Debtfree DIGI December 2014

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South Africa’s debt counselling magazine

December 2014


Administrators of the Debt Counselling Process

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EDITOR’S NOTE The end of the year has arrived and we can finally say: “We made it”. There is something strangely rewarding about getting to the end of the year. Realistically we all know January is about to happen and those bills still need to be paid at month end, but…those few extra public holidays and company shut downs (for many) provide a brief respite from the normal daily grind.

Amendment Act would come into effect this month (it didn’t) what did happen is that the NCR’s role under the proposed Twin Peaks model was potentially clarified (rather than ignored) in new draft legislation. While these matters are in flux, it is still progress to at least see the Regulators role included and better defined. At the same time the NCR seem to be telling the industry that it is set on making all consumers use one particular computer system It has been quite a year, and in this issue we to work out all debt restructuring proposals. take a moment to look back and contemplate (Does anyone else smell an epic fight looming?) some of the highlights (and lowlights) of the In this issue we discuss whether that could ever last 12 months. Most people in the industry happen. agree that it was a good one for debt review and that 2014 marks a seeming watershed in We hope you enjoy the issue and the year end the industry of cooperation and procedural break. We also hope that the next few months improvements. The various associations are good ones for you. Maybe 2015 will be the (consumer, creditor and Debt Counsellor) year when you say: “We made it. We’re finally were given access to the Credit Industry Forum debt free!” (CIF) which is a consensual advisory group to the NCR. So far the NCR has yet to do anything with their advice but industry role players have been able to talk about a lot of issues in the industry that are not clearly set out in the National Credit Act. The big test comes when the NCR next try to issue guidelines based on suggestions made at CIF. Will they make a difference? We will have to wait until 2015 to find out. While most parties were waiting for the President to announce that the National Credit


DEBT COUNSELLING COMMUNITY SUPPORT THANK YOU Consumer Friend / CS Debt Counselling / Debt SOS / Debt Therapy / FNB / H&S Trailer Investments / Logikos Credit Management Services / One Debt / Paarl Valley Debt Counsellors / Siyaya Debt Solutions / Steyn Coetzee Attorneys / Stikland Testing Station / The Debt Experts / Zune Coetzer Debt Counsellors




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such as FNB and Consumer Friend have joined the program, as well as businesses such as H&S Trailer Investments and Stikland Testing The new DCCS program made a real splash this Station. Thank you to all involved. month. Various supporters helped to provide much needed relief for deserving debt review consumers. The DCCS program is a ‘not for NATIONAL CREDIT profit’ program and is not an association or AMENDMENT ACT 2014 club but rather a voluntary group of interested - NOT IN 2014 industry parties who are trying to make a It’s now evident that the NCAA2014 will difference in the lives of consumers who are not be in effect in 2014 at all. Though the under financial pressure. In December DCCCS amendments to the National Credit Act were used donated funds to provide gift hampers published in the Government Gazette months of food and household supplies valued at ago, they were published without an effective R1500.00 to various consumers under debt date. Over the last few months the DTI have review across the country. One such hamper been working on new regulations that tie went to a widowed consumer in Bloemfontein, into the new amendments. These have not who has been under debt review since 2010. yet been published. It is said that when these As a domestic worker who was left with her new regulations are 100% ready, then the husband’s debt and the responsibility of caring NCAA2014 effective date will be published. for her family on only R1200 a month, debt Guesses and rumors as to the effective date review came to her rescue. Times have been have abounded, the latest being 1 December tough though, and money has been tight. The 2014. This did not happen and it now is clear DCCS hamper will help the family get through that we will only see these in effect some time December, which is traditionally a tough in 2015. time for families dealing with debt. Another consumer in the Western Cape farmland who sadly also lost her husband this year, and is NCT APPLICATION left caring for her son and adopted daughter CHANGES IN 2015 with an income of less than R2000. The family The National Credit Tribunal (NCT) have has been under debt review since 2009 and the authority to hear certain matters where the R1500 DCCS hamper came at just the right consumers and creditors have all agreed to time to make a difference. Credit providers a debt restructuring plan. The application

NEWS CONT. process is similar to that of a Magistrates Court, but has its own particular set of rules and requirements. The National Credit Amendment Act 2014 is giving the NCT a whole lot of extra responsibilities and power. The new NCAA2014 and regulations set out a lot of new documents that can be used at the NCT. Some changes will take immediate effect from the beginning of January when the NCT open for 2015, that anyone making applications need to take note of. In many ways they make the NCT process more closely resemble the Magistrates Court Process and mainly have to do with setting out who the parties are to the application and what to call them in the documents.

