuxedo regardless of the evening’s focus, and this proved to be his personal party trick. Hamilton continued his studies of the lifestyles of the

george hamilton

He’s good looking, debonair, wears his grey hair like a crown and sports a signature tan that just won’t stop. Meet George Hamilton, all of the above and more! In a recent interview with Fabulously 50+ Magazine, he revealed a treasure trove of lifetime hurts, happiness, what-was-then and what-is-now reflections and basic tenets that guided him to a successful life as an actor, personality, father and genuine, down-toearth

The Man Behind the Tan by Jann Seal


The anchor piece in the puzzle of “Who is George Hamilton?” was put into place when he opted out of English class and into an acting class. It proved to be a good move, and he even won an award as “Best Actor in the State of Florida” at a statewide competition. Armed with a newfound confidence and the first inkling of what he wanted to be, Hamilton learned that acting the part would eventually get him the part.


George Hamilton reveals a treasure trove to Fabulously 50+ Magazine

“Your principles are what define you as a man. The sons of men who have made it in industry have no value for the struggle. They inherit and splash their money around to cover their feelings of inadequacy.” This philosophy was brought home to him as he sat at his brother Bill’s bedside shortly before his death.

rich and famous while working as a cabana boy at a friend’s club in Westhampton, Long Island, and began acting his part.

“My belief was that an actor’s role was to be an example, not to be put on a pedestal and revered for all the money we made and spent. While we had to keep our opinions to ourselves and not preach, we demonstrated our beliefs living by example.”Hamilton has followed this principle his entire life. Add his inimitable sense of humor, and you have the man pegged. His latest incarnation…as Colonel Sanders in Kentucky Fried Chicken’s Extra Crispy (read extra-tan) Fried Chicken commercials. His white suit tugs at the buttons across his chest, and his goatee may be a bit off-center, but these are just the subtle touches of humor that define George Hamilton wherever he goes. He is so much more than “the man with the tan.”

The tuxedo also enhanced the bravado Hamilton carried naturally. “I never was in awe of movie stars. My mom and my brother always treated me as an adult. I had no fear of celebrities. Stars were just people my mother and brother wanted to be like, and so did I.”


His connection with drug rehabilitation is well-known in Palm Beach County, and he faults the medical profession for overprescribing pain medication that often leads to addiction. “People are easily addicted to pain meds. Then they take to the streets to get more, and a vicious cycle is born. This generation needs people of character to help them, because their lives have been left in a mess.”

was stunned to realize the importance we were handed, sometimes above that of heads of state. Actors and the films we made allowed people to dream, which was important in the war years. Problems were forgotten as they sat in the darkened theater. But the studio forbade us to talk of politics, to have a public opinion on anything.”

Hamilton shines brighter than his statues.

Hamilton believes that money should be used to help others, not for an inheritance. “Money has an energy. It should be constantly moved about or it’ll strangle you.”

Hamilton’s filmography is legend, and includes Golden Globe and BAFTA awards for his body of work, most notably as Georges in the national tour of “La Cage Aux Folles.” But you don’t get awards for lifetime values, and that’s where


“I knew that Bill loved ‘things’ – cars, jewelry and the outward manifestations of wealth, but at the end of his life, when I asked him what he would have liked out of life, his words were to love more.”

Hamilton’s filmography is legend, and includes Golden Globe and BAFTA awards for his body of work, most notably as Georges in the national tour of “La Cage Aux Folles.” But you don’t get awards for lifetime values, and that’s where Hamilton shines brighter than his statues.

to be Americans. I saw soldiers returning home after World War II and watched as the country thanked them for what they had

Hamilton’s values are rooted in his generation -- he turns 77 this year. “I was born in 1939, when people were proud


Hotel chains have even jumped on the bandwagon with offerings like wake-up light therapy, air purification sys tems, living walls, in-room training zones and celebri ty fitness trainers. Waiting on a flight? “Leading-edge airports, including Chicago O’Hare International, San Francisco International and Heathrow in London, are now offering quiet rooms where passengers can prac tice yoga and meditation.

It’s travel for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through physical, psychological, and spiritu al activities Medical testing is now becoming a major component of a true wellness center. It’s no longer just about getting a good massage it’s about how to eat better, sleep better, exercise better and live longer!

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It’s Your Life’s Symphony

Aging successfully is being all you can be … no matter your age, no matter what challenges you have. That isn’t a matter of hoping for the best, or denying that we are going to be put to the test. It’s about being aware of what it takes to build resilience and to lower the risk of bad things happening.


If we are not doing all this (and very few of us are), then we’re not only at risk for negative things happening that can threaten our quality of life, our independence, and our very lives, but it’s also much less likely that we’ll be able to bounce back when life’s slings and arrows make their inevitable appearance.

For more than 15 years our magnificent team at Masterpiece Living LLC has been partnering

Research has definitively shown us that our lifestyle is the major determinant of how we’ll age. That lifestyle is not just about our physical self … how much we move, what we eat, or how much we sleep … but, it is absolutely about the rest of our complete self: the intellectual, the social and the spiritual.

Being the Conductor of Your Life


Research has definitively shown us that our lifestyle is the major determinant of how we’ll age. That lifestyle is not just about our physical self … how much we move, what we eat, or how much we sleep … but, it is absolutely about the rest of our complete self: the intellectual, the social and the spiritual. Are we continuing to challenge our brain by learning new things? Are we staying engaged with others across all generations? Do we have meaning and purpose that’s bigger

masterpiece living

than us and gets us enthusiastically out of bed in the morning? Like a symphony orchestra, are the strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion contributing to the music of our lives?

Your Life as a Masterpiece

he Masai have a saying: Life is change. If we’re alive, we are indeed changing, and as we get older, that change is more likely to be unwelcome. Being the best we can be as we age, then, is doing all we can to prevent adverse things from happening, but it’s also about accommodating the inevitable challenges of living longer, and even more important, it’s about developing a resilience to bounce back when life throws us a curve ball. So, how do we do that?

welcome people into your life … people of all ages. Get rid of those defense mechanisms and biases that are isolating you and robbing you of the stunning health advantages of being connected to others.

This isn’t rocket science, dear reader. Paying attention to all aspects of our life’s symphony … the physical, intellectual, social, or spiritual … will make this phase of our life a masterpiece with a resilience to manage anything that attempts to put it out of tune.

Centers for Successful Aging seek compression of morbidity for those who live and work there. This is the public health term for minimizing the time when we are sick or impaired. Achieving this requires that each of us be the maestro of the many aspects of life. How? Here are some tips we’ve learned from some of the best.

5. Find something that will quiet your chattering mind if only for a few minutes each day. Unchecked thoughts and worry create stress that rots us from within. Reading, crafts, art, nature, pets, music, meditation … you’ll know you’re there when you feel that peace and joy of being alive.

6. Find your purpose that essence of the current phase of your life’s journey. That “one thing” that gets you out of bed in the morning and makes you grateful to be alive. It can be a small or large thing, but my guess it will involve other living things … people, animals, the environment, etc.

1. Move every day as part of your day rather than only as a scheduled event that you’ll forego if you get busy or lazy. In the Blue Zones, where people live to be old yet very vital, movement is natural and part of everyday activities. Try using a Fitbit or pedometer to see how much you move, and then try increasing it about 10% a month until you’re regularly registering 10,000 steps.


radin / Shutterstock.comlevCredit:Photo

4. Do something that scares you every day. It doesn’t have to be bungee jumping (although if that is what you’ve always dreamed of doing, why not?), but it should be something that takes you out of your comfort zone. Reaching out to new people, traveling without reservations, getting a little bit lost. It’s all good for your brain and for you.

with retirement communities to help them become centers for successful aging. These are vibrant places dedicated to the idea that older adults can, should and will continue to grow. Four such communities are in South Florida: The Waterford at Juno Beach, Abbey Delray, Abbey Delray South, and Harbour’s Edge, also in Delray Beach.

3. Reach out to someone every day. It can be a smile to a cashier or a nod to someone on the street, or reconnecting with people once important in your life. Whatever it is,

Tuning Your Life’s Orchestra

Roger Landry, MD, MPH is the author of Live Long, Die Short: A Guide to Authentic Health and Successful Aging

2. Learn something new every day. It can be a simple fact, or part of a larger undertaking, such as a new skill, craft, or language. You’ll be building new pathways in your brain that could very well protect you from developing the symptoms of dementia.

Stand Out in the crowd


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“what’s next” creating A Personal Journey FABULOUSLY50.COM 49

How had I arrived at this place in my life? I firmly believe that life’s opportunities expand in proportion to our courage to seek them out. Imagine what you’d like your next chapters to look like and then, Thoughts – Words – Action. Get started with small steps (I started at Pebble Beach in an entry level position) but take that first step. Not sure what you want to do? Try looking backward to move forward. Think about the things you used to

enjoy doing, ideas that captured your interest, and then keep your eyes and ears open, remembering that opportunities are everywhere if we are just open to them. Follow your intuition, and when something comes along that excites you, go for it! Scared to death? Confidence lacking? One of my favorite quotes comes from Eleanor Roosevelt: “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”

• Ask for what you want. You will be amazed at how often people will say, “yes.”

Author, model, speaker

• Nervous? Visualize a positive end ing.

I am now down three for three on the first week of my brand new dream job. What to do? Give up, retire and go home? Absolutely not! That was not an option. I was determined to get through this and to make the second half of my life even more phenomenal than the first half had been. For years I had been a stay-at-home mom raising our six children with my husband, Wally, and now it was my time. I had figured out what I wanted my next chapter to look like, and I wasn’t about to give it all up.

Let me tell you a story…. A story about transitions and resilience. Picture this… I’ve just turned 58. It’s five o’clock in the morning on the first day of my brand new position as public relations and media manager for the world famous Pebble Beach Resorts. I am responsible for staging and managing a weeklong photo shoot for our new brand partner, a famous automobile company, and I’m on my way out to the seventh hole to meet them. It’s dark, the cart path that I’m running along is still wet and slippery from the early morning fog, and all of a sudden I stumble on the edge of it, falling flat on my face and breaking my foot and spraining my ankle before I’ve even had a chance to say, “Good morning.”Daytwo:


• Feeling stuck? Remember that opportunities come when you least expect them.

Day three – Still on crutches – I’m in my doctor’s office for some preop testing when he discovers a serious arrhythmia. It turns out that I also have viral cardiomyopathy, a condition that weakens the heart muscle and its ability to contract.

• Facing retirement and wonder ing what you want to do next? Don’t let who you were define who you are.

Consider the common denominator in all of these points I’ve just made about how to create “What’s Next.” What is it? It’s confidence! We have to have confidence if we are going to create “What’s Next.” We have to believe that we, as individuals, can make this new phase in our lives a startling success. Furthermore, we can inspire others to believe in themselves and to know that they, too, can create “What’s Next,” no matter what their age.

• Change happens in a moment. Recognize an opportunity and when a door opens, walk through it.

Valerie Ramsey has just given us her second book, Creating What’s Next –Gracefully, written with Heather Hummel, and featuring a foreword by actress Ali MacGraw, star of Love Story, Goodbye Columbus, and The Getaway, among many others.


never fails to amaze me how one thing leads to another and another until one day you look back, and you see where you have been, how far you have come, and you can’t believe how it has all unfolded. The people you meet, the places you go, the ideas that inspire you and the choices you make – how they have all come together to play out and become your incredible life – a life you never could have imagined.

• Take that first step.

Here are my most valuable tips when it comes to creating “What’s Next”:

• Attitude is everything! Be positive and watch your fears dissipate.

Now I’m on crutches, but the shoot is moving along well. Suddenly my cell phone goes off, and it’s my gynecologist calling to tell me that the tests he had run the previous week have come back positive - I have uterine cancer - and he is scheduling surgery for the following week.

Supposing you hit a speed bump along the way, as I did? Let’s consider resilience for a moment because it’s something that everyone over 50 has certainly had to call upon at one time or another. I would like to share with you some of the important lessons I learned as I was recovering from cancer and heart disease:

3. You have been through tough times before and gotten through them. Ex trapolate the best from those times and draw on that inner strength.

Learn to look at challenges as your greatest opportunities – see them as opportunities to learn, to grow, to achieve. You never really know what is good for you; what may seem like the absolute worst thing to happen to you can, in fact, turn out be the best.

