BASIC RECOVERY for UA - Meeting Format

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BASIC RECOVERY for UA Meeting Format for Monday 7:15am, Monday 9:15pm, and Sat. 8:30am EST All on the 2nd Phone Line: 712-775-7100 (744239#) Hello everyone. My name is ________ and I am an underearner. Welcome to session number ____ of the Basic Recovery (originally “Back to Basics”) meeting of Underearners Anonymous. At any time during the meeting, you may press “Star (*) 6” to mute, or un-mute, your phone. Please unmute your phone now and join me is saying the Serenity Prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. The material I will be reading from is based on the book, “Back to Basics – The Alcoholics Anonymous Beginners’ Meetings,” subtitled “The Steps We Took, in Four One-Hour Sessions” which is a compilation of the early formats for Beginners’ Meetings used successfully in the 1940’s, and compiled by AA historian, Wally P. Much of the reading you’ll hear is taken directly from the “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have the book in front of you, I invite you to take turns reading aloud the selected passages. When reading, wherever it mentions terms related to alcoholism, feel free to add underearning concepts where appropriate. For example, on page 76, you can read it as “we would go to any lengths for victory over alcohol, or in our case, underearning.” Optional for Session 1: Those who don’t have a Big Book, can easily follow along using the online version found at where anyone can just type a page # in the Search field and click on the first search result, to be taken directly to the selected page. Who would like to be our readers today? Moderator keeps track of whose turn it is to read and calls on whoever is next during the readings. At the end of the hour, to help one another complete the Steps, we will allow time for questions and offer phone #’s for those who need a Sharing Partner. Moderator reads the following pages from the Back to Basics book, preferably from the latest 2006 version: Session number 1: Admit: Read Chapter 2: Overview and Step 1 Session number 2: Believe: Read Chapter 3: Steps 2, 3 & 4 Session number 3: Come Clean: Read Chapter 4: Steps 5 to 9 Session number 4: Stay Serene: Read Chapter 5: Steps 10 to 12 Are there any questions or announcements? Moderator may ask at this point: “If anyone is not on the mailing list for Basic Recovery updates, please send a request to John at or else check the Announcements Page of his unofficial UA website at” Who would like to request a phone # from someone willing to be their sharing partner? The room is now open for fellowship. Note: Fellowship time is limited to whether there is another meeting on the 2nd line scheduled right after this meeting. After the Monday morning meeting, there is a Step & Tools Meeting at 8:30am EST. After the Monday evening meeting, there is a Timesheet Workshop every other Monday at 10:30pm EST. To see when it is next scheduled, check this Announcements Page. Currently, there is nothing on the 2nd line scheduled for after the Sat. meeting.

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