January 2015 @ 07H45. This shut down period will be regarded as dies non so the break will not affect the allotted time periods for certain NCT requirements.


The NCR has distributed a circular to the debt review industry (including credit providers and Payment Distribution Agencies) that they do not want any plans seemingly being promoted by Treasury with regard to debt mediation to go forward. In the past a project called VDMS (Voluntary Debt Mediation) was piloted between a few debt counselling firms and credit NCT PRACTICE DIRECTIVE – (NOVEMBER 2014) providers. This project was shut down by the Kindly have regard to the following practice NCR after pressure from the industry. Another directive with effect from 5 January 2015: entity that has pioneered the concept of Debt Mediation – which is essentially debt review The Debt Counsellor must be reflected as the without NCR oversight or court involvement “Applicant” on all Section 138 applications. - is the National Debt Mediation Association. They face the challenge of not been allowed The Consumer/s must be reflected as the to assist consumers restructure multiple debts without the use of debt counselling. To do so “Consumer/s”. would fall outside the NCA. Debt Mediation has The Credit Providers, or other parties to the several short fallings particularly with regard consensual agreement, must be reflected as to Section 103(5) of the NCA as well as the process only being mentioned in the Section the “Respondents”. of the National Credit Act which involves Debt The Debt Counsellor may sign the draft consent Counsellors. This implies that the process order on behalf of the consumer, provided that could only be offered by a registered Debt the Debt Counsellor has the necessary Power Counsellor (if at all). The NCR have said that of Attorney (POA) and submits it along with they have written letters to BASA members and the various associations driving the idea to the application. tell them they have to stop working on such projects and rather support debt review. END OF YEAR SHUT DOWN Like normal courts the NCT will also shut down at the end of the year. The NCT will be closed Circular to the industry on voluntary debt this year between 23 December @ 13H00 and 5 mediation.

South Africa’s largest Debt Counsellors



As the entire OneLaw/Cambist/Bridge loans empire continues to tumble the NCR are throwing petrol on the flames as they have decided to refer Bridge Loans to the NCT for deregistration. Recently OneLaw a company started by a family member of the Bridge founder retrenched all its staff and said it was entering liquidation (but then didn’t…but might still, but those staff are still out on their rears). After an investigation they have found that Bridge (which is now in business rescue) have been breaking the NCA. Particularly they (Bridge) have been doing slipshod affordability assessments, asking consumers to consent (in advance) to jurisdiction of courts other than where the consumer works or lives and even lending to people under debt review (oops, that’s illegal). At present, Bridge with its 50 branches, are in business rescue. (http:// This is not going to make it any easier to succeed in doing that. The NCR want to see Bridge’s registration as a credit provider removed so that they have to close their doors.



don’t be a twit


2014 This year the debt review process has received a lot of attention. Debt Counsellors reported that high numbers of consumers were entering the process right from January. The repo rate began its upward trend and household costs shot up placing many consumers under added pressure. Throughout the year large creditors such as FNB and Nedbank held workshops across SA in an effort to find common ground with Debt Counsellors and better define their preferred processes. The Debt Review industry had it’s first Awards program and gala event mid year with the Debt Review Awards which recognized Credit Providers, Payment Distribution Agencies and Debt Counsellors of various sizes across the country. [Debtfree was involved and helped organize the event. A special thanks again to all sponsors and parties who helped make the event a success]. Amendments to the National Credit Act which were brewing in 2013 took giant leaps

forward and eventually were published in the Government Gazette this year. The amendments which will stop credit providers from ignoring the debt review process and make it punishable to try collect on very old debt are a massive push in the favor of debt review. Though many vital issues never got a mention in the amendments, regulations from the DTI are being finalized and these too could see further clarifications and improvements in the process. The NCR continued it’s fight for recognition within the future planned Twin Peaks regulation model and made the press several times throughout the year. Mostly so in regard