Valerie is now 76 and is still creating new chapters in her life. She has recently taken on the position of Executive Editor of Fabulously 50+ magazine www. She jumped into the corporate world at age 53 after being a stay-at-home mom raising six children. She has been modeling since she turned 63, and she is the author of two books, Gracefully – Looking & Being Your Best at Any Age and Creating What’s Next – Gracefully, both written with Heather Hummel. Valerie is with Premiere Speakers Bureau. Find her on or email her at


Nurture your spirituality. Meditate. A beautiful day begins with a beauti ful mindset. For example: Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

8. Reach out to help others. I personally have found that women (and some times men too) over 50 are hungry for inspiration, motivation, support, and encouragement on how to be resilient, and they want guidance on how to create “What’s Next.” These have become my favorite topics to write and speak about.

4. Resilience needs the expectation of success. Have high expecta tions. Expect yourself to be resilient and to bounce back from whatev er life throws at you. Be your own best motivator. I have everything I need right here inside of me.


5. Honor your sensuality. Keep love in your life: touch, hug, laugh, dance, hear the music!


No one ever said transitions are easy, but with the right attitude and an open mind, we can get through them, and when we do, the rewards are extraordinary. So, go ahead. Take that first step towards creating your own “What’s Next.” I did it and I know you can do it too.

See what Ben Saunders, Polar Explorer, has to say: “If I’ve learned anything in nearly 12 years now of dragging heavy things around cold places, it is that true, real inspiration and growth only comes from adversity and from challenge, from stepping away from what’s comfortable and familiar and stepping out into the unknown…” I certainly would implore you to open the door just a little bit and take a look at “What’s Next”

2. Have a purpose – something positive to look forward to - your “What’s Next.“

7. Laugh at yourself and show grat itude. It’s hard to wallow in negativity or self-pity if you’re keeping a gratitude journal.

Since 1990, college costs and attendant fees have risen 92%. College costs at in-state public colleges average $24,000 a year, while private colleges average $48,000 a year.

$200,000 for a private college. Moreover, while four years was the usual track for college graduation, a college education now commonly extends to six years.

Grandparents Financing College


Before generosity gets the better of those who want to assist with college expenses, it is important to be informed about unforeseen consequences for all concerned. With forecasts of growing economic uncertainty, it is essential to evaluate how much one can help out without putting their own financial situation and retirement funds at risk. Even the most astute financial planners cannot fully account for those extraordinary expenses and unanticipated costs that may surface. Knowing the financial aid rules can also prevent accidental erosion of those funds.


education is likely to be the most significant investment an individual makes in a lifetime, second only to purchasing a home. With college costs reaching stratospheric heights, it is no wonder that college counselors are increasingly asked for advice by grandparents of prospective college students about how to assist with expenses.Since1990, college costs and attendant fees have risen 92%. College costs at instate public colleges average $24,000 a year, while private colleges average $48,000 a year. Considering a four-year college education, the minimal costs run between $100,000 for a public college to

A further alternative is to enroll in a prepaid tuition or savings “Qualified Tuition program” 529 plan, named after that section of the IRS Code. The sooner a 529 plan is established, the more money will be available to pay for tuition and college costs. The tax-advantaged investment accounts of 529 plans can be set up as separate accounts for each individual child in their own name. Accounts can be transferred from one child to another later if one child goes to a more expensive school or needs the money earlier than another child. If the distribution of the 529 plan funds go directly to the student, it is seen as student income and can complicate the student’s chances for qualifying student aid, which is determined by the student filing their FAFSA [Free Application for Federal Student Aid]. There are means of distribution that will not adversely impact the student’s aid chances [e.g. grandparents distributing to the parents or delaying distribution until after the student graduates from college or in the student’s later years of college].

Before proceeding, however, we must express our dismay at seeing so many parents and grandparents needlessly going into debt to fund a Rolls Royce education when there are Ford options. A possible alternative for your grandchild is attending at a community college for two years to complete the general education requirements and then transferring to the state university. Additionally, grandparents should insist on viewing the variety of financial aid packages offered by different universities. It’s not the starting block but the finish line that matters, and return on investment at a pricey and prestigious institution offering little aid can be quite disappointing. Check out any of the college ROI calculators like PayScale’s: http://www.payscale.

A further alternative is to enroll in a prepaid tuition or savings “Qualified Tuition program” 529 plan, named after that section of the IRS Code.



The individual setting up a 529 plan is not limited to the plan in their state of residency and the plans do vary by state, so it’s wise to do comparative shopping. Two valuable organizations with websites that give

clear and succinct information regarding 529 plans are College Savings Plans Network [] and [].

We are frequently asked why college costs have risen so dramatically. First, subsidies have declined from endowments and public funding, shifting more of the burden to families. Second, the cost of student services like learning support, athletics, and intensified competition for students has increased. Third, compliance with expanded regulation by agencies like the NCAA, insurers, or the federal government is extremely expensive. The University of Connecticut spends $400,000 to comply with the Clery Act for campus safety alone. For these reasons, it is improbable that the cost of a college education will decrease anytime soon, and the burden on families will remain significant.

who wish to assist with college expenses should pay the institution directly rather than the individual student, thereby avoiding the IRS gift tax on an individual’s gift by not exceeding $14,000 a year or a couple’s gift of $28,000 a year. Another option is to purchase a rental property in which the student and rent-paying housemates can reside instead of college housing. The rent helps pay the mortgage and possibly tuition, and the tax benefits from owning a rental property apply. Following graduation, the property may be retained, sold or exchanged in a 1031 “like-kind exchange.”

Carolyn Kost and Frank Don own East West College Counseling, which provides students with expert help in selecting and applying to their best fit options for higher education.

On to College publication by Carolyn Kost and Frank Don

Mr. Alabama

Most of us over the age of 50 own our own homes, have a circle of friends nearby and hope for someone who can be part of our world. While some of the “out of town suitors” I encountered were

Of course I responded like anyone who lives in paradise, “It’s always beautiful here in South Florida.” Then I began to wonder, would Mr. Alabama really drive 10 hours to Florida to meet me for happy hour?

Later that afternoon, I received another text asking, “Where would you like to meet?” Wow, this guy is good…talk about spontaneity! He definitely got my attention. At 6 p.m., his next text read that he’d checked into a local hotel. I thought II

On a normal Monday morning I was on my way to meet a friend for an early morning walk, when my phone chimed. “How does happy hour and a sunset look for today?” I was surprised to see the text was from Mr. Alabama. Hmm... What did he mean?

If so, where would he stay? Where was he right now? Was my “Prince Charming” about to ride in on his white horse? A strange combination of excitement and disbelief took over my morning as I wondered if this guy was for real.



adventures in online dating

really fascinating and interesting, I still wondered how anyone could possibly be Mr. Right if he lived so far away. How much can you text, Skype and talk on the phone without seeing that person on a regular basis? Is geography a deal breaker? It certainly begs the question, “Am I looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Right Here?”

MarreroCarlosbyIllustrations 54 LIFESTYLE

ince our first issue my online dating adventures have taken me all over the virtual map. At first I was surprised that men were contacting me from California, New York, Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina and Alabama. Let’s be honest, even 50 miles away can be inconvenient, but isn’t it all worth it if you can find that rare magical connection?

A real coincidence…

…and fond farewells

Hidden talents

As the evening progressed, Mr. A and I chuckled about the marriage of “online gaming and candy crushes,” and we each shared some of our own funny dating

I arrived at the hotel Mr. Alabama was nowhere in sight. My thoughts were running wild, maybe he didn’t receive my text, maybe he decided not to show up, and maybe it was all a big joke… I walked outside to the beach bar to see if he was there, but I couldn’t find him in the maze of people. At that point, I figured something was wrong and decided to go back to the hotel entrance. As I was walking I stopped and turned around, only to find Mr. Alabama right behind me with a great big smile. I said, “Mr. A is that you?” And he said, “It’s me; I just read your text.” We gave each other a big hug, and that was the beginning of our late afternoon adventure.



it best we meet at the hotel’s beachside Tiki bar and he agreed. (Okay, men take heed: No matter where you are meeting your date, be a gentleman and greet her at the door. It is a nice touch that goes a long way!) Since you can never assume that a man knows what you’re thinking, I sweetly texted Mr. A with my front door request.When

A second date…and flowers!

The fun continued through our third and last evening together. After a full day of sightseeing and an evening of music, dinner and dancing, we stopped by the local market to pick up some items for his return car trip. It was closing time, and as we were checking out, the cashier noticed his Southern accent and asked, “Where are you from?” He proudly responded, “Alabama.” She immediately began singing the song “Sweet Home Alabama,” and all the other cashiers joined in. Before we knew it, we were being serenaded by a choir of singing cashiers. You just can’t make this stuff up!

As we were getting to know one another, a couple from Kansas sat down next to us and asked how long we’d been married. We laughed and told them that this was our first date and that we had met on a dating site. They shared that they had also met online…what an interesting coincidence! I was intrigued and asked them which site. They told me they had met on a “gaming” site where they played characters in the virtual game. Their characters had “virtually” married online in the game before they had ever met! They told us that after playing the game for more than a year, they decided to meet in person in the “real” world…and they fell in love and officially got married. It was a beautiful love story – he was 53 and she was 67 years young! Suddenly the fact that my date was someone who lived hundreds of miles away didn’t seem so strange at all. Surely, if they could virtually marry and then fall in love in real life, then perhaps a long distance romance had a chance.

We parted with sweet sorrow when Mr. Alabama checked out of his hotel for his long trip back home. Our time together was so wonderful and so precious. As I watched him drive away I experienced feelings of both gratitude and uncertainty as I remembered my original question, “Can it really work out when two people live so far apart?” Does one just enjoy a couple of lovely days with a sweet, charming, entertaining person or can it turn into something more regardless of living miles apart?

I decided to accept his request by inviting him to accompany me to the opening. He agreed, but confessed that he had only packed a pair of jeans, a shirt and a hat. I asked, “Why did you pack so lightly?” To which he replied, “I didn’t know how long I would be staying, or whether there would even be a connection.” I decided that since he was being such a good sport, I would do the right thing and ‘dress down’ for him. I looked in my closet for the perfect outfit, and settled on a gorgeous black silk jumpsuit. When I answered the door, there he was with a bouquet of sunflowers. I barely noticed his casual attire, since my only thought was, “How could he have possibly known how much I love sunflowers?”

We arrived at the gallery to a room full of women in gowns and cocktail dresses accompanied by men in suits and tuxedos. Mr. A didn’t seem to mind, and it turned out that I wasn’t the only one affected by his charm. He won the hearts of everyone there, including the band. He enjoyed the art, the people and especially me. We didn’t want the night to end…I felt like Cinderella and he felt like Prince Charming. I was lost in the moment, not concerned about the “pumpkin”…in this case the physical distance that would eventually separate us when we awoke from our fairy tale date.

sagas. We talked for a long time, with each of us sharing equally and no one making it all about themselves. He told me that he had friends who lived nearby, and asked if I would like to meet them. At this point, I felt safe and secure enough to accept his invitation. When we arrived at his friends’ home, I noticed a guitar sitting in the corner of the room. He casually picked it up and before I could say anything, he began serenading me with an impromptu song he conveniently named, “Francesca.” This man was full of pleasant surprises! He could barely sing all the words, since we were both laughing through his rendition of our day’s first encounter. Needless to say, it was hilarious. The evening ended sweetly with a request for a second date. As much as I wanted to see him again, I already had made plans for the next day. I had previously committed to attend the grand opening of a posh new art gallery in Palm Beach.

It’s a new day, with new beginnings and new adventures! Good luck and have fun. Until next time,

I guess I don’t have all the answers, and only time will tell. I do know this: life is short. I am glad that I didn’t let geography stop me from experiencing “Sweet Home Mr. Alabama.” As I watched him drive away, I thought, “So long, Mr. A…until we meet again”. is proud to support WOMEN’S CIRCLE a nonprofit charitable organization that empowers women to be “all they can be, while promoting an acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity.” Programs include job development, education and personal development. PLEASE JOIN US Thursday, October 27th • 5:00 pm -7:30 pm 3060 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton Preview trunk show by J. McLaughlin A portion of the proceeds will be donated to this cause.© 3060 N Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 395-8035 CALL 1.800.PATIO.COM OR VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE MONDAY-SATURDAY 10AM-6PM, SUNDAY 11AM-5PM Greenwich • Ridgefield • Stamford • Westport • Mount Kisco • Scarsdale Southampton • King of Prussia • Rockville • Tysons Corner • Boca Raton

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“Go at least once a year to a place you’ve never been before.”

travel FABULOUSLY50.COM 59

Dalai Lama

Avoidance and Actions

Your dream trip is on the horizon. You pause from your packing to pick up the morning paper. What is it this time - a bombing, hijacking, shooting, hostage taking, or kidnapping?

uncontrollablecontrolling the



hat sinking feeling strikes your stomach. What do you do now? How are you supposed to protect yourself? You decided, on a happier day that you will not be held captive by fear but there it is, rearing its ugly head from around the corner.