to compliance notices issued against smaller credit providers. They received a lot of heat in the wake of the overnight shares collapse of African Bank. Though quiet, for the moment, some political parties are still pushing the matter. In the middle of the whole debacle stood a webportal about debt and the founder a debt Counsellor Deborah Solomon. Deborah is seen, by many, as the voice of independent Debt Counsellors who do not belong to an association. The NCR are now trying to get her deregistered as a Debt Counsellor because of media statements theDCI issued about African Bank’s collapse and the NCR. The matter is not yet resolved and ticks over into 2015, bringing a sour note to an otherwise very positive year for the debt review industry and NCR. Most creditors and Debt Counsellor associations are happy with the progress achieved at the Credit Industry Forum (an advisory committee to the NCR about debt review). Though still short on relevant consumer representation the forum has facilitated a lot of discussion on vital topics within the industry. So far the NCR have not done much with the CIF’s proposals but it looks like 2015 will be an interesting year ahead as the NCR may now begin to issue guidelines based on some of the suggestions. Sadly the NCR has struggled to source a lot of feedback from independent Debt Counsellors, particularly in the wake of turning on Deborah Solomon founder of the web portal, which was for many unaligned DC’s, a meeting point and voice. They may face a retaliatory wave of opposition to any issued guidelines from this part of the industry. Time will tell if the NCR’s actions will frighten DCs from taking a stand on any such topics.

The courts too saw a lot of action in 2014. Sadly some courts (particularly in Gauteng) have made it more expensive and harder for struggling consumers to make responsible debt review plans. A few courts, unbelievably so many years after the NCA’s inception, are still trying to dodge the whole process. At the same time many other courts began to take firm steps in countering reckless credit and have begun holding credit providers, wanting EAOs and Summary judgments, to a much higher standard. This is undoubtedly helping balance the needs of lone consumers taking on giant corporations. Late in the year the topic of Debt Mediation (debt review without that pesky NCA) reared it’s head and the NCR once again took shots at the process and want to stop it in its tracks. This seems contrary to what many large credit providers want however. The battle of wills between BASA and the National Treasury vs the NCR will no doubt continue on into next year. While looking at all these important developments is good to remember that throughout the year, thousands and thousands of consumers made reasonable plans to repay their debt to cash strapped credit providers. The process also saw more people than ever receive a clearance certificate and finish paying off their debt and reenter the credit market. Debt review continues to work. Looking back it was an interesting year and bodes well for 2015, even if the economy does not.


A Series of Public Hearings held at Parliament in regard to National Credit Amendment Bill aimed at improving the NCA.


New Regulations regarding removal of “adverse� credit information are published. National Credit Amendment Bill goes from National Assembly to National Council of Provinces to be passed onto President (or not).


Black Debt Counsellors Forum refused NCR monitoring visits until monitoring tool is updated and clarified.



Minister Rob Davies retains cabinet position at DTI. DCASA launch research into Debt Counselling Fees. National Credit Amendment Bill signed by the President and NCAA2014 published in Government Gazette. No effective date published.


The, perhaps purposely, incorrectly marketed ‘Credit Amnesty’ comes into effect on April Fools day. Consumers plunged into confusion as they fail to understand it is only credit INFORMATION listing amnesty. NCR call for submissions on new Debt Counsellor Monitoring tool.


Debt Review Awards nominations announced. Black Sash Join Credit Industry Forum to help increase consumer representation. CIF Recommend that NCR sign off on 2010 Task Team report & recommendations


Annual DCASA conference in Gauteng has record attendance. Fees research result released. Debt counselling process now takes 2.5 times as long as what it did in 2009. African Bank shares price collapses overnight, trading halted and bank put into curatorship. issue media statement implicating NCR in African Bank fall. NCR demand retraction and send monitors to investigate Deborah Solomon ( founder) when refused. DA & SACP demand that NCR appear in Parliament regarding African Bank collapse. Hearing held and NCR praised for hard work.



First annual Debt Review Awards recognizes NCR want NCT to deregister DC Deborah excellence in the debt review industry. Awards Solomon regarding NCR & African Bank presented at industry Gala evening. comments. R699/Satinsky 128 (Pty) Ltd Car finance scheme African Bank split into “good” and “bad” book. collapses. Plans for JSE listing in 2015 NCR issue Wonga a compliance notice.

Bridge Loans in trouble.


The NCR tell industry parties to stop trying to develop debt mediation (again) as an alternative to the NCA debt review process. NCR go after Bridge Loans registration at NCT.


Bridge Loans enter business rescue. Wonga CEO leaves company. Nedbank Debt Review move offices. CIF propose debt review withdrawal process.

NCR Promote use of DCRS (rehabilitation plan calculation software). Rumored date of NCAA coming into effect comes and goes. NCR try to update registrant database with help of contracted firm.


Launch of new Debt Counselling Community Support program. DCCS aims to educate consumers, ease pressure on vulnerable debt review consumers. OneLaw/Cambist/Coombe/Flemix/Bridge Loans house of cards begins to fall and parties begin to deny relationships with one another.


2015 will be an interesting year, as the amendments and new regulations change the playing field once again. In the wake of that we will no doubt see many a court case test the legal waters. The NCR are in for a fight with Deborah Solomon and indeed with other regulators and entities who would like to have their job. The guidelines coming out of the CIF will be tested and adherence to them

WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU To all our valued debt counsellors, credit providers, and industry partners who have helped so many over-indebted consumers we say Thank you, Dankie, Ngiyabonga, Enkosi, Siyabonga, Ke a leboha, Ke a leboga, Ngiyathokoza, Inkomu, Ndo livhuwa / Ro livhuwa.

Here are some of the highlights: • The successful acquisition of Eminence and its integration into the NPDA.

• The introduction of the DCM Business Partnership Programme, which resulted in an improved experience for indebted consumers Thank you for protecting the vulnerable, and increased many of the participating debt protecting their precious belongings, bringing counsellors’ revenue by up to 30%. Industry them peace of mind, restoring their dignity and feedback confirms that the programme ensuring the preservation of many families. is positively impacting the image of debt Likewise, thank you for all your support and counselling. trust in the DCM Group and the National Payment Distribution Agency (NPDA). • The enhancement of our practice management application, which improves the 2014 has been an exceptional year of hard workflows and turnaround of the debt work and innovation for the DCM Group, which counselling processes. This together with incould not have been achieved without you. built management tools gives debt counsellors’

Thank you, Dankie, Ngiyabonga, Enkosi, Siyabonga, Ke a leboha, Ke a leboga, Ngiyathokoza, Inkomu, Ndo livhuwa / Ro livhuwa. improved visibility over their businesses to streamline processes.

and cooperation of all stakeholders in the industry. In the words of American president Franklin D. Roosevelt, the only American president to have been elected four times, leading the United States through the Great Depression and World War II, “We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” Thank you to everyone who has made 2014 possible.

• The DCM Group scooped three first place awards at the Debt Review Awards: Category 1 – Client and Customer Service Category 2 – Systems and Software integration Category 5 – Industry Support and Engagement We are proud of these achievements but are acutely aware that we could not have accomplished this alone, were it not for the support of our debt counsellors, credit We march forward to 2015 more committed to providers, the National Credit Regulator and our purpose of building sustainable financial the Department of Trade and Industry who wellbeing that enhances the lives of all. encourage us to reach greater heights. Yours Sincerely, We remain inspired by the cause to help people overcome the negative impact of too much debt. This is a task that needs the involvement CEO - DCM Group

Anton Viljoen







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IS ABSA’S FIRE DEFENCE GOING UP IN FLAMES? Few Debt Counsellors have not come up Courts can allow matters like these to continue against ABSA’s documents “missing in the if they are convinced that the produced similar documents are legit and are indeed similar. fire” defence at court. The bank will always provide a sworn affidavit When asked to produce documents setting from a team member who knows that the out the original contract between a consumer documents are the same. and ABSA a common response is that the documents got burnt in a fire, and we don’t When consumers enter debt review and ABSA have them, but these unsigned documents are still decide to try go after their bonds and try sell off their homes on auction, it is common just like the ones the consumer signed. for such ‘similar’ documents, along with an Electronic copies of the consumer’s original affidavit, to be included in the court application signed documents are not forthcoming and for a quick summary judgement. thus there is doubt as to what the original While, in the past, ABSA and other creditors contract actually states, or if it even exists.

may have easily got their own way, nowadays things have really shifted at the courts and they are a lot more demanding when consumer’s homes are on the line.

They will probably be told these documents were destroyed in a fire. That is not an excuse. The bank must then produce the electronic copy.”