You are only human and that anxiety is a completely natural reaction. Take a breath. Give your voice of reason a chance to weigh in. Front page, dramatic, headline grabbing world events easily steal our attention. But try to put things into perspective. According to the U.S. State Department, the leading cause of tourist death and injury is motor vehicle

1.AVOIDANCEMaintainalowprofile with a calm demeanor . Calling attention to yourself or being overly demanding puts a dangerous focus on you. You have seen those people and you do not want to be one.


4. Carry your passport secure ly on your body. It should be in a money belt next to your skin, not floating around your pocket, purse, or hotel safe. It identifies you if you are unable to communicate for yourself in an emergency and documents your citizenship in the event you must make a hasty exit. Record your medical informa tion (conditions, allergies and medications) and emergency contacts in your passport. Bo nus tip - Wear a medical alert if you travel alone or have a serious medical condition.

2. Dress appropriately. Inappro priate or flashy clothing and jewelry set you apart as a for eigner and make you vulnera ble. You are a guest in the host country and it benefits you to dress respectfully. Dress and act to blend in. The added bo nus is that you will also score better bargains in the market when you appear more modest.

accidents? It seems we should worry more about driving and crossing streets, and less about bombs and hijackings. Terrorism deaths fall far down the list of greatest risks after motor vehicle accidents, homicide, drowning, suicide, plane crashes, and drug use.

3. Do not wear religious sym bols or American logos and flags. Most people-to-people interactions are friendly but there are those out there with serious issues about our gov ernment or your religion. Those repercussions can be very dan gerous for you and anyone with whom you are traveling.

That probably offers you little comfort. You are seeking ways to exercise control over a world that increasingly seems to be spinning out of control. I empathize. As the owner of a tour company, I carry a

5. Stay away from demonstra tions, political gatherings, or riots. You do not have a stake in the discussion. The mood of a group can change quickly as a mob mentality develops. Even a seemingly calm situation can quickly turn violent. The police or military could intervene at any time, putting you in great er danger.


responsibility for my guests. My highest priority is their health and safety. They have paid their hard earned money for the knowledge that I am there to serve them. When trouble strikes, they depend on me to be the one with the answers, who can think on her feet, and take charge. It is my voice that will speak for them when they may be unable to speak for

I have responded to a plethora of emergencies. They have included an appendectomy on an Antarctic cruise, an arm with multiple breaks in the Cloud Forest of Costa Rica, lost passports, and muggings. Those are common types of emergencies that travelers encounter, along with twisted ankles and pickpocketing. But one of my recent group tours really did have

Each spring I offer a multi-generational trip. It includes various combinations of grandmothers, mothers, aunts, and young girls ranging in age from 6-80. The sense of responsibility for the children weighs heavily on everyone.

Even the best laid plans do not guarantee that you will never encounter an emergency. But taking proper precautions and having a plan, allow you and your loved ones to rest in the knowledge that you have taken good care of yourself and are prepared to handle any eventuality. Put down the newspaper, resume your packing, and get out there putting these points to work for you.

1.ACTIONSEnrollintheU.S. State Depart ment Smart Traveler Enroll ment Program (STEP). This free service allows the U.S. govern ment to contact you with travel advisories, helps your family con tact you in case of an emergen cy, and assists the government in locating you in a natural disaster, civil unrest, or family emergency.

5. Be aware of the coverage your travel insurance provides. Car ry the phone number and policy information.

Marcia Lynn Miller

5315 SW Dover Lane Portland, Oregon 97225 {503} marciam@yougogirlstravel.com227.7220


What we learned that day was to transfer anxiety into positive actions instead of negative reactions. Proactive steps can protect you. What is needed is a two-pronged approach. The first is to consider the keys to avoiding problems. The second is having a plan in place to deal with situations that could arise. Emergencies come in all sizes and shapes. Yours could be an illness, accident, injury or crime. It could also be a natural disaster such as the tsunami in Sri Lanka, a hurricane in New Orleans, or an earthquake in San Francisco. It could an unlikely mall shooting, airport bombing, or hotel attack.

Our day called for exploring the canals of Amsterdam and visiting the Museum of Bags and Purses. But my cell phone lit up with messages inquiring about our safety. Upon checking, I found the airport in Brussels had suffered a bombing. That was only a 2-hour drive from us. Initial reports spoke of accomplices being pursued in Amsterdam with shots being fired. The international TV channel claimed that all of Europe was paralyzed with fear. Funny, we had to directly ask locals in order to elicit any reactions from them at all. Things were not at all like what was being reported. But it was definitely time for a grown-up sit-down meeting to assess the situation. Was there any real danger to us? Did we need to adjust our plans? How should we communicate with home? We wanted to stay calm with the children but we also had to be realistic. And most importantly, what steps could we take to remain safe and restore our sense of wellbeing?

a brush with terror that caused us all to re-examine our daily travel practices and to assess our safety protocols.

2. Money talks. Carry some cash. U.S. dollars and local currency speak a language that credit cards do not. I refer to it as Big Problem/Big Money; when a $100 bill speaks louder than five twenties. Cash is also the backup you need in the event of an interruption to the banking system due to a power outage or cyber-terrorism.

3. A local map will guide you if you need to evacuate or relocate. Your usual route could be blocked. That map in your pocket will insure that you are able to move with purpose.

4. Have a functional cell phone loaded with pertinent informa tion including your emergency contacts, contacts for the local U.S. Embassy, your air carrier, hotel, travel companions, and the local emergency number. It may not be 911. Duplicate your critical information on paper in the event your cell phone is missing or not operational. 561/395-6670800/248-8404 326E.PalmettoParkRoad BocaRaton,Florida TravelWellwith theReidAdvantage Over40YearsofExperienceinLuxuryTravel ExceptionalPersonalService GlobalConnections Trust *Restrictionsapply,ContactReidTravelforcomplete termsandconditions.Ships’Registry:Bahamas. ALLEXCLUSIVE EnjoyExceptionalValuesonthese 2017Sailings plusextrasavings: June6IVancouvertoWhittier $250shipboardcredit June26IWhittiertoVancouver $250shipboardcredit July3IRoundtripVancouver $250shipboardcredit July10IRoundtripVancouver exclusiveamenities July20IRoundtripVancouver $400shipboardcredit July29IRoundtripVancouver $400shipboardcredit Aug8IVancouvertoWhittier $250shipboardcredit ALASKA EnjoytheReidTravelAdvantageWhereverandWheneverYouJourney

• The Bellagio, with its stunningly beautiful plant conservatory

Much of the joy of staying in Las Vegas comes with experiencing the different themes of each hotel. The Venetian and its for the

parties. What I found was the side of Vegas that revels in indulgence, but leaves the craziness behind.

Where to Stay

There are hundreds of wonderful places to stay in Las Vegas, but only a few that have truly earned a 5-star rating.

Sophisticated Traveler? VegasLAS

• Palazzo with its waterfalls,

• Trump Tower with its gold and crystal

Enjoy the wonders and leave the craziness behind…

With this in mind, I took a recent trip to Las Vegas to see if the wonders of Vegas could be experienced in elegant, sophisticated style without the riotous


Most people think of Las Vegas as Sin City, party capital of the world. Wild pool parties fueled by loud music and excessive drinking…packed nightclubs pounding out a beat…out-of-towners living by the motto “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” This saying has come to mean that socially unacceptable behavior is not only okay, but expected.

top level service, comfort and style. While the Town Center hotels, Aria, Mandarin Oriental and Vdarra are also claiming the five star distinction, they are newer properties with mixed reviews. All of the favorites listed have lovely suites, but even an average room will be cleaner, quieter and will offer better amenities than many other hotels. Mandarin and Vdarra are non-smoking properties, which don’t have casinos or nightclubs, so they tend to be much more peaceful. My personal stay at Vdarra was enjoyable, and the 950 square foot suite with views overlooking the Bellagio fountains was stunning.

These have been favorites for years because they are beautiful and boast

A Playground

by Rachael Erickson

• Wynn Encore, with its bold elegance

Venetian Waterways

The Food Scene


Bellagio Fountains

access to special clubs or attractions, such as yoga with the dolphins.

Vegas has always been a place of gas tronomic indulgence. In years past it was the land of grand buffets and steakhous es, but things have changed quite a bit. The steakhouses remain, but the buffets are few and far between. Restaurants run by TV chefs and personalities are the cur rent trend. Gordon Ramsey, from Hell’s Kitchen and MasterChef, has a steakhouse and pub at Caesars Palace, along with a burger place at Planet Hollywood. His former cohost from MasterChef, Joe Bas tianich, has paired up with well-respected Mario Batali at the Palazzo and the Vene

more upscale twin resort, the Palazzo, do wonders with the theme of the Floating City. Grand canals flow through the Venetian, with gondola rides complete with singing gondoliers. The hotel ceilings are painted like beautiful skies with lighting and cloud movement that mimic the outdoors. These resorts have “quiet pools,” where surrounded by palm trees and misters, guests can lounge, read or relax poolside or in a rented cabana.

celebrities: Bobby Flay, Giada De Lauren tis, Guy Fieri, Scott Conant and Chris San tos. Word on the street is that most of the television star restaurants are not worth your time and money, with the exception

If you prefer something more than the 5-star experience, consider renting one of the extreme luxury villas such as the Mirage and Nobu Villa at Caesar’s Palace. They can include 10,000 square foot private villas with amenities such as private pools, terraces, butlers and VIP


There are more than enough shops in Vegas to satisfy even the most avid shopper. Visit the shop at Caesar’s and the Grand Canal Shops at the Venetian, for the boutiques of Balenciaga, Cartier, Jimmy Choo and Louis Vuitton. You will also find stores such as Banana Republic, Coach, Marc Jacobs and Michael Kors. Explore the Fashion Show across from Wynn, a fabulous megamall with 250 stores anchored by Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Forever 21 and Dillard’s. For al fresco shopping, try Bally’s and the Linq Promenade. For the bargain shopper there is also an outlet mall north of the strip.


There are dozens of great golf courses in and around Las Vegas. You can play right on the Las Vegas Strip at the Bali Hai Golf Club or at the grand Wynn Golf Club. Unfortunately, Bali Hai is right under the flight path, so good luck with those puts, You can also play like a high roller at two of Las Vegas’s best known courses -- Tom Faziodesigned Shadow Creek and Rees Jones’ Cascata, both considered among the best and most exclusive golf courses open-to-the public. At Angel Park you can play into the night on its lighted par-3 course. Other famous courses include the Paiute, Palm Valley and Badlands Golf Clubs, each with more than one course. At the Royal Links, you will find holes from 11 different British Open rotation courses, and at Bear’s Best, Jack Nicklaus’s best holes in one course. For a brief description of these courses and more go to

A Great Destination

Outdoor adventures await just outside Las Vegas. Red Rock is stunning and appropriately named for its stately rock formations, cliffs and buttes. Take a drive or tour to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Some tours include bus, hummer or helicopter guided tours.

behind New York New York, hosts both sports and music events. It seats 20,000 and expects to present more than a hundred events this year. The arena has 50 luxury suites and over 24 private loge boxes. The Toshiba Plaza in front features parties before, during and after events. Check the schedule at

Steakhouses abound in Sin City with amazing variety, from house aged filet mignon to Japanese Wagyu and more. It can be difficult to choose from the many available, so here are some suggestions. Michael Mina, the James Beard winning chef, has made quite a splash in the dessert with Strip Steak at Mandalay Bay. Guests can taste one of Gordon Ramsey’s famed Beef Wellingtons at Paris, Las Vegas. At the other end of the strip you will find Cut at the Palazzo, Wolfgang Puck’s entry in this category, and SW Steakhouse at the Wynn, serving real Kobe beef.

of Scott Conant’s Scarpetta at the Cosmopolitan. In addition, there are many well-known chefs who have restaurants here, in cluding Emeril Lagasse, Wolfgang Puck and Thomas Keller. These restaurants tend to have high standards and the food reflects it. These are chefs whose reputation relies on excellent food, rather than on television fame.

Tour Wayne Newton’s ranch, Casa de Shenandoah, a 52 acre estate including his mansion, exotic animals and luxury car collection. Or visit a museum: the Mob museum, the Liberace museum or Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.

For the best al fresco dining, try Mon Ami Gabi at Paris for views of the strip, or Jardin at the Wynn Encore. The Bellagio also has great outdoor dining overlooking its fabulous fountains.

The best Cirque de Soleil show is Mystere, it’s a must-see. Or

The Fremont Street Experience in downtown Las Vegas is an upand-coming hot spot for visitors and locals alike. It is wild and crazy, and offers a four block party covered by a huge digital screen. There are street shows, light shows and zip lines, as well as free live entertainment every night on three stages.


Sports fans should take a trip to Emeril Lagasse’s Stadium at the Palazzo. Enthusiasts can bet on sports events from comfortable stadium seating, with food and beverages available to order. Extreme fans can rent a private room with television, pool table, arcade games and private restroom.

Brand new as of last year is the High Roller, a gigantic observation wheel mid-strip at the Linq. At 520 feet, it is larger than both London’s and Singapore’s wheels. This wheel has 28 glassed-in cabins holding up to 40 people. Riders experience a 360 degree view of the entire strip while enjoying bar service. Book in advance of your trip to reserve a 30 minute ride at,located

This is by no means an all-encompassing list of great things to do. Las Vegas is ever changing and evolving, and becoming an even more wonderful destination for the Fabulously 50+ visitor.


Don’t miss a trip to the fountains of the Bellagio, where the more than 1,000 plumes of water soar over 450 feet in a truly mesmerizing display choreographed to music and lights. The show is free and runs every 30 minutes during the week, with shows on Sunday every fifteen minutes. After the show, wander into the lobby to see their impressive Conservatory and Botanical Garden, which displays a delightful mix of fresh flowers and Italian glass lighting designed around a “theme of the month.”

give Zumanity a try, or La Reve at the Wynn. Love, the Beatles show is more for the music and has fewer acrobatics.

Your vacation days are set.  We’ve planned your flights, your hotel, your transportation, your sightseeing, and some of your meals.  So what is left?  Shopping, of course!  Where are the best places to find unique gifts, designer clothes, or tchotchkes for your friends and coworkers?  Talk to your travel agent!  Besides being awesome resources for the best places to stay and the best experiences for you, we are also a wealth of knowledge about the destinations you’ll be visiting!

shopping around the world


A must for elite shopping in London?  Harrods’s of course. This is an icon and a must do at least once in your life, but it can be pretty crowded and it is only one building.  Just a quick tip.  If you are going to stay here, check out the Athenaeum Hotel.  The location is perfect for walking to Harrods, but also to Buckingham Palace and the London Eye!  If you want something a little different, check out the Covent Garden district.  Here you can find the crème de la crème of shopping and dining.  You’ll find everything from trendy to designer to kitschy!  This is more of a leisurely afternoon.  Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver tempts the public with delectable flatbreads out of a wood-fired oven.  Finish off your meal with a divine dessert at Morelli’s Gelato.  Need to digest?  Stop for a coffee at Café Nero.  Our agent, Lori Kenner, spent a few wonderful hours here on her last trip to London.  She’ll be an excellent resource to help you plan your next vacation to the United Kingdom!  Not only is there shopping to fit every

need, but there are hotels as well.  **Tip** before you go to Covent Garden, make sure you download “The Pass” app to your phone with the latest deal and offers for their restaurants and shops!  Some of our client favorites are the Savoy for an iconic luxury stay, Me London for trendy, and Radisson Blu for something more moderate.Looking

Every destination in the world has something it is famous for. Each has its own personality and charm. For quick and easy access to all of the wonderful resources to make your travel dreams come true, don’t forget to call your local travel agent!

Ronit “Roe” Naccache is our resident Israel expert.  One of her most unique shopping tips?  On Tuesday and Friday you can find blocks and blocks of original, handcrafted items at Nachalat Binyamin Market.  What makes this market so special?  Each artist has to be approved by a committee for themselves as well as for what they will be selling.  All items

And Paris! When thinking of shopping, who could ever forget Paris? But not the Paris you are thinking of! Linda Carr, our resident Paris expert, loves to recommend her clients to visit the 14th district. This is a quiet, non-touristy area that features designer “off-season” affordable clothing shopping. On Rue d’Alesia, make sure you stop in to the Sonia Rykiel Outlet for last season’s haute couture styles. If you see the word “STOCK” that is equivalent to our word “discount”. Although it’s not right nearby Rue d’Alesia, Linda loves to have people stay at the Hotel Dauphine. This is either a short cab ride or a leisurely 30 minute walk from this hidden shopping gem. One last tip, if you are staying at the Hotel Dauphine, make sure you stop in to The Main Plate for incredible Italian food!

Traveling to Hong Kong?  You can’t miss a stop at Sam’s Tailor, the famous home of the 24-hour suit.  A stop in their store or a visit to their website is a treasure trove of images with the tailor and his famous clientele.  You don’t have to be famous to be among the elite in one of his amazing creations.  Make sure you keep “The Green Shirt” bag and send them pictures of it around the world.  These bags have been everywhere!  For a dreamy hotel experience, we love the Kowloon ShangriLa or the Intercontinental Hong Kong.

for a fantastic hat?  Look no further than Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany.  Hutkoning (literally Hat King) is the premier hatter in Europe.  Hutkoning has been creating masterful works of art for over 100 years for every occasion.  They even created the hats for the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland (2010 version).  Regensburg is a charming place where you can board your river cruise.  Consider a river cruise on AMAWaterways from Regensburg to the beautiful Budapest.  You can’t beat the view from your room!


Stacey has been fulfilling lifelong dreams as a travel agent for 10 years. Throughout these years she has traveled extensively throughout Europe, North America and the Caribbean. Stacey is an American Express Travel Insider specializing in Walt Disney World Resorts. Along with Stacey, there are 40 other travel agents at Boca Express Travel looking forward to making your travel dreams a reality!

Did you know that if you are in New York, there is a company called Elegant Tightwad ( which specializes in shopping and foodie tours?  Two of the agents in my office, Claudia and Mary Jane, brought a group of South Florida women there and they had a blast!  Amazing deals, great shopping and tons of fun!  New York has so many amazing shopping areas.  If you are looking for more of a high end experience, make sure you stay near Madison Avenue.  We love the Loews Regency and the St Regis. The Soho area has something for everyone, from Bloomingdales to small boutiques.  Stay at the St. James New York or Soho Grand for a great experience.

must be handmade and original.  Most importantly each artist must be present to sell their own items, so you can actually chat with the artist!  While you are there you can also check out the Carmel Market, Tel Aviv’s largest fresh produce market.  The Carmel Market is a fantastic place to have lunch.  Try out Savtot Mevshlot “Here, at Grandma’s Cooking, one bite of the Middle Eastern dishes and you’ll be transported back to a time, both by taste and the methods of preparation –[more than 50 years old].”  A couple of lovely hotels within walking distance to the markets are the Intercontinental Tel Aviv and Dan Panorama Tel Aviv.

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Marquis de Sade fitness & health


“Your body is the church where nature asks to be reverenced.”

If your teeth have suffered any type of damage, or if you’re simply not happy with them, the solution may be closer — and quicker — than you think. | 561.655.2347

From dental implants and reconstruction, to oral cosmetics and facial aesthetics, we’re ready to help you find the smile you’ve always wanted. And in some cases, we can help clients get the results in as little as one visit.

For more information, contact us today for a free consultation.

At Palm Beach Dental Specialists, we focus on dramatically improving the way your teeth feel, look and function.

The journey to a perfect smile begins here.

For over 35 years, families throughout South Florida and beyond have turned to Dr. Clive Boner and Dr. Eli Friedman to help them with their most complex dental needs.


The path to a brighter smile begins here 254 SUNSET AVENUE, PALM BEACH

Palm Beach Dental Specialists

“A lot of people grew up in an era when we anticipated complex dental procedures to take weeks or months,” says Dr. Eli Friedman “But today, technology has advanced to a point where we can achieve significant results for some cases in as little as one visit.”

“Of course, this approach may not be the best solution for everyone,” adds Dr. Friedman. “But it’s a great illustration of how far we’ve come, and how clients with more pronounced conditions can achieve substantial improvement in very little time.”

Palm Beach Dental Specialists also offers ancillary cosmetic facial services. These include dermal fillers that provide an attractive and affordable alternative to facial cosmetic surgery.


Patients who wish to know more about whether the services offered by Palm Beach Dental Specialists are right for them can contact the practice directly via phone or email.

For some, moving toward that perfect smile may be as simple as whitening or braces. But what about people facing more complex dental issues?

Advances in implant technology and minimally invasive surgery mean that failing or missing teeth can be replaced in a single visit. Recent advances allow patients to skip the inconvenient “middle step” of temporary dentures, and start enjoying brighter, healthier smiles in a matter of hours.

“In most cases, we work with the patient’s existing dentist,” says Dr. Boner. “We offer a level of expertise in very specific areas that goes beyond what many dentists do in their day to day practice. Widely recognized as true prosthodontic specialists, many of our patients travel from outside the immediate area, and even out of state.”

“The core of our practice is helping patients restore proper form and function to their teeth, while helping them achieve a more aesthetically pleasing look,” says Dr. Boner. “We fully realize that, for many people, feeling better means looking better. If you are experiencing jaw pain or headaches, the use of Botox to relax facial muscles may help alleviate the pain.”

“That’s where advanced services like ours come in,” says Dr. Clive Boner of Palm Beach Dental Specialists. “As specialists in Prosthodontics, our focus is on patients who need implants, total mouth reconstruction, restoration, and cosmetic procedures.”

Few things in life are as important as health, happiness and self-esteem. A healthy, attractive smile not only radiates well-being, but also boosts confidence.

“For over 35 years we’ve been working with patients to bring a noticeable improvement to their lives,” says Dr. Boner. “And it still gives us joy to see people’s reaction when they realize their dream smile is about to come true.”

‘Trusted Prosthodontic Experience’ 254 Sunset Avenue, Palm Beach, FL


Feeling Better is Looking Better

“With recent advances in dental technology, patients can see dramatic, lasting results in as little as one visit.”

These conditions may involve broken or damaged teeth, pronounced gaps, prolonged neglect, or simply improper formation. Solutions range from porcelain veneers, to crowns and bridges, to inlays and onlays, and permanent dental implants, often a combination of several treatments.

The Better Smile — In Just One Day?


You can see each woman’s inspirational story on


Seventeen Women: One Incredible Journey by Heather Montgomery

Kilimanjaro climbing

one of us is turning 50 on the mountain! You can see each woman’s inspirational story on

If you were asked to climb 19,341 ft. to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, what would you say? It's a question I originally dismissed outright when I learned that on September 17th women from across the country, and from all walks of life, would be heading to Africa to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. No, they are not mountaineers, or fitness gurus; they are every bit like you and me. What do they have in common… the desire to make a change in their lives. Little did I know when I agreed to write this story that I was about to become one of the women on the mountain. Each of us was inspired by the mission to celebrate and empower women everywhere and the goal of supporting each other along the way. I almost forgot to mention that

Soon to be 50, Amilya Antonetti joined forces with No Barriers Guide and mountaineer Jeff Evans and former “New York Housewife” TV actress Heather Thomson. No Barriers is a non-profit organization that facilitates life-changing transformations at high elevations. Expedition leader Jeff Evans is no stranger to danger and learned early in his career that barriers are broken, lives are changed, and new understandings are unveiled to us when one is surmounting the obstacles, braving the elements and depending on our “ropes team” for survival and success on a mountain.


In our interviews with Heather Thomson, Amilya Antonetti and Jeff Evans, we asked each of them to share with us their passion and motivation for the movement and expedition. Their love and excitement resonated as each one shared his or her unique wisdom, hopes and dreams as they related to the empowerment and transformation that occurred when obstacles and challenges are met head on and overcome together.