ABSA had submitted all their usual documents in this case and told these consumers they were in for a hard time at court. The Sisters say: “Absa had tried to bully us into submission, by threatening legal costs and expenses and by pursuing a wrongful summary judgment application… They wanted us to back off this In the most recent ABSA fire matter that got case no matter what, and even tried to strongturned down by the North Gauteng High arm us but we refused and I believe they got Court, ABSA staff and legal team made some the message now. We will see them at trial.” apparent mistakes in their defence including allegedly swearing under oath that three The matter now gets set down on the court different versions of contract documents were roll for a few years time so that the whole case can be properly argued in full. ABSA staff then the correct one. Ouch! will have to figure out how to explain swearing The recent matter was between ABSA and two to different things which could be considered sisters; Emmarentia and Monica Liebenberg. fraud or perjury. They also will face internal They defaulted on their bond payments and pressure as the bank may need to distance itself the bank demanded the full amount from them, from these employees in an effort to protect not just the arrears portion. They were assisted their reputation. The fire will have to be proved by Senior Advocate Christian Harm and were and reason for lack of electronic versions of the supported by what seems to be a new group of documents explained. It is going to be a tricky consumers who have gone through the same one for ABSA. issues. The group is growing and have an email address you can contact for support and info regarding similar matters: iknowmyrightssa@ This year, ABSA has been taking a real knock in the South Gauteng High Court where they have repeatedly been turned down for summary judgement applications, based on these inconsistent and perhaps questionable documents.

A member of this group says “Absa claims that just about every home loan agreement signed prior to 2009 has been destroyed in the fire at the Docu-file storage facility. I think every Absa home loan customer should phone their bank immediately and ask for a copy of their mortgage contract. See what the bank says.

“ It always seems impossible until it is done” - Nelson Mandela Specialist Attorneys dealing with Debt Review matters Magistrates Court and High Court Matters

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We will contribute towards your accounts in the event of the following: Death – we settle the account R47,50 R10 000,00 R37,50 Temporary Disability – we pay the Debt Review payment for 6 months R15 000,00 R53,75 R68,75 Permanent Disability – we settle the account Critical Illness – we settle the account R20 000,00 R70.00 R90,00 Retrenchment – we pay the Debt Review payment for up to 9 months At a000,00 rate of R 2.95 per R1000, our rates are among the best and our benefit structure is R25 R86.25 R111,25 the best in the market.

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Marijke Wessels Portfolio Manager, Gauteng, KZN & Free State Mobile 082 729 3833 Email ContACt Marijke or yoUr Debt CoUnSeLLor! Sam Haasbroek Portfolio Manager, Western, Eastern Cape & Northern Cape 3833 Mobile 082 550 7294 Email

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terms & conditions apply

ONE Financial ONE Services Holdings (Pty) Limited Reg Reg no: no: 1998/005199/07 Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Limited 1998/005199/07 is a juristic representative One Commercial Motor and Liability (Pty)(Pty) Ltd.Ltd. FSP: is a juristic of: representative of: One Commercial Motor and Liability FSP:8783 8783 by Absa Insurance Risk Management Services Ltd. Ltd. UnderwrittenUnderwritten by Absa Insurance Risk Management Services A Division of


Happy holidays to all our members. See you in 2015

A whistle-blower has revealed the truth about the SARB. “Inside the South African Reserve Bank - It’s Origins and Secrets Exposed” is a must-read. Contact the author here: Thanks to all our members for a successful year exposing the truth.

We thank all our members for a great 2014 and best wishes for 2015.

To quote Sue Fitzmaurice: “You know more now than you ever have. You have more experience now than you’ve ever had. Now is not the time to be afraid.” Let us as debt counsellors stand united in 2015 to achieve our goals. We look back at 2014 and see all the changes in the industry and all that is possible. Let us take hands, let us speak through one voice, the voice of AllProDC. Let us make the possibilities a reality! Have a blessed holiday and may 2015 bring only beauty to your lives.

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NEWSLETTER 2014 was a great year for the Alliance of The Alliance of Professional Debt Professional Debt Counsellors and we Counsellors National Executive Committee wish to thank all our members for their contributions in time and effort. This year we were not only able to grow our membership numbers but we were able to make numerous submissions to the Department of Trade and Industry, Parliament and the National Credit Regulator, via the CIF. We were also able to meet with various credit providers to discuss issues impacting on our members and consumers. We have seen increased cooperation and engagement within the industry and though we sometimes have very different views on matters we are happy we are able to engage with other parties about these issues. We will not compromise and continue to focus on the requirements of the NCA itself. We intend to ensure our members’ voice is heard in as many forums as possible in this regard. At our 2014 AGM a new NEC was elected. We thought to put faces to the names in this newsletter in case you have never had the opportunity to meet face to face.