Amilya: The whole journey is so raw and growth enhancing. I am getting an interesting look at my reflection of who I am and what really makes me. My life has never been smooth or easy. I have accomplished many things but as high as I go, it is the same depth going down. The magic happened when I learned to see both ends of the spectrum as a gift. I have learned to move through life with a WE mentality. The more I embraced and celebrated the women and sisters in my life, the deeper and more fulfilled my life grew. It is why the climb is so important because I want to put a spotlight on that magic and invite women to join us. We all have challenges and fears, but when we are authentic and vulnerable with the women around us, we meet one another on common ground and open the door to healthy adult female relationships. What I know for sure, is when you have strong women on your team supporting you, cheering you on…it changes you.

Fab 50: Why did you decide to do this climb?

Fab50: What have you learned in your first 50 years as a woman in business that you would like to share with other women?

HT: In order to be happy, you first have to be happy with yourself. Wellbeing happens when you let go of guilt & shame and release fear and judgment. We have to dig in to breakdown inner barriers. We have to put ourselves first so that we can be the best wives, friends, mothers, daughters and role models. We must be the change we want to see in the world. In September these women will face their mountain TOGETHER and break through their barriers. We will lead a movement for women, around the world, with one simple message: together we are stronger than we could ever be apart, and we are stronger than whatever is in our way.

My personal goal is to have better muscle tone in my 50s than I did in my 30s and to use that newfound tone and strength to reach the summit. In our attempts to shed a few pounds, many of us inadvertently sacrifice one of the most valuable weapons for weight loss and well-being, our muscles. Being involved with the entertainment industry, I know first hand

HT: We have chosen to climb a mountain because it’s the perfect metaphor for the challenges that women face in society. Our culture is full of unrealistic standards for how women should look and behave. Women deserve realistic standards, encouragement and social support to put us first and move self-care to the top of that daily list. I saw this as a perfect way to bring tens of thousands of women with us on this journey into self-discovery and empowerment.


Fab 50: What is your motivation for coleading this expedition?

A 50th birthday is something of a rite of passage, an honor, and a privilege. It is a chance to enhance one’s life journey by taking the very best lessons and experiences from the first 50 years and design the next 50. Amilya’s journey as an entrepreneur, author and TV expert has always been built upon supporting others to be the best they were born to be. Having started her entrepreneurial journey at 17, she went onto employ over 49,000 people and knows all too well the pressure involved to balance work and family. We asked Amilya why she decided to do the climb and what lessons she learned in her first 50 years that will shape her next 50.

Heather ThomsonDesigner & Former RHONY

Amilya: I am turning 50 and I wanted to do something totally different from anything I had ever done before. If I had told my friends I was starting a new company or hosting a new show, they would say, of course. But telling them I plan to climb Kilimanjaro to help lead a movement for women to break through the barriers that get in our way, is something to get excited about.

the damage short term restriction of food and weight loss can have when not done with muscle health in mind. Too often I felt the pressure to make quick short-term decisions for fast results that ended up having negative long-term effects on my health. The pressure of being a woman in today’s world is insurmountable alone. By having a community, the right tools, and a commitment to make one change at a time we can turn a painful failure into a lifetime achievement.

Amilya Antonetti - The Next Great Success

Team Leader, former Real Housewives of New York’s Heather Thomson has had her share of triumphs and challenges. She has been very open publically about her son Jaxes health struggles and her emotional struggles as a mother. She is real, she is fantastic, and she is now leading a team of women up the mountain to be the change she wants to see in the world.

Fab 50: You mentioned that you are not 50 yet but that you are on deck! What in your first 46 years have you learned about transformation?

A 50th birthday is something of a rite of passage, an honor, and a privilege. It is a chance to enhance one’s life journey by taking the very best lessons and experiences from the first 50 years and design the next 50.

Jeff Evans - Mountaineer

5. Listen To Your Body. Don’t push yourself past your phys ical limits


Jeff: I wanted to create a group dynamic that would be an empowering experience. This is my 17th time leading a Mount Kilimanjaro climb, and I wanted this one to be unique and special. I always like doing climbs where I can help elevate people to have transformational experiences. It brings me great personal joy, and it is exactly what I wanted to be a part of!

your life could you use some support and encouragement? If you knew you had the support, what change would you make to improve your life? Take the #empowerpledge and join us online at for friendship, encouragement and support. Just like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, take the first step, keep putting one foot in front of the other, connect to your team, and you will be on your way to overcoming and living an emotionally full and happy life.

Fab50: Why did you organize this climb and agree to be its expedition leader?

4. Be properly prepared. There is physical gear (tools) Physi cal conditioning (training) and emotional understanding (com mitment) To go without any of these three things is to give yourself a much tougher jour ney on the mountain and in life.


Jeff: As a doctor and a 30-year mountaineer, I have done many search and rescue missions on mountains that have a higher number of danger

2. Communicate. Communica tion is of utmost importance. You need to be transparent and let your team know what you are thinking and feeling.

Jeff: Mountaineering requires us to knuckle down. It reminds us that we need to have a support system and be comforted by our team, and not just any team but the right team. It truly is a unifying event that reminds us that it is bigger than we are. In the end we need each other and it’s a good thing to feel connected.Wherein

~Jeff Evans

Fab50: What makes you unique as a team leader besides the fact that you are the only man?

Speaking with Jeff was about as easy as Sunday morning. He spoke kindly from the heart and when he spoke about Kilimanjaro there was a special sweetness to his words. He said, “Africa is a very special place. It is the oldest place on earth. I always feel like I’m going home to where it all began, like I am coming full circle.”

1. Listen to Your Guide. Experts have experience. Listen to the hard won knowledge that has agreed to guide your journey.

Fab50: How does climbing a mountain mirror the challenges we all face in dayto-day life?

3. This is a journey not a des tination. Breath in the place where you are… It is not just about the summit. En joy and embrace every step.

factors than Everest! My experience as a high altitude specialist and my years of experience climbing mountains gives our team a high degree of expertise. In October the Travel Channel will be airing a show called “Everest Rescue” that shows what I do.


There are many factors that contribute to cancer some modifiable and some non-modifiable risk factors

Cancer Prevention by Dr. Robert Hariri

October is “Breast Cancer Awareness” Month. But, some prefer to utilize it as “Cancer Prevention Month”. In 1991, Charlotte Haley who originally started the “Peach” ribbon, now the epic “Pink”, never intended for the ribbon to be used the way it is used today. When she was 66 years old, Charlotte began hand-making peach breast cancer ribbons in her dining room. To each packet of five ribbons,



We have all heard the word that none of us wants to hear about a friend or loved one. The word we are especially afraid to hear when we are visiting the doctor ourselves. It is one of those words that when you hear it, your mortality suddenly becomes so real. That word is Cancer.

she attached a postcard that read: “The National Cancer Institute’s annual budget is $1.8 billion, only 5 percent goes for cancer prevention. Help us wake up legislators and America by wearing this ribbon.” Charlotte’s ribbons were a call to action: a demand for prevention of this disease and greater accountability.

There are over 100 different types of cancer and each one has unique triggers, presentations and treatment options. Almost all of them have one thing in common. It is the failure of our immune system to do the job it was meant to do... kill


Our hope and goal in writing this article is that you will learn about potential cancer prevention and what gives us a stronger defense against the disease. There are many factors that contribute to cancer, some modifiable and some non-modifiable risk factors. We all have cancer cells all the time. When our immune system is healthy it does its job and keeps cancer at bay.

before we run to the gym to support our health. In this article, we want to throw vanity aside for the moment and talk about a subject that unfortunately touches us all at some point - our physical deterioration in muscle, immune function and health.



number of younger people diagnosed with cancer. In Fab50’s Summer issue, we featured an article called “Stronger at Any Age.” We discussed the 5 factors that contribute to muscle related decline, how to tackle those factors and about the health importance of muscle. Many of us are motivated to look better in the mirror

cancer was statistically a disease of the elderly. In fact 50% of cancer patients were over the age of 70 when they were diagnosed. There are rare cancers however, that do affect children and young adults. Some studies even suggest that as the obesity rates in this country rise, coincidentally, so does the

Dr. Hariri received his undergraduate training at Columbia College and Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and was awarded his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University Medical College.  “MYOS is on the forefront of helping men and women battle muscle loss,” Dr. Hariri said. “We look forward to many more distribution partnerships and research studies to expand on the benefits of fortetropin and the ways it increases muscle tone, strength and our health and even extends human longevity.”

• Cut out sugar and substances that turn into sugar in the body (Gluten)

• Eliminate toxic chemicals, GMO’s and excitotoxins

• Non-smoker

“What makes this even more impressive is that the participants were able to experience these powerful benefits when training just two times per week for 12 weeks! Used daily, Rē Muscle Health™ products, combined with an exercise regimen, may improve your muscle health. We saw an increase of up to 8 lbs. in lean muscle mass, 4 times greater muscle thickness and a decrease in inflammatory markers.”

Sarcopenia - What You Need To Know

• Manage stress levels

Sarcopenia is characterized by the reduction in muscle mass and may contribute to the gradual deterioration of the immune system brought on by natural age advancement. Muscle is thought to provide an important reservoir of heat shock proteins and glutamine as well as to represent a site for the action of insulin. Heat Shock Proteins are the cellular link, which activate T cells to multiply (proliferate). T cells or T Lymphocytes are a type of lymphocyte (a subtype of white blood cell that plays a central role in cellmediated immunity. Exercise can activate Heat Shock Proteins and may provide the ‘danger signal’ for T cell reactivation after a period of inactivity. In addition, muscle glutamine appears to be important for inter-organ transport of nitrogen and carbon as well being a precursor for antioxidant activity The evidence suggests that dose specific exercise could improve immune function through improving muscle mass. To further support that point studies have shown that older people with preserved muscle mass have the highest number of natural killer cells. Taken together the evidence suggests that the preservation of muscle mass and/or reversal of sarcopenia through the building of lean muscle could improve the protein reservoir for a person to draw upon when they are exposed to infection, inflammation and/ or severe trauma. There is also compelling research which showed that higher levels of muscular strength were associated with lower cancer mortality risk in men. Mortality rates were lower for men with moderate/high muscular strength compared with individuals with low strength. Maintaining a healthy weight should continue to be a cornerstone in the prevention of chronic diseases and premature death.

• Maintain a healthy weight lean muscle mass

Dr. Robert Hariri has been a leader in the fight against Sarcopenia and his company Myos-Rens is dedicated to developing innovative products that improve muscle mass, increase mobility and reduce frailty. MYOS RENS is a biotherapeutics and bionutrition company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of products that improve human muscle health and performance.

“As we age it does become much harder to maintain and rebuild lean muscle. I have been on the cutting edge of muscle research for the last 8 years and what we have discovered is incredible. Fortetropin is the perfect protein source taken from fertilized egg yolk and the first natural substance proven to inhibit myostatin and increase lean muscle mass.” So much so that it was ban from bodybuilding competitions due to it’s effectiveness.

In a double-blind, placebo controlled clinical study at the University of Tampa Human Performance Laboratory, Fortetropin®, the key ingredient in Rē Muscle Health™, was shown to significantly increase both muscle thickness and lean body mass in the study’s participants taking Fortetropin® compared to placebo.

There are many other things that you can modify to reduce your risk factors, support immunity and focus on prevention: Here are 5 more critical factors to a cancer prevention plan.


For more information, visit and watch for more articles about how muscle is key in preventive medicine, rehabilitation and strong healthy longevity.

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Let’s Talk About Sex…

and the new technology to help you improve function


Like men, women garner much of their sense of security from the notion that their partner is sexually attracted to them, excited and pleased by them. If their partner can’t perform, they wonder if they are unattractive or undesirable. Many men become depressed by an inability to perform and withdraw from the love relationship due to feelings of failure. This fuels a woman’s insecurity even more, and becomes a vicious cycle.

Ground Breaking New Therapies

Motivated consumers are looking for help and are seeking to restore their sexual function and desire. Thankfully, there are safe and effective solutions available. Many progressive physicians are integrating these treatments into theirSexualpractices.intimacy

I try to restore function from the “ground up.” A technology called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) rejuvenates and restores the health of the tissue. When I place it in the sexual organ, we see improved blood flow, increased sensitivity, improved lubrication, resolution of pain and more intense orgasms for both men and women.PRPis a regenerative therapy that takes what your body has for healing and regenerative potential and focuses it to address

Regenerating Sexual Potential with Dr. Lisbeth Roy, D.O.

If you or your partner suffers from sexual challenges or changes, you are not alone. You should not be ashamed or embarrassed.  Sadly, a great deal of sexual dysfunction goes unreported and untreated.  In fact, fifty percent of the population has sought professional care for sexual changes and challenges. Many more men and women are affected but have not turned to their doctors due to embarrassment or resignation.  And some people who do consult their physicians are told that limited help is available. Women are mistakenly assumed to have very few options.

Sexual health and function have many moving parts, and at my practice we pull out all the stops to address any and all contributing factors to sexual dysfunction.

PRP Is a First-line Regenerative Therapy


is a physical, spiritual, and emotional activity, essential for our sense of self, our sense of well being, and our sense of connectedness.

Sexual Wellness Impacts Our General Wellness

We start with fully identifying the areas of health that need to be addressed, repaired and supported. We take a customized approach to restore sexual desire and function since each person is different and has different combinations of imbalance causing the problem. The problems can be hormonal, physical, emotional or a combination of all three.

It is important to seek care to address issues of sexual disconnectedness. When you feel loved, supported and desired, there is confidence. We feel valued and tend to take control over our lives and health. A healthy and satisfying sexual relationship improves self-esteem and affects our hormones, especially the “feel good” hormones like endorphins and oxytocin released during intimate activity. The morning after a wonderful sexual exchange can bring produce a spring in your step and positive thoughts about your partner during the day. Sex changes the quality of life, level of happiness and general wellness.

Sex is vitally important and has a profound impact and influence on the quality of our lives. If you are not having the rich and robust sex life you desire, then let the following information bring you hope and direction.  In my new book Regenerating Sexual Potential ; I discuss many exciting treatments few doctors and patients know about. I also debunk the depressing myth that we have to say goodbye to sex as we age.

A man’s sense of self-worth is directly related to his ability to perform. When a man suffers with sexual dysfunction, he is often most upset about not being able to please his partner. The sexual act is not only a self-gratifying activity, but also one where we express love, allow vulnerability and show our commitment to each other.

Sexual changes seriously affect our relationships, our emotional security, our happiness and our own self worth. The quality of our lives is directly associated with the level of intimacy achieved with our partners as well as our own sexual performance. After all, sexual intimacy is what separates our relationship with a partner from all our other relationships.

Both men and women take the lack of sexual “success” personally, often leading to feelings of inadequacy. We have a strong need to feel desire and sexual reassurance. There is often a sense of disconnectedness when the quality of our sexual relationship changes. This can be a change in desire, ability to perform, or a lack of satisfaction due to difficulty achieving orgasm, or even fear and worry about performance. Sometimes the fear and worry about performing can lead to avoidance that can quickly spiral into withdrawal.

I typically use several tools and technologies in combination to individualize the treatment. The results are best when an understanding of the underlying imbalance and cellular function is known. A combination of patient history and symptoms, along with hormone, cholesterol, inflammatory, metabolic markers and key nutrient levels, are drawn and evaluated to best understand the problem and to aid in designing a treatment strategy. There is rarely a “one size fits all” treatment.

A few of the other interventions used

For women, PRP applied to the vaginal and clitoral areas improves lubrication, sexual sensitivity, and ease of arousal and intensity of orgasm. The rejuvenation that results from PRP thickens the vaginal lining and makes the tissue healthier. Pain associated with vaginal dryness goes away. Even pain in younger women not associated with dryness or hormone changes resolves.

Restoring balance and desire as well as improving energy, sleep, metabolism and emotional balance. All are necessary for optimal sexual and general wellness.

Oxytocin Spray or Troche

sexual wellness. The PRP treatment starts with a simple blood draw, with the blood processed using specialized equipment and devices to concentrate the healing elements. These elements are platelets, growth factors, monocytes (anti-inflammatory white blood cells), and biological proteins.

PRP has been very successful at eliminating the pain some men have with ejaculation. Sexual pain for men is often not talked about. Other than PRP, there is very little that can help this pain. PRP has been a “miracle” for these men.


For Women - O SHOT

Most of us over the age of 50 experience sexual changes. Your sexual heath is important. There are options available that you and your doctor may not know about. Take the opportunity to research these possibilities to improve your sex life. You will certainly benefit from a “new and improved” lease on life and the pleasures resulting from sexual success.

These medications work very well for some men and not well enough for others. Sometimes they work for a while and then stop for unknown reasons. The good news is that PRP can restore the ability to use these medications successfully, because PRP actually turns back the clock and regenerates the ability of the cells to respond to the medications once again.

Once the PRP is injected, growth factors then go to work to repair and signal stem cells to the area to regenerate. You have probably heard of athletes using PRP to prevent injury and even to heal injuries, because when used the tissue is strengthened and even “anti-aged.”

Starting the treatment strategy with PRP improves the chance of all other medical interventions. When we start by regenerating healthy tissue, we are improving the potential for optimal function and are providing an opportunity for other treatments to work better and longer.

is a pretty dynamic process that we take for granted when it’s working well.

Quality of Erection, Staying Power and Intensity of Orgasm - Priapus Shot

Pain with Ejaculation

Better Sex and Better Health

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Cost:NutritionTips Free

Lose It

Cost:iTreadmill $1.99

Too busy to hit the gym? Turn on this app, put it in your pocket and go about your day as it accurately tracks your steps, distance and average speed. While most pedome ters aren't equipped to work in pockets and purses—you normally have to carry them or holster them in nerdy belt straps—this one is. You can even set the Pacer Dial, which ticks off beats to keep you marching up to speed. The counter automatically pauses when you stop and restarts when you move again.

Cost: $9.99


Perfect for frequent travelers, this app recommends healthy food options based on your location, which is tracked by GPS. It targets popular casual dining restaurants, fast-food restaurants, grocery stores and convenience stores nearby. Tap one of the suggestions and a lengthy list of healthy menu items appears, complete with calorie, fat and carb totals. Once you decide on a place, simply let the built-in map guide you to gastro-satisfaction.



The appropriately named C25K (Couch to 5k) app is per fect for those who are new to the jogging world. A nineweek regimen—at three days a week—guides you through 30-40-minute sessions, each designed to improve your endurance. The first week calls for 60 seconds of running followed by 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes plus a five-minute warm up and cool down. The second week increases to 90 seconds of running and two minutes of walking. Intensity continues to increase each week and an audio prompter tells you when it's time to run or walk so you can focus on more important things.

RunKeeper Pro

Cost: Free

Did you know that cut melon must be thrown out after two hours? Or that the leanest beef cuts include round steaks and roasts? Or that oysters contain protein, cal cium, phosphorus and iron? This colorful app has fun factoids like these and more than 500 others to help you have a safe and healthy diet. Each tip is written on a sleek Post-it look-alike. Swipe the page or shake your device for a new tidbit.

Consolidate your workout journal and food diary into one (or start keeping them) with this handy tracker. Inputting data can get tedious but the food library is extensive and includes name-brands plus generic categories like fruit, coffee and chicken (broiled, oven roasted, etc.). Each food type includes accurate calorie, carb, fiber, fat, sodium and protein values, which you can track on a separate page. Add in your daily exercises—including the intensity and hours spent—and it calculates how many calories you ate, how many you burned and how much more you can eat that day. For added motivation, a graph based on your data shows how much weight you've lost.

Frequently compared to Nike+, this app, which is only compatible with the 3G or 3GS iPhones, finally offers a tracking system to runners, cyclists, hikers and skiers alike (Nike+ is only for runners). The app uses GPS technology to track your route and speed, and automatically uploads your data to the RunKeeper website ( after your workout. You can log in to view a history of all your activities, see the exact paths you've traveled (including el evation!) and share your progress with a built-in option to post to Facebook or Twitter. A free version is also available but only the Pro shouts updates at five-minute intervals through your headphones.


Doug's Fabulous Fitness

GymGoal ABC apps

Cost: Free

The price may seem steep but this is the mother of all fitness apps. It's got over 200 workouts, which can be picked automatically by the app's technology to create the best session for you. It's also loaded with over 2,0000 images and videos, five fitness timers, complete tracking capabilities, an arsenal of calculators and the ability to ask their exercise physiologist a personal question. The app can be upgraded for $4.99 a month, more than doubling the amount of the workouts, videos and accessory applica tions. The only thing this bundle of technology doesn't do is perform liposuction.


A happy medium between the two above, this is one of the most popular paid apps and offers more than 230 exercises sorted by body regions or muscle group plus 100 instruc tional videos. Like GymGoal, you can add and edit custom exercises of your own. Also on hand: 12 routines created by fitness experts, workout and weight logs, graphing tech nology, the ability to e-mail said workout logs to yourself, stop-watch timers and more. It's got a few less bells and whistles than FitnessBuilder but you can spend the saved $8 on protein shakes.


D oug Caporrino is on a mission. Driven by a passion to help people achieve increased longevity and vitality through a healthy lifestyle, he’s dedicated to providing the most up-to-date information on health, fitness and nutrition. He has a tested and proven track record, and has harnessed his considerable knowledge and experience to help create some of the fittest, healthiest and most attractive celebrity as well as non-celebrity bodies


His blood test has been a game changer in the world of health. It’s the only blood test available that can determine the exact food your body was meant to eat.

Learn the ABCs of weight lifting with your new gym buddy. Like its for-cost brother ($4.99), this app has 280 exercises with animations and written instructions, 52 workout rou tines (adjustable for four levels of expertise) and the ability for you to add your own images. While you can't log your daily workout routine, there are calculators for computing target heart rate, BMI, BMR and body fat percentage. Got flabby arms? Choose the body map menu, select the biceps option and you'll be presented with more than 50 arm-ton ing moves.

$9.99 Cost:iFitness $1.99

consulted, advised and reported on a mass scale. In the television arena, Doug has been the fitness consultant on The Joan Rivers Show and America’s Talking and advisor on the Regis & Kelly Show, the TV spokesperson for the Ab Shaper and the host of a fitness video with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

Doug has also made his mark as a highly sought-after international speaker. His Results thru Research monthly audio series is heard on every continent in the world.

• Vitamin D2 is synthesized by some plants (mainly mushrooms and yeast) and is present in very small quantities in a few foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks or milk products


Vitamin D collectively promotes the absorption of calcium in the gut, helps to maintain bone strength and prevents against osteoporosis as we age. It also regulates aging in many tissues of the body and its

By now you’ve most likely heard that Vitamin D is really important – but you may not be aware of how much it impacts us as we age. Clinical studies have firmly established the relevance of vitamin D and its correlation with good health, prevention and overall wellness.


To understand the unique benefits of vitamin D it helps to understand what it actually is. Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins that are often considered as pro-hormones that play many essential roles in the body.

why it really is key to your overall health!vitamin

The two main forms of Vitamin D are:

Written by Nutritionist Derek Johnson & Dominique Fradin-Read, MD, MPH

• Vitamin D3 is synthesized by the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) from sunlight

receptors have shown to play an essential role to maintain healthy skin and hair. Many genes that regulate cell growth are under the control of vitamin D so it is key to maintain a good level of blood Vitamin D for optimal functionality of the immune system, nerves and muscles.

MD, MPH is the Medical Director at VitaLife MD.

Vitamin D: No longer the “sunshine vitamin”

• While low vitamin D levels may increase the risk of cognitive decline, the combination of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency have been associated with all-cause dementia, Alzheimer disease and stroke

About the DominiqueAuthors:Fradin-Read,

• Increased risk of skin aging and hair loss

Derek Johnson, B.S. Dietetics, BCIH, CN, Functional Nutritionist is the Nutrition Director at New Metabolism and Executive Nutrition Director at The Biggest Loser® Resort,


The optimal intake of Vitamin D varies by person.

scenario might still be true in the mountains of Sicily or on the Greek Islands, it is no longer the case for those in densly populated cities. Many studies have shown that pollution and

There are many reasons why some people would need higher dosages of vitamin D than others. From skin pigment, to gastrointestinal conditions, to those with cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, skin and hair conditions – it all depends individually. So, if you’re hoping to reach or maintain optimal health as you age, make vitamin D a priority. Vitamin D supplementation is simple, safe and inexpensive. While there is no one-size-fits-all recommended dosage, we encourage you to discuss it with your physician and nutritionist.

In addition, UV radiation is a carcinogen and increases the risk of developing various skin cancers including melanoma. Lifetime cumulative UV exposure causes damage to skin and is largely responsible for some age-related cosmetic changes such as wrinkles and pigmentation of the skin. The American Academy of Dermatology advises against prolonged sun exposure and recommends that protective measures be taken, including the use of sunscreen, whenever one is exposed to the sun.