Back: Gerald Rodrigues (Vice-Chairperson), Marie Kruger, Karin Augustyn, Martin Snyman, ZunĂŠ Coetzer (Chairperson) Front: Adri de Bruyn, Hennie Vermaas We wish our members, consumers, credit providers and debt counselling colleagues a great holiday break and successful 2015.

















SERVICE DIRE DEBT COUNSELLING AA Debt Counselling Centre Anthea Johannes NCRDC531 Tel: +27 (0) 21 982 0522 Cell: +27 (0) 84 402 7032

Financial Synergy Group

Alan Watts NCRDC 962 NCR registered Debt Counsellor Tel: 084 4448439 Fax: 086 6501954

Credit Awareness & Rescue Services DEBTINC 0861 20 21 20 Financial Planning & Growth CONFIDO 022 713 20 21 Legal 012 643 1423 Employer Group & Wellness Services 012 643 1423 Call Centre Services 0861 20 21 20

Consumer Assist Tel: 0861 628 628

Credit Matters South Africa’s Largest Debt Counsellors 14th Floor, The Pinnacle Cnr Strand & Burg St Cape Town Tel: 086 111 6197 Fax: 021 425 6292 CS Debt Counselling Bernidene Smith NCRDC 764 057 352 4115/352 5000 Welkom - Free state

Armani Debt Counselling Take the First Step to Financial Freedom Tania Dekker Tel: 011 849 3654 / 7659

Cape Debt Clinic Your Guide to Financial Wellness and Recovery Karin Augustyn 021-828-2658 073-903-6942 Cape-Debt-Clinic Central SA Debt Counsellors 082 950 7806 Fax: 086 563 1621

Darran Manikam NCRDC704

Debt Budget MAXIMISE YOUR LIFE, MINIMISE YOUR DEBT Bruce Leslie Borez Registered Debt Counsellor NCRDC1643 48 Church Street “Medical Mews” Wynberg, Cape Town Tel: 021 824 8885/021 820 4946 Fax: 086 607 6429

ECTORY DebtSenseGroup

For Professional, Responsible and Effective Debt Restructuring Services

John Harvey NCRDC 1370 Newcastle – KZN Tel: 034 312 1767 Fax: 034 315 3441 Email: Web:

Debt eezy Your Debt Solution made Easy Ashley Carstens NCRDC858 Tel: 021 839 2809 Fax: 083 512 4160 / 086 665 9125 Email: Website:

Debt Solve Debt Counsellors Office: 033 397 0945 DebtSafe 0861 100 999 Debt Serious We are serious about debt Vida Scheepers NCRDC1792 Po box 394, Garsfontein, Pretoria 0042 Fax no: 086 553 9403

Debt Therapy Hans Pettenburger-Perwald NCRDC49 Tel: +27(0) 21 556 4935 Fax: +27(0) 21 556 4937 Toll Free: 0800204728 Cell: 0823358232 Email: Debt Rehab Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Debt Counsellor NCRDC2619 Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694

Debt Rescue Neil Roets NCR DC 474 Cell: 083 644 7406 Tel: 0861 800 009 Fax: 086 523 0617 E-mail:

Debt Management & Counseling Services “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson Mandela Derry Burge NCRDC108 140 Irene Avenue, La Concorde, Somerset West, 7130 Tel: 021 855 5997 Cell: 074 177 5375 Fax: 021 855 1195 or 0865413200 E-mail:

The best angle to approach debt is the Triangle Caledon - Western Cape Contact Person: Yolande 8 Hoop Street, 7230 Caledon Tel: 028 212 2537 Ceres - Western Cape Leyll str 61, 683 Ceres Tel: 023 312 1292 Fax: 023 312 2119 Worcester - Western Cape 71 Porter Street 6850 Longitude: 19.44305 Latitude: -33.64942 Tel: 0233420576 Fax: 086656801 Bloemfontein - Free State 94 Zastron, 9301 Bloemfontein Contact Person: Yolande Tel: +27 51 448 2828 Fax: +27 51 447 9481 Viljoenskroon - Free State 35 Denyssen Street, 7230 Contact Person: Johann Olivier Phone: +27 56 343 0352 Fax: +27 56 343 035 Welkom – Free State 329 Stateway, 9460 Welkom Contact Person: Susan Roux Email: Tel: +27 57 352 6117 Fax: +27 57-352 2355