• Contributor to insulin resistance, weight gain and diabetes

Potential effects of Vitamin D deficiency

• Has been identified as a potential risk factor for many chronic diseases including cancers and cardiovascular diseases that are not traditionally associated with it

environmental factors create a constant shield preventing the penetration of the UVB rays which play a significant independent role in vitamin D deficiency.


• Recurrent infections, autoimmune diseases, anxiety and depression are examples of conditions that are associated with chronic deficiency

In the not-so-distant past, Vitamin D was called the “sunshine vitamin” due to sunlight being the major source of it. The theory was that 5-30 minutes of sun exposure on the skin of the face, arms, back or legs (without sunscreen) between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at least twice per week would be adequate for proper vitamin D


“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”

Virginia Woolf

bonappétit FABULOUSLY50.COM 91

Diminutive, shy, and emitting a quietly confident aura, Penny drives or is flown on private planes or helicopters to locations throughout the United Kingdom. Toting her baskets of groceries, special seasonings and lovely, bluehandled Portuguese knives, her assignments find her preparing dinners of freshly hunted game for the Duke of Edinburgh - HRH Prince Philip, a breakfast tray for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and full-course meals for all of them, plus Kings and Queens of various European countries.

When she’s not cooking for her selective clientele, Penny helms the kitchen at her Culinary Cottage, located in the foothills of the verdant Brecon Beacons mountains of South Wales. Nearby Abergavenny, inhabited for over a thousand years and a flourishing “market basket” of locally sourced meats and vegetables, is Penny’s personal fresh market, where she provisions for her notable clients and students for her in-home cooking school. It’s quite a lifestyle for a woman who defaulted into the cooking game out of necessity.

When you first meet Penny it’s hard to imagine her tiny figure and quiet presence commanding a kitchen, preparing three meals a day for a dozen or more house guests several days running, and plating her creations for Royalty and aristocrats. But that’s exactly what Country House Cook Penny Lewis does – all the while maintaining calm and cool in the kitchen while the Lord and Lady of the house tend to their titled and aristocratic company.


by Jann Seal country house cookPenny Lewis

“My daughter came home from school one afternoon and announced she’s becoming a vegetarian,” Penny explained. “I didn’t want her existing on cheese and pasta, so I started experimenting with different foods. One thing led to another, and I found myself in cooking school, learning the fundamentals of food preparation, and most importantly, how to ask to be paid for what I did!”

Her first paid assignment came before she even graduated, when her culinary school instructor asked if she’d consider cooking for a prominent family for the weekend. Out came the traveling knives, nerves were tucked away, her chin was lifted in confidence - and off Penny went, prepared for her new career. Until she met the Aga.

She whirls through the kitchen, mincing, dicing, slicing and sautéing a variety of preparations, all in a choreographed dance that takes place in a world of calm. Penny Lewis, Country House Cook is at work.

The Downton Abbey set and even the Royals who have graced tables featuring Penny’s recipes all marvel at Penny’s creativity in the kitchen. She constantly scours books and magazines for new ideas, trolls cooking shops for gadgets that make her preparations easier or more creative, and eagerly shares her knowledge with those who ask.

A noted food demonstrator at the world-famous Abergavenny Food Festival, Penny’s reach now extends to the United States. After completing a media tour that took her to St. Louis and Boston, a television appearance in New York and a demonstration in the state-of-the-art “Food and Wine Magazine” kitchen, Penny

The fact that Penny doesn’t panic is one of the features her clients praise her for. When the Lady of the House at one of the stately mansions she cooks at rushed in and announced an additional eight guests were coming for Sunday lunch, an announcement that came just minutes before the food service was to begin, Penny took a deep breath, calmed her Ladyship, and turned a dinner for eight into one for sixteen within moments.

For those who don’t know, the Aga is a marvel of Swedish engineering. Made of cast iron, the original Agas were fired by coal, were “on” continuously and required specific instructions before attempting to cook in one of its four ovens. Never having cooked on an Aga, and ever efficient, Penny ran to the nearest bookstore, purchased Mary Berry’s “Complete Aga Cookbook” and read throughout the night. The rest is history.


flew to Palm Beach County, Florida for a month of private dinner parties.“This

American dinner guests are treated to a three course meal, paired with wine and interspersed with tales of Royal faux pas (“I held on to the Queen’s wrap for a bit too long and she had to ask me if she could have it back! I was mortified!” Penny remembered.) Or the time HRH Prince Philip came into the kitchen to thank Penny and came face-to-face with total chaos – the result of the meal service being moved ahead forty-five minutes and the mad scramble to achieve it flawlessly.

Penny’s soon-to-be-published book: “Country House Cook” will feature recipes she’s prepared for her illustrious clients and the tales that go along with them. But for now, Penny Lewis is carefully planning this Fall’s Royal weekend menus, many to be served in stately homes, attended by Lords and Ladies and special guests that include a Prince and his wife, the woman who wears the crown.


was my third year in Palm Beach County. People start asking, “When’s Penny coming back?” in July and I arrive in February!” laughed Penny when describing her attraction to Americans. “I think they like my stories. Many consider me the real Mrs. Patmore of Downton Abbey fame.”

Charlie’s Wine Tips when pairing wine and food

Some Simple Rules

Mild foods - Softer Wines

Want to have some fun? If your "go to" choice is Chardonnay or Cabernet my advice to you is to expand your horizons and try a new grape!  Ask your retailer to recommend a "white" wine (anything but Chardonnay) or a "red" wine (anything but Cabernet)

Appetizer Peruvian Ceviche paired with a crisp, gingery sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand

Main Dish A duck filled pasta ravioli with Chianti Classico from Tuscany… you will love it! A Veal Chop with sauté shiitake mushrooms with Argentinean Malbec from Mendoza.

Dessert Chocolate and Dulce de Leche eclairs pairing with Port-wine from Portugal, tawny style known for caramel, plum and raisin toasty flavors.

A big, juicy porterhouse steak screams for tannins to balance the richness. Similarly, a spicy stew should be paired with big tannic, acidity driven wines.

Last Tip Remember the days of pairing fish with white wine and red wines only with meat? Those days are over!  Never underestimate the power of Rose wine or Champagne... they are great matches for game, poultry or grilled red meat.



What to serve with spicy foods like Indian, Thai, Lebanese, Hunan cuisine and even Dim Sum, one of my faves?   Traditionally spicy dishes would be paired with dry or semi dry white wines like

ine anyone? Let us twist your at Fabulously 50+ we would bet our bottom dollar that our readers are avid foodies or winos and most likely a little of both. So we spoke with one of the World’s most loved and renowned wine experts Charlie Arturaola, Charlie was awarded the prestigious IWSC Wine Communicator of the Year; he is an Honorary Lifetime Member of the Italian Sommelier Association, a Chevalier de L’Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne and a member of the Confraria do Vinho do Porto. We caught him just before he took off for his Winery tour in Spain for the harvest to promote his new movie “The Duel of Wine” a road show of family wineries in Italy, France and the Basque Country, currently screening at International Film Festivals. Yep he is an wine actor too! (This guy never stops “doing” wine.) We asked him to share with you his techniques for pairing wine and food as our master connoisseur. We hope you enjoy the wine pairing guide and Charlie’s personal tips and advice for enjoying the sensual pleasure that wine brings to our lives and our food!

The scenario: Hors d'oeuvres at home with friends...smoked salmon, genoa salami, prosciutto, petite crackers, and pate champenoise. Not sure what wine to serve with the food? Of course you want your guests to have a great "eno gastro" experience. This small menu calls for rose sparkling (my choice) or Prosecco and leads up to a bold Chardonnay. Perhaps your palate is not up to a sharp crispy bubbly or a round creamy, buttery Chardonnay blend? Below I have given you some guidelines when pairing food and wine!!!

First ask yourself what are the dominant characteristics of the dish or meal! (Ingredients matter!!) Is it mild or flavorful? Is it fatty or lean? Is it rich or acidic? Those are the characteristics to look for in the wine as well so that you can create a balance of the palate and a sensation of bliss.

What the Pros do

If you have a particular wine in mind for a meal, serve food that complements the wine. No wine should be stronger or bolder than the meal! The rule of thumb here is to look for balance!!

Here are some of Charlie Arturaola’s favorite pairings ever!!

And if you want to sound like a wine geek you can learn to use words like residual sugar (sweetness) ph (acid level), dosage (sugar added to champagne to define sweetness), peptides (digestive acids) tra la la.......but who wants to sound like a geek, I want to drink like a champ and sound like myself!


Riesling and Gewurztraminer, but I prefer a red wine made from the Sangiovese family like Gamay or Carmenere grapes that can stand up to the spice, not mute it with a touch of sweetness.

Keeping the flavors in balance is a must!

Such as grilled trout, gazpacho, chicken salad pair with softer wines

Tannins and acid cleanse your pal ate.  Meatballs in tomato sauce pairs per fectly with Sangiovese, a high acid grape (Chiantis are made from Sangiovese grapes).

Keeping The Palate CleanAcidity Rules

Big flavors - Big Tannins

How About Spice - Dry or Semi

Change Up Your Game

You can join the world-renowned Sommelier and Wine Educator Charlie Arturaola on his dream journeys through Spain. As you accompany Charlie, soak up Spain’s fascinating history and legendary culture while you travel from cosmopolitan cities to medieval villages, visit prestigious wineries to enjoy unique wine tastings and even create your own wine in one of them. Experience Michelin star restaurants, visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and stay at luxury 4 and 5 star accommodations. Food and wine are national obsessions in Spain and the breadth of gastronomic experience that awaits you is breathtaking.

Charlie Arturaola dedicates his life to serving, informing, educating and entertaining people about wine; he is an internationally renowned sommelier. Arturaola has worked as a sommelier, a corporate wine director, a teacher, a mentor, an appraiser, a judge, an actor, a speaker and president of his own wine-consulting firm, Grappolo Blu Inc., based in Miami Beach, Florida. Charlie is the star of two films set in the wine world, the Internationally awarded “El Camino del Vino,” a docu-drama, filmed in Mendoza, Argentina and “The Duel of Wine,” a road show of family wineries in Italy, France and Basque Country, currently screening at international film Festivals.  Charlie was awarded the prestigious IWSC Wine Communicator of the Year, is an Honorary lifetime member of the Italian Sommelier Association, a Chevalier of L’Ordre des Coteaux des Champagnes and a member of the Confraria dos Vinhos dos Portos. Arturaola is filming a reality tv show, The Wine Guys, based on a real wine importing company; Charlie sources and selects the wines from around he world. Let’s travel with Charlie and learn his great wine stories! More info:

Limited availability on a first come, first served basis. Please contact Joy Simeonova at 954-604-1545 or for more details.

Now that you have some knowledge and inspiration, be bold, be courageous and most of all enjoy! Bon Appetit


A trip to Joseph’s is the ultimate shopping experience, and the same goes for a catered event. Joseph’s catering specialists will help you plan your event and ensure you make the best choices in terms of dishes and quantities as well as timing for pickups or deliveries. Joseph’s also offers holiday packages for Thanksgiving and Christmas, which truly make the holidays more pleasurable. The food is top quality and the service is superior. Trusting Joseph’s Classic Market with all of your catering and holiday needs will not disappoint you.


Your Chef for the Holidays

eing with loved ones is the most important thing about the holidays. In our opinion, the second most important thing is the food! The challenge comes from the amount of time and energy that goes into preparing a holiday meal. It can be exhausting. Once you are finished, you may find yourself too tired to enjoy yourself and your guests. The other option is to be a guest at your own party and have your holiday gathering catered. Choosing a good caterer can be a difficult task; you need to ensure the caterer is reliable, the food is up to your standards, and that the process is stress free. Maybe the best option in South Florida would be Joseph's Classic Market; a family owned and operated market

Joseph’sclassic market

that treats its employees and guests like family. Joseph's strives to deliver every customer an unforgettable experience through great service and the highest quality of foods.

“Qualityfor!”&value were both great. The ordering process and pick up could not

the very best. For your entertainment needs, Joseph’s has a full catering menu for parties of all sizes. You decide what foods you want to delight your guests with, and Joseph’s will do all the rest.

Below are comments from Joseph’s customers that we wanted to share with you:

“The dinner was AMAZING, I will be ordering again next year and for every holiday I host in the future. You made it convenient and extremely easy!! This was by far the easiest and best holiday in years; I have already recommended you to several friends!”“Thank you for making my family’s Thanksgiving dinner a meal to be thankful

have been easier. I felt like I was getting individual attention and suggestions. Ordering my family’s Thanksgiving dinner from Joseph’s was a great experience.”


From hand-butchered meats and seafood to the freshest produce, Joseph’s always has the finest ingredients available for the most discerning cook. For those who lack the time or interest to cook, but love to eat well, Josephs offers a wide selection of restaurant quality dishes with an Italian sensibility, prepared by professionally trained chefs using the highest quality ingredients. From fresh mozzarella made daily to fresh breads and pastries baked on-site, to the highest quality deli selections, Joseph’s offers only

Let Joseph’s take the hassle out of the holidays so you can spend more time with your loved ones. From Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner meals packages to a-lacarte ordering for all holidays, events and gatherings, Josephs does it all.

Open daily for dinner and lunch (M-F) and special events for parties of 6-150. Live music nightly. 6750 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton | 561-997-7373 AUTHENTIC ITALIAN CUISINE NEW ELEGANT OUTDOOR PATIO AVAILABLE PERFECT FOR AFTER DINNER DRINKS + RISTORANTECIGARSNORTHRESTAURANTDISTINGUISHEDOFAMERICA For 33 years the family tradition continues...


Corita Kent & entertainment

“That’s why people listen to music or look at paintings. To get in touch with that wholeness.”



Beautiful: the Carole King

While King has inspired so many of us, where has she found inspiration of her own?


From Brooklyn to Broadway


by Joanna Hughes

What makes Tapestry even more remarkable? It resonates just as powerfully now as it did 45 years ago. And that makes King more than a chart-topping singer/songwriter; she’s an icon. Beautiful: The Carole King Musical is more than a mere show, it’s a must-see for millions of women for whom King continues to serve as a source of inspiration and empowerment.

For many women, King’s journey on stage is a reminder of their own journeys, reflected in songs ranging from earlier offerings like the longingly lovely, “Will You Love Me Tomorrow,” and earthy anthem, “(You make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,” to Tapestry’s rich parade of new songs, including “You’ve Got a Friend,” “So Far Away,” “It’s Too Late,” and


And while King’s first solo album was a bust, her follow-up Tapestry was a true testament to second chances. It held the top Billboard spot for 15 straight weeks, sold more than 25 million copies and won multiple GRAMMYs, including the coveted “Album of the Year.” It went on to earn a spot on Rolling Stone’s roundup of the “500 Greatest Albums of All Time,” and has been hailed as “the spiritual musical backdrop to the decade.”

Striking a Chord with an Entire Generation

“Not only do you want to leave the audience wanting more,” she says, “You want to leave yourself wanting more.”

“I still feel that it would be lovely to retire,” King said. “But that time is not yet here apparently.”

Given King’s inimitable influence, Beautiful recently celebrated its 1,000th performance. It is the Stephen Sondheim Theatre’s longest running show, and even had a day - June 15, 2016 - named in its honor by New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio. The critics love it, too; it’s racked up multiple Tony, GRAMMY and Olivier awards.

sk any woman of a certain age about the monumental impact Carole King’s Tapestry had upon its release in 1971, and you’re likely to hear the same words again and again: life changing. In fact, this groovy, graceful, groundbreaking album was a defining moment not only for King, but for an entire generation.

Why would King’s transformation from shy Brooklyn girl-with-a-dream to lyrical luminary merit its own Broadway play? For starters, she overcame many obstacles along the way by her characteristic passion and formidable chutzpah. Then there’s the fact that King discovered her true voice only after her marriage and songwriting partnership with husband Gerry Goffin dissolved. This life-changing event spurred King to strike out as a singer in her own right after toiling for years writing hits for others.

Cynthia Weil put it best in speaking of King’s radical yet relatable rise, “It was the right songs at the right time for the audience that was ready for them.” In other words, we felt the earth move under our feet.

A Beautiful Second Act

King’s legacy is much more than a good story about persevering in the face of adversity. She has written or co-written more than 400 songs which have been recorded by over a thousand artists. All this from a woman who once said she used to hate the sound of her own voice.


And for those of us left wanting more, Beautiful: The Carole King Musical offers a welcome way to catch up with a Experiencefriend.itfor yourself on Broadway, or at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach February 1–5, 2017.

With 2016 marking the 45th anniversary of Tapestry’s release, now is as good a time as any to catch up with King. Certainly, she’s kept herself busy not only with her music, but also in applying her characteristic tenacity to political and environmental activism. Several years ago, she revealed that writing songs and performing them remains on the agenda.


4200 S Congress Ave • Lake Worth Fl 33461 • (561)


503 SE Mizner Blvd #73 • Royal Palm Place Boca Raton Fl 33432 • (561) 394.2626

701 Okeechobee Blvd • West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 (561) 832.7469 •

Nov 3 2016 Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo Nov 5 2016 The Aluminum Show Nov 15-20 2016 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Nov 28 2016 Melissa Etheridges’s Holiday Trio Dec 6-11 2016 An American In Paris Dec 12 2016 The Hot Sardines Holiday Stomp Dec 14 2016 A Seraphic Fire Christmas: On Winter’s Night Dec 14 & 15 2016 RobinsonKalichstein-Laredo-Trio Dec 18 2016 Itzhak Perlman Jan 3-Jan 8 2017 Dirty ClassicDancing-TheStoryOnStage Jan13 2017 Grammy Award Winner Michael Bolton Jan 15 2017 Jay Leno Jan 17 2017 Gospel Gala Featuring Kirk Franklin Duncan Theatre

Events and dates may change. Call ahead to verify. Oct 21 2016 Saturday Family Fun Pete The Cat Dec 8-11,15-181-4, 2016 The Who’s PerformanceTommy Dec 10 2016 A Very Electric Christmas Showtime Performing Arts Theatre





Black to Be

Benatar and Neil Giraldo We Live For Love Tour Nov 3 2016

Maltz Jupiter Theatre1001 E Indiantown Rd • Jupiter Fl 33477 • (561) 575.2223 Nov 12 2016 Fourth Annual Tony Award Winner Series Presents He’s Got Magic To Do: The Music of Stephen Schwartz Nov 16 2016 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe


Grand Opera: Carmen Dec 3 2016 The Skivvies Dec 4 2016 Stanley Clarke Dec 29 2016 Best Of Broadway Revue Dec 31 2016 Capital Steps - New Years Eve Dec 8-9 2016



10 2016


Nov 2 2016

King Dec

11am & 4pm Dec 13 2016

Atlantic Coast Theatre Beatrix Holiday Theatre at Lake Playhouse


Dylan and His Band Nov 29-Dec 1 2016 The Hip Hop Nutcracker Dec 1-3 2016

Garten: The Barefoot Contessa Nov 23 2016

Broward Center For The Performing Arts



11am & 4pm Stonzek




Dorothy Meets Alice or The Wizard of Wonderful Smart Stage Matinee

Presents: A

Rodgers Cinderella 16-17

& Hammerstein’s

BOX SERIES: Oct 20-30 2016

Box Series: Reasons



2016 Miracle On 34th Street Jan 10-22 2017 Caberet Jan 13-15 2017 Guy Bavli, Master of the Mind Lake Worth Playhouse713 Lake www.lakeworthplayhouse.orgAvenue • (561) 586.6410 MAINSTAGE: Oct 6-23 2016 Urinetown Nov 17-Dec 4 Death by Design LIMITED ENGAGEMENTS: Oct 30 2016 Lake Worth Has Talent II FILMS: Showing Indie & Foreign Films Daily Matinee Mondays CHILDREN’S SHOWS: Oct 27 2016

Atlantic Coast Theatre Florida Treasures

Dorothy Meets Alice Smart Stage Matinee Plus Dorothy Meets Alice or The Wizard Of Wonderful 10

Hasan MinhajHomecoming 13-25

designersfabulously fashionable


, Aya Jones



Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Wintour

Tommy Hilfiger, Dee Ocleppo Hilfiger

Manolo Blahnik



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Marc Jacobs

Salma Hayek, Francois-Henri Pinault

Vera Wang

Tom Ford Stella McCartney

Giuseppe Zanotti



“I think glamour all the time. I wake up in the morning and I’m already thinking glamour.” Donatella Versace

Audrey 110 NOSTALGIA


One moment, however, proved to be particularly pivotal, both for Hepburn’s sartorial star and for fashion history: the actress’s 1953 meeting with Hubert de Givenchy at his Paris atelier while she was scouting her own wardrobe for Sabrina. Admittedly, things got off to a rocky start - the up-and-coming designer was expecting Katharine, not Audrey - but Hepburn eventually charmed him into giving her some samples

T he bateau neckline. The ballet flat. The capri pant. The white button-down shirt. And of course, the ultimate go-to garb of well-dressed women everywhere: the little black dress (“LBD”). What do all of these classic wardrobe staples have in common? Each was immortalized on screen by one of the world’s original “it” girls, Audrey Hepburn.

How she impacted Fashion by Joanna nominationsHughesfor

On the basis of these five items alone - not to mention a lifetime’s worth of countless other fashion “do” moments - Hepburn attained an elusive standard sought after by aspiring fashionistas everywhere: icon status. Even lingers.impossiblyyearsimpressive...nearlymore25afterherdeath,herchiclegacy

Sabrina, The Nun’s Story, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and Wait Until Dark -- she was equally, if not better known for, something else: her inimitable style.

Belgium-born Audrey Hepburn, née Audrey Kathleen Ruston, began her film career in 1948. She skyrocketed to fame in 1951 when she was plucked from obscurity by French novelist Colette to appear as the title character in Broadway’s Gigi. Unforgettable roles in Roman Holiday (1953), Sabrina (1954), and of course,  Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), soon followed. While Hepburn won plenty of acclaim for her acting -including an Oscar win for Roman Holiday, along with

From Actress to Icon

While it would be remiss to discount the contributions of costume designers in creating the wardrobes of Princess Ann, Sabrina Fairchild, Holly Golightly, and so many of Hepburn’s other roles, insiders insist that each of these looks was directly influenced by the actress’s own personal style. From the earliest stages of her career, Hepburn was involved in the design process, beginning with  Roman Holiday , for which she advised costume designer Edith Head, an icon in her own right, to include “the style of simpler necklines, wider belts and flatter shoes for the movie spree around Rome,” according to  Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn  author Donald Spoto.

Forever Chic: Style Sense from the Original “It Girl” ~Audrey Hepburn

That is the heart of Audrey Hepburn’s wisdom and her personal style.

From the earliest stages of her career, Hepburn was involved in the design process, beginning with Roman Holiday, for which she advised costume designer Edith Head, an icon in her own right, to include “the style of simpler necklines, wider belts and flatter shoes...”

In other words, Hepburn didn’t set out to conquer the fashion scene. She simply wore what she loved and did it exceptionally well. In doing so, she became not a trend follower, but a true tastemaker. Of the astonishing timelessness of her style Ferrer insists, “It was because she believed in quality, and if she is still an icon of style today, it is because once she found her look, she stayed with it throughout her life.”


We can still learn from her legacy. Hepburn’s advice to Ferrer on fashion and presumably life? “Boil it down to what counts the most: What is the essence of what you are trying to do, what is the most important thing? Things only get complicated when you are trying to address too many issues.”

The Source of Chic

Hepburn would have celebrated her 86th birthday this past spring. Had she lived, she would no doubt have continued to set singular style standards for fashionable women everywhere.

While working on  Sabrina, Hepburn told a journalist, “Clothes are positively a passion with me. I love them to the point where it is practically a vice.” What distinguished her from so many others who fall head-over-heels into fashion and find themselves following aimlessly fad after fad? In his book, Audrey Hepburn: An Elegant Spirit, Hepburn’s son Sean Ferrer wrote, “My mother believed that a woman should find a look that works for her and use fashion and its seasonal changes to accessorize it, rather than to be a slave to fashion, re-creating one’s look over and over again.”

from the previous season’s collection. This was the beginning of a beautiful collaboration, during which Givenchy continued to design both costumes and personal clothing for his newfound muse. Their relationship was so symbiotic that academic Jayne Sheridan later pondered, “Did Audrey Hepburn create Givenchy or was it the other way around?”

Also germane to Hepburn’s journey? Unlike so many celebrities who beg, borrow, and occasionally steal to satisfy their sartorial cravings, Hepburn owned her own closet, a personal connection which added a rare and intimate element of permanency to her style.Audrey

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