SERVICE DIRE Durban Debt Counselling Services Suite 112, 1st floor Union Club Building 353 Sm ith Street Durban, 4001 Tel: 031 301-7893 Fax: 031 301-5809

Fair Finance Solutions Your debt is our priority Amanda Fair Registered Debt Counsellor NCR946 553 Jacqueline Drive Garsfontein Pretoria Tel: 0861 26 26 32 Fax: 082 921 7093 Cell: 086 564 3674 Fincorp debt Counsellors cc Cecilia Zwarts

Finesse Debt Counsellors NCR Registration No: DC1262 Address: 478 Windermere Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001 Phone: 031 209 2356/ 084 250 2356 / Fax: 086 5732433 e-mail

Holistic Debt Counsellors Helpdesk Debt Counsellors Allan Hoffman Tel: 0861 000 754 Help-U-Debt (Vaal Triangle) Wanine Tel: 082 445 3967 Help-U-Debt (Potchefstroom) Madra 083 390 3275 Help-U-Debt (Parys) Marilouise 082 920 6249 Help-U-Debt (Vanderbijlpark) Herma 083 320 8303 Incentive Debt Counselling “Paving the way to a Debt Free Tommorrow” Darran Manikam NCRDC704 Tel: (031) 409 9379 Fax: (031) 409 1327 Cell: 0845898286 Branches: Phoenix and Shallcross Indigo debt counsellors CC Tel: 087 808 9734 Fax: 086 580 8675 Christina Cambouris NCRDC1403 Strand Western Cape Tel: 0824507459

ISISEKO DEBT HELP Get Your Life back on track TEL: 087 230 0223 FAX: 086 551 1649 EMAIL: WEB:

Mzansi Debt Counselling Octavia Hlatshwayo Tel: 011 868 1185 Fax: 0861 00 22 70

NCR DEBT (PTY) LTD National Counselling and Review of debt Amelia Hayward Tel: (012) 364 2490 Cell: 0877 201 057 NDA Debt Counsellors Your Trusted Debt Counsellors Gary Williams (NCRDC 143) Tel: 034 315 3880 Fax: 086 612 4112


New Deal Debt Counselling Jason Riley (NCRDC868) B.Com (Financial Management) Cell 0723792108 Fax 0866628789

SA DEBT HELP 010 593 0422 Block 4, 1st Floor Boskruin Office Park (Behind Boskruin Shopping Village) Boskruin / Randburg SFA Debt Relief Consultants Adri de Bruyn NCRDC998 11 Market Street / Markstraat 11, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 872 1968 Fax: 021 872 2678

Specialist Debt Management Centre Beverley Ludick, NCRDC948 Pretoria Tel: 012 377-3557 Email: Email:

Penny Wise Debt Counselling Cathy Foster Debt Counsellor - NCRDC1977 Tel: (011) 794 9912 Fax: 086 719 3378 Mobile: 083 298 4467 Email:

Staff Line Ndizani Executive Recruitment Cell: 083 3028163 Tel: (011) 468 - 2150

Rihanyo Debt Counselling (012) 804 50 57

Information resources & services

Think Green Debt Counselling Sandi Pauw Tel : 012 991 6638 Cell : 082 460 7800 Fax : 086 219 2615

Designtimes South Africa’s creative resource

U-Win Debt Counsellors Coreli Roos - NCR DC 509 Aliwal North, Burgersdorp, Bethulie, GariepDam, Smithfield, Springfontein Cell:079 626 66241

Compuscan Academy 0861 51 41 31

Zuné Coetzer Debt Counsellors NCRDC 1599 24 van der Stel Street, Dan Pienaar Bloemfontein Tel: 051-4364515 Fax: 086 5870 845 Email:


You & Your Money NCR ACCREDITED DEBT COUNSELLOR TRAINING COURSES: Training and mentoring since 2007 Want to make a contribution as a registered debt counsellor? Need to empower and upskill staff in your debt counselling business? Courses devised to suit all needs: Flexible timeframes to accommodate workflows. On site/inhouse training for staff. Contact Dawn Jackson

Cell: 072 1769789

SERVICE DIRE FINANCIAL ABSA Customer Debt Repair Line 0861 005 901 Credit Ombudsman 0861 662837 Experian 011 799-3400 Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912 Fair Debt 0829019788 or 012-3772558 PACFIN Financial Solutions Head Office Tel: +27 11 9757445 Fax: 0865368783 36 Van Riebeeck road Kempton Park 1619 Monte Carlo Building No 8 Voortrekkerstreet Kempton Park 1619 Kempton Park Contact: Reyno Coetzee Tel: +27 11 3945363 Fax: 0866048002 Cell: +27 73 3690884 Boksburg / Germiston Contact: Armand Posthumus Tel: +27 11 8921911 Fax: 0865620378

Nelspruit Contact: Ann Baker Tel: +27 13 7415559 Fax: 0880 1374 15559 Cell: +27 82 9024236 Springs Contact: Wynand Mclachlan Tel: +27 11 8113728 Fax: +27 11 8113728 Cell: +27 83 2754014/5 Gooseberry Business Advisory Tel: 012 644 0589 Nedbank Debt Rehabilitation & Recoveries Services 0860 109 279 STD Bank Debt review Helpline Telephone: 0861 111 402 TransUnion 0861 482 482

FINANCIAL PLANNING Eric Streso Financial Planner B Juris LL B CFP MBA Tel: 0833273358 Fax: 086 612 7912 LEGAL

Karen van Staden Tel: 012 998 9117 / 012 993 2132 Fax: 086 721 6467 / 086 662 1153 IsEmail: it to expand your Debt Counselling practice? Do you need specialist Attorneys with a national footprint?

Do you need expert advice on how to protect your practice and your clients? Are you informed about recent statutory and legal developments within the industry?

Thinkmoney Liddles & Associates Financial comparison website “It alwaysservicing seems impossible until needs it Attorneys individual Contact: Gareth Mountain is done” N. Mandela Tel: 079 0996 798 Tel: 021 913 2514 Pretoria: +27(0)12 998 9117 Nelspruit: +27 (0)13 752 708 Fax: 0866070940 Email: WIZARD Vereeniging PO Box 3407, tygervalley, 7536 Making Mortgage Magic 7 Chenin Blanc Street, Oude Wanine Smit Westhof Tel:+27 16 454 1132 Fax:+27 86 686 3678 LUCID Attorneys Cell:+27 82 445 3967 Tel: 011 880 1100 Fax: 011 880 1101 Email:

ECTORY O’Connell & Associates Attorneys at Law Keegan O’Connell Tel 021 462 1663 Fax 0866 504 550 303 Millborough, 70A Upper Mill Street, Vreedehoek, Cape Town, 8000 Prinsloo & Associates Attorneys and conveyancers Nanika Prinsloo Farm Bergamot, Paarl 7620 P O Box 6199, Paarl 7620 14 Laing Street, Barrydale 6750 Cell: 072-8558-106 Fax: 086-623-5986 RM Brown and Associates 16th Floor, The Pinnacle Cnr Strand & Burg St Cape Town Tel: 021 431 9127, f: 021 425 0875 Email: Scheepers Attorneys Gerhard Scheepers

Steyn Coetzee Attorneys / Prokureurs Adri de Bruyn 11 Market Street / Markstraat 11, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 872 1968 Fax: 021 872 2678

Thomson Wilks inc. Meet Thomson Wilks Meet Excellence Tel 021 671 6935 / 021 820 4319 / 021 424 4599 Cell 072 554 0935 Fax 086 570 8741 Website Suite 14, 3rd Floor, SunClare Building, Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708 The Chambers, 3rd Floor, 50 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001 Agiliti CC Colleen Van Wyk(BCom, LLB) Tel: 083 290 0848 Tel: 011 740 7374 Fax: 086 716 9694 Website: CREDIT BUREAUS

Thinus Dreyer Candidate Attorney Office: 011 326 0347 Office Cell: 071 658 9438 Cell: 082 471 3625 Fax: 086 509 3548

Compuscan 0861 514 131 Experian Consumer- 0861 10 5665 TransUnion 0861 886 466 XDS 0860 937 000

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